8x10 house project with an excellent layout - the best options, stages, tips for arrangement

Having decided to build a house, you must be guided by the following criteria: the construction must be reliable, high-quality, comfortable and convenient for the family living in it. To realize all these requirements, you need to think through the layout of the house and decide on the number of floors. A well-drawn house drawing is half the success. The design of an 8 by 10 house should include, in addition to spacious rooms, a kitchen, a wardrobe, a sufficient number of bathrooms and various extensions.

Features of houses

8x10 houses can be built with one or two floors. The second option takes up exactly the same amount of space on the site, but is much more spacious. An intermediate option is a house with an attic, the arrangement of which will cost much less than the construction of an additional floor. When choosing a layout option, you need to take into account the number of future residents and determine a room to accommodate each of them.

Briefly about the main thing

Projects measuring 8x10 are convenient and thoughtful from a functional point of view. They are varied in external design and planning solutions, and, due to their compactness, fit into small areas and leave enough space for rational use of land.

Projects of all types are popular: one-story, with an attic or a full second floor. There are general planning principles that apply to all 8 by 10 projects. At the same time, planning solutions of each type have their own characteristics that must be taken into account when choosing.

Advantages and disadvantages of 8 by 10 houses

The main advantage of such houses is their versatility. Compact buildings will fit well into a suburban area. They will look no less organic in an urban environment, where every cm of space plays a huge role.

Among the advantages of constructing such a structure are:

  • low construction costs - no expensive foundation equipment is required, expenses for paying workers and purchasing materials are relatively small;
  • high speed of construction is a very significant nuance for families forced to rent housing;
  • the opportunity to save on utility bills due to a relatively small area.

The disadvantages include the same compact dimensions, which do not make it possible to create several spacious rooms for each member of a large family. Such houses are suitable for families of 3-4 people.

What to consider when designing an 8 by 10 house

It is very important when drawing up a project for an 8x10 house to take into account all the nuances in order to ultimately get comfortable, full-fledged housing. To do this, you need to properly organize the space:

  • divide it into day and night zones;
  • place the ladder correctly. To save space, it can be placed in a corner or even taken outside;
  • provide the ability to quickly transform space using solid sliding partitions. With their help, you can separate the living room from the sleeping area or children's corner in a second.
  • arrange the ground floor. In the basement you can place a boiler room, a warehouse for workpieces, a shower, and a laundry room. This will allow the residential floors not to be overloaded.

Location of the house on the site

At the next stage, you need to decide on the location of the house on the acquired territory. When choosing a location, you need to focus on:

  • shape of the site. In an elongated, rectangular space, it is better to build a house along the long side. If the plot is trapezoidal, it is more convenient to place the house with its façade facing the longer edge. In a triangular version, the house can follow broken boundaries, or alternatively, the structure can have an L-shape;
  • established requirements - the house should not occupy more than 30% of the site area, the minimum distance to the fence should be at least 3 m.

Choosing a foundation

For an 8x10 house, a strip foundation is perfect. It is made from concrete strips sunk into the ground. They bear the load from load-bearing walls and columns, if any are present in the structure. The tapes are supported by foundation slabs. They act as distributing cushions, which allow the load to be distributed over a larger area of ​​soil and installation to be carried out without special preparations.

Such a foundation is suitable for one- and two-story buildings, equipped with a basement or not, with load-bearing walls made of brick, wood or SIP panels. The strip structure can be manufactured directly on the construction site. To pour concrete, formwork is pre-installed. Another option is a prefabricated structure made of reinforced concrete blocks. To install them, you need to use a construction crane.

Ceiling height

Pay attention to the height of the ceilings - for residential floors it should be at least 3 m. There will be enough air and oxygen in such a room. In the basement, a height of 2.8 is sufficient.

Sizes and number of windows

Proper natural lighting depends not only on the orientation of the windows relative to the cardinal directions, but also on their number, size and location. According to existing standards, in residential premises - in the kitchen, living room, bedroom, glazing should occupy an area equal to an eighth of the floor. It is better to provide more windows to achieve uniform insolation.

Distribution of area for rooms and their location

The layout of the rooms is carried out at the stage of developing the foundation project, taking into account future load-bearing and dividing partitions. The volume of clean air for comfortable human living must be at least 25 cubic meters. The dimensions of future rooms must be calculated in accordance with this requirement.

With a ceiling height of 3 m, the area of ​​the room should be at least 9 square meters. m. Also, during the distribution of space, it is necessary to take into account the degree of intensity and duration of natural light. Another requirement is the possibility of unhindered ventilation and ventilation of the premises.

Zoning and planning

In any case, the house must meet all the requirements of the future owner regarding the comfort of living in it and the ease of use of all premises. But this can only be achieved with the help of a carefully thought-out and well-designed project. And you don’t have to plan to build a huge mansion - an 8x10 house will fit all the necessary premises. The main thing is to place them correctly on the plan and correctly zone the entire area.

In any case, the house must meet all the requirements of the future owner

So, the first step is to decide on the number of premises and decide which ones will serve a residential role and which ones will serve an economic role. It is better to do the latter in one place as close to each other as possible. The remaining space can be occupied by living quarters.

Advice! If the house will be used only for temporary seasonal residence, then it is worth making as few partitions as possible. Let there be an open and free layout - being in such a room will be more comfortable and freer. But for a house where the family will live all year round, partitions between rooms must be made.

An example of a combined kitchen and living room - plan and 3D model

As for the partitions between rooms, then, of course, they “eat up” quite a lot of free space, thereby making the house seem cramped and uncomfortable. But in fact, there are several tricks that will make your house more spacious visually. So, for example, you can combine a living room and a dining room or a living room and a kitchen, or organize a combined bathroom of a small area. It is recommended to make the living room the largest room, because this is where the whole family will gather in the evenings, and this is also where guests will be welcomed. It is important to make it cozy, spacious and bright. In a two-story house it should be on the first floor.

Frame two-story residential building

Do not forget that when designing a house you will have to organize a small vestibule at the entrance, because a private home does not have an entrance, like in an apartment building, and on days of severe cold, the absence of a vestibule can negatively affect the microclimate in the house and the level of heat. You will still have to make a small corridor. This is especially true for those who plan to live in such a house permanently. The vestibule can be organized as an extension or made inside the perimeter of the house, separating it from the rest of the premises.

By the way, the house may also include a built-in garage. Although this room will take up quite a lot of space, it is necessary if it is not possible to build a separate garage on the site. Also, a built-in garage is an excellent option for those who cannot live a day without transport or are constantly upgrading it. In this case, you can even supply heating from the house to the garage. In this case, the entrance to the garage is made directly from the house.

An example of the layout of a 10x8 house with a central load-bearing wall

What to build from: choice of construction material

The main investment when building a house is in wall materials. Their choice must be approached as responsibly as possible, so that you do not subsequently have to reap the fruits of your carelessness and avoid even greater expenses.

What should you consider when choosing materials for wall construction?

  1. Thermal insulation ability. Cold walls will lead to increased heating costs in winter. This point can be corrected with the help of insulation. In most regions of our country, additional protection of walls from freezing is required, regardless of the thermal insulation properties of the material.
  2. The amount of labor required for the construction of walls. It can be reduced by choosing large blocks or panels as the base material. Frame houses are champions in speed of assembly. Installation of such walls takes 3-4 times less time and effort.
  3. Price. When choosing a lightweight material, foundation costs are automatically reduced. In this case, it is not necessary to choose a powerful and expensive base option.
  4. Spending on finishing. Modern materials with smooth surfaces do not require expensive finishing, so this cost item can be reduced.

In order to figure out what materials should be chosen for the construction of walls, we will consider their main characteristics, identifying their advantages and disadvantages.

Foam concrete

Blocks made of foam concrete and aerated concrete retain heat well. A single-layer wall, built from elements 30-40 cm thick, has the same heat-insulating properties as a multi-layer brick analogue. Such characteristics are achieved due to the porous structure of the material. Foam concrete is resistant to changes in humidity and temperature, and allows you to maintain a comfortable microclimate in the room. Such walls will not rot or collapse - the material has no restrictions on its service life.

This material performs well during transportation and installation. It can be cut with a regular hacksaw. Due to the impressive dimensions of the foam blocks, you can save a lot on masonry mortar. Smooth cuts of elements in combination with special glue allow the production of thin-seam masonry. This further enhances the thermal insulation properties of foam concrete walls. As a result, you get fairly smooth walls, thanks to which you can save a lot on finishing materials.

The cost of transporting lightweight aerated blocks compared to bricks is significantly lower, as is the remuneration of masons, since labor costs are reduced and the speed of masonry increases by 9 times.

Foam concrete does not burn and has high compressive strength. It contains only natural ingredients, so it is environmentally friendly. The material is resistant to frost and has a high level of vapor permeability.


The timber is processed logs, ready for installation. Another material option is elements glued together from individual lamellas. The beam can have a square, rectangular or semicircular cross-section. Profiled products are equipped with grooves and protrusions, thanks to which the connections are stronger and more reliable. Oblique cuts are provided to drain excess water. If desired, it is quite possible to build a house from timber with your own hands.

Advantages of timber

  1. Highly environmentally friendly.
  2. Democratic price.
  3. Excellent thermal conductivity.
  4. Durability.
  5. Aesthetics - timber walls look great even without finishing.
  6. Lightweight structures do not require an expensive foundation.


  1. Wall shrinkage can continue for several years.
  2. Flammability.
  3. Susceptibility to infection by fungus and bark beetles.
  4. Cracks may form during the operation of the house.

Individual shortcomings can be mitigated by treating the walls with special products that will protect against fire and pests, and help maintain optimal levels of humidity and temperature in the room.

Frame-panel house or SIP panel

Frame technologies make it possible to build a house in just a few weeks. The speed of assembly and low cost of such buildings makes them preferable over other possible options.

Frame-panel houses are assembled from special panels. They are a multilayer material made of two layers of OSB, between which insulation is placed - polystyrene foam. The small weight of SIP panels allows the construction of buildings of several floors without installing load-bearing reinforcing structures.

The material has increased thermal insulation properties. A 100 mm layer of expanded polystyrene provides better resistance to heat loss than brick walls 2 m thick. To achieve similar characteristics, the walls of houses made of logs or foam concrete must be 50-60 cm thick.

The advantages of SIP panels include:

  • light weight - the mass of a square meter of structural panel does not even reach 20 kg;
  • unsurpassed installation speed - the construction of a house with an attic will take no more than 20-25 days;
  • excellent thermal efficiency - to install a warm building for most regions of Russia, a standard panel thickness of 17 cm is sufficient;
  • improved noise insulation – the materials of the panel “pie” have increased ability to protect against extraneous street noise;
  • all-season - installation of houses from SIP panels can be done at any time of the year;
  • surprisingly simple assembly technology - during construction, two pairs of free working hands will be enough.

Frame-panel buildings also have disadvantages, including:

  • excessive tightness - the walls do not allow air to pass through at all, so forced ventilation systems have to be installed;
  • the materials and adhesives included in the composition are difficult to classify as environmentally friendly;
  • fire hazard.


Brick is one of the most common materials for building houses. It allows you to build buildings with walls of various thicknesses. The material not only looks impressive in combination with roofing materials, but also has many other advantages.

Benefits of brick

  1. Easy to install - no need to use special equipment. It is easy to lay ventilation ducts in the brick and provide passages for utilities.
  2. Fire safety - not flammable.
  3. High resistance to precipitation and fungus formation.
  4. Good sound insulation ability.
  5. High thermal insulation characteristics with correct calculation of wall thickness and selection of thickness and type of insulation in accordance with this indicator.

The disadvantages of brickwork are expressed in:

  • the need for mandatory insulation and finishing outside and inside;
  • that brick is not suitable for seasonal buildings - country houses. The material has the ability to accumulate moisture, which freezes in winter. Several freeze-thaw cycles can cause the material to deteriorate;
  • large weight, due to which the installation of a strip foundation to the depth of soil freezing becomes mandatory.

Projects with an attic

The planning possibilities for an 8 by 10 house with an attic are expanding compared to one-story buildings. The popularity of the projects is explained by the following reasons:

  • Increasing the area does not require changes to the building plan. You get additional living space, spending less money than owners of full-fledged two-story cottages; There is enough space for 4-6 people.
  • The space is conveniently divided into two parts: below there is a daytime common area, above there is enough space for two bedrooms and a full bathroom. Only a bathroom is equipped on the ground floor.

Modern style house with cuckoo Source rhdevelopment.pl

  • An important part of the attic arrangement is natural lighting, especially if it contains several isolated rooms. You can install panoramic windows or build windows into the roof.
  • A special feature of projects with an attic is the staircase, which steals part of the usable area. It is placed in the hall or living room, depending on what the space under the bay is used for: a storage room, a small workplace or a relaxation area.

Project made of laminated veneer lumber with a veranda Source hvoyadom.ru

Number of storeys and configuration of the house

There are many design options for 8x10 houses. It can be a one-story, two-story building or a house with an attic. It may provide space for a garage and a ground floor, the arrangement of which will certainly entail an increase in expenses, but will provide comfort during the operation of the house. Houses with open terraces or glazed verandas, patio areas and other interesting extension options look incredibly impressive.

Two-storey house

Before starting construction, it’s worth understanding what the pros and cons of two-story buildings are.


  1. Without reducing the amount of living space, they allow you to significantly save space on the site, which is useful for arranging other necessary areas - for recreation, covered parking, playground, garden.
  2. The size of the roof of a one-story house of the same area will be much larger. Consequently, much more materials will be needed for its installation, and this will lead to a significant increase in cost.
  3. Externally, two-story houses look much more impressive. This is one of the main criteria that determines their high popularity.

Disadvantages of two-story houses:

  1. The foundation is subject to heavy loads, so it is necessary to use expensive grades of concrete.
  2. To carry out facing work, it is necessary to erect scaffolding, the rental of which will also increase the cost of the project.
  3. It will be necessary to install ceilings between floors and build in stairs.
  4. It is more difficult to install utilities and effectively heat a house in winter.

If the main thing for you is saving space, choose a two-story house. If you want to reduce the construction budget, a one-story building is your option.


Single-story buildings also have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at them.


  1. There are no stairs in one-story houses, which ensures convenience and safety when moving. This is especially important for families with children and elderly people.
  2. Presentable appearance - the structure looks very solid.
  3. Construction takes much less time and labor than building a two-story house on the same area.
  4. A complex, expensive foundation is not required, since the load on the supporting structure is minimized.
  5. Construction is possible on any type of soil, including water and even unstable ones.
  6. Operating such a building is much less expensive. This occurs due to the fact that heating is evenly distributed throughout all rooms of the house, and fewer windows reduce inevitable heat loss.
  7. There are no seasonal restrictions for home renovations.
  8. Construction will not require the construction of scaffolding, which takes up a significant share of the costs when constructing additional floors.

Among the disadvantages of a one-story 8x10 house are the following:

  • small total area compared to a two-story building;
  • it is necessary to select an area with the most even terrain for construction;
  • the need to lay a massive layer of heat-insulating material under the floor covering;
  • It will not be easy to add additional rooms if necessary. In this case, you can create a living space by converting the attic or adding an attic. But such manipulations often disrupt the original architectural design and spoil the appearance of the building.

House with an attic

Attic-type houses are very popular. And this is not surprising. Instead of an idle attic, a cozy living space appears, the arrangement of which will require a minimum of costs. It can be used as a bedroom, children's room, playroom, billiard room, library. Sometimes this space houses a cozy themed living room - a room decorated with hunting trophies and weapons. There are many options and the choice depends only on the preferences of the owners.

Projects with an attic will require the installation of heat and sound insulating materials, installation of non-standard windows, and modification of the ventilation and heating systems.

House with extension

An 8x10 house can be equipped with an extension in the form of a porch, terrace, veranda or garage. This will allow, without reducing the living space, to increase the functionality of the building and harmoniously fit it into the surrounding landscape. Extensions are a buffer zone, and you should think about their purpose at the design stage. The simplest option is a porch with a canopy, where you can hide from the rain and scorching sun rays.

Another type of extension is terraces and verandas. These are similar options and are very often confused. And yet, most often a terrace is an open area adjacent to the house with a lattice or balustrade fence and a temporary or permanent canopy. The veranda is a continuation of the building. This structure is attached to the house from one or several sides at once - it is built into the corner, L-shaped models go around the house.

The patio area is a platform paved with stone or lined with paving slabs. Its fencing is often made of wooden bars or forged elements. The entrance to the site from the garden is usually decorated with an arch, “supported” by thujas or larches.

Instead of paving, you can use plank flooring in this area, which is very pleasant to walk on barefoot on a warm sunny day. This area is complemented by garden furniture, a barbecue area and a removable or permanent canopy.

Another significant addition could be a garage or covered parking. These are necessary elements for a country house, the path to which must be reached by car.

Projects of one-story houses 8x10

One-story housing is economically beneficial: less materials are spent on it, and the installation of communications (water supply, heating system, sewerage) is cheaper. A competent layout of an 8 by 10 one-story house has the following features:

  • The living area includes a living room, kitchen and three bedrooms. If necessary, the living room is combined with the kitchen, and instead of one bedroom, a dining room or office is organized.
  • Careful study of the project will allow you to allocate space not only for the bathroom and toilet (it is better to make them separate), but also for a small dressing room and corridor.
  • If necessary, space is allocated in the utility area for a boiler room and a storage room.

Project of a one-story house with a porch Source lendomstroy.com

  • The garage is usually attached to the house. This allows you to save on construction, because one wall will be common. It will be more convenient to use the garage if you connect it to the house by making an entrance through a common wall. You will be able to get into the garage without going outside - a valuable advantage in winter frosts or prolonged autumn rains.
  • The basement floor will help increase the usable area. You can move utility rooms to it, and use the remaining space to organize a rest room, workshop or mini-gym.
  • An important addition to a one-story building is a terrace or veranda, where it is convenient to relax and receive guests in the summer. If the project includes a gable roof, you will have an attic at your disposal, where it is convenient to store supplies, seasonal and bulky items.

House with a swimming pool in a modern style Source projektyzwizja.pl

How to position the stairs correctly

When choosing an area for installing a staircase, you must rely on the design features of the building. It is most advisable to place it in a wide hall. There it will become the central element of the design - the calling card of the house. Here it is easier to provide a wide opening to the second floor, which ensures comfortable movement from one level to another.

The ladder can be installed along the wall. In this case, it is better to move it to a corner. In the absence of large openings, you can significantly reduce the size of the structure or even limit yourself to winder steps.

Advantages of two-story layouts

The two-story house project has the following advantages:

  • expansion of the usable area by 2 times – up to 160 m²;
  • the possibility of providing a separate room for each resident;
  • creating a wardrobe that reduces the load on furniture from the bedrooms;
  • allocation of reserve space to accommodate guests;
  • no need to combine premises;
  • possibility of building a balcony or bay window;

If financial possibilities allow, then it is advisable to think about the construction of an attic. The additional space can be used as a workshop, gym, warehouse or guest bedroom.

Features of the layout of two-story houses

The layout of a two-story house 10 by 8 should be not only comfortable, but also safe. This applies to stairs that will be constantly subject to high traffic loads. It is advisable to opt for a flat structure consisting of several spans with durable and high railings. The width of the stairs should be sufficient for the free movement of furniture.

On the ground floor it is better to plan a living room, kitchen, bathroom and master bedroom. If the building does not have a basement, space should be allocated for the heating boiler. This solution will allow you to turn off the heating on the upper level when it is empty.

It is advisable to allocate the second floor for bedrooms, a dressing room, a toilet and a bathroom.

What determines the choice of interior style

Absolutely any style is suitable for decorating a country house - it all depends on the preferences of the owner. Lovers of luxury and presentability will choose the classic direction, adherents of minimalism - modern style, connoisseurs of natural materials - eco style, ethnic motifs will appeal to admirers of the traditions of various nations.

The main condition is that the interior must support the idea of ​​decorating the facade and landscape design of the site.

Ways to decorate the facade of a house

Decorating your home can be a source of pride for you. There are many ways to finish it cheaply and tastefully.

  1. Wooden architecture. The best decoration for a wooden house is carved elements: trim, shutters, slatted blinds. With the help of painted cladding panels and accent tinted slats, you can decorate your home in the half-timbered style. Another option for facing material is lining.
  2. Fiber-reinforced concrete. New and quite expensive material. The high cost is a consequence of the labor-intensive production process. Finishing elements are cast in molds. The main advantage of the material is its high strength. However, it also has disadvantages - high moisture absorption, heavy weight, which is why parts often fall off.
  3. Siding. Vinyl or metal material. Allows you to quickly and without special knowledge provide your home with a durable, effective and easy-to-clean coating.
  4. Clinker. It is made from glass-magnesium sheets and resembles a brick. Goes well with stucco and forged products.
  5. Plinth panels are a polymer coating with various textures. They can be an imitation of wood or natural stone.
  6. Plaster. It looks very impressive. Requires regular updating.
  7. Stucco molding. Only the gypsum variety is suitable for decorating the facade.

What mistakes should you avoid when designing?

When drawing up a project, you need to take into account many nuances:

  1. Don't forget to plan elements that increase the comfort of the building by several levels - dressing rooms, a sauna, a sink in the garage.
  2. Building a house according to a standard project will cost much less.
  3. Don't expect that remodeling an old house will cost less than building a new one. The situation is exactly the opposite.
  4. When deciding on the number of floors of your house, take into account the number of family members and their individual characteristics.
  5. Don't forget to install a second exit from the garage into the building. Otherwise, you will have to get out of the car and go outside again.
  6. Be sure to include a room for a small boiler room in your house plan. As an extension, this element does not look very aesthetically pleasing.

Examples of one- and two-story 8x10 houses with a successful layout can be found in our photo gallery.

Materials and finishing

After creating the project, you can begin to select the materials from which the house will be built. Thus, according to tradition, wood and its derivatives are in first place, but in general, concrete blocks and bricks are not inferior to them in popularity.

Where is insulation used in house construction?

Prices for thermal insulation materials

Thermal insulation materials

Wood is undoubtedly the most environmentally friendly material, but it is expensive and shrinks over time, and is also susceptible to attacks by wood borers and the formation of mold. Nowadays it is often replaced with foam blocks - a material that, in a number of indicators, is superior in quality to wood, but costs less than brick. And it’s much easier to work with them than with the same brick. However, the owner himself will have to decide what to build a house from, based on his wishes, knowledge and skills, as well as based on the budget.

House project measuring 8x10 sq. m

The interior decoration can also be made from a variety of materials, ranging from decorative plaster to traditional wallpaper. Here you just have to give in to your imagination or the suggestions of designers and simply bring to life what you want, taking into account the general rules.

Video – Construction of an 8x10 house

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