Jacuzzi repair: causes of possible breakdowns, how to fix a Jacuzzi with your own hands

Judging by the number of advertisements offering hot tub repairs, hot tub breakdowns are quite common. Meanwhile, not a single advertisement says that in most cases it is quite possible to identify and eliminate the problem without the involvement of specialists.

The main thing is to at least approximately understand the design features of the system and be ready to carry out simple plumbing operations. This is exactly what we will discuss in our article, after reading which you will be familiar with the main breakdowns that most often occur when operating a Jacuzzi. You will also be able to handle most of the problems yourself.

We supplemented the presented material with visual photos and videos, which set out in an accessible form the rules for operating and repairing a hot tub.

We repair Jacuzzis and hot tubs with our own hands

A hydromassage bath, better known to everyone as a “jacuzzi bath” (named after its first manufacturing company), is an extremely healthy device that allows you to relax, get rid of the feeling of fatigue after a hard day and replenish your vitality.
In this case, you can choose one of the types of massage:

  • hydromassage (streams of water);
  • aeromassage (with air bubbles);
  • turbopool (combined version).

The main goal of hydromassage is to achieve muscle relaxation and complete relaxation. In such devices, the relaxing effect is ensured by supplying water or air under a certain pressure through nozzles. The nozzle holes are located in the most “problem” areas - parallel to the spine, in the lumbar region, in the legs.


A hydromassage bath is a specific piece of plumbing household equipment that can often be found today in an ordinary city apartment. The high comfort of such a bath provides a person with the opportunity to thoroughly relax, restore strength, and maintain a healthy spine.

To understand how to troubleshoot a particular problem in the operation of a hot tub, you will need to thoroughly study the features of its structure and operation.

General scheme

Design of a corner model
Often a Jacuzzi is made of acrylic, less often of cast iron or steel. Such bath bowls have special holes (in professional language - nozzles). From the latter, water flows under pressure mixed with air bubbles. Moreover, the nozzles are located so as to act on the back, calves, feet and lower back of the person taking a bath. Thus, the user is provided with a massage with air-water jets emanating from the nozzles. A special feature of a jacuzzi is also the fact that in addition to sewerage and water supply, bathtubs of a similar configuration will need to be connected to an electrical network.

Injector location

Built-in mixer


The vast majority of faucets built into closed shower stalls are arranged according to a single scheme:

  • The pressure and temperature are controlled by a cartridge with one control lever. Raising/lowering the lever changes the water pressure (in the lower position it is completely blocked); turning left/right adjusts the temperature.
  • Switching the shower mode (tropical, jacuzzi, watering can, hydromassage, etc.) is provided by another ceramic cartridge. In it, the mutual rotation of ground ceramic plates with through slots directs a mixture of hot and cold water to the desired set of nozzles.

Basic design elements.


Almost all the problems that these plumbing fixtures can create for their owner are related to:

  1. With the failure of one of the cartridges. They chip ceramic plates, break plate holders, or produce silicone grease between adjacent ceramic surfaces, resulting in noticeable resistance when changing the position of the handle.

Filters at the entrance to the apartment will remove suspended matter from the water.

  1. With the destruction of the rubber core of the shower hose. Rubber becomes limescale over time and begins to crack.
  2. With the nozzles becoming overgrown with lime deposits.


Cartridge failure

How to repair a faucet in a shower stall if one of the cartridges fails?

  1. We turn off the water on the eyeliner.
  2. Find the plastic plug on the lever and remove it.
  3. Unscrew the fixing lever screw under the plug.
  1. Remove the handle.
  2. We unscrew the decorative chrome-plated nut under it (exclusively with our own hands, without using keys that will deform the nut or damage the chrome plating).
  3. Unscrew the nut securing the cartridge (using an open-end wrench, adjustable wrench or gas wrench).
  4. We take out the old cartridge and put a new one in its place.

When the lubricant runs out (the lever moves with great force), you can extend the life of the cartridge by disassembling it and re-lubricating the plates.

However, the feasibility of this idea is questionable:

The price of a package of high-quality grease from Grohe is higher than the cost of a cartridge (about 400 rubles versus 200 - 300).

Silicone grease for ceramics from Grohe.

When removing the plates, there is a very real chance of breaking the plastic clips.

Shower hose leaking

In this case, the repair instructions are ridiculously simple:

  1. Unscrew the hose nuts from the mixer body and watering can.
  2. We pry the plastic or metal liners under the nuts with a knife and pull them out along with the remains of the deceased core.
  3. We pull the core onto one of the liners.
  4. We insert it into the armor, passing the core through.
  5. We pull the core sticking out from the opposite end of the armor onto the second liner.
  6. We press the liners into the armor.
  7. We put the hose in place.

To remove the core, just slide the union nuts and remove the liners.

A special case

If the housing is cracked (for example, if the nut securing the cartridge is overtightened), it may be necessary to replace the faucet in the shower stall. Alas, to do this you will have to gain access to the back wall of the hydrobox by moving it away from the wall.

How to disassemble a faucet in a shower stall to replace it? All steps are identical to disassembly to replace the cartridge; however, in this case both the pressure regulator and the mode switch are disassembled. The housing is secured to the back panel with pads, which in turn are usually pressed down with the same nuts that hold the cartridge in place.

Faucet for the booth: view from the body side.

Main causes of breakdowns

The hydromassage device is equipped with complex equipment that needs to be looked after and regularly carried out preventive maintenance. But, despite regular procedures, breakdowns still occur from time to time.

The most common root cause of breakdowns is clogging. Its symptom can be called difficult drainage of water.

Violations of the integrity of the product surface - cracks, chips and scratches - also have a negative impact on the operation of the equipment.

Another common root cause of failure is considered to be poor water quality , which over time leads to the formation of limescale in equipment pipes.

Another common cause of hot tub failure is chemicals . According to the operating rules, it is prohibited to use detergents when the hydromassage is running, since chemicals penetrating into the nozzles can damage them. That is why you can wash in a jacuzzi using soap and shampoos only when the hydromassage system is turned off.

In some situations, the cause of the breakdown is the failure of one or more equipment components . Aero compressors, pumps and water collectors often break down.

Hydromassage system care

Maintenance of a bathtub with a hydromassage should be more thorough than in the case of an ordinary bathing tank. This is due to the fact that favorable conditions are created in the internal water circulation system (high humidity and sufficient temperature) for the development and rapid reproduction of various microbes, bacteria and fungi that are dangerous to the human body. The development of colonies of microorganisms can lead to allergies, obstructive bronchitis and asthma, children are especially susceptible to this.

The most commonly used chemistry for hot tubs is:

  • Mellerud (disinfects, removes deposits and odors);
  • Bugs Jacuzzi (removes mold, bacteria and unpleasant odors);
  • Akrilan (product from the professional series);
  • Triton Desinfectant (flushing hydromassage systems);
  • Relisan (includes liquid for hot tubs, acrylic surfaces and sanitary ware).

Disinfection procedure

Disinfection of a hot tub can be done in two ways:

  1. If your bathroom has an automatic cleaning function, the procedure is as follows:
      Pour hot water (40-45 degrees) so that it covers the nozzles;
  2. We pour a cleaning agent for hydromassage baths into a special reservoir (the quantity is selected in accordance with the instructions) and turn on the cleaning function;
  3. Drain the water and rinse the bath;
  4. We repeat the procedure with cool water and without the hydromassage bath product;
  5. After completing the cycle, drain the water, rinse the bath and wipe with a dry cloth.
  6. Because it is necessary to care for a hot tub even if there is no such function, we offer a second disinfection method:
      Pour hot water so that the nozzles are 8-12 cm below the water level and add a disinfectant for hot tubs (300-500 ml) directly into the water;
  7. Turn on the hydromassage at the highest power for 10 – 15 minutes;
  8. After turning off the hydromassage, leave the water for half an hour so that the cleaning agent is fully effective;
  9. Drain the water, pour in clean water and turn on the hydromassage for 5-7 minutes, flushing the system from residual disinfectant;
  10. Next, drain the water and wipe the bowl dry.

Before cleaning the bathtub with a disinfectant, it is necessary to wash the bowl from dirt and grease deposits with ordinary soap.

Regular cleaning instructions:

Cleaning the hydromassage system of an acrylic bathtub, hydromassage shower cabin should be done at least once a month

Fill the bathtub with warm water.

Dilute liquid detergent (according to the method of application, instructions for the detergent) and run the hydromassage unit for approximately 5 minutes.

Turn off the hydromassage system and let the water stand for 10 minutes.

Drain the water.

Refill the bath with water and turn on the hydromassage for 5 minutes.

Drain the water and clean the surface of the acrylic bathtub.

If the bathtub is scratched, you can try cleaning it with felt and sanding the scratches.

Features of cleaning a jacuzzi

Each time after finishing water procedures and hydromassage, it is necessary to rinse the surface of the bathtub with clean water and wipe it with a soft, lint-free cloth. For daily cleaning, it is not recommended to use hard sponges or abrasive detergents.

The Jacuzzi should be disinfected once a month. To do this, you must first fill the tank with water until the water covers the upper nozzles by 50-70 mm. Then a disinfectant solution is added to the water, which can be purchased at the store or made independently. Before using store-bought products, you should carefully read the instructions. If you refuse to buy a ready-made solution, then you need to pour approximately 70 ml of a weak chlorine solution into the water. Then turn on the pumps and wait a few minutes for them to “drive” the solution through the internal pipes. Then the device turns off and after 15-20 minutes (approximately) the water is drained. After this, the Jacuzzi system is flushed with clean water for 5 to 10 minutes.

Dismantling and cleaning of filters is carried out according to the instructions. The filter is placed in a container and washed under running water from a hose. If the equipment is very dirty, then it is soaked in a solution of water with the addition of a special cleaning agent.

Preparatory activities

Here is a list of tools without which you cannot install a hot tub:

  • roulette;
  • adjustable wrench;
  • square;
  • gun (required for applying glue or sealant);
  • pencil or marker;
  • screwdriver;
  • knife with a retractable blade;
  • pliers;
  • tester or screwdriver with indicator.

Most of the necessary tools are easy to find, so no problems will arise. Even before installation, you need to properly prepare the room.

  1. Study the installation requirements - they are listed above and indicated in the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. Measure the room and decide where exactly the jacuzzi will be installed.

  3. Make sure that the door threshold is high, so that water will not enter other rooms in the event of flooding.

  4. The heated towel rail should be located as far as possible from where the hot tub is installed; move it if necessary.
  5. It is important that there is at least 50-60 cm from the product to sockets and electrical appliances. If necessary, remove them to comply with electrical safety standards.

  6. If there is one, also build a podium under the jacuzzi in advance.
  7. The water supply should run closer to the installation site; take care to arrange shut-off valves so that during maintenance/repair of the jacuzzi you do not have to completely turn off the cold and hot water.
  8. Coarse and fine filters should be placed on pipes that go to the installation site of the bath. If the water is of poor quality, the Jacuzzi jets will quickly fail, and repairing them is much more expensive than periodically changing the filter cleaning elements.
  9. If the pressure is not constant, pressure reducers are installed on the cold and hot water supply lines.
  10. Finishing work must be completed before installing the jacuzzi.

Rules of care and cleanliness

Proper care of hot tubs and Jacuzzis is a guarantee that the product will serve you faithfully for a very long time. The modern market offers a huge number of different care products for complex hydromassage equipment.

When choosing them, you need to focus on several factors: the presence of a disinfection system in your device, the presence of aggressive components in the composition that can destroy the acrylic layer, as well as the level of environmental safety for humans.

When using any product, you must strictly follow the instructions on the packaging. If you do not do this, you can easily disable the entire system and then regular cleaning will not be enough. In addition, some components may cause allergic reactions in some people.

Once a month, you need to carry out a number of preventive measures that will help keep your hot tub in good condition:

  1. Fill the container to a level that will be a couple of centimeters above the nozzles.
  2. Dissolve the disinfectant in water according to the instructions.
  3. Turn on the pumps for a few minutes (5 minutes is enough) and turn them off.
  4. Wait 20 minutes and drain the water.
  5. Points 1-4 are carried out 2 times.
  6. After the second time, you need to clean the filters from debris and install them in their rightful place.

Once a year, the bath is deep cleaned using an acetic acid solution containing active elements at 7%. This solution does not damage the acrylic surface.

If you have a hot tub or jacuzzi in your home, it’s worth remembering one thing - timely care and periodic prevention are the best way to deal with possible problems, which will help save not only money, but also nerves.

Where to install the equipment?

Let's start with the fact that it is not possible to install a jacuzzi in all cases and not in every place. This is explained by the fact that due to the internal structure, weight and dimensions, certain difficulties and limitations arise during installation. And you need to find out about them before purchasing.

First of all, installation work should be coordinated with the service that is responsible for the condition of the house. Otherwise, in the future, problems may arise with the management company or even with neighbors (if the jacuzzi is installed in violation of building codes). Approval is also required if the installation involves remodeling the bathroom. In addition, pay attention to the pipes - they may need to be replaced with plastic ones.

In addition, it is necessary that the ceiling in the room is strong enough to install massive plumbing fixtures. Typically, one square meter of a Jacuzzi filled with water will weigh approximately 200-250 kg.

On a note! You also need to take care of the hydro- and vapor barrier of the floor and adjacent walls. Otherwise, water may get to the neighbors or even flood the apartment from below.

It is important that the dimensions of the room are suitable. There should be at least 50 cm of free space between the edges of the product and the walls (may be required for repair work).

Also pay attention to the doorway - its dimensions should be suitable for bringing in the bathtub. If the opening is very narrow, you must either widen it or refuse to purchase a Jacuzzi.

Finally, a stable electrical network is also important, which can withstand the connection of equipment and ensure its full functioning. The overall power of the compressor/pump is quite high, so appropriate wiring is required.

Note! For connection, a separate socket with moisture protection must be provided, as well as its own RCD directly to the electrical panel.

You can find out about other requirements from the manufacturer's instructions. Check it out in the store before you buy the model you like.

Repairing a hot tub due to a blockage

Similar to the previous reason, in order to avoid serious damage and subsequently avoid expensive repairs to the hot tub, it is worth carrying out preventive procedures. To clean the whirlpool bathtub system from dirt and various types of blockages, you can use a special bathtub cleaner.

By the way, among the wide range of products, a hydromassage bathtub, which has an additional function - a disinfection system, is in great demand. The disinfection system is a hole into which a bath cleaner is poured. As you understand, this method of cleaning a jacuzzi is the most effective and guarantees that you will not face any repairs associated with this kind of breakdown. But keep in mind that hot tubs that have a disinfection system are significantly more expensive.

If the warranty period of the Jacuzzi has expired, and the product has broken down and requires repair, do not rush to call a specialist. The fact is that in some cases, corner Jacuzzis can be adjusted independently. The most important thing is to correctly determine the cause of the bathtub failure.

The first Jacuzzi baths had an enamel coating, which became noticeably darker after some time of use. Modern bathtubs have an acrylic coating, which is most resistant to any mechanical stress and is less susceptible to contamination. But even the acrylic coating of a hot tub is not immune from scratches and chips due to accidental impacts. It is quite possible to eliminate such a defect in the jacuzzi even on your own. For this you need liquid acrylic. The material is applied to the areas of chips and scratches, it takes some time to harden, after which we can consider that the repair has been successfully completed.

Elimination of shallow and through cracks

As a rule, during operation, the owner of a bathtub encounters the formation of not only shallow or superficial, but also so-called through cracks in the sanitary ware.

To eliminate them, you need to perform the following, not too complicated, measures:

  • The technology for eliminating shallow chips involves initially expanding the damage itself with sandpaper, and then performing high-quality degreasing and applying an acrylic mixture, followed by removing the excess mixture with emery and sanding.
  • If you have a special repair kit, which many manufacturers supplement their products with, surface cracks can be eliminated very easily and simply. If the plumbing equipment is made by injection molding, then it is advisable to use liquid acrylic to eliminate small and shallow cracks.
  • Through chips and cracks are more complex, growing most often in two directions. In this case, in order to prevent further increase in size of the damage, you need to drill holes with a thin drill at a couple of points of the crack farthest from the center, and then degrease the surface.

Deep or through cracks must be sealed with adhesive tape, and only after that they are treated with liquid acrylic.

Despite some differences, independent removal of shallow and through cracks in the bowl requires the obligatory implementation of such actions as degreasing, “clogging” with acrylic mass and grinding.

Have you decided to install a jacuzzi in your apartment? An acrylic whirlpool bathtub is a good choice for those who value quality and design.

We’ll talk about the effectiveness of a hydromassage mat as an alternative to a hot tub here.

Did you know that hydromassage is not for everyone? Read about the health benefits and harms of the procedure in the following material.

Secrets of proper maintenance?

Daily care

How to care for a hot tub? It's quite simple. Each time after taking water procedures, the product is washed with warm water and wiped dry with a soft cloth. That's the whole secret! Using detergents (and especially abrasive ones) and hard sponges every day is not allowed.

How to clean the surface of the bathtub?

All hydromassage baths are made from different materials, so it is very important to choose the right care methods and products for each individual case. So how to clean and rinse the surface of a hot tub at home?

So how to clean and rinse the surface of a hot tub at home?


requires careful care; do not use metal brushes or abrasives.

Before choosing cleaning products, it is worth studying in detail all their advantages and disadvantages in relation to acrylic.

The ideal option would be chemistry in the form of a gel, foam or cream. But ordinary powder will most likely scratch the coating. Good choices would be triton acrilic cleaner and Sif cream.

A special feature of acrylic is its repairability. With the help of special restoration kits, you can easily get rid of scratches, chips, as well as cracks and breakdowns of the coating.


Marble baths are the easiest to maintain. It doesn't even need to use household chemicals. Simply use a soap solution. To make surfaces shiny, you can use car polishes. If you have neglected the product too much and cleaning with soapy water does not help, products designed for caring for acrylic surfaces will help deal with the dirt.

Cast iron

An easy-to-clean material, its enamel coating is much less susceptible to damage than acrylic. But cast-iron hot tubs also have special features when cleaning - in no case should you use alcohol emulsions, gasoline or acetone - this can lead to damage to the enamel.

Flushing the hydromassage system at home

Therefore, it is very important to flush all tubes and pumps every 2-3 months. If the hydromassage system does not have an automatic cleaning function, then it must be maintained as follows:

  1. fill the product with warm water 5 cm above the upper nozzles;
  2. pour 100 ml of cleaning agent that can be used when caring for the hydraulic system of a jacuzzi;
  3. turn on the pump for half an hour;
  4. drain the water and rinse the surface with clean water;
  5. Wipe the bowl dry.

Instead of detergent, you can use 1 liter of vinegar essence or 200 g of citric acid to wash hot tubs; these substances will help break down lime deposits.

If the Jacuzzi has an automatic cleaning system, then you must adhere to the following instructions:

  1. fill the bath with water above the level of the nozzles;
  2. Pour the cleaning agent according to the instructions on the label into a special dosing device;
  3. turn on automatic cleaning mode;
  4. drain the water;
  5. fill the bathtub with clean water and turn on the motor again for 2 minutes. Drain the water and wipe the product with a dry cloth.

Also, according to the manufacturer’s instructions, it is necessary to periodically remove and wash the filters. If they are heavily soiled, soak them in a basin with any detergent.


Depending on the technical structure of the font, various methods of carrying out this procedure are used.

Option #1

If the plumbing has an automatic cleaning function, the procedure is performed as follows:

  1. Pour water into the bath at 45 degrees Celsius. It should completely cover the injectors.
  2. Next, according to the instructions, we pour the jacuzzi disinfectant into a special reservoir.
  3. Turn on the cleaning function.
  4. After this, drain the water and rinse the plumbing fixtures.
  5. We repeat the same thing with cold water and without household chemicals.
  6. After turning off the self-cleaning function, drain the water and wipe the surface dry.

If you don’t have a special disinfectant, it doesn’t matter. You can pour a weak chlorine solution into the bowl in a proportion of 5-10 ml per 1 liter of water.

Option No. 2

It is used for Jacuzzis that do not have self-cleaning functions:

  1. Pour hot water into the product so that the nozzles remain 1 cm below the water level.
  2. Add the chosen product for the hot tub (300 – 500 ml).
  3. Turn on the device at high power for 15 minutes.
  4. After turning off the pump, leave it to settle for another 20 - 30 minutes.
  5. Drain the water. Pour in clean water and turn on the hydromassage mode for 5 minutes.
  6. After this, all that remains is to drain the water and wipe the surface with a dry cloth.

Before you disinfect your hot tub, you must completely clean the tub of dust, dirt, and buildup.

Symptoms of a problem

If the hydromassage does not work when turned on, and no sounds are heard, do not panic and first of all check whether the bath is connected to the electrical network.

Tip: The spa's outlet should be located in a convenient location that is protected from water, and the spa's power cord should be firmly inserted into the outlet.

If the test result is positive, the hot tub control panel does not respond to button presses, a more in-depth diagnosis of the problem is necessary. In most cases, microcontroller equipment is in good working order, and all malfunctions arise from poor contact or damage to the supply wires.

What can break?

The components installed in a hot tub have a certain service life, after which they may fail. A breakdown can happen earlier depending on many factors, which will entail the need for forced replacement:

  • First of all, as in any device that works with an aquatic environment, limescale deposits can be deposited in the components of a hydromassage bathtub, interfering with the normal operation of the system, and since it is very difficult to get to them, after some time the elements fail and may require their replacement. Therefore, all devices from well-known manufacturers are equipped with a filtration system at a minimum or an extensive water treatment system in elite models;
  • The hot tub filter may also require repairs, especially when owners fail to keep up with replacement filter elements. The filter warns about its “disease” in advance by reducing the intensity of the massage and louder operation of the pump;

  • Following the filter, a pump is installed that creates a flow of liquid through the nozzles. If the pressure created by the pump is not enough, then there will be no massage. Some models are equipped with a compressor for the whirlpool bath, which creates excess air pressure, which, when mixed with a stream of water in the nozzles, creates the effect of a natural geyser. If you notice that the pump or compressor is humming, and there is no stream of water from the nozzles, you must immediately unplug the bathtub from the outlet and call a technician for repairs;
  • Hydromassage nozzles (see photo above) are guiding devices with a certain throughput that create massage jets that have such a pleasant effect on the body. If even one nozzle becomes clogged, the operation of the entire hydromassage system is disrupted due to the redistribution of water pressure. Delaying the repair of an injector can cause a chain reaction of breakdowns and a multiple increase in the cost of repairs;
  • And finally, the bath bowl itself may break, not to mention the numerous accessories designed for convenient water procedures.

How to carry out repairs?

First, let's look at how you can repair a Jacuzzi bathtub that has minor or larger damage in its bowl.

If there are simply scratches on the bathtub bowl, they can be repaired even by polishing yourself, and deeper damage can be repaired using special repair kits containing all the necessary components. The repair of an acrylic Jacuzzi bathtub will be carried out with high quality, if you carefully follow the instructions and do not ignore the operations specified in it, then the bathtub will shine with its pristine shine and whiteness.

If the bowl is cracked and the hot tub is leaking, a more complex repair will be required, requiring special equipment and materials. In this case, it is better to invite a competent specialist. It is unlikely that the user will have a special soldering station for welding plastics and the necessary adhesives, and incorrectly performed repairs can only worsen the situation and entail additional costs.

Prevention measures

We must take care in advance to avoid ending up in such a situation. For this:

  • Provide spare keys for all doors with tags indicating which door they open, put them in a box or bag and put them in some secluded place that cannot be locked with a key (mezzanine in the hallway, top shelf in the closet, closet in the hallway).
  • Install locks in the apartment that provide the possibility of emergency opening from the outside (usually with a pin or plate).
  • If locking on the doors is needed only from pets or against drafts, then it is advisable to limit yourself to installing conventional latch handles. On installed handle locks, the twist latch can be disabled. To do this, you need to unscrew the handle with the lock and shorten or remove the plate connecting the lock to the latch.

Installation in a concrete tank

Experts recommend that the injector be installed by a professional to avoid problems in operating an artificial reservoir. There is a certain algorithm for installing an injector in a concrete pool (there will be a video below on how to install an injector in a concrete pool), which must be strictly followed.

  1. Make notches with a puncher;
  2. If the hole has a large area, then you need to drill the reinforcement in a chaotic manner;
  3. Remove dust and debris from the niche;
  4. Moisten the surface of the hole with cement laitance. This is a mixture that reduces heat loss from a concrete structure;
  5. Transfer all the device placement marks to plywood, which is about 10 mm thick;
  6. Attach the injector to the plywood;
  7. Treat the outer part with a plasticizer (these are substances that are added to polymer materials to impart (or increase) elasticity or plasticity during processing and operation - editor's note) to improve plasticity during operation of the pool;
  8. Attach the plywood with the injector to the wall.

Dismantling a jacuzzi

The price for dismantling a jacuzzi will pleasantly surprise you and will depend on the amount of work that needs to be done.

Our company’s specialists approach this work with full responsibility, strictly observing its sequence:

  • First, all electrical equipment is disconnected from the spa structure, all electrical cords and wires are removed, after which the correctness of the disconnection is carefully checked;
  • all water hoses are disconnected from the water supply;
  • now we need to disassemble the remaining structure, consisting of a frame and a base, which is usually made of various types of molded plastic;
  • then all fasteners connecting these two components are removed;
  • The final step is to disassemble the spa base itself.

As a rule, the most difficult and responsible is the last stage, which can be performed in two ways. The first is to lift the disconnected bathtub and move it outside. But this is quite difficult given its dimensions and weight, which will require the efforts of at least four people and special devices.

The second is to cut the bathtub using special tools. This work is not only very dirty and dusty, but also quite difficult and time-consuming, which must be performed only in special clothing using protective equipment (goggles, masks, headphones and work gloves).

It is not surprising that in most cases such dismantling is entrusted to a qualified team.

If you are of the same opinion, then call us right now! Having promptly visited the site, we will quickly and efficiently complete the work, taking into account all your wishes, and remove all construction waste.

Thank you! Keep it up! I recommend contacting.

Nikolai Kalinin. Moscow

Our company::

  • Will come to help with dismantling and finishing at your first call!!
  • The cost of services is pre-crisis!
  • We are ready to carry out preparatory and dismantling work in your office at night!
  • They are able to work in your apartment all day long and get everything done!


How to glue a nozzle to the side

To glue the injector onto the board, it needs to be plastered, covered with waterproofing and tiled with mosaic tiles. After this, you should cut the pipe flush (meaning flush with any surface - editor's note) and glue the nozzle into it.

Other nuances

When installing injectors in a pool, their number should be taken into account. It depends on the volume of water in the artificial reservoir, as well as on the number of skimmers (cleaning and water intake elements in the pool).

Their quantity is calculated at the rate of 1 skimmer per 35-40 cubic meters of water. At least 2 injectors must be installed on one skimmer .

Installation in a frame tank

To install the injector in a frame pool, after installing it, you need to cut a hole for it on the outside of the film (how to correctly place the nozzles will be discussed below). After this, it is necessary to install the injector and other embedded parts.

Jacuzzi care

In order for the product to serve for a long time and not have to carry out expensive repairs of hot tubs, the maintenance procedure should be carried out correctly. The injectors require special attention. For example, the instructions require foam procedures to be carried out only with the massage function turned off, since the soap solution can clog small holes, and removing it will be quite problematic. After each use of the bath, rinse the bowl and wipe it with a soft, dry cloth. Do not use fluffy cloths or abrasives.

Equipment must be cleaned monthly. It is done like this: water is poured into the bath, its level should cover all available nozzles, and a special disinfectant is added. Next, the pump is turned on for approximately 3-5 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the equipment is turned off, the water is drained, and the filters are removed and rinsed separately. Then everything is put in place, rinsed with clean water and wiped dry.

It is also necessary to carry out more serious cleaning procedures approximately once a year. To do this, fill the bowl with warm water with the addition of 1 liter of vinegar (7-9%). The pump is turned on for 1 minute, after which the water is left in the turned off tank for approximately 12 hours. Then the liquid is drained, the product is filled with clean water, thoroughly washed and finally wiped dry.

What are they needed for?

A nozzle (injector) is a device through which water or air is introduced into an artificial reservoir. It is designed to discharge filtered clean water. With the help of injectors, it is possible to ensure proper water exchange and good mixing of chemicals that are used for disinfection and water purification.

Water flow control

Thanks to nozzles in an artificial reservoir, you can control the flow of water. If managed incorrectly, zones may form where contaminants will stagnate .

Why is cleaning necessary?

The hydromassage system consists of a pump, compressor, pipes, nozzles and check valves. Hoses leading to the bathtub supply water, and parts inside the jacuzzi shape and direct the jets.

During operation, impurities from the water gradually settle on the surface of the pipes. High humidity and temperature promote the development of mold. Pathogenic microorganisms (fungi, bacteria) form durable biofilms that clog nozzles and nozzles. Dirt and mold are removed from the system using professional or home remedies.

Irregular cleaning can lead to the following consequences:

  • clogging of pipes, pump failure due to overload;
  • weakening of the jets, disruption of the hydromassage;
  • the formation of plaque on the surface of the bath;
  • contact of pathogenic bacteria and fungi on the skin and mucous membranes of users;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the bathroom.

Cleaning is necessary to avoid clogging of pipes.

A little history

Hydromassage baths, the repair of which will be highlighted in this article, date back to 1955. It was then that Roy Jacuzzi first showed the world his invention. The Jacuzzi family had a small family business that produced water pumps. After Roy's nephew Stefano began to suffer from arthritis, the inventor came up with the idea of ​​combining a bathtub and a water pump. This design later became the progenitor of hydromassage baths. By the way, such procedures helped Stefano get rid of the manifestations of arthritis, which tormented him for several years.

For the first time, hydromassage baths were brought to us back in Soviet times. And since they were produced under the Italian brand “Jacuzzi”, in honor of the inventor, this name was firmly attached to all bathtubs with hydromassage.

Proven options with instructions

There are several methods for using soda solutions to combat blockages. The composition of the cleaning agent is prepared depending on the nature of the substances that formed the dirt plug, as well as its density.

The material from which the sewer pipes are made plays an important role in the proportional ratio of the components. It is also necessary to take into account the degree of wear of wastewater equipment.

Soda and vinegar in different proportions

To remove a dirt plug you will need:

  • 150 g sodium hydrochloride (soda ash);
  • 100 g table vinegar.


Wear gloves, an apron and safety glasses. Pour baking soda in a thin stream into the drain hole. Then carefully add vinegar. Immediately close the hole with a plug. Boil 5 liters of water. 1-1.5 hours after the start of the chemical reaction, pour boiling water into the drain.

To remove dense clogs, prepare a more concentrated solution. To do this, mix half a pack of baking soda with 100 g of acetic acid. Quickly pour the mixture into the drain and close the hole with a stopper. By using concentrated acid instead of table vinegar, you can ensure a more intense release of carbon dioxide.

But it must be remembered that with the help of soda and vinegar you can only remove those dirt plugs that are located near the drain hole. In the fight against remote blockages, more radical methods must be used.

Using Whiteness with Vinegar and Soda

The active ingredient of Belizna is sodium hypochlorite, which has a powerful antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. But you cannot mix this product, which contains active chlorine, with a solution of soda and vinegar.

It is better to first clear the blockage using a soda-vinegar solution, then after 1.5 hours, rinse the drain with hot water. And only after 12 hours can you pour 1 liter of “Whiteness” into the drain hole.

Do not use the bathroom for about two hours. During this time, the product will dissolve the remaining greasy deposits and eliminate the unpleasant odor. Next, the drain must be rinsed with five liters of hot water.

Premises requirements

Before installing a jacuzzi, you need to prepare the bathroom. Complete all repair work in the room, including wall cladding, and remove all construction debris.

It is very important that the finishing work is carried out taking into account the accessibility of the water supply, sewer and electrical networks, as well as the ability to remove the bathtub without compromising the integrity of the finishing materials

It is also necessary to level the floor and ensure sufficient ventilation in the room where the hot tub will be located.

In accordance with the installation location, shape and size of the future bathtub, make a tap water supply to the mixer and a sewer outlet, draw an electrical line and install a grounded socket.

Sometimes a jacuzzi is placed in the courtyard of a private house. Buy a model with a special coating and find out how possible it is in the climate in which you live.

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