Generic design or reuse projects: trends and prospects

Every person dreams of a beautiful modern home. Often, to create a unique home design, you need to pay a certain amount of money. But this option is not always suitable for everyone, because it is better to use these funds to purchase materials.

The solution to this problem is a standard project, which in most cases can be used as the basis for building a house. Such documents can be provided either free of charge or for a certain price.

Modern projects of two-story houses made of timber include all calculations, which allows for immediate installation of the building.

Standard series for reinforced concrete frames

1Series 1.090.1-1/88Prefabricated reinforced concrete structures of interspecific use for large-panel public buildings and auxiliary buildings of industrial enterprises with a floor height of 3.3 m. Look
2Series 1.090.1-7сPrefabricated reinforced concrete structures of interspecific use for large-panel public, administrative and domestic buildings with a floor height of 3.3 m for construction in areas with seismicity of 7, 8 and 9 points. Look
3Series 1.100.1-3Elements and components of 1-2 - storey monolithic residential buildings for rural construction in non-seismic areas and seismicity of 7, 8 and 9 points. Look
4Series 1.100.1-4Elements and components of monolithic and prefabricated monolithic residential buildings for construction in climatic regions II and III under normal engineering and geological conditions.Look
5Series 1.266.1-3Folded reinforced cement and reinforced concrete roof structures with spans up to 18 m for public buildings.Look
6Series 1.420-8/81Designs of two-story industrial buildings without cranes with column grids of the first floor 6x6, 9x6, 12x6 m, the second floor 18x6, 18x12, 24x6, 24x12 m, floor load up to 5 tf/m2 and reinforced concrete two-story columns.Look
7Series 1.420.1-32Designs of two-story industrial buildings without cranes with grids of columns of the first floor 6x6, 9x6 m, second floor 18x6, 24x6 m, floor load up to 5.0 tf/m2 and reinforced concrete columns.Look
8Series 2.400-7Assembly joints for prefabricated reinforced concrete structures of one-story industrial buildings.Look
9Series 2.400-12.93Assembly joints for prefabricated reinforced concrete structures of one-story industrial buildings.Look
10Series PK-01-17Prefabricated reinforced concrete pre-stressed rafter structures.Look

Linking the engineering section of the house project

• Engineering support for the house (hot and cold water supply, electricity and gas supply, sewerage) in the finished project is calculated for specific connection conditions. If they do not meet the connection conditions for your site, these sections of the project will need to be revised accordingly.

• In addition, if the height of the groundwater on your site is higher than the base of the house foundations, it is necessary to work out moisture protection measures: waterproofing the foundations and lowering the groundwater level by drainage. To protect the foundations of a house from surface moisture, it is necessary to carry out drainage planning of the site on which it is located.

Typical series for reinforced concrete columns

1Series 1.423.1-3/88Reinforced concrete columns of rectangular cross-section for one-story industrial buildings up to 9.6 m high without overhead support cranes.Look
2Series 1.423.1-5/88Reinforced concrete columns of rectangular section for one-story industrial buildings with a height of 10.8; 12.0; 13.2 and 14.4 m without overhead support cranes. Look
3Series 1.424.1-5Reinforced concrete columns of rectangular cross-section for one-story industrial buildings with a height of 8.4 - 14.4 m, equipped with overhead support cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 32 tons.Look
4Series 1.424.1-6/89Reinforced concrete columns of rectangular cross-section with passages at track level for one-story industrial buildings with a height of 10.8 - 14.4 m, equipped with overhead support cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 32 tons. Look
5Series 1.424.1-9Reinforced concrete columns with a two-leg section for one-story industrial buildings with a height of 15.6; 16.8 and 18.0 m. Look
6Series 1.424.1-10Reinforced concrete columns of a two-leg section with passages at the level of the crane tracks for one-story industrial buildings with a height of 15.6; 16.8 and 18.0 m with overhead support cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 50 tons. Look
7Series 1.424.1-12Reinforced concrete columns of rectangular cross-section for one-story industrial buildings up to 10.8 m high with steel roof structures of the “Molodechno” type.Look
8Series 1.424.1-13Reinforced concrete columns for one-story industrial buildings equipped with manual overhead support cranes.Look
9Series 1.823.1-2Reinforced concrete columns for agricultural industrial buildings.Look
10Series 1.823.1-3СReinforced concrete columns for agricultural industrial buildings for construction in areas with seismicity of 7, 8 and 9 points.Look
11Series 1.423-3Reinforced concrete columns of rectangular section for one-story industrial buildings without overhead cranes up to 9.6 m high.Look
12Series 1.423-5Reinforced concrete columns of rectangular section for one-story industrial buildings without overhead cranes with a height of 10.8; 12.0; 13.2 and 14.4 m. Look
13Series 1.427.1-3Reinforced concrete columns of rectangular section for longitudinal and end timber frames of one-story industrial buildings with a height of 3.0 - 14.4 m.Look
14Series 1.427.1-5Prestressed reinforced concrete columns of rectangular cross-section for longitudinal and end fencing of one-story buildings of industrial enterprises.Look
15Series 1.427.1-8Reinforced concrete columns of rectangular cross-section for longitudinal and end timber frames of one-story industrial buildings with steel covering structures of the “Molodechno” type.Look
16Series KE-01-09Prefabricated reinforced concrete columns of one-story industrial buildings.Look
17Series KE-01-49Prefabricated reinforced concrete columns of rectangular section for one-story industrial buildings.Look
18Series KE-01-52Prefabricated reinforced concrete two-branch columns of one-story industrial buildings.Look
19Series KE-01-55Prefabricated reinforced concrete columns of longitudinal and end half-timbers of one-story industrial buildings.Look


A standard project is better than none, a completely viable option, but you need to understand that there will still be additional expenses, and it is unlikely that you will be able to build a house completely “for yourself.” Individual design is a real opportunity to provide yourself with the desired level of comfort. Risks exist, but they can be minimized, as can costs - on the scale of the general construction budget, the difference between “stamping” and exclusive is practically leveled out. But a comfortable, presentable and marketable house will remain.

Read more about the specifics of construction according to standard projects in the material “...Finishing it to suit you.” It will also be useful to read about the nuances of designing communications in a private home. The video is about BIM design.

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Typical series for reinforced concrete beams

1Series 1.462.1-10/93Reinforced concrete truss beams for roofing buildings with spans of 6 and 9 m.Look
2Series 1.462.1-16/88Reinforced concrete I-beams with a span of 18 m for covering one-story buildings of industrial enterprises.Look
3Series 1.462.1-18Reinforced concrete rafter beams for one-story industrial buildings with span-long slab coverings.Look
4Series 1.462.1-23Reinforced concrete I-beams with a span of 15 m for covering one-story buildings of industrial enterprises.Look
5Series 1.462.1-24Reinforced concrete I-beams with a span of 21 m for covering one-story buildings of industrial enterprisesLook
6Series PK-01-115Reinforced concrete beams with spans of 6 and 9 meters for roofing with roll roofing.Look
7Series PK-01-116Prefabricated reinforced concrete prestressed single-pitch beams for roofing buildings with a span of 12 m with a beam spacing of 6 m.Look
8Series 1.438.1-3Reinforced concrete strapping beams for industrial buildings.Look
9Series 1.462-1Reinforced concrete prestressed beams with parallel chords with a span of 12 m for covering buildings with flat and pitched roofs.Look
10Series 1.462-3Reinforced concrete prestressed gable lattice beams for covering industrial buildings.Look
11Series 1.462-12sTypical reinforced concrete beams in the roofs of one-story buildings with a calculated seismicity of 7, 8 and 9 points.Look
12Series 1.462.1-1/88Prestressed reinforced concrete beams with a span of 12 m for covering buildings with flat and pitched roofs. Look
13Series 1.462.1-3/80Reinforced concrete truss lattice beams for covering one-story buildings.Look
14Series 1.462.1-3/89Reinforced concrete truss lattice beams for covering one-story buildings.Look
15Series KE-01-58Prefabricated reinforced concrete beams and lintels for industrial buildings.Look

Standard series for reinforced concrete trusses

1Series 1.063.1-4Reinforced concrete trusses with a span of 6; 9; 12; 15 and 18 m for covering buildings with an asbestos-cement roof slope of 1:4. Look
2Series 1.463.1-1/87Reinforced concrete trusses without braces with a span of 18 and 24 m for one-story buildings with a low-slope and pitched roof for the V snow region.Look
3Series 1.463.1-3/87Non-braced reinforced concrete trusses with a span of 18 and 24 m for one-story buildings with low-slope and pitched roofs.Look
4Series 1.463.1-15Reinforced concrete rafter trusses with a span of 12 m with a sagging lower chord for buildings covered with span-long slabs.Look
5Series 1.463.1-16Reinforced concrete segmental trusses for covering one-story industrial buildings with spans of 18 and 24 m (in formwork forms of the PK-01-129/78 series).Look
6Series 1.463.1-17Polygonal reinforced concrete trusses with a span of 18 and 24 m for roofing buildings with low-slope roofs.Look
7Series 1.463.1-19Pre-stressed reinforced concrete rafter trusses with a span of 12 m for roofing buildings with pitched roofs.Look
8Series PK-01-27Prefabricated reinforced concrete prestressed segmental trusses for roofing buildings with spans of 18, 24 and 30 m with truss spacing of 6.0 m.Look
9Series 1.463-3Reinforced concrete prestressed non-braced trusses with a span of 18 and 24 m for roofing buildings with pitched roofs.Look
10Series 1.466.1-5Reinforced concrete multi-wave shells of positive curvature measuring 18x24, 18x30 and 18x36 m from 3x6 m slabs.Look
11Series PK-01-129Prefabricated reinforced concrete prestressed segmental trusses for building roofs with spans of 18, 24 and 30 m with truss spacing of 6 and 12 m.Look
12Series PK-01-129/68Prefabricated reinforced concrete prestressed segmental trusses for building roofs with spans of 18, 24 and 30 m with truss spacing of 6 and 12 m.Look

Typical series for reinforced concrete crane beams

1Series 1.426.1-4Reinforced concrete crane beams with spans of 6 and 12 m for general purpose overhead support cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 32 tons.Look
2Series KE-01-13Prefabricated reinforced concrete crane beams. Working drawings. Look
3Series KE-01-50Prefabricated reinforced concrete prestressed crane beams. Look

Standard series for reinforced concrete floor slabs

When designing floor slabs, the following series may be useful:

No.NumberNameView via link
1Series 1.065.1-2.94Reinforced concrete ribbed slabs 250 mm high for roofing buildings.Look
2Series 1.137.1-8Reinforced concrete hollow-core loggia slabs for residential buildings.Look
3Series 1.137.1-9Reinforced concrete balcony slabs for residential buildings.Look
4Series 1.138-3Reinforced concrete cornice slabs for residential and public buildings.Look
5Series 1.141.1-30Reinforced concrete hollow-core floor slabs. For sanitary facilities. Look
6Series 1.141.1-40sReinforced concrete hollow-core floor slabs, reinforced with At-V class steel rods, for the construction of residential and public buildings in areas with seismicity of 7, 8 and 9 points.Look
7Series 1.143.1-7Solid reinforced concrete floor slabs for residential buildings with transverse wall spacing of 3.0 and 3.6 m.Look
8Series 1.165.1-12Coating slabs and lightweight concrete trays for large-panel residential buildings with a warm attic and roofing made of rolled materials. Working drawings. Look
9Series 1.238.1-2Parapet reinforced concrete row and corner slabs for public buildings. Working drawings. Look
10Series 1.243.1-4Flat reinforced concrete slabs of length 80, 110, 130 and 160 cm, reinforced with welded mesh made of BP-I class steel. Working drawings. Look
11Series 1.442.1-1.87Reinforced concrete ribbed floor slabs 400 mm high, laid on crossbar flanges (modified design).Look
12Series 1.442.1-2Reinforced concrete ribbed floor slabs 400 mm high, laid on rectangular cross-section beams.Look
13Series 1.442.1-3Reinforced concrete ribbed slabs 500 mm high for floors of industrial buildings.Look
14Series 1.442.1-5.94Reinforced concrete ribbed floor slabs 400 mm high, laid on rectangular cross-section beams.Look
15Series 1.465.1-15Reinforced concrete ribbed slabs measuring 3x12 m for covering one-story industrial buildings.Look
16Series 1.465.1-16Reinforced concrete ribbed slabs measuring 1.5x12 m for covering one-story industrial buildings.Look
17Series 1.465.1-17Reinforced concrete ribbed slabs measuring 3x6 m for covering one-story industrial buildings.Look
18Series 1.465.1-18Complex coating slabs for industrial buildings. Look
19Series 1.465.1-19Small-sized reinforced concrete slabs for covering one-story industrial buildings.Look
20Series 1.465.1-20Reinforced concrete ribbed slabs measuring 1.5x6 m for covering one-story industrial buildings.Look
21Series 1.465.1-21.94Reinforced concrete ribbed slabs measuring 3x6 m for covering one-story industrial buildings.Look
22Series 1.041.1-5Hollow-core floor slabs for interspecific purposes.Look
23Series 1.042.1-2Prefabricated reinforced concrete floor slabs of the “TT” and “T” types for multi-storey public and industrial buildings.Look
24Series 1.042.1-5.94Prefabricated reinforced concrete ribbed slabs 300 mm high for floors of multi-storey public buildings, production and auxiliary buildings of industrial enterprises.Look
25Series 1.141.1-32сReinforced concrete hollow-core floor slabs, reinforced with rods made of steel of class A_IV and At-IVC, for the construction of residential and public buildings in areas with seismicity of 7, 8 and 9 points.Look
26Series 1.141.1-39Lightweight hollow-core slabs of reduced height for the floors of manor houses.Look
27Series 1.041.1-3Prefabricated reinforced concrete hollow-core floor slabs of multi-storey public buildings, production and auxiliary buildings of industrial enterprises.Look
28Series 1.400-11/91Recommendations for the use of prefabricated reinforced concrete standard slabs in coverings of industrial buildings.Look
29Series 2.140-2mDetails of floors of residential and public buildings for climatic region I.Look
30Series 2.140-5cFloor assemblies for residential and public buildings erected in areas with seismicity of 7, 8 and 9 points.Look

Advantages and disadvantages of custom design

An individual project is developed from scratch by a professional to meet the requirements and conditions of a specific customer. A second house for such a project can only appear with the consent of the customer, if he decides to share, and it will not “migrate” to the standard section of the performers. IP has enough advantages.

  • Exclusivity - in most cases, the house will be in a single copy.
  • Originality is a special geometry, a specific layout, and unique space-planning solutions.
  • Convenience - a house that is completely designed for itself, taking into account the needs of all household members, always outperforms a standardized one.
  • Ideal “fit” - unlike a standard one, which is adjusted to the site as much as possible, an individual one is immediately developed for all the features, which allows you to level out the shortcomings.

Individual projects have two disadvantages.

Victoria Lokhtina

Individual design allows you to take into account all the interests of the client and build a house according to his ideas and needs. However, there are pitfalls here too.

  • First, designers often do not have construction experience, and there is a risk of making mistakes and economically unjustified decisions. As a result, changes to an already “ideal” house design have to be made at the construction site.
  • Secondly, the price of this service on the market is high; on average, design will cost from 100 to 300 thousand rubles.

​Considerable sums, especially if the construction is in economy mode, but they will justify themselves.

I789 FORUMHOUSE participant

Could not find a standard project. We ordered an individual one. The toad was choking terribly. Upon completion of construction, the cost of the project was less than 2%. We received a house that fit us like a good glove for our hand. The result pleases the eye and soul. Take risks, the game is worth the candle.

Plus, there is an opportunity to reduce costs.

Victoria Lokhtina

Why buy a standard project and spend money on remodeling, if you can immediately make it for yourself - quite quickly and quite inexpensively. For example, we offer an individual design service at an affordable fixed price, so as not to make a mountain out of a molehill (usually, during the design process, the price of the project increases, since the actual area is larger than the planned one). We also understand that a project is a tool that should create a clear and optimal construction budget and save the contractor and client from problems during implementation.

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