Bird feeder - a review of ideas for building feeders and birdhouses with your own hands (135 photos and videos)

Review author: Terrari School of Design

Not all birds can get their own food in winter, so it’s worth helping them.

One of the best options is to hang bird feeders in your garden, park or yard. You can buy them in a store or make them yourself, because they can be made from scrap materials and in a short period of time.

Interesting photos of bird feeders confirm that homemade feeders are much more interesting and beautiful to look at.

Orange bowl

You can come up with some pretty original bird feeders. For example, use an orange for this purpose. Cut the fruit in half and eat the pulp.

And make four holes in the skin opposite each other. Stretch the twine through them, connect them crosswise and tie the upper ends to a tree branch. The result is a container into which you can pour the grains.

Bird feeders made from boxes

These feeders are very easy to make, but they will not last long. To make such a bird house, a regular holiday box will do. All you have to do is make a few holes in it and hang it on a branch using a rope.

Another very popular method in our country is a bird feeder cut out from under a milk carton.

You don't have to stick to the design of the box at all. You can choose the packaging you like from anything and design it as you wish.

For greater structural reliability, you can cover the box with aluminum foil or film. But this can only be done outside.

Apple pendants

A good idea for a feeder would be apples cut into rings and hung on strings from a wire rack.

If you want to add some nutrition to your bird's dinner, brush the apple rings with melted pork fat. You don’t have to take fresh apples – dried ones will do.

Birdhouse: how to change the roof structure

There are several design options for bird houses and they are all good. Each of them involves the same assembly process. The difference lies in the shape, parameters of individual parts and the direction of the roof slope.

3 options for how to make a birdhouse with different roof designs:

  1. slope to the rear wall;
  2. lean-to house;
  3. gable roof.

The first and second options are the most common. Such birdhouses are considered simple in execution, since there is no need to “bother” with cutting out parts.

The gable roof makes the birdhouse look like a real house Source

All listed options have the same assembly technology. The difference in the procedure lies only in the shape and parameters of cutting out individual structural elements.

3 steps on how to assemble a birdhouse body from pre-prepared and cut elements:

  1. Connecting the walls (at this stage the front part is connected to the left and right walls);
  2. Processing the bottom (the bottom of the product must be connected to the back wall in a manner similar to the first step);
  3. Assembling the structure (here you need to fasten all the parts of the structure together - first the processed front part is connected to the back, then the roof is attached).

Advice ! The bird house needs to be cleaned periodically. To do this you will need to remove the roof of the birdhouse. Therefore, you should not fix the part “tightly”. It is best to make it removable.

When securing the roof, you need to move it forward a little so that some part of the part protrudes in front of the “entrance” to the house. This is required to protect the interior from rain and snow.

Pumpkin arbor

Work on the pumpkin just like you did for Halloween. Cut a solid hole and discard the seeds and pulp. Pour treats inside, and hang the pumpkin itself from the branch by its tail.

DIY birdhouse: what you need to know

Each job involves following a certain technology, as well as complying with safety regulations. This process is no exception.

It is important to know ! When decorating a bird house with paint, you should give preference to water-based materials. It is also necessary to ensure that the liquid has no odor.

It is best to choose neutral color shades. The best option is to disguise the birdhouse as a natural environment. This way you can prevent attacks by predators and, to some extent, protect future residents.

It is advisable to place the birdhouse so that cats cannot reach it Source

To make a birdhouse safely, you must follow 3 rules:

  • glasses are a must for working with wood;
  • gloves - it is best to use textile ones, which will prevent splinters from entering;
  • the tool must be perfectly sharp in order to process the wood well without getting stuck in it.

Advice ! Before starting work, you should check in advance the serviceability of all the tools used, so as not to be distracted later by solving unexpected problems.

At the final stage, when the birdhouse is ready, you must refrain from climbing the tree yourself. To hang the birdhouse at the desired height, it is best to use a high ladder.

Popsicle stick house

If you often buy ice cream for your kids, don't throw away the sticks. You don't need a bird feeder drawing. Lay out two parallel rows of sticks. Insert the sticks perpendicularly on the sides between them. It should look something like a log house.

Tie the resulting product at the corners with twine. Connect all four ends of the rope at the top above the branch where the feeder will be located. Attach the bottom from a piece of plywood. Now you can call the birds for lunch.

Basic material for the feeder

The following materials are considered the most suitable for making a feeder:

  • tree;
  • plastic;
  • glass.

The wooden feeder must be made very carefully so that there are no splinters, otherwise the bird may get hurt.

Also, the manufactured feeder should not contain protruding nails, sharp corners or other dangerous elements.

Birdhouse made from clocks

Did you inherit a rare pendulum clock from your grandmother? Their strong base makes an excellent bird feeder. Remove the pendulum - there will be a dining room in this place. And in the small hole where the cuckoo once crowed, organize a “bedroom” for your flying friends. Get a birdhouse with your own hands. All that remains is to attach it to the tree trunk.

Types of feeders

Based on the type of manufacture, feeders are divided into several types, which have their own characteristics and advantages with disadvantages. The most common types of feeders:

  • suspension - this type of feeder is the simplest and most often a mesh bag is used as the basis for production. It is worth noting that not every type of bird can use such a feeder.
  • platform - made in the form of a flat tray, the main advantage is that the feed can be seen from afar. It is worth noting that this type of feeder has many disadvantages, for example, there is no protection from wind and natural precipitation.
  • The house is one of the practical types that has many advantages. As a rule, the material used for this type of feeder is wood.
  • bunker is one of the most popular types. This type of bird feeder is original and practical to use.
  • tray - feeders with sides, best suited for birds that live in a given area.
  • The sheller is not a very practical type of feeder, as it is not suitable for all birds.

Feeder "Avoska"

Often in supermarkets, vegetables and fruits are packaged in nets. Previously, our ancestors used to go shopping with these and they were called “string bags.”

Now it’s time to use them for good deeds by putting bird food in the net. True, you will have to work hard to make a bird's dinner that will not fall through the holes.

Mix the grain or grain mixture with unsalted lard, after melting it. You can use peanut butter instead of lard. Roll the resulting mixture into a ball, put it in a string bag and hang it on a tree.

The fat will harden in the cold and the food will not spill out. But it will be convenient for sparrows and tits to peck it through the net.

To prevent the food from getting wet and softening under the influence of precipitation, you can attach a gable roof over the string bag.

Plastic feeders

One of the easiest ways to make feeders is to make them from plastic bottles and then attach them to a wooden base with metal rings.

The main feature of this design is that the bottles are tilted and give food to the birds in portions as they eat it.

You can use one plastic bottle as a feeder - just hang it on the neck on a strong branch. Make a hole in it and place a wooden spoon or spatula in it so that the bird can land here.

In large rectangular bottles, you can make side holes and attach them horizontally to some thick tree branch.

You can make a feeder for your garden from several plastic bottles at once: just fasten them together and make holes. For greater beauty, the structure can be painted in the color you want.

It should be remembered that when cutting plastic bottles, there may be irregularities on them that the bird can cut itself on. After you have made the cut, it is recommended to run your hand along it - if the surface is sharp or rough, then you should sand it or trim it more carefully.

Feeder "Coconut"

If you eat a coconut, do not throw away the shell. Look on the Internet for a photo of a coconut bird feeder and do the same.

Not everyone can make holes in the thick skin of a coconut. But if you manage to do this, the well-fed birds will thank you with morning singing.

Those who have not managed to cope with this matter can use half a coconut as a “plate” for the birds.

Building a bird feeder. Nuances

Creating a bird feeder on your property is not just a whim, but also caring for the birds: in this way you help the birds better survive the winter and frosts. By hanging a feeder on your property, you will prevent the birds from starving to death.

However, even this simple matter has its own nuances. Firstly, it is important to place the feeder correctly on the site, choose the right tree - it should not be too tall and too wide.

The second point is painting. If you want the feeder to be bright, paint it only on the outside, so that when birds eat the food, they do not accidentally ingest harmful chemicals.

Here are some more important tips:

  1. After making the feeder, make sure that the hole in which the birds will fly is smooth on all sides (this is especially important for feeders made from bottles, the edges of which can be scratched). This way you will protect the birds from accidental injury;
  2. If you use glue or varnish in your work, carefully study their composition. They must not contain toxic elements;
  3. Do not make paper feeders too large - birds sitting on them can push and tear them with their weight and get hurt;
  4. Take care of the safety of the bird house: wooden feeders, over time, can develop dangerous mold and mildew, and metal ones can become covered with rust, which can poison the animal. Therefore, it is better to protect them with special varnishes (without chemicals harmful to health);
  5. You should regularly check the cleanliness of the bird feeder and check to see if any parts are damaged.

Okay, we've sorted out the nuances. Let's now look at what and how various bird feeders are made.

Feeder from a 5 liter bottle

It’s difficult to work with coconut, but almost anyone can make a feeder from a bottle. Take a 5 liter plastic bottle.

Draw three or four squares on the same level so that the bird can fit. Cut out three sides of each square, leaving the top line intact.

Fold the resulting square outward to create a canopy. Pour some bird treats inside the bottle and wait for your guests.

Fruit and vegetable feeders

We believe that you are convinced that a bird house can be made from anything. Even from what nature gives us, such as orange peel.

How to make a feeder out of peel? Cut the fruit in half and remove the pulp with a spoon. Then dry the orange peel and make holes in it using a thread and a needle. Fill the peel with bird treats and hang it on the tree.

You can do the same with pumpkin. Don’t forget to add wooden bird skewers to the design.

Moreover, you can make a bird feeder from the whole pumpkin or make it edible. We will try to tell you more about this in the following articles of our blog.

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Feeder from a 2-liter bottle

Take two or three wooden spoons. Make two through holes in a 2-liter plastic bottle so that the handle of each spoon pierces right through the bottle. At the same time, so that the spoons come out with the scoop in different directions.

Pour the beans into the bottle. Through the holes, food will be poured into spoons, and birds will be able to peck it without difficulty.

How to make a birdhouse correctly: types of houses and materials for work

When making bird houses, it is recommended to use a specific type of wood, or rather, hardwood. Aspen or birch are more favorable in this regard. You cannot use wood made from pine needles - because of the large amount of resin it contains, which can glue the feathers together.

It is important to know ! Each bird prefers a house of certain dimensions. The dimensions of a birdhouse for starlings, for example, should not be more than 35 cm in height, and the hole diameter should be 5 cm. The thickness of the walls should also be certain - 2 cm.

There are different types of birdhouses. They differ in materials (wood, plastic, cardboard, etc.), roof structure (single-pitched, double-pitched), number of tiers, etc. If you look at the materials, the following 5 are considered the most common:

1 – wooden birdhouse

Birdhouses are best made from wooden planks. This is the most reliable option that will serve the birds for many years. For assembly you will need the appropriate tools - hammer, nails, jigsaw. Also in the process you will need a marker, a ruler and a finished layout drawing.

Attention ! When working with unfinished wood planks, sanding the surface is usually required. When making a birdhouse, this is not necessary and is even prohibited.

The boards should remain rough so that the birds can easily cling to the walls with their paws Source
3 steps on how to make a birdhouse from wood:

  • Layout of parts (drawings are made on the surface of the board);
  • Working with a jigsaw (cut out sketched parts);
  • Fastening (using nails).

Advice! It is best to leave the birdhouse unpainted, but if you still want to finish it, it is better to give preference to water-based paints or stain to preserve the natural color.

Usually in birdhouses, thresholds are attached in front of the round hole on the outside. This is not necessary. Birds can easily fly inside without this part. But predators will have the opportunity to stand on the threshold to destroy the nest.

2 – plywood or chipboard

Plywood or chipboard sheets contain an adhesive substance, which is an inorganic product, so birdhouses are not made from such materials. However, for a feeder in the form of a house, this is a completely suitable option.

It is important to know ! A birdhouse made of plywood is made only with the help of a jigsaw and the correct drawing. All parts must be assembled like a constructor. Glue cannot be used for fastening, and nails are not an option for such sheets.

Therefore, it is important to choose the right layout and transfer it exactly onto the plywood sheet Source projectrsm25.rf
3 steps on how to make a feeder from plywood:

  • Sketching the details (on a plywood sheet, using a pencil or marker, individual elements of the birdhouse are drawn along with future holes for assembly).
  • Cutting (here you will need a jigsaw).
  • Assembly of the structure.

Advice ! Due to the smooth surface, it will be uncomfortable for birds to cling to the walls with their paws. To make it easier for them to fly out, it is recommended to make suitable interior decoration.

The outside of such houses can be decorated using water-based paint Source
Many people leave the natural surface of plywood. In this case, it is best to open the walls with varnish. It is recommended to choose a quick-drying, odorless material.

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in garden furniture and storage systems

3 – cardboard house

The cardboard version of the birdhouse is more suitable for seasonal feeding of birds. A house like this won't last long. Even if you protect it with a waterproof layer, you will need to make a new one next year.

Attention ! We should not forget about the diameter of the hole in the birdhouse. If you make it too large, the house will not protect the occupants from predators.

The average size is from 2.8 cm to 5 cm, no more Source
3 steps on how to make a birdhouse from thick corrugated cardboard:

  • Drawing (here you need to use a marker or a simple pencil and a ruler, draw a layout of the birdhouse, and then bend the corresponding parts).
  • Assembling the structure (the finished base must be fastened with starch paste).
  • Finishing (in order for the house to last longer, it should be covered with film or other material that protects the surface from rain).

Some people make additional external decoration for the walls - they cover them with wine corks. To do this, you can use a glue gun.

4 – plastic container

Experts do not recommend making birdhouses from plastic. When exposed to high temperatures, the material can release toxic substances, which is harmful to birds. However, many people make houses from just such bottles, and birds happily feed in them.

Attention ! When making a house from plastic containers, the size of the birdhouse plays an important role. If it is an ordinary narrow bottle of 1.5-2 liters, then birds will not be able to live in it due to lack of space. It's more of a feeder.

It is better to choose containers of 5-6 liters Source

What and how to put in the feeder

When trying to save birds from the harsh winter, do not go too far, so as not to harm the birds with your ill-conceived care. Avoid giving your winged pets salty, fried, rancid or moldy food. You cannot feed birds millet and black bread.

But for sunflower seeds or oatmeal, the birds will be incredibly grateful to you. The wards will not refuse raisins, peanuts, and soybeans.

If you don’t know what to feed sparrows and titmice, purchase a balanced grain mixture at a pet store. There you can select food for each individual bird species that lives in your area. Just don't pour in a whole mountain of food at once. It's better to add a little each time.

Don't wonder if you need a feeder. Be sure to make the simplest one with your children and instruct the younger generation to ensure that it is always filled with bird food.

Wooden feeders

A traditional wooden feeder is shaped like a birdhouse or house. They can also be manufactured in several versions. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Bird house with vertical supports

Assembling such a feeder is not difficult if you use the following diagram:

You can make vertical supports (racks) yourself or replace them with thick branches. Everything inside can be sealed with plywood, but it will need to be painted.

The bird house can also be made of varnished plywood.

Width, length and height are at your discretion. Fortunately, wood is a malleable material, and you can easily make a feeder so that it harmonizes with the design of your home or site.

Bird house with side walls

An approximate assembly diagram for this option is as follows. The dimensions don't have to be this way. If you need a larger or smaller feeder, they can be changed proportionally.

The side walls can be open or solid. And the unusual decor will give such a wooden bird house an attractive appearance.

You can also cut additional round holes in the sides. Be sure to sand them down so the birds don't get hurt or pick up a splinter.

If you purchase ready-made stencils, you can decorate a birdhouse very beautifully. Wood painting paint or aerosol cans are suitable for this (don't forget the non-toxic coating).

It is best to hang wooden feeders from a strong rope or wire. All that is necessary is to make hooks on the roof of the feeder and stretch a strong thread.

Briefly about the main thing

Birdhouses come in different types, shapes and sizes. To decide on these parameters, you need to decide what kind of birds you want to keep near your house. It is best in this matter to proceed from the benefits for the environment (for example, the destruction of pests in the garden naturally).

The most common options are wooden, plywood, cardboard, plastic and paper houses. The first ones are considered the most suitable if you choose the right wood (aspen or birch). You cannot sand the surface of the boards, as the birds' feet will slide along the walls.

It is important to pay attention to individual design details. You should not make the hole large - squirrels or predators can enter it to occupy the house. The same goes for the entry threshold or perch. It is not advisable to do this for security reasons. Also, we should not forget the roof - it should protrude from the front part to protect the birds from the rain.

It is also important to know when birdhouses are made. On average, this is the spring period, namely March or the first week of April. However, it is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of the climate, since the return of birds after winter differs in different regions. If you hang a birdhouse late, residents may not move in. If you follow all the above rules, you will get a real house for birds.

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