How to hang a flower pot on a window with your own hands

Even the brightest flower beds need a frame - “outfits” that will further emphasize their beauty. Street flower pots are rightfully considered the most spectacular and at the same time simple “outfits”. Making them with your own hands will not be difficult. Do you want hanging planters made from bottles, wicker from wicker, or ground-mounted from a tree stump? No problem! Read the instructions on how to make flowerpots from these and other materials, and also watch educational photos and videos - they will help you transform your garden beyond recognition.

Hanging cut

The rough texture of a natural wood cut will be a wonderful accessory for eco-style interiors. You can hang such a tabletop using the method described in the first example, or you can drill four holes on the sides of the circle and thread a strong rope or leather braid through them. A copper hook goes well with natural wood and leather.


Kokedama is a ball of earth wrapped in moss. This design is held in place by threads. Due to the absence of pots, kokedama looks original and natural. I talked about the materials and how to make it here: “How I visited botanical gatherings, or Kokedama “Sperm Whale” with my own hands.”

It is easy to hang a kokedama using the same threads that were used to wrap it. Alternatively, you can stitch the ball through with threads or braid it with macrame.

Pots made from natural materials

What could be easier than using materials that nature gives us to create flowerpots and pots? In the nearest forest or by the river you can find something that will subsequently significantly transform your interior:

  • A beautiful flowerpot will be made from pebbles - small, streamlined stones. They are glued together, giving the future product an unusual shape. Similarly, you can use nut shells, tree cuts, small twigs, cones, etc.
  • You can make a flowerpot for your garden with your own hands from a tree stump
    . A core is cut into it, into which a large plant, such as a fern, is placed. If you make several of these stumps at the same time, you will get a whole clearing in the garden.
  • Eco-style flower pots
    can be woven from wicker. Weaving from wicker is quite difficult for a beginner, but the products are very impressive. You can hang or place such pots both in the house and in the garden.

Often, houseplants are placed on the windowsill - closer to natural light. If the window sill is very narrow and there is not enough space to place houseplants in flower pots, you can grow flowers together on hanging devices. , a hanging basket can be a way out.

or flowerpot

. A flowerpot is a hanging container in which a single pot of a flower or green plant is placed. A more interesting option is a hanging basket in which several plants are planted at the same time, forming a flower arrangement. There are a number of difficulties that can complicate the process of growing plants this way. But thanks to our tips, you will be able to choose a suitable place, arrange the composition correctly and properly care for flowers in hanging containers:

  • Tip 1:
    Remember that warm, dry air rises, so plants in a hanging structure will require more frequent watering.
  • Tip 2:
    If you overfill the water, it may flow directly onto the floor. This threatens the wooden floor with swelling, therefore, the optimal place for hanging baskets is the kitchen or balcony, where the floors are usually laid with tiles.
  • Tip 3:
    For baskets placed indoors, polyethylene is sometimes placed inside the container to prevent water from dripping in, but this creates a risk of flooding the plants. The best solution is to place several potted plants in a waterproof container. The container itself can be hung on a wire, rope or twine from the ceiling. The principle of this placement is similar to the flower girl, which is described in the article about a home mini-garden.
  • Tip 4:
    The gaps between the pots and the walls of the container are filled with wet peat. Peat is lighter than, for example, a mixture of peat and soil, and when hanging from the ceiling, unnecessary loads should be avoided.


Practical and unique ideas for placing flower stands on the windowsill

The decoration of the window sill follows the same rules as the interior. The easiest way is to imagine that you are thinking through the decorative design of a mantelpiece or shelving unit. First of all, it is necessary to draw up a plan for the layout of plants, their combination, growing season, care features, and only then choose the shape and material of the shelf.

You can choose a vertical or horizontal flower stand for the windowsill, and lattice-type structures or placing pots in a checkerboard pattern are also suitable. In our photo gallery we have selected the most interesting options.

Multi-level shelves with holes

Cut 50 strips of yarn approximately 3 meters long (a little more is better than less). Gather them together and tie a knot exactly in the middle - this will be the center of the pendant. Divide the ends of the threads into 4 equal parts. Then divide each of the parts into two more and twist these parts together; can be divided into three and braided.

All you have to do is throw the 4 resulting strands (or braids) over the object on which you are hanging the composition and tie a knot. Place the plate in the middle: it will hold firmly, and you can put small flowers on it. For decoration, you can tie a yarn tassel to the bottom knot.

Decor of lace pots in vintage style

This idea appeals to me the most. If not all, then at least a couple of these vintage pots could be made. It would just be a shame to use napkins that I knitted myself; I’ll have to see what’s available in fixed price stores.

The technology here is the same as for decoupage: we apply strips of lace to the prepared surface and cover it with glue.

I also like the pots in the next photo: first you need to cut out the lace elements and paint them with acrylic paint, and then glue them.

Another pot is decorated around the edge with lace cut from a round napkin.

Manufacturers offer a huge variety of products both in texture and design; you can choose them for both classic and modern interiors or vintage design. With their help, the room becomes more comfortable and homely. The choice of material depends on the financial capabilities of the owners, taste preferences, and also on what plants will be located on them.

What material are window sill stands made of: all the pros and cons

Glass, wood, MDF and chipboard, metal and plastic are used to make shelves. Each of them has its own pros and cons, design, size and shape. Let's take a closer look at the more popular ones.

Classic window stand for flowers made of wood and MDF

Wooden stands look very massive, even small products create a feeling of volume. They are often chosen for interiors in Provence, eco, country or classic styles. Multi-tiered structures will fit perfectly into modern loft or hi-tech designs.

A composition of blooming violets on a wooden stand looks very impressive and homey on a windowsill, especially if they are placed in wicker flowerpots. Our gallery presents photographic examples of interesting designs that can also be used as floor structures.

The main advantage of the material: you can choose a natural texture, treated with protective compounds or painted in any color. Disadvantages include:

  • the material does not tolerate moisture well, so all pots must first be installed in a flower pot without a bottom hole;
  • may dry out when exposed to direct sunlight;
  • The material is easily scratched; over time, the surface may need to be restored.

Ready-made wooden flower stands are expensive, but you can make them with your own hands from leftover material according to your own sketch.


This is an excellent alternative to wood; in addition, such window sill stands for flowers cost significantly less, so they are in great demand among consumers. They are often chosen for small pots, for example, for growing violets. Manufacturers offer laminated MDF for window compositions, which is more resistant to humidity than regular MDF.

Among the advantages of MDF it should be noted:

  • the stand can be painted in any shade;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • Laminated MDF is resistant to sunlight.

MDF also has some disadvantages:

  • MDF without a protective film is afraid of water;
  • subject to mechanical stress.

Window sill flower stands made of plastic and metal

Plastic is the most budget-friendly material for making flower stands; you can choose a straight or corner design in a variety of shades. Such models have the following advantages:

  • budget price;
  • simple care;
  • not subject to temperature changes;
  • resistant to moisture.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • Low quality plastic can fade in the sun;
  • low strength.


Recently, many metal products have appeared in the retail chain. Its main advantage is strength. A huge variety of models allows you to choose them to suit any interior design.

There are several more advantages of metal stands:

  • durability;
  • stylish appearance;
  • a variety of models in shape: they come in the form of carriages, pyramids, carts, ladders.

Metal can corrode when exposed to moisture, so it is necessary to purchase models treated with powder paint; in addition, when watering, water should not be allowed to stagnate on the stand.

Spectacular wrought iron flower stands for the windowsill

Forged coasters are a source of pride for the owners and a real decoration of the interior. Various preparations are used for them:

  • square metal - clear edges in the interior look massive, therefore more suitable for floor structures in classic styles;
  • round blanks - from such a rod you can make structures with an abundance of bent elements. Suitable for romantic interiors and modern designs.

How to choose a window sill stand based on shape and design

When choosing the shape of a shelf for a window sill, you need to start from what plants it will be intended for. You first need to create an exhibition, select flowerpots or pots, and only then think about their arrangement. For a large number of flowers, you can buy a stand for the windowsill in the form of a spacer; it will not darken the room.

Advice! You should avoid piling up flowers on the windowsill; in this case, the rule applies: the fewer, the better.

2-3 spectacular plants look much more interesting than an assortment of flowers that are completely different in shape and care. The voids will just attract attention to the design, and the greenery in the free space is much better.

How to choose material?

Today, almost all specialized hardware stores offer a wide range of various home decor and garden decorations. However, even with this abundance of products on offer, not everyone will be able to choose the most suitable models for their site or home. The only way out of this situation is to create an original and unusual product with your own hands.

No matter what anyone says, anyone can make the brightest decorative flowerpots from the most ordinary materials. You just need to use your wits and give free rein to your imagination.

Using improvised objects, you can turn your wildest ideas into reality. For decorating a garden plot, old household items that contain home comfort and the warmth of a family hearth will do. This is the very highlight that attracts the eyes of others.

In almost all closets there are old household items that no one has used for a long time. But you shouldn’t send them for recycling. It’s best to see if they might still be suitable for creating compositional flower pots. For example, using an ordinary plastic bottle and thread, you can create unusual bright pots for growing any types of plants. The same goes for old clothes.

Before choosing material for decoration, you need to decide in what conditions the pot will be located. For outdoor use, it is preferable to use materials that do not interact with a damp environment.

People who are exclusively engaged in growing and breeding indoor plants often create decorations for their pets from the most ordinary materials. In addition, they try to choose a special design of pots for each individual flower. For example, orchids or succulents will look very laconic in a pot with decorations made from vines or pumpkin seeds.

You can create an unusual flower arrangement from a variety of objects, for example, from an old teapot, a leaky watering can, or even a torn shoe. Floor cleaning rags will allow you to make the wildest fantasies of a self-taught decorator come true.

Creation methods

Burlap plant pots

From burlap or any other dense fabric you can create flowerpots in the form of pockets for small plants. To do this, cut out two identical square or semicircular parts and sew them on three sides; you can also shape the product using wire. Such pots look great on the fence of a country house or balcony.

Large shells can be used as hanging planters

You can also make an original flowerpot or hanging plant pot from coconut shells; to do this, make several holes, drain the juice and remove the pulp. If you cut a coconut in half, you get two products at once.

Photo source:

Products can be made of wire or forged metal

There are many different variations

Where to hang the pots

Moreover, in the summer, plants can be placed both inside and outside the house, but since it’s cold now, we’ll focus on indoor ones. You can green any room in your apartment, kitchen or hallway, the main thing is to take into account the needs of the plants and the right amount of light. In fact, each version of a hanging planter can be placed in any room of the apartment, so it is only your design decision.

Of course, you can just put a flower pot on the windowsill or bedside table, and it will already look good. But if you try a little more, you can decorate the appearance of the pots and make more optimal use of the apartment space, at the same time arranging the plants and not taking up extra space with them (with hanging flowerpots).

Above the workplace

Here, a hanging planter will not take up much space, especially since we always try to place the work table closer to the window, which will really appeal to indoor plants.

In the bedroom

Placing plants in the bedroom is not only beautiful, but also very useful. They enrich the room with oxygen. How nice it is to wake up among greenery. Try hanging a pot of plants in your bedroom.

In the kitchen

This is an ideal option; you will never snag or overturn a flowerpot. The flowerpot looks very homey in the kitchen!

On the balcony or in the chill-out area

If the area of ​​your apartment allows, then with the help of hanging flower pots, you can green up an entire room and make a mini-garden. But spruce does not have enough square footage - you can arrange a comfortable seating area on the balcony.

How to make a fashionable bouquet of flowers in a box of tulips with your own hands: photo, master class

Tulips are those flowers that will look very impressive as a bouquet in a box. Their only peculiarity is that they have a very soft leg. Therefore, such a bouquet must be lush and large, which means you will need a lot of tulips.

What to prepare for work:

  • A tall and not very wide box (preferably round - a cylinder).
  • Decorative materials for the box (paper for gift wrapping).
  • Wide satin ribbon (for bow)
  • Several pearl half beads (half beads)
  • Glue moment
  • Organza or mesh (20-30 cm)
  • Floral sponge
  • Wide tape (for interior work)

How to make a bouquet:

  • Prepare a box for the bouquet by lining the inside with tape and the outside with wrapping paper.
  • The sponge is moistened and tulips are inserted into it
  • The inside of the box is decorated with organza along the edge
  • The bouquet is inserted into the box
  • Several flowers are decorated with half beads
  • A tied bow made of satin ribbon will look very neat and aesthetically pleasing on the box.

Options for bouquets of tulips in boxes:

A huge box with tulips A small box with pink tulips A box with multi-colored tulips A spectacular box with a bouquet of tulips A tall box with a lush bouquet of tulips

Boxes for growing flowers outside the window

The first thing you need to pay attention to if you decide to decorate a window or the area behind the balcony with flowers is the shape and material of the containers in which the plants will be grown.

Some crops require a certain depth, while others, on the contrary, actively grow in breadth. That is why I recommend planning in advance which flowers will be planted.

For example, this flower box will soon need to be replaced with a larger one

What types of flower boxes are there:

  1. Plastic. The most popular option today for placing flowers outside the window are plastic models. They can be of different sizes, colors, shapes, and you can buy them in almost any flower shop. The most attractive advantage of plastic solutions is the price.

You can choose any size and color of containers for flowers!

Light weight, so they can be safely placed outside the window of a private or multi-storey building on both metal and plastic brackets.Low strength. Plastic containers will not withstand heavy loads, and there is also a risk of deformation in the sun.
Profitable price. For beginners, as well as those who need to buy several boxes at a time, for example, to improve a large loggia, this fact will be a tangible advantage. Due to the fact that plastic heats up easily, a greenhouse effect can form inside the pot, which will negatively affect the plants.
An abundance of models. Do you need shallow containers for violets or models in a specific color to match the plants you have chosen?

Plastic boxes are lightweight and affordable

  1. 2222Wooden. Containers for flowers made of wood are more durable, they are versatile and reliable, and their appearance can decorate an exterior made in any style. Wood can be painted to match the color of the house's decoration; it is suitable for balconies or windows of high-rise buildings, and for private houses, dachas, and cottages.

Wooden containers have their advantages

Wooden models are very durable and reliable, so they will last for many years.The cost of wooden solutions is high, so if you need to buy several pieces, this purchase will cost an arm and a leg.
This material is environmentally friendly and therefore more beneficial for flowers.Wooden models are heavy, they need to be additionally secured with L-shaped elements and very strong brackets must be selected.
Due to the versatility of wooden models, forged brackets for flower boxes under windows and various stands made of plastic, wood and other materials are suitable for them.Wood is susceptible to precipitation - snow, rain, and, if not properly treated, can be damaged.

Wooden boxes painted to match the house's trim

How to make a fashionable bouquet in a box of flowers and fruits with your own hands: photo, master class

Another option for a modern floral and gastronomic gift is a bouquet of flowers, fruits and vegetables. They should be selected based on the style of the bouquet, its color and design, color shade and, of course, the occasion.

IMPORTANT: Remember that such a bouquet should not be prepared in advance, but just before the holiday, since some fruits and vegetables can quickly deteriorate and lose their appearance.

What to prepare:

  • A box (not very high, wide)
  • Wooden skewers
  • Flowers
  • Wooden decor
  • Fruits
  • Scotch

How to do:

  • For a bouquet, choose only fruits that can be held firmly and confidently on wooden skewers.
  • Small fruits can be left whole, while large fruits should be cut in half.
  • There is no need to choose very heavy fruits, as they simply cannot be held on the skewers.
  • Place the floral sponge deep inside the box and begin sticking flowers into it, alternating with skewers.

Gastronomic bouquets in boxes:

Bouquet in a box with flowers and fruits Citrus orange bouquet in a box Bright bouquet in a box of flowers and fruits Fruit bouquet in a box with a bottle

Stylish flower pots - we make it ourselves!

Indoor flowers in flowerpots are a wonderful way to decorate an apartment or house, making the room more lively and cozy.

In this article we offer you interesting ideas on how to make beautiful hanging flower pots using a variety of materials, such as wood, leather, twine and other available materials.

Also 5 step-by-step master classes with diagrams and photos on how to weave flower pots quickly and easily with your own hands and create a truly beautiful interior decor.

How to make a fashionable bouquet of flowers in a box of peonies with your own hands: photo, master class

During the peony flowering season, it is simply impossible not to take advantage of this advantage, because these flowers have a very elegant, spectacular appearance and an amazing, strong aroma!

INTERESTING: Peonies are not expensive at all, have good durability and are now in trend! This means that a bouquet in a box of peonies will be very fashionable and relevant!

What you will need:

  • Any box (preferably not very tall)
  • Satin ribbon
  • Lace (a strip exactly as long as the diameter of the box).
  • Floral sponge
  • Wide tape
  • Decorative foliage
  • Gypsophila
  • Bouquet of peonies
  • Wooden inscription or decoration for a bouquet

How to do:

  • For this bouquet, you should choose a box that is not very high, since the peonies for the bouquet will be cut short, because the trunk of the flower is not strong enough).
  • Decorate the box inside with tape and outside with decorative paper, and also attach a satin ribbon bow or lace in a circle).
  • Place a floral sponge inside with inserted peonies, decorative greenery, gypsophila, and deepen the wooden decor in the center.

Bouquet in a box with peonies:

A box with peonies: white and pink A box with a lush bouquet of peonies and other flowers, greenery, berries A small bouquet of bright peonies A stylish bouquet of bright peonies A small bouquet of peonies in a box

Wooden flower pots

Wood also provides a fairly wide range of actions, various shapes and colors. Choose what you like best and create.

This hanging planter will wonderfully complement your home interior. It’s quick and easy to do, and it won’t cost you a lot of money on materials either. The optimal solution for an apartment.

  • Wooden plate and saw
  • House plants and flowerpots
  • Rope and metal ring
  • Drill and sandpaper
  • Paint and brush

Step 1: Making Wooden Squares

Consider how many tiers your flower stand will have (there are 4 here, but you can do more or less). Select the houseplants you want to place there.

Based on all this, cut out the required number of squares from the wooden plate.

  1. To do this, turn the pot upside down and place it on a plate, circle it and leave about 5 cm on the sides, thus determining the size of the square.
  2. Use a saw to make squares.

Step 2: Making holes for the pots

  1. You already have a circle drawn on the tree from the top of the pot, now you need to draw another one in the middle so that their centers coincide, but the diameter of the new one is about 1-2 cm smaller.
  2. This value depends on how quickly the pot you will be placing in the stand grows towards the top, and also you want the wooden square to be almost at the very top, or in the center of the pot.
  3. You can take another pot that is the same size as the stencil and trace it.
  • Use a jigsaw to cut out this new circle. For convenience, you can first make a hole with a drill and, starting from there, work with a jigsaw.
  • The pots should now fit inside the squares.

Step 3: Hanging Holes

At the corners of the squares you need to make holes for the rope so that they can be hung. To do this, use a drill with a diameter of up to 1 cm.

Step 4: Paint the tree

Using sandpaper, remove roughness and unevenness that formed after sawing and drilling. Now the wood can be painted or simply treated with an antiseptic. In this case, dark brown paint was used.

Step 5: Paint the pots

Pots can also be painted, if desired. Casual strokes of white paint look good on plain clay pots. You can skip this step.

Step 6: Putting it all together

In order to fasten the wooden squares together, we need a thick rope: cut 4 ropes of 180 cm each (for the given number of tiers). Stretch one rope into each corner hole of one of the squares and tie a knot at the end, this will be the lower part of the structure.

On each rope, tie another knot 25-30 cm higher than the previous one and thread the ropes into the holes of the next square. Check that everything is level and the second tier is clearly horizontal above the first, adjust the knots if necessary. The second tier is ready. Repeat these steps with the remaining tiers.

Step 7: Plant the Plants

A practical advantage of such a hanging stand is that water that may flow down after watering from the top plant will drip onto the bottom one. So a stand for the pot is needed only on the lowest tier (if you use it outdoors, you can do without stands at all).

You can also place coffee filters or similar water-absorbing materials in the bottom of the pots, this way the water can drain out but the soil won't fall out through the hole.

TIP: To prevent the bottom pot from falling off the stand if someone accidentally snags the string, superglue it to the pot.

Step 8: Transplant the plants into prepared pots.

If you glue the base of the lower pot before inserting it into the wooden square, it will look like the photo below. If you want the bottom pot to be inserted into the tree in the same way as the others, then first replant the plants, insert the pots into the holes in the tree, and only then glue the stand to the bottom one.

Step 9: Hanging

  1. To hang this structure, thread the ropes through a metal ring and tie a knot, or bend them over and tie another thin rope around them.
  2. Adjust the rope so that all tiers are horizontal and level.

This stand will perfectly decorate an empty corner in the apartment, just don’t forget that flowers need enough light.

A hanging stand is a wonderful solution for those who love flowers, but do not have enough space to display them.

Instructions for making different models

You can make original flowerpots for the garden with your own hands using detailed descriptions. Pebbles are always placed at the bottom of the finished model, then the flower is carefully planted, sprinkling the roots with soil. The simplest but most effective are pots made from branches, plastic bottles, plywood, as well as products with lace using twine.

From branches, from bamboo

To make it you will need a bunch of twigs, birch or willow, wire, a metal chain and hooks. The tools you need to prepare are pliers, wire cutters, finishing is done using white paint and a brush. Bamboo sticks are also suitable as an alternative to branches. The work is carried out in stages:

  1. First of all, cut 2 identical pieces of wire.
  2. A small bundle of rods is placed in the middle of the segment, turned over to the other side, then a second piece of wire is threaded into the resulting loop and secured with pliers.
  3. The branches are twisted into a ring, securing the wire each time.
  4. Weaving continues with the constant addition of new branches to maintain the same thickness of the product.
  5. The result is a small basket, the excess rods are cut off, and the ends of the wire are bent.
  6. The product is covered with a layer of white paint. After drying, the model is added with a chain for secure fastening.

Wicker flower pots, consisting of thin branches, look unusual and stylish. You can make such an attractive flower pot in just a couple of hours.

With lace

To make an elegant decor you will need an unnecessary pot, a little lace or braid, as well as beads, rhinestones, and beads. Decorations on the flower pots are secured with glue and clear varnish. The work consists of several stages:

  1. The old pot is thoroughly washed from soil residues and the outside is treated with alcohol.
  2. You need to attach lace to the surface of the flowerpot and measure the required amount to tie around the flowerpot.
  3. The flower pot is coated with glue and braid is applied. Decorative elements are fixed on top.
  4. After the glue has dried, the container is coated with varnish. This treatment will protect the product from inclement weather and give it a spectacular appearance.

Snow-white openwork flowerpots will refresh the interior, decorated in a classic style. If the model is intended for a children's room, it is better to decorate it with bright ribbons, beads, and motifs knitted from yarn. Pieces of twine with brightly colored beads strung together look interesting against the background of lace.

Using twine

To make it you will need small twigs or wooden sticks, twine, and a piece of burlap. It is convenient to cut the material with pruners or scissors; the elements are held together with fabric glue. The work is carried out in accordance with the instructions:

  1. Using a pruner, the sticks are given the same length, which should be 2–3 cm higher than the height of the pot.
  2. The branches are connected with a rope so that the material takes on the appearance of a continuous web. To do this, you will need 2 long pieces of twine, the ends of which are tied along the edges of the sticks.
  3. The length of the canvas should correspond to the size of the pot. After completion of the work, the flowerpot is wrapped in burlap and secured with a bow made of twine.

Original wooden flowerpots always look interesting. Such models are suitable for installation in a gazebo or on a veranda.

From plastic bottles

To create simple but effective flowerpots decorated with cat faces, you need to prepare a 2 liter plastic bottle, white paint, scissors, and markers. This option is optimal for beginner craftswomen; all actions are performed in accordance with the instructions:

  1. The top of the bottle is cut off to give the shape of cat ears.
  2. The workpiece is covered with a layer of paint. A spray or acrylic composition will do.
  3. After the coating has dried, a face is drawn on the surface: eyes, nose, mustache.

Gravel is poured into the bottom of the resulting pot, the container is filled with soil and a flower is planted. To hang the pots, you need to make small holes on 4 sides of the product. Then thread a rope through them and tie the ends into a knot.

Unusual flowerpots in the shape of funny cats can be placed in the garden or indoors, on the windowsill. Bottles with different volumes are suitable for their creation: 2, 1.5, 1 or 0.5 liters.

From plywood

A wooden pot looks organic both in the house and in the garden. For work you will need: 5 small pieces of plywood, epoxy glue, a set of multi-colored paints, decor, as well as brushes and a jigsaw. All actions are performed step by step:

  1. Pieces of plywood are joined together, and the product can be shaped into a diamond, square or triangle.
  2. The workpiece is primed and covered with several layers of paint.
  3. After drying, the surface is decorated with rhinestones, stones, and beads.

Colorful plywood planters attract attention and help set accents in the design of a home or garden. The material is easy to process, so it is suitable for beginners.

Pipe cuttings

It is quite possible to arrange compact multi-tiered flower beds or beds using scraps of polypropylene pipes, of course, of a suitable diameter. By decorating simple plastic with good paint, you will be pleasantly surprised by the result - it will be almost impossible to recognize pipe scraps in stylish containers.

Hide the plastic surface under a good paint, and the flowerpots will look stylish and expensive

Plant selection

Garden annuals and indoor plants are most convenient for placing on the balcony.

To obtain ready-made annual seedlings by May, the seeds are sown in late February - early March. These are plants such as calendula, gatsania, diascia and everyone’s favorites, petunia (for more details, see the article “petunias on the balcony”) and surfinia.

The variety of climatic zones in Russia requires an individual approach to the timing of moving indoor plants closer to fresh air. Adaptation must occur gradually. To “harden” the plants, when the daytime temperature rises to 15-17 °C, the flowers are taken out to the balcony for 1.5 - 2 hours. When warming reaches 20 °C, plants are left for a full day.

Spring is characterized by significant fluctuations between day and night temperatures. Plants are removed indoors if the nighttime thermometer drops below 8 degrees. At this temperature, in abundantly watered heat-loving plants, the root system rots and dies.

On glazed balconies, the air temperature should not exceed 28-30 °C.


You will need scissors and rope. The macrame technique is used in many places; it is also very suitable for making hanging flowerpots. Weaving a hanging system for a pot is very simple. It is enough to cut the rope into eight parts, approximately 3 meters each. Tie all the parts together with a strong knot. Turn the pot over and place the resulting knot in the drainage hole, which is located in the middle. Then you need to divide two parts into four sides. At the end of the base of the pot, tie a knot from each two parts. Then you need to retreat five to seven centimeters to the bottom. Take one rope from adjacent pairs and tie them together. You need to continue these actions until the entire pot is in the woven “mesh”. The knot should be staggered. This system for hanging pots is quite durable, looks very unusual and makes the interior very cozy.

Balcony dimensions

Loggias and large balconies

They allow you to use not only perimeter fencing, but also area horizontal containers. Stepped frames are placed near load-bearing walls. The ceiling surface is used for hanging flowerpots.

Standard designs

Fencing is activated. Light plastic pots and containers are used for hanging on balcony railings and building a horizontal green perimeter.

Small size

The emphasis is on structures mounted on a vertical load-bearing wall. Light containers for growing ampelous plants are attached to it (from the German die Ampel - hanging flower vase).

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