Bathroom countertop: interesting interior and additional work surface



Despite the small size of the room and limited functionality, a lot of space is required to place various products and hygiene items in bathrooms. For such purposes, bedside tables, racks, pencil cases, shelves - furniture for storage - are equipped. But during use, bottles and tubes have to be placed on the side of the sink. A countertop in the bathroom will help solve this problem.

The bathroom countertop is a new fashion trend dictated by convenience and functionality.

Types of countertops: a variety of shapes and installation methods

Beauty and comfort are the basis of any successful interior. It is to enhance the feeling of comfort that many people prefer to have a countertop in the bathroom. The free horizontal surface allows you to place on it a lot of objects that are used during water procedures and other hygienic actions. Using a hairdryer, preparing cosmetic masks, and medicinal compositions is much more convenient if there is a countertop in the bathroom.

The bathroom module must have a neat and tidy appearance

Various materials can be used to make this type of furniture:

  • wood and wood panels;
  • natural and artificial stone;
  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • ceramic tile;
  • drywall.

As for the interior design, it is provided by a combination of material and shape of the structure. The standard countertop option is a rectangular slab. It may have a bedside table or shelf at the bottom. Designers have developed many models of shaped countertops, where a rounded part can protrude in the sink area or the entire line of the outer edge can be wavy. The countertop in the bathroom under the sink and washing machine can have several levels. The sink is often “recessed”, built-in, but can also be placed on top of the countertop.

The entire variety of countertops on the market can be divided into several categories depending on the material.

Based on the installation method, the following types of structures are distinguished:

  • floor - installed on the floor;
  • wall-mounted – mounted on brackets to the walls.

As for placement, countertops are usually mounted along walls, in niches or in corner positions. Less often they can be islands. This method significantly complicates the installation of communications: ensuring a slope and sealing pipes requires a significant rise in the floor level.

Installation of DSP

Due to the high coefficient of thermal expansion, tiles cannot be laid directly on the plywood surface. The top of the plywood is sheathed with DSP. Stages of work:

  1. Preparing a piece of DSP according to the mold. You can cut out the desired shape with a grinder, but in this case there will be a very large amount of dust. It is better to use a knife - make grooves of 2-3 mm and break off along the contour on the corner of any surface.
  2. Fastening the DSP. The finished sheet is attached to the plywood using self-tapping screws. The holes should be countersunk so that the heads of the studs are “recessed” into the surface.
  3. Processing the end of the table top. It is necessary to cut a strip 5 centimeters long from the DSP and fix it at the end under the top part.
  4. Fixing the DSP sheets with a fiberglass mesh.
  5. Preparing the hole for the sink. You need to take a jigsaw and cut a hole where the sink will be installed. Most modern sink models come with a template. Before you start cutting, you need to drill a hole exactly in the middle of the tabletop into which the jigsaw blade will be inserted.

Various photos of bathroom countertops with tiles are posted in the article. They can also be used as an example or sample.

Practicality and elitism: a bathroom countertop under a sink made of natural stone

The bathroom is the most problematic room due to high humidity levels. That is why all interior elements must be moisture resistant, and parts in contact with water must be as waterproof as possible.

A real indicator of the luxury and wealth of the residents is a countertop made of natural stone

Natural stone has the necessary physical and technical qualities. To its positive characteristics it is worth adding environmental friendliness and a presentable appearance. A stone countertop in a bathroom most often forms the basis of the interior.

The following types of stone are used as manufacturing materials:

  • granite;
  • marble;
  • onyx;
  • travertine.

Processing requires the use of high-precision equipment, so countertops made of such material have a high price.

Helpful advice! You should purchase a countertop made of natural stone with a hole already made for installing a sink. It is almost impossible to do it at home, without special equipment.

The unusual texture and incomparable appearance of a countertop made of natural stone immediately attracts the eye.

In terms of prestige and performance characteristics, marble comes first. It is recommended for use in rooms with sufficient area. Countertops made from such stone are heavy and require strong supports.

Second place is shared by granite and travertine. Travertine products are less flashy, have a grayish or beige tint, and therefore can be combined with various types of interiors. Among the ready-made options offered there are many products of interesting configurations.

The countertop and sink in the bathroom should form a single composition; dark granite countertops and white porcelain sinks are an excellent option.

Furniture made from natural stone can really last for decades

Products made from onyx have an affordable price. This material is distinguished by a variety of shades and a visually interesting multi-layer structure. In terms of performance characteristics, it is not inferior to any of the above types of stone.

Features of artificial stone bathroom countertops

Artificial stone got its name not only because of its external resemblance to natural stone. Its structure and density are also similar to natural materials. Artificial stone countertops for bathrooms have the following positive characteristics:

  • environmentally friendly, do not emit harmful substances;
  • moisture resistant;

It is not recommended to install stone countertops yourself

  • durable;
  • differ in a variety of colors;
  • have a reasonable price.

Many people prefer artificial stone. There are three types of this material:

  1. Artificial stones made on the basis of polyester resins and natural filler. These include quartz and marble agglomerates, cast marble, etc.
  2. Acrylic stones. They contain mineral filler, color pigments and acrylic resin.
  3. Concrete-based material with the addition of plasticizers and dyes.

Marble countertops will be an excellent solution when arranging a large bathroom with a minimalist design.

The most popular stone countertops for the bathroom are acrylic products. This material contains only 7% natural additives, which makes them light and flexible. Such countertops can be assembled from several parts, and the joint remains invisible after sanding. The disadvantage of the acrylic surface is that it is exposed to high temperatures - hot objects cannot be placed.

Quartz artificial stone consists of 90% natural material. The manufacturing technology is quite complex, the products are heavy, and are particularly durable, surpassing the performance of individual natural stones.

Concrete products often imitate natural stone. Mass production has not become widespread, but exclusive options are in demand.

Countertops made of artificial stone are universal interior items

Advantages of glass countertops for bathroom sinks

The trend towards using glass in furniture and other household items has extended to bathrooms. Cabinets, shelves, curtains and tabletops meet all the necessary requirements:

  • glass products are completely unaffected by moisture and temperature changes;
  • easy to install;
  • non-bulky, visually (and often actually) save space;
  • easy to care for;
  • characterized by a variety of designs.

Glass table top fits harmoniously into many modern interior styles

To make a bathroom countertop, the following types of glass are used:

  • classic (usually called window);
  • hardened;
  • triplex;
  • reinforced (rarely used).

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Variety of shapes and materials. Standard sizes, prices and manufacturers. Mini baths: photos of interiors. Features of care, methods of restoration.

During decorative processing, transparent glass can become matte, colored, tinted, or have a pattern on the surface.

The thickness of the ordinary glass used to make the tabletop must be at least 6 mm, otherwise the risk of damage will be very high.

As a rule, furniture made of glass is sold with precisely sized sinks.

Helpful advice! Using transparent glass, it is better to choose brackets for the bathroom countertop with a decorative design. Otherwise, the appearance of the structure will seem primitive.

Tempered glass is the most widely used. With a thickness of 8-10 mm, it can only be broken by an object weighing 6 kg thrown from a height of 1.5 m. Even in this case, it will shatter into small pieces that do not have sharp edges. Triplex also provides a sufficient level of safety: a special polymer film holds the fragments when broken.

Both triplex and tempered glass are difficult to process. Making a hole in hardened material is almost impossible. That is why you should purchase glass countertops with ready-made holes for the sink.

Wooden countertop in the bathroom: durability with proper treatment

The proximity of moisture and wood is not considered mutually beneficial. But stubborn facts try to contradict this: rafts, boats, tubs retain their integrity for decades under active use. Therefore, it is necessary to select the right material and make the product.

Wooden bathroom countertops are made mainly from oak, larch and teak. The structure of these trees is quite dense, which does not allow moisture to penetrate into the pores, and the products do not swell or crack. Moisture resistance is enhanced by the treatment of external surfaces: the countertops are impregnated and painted. With good preparation, wooden structures can be used in bathrooms for decades.

The wood module is aesthetically pleasing and absolutely harmless to health

Wood boards are often used as a material for countertops. They form the base, which is covered with veneer. When making such options, it is important to seal the seams hermetically. They are the most vulnerable place for moisture penetration.

A wooden countertop brings coziness to the bathroom with its environmental friendliness and warm shades. The products are popular and have a lower price compared to natural stone. Industrial versions of wooden countertops can be made in two ways:

  • gluing bars of the same size into a shield;
  • splicing bars like parquet.

To ensure that a wooden product in the bathroom lasts a long time, you should listen to some simple tips:

  1. After water procedures, drops and traces of moisture from the surface of the countertop should be removed. Prolonged exposure to water deteriorates wood over time.
  2. It is better to avoid mechanical damage. They destroy the top layer, cracks and chips appear into which moisture will penetrate.
  3. It is necessary to control the tightness of the seams.

It is also worth noting that wood lends itself well to processing. Therefore, bathroom countertops can be real works of art.

The naturalness of a wooden countertop will fill the bathroom with warmth and comfort

Tile countertop in the bathroom: affordability and decorativeness

The tabletop completes the interior. Considering that wall cladding and floor coverings are mainly made of tiles, then such a tabletop will be a unique opportunity to add special originality to the design of the room. Here you can experiment with sizes (large squares on the floor, medium ones on the walls, small squares on the surface under the sink), color, and shape.

Helpful advice! You should not use tiles with a matte and glossy surface in the same interior to decorate a bathroom. This combination seems random.

Tile countertop models are characterized by a low price

The following tile covering technology can be used:

  1. A wooden countertop is being made for the bathroom sink. It must be done on strong racks.
  2. Sides are attached to the upper plane, allowing the installation of insulating material and tile laying compound.
  3. The tiles are being laid.
  4. The seams are sealed with a special compound.

This surface is very durable and can be easily cleaned with a sponge and a small amount of detergent. Tile countertop models are characterized by a low price. This is one of the inexpensive product options. Decorative properties make tiles a universal finish; depending on the specific appearance, they can be used in interiors of any style.

For tiled surfaces, there are two possible ways to install a bathroom sink:

  • built-in under the countertop;
  • installed on the surface.

In cases where sinks are built in, the hole is taken into account when constructing the frame and laying down the waterproofing and adhesive composition.

Originality and features of the perception of mosaic countertops in the bathroom

A special type of tile finish for a sink countertop is mosaic. Mosaic is a pattern that can be made from different materials. Manufacturers offer a variety of patterns and sizes of tiles designed specifically for this type of cladding.

The process of laying mosaics is more complex and time-consuming than tiles.

It is very important to choose a size that matches the dimensions of the room. In large rooms these can be fragments of 50x50 cm or more. For small bathrooms, it is better to use 5x5 or 8x8 cm tiles. Such cladding will help to visually expand the space.

A skillfully selected color scheme will create a unique interior. The beauty of mosaic is that it disperses perception and takes away from the geometricity and monotony of bathroom surfaces. The pattern may be repeating, or it may not follow a pattern. The color scheme either matches the decoration of the walls (more often this option is used when using materials in light or pastel colors), or creates a contrast and is more expressive.

Tiles are available with textured and smooth surfaces. The latter is easier to care for, since detergent residues and limescale do not accumulate in the recesses. For mosaic models, both sinks built into the countertop and those installed on it are suitable.

It should be noted that the process of laying mosaics, although it repeats the technology of installing tiles, is more complex and labor-intensive. The quality of seam sealing is of particular relevance - mosaic countertops have much more of them.

Acrylic countertop for the bathroom: do not reject plastic

It’s worth clarifying right away that this section of the article is not devoted to artificial stone products that contain acrylic resin (such material is often called “acrylic stone”). The information posted concerns products made from acrylic polymer.

The list of advantages of an acrylic countertop should include its resistance to moisture and low cost.

Do not rush to reject this option. And primarily for the reason that in terms of performance characteristics it is not much inferior to others. Moisture resistance and hygiene are fully ensured. Water does not damage the surface, the development of microbes and bacteria is excluded.

A plastic bathroom countertop has a number of advantages:

  • has a low price;
  • light;
  • Wide variety of shades available;
  • does not require the use of special cleaning agents - the most common composition will be effective.

The plastic module maintains the integrity of the coating for a long time of use

There can be two complaints about countertops of this type:

  • unpresentable appearance, this problem can be solved by color;
  • low resistance to mechanical damage.

Considering the specifics of the premises, the last drawback should also not be considered critical. All items potentially intended to be placed on the countertop do not have much weight, sharp corners, protrusions, etc. Therefore, the integrity of the outer coating can be maintained for a long time of use.

Important! An acrylic countertop cannot be processed at home without losing its aesthetics. It is worth purchasing products with dimensions that suit you fully.

The plastic bathroom countertop is lightweight and comes in a variety of colors.

Bathroom countertop made of plasterboard: a minimum of funds and the embodiment of the most daring ideas

Drywall is a universal material that allows you to create incredible designs in residential premises at low financial and physical costs. And the process itself is available to anyone who wants to get down to business on their own.

If the use of gypsum material is based on the technology of manufacturing bathroom countertops from wood (making a module and applying a coating), you can create an interesting interior option.

To make the tabletop, you must use 12.5 mm moisture-resistant plasterboard. The profile supporting the horizontal surface should have an interval of no more than 20 cm. This will maintain the integrity of the product. Next we will talk not about tiles, but about acrylic putty. It is applied in a layer of at least 5 mm, sanded, and the top of the product is coated with acrylic paint.

Restoring or replacing the surface of a plasterboard tabletop is not difficult

The model can be very diverse: with a shelf, multi-level, with protrusions, etc.

When planning a plasterboard structure, it is worth considering two points:

  1. The countertop installed in the bathroom should not support the sink with all its additional plumbing fixtures. It is better if they have independent fastening.
  2. The side of the cutout for the sink must also be covered with putty and a protective layer of paint.

To be fair, it should be noted that this type of tabletop cannot be classified as a strong and durable product. But it will provide the necessary comfort for a certain time. And it will not be difficult to restore or replace the surface in such a design.

Plasterboard countertops can be painted in any color or shade

Product Features

Using a wooden countertop, you can give your bathroom interior a unique look.
Slab stand

A wooden countertop in the bathroom will no longer surprise anyone, and you can find a wide range of similar products on sale. They differ in the manufacturing technology - solid wood or glued products, the degree of processing - smooth, polished or rough, preserving as much as possible the natural contours. In any case, such a tabletop will become the main decoration of the interior. Wood looks organically against the background of ceramic tiles, creating a contrast between cold and warm surfaces, giving a cozy and stylish look to the room.

Country style interior

The service life of a wooden countertop and the attractiveness of its appearance depend on several factors:

  1. Species and varieties of wood.
  2. Processing technologies.
  3. Operating conditions.

Before choosing a product, it is recommended to find out what properties are characteristic of different types of wood, what are its requirements for operating conditions and care. Installing such a countertop is not difficult, and if desired, you can even make it yourself.

Wood is easy to process, so you can cut a stand of the desired shape from it

In the interior of a bathroom, a wooden countertop looks quite expressive - after all, this material is usually positioned as vulnerable to moisture. But on the other hand, if you take the interior of a bathhouse or sauna, both the furniture and decoration are made of wood. This means that the main role is played by the correct choice of wood species.

Stand with overlay sink in leaf shape

Wood combines organically with many finishing materials, so it can be used in both ultra-modern and classic or rustic styles. High-tech, minimalism, loft, Provence and country, classic - all these, and many other styles, allow the use of wooden countertops in the bathroom.

What to pay attention to when designing an office in the loft style? We will tell you in detail in a special article.

Wood is an ideal option for decorating built-in furniture and appliances

The texture and natural shades of wood are varied - one species can have both dark and light tones. If we also take into account the various methods of processing wood that change its appearance, it becomes obvious that choosing a material of the desired shade and texture will not be difficult. Wood looks great against the background of porcelain stoneware, marble, ceramics, chrome, glass and other materials found in the bathroom.

Loft style in the bathroom

However, it is always worth remembering that wood is a hydrophobic material and in order to minimize the risk of damage to the product due to moisture, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for the operation and care of such a tabletop.

How to choose a bathroom faucet with shower? This is the question most buyers ask when there is a need to install new plumbing in the shower or the need to update the previous one. Before purchasing a plumbing model, it is worth analyzing a wide range of factors before making a final purchasing decision. Read our tips in a special article.

Bathroom countertop sinks: stylish and durable designs

Installing a countertop-sink is a convenient and compact option for arranging a bathroom. The structure is a monolith made of a homogeneous composition. In modern industry, the following materials are used for the manufacture of such modules:

  • porcelain;
  • ceramics;
  • faience;
  • artificial and natural stone;
  • glass;
  • polymers.

In order for the countertop installed under the sink in the bathroom to serve for years, first of all, it must be moisture resistant

There are several advantages to monolithic structures that combine a sink and a countertop:

  • the products do not have seams or joints, so the problem of high humidity does not exist for them;
  • the models have a laconic design that appeals to many customers;
  • placement of modules is appropriate in rooms of various sizes.

Even despite the heavy weight (and this is the case with almost all similar products), installation does not cause difficulties: the monolith is placed on supports, a bedside table, and attached to brackets or consoles.

As for the performance characteristics of a sink with a countertop, the quality of the material used is important. Products made from porcelain, earthenware, and glass are the best to clean, and there are practically no restrictions on the use of products. Natural stone sinks are more difficult to maintain in proper condition, since even with seemingly ideal polishing, pores still occur.

Tabletop sinks made of plastic with ceramic inserts have proven themselves well. The products are durable, relatively light and inexpensive.

As for the shape, in almost all designs the sink is located below the level of the upper plane. The countertop can be located on one side of the sink, on both sides, be rectangular, round, shaped, etc.

Helpful advice! Considering the discreet design of countertop sinks, faucets of this type should be purchased for them, otherwise the product will lose its charm.

Installing a sink-countertop in the bathroom will not be difficult

Pros and cons of wooden countertops

Conditions for wood in a bathroom are more favorable than in a bathhouse or sauna, but it is not a traditional material - preference is usually given to surfaces made of ceramic, stone, plastic or stainless steel, as they are highly resistant to moisture.

Country style

Before making a choice in favor of a wooden countertop, it is recommended to weigh the pros and cons.

Slabs coated with epoxy resin look especially impressive.

The advantages of natural wood and products made from it include the following:

  1. Proper operation and care guarantee a long service life of the product - from 20 to 30 years.
  2. Wood texture is aesthetically pleasing and works well in many styles and in combination with most finishing materials.
  3. Warm wood tones make the bathroom interior warm and comfortable.
  4. Tabletops made of solid wood or slabs are always an exclusive, one-of-a-kind piece of furniture with an original, unique pattern and shade.
    Wood slabs
  5. Wood is an environmentally friendly, safe material. It does not cause allergies. In addition, wood releases a subtle aroma and natural phytoncides into the environment, which have a beneficial effect on the indoor microclimate.
  6. Wood is a soft and pliable material that can be given any shape by manual or mechanical processing.
  7. The wooden surface is pleasant to the touch, unlike stone or metal.
  8. Over time, the tabletop may lose its original luster, but it can be easily restored.
  9. The low weight of a wooden tabletop facilitates the process of its manufacture and installation.
  10. If desired, you can make a tabletop yourself or choose the desired model from a wide range.

Wooden stand with chest of drawers function

The disadvantages include the following:

  1. Any type of wood is susceptible to moisture to one degree or another. As a result of improper protection, use and care of a wooden tabletop, it will begin to rot and deform, lose its load-bearing capacity, and eventually collapse completely.
  2. Wood is afraid of temperature changes, which lead to its deformation. The influence of hot, humid air negatively affects the geometry of the product, which shrinks and cracks over time.
  3. The soft and pliable material is easy to damage and leave a scratch or dent on its surface.
  4. The hydrophobicity of wood means that it easily absorbs any liquid.
  5. High price.

From the above it follows that the key to long-term operation of the product is careful operation and special care.

Decorating a bathroom in eco style

Sink on the countertop in the bathroom: which bowl to choose

The standard installation method is an under-counter sink. It’s convenient, familiar, and sometimes seems like the only possible option. But supporters of original bathroom design are increasingly paying attention to sinks that are placed above the countertop. Although it would be more appropriate to call them “bowls”.

They are made from the same materials as the mortise versions; we can only add that such models are also made of glass and metal. The shape is usually round, sometimes oval. Exclusive options can be made in the form of a petal, an irregular triangle, etc.

A sink mounted on a countertop makes the design lighter and more interesting.

Is this method of placing a washbasin convenient? According to users, this depends on the shape and depth of the bowl, its level and the spout of the mixer. Same features as built-in models. Therefore, the conclusion suggests itself that this installation method only affects the interior design.

A sink on a countertop, in particular a glass one, makes the design lighter and more interesting. It should be noted that overhead bowls, especially original shapes, are not always convenient. Splashes of water do not flow down the flat walls, but hit the vertical side surfaces. The small size of the sinks can be organic in the overall design, but it is sometimes impossible to wash your face without splashes flying around.

Overhead bowls are not always easy to use and maintain

Another difficulty arises in the maintenance process: it is necessary to constantly clean not only the internal, but also the external surface.

Helpful advice! Even the most original bowl will lose its charm if there are traces of drops and detergents on it. It is impossible to clean the surface after every hand washing. It is better to sacrifice the decorativeness of the product and purchase an option where the dirt will be less noticeable.


Care instructions:

  • Difficult-to-remove contaminants, such as fat, iodine, brilliant green, coffee, tea and others, must be washed out immediately.
  • Glass countertops can be easily washed with window or mirror cleaners.
  • All wooden products are afraid of water. They must be wiped with a damp cloth and then wiped dry. Hard to remove stains can be removed with baking soda. Sometimes it is worth impregnating with special means (so that the wood does not deteriorate).
  • It is enough to wipe the artificial stone with a damp and dry sponge. It is advisable not to use detergents (such as soda, powder).
  • Marble countertops can be wiped with a damp cloth and a small amount of detergent. Do not use metal jaws. To remove heavy stains, it is advisable to use a special marble cleaner.

Conclusion! The choice of countertop, wall or floor, material and everything else is an entirely individual decision. But a person who does not like constant changes and wants to install it for a long time should pay attention to a marble countertop.

And for those who have not decided what exactly they want and love constant changes, you can look at cheaper options, such as drywall, glass, wood.

Models of vanity cabinets with a countertop for the bathroom

To store hygiene, detergents and cleaning products in the bathroom, some prefer wall cabinets and shelves, others choose floor furniture - bedside tables. It is very convenient to place the latter under the tabletop. In addition to storing many items, they allow you to hide communication elements: drainage and water supply to the sink. For a bathroom with a countertop, it is very important to correctly determine the dimensions of the cabinet. Even with significant dimensions of the tabletop, it is not at all necessary to make the cabinet large; this solid design can look too bulky and take up a lot of space.

The bedside table should be functional, original and fit harmoniously into the bathroom interior

It is most convenient to purchase a ready-made option, that is, a cabinet where the top part is a tabletop. If you have to order additional furniture, you should consider the following tips:

  1. As a material, it is necessary to choose only moisture-resistant types. Even with the most careful use, drops of water will inevitably fall on the front of the cabinet, and after a couple of months you will be able to see signs of swelling on the doors and drawers.
  2. The fittings should also be used with a coating that protects against corrosion. Damage to handles and hinges will significantly reduce the aesthetics of the appearance.
  3. If necessary, you can make the bedside table hinged to save space.
  4. The depth of the structure should not be adjusted to the size of the bathroom. The countertop should hang 5-10 cm above the cabinet. This will protect it from water getting onto the facade and provide free access to the sink and faucet.

To save bathroom space, the bedside table can be made hanging

The Internet offers a lot of ideas that allow you to make a bedside table functional, original and fit harmoniously into the interior.

Shelf under the sink in the bathroom: design requirements

After installing a sink with a countertop in the bathroom, quite a lot of space remains under the structure, which is traditionally used for storing various tools, equipment and other items. The bedside table option is already covered in the article. You can also arrange one or more shelves. Open furniture in the bathroom has certain advantages:

  1. You can take and return objects without additional actions. Considering that hands are often dirty or wet, this is important.
  2. Open surfaces dry out better, which prevents the appearance of mold and other traces of dampness.
  3. The cleaning process is simplified.

Connection to communications under the shelf should be as neat and aesthetic as possible

Among the finished products, a set with a bedside table is easy to find, but shelves often have to be ordered additionally. A good solution could be to make a shelf from the same material as the tabletop, but with adjusted dimensions. This option may not be acceptable for products made of natural stone.

If you can’t replicate the design of the countertop, you can choose a matching material for the bathroom sink: white porcelain and earthenware harmonize perfectly with acrylic or wood board of the same color; ceramics – with natural wood; A similar shelf will help enhance the external effect of the original glass bowl.

Helpful advice! When arranging shelves under the countertop, you need to carefully consider the placement and appearance of plumbing fixtures. Connection to communications should be as neat, uncluttered and aesthetic as possible.

A shelf under the sink makes cleaning much easier

Wood selection

The main criterion that is taken into account when choosing a finished product or material for its manufacture is the type of wood. Operating conditions in the bathroom require the use of high-density wood, which, in conditions of high nesting, does not rot or deform.

Merbau - texture

The degree of moisture resistance varies for different breeds.

A high degree of resistance is characteristic of oak, larch and teak. have an average degree of resistance .

The listed breeds are characterized not only by built-in strength and moisture resistance, but also by a rich color range with an expressive natural pattern. This wood is not afraid of temperature changes and mechanical stress due to its high density.

The low resistance of maple, aspen, birch, beech and linden is not recommended for use in the bathroom. Even special treatment cannot save the wood of these species from the harmful effects of moisture.

When choosing a material for making countertops yourself, take into account the processing of wood - it must be well dried and evenly treated with protective compounds.


When purchasing a finished product, you should be guided by the style of the room and its color scheme. On sale you can find both products with regular geometric shapes and models with uneven, raw edges with a deliberately rough appearance. There are products with an artificially aged surface using brushing or firing techniques. All these characteristics affect only the appearance of the countertops, but not their performance properties.


Countertops go on sale in a completely ready-to-use form, having initially undergone all stages of protective treatment: impregnation with protective compounds and varnishing. Therefore, the new product does not require additional processing. But after a while, protective equipment will be needed in order to extend the life of the countertop and maintain its visual appeal.

Sink and washing machine under one countertop

Placing the washing machine under the countertop in the bathroom is at least a rational way of placement. Space is saved and an additional horizontal surface appears for storing various items. As for the materials for manufacturing, almost all the same ones are used as for other types of products.

Dimensions matter, since installation of the machine and sink will require more length. If a built-in sink is intended, it is shifted to one side on the countertop. With the overhead version of the washbasin, it can also occupy a central position, if only the conditions allow connecting communications.

By placing the sink and machine under one countertop, you can save space in a small bathroom

The standard height of automatic washing machines is 85 cm. If we take into account that a technical gap of 3-4 cm is required between the outer surface of the washing machine and the countertop, the total height of the structure will be 92-96 cm. This level is inconvenient for using the sink. You can install a countertop consisting of several parts: above the machine it is higher, in the sink area it is 10-12 cm lower. Among the monolithic models, there are no multi-level countertops, but it is quite possible to find or make such a structure from acrylic, wood, wood boards and artificial stone.

In a very small bathroom, the washing machine can be installed not just under the countertop, but under the sink. To do this, you should purchase a machine with a height of 60 cm.

Tile sizes

The choice of ceramic tile size depends on a number of parameters. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the room itself. If the bathroom is quite spacious, then you can take large-sized material - 30*30 or even 60*60 centimeters. These tiles are more convenient to lay, and they are also easy to maintain.

But few can boast of the large size of this room, so most often small-sized products are used to cover the tabletop - 10*10, 15*15, 20*20 centimeters. The small size of ceramic tiles visually expands the boundaries of the room. In addition, it fits in a small bathroom much more logically than in large blocks.

Choosing dimensions: depth and height of the countertop in the bathroom

The installation height of the countertop in the bathroom, or more precisely, the level of placement of the sink in it, is very important for comfortable use. At one time, institutes were studying the correct position of plumbing fixtures. The results of the work are reflected in GOST and SNiP. According to the standards, the height of the sink from the floor level should be 80-85 cm. Washbasins with a stand (leg), produced by modern enterprises, have a height of 82 cm. These standards should be used as a starting point when installing countertops with a sink.

The height of the sink from the floor level should be 80-85 cm

Other dimensions are also important for comfortable use. These include the depth of the tabletop. The location of the sink can be calculated taking into account the following indicators:

  1. The standard depth (distance from the outer edge to the wall) of the bowl of a full-size factory washbasin is 50 cm. The stream of water from the mixer is 30 cm away from the outer edge of the washbasin. With this position of the plumbing fixtures, it is convenient to draw water in the palm of your hand and lean over the bowl.
  2. If the countertop is much deeper (65-70 cm), the sink needs to be moved to the outer edge, otherwise it will be necessary to reach far and wash over the countertop.
  3. When installing a sink on a countertop in a bathroom, the importance of dimensional indicators increases: it is extremely inconvenient to bend over a remote, elevated bowl.

Helpful advice! If the front of a floor-mounted cabinet (or shelf in the lower position) is placed in line with the outer edge of the countertop, access to the sink will be difficult.

Established standards should be followed when installing countertops with a sink

Requirements for fastenings

When selecting and installing brackets, it is important to comply with certain requirements. Information about them will also help you choose the right sink.

The brackets must withstand the weight of the sink itself, as well as the load when water is drawn into it or a person leans on it. To do this, you need to add 10-15 kg to the weight of the sink.

When using brackets, the sink itself does not have to be attached to the wall. You just need to simply install it on these products and secure it to them.

The size of the fastening must correspond to the material of the sink:

  • For models made of wood, porcelain or acrylic, brackets 24-30 cm long are suitable.
  • For products made of earthenware or ceramics, fasteners of 30-32 cm will be required.
  • For metal or stone products you need to take brackets 32-36 cm.

When using brackets, you will need a free wall space the width of the sink. The wall under the sink should be 40 cm free. After installing the brackets, the space under the sink can be used.

Different ways to install countertops in the bathroom

Depending on the design features, there are three main ways to install countertops:

  • for furniture - it can be a cabinet or a pencil case;
  • on the floor - using legs or other types of supports;
  • on the wall - using frames and brackets.

Before starting any type of installation, it is necessary to install the sink into the countertop. Next, it will have to be dismantled while the structure is being assembled. This stage cannot be ignored, since it is extremely difficult to make a hole in the fixed surface and even make the markings correctly. An exception may be monolithic versions of products.

The most optimal, but complex and expensive way to install a tabletop is on frames or brackets

Fastening to furniture is the easiest type of installation. Metal corners are applied to the walls of the furniture and tabletops, then fixed with self-tapping screws, screws or a special adhesive composition - depending on the material of manufacture of the main structural elements.

Installation on legs is practically no different from this process in the manufacture of furniture tables. Markings are made on the inside of the tabletop; if necessary, holes are prepared for self-tapping screws. If the tabletop is fixed with glue, for structural rigidity the legs are first connected with additional bars or a metal profile.

The most optimal, but complex and costly installation method is on frames or brackets. It is worth noting that in this case the countertop sink in the bathroom does not need to be pre-installed.

The ease of use of a countertop under a bathroom sink largely depends on the base to which it is attached

The brackets should be chosen to be strong - from a metal angle or a pipe with a square cross-section. It is better if the fastenings are reinforced with diagonal elements. It is important not only to securely fix them to the tabletop, but also to firmly attach them to the wall.

Metal frames are fixed in a similar way. Their additional convenience is that you can hang towels on the crossbars.

Important! The siphon to the sink and the frame mount must be made in the same style, otherwise the design will lose its attractiveness.

Today there are two types of countertop bases: wall-mounted and floor-mounted.

Laying tiles

The process of laying tiles on a countertop is similar to working with other surfaces. It is performed as follows:

  1. You need to take a small spatula and apply tile adhesive to the smooth surface of the comb. Next, it needs to be evenly distributed over the surface of the countertop. Use the serrated side of the comb to remove excess. This is done in such a way that even grooves of glue are formed. Expert advice: the mixture should be applied in sections, as it quickly hardens and loses its plasticity.
  2. The laying out of elements begins from the first row. It should protrude slightly beyond the edge of the base so that after laying the tiles on the end, the surface is level. In addition, instead of the initial row, you can install special corner elements.
  3. When laying ceramic tiles, seams are made, so it is necessary to use plastic crosses.
  4. It is recommended to constantly check the evenness of each tile using a level. This is done so that defects can be corrected before the glue hardens.
  5. After the solid tile elements have been laid out, you need to take a tile cutting device and make adjustments (substitute or cut off pieces).
  6. As soon as the surface of the tabletop is ready, you need to move on to facing the end. Glue the 5 cm wide sections with tile adhesive and secure them temporarily with masking tape.

DIY countertop for bathroom sink

An original and inexpensive option for a bathroom countertop would be a concrete product. This design can be made with your own hands. Tools and materials you will need:

  • cement M-400, river sand, gravel, glass cullet, plasticizer, dyes, varnish;
  • wooden blocks, MDF sheet (laminated), slats;
  • hammer, jigsaw, screwdriver (or screwdriver), self-tapping screws.

A rectangular sheet corresponding to the size of the future surface is cut out of an MDF sheet. Then, using a jigsaw, you make a hole for the sink in the countertop. It is better to equip a small bathroom with a medium-sized design.

When installing the countertop, you must follow a certain procedure.

Next, the MDF blank should be turned over and the legs should be attached to it. Then put it in its normal position and make a side of slats along the edge of the perimeter, including a cutout for the sink.

It is necessary to prepare a mixture of cement, sand, gravel and add a plasticizer. Dyes and broken glass can be distributed unevenly, this will only enhance the decorative effect of the tabletop. Pour the mixture into the prepared countertop mold.

Wait until the solution has completely hardened, then remove the sides, sand the outer and side surfaces and varnish.

A hand-made bathroom countertop will not only bring pleasure from creative creative work, but will also become a durable and reliable structure, resistant to the constant companions of the bathroom - high humidity and temperature changes.

The process of installing a wooden countertop in the form of a shelf will not cause difficulties even for an inexperienced craftsman


I hope now that choosing a finished bathroom countertop will not be a problem for you. The above step-by-step instructions for constructing a countertop with your own hands have been tested in practice and are guaranteed to work, plus it is cheaper than a store-bought one. If you have any questions during the study or want to share your experience, welcome to comment, we’ll be happy to chat.

A stone countertop looks especially good in tandem with similar wall cladding

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