What is glossy laminate + photos and user reviews

When choosing the most suitable floor covering for yourself, you must strive to obtain maximum quality with high decorative capabilities of the material.

In addition, ease of installation or the possibility of repair or partial replacement of the coating is important, which is the most problematic issue for most materials.

Based on the combination of these qualities, laminate becomes a confident leader; it is durable, has attractive appearance, and allows the replacement of individual panels that have failed.

At the same time, laminate can also be selected in a more or less successful manner, since it has a lot of varieties.

Let's consider the material from the point of view of its external effect - the degree of surface gloss.

What is glossy laminate

Glossy laminate has all the properties of a regular material, but has a high degree of surface gloss. The floor looks as if it has been covered with a thick layer of varnish and carefully polished .

It should be noted right away that the use of such a coating is not for everyone; it will not appeal to everyone, but most users, even those who do not have a special affection for shiny surfaces, note the high decorative effect of a glossy laminate.

From the point of view of the properties of the material, it is practically no different from other types except the surface. The same base, locking part, absolutely the same installation technology. The material is similarly divided into strength classes; the surface imitates boards made from various types of wood or types of tiles.

The panel consists of the same layers as all other types:

  • The lowest layer is a stabilizing layer; it keeps the lamella from bending if moisture is absorbed.
  • The main (bearing) layer. It makes up almost the entire thickness of the lamella and contains the locking part. It may consist of fiberboard, HDF or another sheet, and takes on all loads or mechanical impacts. The thickness of the load-bearing layer changes with increasing strength class, but is not completely proportional to it - some samples, with a smaller thickness, have a much stronger load-bearing layer.
  • The decorative layer consists of craft paper with a printed pattern. Most often, this is the texture of a certain type of wood, but there are also other types of images - tiles, leather, stone, etc.
  • The top layer is protective. It takes on loads and is responsible for resistance to water. Glossy laminate has a specific protective layer with a high degree of gloss, strength, and increased thickness. This layer contains acrylic, which increases shine and prevents slipping on the surface.

Some of the most expensive types have another layer - soundproofing. It reduces the noise produced by the laminate when walking on it with shoes . At the same time, the problem can be completely solved only by correct laying of the material using a properly laid substrate.


Rattling noise from improperly installed flooring is a common problem with laminate flooring. It arises when the owner wants to save on the substrate, which has a negative impact on the residents of the lower floor.

Another important aspect of the material is moisture resistance. This parameter may differ for different types of material, and it does not directly depend on the strength class. Hardy species are able to withstand a puddle of water for up to 6 hours, giving the owner time to fix the leak or clean up.

At the same time, one should correctly understand what exactly is meant by this term. The surface of the panels itself does not allow water to pass through, regardless of the degree of moisture resistance . The locking part, which is capable of absorbing moisture, is at risk.

Stable types of laminate have a lock impregnated with hot wax during manufacturing. Conventional types of such impregnation do not work and react to moisture by swelling and swelling of the material at the joints.

If necessary, you can independently treat the joints or locking parts when laying with moisture-repellent compounds, for example, wax mastic . This will help reduce the risk of coating failure when exposed to water.


When choosing an artistic laminate, the question of the size of the laminated board or board often arises. However, in this case it would be wrong to talk about standards. Each manufacturer offers its own sizes, and the choice depends on space calculations and design ideas. Laminate parquet squares have a side of 60 cm in diameter and are laid in a checkerboard pattern, like tiles.

Particular attention should be paid to the thickness of the square or board; the wear resistance of the coating depends on this. The most common coating thickness ranges from 8 to 12 mm.

For an overview of artistic laminate, see the following video.

Advantages and disadvantages

Glossy laminate has all the usual material parameters, but there are also some specific qualities.

The advantages are:

  • High gloss coating. Actually, this is the most important advantage of the material, significantly outweighing all other advantages and disadvantages.
  • Durability, resistance to scratches or abrasions. Some manufacturers add corundum for strength, which makes the surface comparable in hardness to stone.
  • The material significantly changes the appearance of the room, giving it an elegant and aesthetically attractive appearance.

The disadvantages of glossy laminate include:

  • The surface requires careful and careful use. Despite the strength and resistance to damage of the top layer, the attitude towards such a surface must be appropriate.
  • After washing the floors, you must immediately wipe the surface, otherwise marks and stains will remain on the surface.
  • The coating requires intensive care.

Such pros and cons cause a lot of controversy among consumers about the ability of the coating to provide long-term service. However, reviews from people who are already using this laminate indicate the high performance of the material .


Not everyone will like the glossy surface; this material is not for everybody. If in doubt, it is better to turn your attention to other, no less attractive types of material.


The main difference from matte can be considered the presence of an interesting shine, which is achieved using a special coating of the top layer. Therefore, glossy laminate (there is a photo of it in our article) is suitable for small rooms and huge halls. Each finishing material has positive and negative sides. This information is useful to anyone who is about to go shopping.

Types and colors

Glossy laminate has various color options, which depend on the type of wood being imitated. Both dark brown material (wenge, bog oak) and light types (pine, spruce, etc.) are available .

At the same time, the material is not limited to simulating only wood. There are varieties with patterns of leather, stone, mosaic tiles, and parquet sets. All these interior options are quite attractive from an aesthetic point of view; they allow the user to choose the most suitable option for themselves.

In addition, there are two varieties of glossy laminate:

  • With standard gloss.
  • With a mirror shine.

The second option is less popular, since it reflects literally everything, and not every user likes this.

Photos of laminate types:


How many years can a glossy finish last in a home? Masters believe that if used properly, nothing will happen to it within ten years. Therefore, the high cost is justified. If there are children or animals, then material with a high class level (up to 34) is purchased. Before purchasing, you should immediately decide which type is suitable (mirror or glossy), because sellers’ recommendations are not always considered objective. It is necessary to make calculations with accuracy so as not to overpay for excess material. Not everyone can understand which manufacturer to trust. It is necessary to take into account not only the positive, but also the negative sides of each type. This information is beneficial to the potential buyer.

What rooms is it suitable for?

Glossy laminate looks great in the living room, bedroom or children's room. It performs somewhat worse in the corridor, where it experiences significant loads . And for the hallway, kitchen, and especially the bathroom, glossy laminate is less suitable due to the constant splashing of water on the surface, which leaves streaks or stains.

Otherwise, the use of glossy laminate is not limited in any way.

Producing countries

Today, the variety of products on the flooring market is represented by a huge number of manufacturers and countries. Among the most popular, according to customer reviews, the leaders are products manufactured in Europe (Germany, Belgium, Hungary). Consumers note the variety of designs, the highest European quality of the laminated coating, and the high level of moisture resistance.

Russian manufacturers strive to keep up with their European colleagues and today we can talk about a decent selection of domestic products. Competition is growing every year, which means that manufacturers are interested in improving the quality of their products and winning the respect of customers.

Manufacturers from China also deserve attention. It is traditionally believed that Chinese products are not particularly popular, but recently Chinese flooring manufacturers have been debunking this stereotype. Laminate flooring made in China is often chosen by venerable designers, and is valued due to the unique ability of manufacturers to highlight the coating with notes of antiquity.

What classes exist

Glossy laminate is available in all types of grades, from 31, the softest, to the most durable 33 grade. The degree of gloss is influenced by the top, protective coating of the material, consisting of a durable film with certain properties .

It also largely determines the degree of abrasion resistance, although the thickness or material of the supporting layer largely influences the strength of the laminate. The most resistant types contain corundum additives in the upper protective film, turning it into durable protection that can compete in hardness with natural stone.


Since artistic laminate is, first of all, a complete imitation of parquet, the color scheme is based on the shades of expensive wood species. The artistic canvas is a photo wallpaper covered with a special protective film. The high quality of production currently reaches such heights that it is quite difficult to visually distinguish laminate from parquet. The models of facing slabs on the market can successfully recreate palace parquet flooring.

In the ornaments, along with various decorative elements, three main directions are used:

  • curbs . Various transition lines and borders of drawings;
  • rosettes (or medallions). They decorate and mark the center or a specific area in spacious rooms. As a rule, it is a circle or oval from which the remaining branches of the ornament diverge;
  • modules _ They are used for assembling individual drawings and geometric shapes that are not connected into a single picture.

In addition to noble types of wood, laminate can imitate natural marble, precious stones, and leather.

The most popular collections from manufacturers of these products today:

  • “Versailles”, “Imperial” - elite laminate, completely replicating palace coverings.
  • “Flower” - products from this collection are variants of narrow parquet boards with floral patterns.
  • “Oxford”, “FloWood” - laminate imitating oak, has a reddish-golden tint with a varnished effect.

User reviews

Let's consider reviews from owners of glossy laminate floors, who can tell from their own experience about the material, its properties and operating features.

Author's nameCustomer review
Irina L.I saw this kind of laminate from friends. I thought for a long time whether to take it for myself, but finally decided. I don’t regret it at all, especially since I came across better material, no marks or scratches, although I wash the floors and walk barefoot. Apparently, different companies - different coverage. I am very pleased and recommend it to everyone.
Oleg.My wife and I bought glossy laminate last year. We like it ourselves and all our friends who come to visit. They even took me to the store as a consultant. The covering has been in place for a year and a half, but everyone who comes in for the first time thinks that it has just been laid.
Margarita P.We purchased class 33 laminate flooring for the entire apartment (for the kitchen too). The surface must be protected; it is quite delicate and does not tolerate being hit with sharp objects. In addition, when water gets in, it swells on knocks. We had to put protective film under the chairs on wheels (just in case), as well as where water constantly gets in. Now it has become calmer, the material is not afraid of heels. It looks simply excellent, we’ve been sitting there for a long time and we’re constantly admiring it.
Yaroslav D.The laminate flooring was installed two years ago, so we can already judge its qualities. When work began, we were afraid that it would quickly get scratched and become ugly. I didn’t, we still can’t stop looking at our floors. In addition, many criticized the material for being slippery. Nothing like that, just like any other species. We have class 33, our neighbors looked at it and took 32. Theirs is no worse, but it was cheaper.
Lydia V.My mother-in-law bought herself a glossy laminate. I invited a professional to lay it properly. At first she was afraid that it would be slippery and scratches would appear, but now she calmed down. We go to her like we go to a museum now.
Alice E.In general, I love it when everything glitters around me; I argued for a long time with my husband about laminate flooring. He believed that it was impractical and would quickly become scratched and cloudy. We compromised and only laid beds in the living room and bedroom. All fears turned out to be in vain, the material behaves perfectly and does not create any problems. Only, if someone is going to install a glossy laminate and install a glossy stretch ceiling, choose one or the other, in pairs - it will be too much.
Tamara I.A glossy floor is very beautiful, but you have to constantly look after it, wash it only with a wrung-out cloth and immediately wipe it dry. Try not to scratch or damage the surface. Beauty is a capricious thing and requires constant maintenance.
Victor P.I had a glossy laminate on the floor, in general there were no problems, but I was annoyed by the fact that my animals (cat and dog) slipped on it (my wife and I never slipped), in addition, they were too loud They ran on the laminate. Now in the corridor and hallway I have replaced it with glossy tiles, it is better, although no scratches have appeared on the laminate.
Vasily Sh.We doubted it for a long time, there was a state of “I want it and it hurts.” I wanted to get a beautiful coating, but I was afraid that all the expenses would not be justified. Finally, we bought and laid 32 class glossy. The feeling is fabulous, like walking on a mirror, beauty. So far there have been no problems, but we are being careful.
Evgeniy M.I myself am not an ardent supporter of gloss, but my wife really likes it, so I gave in to her requests. I must say right away - never buy cheap material for 800-900 rubles, it is a Chinese counterfeit and nothing good will come of it. If you buy good material and put it in correctly, you won’t be happy with it.

These reviews from people who use glossy types of laminate clearly indicate the high decorative and performance qualities of the material, although it requires some care, but creates a special, festive and sophisticated look for the apartment.


There are two main types on sale:

  1. Brilliant. Its main advantage is its ability to reflect sunlight. If we talk about visual differences, then this is a surface polished with a certain means.
  2. Mirror surface. Even without light exposure, objects are reflected. This very interesting property of glossy laminate is often used in interiors.

If there is not enough sunlight in your apartment or house, this flooring is the best solution. You can find a whole palette of paints on sale. But the choice must be made taking into account existing design solutions.

Beautiful ideas in the interior

Designers, when creating original interior decor, often use the method of combining coatings. In the case of laminate, this can be a combination of shades and colors, its smooth transitions or contrast. The method of joining textures is also used, but for this option to look harmonious, you need to have subtle taste and extravagant vision.

The basic rules for combining colors assume that the colors of the coating are compatible with the rest of the interior.

An intermediate shade of laminate will suit dark furniture and light walls.

For example, white or beige wall cladding, chocolate-colored furniture and café-au-lait laminate. It will emphasize the depth of color of the furniture and freshen up the walls.

The interior in warm colors will be complemented by a coating that matches the color of the walls and furniture. This will add a feeling of light and brightness. For example, an orange color scheme with a warm shade of laminate.

A volumetric rosette with a bright spectrum will indicate a relaxation area or reception area, and will also serve as a guide for arranging furniture.

Laminate flooring to resemble artistic parquet is an excellent opportunity to achieve harmony in the design of a room without going beyond your budget. Graceful patterns and a variety of wood shades allow you to experiment with parquet patterns in classic and trendy interior designs.

Laminate has a number of advantages over parquet, and it can look no worse

How to choose according to style?

Laminate for artistic parquet exterior decoration fully compensates for mobile decorative elements (carpets). It represents a complete picture of interior design and does not require additional coating. However, when choosing a laminate, you should take into account some important factors, ignoring which can cause the interior to look awkward:

  • room size;
  • availability of furniture, its quantity and material;
  • general color scheme of the room;
  • style direction of the interior.

Wear resistance

Deciding which laminate is best to choose for an apartment requires some knowledge. This also applies to different classes of laminate. There are four of them in total, at least related precisely to this factor.

For apartments, class 32 is usually used - this is enough. However, you can also purchase the 31st, especially if you are not doing a major overhaul, but plan to change the design after some time. Classes 33 and 34 for apartments are overkill. Indeed, they are extremely resistant to wear, but they should not be used in residential rather than commercial premises.

Surface preparation

Before laying artistic laminate flooring, you should carefully prepare the subfloor surface . There are no trifles or insignificant operations in this procedure, since it will not be possible to subsequently correct poor-quality preparation, and the service life of the coating is very long.

  • First of all, you need to clear the floor surface of all foreign objects. Remove all furniture from the room, remove baseboards, and you may need to remove doors from their hinges.
  • Clean the floor surface from dust and dirt, remove the old coating, and remove all layers.
  • If the surface has certain flaws that can spoil the appearance of the canvas, they must be eliminated . Detected potholes or cracks are filled with putty. The cracks or gaps between the flooring boards are puttied or filled with mortar. If there are a large number of flaws, excessive curvature or slope of the floor, you will have to make a full concrete screed.
  • After completing the preparatory work, you need to wait a certain time for the screed or putty to gain the necessary strength.
  • After this, the substrate is laid. It may consist of polyethylene foam, cork sheets or other special material. The final choice is made locally and takes into account the need for cutoff or, on the contrary, vapor permeability of the substrate .

Environmental friendliness

This criterion was not included in the list, but it is also decisive. If you are planning to cover floors in residential premises, then you will have to decide which laminate is best to choose for your apartment, and then the environmental friendliness of the material will play a role.

The point here is that to reduce the cost of production, some brands use phenol-formaldehyde resin. This material is quite harmful because formaldehyde is constantly released from it. This gas can lead to severe poisoning, which can have serious consequences, including death.

European brands are quite safe in this regard, since the content of harmful substances in the laminate is strictly controlled. So there are no differences from parquet in this regard at all.


The most popular series is the Classic series. It is worth buying Versale Classic laminate flooring because it is made in the form of an artistic and decorative covering, which is equipped with original decors similar to antique parquet. This series is distinguished by parquet patterns of various models. They have parquet planks in contrasting shades with a microbevel. The latter gives the connections the appearance of a parquet assembly.

In this case, the installation itself is performed using an ar-click lock. The characteristic dimensions of the panels are 12x1200x400 mm. Wear resistance class – 33.

Matte collection.

The series with a matte surface is characterized by deep embossing of the design, creating the effect of hand carving. Well-chosen shades of inlaid wood, as well as perfect lines, make the collection unique. It is impossible to distinguish the flooring from natural parquet.

Lacquered collection.

This is a kind of imitation of handmade artistic parquet. The material is covered with a large layer of protective varnish. The mirror surface of this collection meets the most important requirements in the process of decorating any room. The glossy collection is non-electrifying and does not attract dust.

The secret to the success of this type of flooring lies in the technique of making the top layer of all lamellas.
The size of the dies fully corresponds to the dimensions of the parquet. According to the latest reviews about Versailles laminate, today the most popular options are: Alpine Oak, Polar Oak, Presto Oak, Rich Oak, Tyrol Oak, Antique Oak, Style Oak, Rhine Oak, Modern Oak, Empire Oak, Montreal Oak, Alsace Oak, Oak Classic, Dark Walnut, Natural Walnut, Brittany, Martinique, White Oder, Antigua, Challet, Oak Extravaganza, Vilaggio, Antilla, Champagne, Royal.

As you can see, the choice of colors and patterns is quite large, so everyone can find the ideal option for their interior.

Of course, many people are confused by the fairly high price, but if you compare it with the cost of real parquet, you can see that it is not so high. The appearance is almost the same, and the costs of the material, its installation and maintenance are several times lower:

  • Empire Oak - 585 rubles per 1 m²;
  • Rain oak – 597 rubles per 1 m²;
  • Oak Classic – 600 rubles per 1 m²;
  • Polar Oak – 600 rubles per 1 m2;
  • Modern oak – 700 rubles per 1 m2;
  • Belaya Odera - 750 rubles per 1 m2;
  • Oak Style – 750 rubles per 1 m2;
  • Alpine oak – 750 rubles per 1 m²;
  • Oak Trianon – 797 rubles per 1 m²;
  • Dark walnut – 815 rubles per 1 m²;
  • Oak Allegro – 870 rubles per 1 m²;
  • Trianon oak varnish – 950 rubles per 1 m2.


Of course, in the question of which good laminate to choose, design plays a significant role. This is not surprising, because laminate is purchased specifically to imitate real wood, which means it is required to meet this criterion.

Typically, drawings of common tree species are used.

Of course, it is quite difficult to ensure that each slab has an individual pattern. Therefore, manufacturers usually include plates with several different patterns in production.

Designer models are especially valued, so if you are thinking about which laminate is better to choose, then the designer options are perfect. Embossing repeats the structure of the selected tree down to absolute accuracy, but the price for such a purchase may surprise you.

Criterias of choice

The main selection criterion will be the greatest correspondence of the coating to the overall appearance and interior of the room. The entire process of selecting materials based on color and design style is subordinated to this task.

An important point will be the size of the ornamental elements, since in a small room it is impossible to fully appreciate a large pattern, and in large rooms, coverings with small details create a feeling of ripples in the eyes.

All these points should be taken into account when selecting the material in the most complete accordance with the furniture, wall color, and lighting conditions of the room.

For mistakes made when choosing, you will have to pay with disappointment, many years of contemplation of an unsuccessfully chosen composition, and in some cases you will have to change furniture or repaint the walls, which entails additional costs.

Rules of care

No matter how protected the laminate is, it still remains fundamentally wood, and therefore it is better to once again avoid high humidity. The exception is lamellas made not from wood and wood-based materials, but from durable plastic.

In all other cases, even lamellas coated with additional wax or resin protection can swell and become deformed when exposed to large amounts of water. Therefore it is extremely important:

  • do not leave smudges on the laminate, promptly remove the resulting “unscheduled” puddles from refrigerators, washing machines and dishwashers;
  • do not dry laundry over the laminate without squeezing out the water;
  • It is not recommended to install laminate flooring in small bathrooms, where the likelihood of constant water from the bathtub or shower is increased significantly.

However, this does not mean at all that this type of flooring is afraid of wet cleaning. Warm water, a damp sponge and household detergents are quite suitable for daily care. The main thing is not to splash water on the floor surface, and do not use products containing ammonia, chlorine, or alkali.

If the coating has become dull, add a little vinegar to a container of water to restore the laminate floor’s glossy shine. To eliminate all kinds of defects on the coating, use a special wax or pencil. Such products can be purchased at household chemical stores or from building materials manufacturers.

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