Project of a one-story house with three bedrooms - the best ideas, architecture options and design features

When planning to build a house, you can order its design from a specialist, or you can try to remake one of the available options to suit your requirements. In any case, you need to be clear about what you want. It is highly desirable that your wishes are well thought out. Not everything that seems attractive as an idea is convenient to use. And you need to know such “little things”. We will analyze some of the information, trying to find a suitable project for a one-story house with three bedrooms. Why is that? Because this is the most common option and is suitable for families of 4 people. These are the majority.

Important points in drafting a project

Any construction begins with drawing up a project, and then an estimate based on it. A residential building project is not just a plan drawn on paper. The cost of a detailed description and preparation of design documentation can reach up to 10% of the cost of the entire building.

Make your own plans for a one-story house with 3 bedrooms and save a lot of money.

Don’t let the lack of professional education stop you, the main thing is to know what exactly you want to see in the end, and take into account some nuances:

  • functionality is the main criterion. The basic rule is that everyone should be as comfortable and convenient as possible;
  • plan the location of the bathrooms, taking into account the laying of water supply and sewerage to them. That is, if the toilet, bathroom and kitchen are located on different sides, connecting everything into a single system will be more difficult and expensive;
  • in the middle zone and to the north, in areas with a cool climate, to save heat, the building is equipped with an additional buffer room between the hall and the entrance;
  • in a building where 6 or more family members will live, 2 separate toilets are required;
  • the layout and location of technical premises is carried out in accordance with approved standards, otherwise these services will not be able to be connected to communications.

More about the plan

The plan according to which construction will be carried out is created in 4 stages:

  • The first stage is architectural. At this stage, key points are taken into account, rooms, door and window openings, wall thickness and roof slope are drawn.
  • The second stage is constructive. It involves calculating the depth of the foundation, the thickness of the interfloor ceilings, and the location of the chimney. The roof structure, the presence of beams and rafters are also prescribed, and the amount of necessary materials is calculated.
  • The third stage is the creation of engineering and technical documentation, which should include a detailed description of ventilation, water, gas supply, sewerage, and heating systems.
  • The fourth and final stage is the creation of a design project, determining the style, color scheme and arrangement of furniture.

What to consider when designing

Before drawing up a house project, consider the purpose of its premises, pay special attention to the future location of all three bedrooms.

For elderly parents, it is better to allocate distant, secluded rooms, preferably close to the toilet. Young children will benefit from well-lit areas close to your bedroom.

Thoroughly think through all the nuances, taking into account the entrance from the street and from the yard, the entrance to the house, access to the garden, yard, etc. Try to take into account the interests and needs of all family members, even with some damage to the exterior.

The issue of room location deserves special attention. To build the most comfortable one-story house with three bedrooms, it is not enough to equip the required number of rooms and distribute them among family members.

Each room, not counting guest rooms, must meet certain individual requirements of a particular resident. Despite the variety of layouts for one-story houses with 3 bedrooms, all projects can be divided into two types:

  • three bedrooms have one common wall;
  • located on different sides.

Relative arrangement of bedrooms

In order to make housing as comfortable as possible for all family members, the optimal area for the rooms is calculated. For interior spaces, the following values ​​are recommended (in square meters):

  • Living room, possibly with dining room: 22-45.
  • Bedroom or children's room: 12-22.
  • Guest bedroom or office: 10-15.
  • Kitchen + pantry: 10-20.
  • Bathroom. For a toilet and shower, 3-6 squares are enough. For a full bathroom you will need 7-12 square meters.
  • Non-residential premises. For household needs (for a boiler room or a workshop), 6-15 square meters are allocated. For a hallway, 5-8 is enough, for a garage (for 1 car) – 20-30 square meters.
  • For connecting rooms (corridors, hall) 10-15% of the area of ​​the house is left.

From the given proportions it is clear that most of the area is given over to the living room, which is the central room of any home. However, the project “1 floor - 3 bedrooms” has a fundamental difference from the options with the second floor, where the space is naturally divided into public and private.

Project with separation of day and night zones Source

Many designs include all three bedrooms on one side of the house. The advantage of the solution is obvious: the recreation area is separated from public spaces. The bedrooms are located as far as possible from the living room and kitchen; guests or TV will not be able to interfere with the rest of other family members.

The layout has its drawbacks. For example, you have to locate the bathroom far from the kitchen and boiler room, which makes communications longer and more complicated. Also, instead of a neat hall, there appears a long corridor into which all the doors open. It is difficult to use rationally.

Another type of layout is dividing the recreation area into a children's and adult part. Bedrooms are located in the far corner from the entrance, or on opposite sides of the living room. The housing layout takes on an elongated, rectangular shape.

Projects are developed taking into account local insolation and allow maximum saturation of the premises with sun. The rooms may be the same size, or the parent's bedroom may be larger. In any case, they try to make children's bedrooms the same so that in the future the children will not have disputes and resentments.

Project with a garage and arched windows in the living room Source

Bedrooms with a common wall

A house with three bedrooms connected by one wall is an excellent solution when the family has elderly people or small children, or both. In this option, the rest rooms are separated from the rest of the space. The division of zones allows you to achieve an acceptable noise level in the bedrooms.

In this type of layout, a kind of buffer zone is used. Its role is played by technical rooms, sometimes the hall. The interior of a one-story house looks something like this: there are three bedrooms on one side, and the rest of the rooms on the other. Between the two zones there is an elongated hall, at the end of which there is a bathroom, and at the entrance there is a kitchen.

If you need to place your parents' bedroom separately

When choosing a layout, many people believe that the parents' bedroom should be located at some distance from the children's bedrooms. In this case, the approach to planning changes - an elongated rectangular shape of the house is optimal. The long side is divided into three parts by two load-bearing walls.

Such a house with an L-shaped layout is more expensive in cost than a rectangular or square one

Option 1: without corridor

If you divide the house into three parts, it is possible to develop a three-bedroom house layout without a hallway. One third of the house is divided into two bedrooms for children, the middle part is occupied by a combined kitchen/living room, the last third is divided between the entrance area/bathroom and the parents' bedroom.

Where the parents' bedroom is located, there is an entrance to the bathroom from the kitchen/living room. How successful is this decision? The plus here seems to be a large kitchen/living room. But she is completely passable. That is, you definitely won’t be able to retire in it. You might like this idea. Although, to appreciate the convenience/inconvenience, it is worth living in such a house. Usually not everyone likes this, although at the “idea” stage everything seemed tempting.

Arrangement of rooms in a one-story house with three bedrooms - the parents' room is located separately

Please note that this project of a one-story three-bedroom house does not have a boiler room. If it is necessary, you can highlight it by reducing the area of ​​the kitchen/living room

But then you will need to think through the layout and how to organize the entrance to it. A possible, but not very convenient option is from the kitchen, if it is located near the bathroom. The second one is from the street. But then, you can make an extension to the house. Although, this is determined by the size of the house.

Option 2: with a corridor

A layout with two children's rooms and a parents' bedroom located further away can be implemented in a square house (in the picture below). The minimum possible dimensions are 12*12 meters. The area is a little more than 140 square meters. In this case, the dimensions of all rooms are close to optimal (square, have an area of ​​more than 10 square meters). The living room is combined with the kitchen but is not a passage.

If possible/desirable, you can do it in a rectangular house, just a square is more preferable, since the cost per square meter of housing is slightly lower. I must say that the winnings are quite small, so you shouldn’t worry too much about it. It is better to proceed from convenience, because you are choosing a project for a one-story house with three bedrooms for your own life.

Project of a square one-story house with three bedrooms

In this layout option, the parents’ bedroom is completely separate. The advantage of this option is that there is space for dressing rooms in the children's rooms. There is also a drawback - the “wet” rooms are located on opposite edges of the house. The installation of engineering systems will be more complicated (in addition to sewerage and water supply, you will also have to think about separate ventilation).

Not everyone likes the idea of ​​combining the kitchen and living room. In this case, you can easily solve the problem by installing a partition. The entrance to the kitchen can be either from the corridor or from the living room.

But, if no other changes are made, the entrance to the living room is only through the kitchen, which is inconvenient. The problem can be solved by making some transformations. First, the “recessed” entrance area becomes “normal”; in the area of ​​the walls, the partition separating the corridor is removed. A large entrance area is formed, but without a warm vestibule. But we get an additional large room that can be well equipped. True, this is a different project for a one-story house with three bedrooms (see below).

From this area you can make an entrance to the living room. It turns out to be next to the entrance, which is quite logical. True, only part of the room remains functional, but the “damage” can be minimized by bringing the doors closer.

One of the options

You can go even further - remove the partition separating the living room from the corridor. The wall here is load-bearing, so installation of columns will be required. But the layout of the house will be in a modern style - from the entrance there is a single space that serves as a living room and a common room. For many this seems convenient.

Bedrooms located along different walls

For a large family, the layout of a one-story house, in which 3 bedrooms are located on different sides, is very convenient. In such structures, children’s bedrooms are often located against one wall, the parents’ room is located against the adjacent wall, and there is a bathroom between them.

In the central part of a house of this type, there is sometimes a hall with a living room, and bedrooms and other rooms are distributed along three different walls and connected by corridors.


Popular solutions for organizing the attic have been tested by a large number of people. But in order to avoid mistakes and get the best result, you need to act carefully and follow general recommendations. The first step should always be to correctly calculate the usable area. Since there is very little space near the walls, you will have to use it as efficiently as possible. On blind roofs, roof windows are installed at your discretion.

Once they are already installed, this point cannot be ignored. If the rafters actually split the room into separate zones, there is no point in fighting them - it is better to try to beat them. So, it is possible to use these parts to form mezzanines or for full zoning. If there is a shower or bathroom in the attic, care must be taken to install moisture-resistant windows and enhanced ventilation.

If the slope is low, it is advisable to install built-in cabinets. Sofas and beds built into the walls allow you to achieve a very attractive external effect and make the room more functional. In addition, such items increase the efficiency of using free space.

In small attics, mainly bedrooms or children's rooms with a small amount of furniture are placed, and in large attics even living rooms can be easily organized. Most often, the space under the roof is allocated specifically for bedrooms, and then it is painted in light colors; the worse the natural light, the lighter the finish should be.

When equipping an upstairs nursery, you should immediately make a choice between two concepts: a simple playroom or a full-fledged space for all the needs of children. If you plan to prepare a living room or a corner for leisure, it is advisable to install sofas. And ideally, if there is enough free space, you can provide additional seating furniture and a coffee table. In the attic there are all the possibilities for organizing a full-fledged gym.

But you shouldn’t dwell on these options, because with due diligence you can place there:

work rooms;

Rational use of a small area

Construction standards provide for the minimum living space required for each person living in a given room - 9 m². It is from this figure that architects and designers start when drawing up standard projects. But it is not always possible, especially for a large family, to create a house plan taking into account these standards.

In this case, you have to work with what you have, and the only way out is to rationally use the available space. A technique well mastered by designers of apartment buildings: combining a kitchen and a dining room. If limited space is your option, go the same route: for example, create a work area in the bedroom.

Make the most of all available space. Sliding wardrobes, shelves built into the wall, bunk children's beds, etc. will help with this.

Gracefully, and in accordance with national traditions, the Japanese solved the issue of small living space. They equip apartments with sliding partitions that can change the configuration of the home.

Other methods for rational use of room space:

  • combine bathrooms;
  • equip heating equipment in the pantry (you must first coordinate the issue with the fire and gas services);
  • The dining room is combined with a kitchen or living room.

Where to start: the nuances of designing one-story buildings

Any object begins with drawing up a competent plan. Professional designers will definitely provide for important nuances that a non-specialist may not even be aware of.

However, the Homius editors will definitely draw the reader’s attention to important points that are worth considering, namely:

  • the functionality of the room should come first;
  • communications in the project must be planned in such a way that the premises make the most efficient use of resources. In other words, adjacent rooms with bathrooms should be located through a partition;
  • if the climate of your region cannot be called comfortable, then it is necessary to provide an entrance group or a small dressing room. This way you will not lose precious heat;
  • if you plan to accommodate more than 5 people, then the optimal solution would be to install two separate bathrooms;
  • technical premises must be located in strict accordance with regulations, otherwise they will not be able to be connected.

PHOTO: Otherwise, only two factors can hold you back: finances and lack of imagination

Consider the region's climate

Typical projects usually ignore the climatic conditions of a particular region. In such cases, the layout of the house is adjusted depending on the location immediately before construction.

Changes and additions may concern the size of windows, their orientation to the cardinal points, material and thickness of insulation, waterproofing, the presence of open verandas and attics, etc.

For example, a typical design of a one-story house with an attic for a bedroom in northern latitudes requires additional insulation and waterproofing. And in regions with hot climates, protection from sun heating and good ventilation are needed.

How to properly adapt a house design to the climatic features of the region

Most often, standard projects do not take into account the characteristics of a particular region. An estimate is provided separately for such adjustments. Typically, project adaptation takes several days. The correct size of windows and their configuration, as well as the location of the windows depending on the geography of your site, will be selected for your climatic conditions. In addition, specialists will calculate the insulation and additional waterproofing materials, taking into account the characteristics of the terrain and climatic zone.

The adaptive design takes into account the places where communications are connected to the site and their features. For example, what type of boiler will be used for heating, what raw materials will it work on

Advantages and disadvantages of a one-level dwelling

Before you start drawing up a plan for your future home, it is worth studying all the pros and cons of a single-level residential building. The advantages of this design include:

  • lower, in comparison with multi-storey buildings, pressure per unit area. The foundation of such a building will last longer;
  • it is allowed to use load-bearing structures made of less durable materials, which results in a cost benefit;
  • it is easier to do electrical distribution, sewerage and water supply;
  • no stairs or steps required;
  • simplified input-output diagram;
  • heating the premises is cheaper, as is purchasing equipment for these purposes, since there is no need to install pumps to create water pressure.

Among the shortcomings, only one is significant: with an equal total area, the roof of a one-story building is much larger than that of a multi-story building. And this means additional costs for roofing material (ondulin, tiles, etc.), insulation, waterproofing, rafters, etc.

Attic arrangement

Projects of country houses with an attic include the presence of thermal insulation. From above, the building is exposed to precipitation and temperature changes. It is worth taking care of waterproofing this room in advance.

It is better to choose lighter materials for the attic and roof. To avoid overloading the foundation. The interior decoration should also not be massive.

It is better to leave the attic area as one large space. If partitions are needed, they are made of plasterboard. It is lightweight and does not bear any load on the base.

If the area is small, there is one whole room on the attic floor Source

Installing windows on a roof structure is a rather complex and costly process. But the opportunity to admire the sky in any weather will justify the expense.

Project selection

Drawing up or choosing a ready-made housing project begins with studying the features of a specific place for construction. The factor of proximity to groundwater is of great importance; the site is located on a hill or in a lowland.

If the place is flooded, you will have to incur significant additional costs for high-quality drainage and waterproofing of the foundation.

Basic operating rules

A stove is a complex mechanism that requires special care. Open fire is a great danger, especially for wooden buildings. It is proper care and compliance with safety regulations that guarantee a safe and comfortable life.


The first and basic rule is not to leave an open fire unattended. Before leaving, it is important to make sure that absolutely all the coals are extinguished and that there are not a single spark around. Negligence and inept operation of the stove are the main causes of fires. If everything is properly arranged, then the risk of an unwanted fire is practically eliminated. The second and no less important condition is to keep children out of the system. No matter how smart a child is, he will not be able to give a full account. It is important not to leave children alone with a hot stove.

A house project with a Russian stove will appeal to all family members Source

For safety, you should cover the floor in the area where fire may enter with non-combustible material. Typically, a thin metal sheet or tile is used for such purposes. It also wouldn’t hurt to put up a screen or protective screen to catch dangerous hot wood chips and coals.


The heating system elements must always be in good condition. For long-term operation without complications and breakdowns, it is important to carry out regular diagnostics and prevention. This work includes cleaning the chimney from ash and removing ash from the grate. Before each heating season, it is important to inspect all elements and, if there are faults, try to eliminate them.

The stove must be prepared for use before each season Source

brick building

Brick structures are distinguished by practicality, durability and a certain status. We can say that this material has already become a classic. Reliability and solidity are especially valued in construction, so be prepared for higher material costs compared to block structures.

Here are several projects of one-story brick houses with three bedrooms. They all have a common feature: the rest rooms are located along different walls, although quite compactly.

Features and Benefits

Choosing a project for a cottage or country house is not an easy task. But if the choice was made in favor of a house with an attic, it is necessary to remember that such a house, like any other, has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account during the construction and interior decoration process.

The most important aspect that needs to be taken into account when building an attic is the arrangement of increased thermal insulation of the room. It is necessary to first look at various designs of houses with an attic.

Since the living space of the attic is located directly under the roof itself and is not protected by additional beams and ceilings, as is the case with the construction of an additional floor. At the same time, the roof is in direct contact with the external environment and experiences temperature changes and spontaneous changes. No one wants rain, snow or cold winds to blow in the room. That is why the issues of heat and waterproofing of the room will play one of the dominant roles when arranging a house with an attic.

Also, attic houses have the following feature: most often they are a single space that is not divided into separate rooms

If separation is necessary, it is important to use only lightweight materials. You can install partitions from plasterboard, but in no case use concrete or bricks to build improvised walls, this can negatively affect the entire structure of the house

You can diversify the room with the help of windows built into the roof. Such windows will be inclined structures, which will not only give an interesting visual effect, but will also allow the rays of the sun to penetrate the room at a rather interesting angle and create interesting effects.

Taking into account all the features, houses with an attic are gaining increasing popularity. Today, such houses can be found in large cottage villages, and in private sectors in cities, as well as in villages and in separate spots even in gardens.

Houses with an attic have a number of undeniable advantages that make them so popular:

Using an attic as part of a living space increases the living area and usable space of the building in most cases by at least one and a half times. At the same time, there is no need to spend tidy sums on the design and construction of the second floor, while getting almost the same area.

  • Connecting all the necessary communications, be it a pipeline or electrical connections, will not require huge labor costs. All this can be easily lifted from the ground floor.
  • Since the attic has additional heat and waterproofing, it prevents cold air from entering the first floor, which could happen when using the upper part of the house as an attic, without additional insulation.
  • If the house is already ready, but the residents decide to complete the attic space, there is another advantage of this design. There is no need to move during the renovation and empty the entire room of furniture and interior decoration, because the renovation work will not affect the first floor, it will take place exclusively in the attic, affecting the roof.
  • The rebuilt space can easily be used not only as a living space, as a room, but also turned into a gym, billiard room, library, cinema, or come up with your own special purpose for this space.

However, for all the advantages of such a building, one should not forget about the existing disadvantages of this type of premises.

Knowing these nuances will help not only keep your home intact and gain important functional space, but also protect yourself and your loved ones during use.

During construction, you should not skimp on materials: poor quality or incorrectly selected materials during construction and finishing can lead to negative consequences, including the collapse of the structure.

  • Also, you should not overload the floor, which is why heavy walls, partitions and coverings are not erected here. You should also not use furniture that is too massive; this can also lead to the destruction of supporting structures.
  • It is also worth remembering: despite the fact that the attic is a much less expensive undertaking than the second floor, the use of inclined windows built into the roof in the construction will still require quite a large investment.
  • And in winter, it is worth taking care of additional lighting of the space, since snow can block the flow of natural daylight through window openings.

House made of 10x10 meter blocks

The main advantage of block houses is their relatively affordable price. Blocks are a general concept; they can be foam concrete, expanded clay, gas silicate, sawdust concrete, and even outdated cinder blocks, although they are rarely used nowadays. In addition to its moderate cost, the material has good geometry and, if installed correctly, is relatively durable.

Quite an interesting and functional project for a one-story house measuring 10x10 m, with three bedrooms.

Individual design

Often, clients are not satisfied with the layout of private houses on one floor. In this case, our office staff can make adjustments. Their final price is determined by the number of changes and improvements.

If the customer wishes, we carry out individual design, including the development of:

  • sketch (completion time - from 3 to 10 days) with subsequent agreement with the customer and revision according to the comments received;
  • architectural and construction part (15 working days after approval of the sketch).

As an additional service, utility networks are designed and linked to the specific conditions of the land plot. Development is carried out in constant contact with the client, which guarantees that the final result meets his needs, tastes and wishes.

Made of wood

They are environmentally friendly and beautiful. Such a home, especially located in a wooded area, will become a cozy family nest for the whole family.

These houses are built from beams, logs, and pressed material. High-quality wood is expensive, and not everyone can afford it. But it would be wrong to ignore the project of such a house.

Wood-burning brick oven

Both warm and beautiful.

This is truly the most worthwhile permanent structure (besides the house itself, of course). And the advantages of a wood heating stove are such that their owners may be the envy of residents of other houses, including private ones.

Judge for yourself:

  • Stone as a material is capable of accumulating and releasing heat, while using hobs from this structure you can build a household unit that will not only heat your home, but also cook food and dry clothes;
  • The stove is unpretentious in the choice of fuel, of course, there is no need to stuff it with all sorts of rubbish, but it will happily accept branches, firewood, paper, cardboard, peat, and coal. As well as modern types of fuel for solid fuel stoves;
  • The most pleasant moment in the operation of such a design is that this heating device does not depend on accidents on the lines, or on interruptions in the supply of one or another type of energy. The stove has always worked and is working completely autonomously;
  • Even if your house is stuffed with inventions that make human life easier, then having a stove as an alternative and emergency source of heat is becoming not just fashionable, but also relevant. And honestly admit to yourself that all these inventions make your life easier only up to the point where electricity is available;
  • There is something mystical in the living warmth of a stove; it is not for nothing that all holidays with elements of fairy tales and mysticism are associated with fireplaces, stoves and fire.

Therefore, heating wood stoves for home and garden will remain for a long time, if not the main, then the most popular alternative source of heat, and until the price of expenses for the main media supplied centrally is compared with the price of firewood and other things you will need light your stove.

The beginning of a big business is born on paper

The quantity, area, and location are taken into account.

And it's called a project. The most popular projects for own houses are wooden house projects with stove heating. And it doesn’t matter what kind of house you will ultimately build. Projects of houses made of timber with stove heating, projects of houses made of brick, it doesn’t matter - for each of them there are standards that are already prescribed.

This document is building codes and regulations, a kind of general instruction for all cases of construction life. And they declare the following principles that must be taken into account:

  • Stove heating can only be planned in one and two-story buildings. In houses with more floors, it is necessary to plan and install mini boiler rooms;
  • The surface of a stone stove should not heat above a temperature of 120 degrees Celsius; this, of course, does not apply to the metal parts of the stove (dampers, hob, etc.);

And why not combine a stove and electricity, for example as in the photo.

And the stove has a place

The oven must be in the center.

We are already so accustomed to the fact that heating and cooking structures are located somewhere in the corner of the kitchen wall or hallway. So that they don’t get noticed, so that they don’t twist under our feet, we involuntarily want to transfer the same rules to stove heating.

But, unfortunately, stove heating has its own rules for the placement of the main structure and the hob and ash pan. So:

The stove structure should be built in the center of the room

It doesn’t matter whether you will provide a heating panel for it, and then use it to zone the rooms, or whether the stove will be located in the center as an independent structure, the main thing is that it is there and not in any other place;

There is one more rule for the placement of the stove. The firebox and hob should go into the kitchen area, or onto the veranda

That's where the dirtiest things happen. But the heating surface and fireplace should go into the living room and bedrooms;

According to all the calculations of specialists, one stove design is enough to heat three rooms located nearby. To heat several floors, or heat more rooms, it is necessary to install more stoves;

Layout of a residential building 12x12 meters

The area of ​​the premises allows a fairly large family to live in it freely. Parents with 2-3 children, and grandparents, will be able to comfortably stay in such a home. Its size will not limit the flight of fantasy and creative plans of the planner.

In the project of a one-story house 12x12 m with three bedrooms, you can realize the most daring architectural ideas, the area of ​​​​the room allows this to be done.

Finishing the attic inside the house

When everything is planned from the outside, designs for small houses with an attic are prepared from the inside. When choosing a style and finishing methods, you need to consider the following factors:

  • type of roof;
  • room area;
  • type of room;
  • placement of stairs;
  • staircase area;
  • ceiling shape;
  • room height;
  • parameters of furniture placed in the attic.

Many approach the choice of interior style from a practical point of view. They try to make it beautiful, unique, comfortable and interesting with minimal effort, money and time.

Attic design option - simple and tastefulSource

Decorate the attic room in eclectic or country style. These interiors do not require additional finishing. The walls and roof can be left as is, having previously protected all wooden parts with a special varnish. Mineral coatings can be opened with water-repellent liquids or painted. The windows are left bare, the floor is covered with carpets, rugs or skins. Furniture uses the simplest designs.

In this case, one of the most common examples of the design of an attic floor is given. But everyone should do what is convenient for their family. The main thing is to take into account all the listed requirements when designing in order to avoid mistakes.

Several examples of attic floor design in the video:

With a garage in the house

A garage located in the house is a very convenient and practical solution. This is a particularly relevant option for regions where large amounts of snow fall in winter.

There is no need to constantly clear the path between the house and the garage. And in general, this combination is distinguished by an increased level of comfort: having arrived home after a hard day and parked the car in the garage, it is pleasant to find yourself on your favorite sofa within a few seconds.

There is also a negative aspect of this combination: the garage takes up several tens of square meters of space that could be used for housing.

If a family of four will live in the house, a single-level structure is the best and most rational option.

The given examples of house designs, although they are ready-made solutions, can be used as a basis, a general concept. They can be adjusted and adapted to specific circumstances and personal preferences.

Sectional drawing for summer cottages

A two-story house, as a rule, does not have a lot of space, but with a good layout it will be enough to implement everything you need.

When drawing up a sectional drawing for a frame building, you should pay attention to where each room needs to be placed:

  • sleeping quarters are best placed so that their windows face the southeast or east;
  • the interior and layout of the kitchen, the bathtub in the house and the hallway should be in the west;
  • a children's room or guest rooms should be located in the southeast or south side of the house.

Drawings with dimensions of all floors of the house

The correct location of living spaces will not only allow you to receive a large amount of light in the right place, but also create proper air exchange between rooms.

The sectional drawing will be quite thoughtful, but at the same time simple. It is simplicity that guarantees the quality and ease of use of a drawing by builders or designers.

Photos of one-story houses with three bedrooms

Kitchen design with Russian stove

Plan of the 2nd floor Currently, the design of a traditional Russian stove has several options, which depend on the household needs of a particular family.

So, modern stove designs for the home are:

  • With a stove and flood chamber. The slabs, which are the hearth of the furnace, are built into an array of structures. In the classic version, they remain a blank space.
  • With a fireplace.
    With this option, it is possible to move the back wall of the Russian stove into another room using a partition. Such designs are considered quite practical, since they do not require the installation of an additional chimney outlet or a separate foundation for the fireplace. Brick stove-fireplace in a country house
  • With independent firebox and trestle bed. In the design of Russian stoves there is always space for a large bed, which can easily accommodate 2-3 people. In modern versions, the bed has been reduced, and an attached trestle bed has been added, which makes up for this lack of functionality. It is equipped with a full-fledged bed, while acting as an independent heating element.

An example of a modern kitchen interior design with a small stove in the corner. It would be great if the kitchen, even at the design stage of the house, included large windows that would let in a large amount of natural light. To decorate this recreation area, you can use flowers in pots and vases, small paintings in wooden frames, dishes painted to resemble Gzhel and Khokhloma. If the size of the kitchen allows, then near one of the walls you can place a cabinet with shelves where sets and dishes will be stored.

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The food preparation area is arranged along one wall, along its entire length. Lower cabinets are usually used to store dishes and various kitchen utensils. Lower cabinets of different heights allow you to create a very unusual and interesting effect, which is sure to become a special, distinctive feature of your kitchen.

The smallest cabinet, which is located below all the others, is ideal for storing bags or cans. On the countertop you can place a couple of pots of flowers or even herbs - dill, lettuce or onions, which will significantly simplify the cooking process, because the necessary seasoning will always be at hand.

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