What does an architect do for a developer? 7 cards for those who want to confidently communicate with an architectural bureau

Unsurprisingly, in the CIS countries - Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and others, people are not used to turning to an architect first when they want to build a house. At first, many customers are looking for a construction company, a picture with a beautiful project, but for some reason they leave the search for a professional who will create a reliable house project for later.

In our countries, a strange-looking idea has emerged that appears among those customers who ordered a project at the last moment, a cheaper project or simply a project based on an already completed building. Without understanding who is right and who is wrong in the event of problems with a built house, they begin to blame the designer, although they themselves wanted to be “cheaper”. Because of this, a completely incorrect stereotype was born, which spread the incorrect idea that a project is not needed to build a house, and an architect is a waste of money. In Western countries, a designer is invited at the stage of purchasing a site in order to receive high-quality professional advice.

Of course, not all those who are ready to do your project can be called professional architects. Therefore, if you think that a house project is necessary, that this is a useful thing that will save your nerves, wallet and building intact - this article is for you, we will talk about how to find a professional architect who will create a project for the house of your dreams.

The first step if you want to build a quality house that will serve your family for many years is to do the following:


- find a professional architect-designer or architectural bureau (it is important to choose not the most expensive and large agency, where they can provide you and your project with minimal attention at a high cost)

— draw up the technical specifications in accordance with all the rules, while taking into account all the details, so as not to make changes at the last moment, thereby not forcing the specialist to redo part of the work

- do not try to save money or do it cheaper, the Internet is full of free projects or students who are ready to learn from your future construction, none of them can guarantee you the reliability of the design, and it is after such a bad experience that unpleasant associations may arise.


A high-quality project cannot cost a penny, because you need to spend not a single hour or even a single day on its development, on studying all the rules, nuances and norms. A person responsible for quality work cannot charge the minimum amount for it, since this simply does not justify all his work.

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), but only in agreement with your architect. It is this person who will tell you where you can cut the budget without compromising the quality of the construction, and where this is strictly prohibited.

So, as we have already found out, it is important to find a competent professional house designer with considerable experience, instead of saving on everything. After all, isn’t it easier to do everything right from the very beginning of construction, so as not to worry about how long your house will last, how many losses poor-quality construction will bring you, and also what harm it can cause to your family?

Some developers decide to do the project themselves, having seen a thousand articles on the Internet about how easy it is to do everything yourself, simply not knowing that the design of the simplest house consists of about 40 pages of calculations and designs.

However, having learned from the mistakes of others, more and more people in our countries are starting to look for a professional. After all, the designer’s work is only 3-5% of the cost of the entire building. At the same time, you will know for sure that the builders will not deceive you, that you can immediately order the amount of materials you need, and that thanks to the house design, the construction will be reliable.

Now let's talk about what not to do and how most articles on the Internet may advise you to find an architect (the same ones that previously advised you to do the project yourself).

Most sources say the following about how to find a professional architect:

— the architect must be close to you in spirit and style, and at the same time he must be creative and take into account all your desires;

— he must know all the latest technologies and at the same time have extensive experience working with them;

- he should be as experienced as possible, but at the same time ask for a small payment for his work;

- he must do his job quickly, but at the same time take into account all the details;

— the ideal architect should have connections and at the same time solve all your questions free of charge using them;

In general, there are too many contradictions in all these articles and, if you plan to read them further and strive to find such a specialist as described above, you may never find him...

5. Find an Architect Whose Previous Work You Admire

These days, one of the easiest and fastest ways to view an architect's previous work is through their website.

The practice's website will be their main sales tool, and you'll likely be able to view several well-photographed projects. This will give you an idea of ​​the quality of work they perform, the architectural style they may specialize in, the materials they are familiar with, and the building systems they are used to working with.

It is important that you like their work and know that they can create the style of home you want.

Architect Oksana Oleynik

Filming took place at the Geraldine restaurant

Filming took place at the Geraldine restaurant

Oksana Oleynik: “I remember this year as a kaleidoscope of impressions from contact with architecture, the subject environment and the nature of different cities and countries. Now I am leading projects not only in Moscow, but also in Europe, in the south of our country and in the Far East. Each object is an event for me, but it is a special success to work in new circumstances - cultural and stylistic. It is very interesting to solve non-standard problems, to leave the “comfort zone” - a set of techniques to which Moscow customers are accustomed. I draw professional inspiration from visiting exhibitions in Milan and Paris, where you always come back with new ideas for interiors. Many of this year’s trends turned out to be very close to me, and I was happy to apply them in my projects. This is a light and expressive mid century style; use of original vintage items; theme of the tropics, exotic plants, wildlife in prints, decor, accessories; a combination of marble and copper that enhances any space; multicultural trend interspersed with ethnic elements. I was glad that my favorite and, as practice shows, the most comfortable green color in interiors was presented in a huge range of shades from blue-green to olive, in noble complex tones and magnificent combinations with terracotta and dusty pink.

During my holiday this year, I was lucky enough to immerse myself in the authentic spirit of Indonesia and Morocco. There was a desire to fill Moscow interiors with the same riot of color, natural and harmonious materials and textures, and intricate ornamental motifs. It seems to me that in our climate, before the onset of a long winter with a seasonal lack of light, there is a need to spend more time in a bright, energy-filled environment. It’s nice that I was able to implement this idea in one of my projects. I took particular pleasure in building these complex, unexpected, sometimes provocatively contrasting color and stylistic combinations, combining things and elements belonging to different styles and eras.”

The interior of a Moscow apartment designed by Oksana Oleinik impressed with its extraordinary approach to the classical style. The interior is published in this issue on pp. 96–105

The interior of a Moscow apartment designed by Oksana Oleinik impressed with its extraordinary approach to the classical style. The interior is published in this issue on pp. 96–105

“Another event that certainly changed my professional sense of self was the design of my personal space, quite extraordinary in architecture, with a lot of planning possibilities, which allowed me to realize my wildest ideas, practice design techniques and at the same time gain an interesting and difficult experience of accepting yourself as a customer. Today I can firmly say that I feel in my place in the profession, I am ready to meet new people and solve new interesting problems.”

What about the money?

Habr Career analyzed more than 10,000 salaries of IT specialists for the second half of 2022, and this is what happened →.


  • The median salary in the IT industry is now 113,000 rubles.
  • developers receive on average 120,000 rubles.
  • Among developers, software architects traditionally earn the most (RUB 200,000).


Find out what meetings are like and where they are held. Some only schedule appointments in the office, which may mean commuting. Meetings may also only be held at certain times (eg 8:00 am to 4:00 pm), which may not be suitable for everyone.

Look for designers who are flexible about where and when to meet. Many people choose to meet in their apartment after hours (for example, after 5 pm) because it is most convenient for them and they don't have to travel. Therefore, make sure that meetings with your chosen designer are hassle-free.

Experience and knowledge of the target market

Architects specialize in various fields. Some of them are focused only on the design of public buildings, warehouses and factories. You don't need such a person. You must not have experience in the design and design of private houses. This way you will receive not only a contractor, but also an adviser, thanks to whom you will avoid possible mistakes even at the stage of creating the project. It is his responsibility to offer the best option. If you want to reduce costs without compromising the quality of building materials and finishes, the architect will be the first to request proposals for changes where possible.

So check whether the architect you want to entrust the design of your home has previously implemented similar projects and, of course, with what effect. It is equally important to know in which area the project will be implemented. The type of development depends, among other things, on topography, climate, as well as tradition, so the architect must know the local market. It is easy to notice that houses in Sochi are built differently than in Moscow or central Russia. Certain patterns should not be changed - they must be adapted to with possible modifications that will not have a negative impact on the overall image of an individual house and the entire area.

Where do they come from then?

This is what the architects themselves say:

  • “Software architects - former team leads or technical leads or leading developers”;
  • “Architects are taken from designers and developers as they gain experience and broaden their horizons”;
  • “The developer knows how to speak and draw presentations - solution architect”;
  • “From the developers. If there is a good developer, then he can further delve into programming languages ​​and develop in depth. But if, at one time, he became curious about how a technical task is born, who analyzes it, who makes the decision whether it should be done or not, then this is a signal that the specialist has taken the path of a novice architect.”

IT architect Gregory Hopp uses the metaphor of an elevator to describe his profession. Each floor where the elevator stops is a level in the organization: the first floor is the machine room - these are developers, production, the last floor is the management of the organization. When bringing a project to life, the architect moves through the floors (from the first to the last) and on each floor he must cope with various difficulties - technological, political, communication.

When needed

The main task of an IT architect is to find the optimal solution according to the needs of the customer and the capabilities of the team.

“Squeeze a solution into the budget and set a forecast for development
- these are the main tasks of the architect.”

Basically, he comes when needed:

  • develop software or system;
  • define the architecture and evolution of the project;
  • choose a technology for each element of the system (monolith or microservices, boxed or combined solution);
  • review business requirements;
  • help choose a framework;
  • define coding standards, create a catalog of patterns/antipatterns for the project;
  • indicate project risks;
  • ensure a balance in the system “development cost - solution flexibility - rapid implementation of new requirements”;
  • understand the project documents;
  • train developers.


High-quality computer visualization is of great importance, as it ultimately reflects the appearance of the interior. Low quality renderings do not reflect the true shapes of colors, shadows, textures, etc. Good ones, however, resemble photos and require a lot more work and advanced skills on the part of the designer to create. With visualizations, you don't have to imagine the end result—you just see it. It's also worth finding out if there's a limit on the number of renderings for a project and how many individual shots we'll get for each room.

The architect is friends with construction law

Architects are artists, but they can't have their head in the clouds all the time. It is also their responsibility to know construction law, because only then can they convince us of the full feasibility of the project they have created. Otherwise, it may turn out that construction will be interrupted at one of the stages, since the project will not comply with the norms and legal requirements. You can avoid this by collaborating with a professional, proven architect.

Architects have a long list of responsibilities. They are responsible for the comprehensive planning of the entire building concept, taking into account the client's expectations and preferences. They develop a project and implement it. In addition, they fill out project documentation, obtain permits and necessary conclusions, and also monitor the implementation of the project. However, not every architect provides such a comprehensive service.

Collaboration comes first

For many years, when developing design and estimate documentation, we have been paying a lot of attention to one thing, namely cooperation. It is much easier to work in the market by collaborating with a diversified office that offers several specialists in its offer. We have in mind an experienced team that can integrate at every stage. It is much easier to work with an architect who is in constant contact with a civil engineer. Openness to suggestions and changes, and most importantly, to questions from each side, is a guarantee of a good project.

Contact information: Company website: www.absolut33.ru; Multi-channel communication telephone; Email

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