DIY log porch. Do-it-yourself porch - step-by-step instructions


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In this article we will talk about how you can build a porch from logs with your own hands. Despite the fact that professional production of this structure can be ordered from specialized companies, doing the work yourself will allow you to save money and gain new experience that may be useful in the future.

But, before we begin the story about manufacturing methods, let’s consider what a log porch is and what elements it consists of.

Steps made on a milling machine

Log porch: construction features

In this article we will talk about how you can build a porch from logs with your own hands.
Despite the fact that professional production of this structure can be ordered from specialized companies, doing the work yourself will allow you to save money and gain new experience that may be useful in the future. But, before we begin the story about manufacturing methods, let’s consider what a log porch is and what elements it consists of.

Steps made on a milling machine

Types of log structures

The main idea of ​​a log staircase design is semicircular steps. They are made by longitudinally cutting logs that are similar in diameter. When the cutting plane is facing upward, it is perfect for a tread, and the lower hemisphere will serve as a riser. The result is an ideal staircase that meets regulatory requirements.

Judge for yourself: the height of a log riser is half the depth of the tread. If we take a 30 cm log as a basis, then after sawing the height of the step will be exactly 15 cm.

There are many designs of staircases built from logs; when working with this material, the imagination of developers knows no bounds. Conventionally, they can be divided into several groups:

  1. An ordinary staircase on 2 log strings with the same steps. It is complemented by balusters and railings made of round timber, and can be rotated 90 and 180°. This is one of the most common options.
  2. The same with steps in the form of blocks (from the end they look like a truncated hemisphere).
  3. A flight of stairs made of half-logs or blocks mounted into the wall in the form of consoles (1 end of the step is fixed).
  4. The same, but with a bowstring to support the second end of each tread.
  5. Spiral cantilever structure, where the end of each step penetrates through a support column made of large diameter logs. The structure is a spiral staircase, only made from solid processed wood.

The spans are particularly original, where treads with ends bent upward are hollowed out in the steps made of half-logs. Bowstrings in such structures can be located both on the sides of the steps and below, depending on the material.

Design features

Porch protected by a layer of varnish from precipitation

In accordance with the structural design, there are two types of porches - closed and open.

  • The closed version can be equipped with a canopy and sidewalls. Some buildings of this type are equipped with an entrance door and are used as a small veranda.
  • Open modifications are much easier to assemble, since they are essentially a staircase with open railings and a canopy. Sometimes there may be no canopy, in which case the porch is used as a terrace if necessary.

The complete set of the porch may vary significantly depending on the design.

A traditional open structure consists of:

  • stairs;
  • sites;
  • supporting fence consisting of balusters and railings.

As already mentioned, an optional light canopy can be installed - a visor.

A closed porch consists of the same elements as its open counterpart, but the canopy turns into closed side railings - either solid or with glazing elements.

So, we have decided on the design features, all that remains is to find out what the instructions are for assembling the porch. But before we begin to describe the assembly, let’s decide on the choice of production material and its preparation.

Selection and preparation of lumber

On a photo-rounded log, stacked

Wood used as a building material is characterized by a number of advantages, including ease of processing using simple carpentry tools, low price, excellent appearance, etc.

But, along with numerous advantages, wood has disadvantages. First of all, it is low resistance to precipitation and biological factors. That is why it is so important to choose those lumber that are characterized by the greatest strength and, as a result, durability.

Optimal results in terms of strength are demonstrated by rocks with low porosity and high structural density. Unfortunately, hardwoods are rarely found on sale and their prices are high.

The solution to this problem is strengthening and disinfecting preparation of lumber. In our case, it is necessary to select debarked or rounded logs of the required diameter and apply special deep penetration impregnations containing antiseptics and fire retardants to their surface.

The finished structure will need to be covered with several layers of paint and varnish materials intended for external work. As a result, a porch used outdoors will not rot, mold or dry out in direct sunlight.

Construction Features

A porch made of rounded logs, unlike similar structures assembled from edged boards, is not just a functional structure, but also a design element. Therefore, before planning the construction of such a porch, think about whether it will harmoniously combine with the main building and the garden plot.

A porch assembled from logs is an excellent solution for arranging wooden and brick cottages built in a traditional manner. At the same time, modern buildings made in a minimalist style will not be combined with such structures.

The use of rounded lumber in the construction of a porch is limited to the installation of supports, stringers and the installation of steps. To make stringers, the wood can be used entirely, cutting out shelves for installing steps. To make steps, a whole log will have to be halved.

Tree trunk slitting device

Longitudinal cutting is performed on a circular saw with a disc of the appropriate size. If you don’t have a circular saw, you can prepare the lumber using a chainsaw.

Important: The only condition for successful cutting is high-quality sharpening of the chain. If the chain is not sharp enough, the saw will move to the side and it will most likely not be possible to ensure an even cut. Moreover, during the cutting process, the two halves of the log must be hooked with brackets and gradually moved apart so that the saw does not jam.

So, we have decided on the features of preparing materials, now we will look at specific examples of structures built with our own hands.

Log steps

Steps attached to the house

Perhaps, let's start with the simplest design with steps without railings and auxiliary supports.

As you can see in the photo, the main material for assembling this structure is halved rounded lumber. We will not indicate the exact dimensions, since these parameters can be selected individually for each individual house to which the structure will be attached.

“Bowl” connection

The installation instructions are as follows:

  • We cut the halved logs into pieces from which we make supports for the steps.
  • We place the blanks on a concrete or asphalt base and attach them to it with anchor bolts.

Tip: In order for the structures to last longer, the concrete surface on which the wooden parts will be mounted must be covered with a layer of waterproofing.

  • We prepare steps, in the lower part of which we make technological recesses (cups).
  • Next, the steps are laid in cups on supports and fixed with hardware.
  • Upon completion of assembly, the structure is varnished or painted with enamels that are resistant to precipitation.

Other examples of building a log porch

Let's take a general look at other examples of constructing a porch at a country house or dacha.

  • Steps on a concrete base are a good solution if the amount of suitable lumber is limited and you need a strong and durable porch.

Steps laid on a concrete base

As we see in the photo, a monolithic or prefabricated concrete base was erected under the wooden steps. That is, the steps in this case are only a decorative element and nothing more.

  • In the next photo we can see a partially enclosed porch attached to a log house. The structure is made entirely of solid logs, with the exception of the canopy, for the manufacture of which edged boards were also used.

House and porch as one

As we can see, the steps, stringers and railings fit harmoniously into the design of the main building and are perceived not as isolated alien elements, but as a single whole.

  • Finally, another interesting example of the construction of a porch, where logs are combined with planed timber, which is specially shaped into raw lumber.

Terrace with log steps

Due to this approach to the manufacture of balusters, railings and other structural elements, the structure looks integral and harmonious.

Design options

Having decided to create a structure made of wood, you need to decide on its type. Main options for the porch:

  • simple;
  • partially closed;
  • attached;
  • built-in

A simple porch consists of an open area and a few steps. It has no enclosing elements. If a wooden structure is supplemented with a side fence, it is called partially closed. Its main function is to protect the house from wind, snow, and dust, although there is also an aesthetic component.

The porch, which is located near the house in the form of a small extension, is called attached. The most protected structure is one made inside the veranda or any other room of the main building. This is an inline or closed type.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the patio. This is a porch with an increased area, which is used for receiving guests and holding parties. Patio is a middle option between a porch and a terrace. It is made simply, but performs many functions.

Types of wooden porch

There are a huge number of design options, but there are only two architectural options.

    Frame porch made of timber and boards . A frame of the required dimensions is assembled from timber, a staircase and a platform are fixed to it. Railings and a canopy can be used as additional elements. If desired, such a porch can be protected from the wind from the sides. In terms of complexity, construction is a simple option and does not require special training or professional skills.

Frame porch made of timber and boards

Porch made of logs

We will tell you step-by-step instructions for creating both types, indicating the features and secrets of construction work. But first, we should consider the general requirements for all elements of the porch.

Determining the size of the building

To make the porch comfortable and beautiful, before purchasing building materials you need to accurately determine the dimensions of the structure. To do this, a drawing is created indicating the length and width of each element. The optimal width of the site is approximately one and a half meters. But the choice of this parameter depends on the size of the house and the preferences of the owner.

If the house is large, a small porch will look inharmonious. In this case, you can create a structure with your own hands more than two meters wide. Some owners of country houses create a structure the width of the entire wall to which it is adjacent. Others limit themselves to creating a platform measuring one and a half meters. The choice of size also depends on the height of the front door. The higher it is located, the larger the porch should be, because a dozen steps made of half-logs will look inharmonious with a platform one and a half meters wide.

The minimum width of the tread should be a distance of 27 cm. If it is smaller, it will be uncomfortable for an adult to move along the steps. It is worth remembering the distance between the surfaces of the treads. It should be approximately 18 cm. Using this parameter it is easy to determine the number of steps.

Foundation requirements

A wooden porch is placed on a separate foundation; there is no need to tie it to the existing ribbon under the house. Two types of foundations can be used for the structure: columnar or poured reinforced tile. Both are equivalent in load-bearing characteristics and performance indicators.

The porch is installed on a columnar foundation

The main task of porch foundations is to keep the weight light. As for swelling, it is not economically feasible to combat this phenomenon. We have already said above that in order to eliminate negative consequences, the porch area is located below the plane of door opening. A columnar foundation will cost a little less, but there are more problems with it during installation. It is necessary to maintain the horizontal plane of all columns, after the concrete has hardened, adjust the bearing surface according to the water level, make formwork, etc.

Classic concrete foundation

If possible, it is better to pour a reinforced concrete slab approximately 5–10 cm thick. The slab, among other things, will prevent plants from growing under the porch. You will have to constantly fight them, and getting to them is difficult due to the small height of the structure.

DIY porch

Prices for popular models of concrete mixers


A log staircase attracts with its unusual appearance and uniqueness. This design easily fits into any interior. However, to make it, you should learn about certain subtleties and nuances associated with the selection and proper processing of the material. Let's look at how to make a staircase from a log below.

Table of contents:

  1. Log staircase: advantages of use and design
  2. Selection and processing of material for stairs to a log house
  3. Technology for constructing a log staircase for a porch
  4. How to build a staircase from a log to the second floor

Log staircase: advantages of use and design

There are a large number of materials from which you can build a staircase. The most popular among them: wood, concrete and metal. The choice of wood for the construction of stairs is fully justified by the following advantages of this material:

  • wood is an environmentally friendly and safe material that is used for furnishing residential premises;
  • wood has natural warmth and also regulates the level of humidity in the room;
  • wood is a hard material that is resistant to mechanical damage;
  • Another advantage of wood is the aesthetic appeal of this material.

Log staircase photo:

A wooden staircase made of timber will be an excellent addition to any interior. However, it is best suited for rooms decorated in country and fusion style. In addition, log stairs will fit perfectly into a log house, wooden bathhouse or cottage. This design brings the style of the room as close to natural as possible. Some designs are rough, but this quality ensures their reliability and high mechanical strength.

Half-logs and logs allow you to build stairs of various design and design, which are installed both inside the house and outside, for example, on the porch.

The main condition for obtaining a high-quality staircase is the correct selection and processing of the material, as well as the competent execution of calculations for constructing a staircase from a log. During operation, the staircase is subject to certain loads, which must be taken into account. The number of fasteners and supports must strictly correspond to the load assumed by the staircase structure. In addition, there are certain regulatory requirements that are set out in documents on the organization of project documentation.

Selection and processing of material for stairs to a log house

The first and most important stage in the construction of a log staircase is the choice of material. The staircase can be made of different types of wood, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Oak is the most durable and reliable material for stairs. This design will serve you for a very long time, withstanding various operating loads. However, this type of wood has one significant drawback - it is too expensive, so the final price of such a staircase is quite high.

Cheaper options are larch or beech. The cost of this material is slightly lower, but the mechanical strength is almost the same as that of oak. The most popular materials for constructing stairs are coniferous wood. They are more affordable, and the presence of a large amount of resin in the wood makes it healthier and improves the atmosphere in the room.

When choosing a material, pay attention to its moisture content; the logs should be moderately dry, but not overdried. If the material is too wet, it is prone to rotting, and if it is too dry, it will deform, dry out and lose strength.

Proper preparation of the material for work allows you to preserve all the useful qualities of wood and makes it as durable as possible. To obtain a high-quality staircase, it is not enough to clear the logs of knots and bark. Comprehensive measures should be taken to prepare it for use.

To prepare the tree for work, follow these steps:

  • treating wood with an antiseptic solution that disinfects it and prevents the development of mold and mildew;
  • the end sections of the log and the bottom of the stairs should be treated with resin;
  • It is also recommended to treat the wood with a primer and paints and varnishes that protect it from external irritants.

These measures ensure long-term operation of the timber, its protection from temperature changes, high humidity, mold, mildew, bugs and larvae. Resin prevents the process of wood rotting, which is especially important for stairs installed outside the room.

If you use logs from a previously disassembled log house, be careful when cutting them, as nails and other fasteners may be found inside them.

To save on material, you can make steps from half-logs. The cut will serve as a tread, and the roundness will act as a riser. All knots and burrs are removed.

Technology for constructing a log staircase for a porch

Log stairs are quite often used in the process of exterior design. These designs can complement any exterior style due to their naturalness and attractive appearance.

Frame porch

It is made much easier from timber measuring approximately 100×100 mm, boards from 25 mm thick for steps and platforms, and boards from 40 mm thick for stringers. A frame is made from timber according to the dimensions of the porch. Frame elements can be secured with metal corners and self-tapping screws. Do not forget to waterproof between the vertical posts and the foundation.

Frame porch (markings)

Marking cutouts in stringers for steps

For flooring the site, use logs; the distance between them depends on the load and thickness of the boards. Check the position of the logs by level; they should all lie in the same plane.

The calculation of the stringers is the same as for the construction of a wooden staircase. If desired, the entire frame can be covered with boards on all sides, this will improve the appearance of the porch. There is no desire - close only the upper belt of the frame to hide the ends of the beam and the fixation points. It is advisable to treat all lumber with special impregnations to increase their service life.

Drawing up a sketch of the porch is a prerequisite. Mark all the dimensions on it and prepare the blanks taking into account the drawing. If you are confident in your abilities, you can prepare the boards as a set and then fix them to the frame. If you have no such experience, measure each board separately. It will take more time, but there is no chance of errors.

Porch on wooden stilts

Porch made of boards

Video - Construction of a log porch

Calculation and design

When starting design, you need to decide on the space that the staircase can occupy. You also need to measure the height between the floors, or between the platform and the level of the entrance to the house.

Basic design parameters

In order for wooden stairs for a log house to be comfortable and safe, when designing them you should be guided by the standard requirements:

  • The width of the structure should be such that two people can pass each other on the steps. And in the case of an interfloor staircase, its width should allow furniture and other large objects to be lifted to the upper level.
  • It is advisable to make the tilt angle no more than 35 0, especially for long spans.
  • The optimal tread width is 25-30 cm. Therefore, the diameter of the log for the steps should be no less, otherwise walking on them will be inconvenient and dangerous.

The instructions also regulate the height of the riser, which should be 15-20 cm. In the case of structures made of logs, risers are usually not made, and the vertical distance between steps depends on the thickness of the log

It can be adjusted by laying the steps close to each other, or by making gaps between them. The optimal height of the railing is 90 cm. When designing interfloor stairs for a wooden house made of timber, it is necessary to pay attention to the size of the opening in the ceiling. It should be such that the vertical distance between the step and the edge of the opening is 20 cm greater than the height of the tallest person in the house.

What you need to know to calculate

The following data will be required for the calculation:

  • Size of the staircase in plan;
  • Lifting height;
  • Step width and riser height.


Let's say the floor height is 270 cm and the riser height is 15 cm.

  • The number of steps is 18, because 270: 15 = 18.
  • If the width of the steps is 25 cm, then a single-flight staircase will require a plan distance of 25 x 18 = 450 cm.

For a room or hall in a small house, this is a lot. This means that the staircase needs to be double-flight. And in a very small space it is worth considering a screw design.

Log porch

  1. Peculiarities
  2. Kinds
  3. How to do it?

Recently, builders have been actively using logs to make porches. Despite the fact that its construction is usually carried out in specialized companies, doing the work yourself makes it possible to significantly save money and gain new experience that may be needed in the future.

Such a porch is distinguished not only by its attractive appearance, but also by its high quality and resistance to any loads, which is of paramount importance for such structures.


The most common type. A distinctive feature is easy and quick installation. Such a staircase consists of one or more flights. It has not only steps and handrails, but also a base. This can be like a stringer (in the form of a beam with a comb on top), a bowstring, or a support post.

Many people believe that a flight of stairs is too simple and primitive a structure. However, it is not. After all, the structure is made not only straight, but also rotary, as well as curved in the form of the letter “P” or “G”. In addition, such stairs are convenient for moving people and moving large objects.

Marching stringer stairs are in demand among MariSrub clients. This performance looks solid and majestic. However, such stairs are massive and require a lot of space, so they are not suitable for a small room.


A log porch is popular due to a number of advantages that make it stand out from other materials. Today there are two main types of porch.

  • Closed version, which can be equipped with a canopy and sidewall. Some buildings of this type are also equipped with a separate entrance door, so they can be used as a veranda.
  • An open modification that boasts ease of assembly. It should be noted that in its appearance and design features, this version of the porch resembles a staircase with open railings and a small canopy. In some cases, there may be no canopy at all, so the porch is used as a terrace.

Using rounded logs to build a porch allows you to take full advantage of all the advantages of this material. The resulting design has a number of advantages, among which are the following.

  • Strength and durability. Such a porch will not need to be strengthened with additional elements. The main advantage of the log is that it can be pressed tightly against each other due to gravity, so such a structure will not become loose even after years of active use.
  • If everything is thought out and assembled correctly and competently, the boards will not creak. This result can only be achieved if the logs are tightly packed. This will prevent friction, which is the main cause of squeaks. In the process of building a porch, it is best to use logs processed at the enterprise, as they have an ideal shape.
  • Original and attractive appearance. The resulting structure will be quite massive, so it can fit perfectly with the house. If you want to achieve maximum harmony, you can use a similar finishing option for the main walls, which is sure to attract attention.

Today, there are a huge number of logs that can be used in the process of creating a porch. The most popular option is a rounded log, which has a huge number of advantages. First of all, such a design can boast an attractive and original appearance. In addition, it is quite reliable and can cope with any physical stress.

Thanks to this, you can use heavy furniture, which will create a small veranda.

In addition, the porch can be created using half logs or from the chopped remains of rounded logs. Of course, the use of such materials will not allow you to obtain the same quality porch as when using rounded logs, however, the cost will be much lower. In any case, if you strictly follow the developed project and competently approach the process of creating a porch for the house, the effect will be positive, and the resulting design will be able to please the owner for many years.

Wood preparation

The logs from which the stairs will be made should be thoroughly dried beforehand, because excess moisture will affect the premature formation of rotting or drying out. Such an error in preparing the material can lead to cracking and rapid loss of strength, as well as rapid loss of its shape.

Sometimes there is an option to use logs from a disassembled log house, but special care will be required here, because during the cutting process old fasteners, such as nails, may come across, which will lead to damage to the saw.

Elements of the staircase structure must be prepared before starting work

To do this, you will not only have to clean the knots, but also pay attention to the following steps:

  • processing wood using an antiseptic. This measure will eliminate the possibility of the formation of small pests that will cause the material to become unusable.
  • necessary coating of ends with resin. It will also be necessary to treat the surfaces of the logs that will come into contact with the ground to avoid their destruction over time.

The choice of wood depends on the owner's preferences and expected costs. But it is worth noting that the most suitable options would be to use oak, beech or larch

. True, material of such quality may increase the cost of the structure. Among the more economical types of wood, which are also often used to create staircase structures from logs, are soft pine and spruce. It is worth noting that significant budget savings can be achieved if you use steps made of half-logs, in which the cut will act as a tread. The rounded lower part in this case is used as a riser.

How to do it?

The process of creating a log porch must be given close attention, since the quality and reliability of the future structure depends on this. First of all, you need to choose high-quality materials that can last for many years and will not deteriorate under the influence of external factors. It is worth understanding that the porch will constantly be exposed to precipitation and other loads, so all work must be carefully checked, and the quality of the materials should not be in doubt. So, to create a porch from a log, you need to do the following work.

  • A small square-shaped hole is dug, the depth of which does not exceed 40 cm. In addition, it is necessary to get rid of the fertile top layer.
  • A mixture of sand and gravel is placed at the bottom of the pit, and the thickness of this layer should be about 10 cm. Thanks to this, it will be possible to create a sand cushion, which should be compacted using a special vibrating plate.
  • Time to install a small reinforcement cage. Despite the fact that a wooden staircase does not have any load, such a frame will have to strengthen the concrete and also prevent cracks and deformation in the future. Formworks, which are made of ordinary boards, are mounted along the edges. The upper edge of these formworks should protrude several centimeters above the soil surface.
  • Once the supporting structure is installed, you can proceed to assembling the march. To do this, you will need to fasten several stringers using a self-tapping screw, starting from the first and ending with the highest. During the fastening process, it is necessary to pay close attention to this so that no moisture remains on the porch, as this can negatively affect the strength of the structure in the future and cause squeaks when using the porch. Once all the steps are securely fixed, you can install the steps.

When the work on installing the porch is completed, you can move on to creating the canopy. At this stage it is necessary to be as careful as possible, since the safety of the entire structure depends on this. It is best to use lightweight materials and use high-strength self-tapping screws for fixation.

Thus, to create a porch from a half-log or rounded log with your own hands, you need to follow step-by-step instructions and use high-quality materials.

Watch a master class on building a log porch.

Positive and negative sides

The strength of log staircases is their unique appearance, and such a staircase will look great not only in a log or log house, but also in cottages built from other materials. There are other advantages:

  • an obvious plus is environmental friendliness;
  • durability;
  • safety during operation;
  • wide scope of application; from round timber you can build a large interfloor staircase, a rise for a porch or a slope on a site.

The main negative side of log structures is the high cost, based on the price of high-quality material, the cost of its processing and installation work. Not everyone can build a beautiful log flight inside a house with their own hands; it requires skills and knowledge of techniques for hidden fastening of wooden elements.

The structure made of round timber is quite massive, which is why it requires installation on a reliable foundation. The exception is cantilever options, in which the steps are built into the wall. Wood also requires care and careful handling. For example, walking up such a good staircase in dirty boots is unacceptable; dirt is difficult to remove from wooden surfaces.

Product Information

Original stairs for the porch of a log house, bathhouse or wooden house, made of logs. The photo shows staircases of four different designs made of rounded pine logs, split in half lengthwise. The so-called “half-log”. This staircase can be assembled quite quickly. If necessary, it can be supplemented with turned or carved balusters, railings and a canopy. Also made in the same style with the entire structure. The price of a log staircase depends on the chosen material, size, number of steps, design and finishing methods. Determined individually, upon request to the manager.

Application for cost calculation

The construction project can be supplemented or changed at your request. Fill out a request for a cost estimate.

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So, we looked at examples of constructing a log porch. Now you can try to recreate the listed solutions when arranging your home or cottage.

Ksenia Skvortsova. Chief Editor. Author. Planning and distribution of responsibilities in the content production team, working with texts. Education: Kharkov State Academy of Culture, specialty “Culturologist.” Teacher of history and cultural theory." Experience in copywriting: From 2010 to present. Editor: since 2016.


In our extension, only logs serve as joists, stringers and steps.

It is easier to build a log porch with your own hands if the whole process is divided into stages:

Construction planning

The first point should always be a layout that will clearly show what you want. It will save you from common mistakes made by novice builders. For example, excessive consumption of material, poor appearance.

Also, do not forget to clearly determine the size of the structure and its location. It is necessary to draw up a construction drawing and a list of necessary materials. Moreover, construction instructions are always publicly available on the Internet.

Below is a photo of some plans and drawings:


Any construction is impossible without determining the dimensions of the structure. In our case, the structure is a small platform, which is located 50 mm below the threshold of the front door with a small staircase.

The staircase must comply with the requirements of SNiP. These rules were developed specifically by experts based on experience in order to prevent adverse events when using buildings.

  • The width should be 1.5 times larger than the doorway. The minimum width of the stairs can be 600 mm. The most optimal width is considered to be 800 mm.
  • The height of the handrails should be between 90 and 1200 mm for safe movement on the stairs.
  • Most often they do it in three, five or seven steps to provide support at the end of the lift to the leg with which the lift began.
  • The step consists of a tread (horizontal board 250-330 mm wide) and a riser (vertical board 150-200 mm high).
  • The protrusion of each step should be 2.5 cm

Advice! It is better to leave a couple of centimeters between the steps to provide space for precipitation to drain.

When drawing up a drawing for your building, you need to take into account the size of the house, the height of the base, indicate the number of steps and additional extensions.

Advice! We recommend that you install the structure five centimeters below the door threshold, since under the influence of moisture the platform can become deformed, which will lead to problems with opening the door leaf.

Tree selection

Steps should be made only from high-quality wood. As practice shows, the most durable steps are made of coniferous trees. For example, pine or larch.

Advice! Before construction begins, the wood should be treated with a fire-fighting and antiseptic solution.

A porch made of rounded logs looks quite massive, so it is attached to houses made of identical material. Moreover, it must be compatible in style and color with the main building.


In order to start construction, you need to purchase materials and check the availability of tools. You should calculate in advance the required amount of material for construction.

To make the structure look aesthetically pleasing, you will need:

  • A beam that is necessary for support. The optimal cross-section is 100x200 mm;
  • A board 30-50 mm thick, which will be needed for the entrance area;
  • Cement, crushed stone and sand for installing the foundation;
  • Railings or logs for them if you want to make your steps more comfortable;
  • Paint, if you are not satisfied with the color of the material;
  • Varnish for fixing wood;
  • Antiseptics and fire-fighting solutions;

The price of materials and tools will be low. You will find a lot at home.

Tools required for construction:


So, we looked at examples of constructing a log porch. Now you can try to recreate the listed solutions when arranging your home or cottage.

Still have any questions? The necessary explanations can be obtained by watching the video in this article.

An open area with several steps (usually 1-3 steps).

A half-closed extension to a house (for example, the extension is fenced on only two sides, the third side remains completely open).

A completely enclosed extension in front of the house, which is a closed area (veranda).

The extension is built separately after the house is built.
Designed and built together with the building.

An open structure with a specially equipped area.
At the very beginning, the drawing is transferred to the construction site. It is necessary to make markings from the middle of the door in two directions and set marks.

The choice of foundation density also depends on the structure you choose. If the front door is located low, then for the foundation you can limit yourself to crushed stone and sand. If the stairs of the house are high, then you will need a full-fledged concrete foundation.

Based on the markings you have made, a small hole is dug for the foundation. The size of the pit should be no more than 50 cm deep. In this case, the bottom of the pit is filled with crushed stone and sand in proportions of 5/3, a reinforcing frame is made and concrete is poured on top.

Stringers, bowstrings and frames for log steps can be made of concrete, stone, brick, timber or metal.

The steps are prepared with special recesses “bowls” or rectangular grooves.

The steps are laid out on supports in “bowls” and secured with bolts.
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