Designs of houses covered with siding + photos of finishing options for private houses in different colors

Exterior finishing work pursues several main goals, among which an attractive decorative appearance is of no small importance. At the moment, many materials are used, but houses covered with siding look the most original and aesthetically pleasing. The products are presented in a wide stylistic variety, which allows you to realize your design imagination.


The material consists of panels, which subsequently acquire an integral system on the facade of the house. The material used to produce products is varied . Accordingly, each type of siding has its own characteristics and performance characteristics.

There are quite a lot of options for implementing the desired design solution; each type of product has its own color scheme and variety of textures. Basically, the products are characterized by a fairly high level of strength and reliability; they are also profitable to use because their price level is not too high.

Beautiful siding for cladding a house - photo:

Spectacular design examples for inspiration

The desire to beautifully decorate the outside of a house is quite understandable, and in order to make the choice clearly, you can consider original options. So you can highlight the color combinations described below that look advantageous:

  • Red roof with pastel facade and red frames and corner elements;
  • Pink facade and green plants, also a metal-colored roof;
  • A green house with yellow details transforms a small house well;
  • A two-story house decorated with tricolor flowers;
  • A house with a complex architectural design is finished in light gray, materials imitating brick are made at the entrance, and white components add harmony.

In order for the choice to be made clearly, you can consider the original options.

Siding is a good option for the facade of a house; a variety of color schemes makes it possible to realize any ideas of the owner of the house. But when choosing, it is recommended to carefully consider the combination of elements. Then the facade can be made unique and stylish.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are a lot of positive characteristics of siding material, the main ones are:

  • the period during which siding can be used without problems reaches 50 years;
  • Thanks to the finishing with siding panels, the house acquires an attractive appearance . Using this material it is possible to create a variety of styles and realize the most daring design ideas;
  • the material does not require special care, there is no need to paint it. It is very easy to handle;
  • siding is characterized by lightness and elasticity;
  • the process of installing panels is very simple, it requires the efforts of only one person, which allows you to significantly save on a team of workers;
  • has high resistance to sudden changes in temperature;
  • creates a reliable protective barrier for the surface of the facade of a house finished with siding from the effects of negative destructive environmental phenomena;
  • condensation does not form under the surface of the panels, since there are ventilation holes in it that remove accumulated moisture;
  • the material is resistant to rotting and corrosion processes, and is also not destroyed due to the activity of insects and microorganisms.

As for the disadvantages of this material, it is worth considering the following points:

  1. The material from which siding is made is completely synthetic. Accordingly, it does not have a sufficient level of environmental friendliness . This does not apply to the wooden variety of panels, although it is not as reliable as the others.
  2. Flammability of siding . This point is important in the event of a fire. If the panel begins to melt from the fire, then it releases caustic and toxic substances that are dangerous to the health of people and animals. Stewing products is very difficult.
  3. If low temperatures persist for a long time, the siding panels become very fragile and may begin to crack . It is even possible for parts of the panel to break off.
  4. The material is not very resistant to mechanical damage . This is especially important for the metal variety, since for it even a scratch on the surface is a significant threat to quality. The panels cannot be restored, which requires the cost of replacing a damaged panel.


For homes that are exposed to sunlight more often, it's best to choose light-colored siding because it's less prone to fading.

What should not be used in the exterior

To minimize errors when choosing the design and colors of the facade, you should consider several nuances:

  • No more than three shades on the facade.
  • It is better to choose colors in the store itself, and not on the website. Our company provides a visit of a specialist[/anchor] with product samples. This is even more convenient, because you don’t have to go anywhere, but at the same time you will have the opportunity to see the shades of the siding live.
  • It is better to select all small details, such as window frames, door openings, drainpipes, cornices in one color.
  • Particular attention to the climatic features of the area. For example, for southern regions it is undesirable to use rich dark tones. This way, the siding will deteriorate much faster - the top layer of the panel will actively deteriorate under the rays of the scorching sun.


Those who decide to use siding for finishing work on the facade need to familiarize themselves with the varieties of such material.


  1. Aluminum . It is characterized by a wide range of different reliefs and colors; this variety is intended for finishing office premises or residential type multi-storey buildings. This is explained by the fact that the panels weigh very little, and therefore will not weigh down the facade of a private house.
  2. Wooden. It consists of wood fibers that are compressed under high temperature conditions with the addition of a special resin. In appearance they imitate natural wood. The price category of such products is quite high. The panels are characterized by flammability.
  3. Steel . In most cases, this type is used in industrial construction. The color range is quite wide, the product weighs a lot and is prone to corrosion processes.
  4. Cement. This variety is one of the newest invented by foreign industry. Has a high level of fire resistance . Made from cement and cellulose fibers. In appearance it resembles wooden boards. Well suited for finishing work in educational institutions and kindergartens. It is also gaining popularity in private construction.
  5. Ceramic. It is also one of the newest inventions. It has its origins in Japan. The price category of the material is low. Siding contains clay and some other natural materials.
  6. Vinyl. It is considered the most common and popular because it has an affordable cost, a simple installation process, the ability to hide all defects of the facade surface, and is also resistant to moisture and does not support combustion.
  7. Metal. A type of siding panels that vary in width. Made from steel (galvanized). During production, a polyester coating is applied to the surface of the product, which protects the material from corrosion. The main advantages of this type are a high level of fire resistance, strength and the longest possible service life . Resistant to a wide temperature range.


When choosing aluminum siding for finishing your house, you must take into account that there is a risk of injury during the installation process. This kind of work should be approached as carefully as possible.

Photos of houses covered with siding of different colors:

How to choose your own shade

The interesting color of siding in modern collections is the result of the work of designers. Often, complementary or contrasting shades are already presented in the series, and you can also see how a different material will look on the facade. Keep in mind that houses with dark or light windows look different, and this also needs to be taken into account.

Siding decoration refers to ventilated facade systems. It is used for frame, brick, aerated concrete, wooden, monolithic buildings (including as a restoration material). And the combination of colors allows you to give the cottage a new look.

Special programs for color selection

If you plan to decorate your house with siding, but you are not ready to do the design project yourself, you can use special computer programs. Typically these are tools for architects and designers, but their “basic” functionality may be available for free.

If you need to calculate the material for finishing the facade of a house when you have already selected the desired color, use the Grand Line calculator. It allows you to calculate the amount of vinyl siding or facade panels in accordance with the wall area. The shade, texture, width of the planks can be selected from the photos offered in the catalog. After the calculation, you will have an accurate estimate, which already takes into account all additional elements and fasteners. And you can immediately transfer the order to the manager for packaging.

Varieties of coloring

It is important to think without haste about what kind of decorative effect you want to achieve.

As for design recommendations, here they can be as follows:

  • Regardless of the color, the house will look taller if the siding is fastened vertically, and wider if it is fastened horizontally;
  • One- and two-story cottages of simple design can be interestingly played up by using contrasting combinations: for example, the walls can be dark wood, and the trim, cornices and drainpipes can be white, or the facade can be cream, and everything is extra. elements - saturated;
  • the use of contrasting additions allows you to create bright accents, even if restrained and calm pastel colors are chosen as the background;
  • but it is undesirable to use contrast for houses with a large number of protruding architectural elements: protrusions, on the contrary, are better made light in order to visually soften their massiveness;
  • if you don’t like complex transitions and combinations, you can always choose a neutral pastel option (for example, ivory, golden sand, peach, caramel, vanilla).

Light or dark?

You can choose the option that you like best. Modern technologies make it possible to obtain siding with a decorative polymer coating that can be used all year round without loss of color. The latest technologies for creating decorative and protective coatings already take into account the fact that the facade of the house will be under constant influence of ultraviolet radiation. Keep in mind that dark panels will attract more sunlight, so the house may be warmer than usual. And on pastel shades, fading is almost unnoticeable.

Also, when selecting, you can focus on generally accepted stylistics. For example, if you like classics, then you can choose a trim shade from a beige and cream palette. Fading on such shades is unnoticeable for many years. Dark shades of graphite, rowan, black coal or “chocolate” wood give the building extravagance.

If you want to turn your home into a “wooden” one, choose textured finishes in the colors of hornbeam, ash, dark or light oak, maple, cedar, birch and so on. And if it is important to highlight the cottage against the background of the existing landscape, to attract attention to it, then they give preference to bright and appetizing tones. This category offers a wide range of colors, including light green, peach, blue, dark beige, and gray.

Also, the choice of a suitable tone for the walls and roof can be made based on the “mood” of the shade and its compatibility. The recommendations here are as follows:

  • Gray looks noble and discreet, looks good in imitation stone and wood. It belongs to neutral tones, which means it can easily be combined with any roof. Of the entire palette, gray-blue looks the most aristocratic.
  • Beige is a color from the warm palette that also suits the classic style. It gives the building visual lightness and provides a feeling of home comfort. At the same time, such a cottage may well look like an aristocratic residence. It can be combined with other shades of facade panels. As for the combination with the roof, the following companion shades are possible: dark green, blue, brown.
  • The green color of the facade is suitable for buildings with a dark or light roof. Such a house will look especially impressive if there are many trees around the house or if there are well-groomed areas with an emerald lawn.
  • Brown siding in different shades will perfectly imitate wood. Therefore, it is perfect for eco-style buildings. The cladding can imitate solid wood or masonry. To ensure a complete imitation of natural cladding, you can select the appropriate siding configuration. This can be a shipboard, standard or Slim, as well as a block house or Natural timber. Such ventilated structures will look rich and interesting. In addition, the walls of a building in dark colors will warm up better.
  • Blue or cyan tone looks most impressive in combination with white. The result is a feeling of lightness and relaxation. Such buildings can be associated with the Mediterranean style.
  • The red color of the cladding looks impressive and immediately catches the eye. This can be either a classic or an extravagant solution. The classics include imitation clinker masonry, terracotta brick or mahogany-like cladding. Extravagant solutions include stripes of rich color. You can also choose red roofing materials, and such a house will definitely be different from its neighbors.

But that's not all. Let's figure out what shade to choose for the panels.

Finish options

Moving away from the performance characteristics and protective properties of the siding material, it is worth paying attention to the appearance of the building, which will be achieved through the panels. There are a great variety of finishing options, since the range of this material allows any imagination and fantasy to be realized .

In addition to the fact that it is possible to combine several colors of material on the facade of a building, you can purchase panels of different textures and, for example, create an imitation of wood, brick or stone.

Regarding finishing options based on installation technology, there are two of them:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal.

With the help of vertical installation of siding panels, the facade of the house is visually stretched, the height of the wall becomes visually larger. Horizontal finishing creates a single, holistic system that looks harmonious and cozy.


To create a more expressive and brighter facade of the house, you can use dark-colored siding on the corners of the building.

Siding to match the roof color

When choosing the color of the facade, we must not forget that it must be successfully combined with the roof. A classic and win-win solution is a dark-colored base and roof plus light walls.

When choosing panels to match the roof shade, you can use the following combinations:

  • for a brown roof, cream, yellow, light green panels are suitable;
  • for blue - white, blue, light gray, yellow;
  • for green - light green, yellow, peach;
  • for red - light gray, pink;
  • white and beige panels are a universal option for any roof.

Rice. 8. Light green siding under a dark green roof.

Building a house is not an easy science, and even the selection of finishing materials presents many difficulties. Now you know more about how to choose siding color. We hope our review will help solve this creative problem.

Features of care

To maintain the neat appearance of your home, it is necessary to occasionally clean the surface of the siding panels from dirt. If the contamination is insignificant, then it can be easily removed using a strong stream of water . You can use a regular Karcher for this. If more significant dirt appears on the surface, use a soft brush to remove it.

If mold is found on some panels, then after removing it, the panels must be treated with a solution with a 5% concentration of chlorine. It is prohibited to use chlorine in its pure form on panels. You cannot clean the surface if the temperature outside is low.

It is not recommended to use various cleaning products that include abrasive structures, as they can damage the top layer of the material . Chemicals should not be left on the siding surface for more than 10 minutes.

Siding color combination

The simplest option is to use panels of the same color over the entire surface of the facade. However, the result will be much more interesting if you approach the cladding creatively. For example, decorate individual elements - corners, protrusions, arches - with a contrasting color.

An excellent solution would be to combine siding colors for buildings with several floors. Most often, the lower levels of the house are made darker, the upper levels lighter. For example, the first floor is covered with wood-colored siding, the second floor with beige panels.

Rice. 6. A simple and interesting technique: highlight the floors with different colors.

You can add contrasting horizontal inserts between floors. This option will visually make the facade wider and more spacious.

Similar recommendations apply to additional elements - their color can contrast with the walls and be combined with the shade of doors, windows, extensions, soffits, and terraces.

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