To be or not to be a suspended ceiling in the bathroom: user reviews

When starting to repair the bathroom ceiling, you need to think carefully about how and what to finish it with. This room in the apartment has a difficult microclimate. Finishing materials for the bathroom are required to be particularly resistant to high humidity and temperature. These two factors can quickly restore to its original state what was recently sparkling and pleasing after renovation.

Therefore, experts recommend searching websites for information about suspended ceilings in the bathroom, reviews for those who are interested in suspended installations. Only having a full understanding of all the problems on this topic, and having read the positive and negative opinions, can you make a final decision on installing a stretch ceiling in the bathroom.

Features of a stretch ceiling

This useful invention appeared in Sweden, very quickly gained mass popularity and conquered the European market.

The tension fabric is a soft elastic material. It is stretched onto a base frame, which is installed below the main ceiling surface.

Two types of material are used as fabric:

  • PVC vinyl films;
  • polyester films specially treated with impregnation.

On the market you will find a surprisingly large assortment of these products, and the film has several types of texture:

  • matte;
  • satin and also with antimicrobial treatment;
  • varnish, as well as varnish perforated;
  • mother-of-pearl;
  • moire;
  • metallic;
  • textured with the effect of wood, marble, leather and suede;
  • photo printing and starry sky.

For each texture there is a varied number of shades, with the help of which a lighting effect is achieved. The bathroom ceiling can be finished with a stretch film, with or without a seam. The thickness of the material is no more than 0.25 mm, and the weight does not exceed 330 g/m2.

Stretch ceilings are quickly installed. Installation leaves virtually no construction waste. Every review from customers who have installed a tension system serves as factual confirmation.

A bathroom with such a ceiling looks especially beautiful. This material opens up a sea of ​​possibilities in organizing space based on the overall composition, texture and color of finishing materials.

How does ceiling installation work and how long does it take?

In fact, in this regard, everything is also very good. Because there will be no large-scale destruction or dust in the room and apartment.

In fact, installing a stretch ceiling consists of the following steps:

  1. installation of a guide profile around the perimeter of the room;

Installation of guide molding

  1. installation of electrical wiring for bathroom lighting;

Electrical wiring and mounting for the lamp

  1. heating the canvas with a heat gun (for greater elasticity) and installing it;

Heating the canvas with a heat gun

  1. after the edges of the web are tucked into the grooves of the guide profile and securely fixed, the gun is turned off and the web is, as it were, pulled together. As a result of this “stretching”, a flat plane is obtained without any sagging.

Installation of tension fabric

  1. installation of lamps (most often, spotlights are used for suspended ceilings).

Installation of lamps

As for time, installing a suspended ceiling in a bathroom with a standard area takes about 3-4 hours.

Agree that these are excellent indicators.

Especially compared to a plasterboard ceiling, for example, which needs to not only be installed, but also puttied, grouted, and even painted. And this takes time (at least several days), and dust, and noise.

And let’s look at the specific advantages of suspended ceilings...

Why can a suspended ceiling be installed in a bathroom?

Feedback for this choice is based on the following advantages:

  1. No condensation on the ceiling surface. The tension fabric has the ability to take the temperature of the room, and condensation appears from the temperature difference. Therefore, it is present on the mirror and tiles, but not on this ceiling. A small bathroom and a large swimming pool are equally suitable for finishing with a suspended ceiling.
  2. Anti-flooding. A very durable material in case of an unpleasant situation associated with flooding will withstand a load of about 100 liters of water per 1 m2. The installers, upon your call, will drain the water through the dismantled corner and carry out the installation again without harm to the material. Even after such an accident, the canvas will remain clean, without rust stains. Its surface will again take on a taut and even shape.
  3. After installing the linen, the bathroom acquires a microclimate favorable to health. The quality of the tension material complies with environmental standards. Dust and static electricity do not collect on the ceiling, and microorganisms such as mold and mildew never multiply.
  4. Stretch ceilings are non-flammable and do not support combustion.

Another review for the stretched fabric is its ease of care, ability to retain color, shape and shine for many years.

Every positive review from those whose bathtub is decorated with a suspended ceiling will help make a decision in favor of installing it.

Single-level or multi-level ceiling?

Undoubtedly, two- and more-level stretch ceilings look very stylish. However, is it worth using them in the bathroom?

If your apartment or house has a small bathroom, it is still better to refrain from multi-level structures. They significantly reduce the ceiling level visually, hiding the already insufficient visual volume of the room.

Exception: if the bath is small in size but has high ceilings, it’s worth a try. In this case, two-level ceilings will help to visually smooth out the contrast between the height and area of ​​the room.

A single-level ceiling looks stylish, neat and expensive, so do not neglect this option. With the right colors and careful lighting, it looks no worse than a multi-level one.

If the size of the bathroom allows it, experiment with multi-level ceilings. You can create height differences for zoning, highlight plumbing fixtures, or simply create a decorative installation on the ceiling.

Imagine how much more pleasant it will be to take a warm bath if you enjoy it under the starry sky, light clouds or watching the depths of the sea above you?

Multi-level ceilings allow you to create a three-dimensional picture that looks very stylish. However, you can achieve the same effect with a single-level tension fabric.

Still, we recommend that you avoid ceilings of more than three levels, unless your bathroom is truly outstanding in size.

Single-level stretch ceilings with suspended structures will also look unusual.

Effective technique: Use one pendant structure with light bulbs built into it. Such a ceiling requires painstaking work, but the result will undoubtedly be worth all the effort.

Arguments against installing suspended ceilings in the bathroom

Some design features and texture of the material can be attributed to the disadvantages of the tension fabric and this can be considered as a review against it:

  1. There may be problems with ventilation between the ceiling space (if air ventilation is not organized correctly, the appearance of undesirable processes on the main ceiling cannot be ruled out).
  2. There are lamp power restrictions for luminaires (to avoid melting of the material).
  3. There is a danger of damaging the ceiling with sharp or piercing objects (in case of major damage, the canvas will have to be dismantled).

It should be noted that the tension structure does not apply to the budget finishing option. The average cost of quality material is $30–65 per square meter.

The final cost is also influenced by the originality of the colors of the material and the design of the multi-tiered ceiling with different canvases.

Rules for use and care of the ceiling

PVC ceilings do not lose their properties at temperatures ranging from 0 to +60 degrees. And products from some manufacturers can withstand -30 degrees without loss of firmness and elasticity.

Humid air will not affect such a ceiling in any way - the material of the canvas has such a structure that moisture is not absorbed into the fabric, and condensation does not accumulate on the surface.

You can wipe the ceiling from dust with any soft cloth and soap solution. To remove particularly difficult stains, you can use special polishes (they can usually be purchased at any hardware store) or a light solution of ammonia.

As you can see, caring for stretch fabric is easy; the main thing is to protect the fabric from contact with sharp and piercing objects, and then everything will be fine!

Some tips for designing bathrooms with tensile structures

A small room is often decorated with a white glossy canvas. In this case, it is recommended to make the lamps built-in, and a small space will visually look more spacious.

A classic-style bathroom looks good with a matte ceiling surface. Bathroom design of an original style, using natural materials such as canvas, wood, leather or stone, is based on a harmonious combination with the fabric of the structural surface.

Single-color bathroom tiles on the walls are complemented by ceiling photo printing or painting, adding a touch of modern style, very fashionable today. Lamps are selected taking into account the compatibility of all elements of the bathroom. They must be designed taking into account protection from moisture.

A very dark or black bathroom ceiling is a bad choice. A more stylish combination would be a light canvas with darker shades of the adjacent tier of the structure.

A bathroom with a two-level stretch ceiling in beige shades often receives positive feedback. A room decorated in light, clean colors, shiny tiles, as well as modern bathroom equipment, plus all this splendor reflected in the ceiling, always causes admiration.

Practical properties of the material

To make a decision about purchasing such a ceiling, it will probably be enough to list just a few advantages:

  1. a suspended ceiling in a bathroom is good because it hides all communications: pipes, wires, defects in the rough ceiling;
  2. even if your upstairs neighbors “flood” you by accident, nothing will happen to your ceiling or repairs. The canvas can easily withstand the weight of water and prevent it from getting inside the bathroom. And to drain the water, it will be enough to slightly unscrew the canvas at any point.

Stretch ceiling under water load

Advice: it is better not to drain the water yourself, but to invite specialists to do this. Because without experience in such work, there is a high risk of tearing the canvas.

  1. Glossy stretch ceilings, even after many years, will have the same color and gloss as they originally had. That is, you won’t have to paint, change, or “refresh” the ceiling.

It turns out that the advantages of the material are really serious.

And finally, let’s talk about leaving – is it difficult?

Advantages and disadvantages

There are two types of suspended ceilings for the bathroom, each of which has characteristic pros and cons:

  • fabric;
  • film;

Fabric sheets

They are a web of individual polymer fibers woven together. Due to its structure, the material does not interfere with natural air circulation. In rooms with high humidity, such ceilings quickly deteriorate and contribute to the development of mold and mildew.

Film webs

are made from moisture-resistant PVC film, which is impervious to dampness and steam. In addition, the film stretch ceiling provides tightness and protection against flooding. It is these types of canvases that are advisable to use in the bathroom.

Let us consider in detail the advantages and disadvantages of suspended PVC ceilings.

Advantages of suspended ceilings for the bathroom

Installing a suspended ceiling in a bathroom provides the following advantages:

  • moisture resistance.
    PVC film is not only insensitive to moisture, but can also prevent the consequences of flooding. A properly installed film stretch ceiling allows you to retain water, preventing it from entering the room. To eliminate the consequences, it is enough to carefully drain the water into previously prepared containers;
  • environmental safety
    . Rotting processes do not threaten PVC sheets, which completely eliminates the formation of mold and fungal colonies. In addition, the material meets all fire safety requirements and is inert to household chemicals. Even when exposed to hot steam, the film does not emit toxins or other chemical compounds hazardous to humans;
  • long service life
    . If installed correctly, a suspended ceiling can last from 15 to 25 years;
  • high installation speed.
    For professionals who have all the necessary equipment, installing a PVC sheet can take from 2 to 4 hours, depending on the area and level of complexity of the ceiling. In addition, the tension of PVC sheets eliminates the appearance of dust and debris;
  • Easy to remove light stains
    . To clean the ceiling from traces of drops and other minor contaminants, it is enough to wipe the canvas with a damp cloth soaked in a weak detergent solution;
  • high aesthetic characteristics
    . The appearance of a stretch ceiling is one of its main advantages. An unlimited choice of colors allows you to choose the best option for decorating any interior. The ability to apply 3D images to PVC film allows you to bring any design solutions to life;
  • hidden communications
    . Electrical wiring, ventilation ducts, thermal insulation, all this is completely hidden using PVC sheeting. All that remains is a perfectly smooth glossy finish, providing the bathroom with high aesthetic characteristics and individuality.

The list of advantages of suspended ceilings in the bathroom looks quite impressive. In order to draw final conclusions, let's consider their shortcomings.

Disadvantages of suspended PVC ceilings for the bathroom

The use of suspended ceilings in bathroom design is limited by the following factors:

  • difficulties with finding performers
    . Installation of PVC film is a simple procedure, but requires special equipment. It is for this reason that it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without the services of specialists. Most companies and private teams are reluctant to undertake the installation of ceilings in the bathroom due to the small area and low profitability of such orders;
  • difficulty in eliminating serious contamination
    . With timely care, cleaning does not take much time. Removing heavy stains, on the contrary, is fraught with serious problems, since mechanical loads and aggressive detergents can damage the canvas;
  • high probability of mechanical damage
    . Even a slight violation of the integrity of the PVC film, due to strong tension, turns into a large hole. If a breakthrough occurs near the fastening profile, in some cases the problem can be solved by tightening the blade. If the film is damaged closer to the center, you will have to either use an applique or completely change the canvas;
  • Difficulties with installing lighting fixtures
    . For stretch ceilings, special expensive lamps are used. In addition to the high cost, installing lamps in a suspended PVC ceiling is much more difficult than in a ceiling made of plastic or plasterboard. Heating the canvas can lead to loss of its operational properties and aesthetic characteristics. For this reason, LED lighting fixtures are predominantly installed in film ceilings;
  • presence of an unpleasant odor
    . This shortcoming does exist. Heating the canvas during installation work causes a specific odor, however, with proper ventilation, it will completely disappear in 7-10 days;
  • reducing ceiling height
    . During installation, the minimum distance from the floor slab to the canvas must be at least 300mm. This practically eliminates the possibility of using suspended ceilings in bathrooms with a ceiling height of 2.5 m. The presence of gloss allows you to visually increase the volume and height of the bathroom, but does not fundamentally change anything;
  • high cost of PVC fabric
    . For comparison: 1 m2 of plastic lining will cost 80-90 rubles. A high-quality PVC fabric for a stretch ceiling will cost at least 500 rubles/m2. In addition, most hanging systems can be installed with your own hands, but you won’t be able to stretch PVC film without the help of specialists;
  • instability of the canvas
    . This refers to the possibility of the film collapsing and swelling. When the pressure in the cavity between the ceiling and the canvas decreases, the film is pressed against the ceiling. If for some reason the pressure inside the cavity increases, the canvas will certainly swell.

As can be seen from the above, the disadvantages characteristic of stretch ceilings, as well as their advantages, deserve serious attention. In order to make a final decision, it would be useful to read the owner reviews published on the Internet.

Final comparison: which is better, fabric or PVC for the bathroom?

So, let's now combine the debit with the credit, and you can finally decide.

PVC in the bathroom


  • Low cost
  • Does not absorb moisture
  • Cleans well
  • Doesn't allow a flood


  • It's not always possible to choose the right color
  • It is impossible to install spotlights
  • It is impossible to finish a large bathtub due to visible seams

Fabric in the bathroom


  • Expensive look
  • Possibility to install spot lighting
  • Any photo print looks good
  • Possibility of DIY installation


  • Not cheap
  • Doesn't wash well
  • Absorbs moisture
  • Not a flood barrier

Types of paintings

In total, 2 types of materials for suspended ceilings have been developed to date. The first, most common, is PVC film.

The second one has recently become more popular and resembles to the touch a fabric similar to that used in the production of women's tights. Each option has both advantages and disadvantages, so the final choice will depend on individual preferences.


This ceiling material is not as durable as fabric, but it can stretch significantly. This property of the film is very useful if neighbors above often cause floods.

The maximum width of PVC sheets is no more than 2 meters. With a larger area, the adhesive seam will be noticeable in the structure.

Before installation, the canvas is heated to 70 degrees. and is mounted on a special frame. After the material has cooled, the film will be smooth and taut.


A fabric ceiling can retain water, but in much smaller volumes. After drying, such a canvas will return to its previous shape if the water was clean. If dirty liquid penetrates, the texture will most likely deteriorate.

You can correct the situation by repainting the material. This property of fabric structures distinguishes them favorably from film ones, since you can update a boring interior by constantly changing the color.

Textile fabrics are 15 times stronger than PVC, making the risk of damage to the ceiling much less. Also, there will be no welds on such a surface, since it is manufactured up to 5 meters wide.

However, it will not be possible to achieve a glossy effect here, so if this is a fundamentally important criterion, you should turn to PVC.

To install the fabric, you do not need a heat gun, and the whole process takes place “cold”. The price of such material will also be lower.

Color solutions

Color for decorating a bathroom has more than just aesthetic significance. The right color scheme will help you visually increase the area of ​​the bathroom and achieve the desired design effect.

When choosing the shade of a stretch ceiling, you need to be guided by several basic principles:

  • Remember that light shades of the canvas visually raise the ceiling, while matte dark shades, on the contrary, lower it.
  • Combine colors to match the main decor of the bathroom.
  • Lighting can change the final shade, so try to take this factor into account when designing lighting fixtures.
  • Do not try to combine more than three colors - such a ceiling looks tacky and tires the eyes.

If you have already selected wall tiles, plumbing fixtures and other details of the bathroom interior, choosing the color of the ceiling will not be difficult.

For example, buy a stretch fabric to match the tiles. However, the same shades can visually make the room smaller, and such a picture will look boring. If you want to maintain a single color scheme, play with shades - make the ceiling a little lighter than the walls. In this case, you will add air to the space and provide a stylish picture.

You can try contrasting colors. If you are not opposed to bright solutions, this option may be to your taste: for example, red tiles and a blue ceiling. This design solution looks very fresh, but there is a risk that you will get tired of it after some time.

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