Country toilet for an outdoor toilet: the best options and selection rules

Sufficient attention should be paid to choosing a country toilet for an outdoor toilet. It is recommended to focus not only on the cost of the product and the material of manufacture, but also on the type of toilet, ease of care and maintenance.

Owners can purchase a factory-made stall with a ready-made toilet or build it themselves.

Depending on the construction skills of the craftsman and the availability of consumables, you can create a product from wood, galvanized steel, or even from an old chair.

Below we will analyze this issue in detail, tell you everything about toilets for country toilets, select the optimal material and type, and also find out how you can make a toilet seat with your own hands.

Types of devices

Country closets are located not in the house, but on the site. A separate structure is often not connected to water supply and sewerage, so waste ends up in a special pit. Because of this feature, not all toilets are suitable for outdoor toilets.


The most common models used in the country. There is no tank in the design, and the drainage is carried out directly into the cesspool. The devices have a large hole and no water seal, which is typical for options designed for sewerage. To facilitate operation, a water hose is connected to the structure for waste disposal.

A ceramic country toilet for an outdoor toilet can withstand a load of up to 200 kg. The model does not move during use. Stability is ensured by fasteners that secure the structure to the podium. Options with a wide rim can be used without a lid.

Model for outdoor toilet Source

Organization of the sewer system

From the toilet in the country, which has a flush, you need to organize a sewer system. This can be made from pipes with a diameter of 50-100 mm. It is best to use PVC elements that do not rot, are durable, easy to install and inexpensive. Also, such a system can be easily repaired if necessary. Install them at a slight slope of about 20%. To prevent sewer pipes from freezing in winter, insulate them with any material with low thermal conductivity.

Simple drainage sewer system for a summer residence

If there is a large volume of wastewater, it is necessary to equip a septic tank with several containers. You can also additionally use preparations with special microorganisms that break down biological material. As a result, solid particles settle at the bottom of the first tank, and the liquid component moves to another container, which I make without a bottom. In this case, clean water is absorbed into the soil, which does not pollute the environment.

Sewerage laying

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How to choose a country toilet and a product to care for it? Countryside examination.


Homemade toilets are assembled from wood. The structure is made in the form of a step (low) or a podium, 45 cm high. The seats are taken ready-made or cut from a board and covered with fabric. Options made from old chairs installed over a pit look original.

Natural boards do not freeze in cold weather, which allows you to use your country toilet all year round. Wood absorbs odors and rots. Before assembling the structure, the boards must be treated with antibacterial impregnations and painted. The material does not last forever, so it is necessary to periodically replace deteriorating parts.

Model pedestal for a summer residence Source

Installing a Traditional Toilet

Installing a ceramic pot does not require any special skills. A hole is made in the floor corresponding to the inner diameter of the toilet outlet. It is recommended to reinforce it along the perimeter with beams on which the product will be installed. The pot is placed in place, the attachment points are marked, the corresponding holes are removed and drilled, after which a layer of sealant is applied to the base. The toilet is installed and bolted.

The ceramic toilet is very easy to install

How to properly arrange

The structure should not be installed next to housing or a well. According to sanitary rules, an outdoor toilet is located at a distance from the house (at least 10 m). The building must have a convenient approach and access for sewerage equipment.


The structure is needed for models without a drive. A waste collection tank is dug in the ground. The minimum depth is 1 m, diameter is 90-110 cm. The bottom line should not coincide with the groundwater, otherwise the contents will fall into the well. Professionals advise making a closed cesspool. The walls are lined, preventing the penetration of runoff into the well and the collapse of the soil.

Schemes for a country toilet Source

To neutralize unpleasant odors, the waste collection container is filled with peat. The substance absorbs moisture well and does not allow odors to spread throughout the area. Once a season, the product is changed and the old one is transferred to a compost pit. Additionally, the cabin is equipped with a window for ventilation and a ventilation pipe.

The upper part of the structure is located above the cesspool, through which waste passes. A flooring is made in the structure, a step or pedestal is assembled. When working with heavy toilets (ceramics, porcelain), we recommend additionally strengthening the country toilet with a cement screed.

Stages of construction of an outdoor bathroom

It is possible to build a toilet in the country that has a flush if you adhere to the following work technology:

Diagram of the ventilation system for the toilet

  • You need to make a reliable foundation for the toilet booth. To do this, dig 4 holes in the corners of the future structure with a depth of 0.8-1 m and a diameter of 20 cm.
  • Using a pipe or wooden boards, make a formwork that should rise 20 cm above the ground level.
  • Fill the holes with small crushed stone to the full height and fill them with cement-sand mortar.
  • Insert metal pins, which should sink into the concrete to a depth of 8-10 cm, leaving 10 cm on top.
  • Using wooden blocks with a cross-section of 10x10 cm, make the bottom frame for the frame. Secure all elements using foundation studs and be sure to additionally secure with nuts.
  • In the corners of the structure, install wooden posts made of timber of the same section. Secure them with metal corners and small spacers made from boards.

    Outdoor toilet

  • Check the vertical installation of the frame, and then fasten it with horizontal jumpers from the same timber.
  • Build a shed or gable roof using sheathing and rafters made from wood planks or beams. Use bitumen shingles, roofing felt or slate sheets as roofing material.
  • In the place where the door is attached, install additional racks - 2 vertical and 1 lintel.
  • The country bathroom should be covered with wooden clapboard or simple sanded boards. At the same time, leave a small window to illuminate the interior of the toilet during the daytime. Don't forget to glaze it.
  • Install the finished door on the hinges or build it yourself from the material that was used to line the walls.

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Peat toilet Piteco. No flies, no smell and no pumping.

How to install

Peat models and dry closets are not tied to a cesspool, which allows them to be located anywhere on the site. The kit includes a cabin, storage and seat. The waste reservoir is located inside the structure and is closed with a lid.

Bucket-shaped toilets can be placed in any part of the country toilet. The mobile closet is not tied to a place, which allows it to be moved into the house at night. The bottom cannot be glued, otherwise the procedure for emptying the waste will become more complicated.

What are they like?

To understand how to properly install a toilet, you first need to get at least some idea about their types.

Photos of all types of toilets

First we give you this classification:

  1. Mounted or wall-mounted. Such plumbing does not come into contact with the floor, but is mounted on a solid wall structure - an installation. It also contains a tank for draining. All communications and pipes are hidden. Outwardly it looks very aesthetically pleasing, but installation will require a lot of money and effort. In addition, the secrecy of communications complicates the process of maintenance and repair.
  2. Attached. Such products are mounted on the floor, although communications and the cistern are hidden in the wall. That is, only the clock and the drain button are visually visible. Not the most successful solution from a practical point of view. Yes, everything looks neat, most of the elements are hidden. But if problems or leaks occur, all the characteristic disadvantages of this method appear.
  3. In-floor. These are not relevant for apartments and houses, since they require installation directly into the floor recess. This is a popular solution when arranging public toilets. It makes no sense to talk about them in detail. This is a simple hole in the floor that many people have difficulty using. It is unlikely that anyone would want to install such a miracle of plumbing in their own home.
  4. Floor-standing. The most standard and well-known methods of installing plumbing fixtures. The design is not expensive, it is easy to install, dismantling the toilet is simple and smooth, as is maintenance and installation.

Release forms

  1. Oblique. Such releases are present in almost every typical multi-story building that was built from the 60s to the 90s. This, in fact, is the best option among all existing ones, since there is no fear of making a mistake during installation.
  2. Vertical. Most often found in Stalin buildings that were built in the mid-twentieth century. The socket is hidden under the base of the toilet, and the sewer pipe goes into the ceiling and connects to the neighbors' riser. Leaks were quite rare, although they caused some inconvenience. But it is still quite difficult to find such options now, and working with them is not very convenient. If it is an old house with very high ceilings, then this saves the situation. With the current heights of the walls, it is difficult to perform a vertical release. In any case, work has to be done.

Toilet care

The service life of a country outdoor toilet depends on proper use. Storage tanks need to be cleaned periodically. In models with bacteria, it is enough to replace the container with fresh water with microorganisms. In structures with peat, the filler is changed. For traditional types with a cesspool, a sewer service is called.

How to care for a toilet Source

To eliminate the stench, toilets need to be cleaned frequently. The products are selected taking into account the technical characteristics of the material from which the toilet was made. Plastic and wooden surfaces are cleaned with mild household chemicals, ceramic and porcelain - for plumbing. Galvanized surfaces are washed with a solution of dishwashing liquid.

Country wooden toilet Source

In hot weather, a stench often spreads throughout the area. If the waste is planned to be used as fertilizer in the future, then biological activators are added to the cesspool to speed up processing. Chemicals destroy pathogens in bulk and eliminate odors.


There are no strict recommendations on this matter, and there cannot be: the conditions in the country are very different, and so are the people. There are sizes that many consider optimal.

On one site there are very high beds and not very...

So, the dimensions of the raised beds are:

Height - from 20 cm to 50-60 cm. Look here what a difficult task it turns out to be. The higher the bed is raised, the easier it is to process - less bending. But more land and all the other “fillings” will be required. One more point: if a small bed may be covered with snow and will be covered from severe frosts, then a tall one will freeze through: the sides will also be open. For those beds where annuals are sown, this does not play any role, but for perennial strawberries, let’s say, this is a problem. Therefore, the height is chosen based on these considerations. According to the experience of many summer residents, the optimal height for strawberries is 20 cm. Then you can hope that it will not freeze. Width - from 60 cm to 1.2 m. Choose a distance so that it is convenient for you to cultivate the bed. A distance of 60-70 cm is chosen if the approach to the bed is only from one side. If you can reach it from both sides, you can make it a meter or more

It is important that the middle is processed without much stress. Length. Here everyone chooses based on the configuration of the site or their desire

There are no recommendations at all.

To prevent the bed from being too high, part of it can be buried: bury it 20-30 cm, and then put walls on top. The removed soil will be used for backfilling (there is often simply not enough soil), and the substrate from the lower coarse layers can be made thicker. And to minimize the cost of maintaining such a bed, you can use drip irrigation.

This is interesting: Do-it-yourself drip irrigation for your dacha at no cost - do it yourself

Selection rules

The choice of a suitable option is made taking into account the requirements for country toilets.

  • Low cost and simplicity of design are optimal for dachas where the owners do not live permanently. A plastic toilet for a country toilet is cheap, hygienic and convenient.
  • The design must ensure waste is discharged into the storage tank without flushing. Supplying water and installing a tank will require expense, effort and time. In addition, when installing a flush, the reservoir will fill up too quickly, so you need to choose a toilet for a summer house without an elbow.
  • The ease of installation will allow you to clean the drive or carry out repair work if necessary with minimal effort and very quickly. In this regard, it is important not only to install a comfortable plastic toilet for the dacha, but also to think through the design completely.


Once you have acquired a toilet at your dacha, you should not forget about the need to regularly clean this facility. We will find out what stages of cleaning work need to be taken.

Firstly, each time you need to first make sure that cleaning is really necessary. The process is not the most pleasant, so it is logical to carry it out when there is a real need for it.

Prepare all the necessary tools and equipment needed to successfully complete the job. Clean the pit using either mechanical or chemical methods. If you use the second option, the need to dismantle and subsequently install the toilet is eliminated.

If you have never performed such work and do not want to undertake it (which is not surprising), it is best to call a sewage disposal service, whose workers will clean it professionally, quickly and at a time convenient for you.

We looked at the features of arranging a country toilet with a toilet. As you can see, it is quite possible to have amenities in your dacha comparable to those of a city apartment. Modern manufacturers and high-tech materials give buyers the opportunity to equip their dacha in the most comfortable and, at the same time, inexpensive way.

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Spring has come. People are developing suburban areas and building houses. This means they need amenities. If running into the bushes is not an option, and you don’t want to build a dull “birdhouse” with a hole in the ground, then this article is for you. From it you will learn how to build a country toilet that will be the envy of all your neighbors!


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