Larch furniture, pros and cons, rules for selection and placement

Larch table

You can purchase laminated boards, solid-lamella or spliced, in Moscow through the company Dilect, which is a manufacturer and supplier. Production according to sizes provides a range of lengths from 0.9 to 5.0 m, widths from 20 cm to 1 m 20 cm. A tabletop made of solid larch based on a furniture panel will be made quickly with ideal quality!

Table tops made of solid larch

The Dilect company produces custom-made larch tabletops using furniture panels as a base: solid-lamella or jointed. Finished surfaces are made strictly to size, taking into account the required thickness (standard - 20 or 40 mm).

Glued blanks are used to make beech or oak tabletops to order. Sawing of a round or rectangular surface is carried out using modern equipment strictly according to the dimensions provided by the customer. Furniture panels are produced by deep processing of solid wood, sawing into lamellas of the same thickness and width, followed by gluing under a press. The resulting glued blank is characterized by high strength and durability. For further furniture production, it is recommended to use Extra or A/A grade boards.

All-lamella larch countertops for the kitchen are characterized by the beauty of their texture and maximum resemblance to natural solids. Spliced ​​panels are used in furniture production for the manufacture of the following elements:

  • cabinets;
  • beds;
  • stairs;
  • tables, window sills, shelves.

Round surfaces made of ash wood, 20/40 mm thick, are beautiful and practical.

Area of ​​application of wood

Lining is made from larch, which will retain all the unique properties of this wood and will have excellent decorative functions. Larch is also used in the manufacture of Durisol building blocks - this is a new unique technology for constructing walls in modern house construction. Houses made from these blocks are distinguished by wear resistance, excellent noise and heat insulation characteristics. Today, Canadian larch in America is used for constructing various types of roads, as well as for the construction of buildings in the Arctic zone. Siberian larch is one of the best materials for the construction of ships, boats and boats, since the physical properties of this wood are very high for use in the aquatic environment. This material has beautiful noble shades, and that is why larch is often used for interior decoration, both in public and residential buildings. This finish is unique because it is not afraid of biological and atmospheric influences, and products made from this material will not be afraid of rotting and can withstand long-term general loads. A structure made entirely of larch can last 200 years or more. Wooden architecture has always been popular in Rus', and today in the Urals and Siberia you can see ancient wooden houses made of larch, which have survived to this day.

Advantages and disadvantages

Furniture made from larch attracts the eye with its beauty, unusualness, it has properties that allow the product to be used in several directions. Being a valuable coniferous material, the species is successfully used in the construction of baths, houses, saunas, exterior decoration of premises, and verandas. But real connoisseurs and experts in the field of larch use advise purchasing interior items and furniture sets of this species.

Furniture items made from larch have constant advantages that distinguish them favorably from other types of furniture industry.

Advantageous product characteristics:

  • high density of wood, which only increases over time;
  • furniture resistance to deformation, high strength;
  • naturalness, environmental friendliness;
  • gum, which is part of the wood, protects products from mold, rotting, and the appearance of fungi;
  • furniture resistance to temperature changes, changes in humidity, wood absorbs moisture well;
  • resistance to loads, mechanical shocks;
  • fire resistance of furniture;
  • Having the strength of oak, larch is much cheaper;
  • attractive appearance, variety of colors and patterns depending on the region of growth.

Larch furniture reflects the originality of taste and style of the owner. Being the embodiment of elegance and luxury, such a product will last for many years without requiring careful maintenance or restoration. Thanks to the resin content, objects emit a slight pine scent, which allows you to create a special microclimate in the room, helping you relax, calm down, and receive an aromatherapy session.

Despite the numerous advantages of the breed, there are some disadvantages that have their effect:

  • complexity of processing, which affects the production time and cost of products;
  • uneven drying;
  • bulkiness, massiveness of products when using gluing technology.

Pros and cons of wooden surfaces

Have you not yet fully decided whether to opt for a wooden tabletop, or is it better to turn to other materials? Especially for this case, we have prepared a brief overview of the pros and cons of wooden options.

Main advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • stylish and current appearance that does not go out of fashion;
  • warm surface;
  • cozy texture;
  • the ability to fit into any interior style;
  • durability (with proper care).

Key disadvantages of wooden countertops:

  • quite easy to scratch;
  • flammable material;
  • high price;
  • require regular careful surface care;
  • do not accept aggressive household chemicals and abrasive detergents.


In terms of strength, larch surpasses such wood species as pine, spruce, birch, beech, ash and even oak. Therefore, you can safely use it as a material for a countertop. Despite the fact that such a surface is designed for constant mechanical loads, larch will last as long as possible, maintaining the attractiveness of a natural wood product.

In addition, this species has higher viscosity values ​​compared to other conifers. This characteristic is also important when choosing wood for a countertop.

Moisture resistance

Immunity to high humidity is a factor without which it is impossible to imagine choosing a countertop. After all, this product is used in rooms with the highest level of humidity in a house or apartment. Larch wood copes well with moisture - it does not deform and does not lose its original appearance. After processing, it is often used as a construction or finishing material for the facades of buildings and street structures. And larch can handle water in the kitchen or bathroom without difficulty. And will retain its performance characteristics for many years.


Larch wood has an interesting pattern of contrasting fibers, and the dark knots found on its surface look very expressive. The required shade is achieved through additional treatment with varnishes. Such a countertop will certainly become the highlight of the interior and a real decoration of the kitchen or bathroom, because classic solutions using natural wood will never go out of fashion!

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Environmental friendliness

In terms of environmental friendliness, wooden products are far behind products made from MDF and chipboard, which contain binding resins that emit a substance harmful to humans - formaldehyde. In the production of countertops, Larix uses only natural ingredients and environmentally friendly substances. Countertops made of natural stone demonstrate a similar degree of safety, but their cost is much higher than models made of larch.


Country and garden furniture made of solid larch does not require special care methods; it does not require covering or impregnation. Place the model in any corner of the garden plot. Depending on the type and purpose, you can create stationary areas or mobile rest areas using folding items.

Products made from larch lamellas for the home are massive and take up a lot of space. When choosing a model, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​the room, dimensions, and possible load of the item. A table or work surface should be installed in a spacious kitchen or dining room. If a type of dark tones was used in the production of a cabinet or kitchen set, in order to visually expand the space, you need to place accents, leaving the walls and floors lighter. When purchasing pieces of furniture for a children's room, you need to pay attention to its surface, the method of processing, and sanding in order to protect the child from splinters.

Furniture should not be exposed to direct sunlight, especially if it has decorative elements: fabric, leather, metal. The effect of heating elements also deteriorates the quality of products, promoting moisture loss, discoloration, and cracking. Therefore, placing furniture close to a radiator or heater is prohibited. In winter, when the indoor air is dry, it is recommended to ventilate the room more often or install additional humidification options: an aquarium, a fountain, a humidifier.

Thanks to its characteristics, larch has occupied a special niche in furniture production. In addition to high performance qualities, naturalness, and environmental friendliness, consumers appreciated the aesthetic properties of the breed, a rich range of colors, natural shine, and unique patterns. Products made from larch create comfort and warmth in the room, filling the air with useful substances, making the interior noble and unique. It is necessary to choose furniture taking into account its features, room size, and style.

Features of a wooden table top

Wood is an excellent material from which furniture is made. Inexperienced and little-informed people in this matter worry about the possibility of fungus, mold, and cracked varnish. Professionals think differently. In their opinion, a wooden countertop is no worse than its analogues made of artificial stone, for example.

Wooden countertops are not inferior in quality to furniture made from other materials.

Using the necessary and proper care, the tree will please the eye for a very long time. There are practically no materials used in the kitchen that are weakly subject to wear and tear. The peculiarity of wood is that it can age gracefully. In order to save money, you can make only the surface of the working area from a natural component, which will combine well with individual decorative elements.

Alternatively, only the surface of the working area can be made of wood.

What can be made from the material

The popularity of furniture made from solid larch is explained by its characteristics. The durability and practicality of the products were appreciated by the owners of country houses and summer cottages. Manufacturers offer a wide range of tables, benches, garden chairs, gazebos, and swings as ready-made garden furniture. In addition, indoors you can place a table made of solid wood, a table top, stools, chairs, hangers, chests of drawers, a washbasin cabinet, and mirrors in wooden frames.

The availability and variety of colors of coniferous lumber of this species makes it possible to make such products yourself. The peculiarity of the material is the difference in shades of the core and the outer edge (sapwood). The wood of this coniferous tree has 12 shades, the pattern of annual rings creates a beautiful structure.

For the production of objects, the most in demand is furniture board. This is a durable wooden board that is made from solid wood. Larch panels have a uniform structure; by selecting the composition according to the color scheme, you can get original, varied product options.

Due to the fact that boards are easy to cut and install without cracking, they are widely used to create handmade items. In the photo you can see furniture models of various shapes and color combinations: mezzanines, sideboards, beds, shelving, cabinets.

Factors of wood damage

If the room has high humidity, poor ventilation and a comfortable temperature for the growth of bacteria (depending on the type - from 15 to 65 ° C) and moldy fungi, any wooden surface is at risk.

This is how a kitchen cutting board can turn black.

Do not forget - and this applies mainly to the kitchen - that aggressive solutions (acids and alkalis) change the chemical composition of wood and thereby worsen its appearance and strength characteristics.

Another factor of damage is direct sunlight. But here the situation is ambiguous: on the one hand, ultraviolet light has a pronounced bactericidal effect. But in addition to destroying bacteria, it almost instantly begins to destroy the unprotected surface of the tree. It becomes silver-gray in color and loses strength.

Finally, do not forget about possible (and in the case of a cutting board, inevitable) mechanical damage. They put a hot frying pan on, scratched it with a knife - they ruined the tabletop or board.

It may seem subjective, but we are for butter. Yes, the varnish coating looks beautiful, dries quickly and is inexpensive.

But the varnish coating has disadvantages, which in the case of countertops and especially cutting boards will emphasize the advantages of oil:

  • The varnish is not recommended for use in rooms with high humidity.
  • The varnish can hardly withstand temperature changes: and this happens often in the kitchen.
  • The varnish coating is easily damaged even with slight impact - a scratch on oiled wood is much less noticeable.
  • Damaged varnish cannot be restored in a separate area - you will have to completely remove the coating and apply a new one.

Any defects on the varnish become immediately visible.

How to protect a wooden table

The varnish coating adorns the wood. With it, the wood texture appears more clearly, the color becomes more saturated, and a specific gloss appears. The most important thing is that the coating protects the wood, and with it the service life of the wooden panel increases to 10 years.

Varnish coating decorates the wood

There are many factors in the kitchen that negatively affect wood: water, hot objects, sharp objects. High humidity and processes associated with cooking provoke the appearance of fungus on wood. The varnish coating protects from all this.

There are many factors in the kitchen that negatively affect wood: water, hot objects, sharp objects.

This type of wood processing is a very complex and labor-intensive process that consists of several stages. How to varnish a tabletop is an art. Since after the composition has hardened, nothing can be changed without a complete rework, the preparatory stages are carried out very carefully.

How to varnish a tabletop is an art.

The surface is completely cleaned, sanded and treated with a special chemical remover. After this, it is wiped with alcohol or acetone, which completely removes traces of fat. Then the composition is applied in three layers, each layer being given time to dry and harden.

The surface is completely cleaned, sanded and treated with a special chemical remover.

Important! The quality of the pre-treatment determines the protection of the wood under the varnish coating and the durability of the latter. Remaining grease or moisture can cause defects or rot in the wood.

Types of tables

Such an element of furniture as a table is found in almost every home. It performs different functions. Can be used for cooking, for work, for board games or simply to complement the interior. Tables are made from different materials and according to different design schemes. They vary in size, shape and style.

Durability is directly related to the build quality of the product. When creating furniture for yourself, even a novice carpenter will assemble the structure carefully and reliably.

By purpose

For each type of furniture element, specific functionality is provided that determines the format of its use. The general classification of tables implies their division into:

  • lunch;
  • magazine;
  • transformers;
  • written;
  • computer.

By making a table yourself, you can take into account all the nuances and create the ideal model for yourself.

By design

With a focus on the design parameter, all tables are divided into simple and complex models. The first category includes standard furniture elements, which consist of a tabletop and legs. Complex structures are characterized by the use of several massive countertops located one below the other, with the top element having a larger size.

The model directly depends on the functional purpose and features of the room.

Transforming tables are included in a separate category. They are usually miniature, but if necessary, due to special mechanisms, they can be folded out, resulting in a large working surface.

There are also stationary and mobile tables. Wheels are provided for mobile structures.

If the room is small, it is better to choose compact products.

By shape

The shape for the table can be any - square, rectangular, oval or round. It is determined by the size of the room in which the element will be installed and its purpose.

For a spacious dining room or living room, the ideal option is a classic rectangular table.

When planning to install a table along the wall, its rectangular design will save space in the room. The square shape is relevant for small apartments and a small number of people who will sit behind it. Round and oval tables are installed in large rooms, but they do not imply seating many guests at them.

If there is a need for a product with a large capacity, but the room does not require the presence of large items, you should think about a sliding or folding design.

How to cover the tabletop

Having decided on the material, you need to understand that the optimal surface for the table will only be natural wood. In no case is veneer, MDF or chipboard used. Particular attention is paid to the age of the tree, its place of growth, and storage conditions.

Natural wood is the best option for making countertops.

It is important to know that a laminated wood surface will be more elastic and flexible than the same surface made from solid wood. The type of raw material is also important. Care methods must necessarily include treatment with special protective agents. What is the table covered with? It can be varnish, wax or oil.

There are three options for covering the table surface: varnish, wax and oil.

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Practicality or durability

In order not to make a mistake in your choice, you should keep in mind some features of tree species. Harder ones, such as oak or beech, will last longer. However, their cost is much higher.

Hardwood furniture will last longer.

Among the democratic ones, pine, birch, ash or larch are perfect. Speaking about the latter, we should note a number of advantages. Its surface is quite dense and resistant to various types of damage. The presence of gum in the composition prevents the growth of fungi and mold, as well as rot, which is very important considering where it will be used. Larch is also capable of absorbing or releasing excess moisture.

Larch is also optimal for countertop material.

Oil, wax or varnish

Avoiding the harmful effects of water, temperature, acid and alkali will help extend the life of a wooden tabletop. Here the question immediately arises of how to cover a wooden tabletop so that it lasts a long time.

Among those available, processing using the following means is suitable:

  • oil;
  • wax;
  • varnish

Surface treatment with oil, or rather its impregnation, is the optimal way to protect wooden products. It provides a kind of barrier that repels water from the surface. Oil absorbed into the top layer of wood will prevent it from getting wet when in contact with water. Oil compositions are not washed off, but require frequent use. At the moment, you can choose different compositions that match the color.

Oil protects wood from moisture.

Wax is a natural and environmentally friendly material. The effect of its use is similar to oil. But in addition to protecting against water, the wax coating also protects against minor mechanical impacts (scuffs and scratches). However, there are also disadvantages. A wax coating wears out quickly and requires updating and polishing more often than an oil coating. Before this, the old layer is cleaned off.

The wax coating requires regular updating.

Using varnish on a wooden tabletop is a radical method. It protects wood from water, minor mechanical damage, and exposure to ultraviolet radiation, while the structure of the tree itself does not change. The color of the surface remains the same, and a natural exchange of moisture also occurs, preventing the appearance of fungi and mold.

The varnish protects the surface from all contamination.

This coating also protects against temperature influences without flaking or cracking. To remove the varnish coating, the tabletop will have to be scraped.

Product Features

The shield itself is a sanded board, pressed from lumber with the addition of glue.
It is usually made from planed bars, the thickness of which can vary from 0.1 to 0.5 cm. As for the shape, the product is made either rectangular or square. The dimensions of the shield also vary. Thanks to effective technology, the finished product made from such a material is not much different in its properties from a similar one made from a single piece of wood. It looks much more beautiful than one made from MDF or chipboard, and lasts much longer. The popularity of furniture board is also associated with its low cost. At the same time, the quality of the products is at a very good level. Panels of classes B and C are most accessible to consumers. They have minor defects (small knots, color changes, sapwood), but they are not so critical, so such boards can be used for making furniture with your own hands.

Furniture panels began to be produced quite a long time ago. They were once compressed using iron clamps, but these have now been replaced with more modern equipment.

Coating process

Proper treatment of a wooden surface is the key to its long service life. This rule especially applies to kitchen countertops. In addition to the fact that you need to choose the right treatment product, it is also important to properly prepare the surface, apply protection and dry. The following describes the process of how to coat surfaces using oil compositions as an example.

The coating process follows certain rules.

Preparation of the product

The main thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a coating is its quality. A good protective agent will protect the wooden surface from mechanical damage and moisture and give it a shiny, renewed look.

The coating must be of high quality to provide the furniture with protection and a well-groomed appearance.

The product must also be prepared. Before treating a wooden countertop in the kitchen, the composition must be thoroughly mixed for 5 minutes.

The product must be mixed well.

Preparing the wooden surface

The first step will be to clean the countertop from all kinds of dirt and greasy marks. Next it is dried.

Before coating, the surface must be cleaned of dirt.

On a note! The wood moisture content should be no more than 12% according to DIN EN 13183-2.

To ensure that the oil adheres well and is absorbed, the wood is sanded, starting with coarser abrasives, gradually moving to finer ones. Also, after each abrasive, the coating is cleaned. You may need to putty it to remove deeper scratches. A special restoration kit based on wax is ideal.

The wood should be sanded so that the coating lays more evenly.


The composition is applied with a brush or cloth, and the latter should not leave lint on the surface. It will take about 12 hours for the first layer to dry. Then you can apply the next one, and so on. The number of layers will directly depend on how the product is applied. Using a brush, two treatments are enough; a fabric coating will require up to 4 layers.

Use a brush or cloth for application.

When the product is well absorbed, the entire treated area is thoroughly wiped with a soft and clean cloth.

After the product has been absorbed, wipe the surface with a cloth.


Drying time varies from several hours to several days. Naturally based oils or mixtures containing acrylic require a longer drying period. They can also increase strength gradually. It is important not to use a freshly treated countertop for a while.

After applying the coating, it is important to let the furniture dry.

Necessary tools for varnishing tabletops

Before varnishing the tabletop, you need to take care of a sufficient number of necessary tools for the job. To create the deepest possible color of natural wood, you can use stain - the day before varnishing, the tabletop is painted with a small sponge. To work with the prepared tree you will need:

  • brush or roller;
  • cotton pads;
  • additional lamp;
  • fine sandpaper with fine grain.

The varnish is applied with a roller or brush with natural bristles Source
The main tool for application will be a brush or roller. In the first case, it is recommended to use a tool with dense natural bristles. The roller should be made of microfiber or fabric with a minimum amount of lint. Cotton pads are used to wipe off fallen drops of varnish from non-working surfaces.

Main advantages of varnish

Due to the wide variety of varnish coatings, this method of protecting wood is the most popular compared to oil impregnation. Despite some of the disadvantages mentioned above, this method has many positive aspects:

  • Strength and durability, does not require restoration during its service life
  • Possibility to choose the desired shade and adjust the color of the wood
  • Protects wood from fire and combustion
  • Protects wood from moisture
  • Gives a perfectly smooth surface

Types of oils by drying

Oil dries more slowly than varnish because it penetrates into the wood and the varnish polymerizes on its surface. But oils are different: depending on the composition, there are completely drying and non-drying ones.

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For initial impregnation of wood, a linseed oil coating is most often used. Adding tung oil to it speeds up the drying process. In this case, tung oil perfectly replaces metal driers (a substance that is added to the oil to speed up drying).

G-Nature natural countertop oil uses this exact combination. It also contains rosin as an excellent antiseptic and wax to give the surface a matte shine after polishing.

Alternative options

A good alternative to varnish for a kitchen countertop is to impregnate the wood with vegetable oils. Typically, mixtures of tung, linseed, and citrus oils are used.

A good alternative to varnish for a kitchen countertop is to impregnate the wood with vegetable oils.

The main advantages of oil impregnation compared to varnishing:

Environmentally friendly. Oils do not contain harmful substances that are necessary for film formation.

Oils do not contain harmful substances that are necessary for film formation.

Ease of use. Small scratches here are practically not noticeable and do not spoil the appearance. In case of serious damage to the surface, the damaged part can be sanded and then coated with oil again. Moreover, you can do this yourself. When restoring a varnish coating, it is necessary to treat the entire surface completely.

Small scratches here are practically not noticeable and do not spoil the appearance. In case of serious damage to the surface, the damaged part can be sanded and then re-coated with oil.

Oil impregnation does not change color and does not look noticeable, preserving the natural appearance of the wood. Oils can dry completely or partially. In the first case, they form a durable film; in the second, they can be erased from the surface of the wood over time.

Oil impregnation does not change color and does not look noticeable, maintaining the natural appearance of the wood.

Tabletop care

Unlike other types of surfaces, wood requires constant care and attention to use. Varnish coating is not a panacea for damage and scratches. First of all, it prevents moisture, grease, and salt from entering and absorbing into the wood, thereby corroding it.

Unlike other types of surfaces, wood requires constant care and attention to use.

It is also important to protect the varnish coating itself from damage: do not place it hot on the countertop, do not allow moisture or grease to remain on it for a long time. Otherwise it will cause white spots to appear. If, however, the table was damaged, the covering will have to be completely restored. To do this, the object is completely sanded, removing the thinnest top layer and coated with a new layer of varnish.

It is also important to protect the varnish coating itself from damage: do not place it hot on the countertop, do not allow moisture or grease to remain on it for a long time.

Care instructions

In order for a wooden tabletop to retain its appearance longer, it is necessary to properly care for it:

  1. The wood is wiped with mineral oil. It adds shine and prevents the growth of harmful microbes.
  2. Every day, remove any remaining water and food, first with a damp sponge, then wipe dry. To clean the countertop and wash dishes, use different sponges and rags.
  3. Hot dishes, iron containers with sharp edges at the bottom, heavy kitchen appliances are placed on stands.

Rules of care and placement

To extend their service life and maintain the original appearance of wooden furniture, you need to know the principles of their placement in the room, combined with the rules of care. When choosing wooden furnishings, the apartment owner should know that larch furniture, despite its strength and durability, needs care.

The advantages of using furniture made from this material are as follows:

  • furniture is difficult to scratch, spoil, or deform;
  • during use, the wood becomes even stronger due to the special structure of the fibers;
  • most factory-made products are not exposed to chemicals, which makes them environmentally friendly;
  • light weight.

There are some care features:

  • larch loves moisture, so it is necessary to regularly treat the coating with a soft cleaning cloth, suede, flannel moistened with plain water without detergents;
  • do not use rough brushes or cleaning powders;
  • keep away from chemicals, solvents, acetone;
  • elements of chairs, table legs, cabinet doors can be treated with furniture wax;
  • It is worth periodically checking fasteners and fittings and, if necessary, tightening and replacing worn parts;
  • do not place hot, wet objects on the surface of the products, which may lead to the appearance of white marks;
  • When moving or transporting products, it is better to keep the structure assembled, securing the moving elements.
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