Spelling the word "project": grammar, overview of all meanings and usage

Spelling a word

First of all, we need to determine the etymology of this apparently foreign word. Max Vasmer's Etymological Dictionary says it probably comes from the Latin prōiectus or prōiectum. There is no exact translation of this word, but the closest meaning is “predictable”. That is, it is clear that a project is something - an action or an object - that gives an idea of ​​the result that needs to be obtained. You can also say that a project is a plan, a drawing of a future object.

One way or another, it is a noun of foreign origin. Meanwhile, we know that many foreign language nouns with a similar sound combination in the middle of the word - “OE”, “UE”, “AE” - are both heard and written with the letter E:

  • poetry;
  • poem;
  • minuet;
  • orthoepy;
  • paella,

and others. It would seem that the word project should be written according to the same rule. But, as we know, in the Russian language the same rules do not apply everywhere. Therefore, although we hear the sound E in this noun, we write the letter E there: project.

This kind of word is not the only one; there are other exceptions, for example, “realtor”. It also sounds E, but is written E. Therefore, you just need to remember these words.

There are other borrowed words where E is heard at the end of the word, but E is written, as in the word project: “resume”, “macrame”. Perhaps this mnemonic device can help you remember:


I'll add it to my resume.

Of course, the cognate words “projected” and “designed” are also written with the vowel E.

However, as often happens in a living language, assimilation may occur over time, and these words, which are becoming increasingly common, will also be written the same way as they are heard. Perhaps this will happen soon, and questions about how to spell it correctly - project or project - will not arise.

Example sentences

  1. Pavel carefully folded the project of his future two-story brick house with a huge sauna and swimming pool and put it in a leather briefcase.
  2. The Ministry of Economy submitted the draft document to a general vote.
  3. The foreman triumphantly informed the entire team that the project had been signed, and tomorrow they could begin construction of a new high-rise in this residential area.
  4. The draft agreement was drawn up a long time ago; all that remains is for it to be somehow approved by the director of our branch.
  5. The project, containing text and drawings, was once again sent for revision.


About company:

Website: cmproject.ru registered 2017-12-22 (nic.ru/whois/).

IP Vishnevsky E.Yu. Individual entrepreneur Evgeniy Yurievich Vishnevsky. Valid from 05/27/2014. The main activity is the construction of residential and non-residential buildings, carried out in Moscow. It also works in 38 other areas. IP Evgeniy Yuryevich Vishnevsky was assigned TIN 772374191069, OGRNIP 314774614700910

quickly and at the highest level will realize your wishes in construction and renovation! Our team is made up of specialists who have a high level of knowledge and unlimited creativity. We constantly study our industry to keep abreast of all new products and trends and apply them in your projects. + OFFICIAL AGREEMENT + ATTRACTIVE PRICE LEVEL + DEMONSTRATION OF OBJECTS + 2 YEAR WARRANTY + FULL SET OF SERVICES + HIGH LEVEL OF SERVICE specializes in interior decoration of premises of varying degrees of complexity, production of all types of repair work from standard to elite levels, construction of turnkey cottage houses and reconstruction of premises. To do this, we have the necessary number of experienced, highly qualified, multi-disciplinary specialists, as well as all the necessary equipment and tools. The main principles that guide our work are the principles of complete transparency for the Customer at all stages of the work from drawing up an estimate to signing the Certificate of Completion and the principle of ensuring maximum comfort for the Customer. Already at the stage of preparing the estimate, we provide the Customer with complete consulting information about the technological features of performing certain works, the cost and advantages of various finishing materials, and general issues of repair or construction. We initially try to make an estimate that would not change until the repair is completed, which is what our many competitors do, sometimes increasing the estimate during the repair process by 20-40% of the original cost. Our many years of experience, knowledge and high qualifications of our employees, who try to take into account absolutely all the nuances when drawing up the estimate, allow us to create a correct estimate. Renovation of apartments and country houses is an area in which we are true professionals. Our specialists have implemented about 200 different projects. We carry out repairs both according to our own design and to someone else’s. We select and supply the necessary materials at one of the best prices in Moscow. Your personal manager will keep you updated on the progress of the repair. All you have to do is arrive at the site on time and accept quality work! By trusting our team, you will forever forget that repair or construction is a troublesome task. Work with us will take place in a constructive, easy and friendly atmosphere. ​ WE ARE A TEAM OF SPECIALISTS All our specialists have professional education and undergo many advanced training courses in various courses. We have already implemented more than 200 objects! OUR MISSION To create and implement for our clients the projects and interiors of their dreams, so that in their home they can not only spend time comfortably, but also draw energy for their creativity, hobbies or work. OUR TEAM Maxim Strashkevich Technical Director Valentina Subbotina Accountant Roman Slynko Project Manager Grigory Maximov Project Manager Anna Vorobey Interior Designer Tatyana Nechaeva Interior Designer Yuri Glazunov Development Director Anatoly Chernykh Foreman Engineer Vladimir Konovalenko Foreman Engineer Vladislav Vlasov Foreman Engineer Contacts OFFICE ADDRESS : 125599, Moscow, st. Businovskaya Gorka, ow. 1 WORKING MODE: Mon-Fri 10:00 - 20:00 Sat, Sun closed E-mail: [email protected] Phone Mobile. tel.: +7 (962) 961-34-51

Source of errors

The reason for the errors in our case is to think of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). It was developed at the end of the 19th century. in England for the convenience of managing the then huge British Empire. It was not possible to colonize the Slavs, even the industrially backward and economically weak Bosniaks, Lusatian Serbs, Slovenes, Montenegrins, and Kosovars: the then leaders of Great Britain were anything but fools. Therefore, when creating the IPA, the features of Slavic pronunciation were taken into account last. As a result, the IPA gives the following reading of “project” : [prɐˈɛkt]. According to the IPA rules, the stressed [ˈɛ] is read almost like the Russian “e”. It would be more correct to indicate [prɐˈəkt], but the sound [ˈə] is not provided in the IPA: the stressed “é” in it is designated [ˈe]. And in Russian there is no sound corresponding to [ˈɛ]; our stress after the vowel “e” is pronounced somewhat harder and clearer.

As a result, listening to the Wiktionary speaker, or doing it on your own, the reader’s subconscious mind is stuck with the incorrect pronunciation of the word “project.” And from here it’s not far from making a mistake in writing: who, when writing or typing the next letter, would begin to go over the school letter in their mind? You won’t be able to write anything like that forever. For comparison: flight school cadets who by the 3rd year have not learned to fly intuitively, at least in a straight line, are expelled. Even if their health and psyche are otherwise ideal.

Design methods

The choice of design method depends on the purpose of the project.

It is customary to classify several methods. Let's look at them in a little more detail.

  1. Waterfall method : all design stages are performed one after another (i.e. linearly): study of initial conditions;
  2. creation of the main project;
  3. project detailing (development of subprojects);
  4. implementation of subprojects;
  5. project verification.
  • Iteration method (repetitive approaches): a parallel process of working and adjusting already completed tasks. This means that the project at each phase of the life cycle goes through the following subcycle:
    design → implementation → analysis → adjustment

    This planning method allows you to minimize the consequences of possible project flaws.

  • Spiral method : the initial version of the project is developed, implemented, then a new project is created, but on the basis of what has already been implemented (by adjusting the original and introducing new elements depending on the changed situation while simultaneously planning a new round of the project).
  • Incremental method : splitting one large project into several small ones.
  • What does it mean

    The word “project” is international, of Latin origin, from projectus (thrown forward, protruding, protruding), in scholastic (ecclesiastical, medieval) Latin. In classical Latin, the letters “j” and “w” did not exist, they were replaced by “iu” and “v”. For example, Gaius Julius Caesar is written Gaius Iulius Caesar in Latin.

    “Project” is a very capacious, multifaceted word. The present life is organized - there is nowhere else to go. We all encounter the results of design literally at every step, and they can influence any of us more than our immediate needs. In modern languages, the concept of “project” has a great variety of meanings. Only the most important of them are listed below (not counting military, intelligence and other secret ones):

    1. In the most general sense, a “project” is a package of documentation or a summary of information (an array of data) containing everything necessary to start, implement and successfully complete any business . Synonyms: “plan”, “intention”, “intention”. Simply put, a project is a completely laid out plan or a ready-made law, but not yet approved and accepted for execution. The project can be personal, collective or state. Unlike a plan, it can be developed behind the scenes (behind the scenes, secretly); the plan is made public by the very fact of its implementation. A completed project may be delayed or cancelled, plans need to be carried out. The same project can be brought to the planning stage many times (a residential building project, for example); The plan is executed once and ceases to exist upon execution. In the USSR, the development (layout) of five-year plan projects was carried out by a department of ministerial rank - Gosplan. Upon approval by the Supreme Council (in fact, the Central Committee) and publication in the Pravda newspaper, the five-year plan became the State Five-Year Plan for the Development of the National Economy for such and such years.
    2. In common parlance (colloquial meaning) it is equivalent to “idea”, “undertaking”, “beginning”, “beginning” : “Here, I’m thinking about getting a job as a saleswoman. It seems to me that this project of mine will be financially more successful than poring over in an office for a graduate degree.”
    3. Business project. Synonyms: “initiative”, “conception”. Includes: A). Ideological justification: the presence of an unoccupied niche in the market, a not entirely satisfied consumer segment, etc. B). Legal justification for the legality of the plan. IN). Statistical materials confirming A). G). A list of activities, the order and timing of their implementation, necessary for the successful implementation of an innovation. D). Economic calculations proving the ultimate profitability of the whole undertaking. A business project approved by an authorized body (meeting of shareholders, board of directors, ministry) becomes a business plan. The beginning of the implementation of a business plan is often accompanied by discounts and bonuses (premium) promotions. Such an event is called an initiative: “I’m reducing the price of an initiative!” A large-scale, effective business plan can give impetus to other types of design.
    4. Network project. The final product of network design. Network communities and other subcultures can only be relevant to network design as subjects of its application. Network design (or network planning) is a branch of applied mathematics that describes the behavior of complex systems with developed chains of interconnections. A network project is their representation for each specific case in the form of the so-called. graph (possibly colored multi-level) with explanatory documentation for it. The network graph indicates the start and end dates of work stages in their interrelation, the procedure for relations with third-party organizations, takes into account the influence of external conditions, etc. The approved network project is called a network plan or network schedule. The input data for network graphs is often the results of successful business projects. In turn, the results of network planning are necessarily used in all other more or less serious design cases. Network planning is a complex matter, so it is usually dealt with by outsourcing (third-party) organizations, dedicated government or corporate structures. Outsourcing network projects are accepted under the developer's warranty obligations and are attached to business plans and production plans, see below.
    5. Technical project. Synonym: “technical project”. Justification of the technical feasibility and procedure for the production of devices, products, structures. Consists of: A). Theoretical part; most likely - in the form of links to the results according to paragraphs. 3 and 4 + data from fundamental science. B). Evidence of the safety of production or an accurate description of the nature and extent of its danger. IN). Engineering calculations. G). Technological calculations. D). A set of drawings (or computer models). E). Technical description for D). AND). Material list - how many materials are needed and what quality. Z). Recommendations for compliance with occupational health and safety regulations during the production process, including environmental aspects. AND). Financial summary of total production costs. The technical project is approved by the management of the manufacturer and thereby becomes a production project. For the production project, a work production plan (WPP) is drawn up and submitted there for approval (discussion at a general meeting of the team is possible). The approved PPR becomes a production plan. In English, technical project design, from Lat. designare: “to mark out, indicate, describe, invent.”
    6. A production project (not to be confused with a production project!) is a technical project for organizing a new production: equipment and placement of a workplace (places), a production line, a production site, a workshop, an enterprise (factory, plant, plant), a transport station or hub, an airfield/airport , trade and passenger pier/port, roads, power lines, pipelines and other means of communication, etc., up to a new branch of the economy. Compared to the production project, it also contains an estimate for capital investments (costs).
    7. Architectural project . Technical project in construction. In addition to everything under paragraphs 5 and 6, it contains: A). Graphic materials (hard or virtual) that clearly represent the appearance of the building in general and on the ground. B). Results of calculations of the strength and durability of a structure that are accessible to everyone. IN). Notarized copies of construction permits. The customer approves the architectural design and the design work for it.
    8. Working draft . Does not include paragraphs. A - D, I according to clause 5. But to the documentation according to clause 5, technological maps (technical maps) are added, and in all cases (clauses 5, 6 and 7) - PPR indicating the start and end dates of work in general and step by step. Architectural working designs are also called construction projects (construction projects). Construction projects are most often developed by contractors on the basis of architectural ones. The construction project is approved by the architectural designer (architect).
    9. Design project. Synonyms: “sketch”, “sketch”. Detailed design of the interior design of the premises. Complemented in comparison with paragraph 7 with informative graphics (infographics) in color and with rendering (play of chiaroscuro), clearly representing the future interior of the room. Approved by the customer.
    10. The same goes for production. An image of the appearance (most often along with a spatial model) of any product, from a rocket and a book to a product label, a pharmaceutical blister (packaging of tablets, “plates”), underwear and toilet paper. The development of production design projects is carried out by a special science - technical aesthetics, coupled with ergonomics (the science of ease of use), safety precautions, general and industrial sanitation and hygiene. The production design project, in order not to be confused with the design project, in most cases is called the original layout. In printing, this is the only way, and it applies to the entire volume of the publication, and not just to its appearance. The production design project is approved by the customer’s art council or directly by him.
    11. Draft document. Synonyms: “statement (agreement) of intent”, “outline”, “outlines”, “draft agreement”, “draft”. Description of the essence of the matter without legal and other regulatory details: “Our loan project: 12% per annum with repayment monthly. No penalty is imposed for late payments if the delay is repaid before the due date of the next month. Possibility of early repayment. Will it suit you?”; “I propose the following draft publishing agreement: basic rights to the work at the current market rate; additional and derivatives are 50/50, and you undertake their legal support for 10 years.” An eligible document based on the last phrase is 10-12 pages of neat printed text. Draft private agreements are approved by the contracting parties orally or by receipt. Projects of national importance - by legislative and supreme arbitration bodies in the manner prescribed by the Constitution (see below). Draft interstate agreements are approved by the signatures of representatives of interested powers with the rank of no lower than ambassador plenipotentiary. Charges ad interim cannot approve interstate agreements.
    12. Bill . Synonym: “legislative initiative”. The text of the new law has been fully worked out by expert commissions and is ready for discussion by the legislative body. Preliminary public discussion, passage through the Constitutional Court and amendments during the discussion are possible. Adopted by a vote of deputies in accordance with the Constitution.
    13. Educational project . Synonyms: “lecture (lesson) notes”, “outline”. The text of lessons (lectures) written according to an established methodology by a specific teacher for a specific audience in a specific educational institution with illustrations, a description of practical classes and an indication of the visual aids used, technical teaching aids and laboratory equipment. Approved for the academic period (quarter, semester, trimester, lecture course) at a teachers’ meeting (or head teacher), dean’s office/rector’s office and/or board of trustees. The approved educational project becomes a lesson plan (lecture) or a plan for conducting practical (laboratory) classes.
    14. Educational project – an educational project computerized for distance learning. Approved by education supervisory authorities for educational institutions reporting to it.
    15. An art project is a set of events for organizing concerts, exhibitions, museums, art galleries, and art salons. Also – a conscious intention to create works of literature or art, incl. applied (design). Thus, any design project is also an applied art project. An art project can be non-profit, i.e. free and selfless. Often there is no clear documented content and established procedure for approval. Approved by public recognition and influence on cultural processes. Partial synonyms: “creative concept”, “artistic concept”.
    16. Marketing project is a business project for the sale of utilitarian items: products, goods, services. Otherwise it is similar to a commercial art project. In publishing, the concepts of an art project and a marketing project are actually merged into one. Particularly successful objects of marketing projects are called bestsellers. Synonyms: “trade project”, “sales strategy”.
    17. Social project - has all the characteristics of an art project in the general sense (clause 15), but concerns public events (general meetings, celebrations, protests and support, rallies, demonstrations). It is developed arbitrarily or occurs spontaneously (in person). The procedure for approval and implementation of social projects is regulated by current legislation. Synonyms are vulgarisms: “movement”, “dvizhukha”, “tusnya”, “tusovka”.
    18. A futuro project is the result of certain work in the field of futuro design (project forecasting, “designing the future”). Project forecasting is a little-known not only to the general public, but also to industry specialists, but a vitally important area of ​​human activity today, see at the end. Design forecasting uses design results for all points above, without exception, and many other data sets. Today futurodesign is the most complex and responsible type of design. The specific content of futuro projects and the procedure for their approval are either absent or unknown in the public domain.

    Superprojects and subprojects

    Design is essentially the concept of “multi-story”. The web of design entangles the whole world. Nowadays, some more levels have formed in it:

    • Internet project . Any project according to paragraphs. 3-18 above, the successful implementation of which is impossible or doubtful without the use of a virtual information environment. That is, virtually any of the modern projects is at the same time an Internet project. Incl. and a technical project in which reconfiguration (reconstruction, reconfiguration) of the information environment is carried out exclusively by software without physical intervention in hardware resources. In practice, however, the private meaning is more commonly used: a project to create, improve and promote an Internet resource (website, forum, chat, social network). Synonym: “web project”.
    • Local network project (not to be confused with the network project according to point 4 above). Similar to an Internet project, but carried out within a limited segment of the global information network, or in a local information network not connected to the Internet. Any Internet project in countries where free access to the Internet is limited or absent (North Korea, China, Iran, Turkey, Egypt, etc.) is a local network project by default.
    • Media project (media project is becoming obsolete). It is developed and implemented similarly to an art project (commercial or disinterested), but the object(s) being promoted is any information, on tangible media or in virtual form, from a post on a social network to expositions of the pinnacles of world art. Synonyms: “exhibition”, “vernissage”, “edition”, “unveiling”, “publication”, “presentation”, “publication”, “salon” (art, book, product, etc.).
    • Performance project . An art project or media project developed and implemented for the purpose of self-promotion by an individual or a narrow circle of closely related performers. Most often - without special preliminary measures to attract the attention of the public. A typical example of a performance project is when the well-known Mr. Pavlensy nailed himself to the pavement in an inconvenient place. Synonym: "presentation".

    Project classification

    The division of projects into types and types depends on the classifying characteristics. Let's look at the classification in the summary table:

    Classifying featureProject type
    field of activity
    1. technical,
    2. organizational,
    3. social,
    4. economic,
    5. mixed
    1. mono project (separate),
    2. complex (consists of several mono-projects),
    3. megaproject (consists of a number of complex projects and single-projects)
    1. short-term (up to 3 years),
    2. medium-term (from 3 to 5 years),
    3. long-term (more than 5 years)
    1. small,
    2. average,
    3. large,
    4. mega-large
    degree of difficulty
    1. simple,
    2. average,
    3. complex
    nature of the project
    1. investment,
    2. research,
    3. educational,
    4. mixed


    The grammatical characteristics of such a difficult-to-understand word as “project,” however, are simple. This is an inanimate noun of the masculine gender of the 2nd declension. Consists of one root. Placement of stress and the only transfer option project . But keep in mind: it is not recommended to move syllables beginning with a vowel to the bottom line; this greatly impairs the readability and intelligibility of the text. Case forms (singular/plural):

    • Nominative: project/projects.
    • Genitive: project/projects.
    • Dative: project/projects.
    • Accusative: project/projects.
    • Creative: by project/projects.
    • Prepositional: project/projects.

    The derived adjective is “ project ”. Not “projective”! Specialists involved in design are designers, and organizations of the corresponding profile are designers.

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