How much money does it take to build a garage from various materials?

Most car owners who do not have a garage are thinking about building one. Let us immediately note that this is a troublesome and quite expensive task. For readers of our site, we decided to write this article in which we will try to consider what types of garages exist, what materials to use for the construction of garages and approximately the cost of a garage.

What types of garages are there?

Before you start building a garage, you need to know what types of vehicle garages exist. All of them are divided according to the following criteria:

By location:

  • detached garage. As a rule, such buildings are erected on a private plot of land, or on a plot of land located near a residential building;
  • built-in or attached garage to the house. Such structures are erected simultaneously with a residential building. Most often, the ground floor or 1st floor of a house or cottage is used for this;
  • garage cooperative. Everything here is very clear. Such garages are located in a row with others.

Based on the capital of the building:

  • capital construction. It is built in a strictly defined place. Its design cannot be changed later;
  • non-permanent building. Such garages can, if necessary, be moved from one place to another using special equipment.

Based on the material used:

  • Brick (silicate or clay, the latter is used quite rarely);
  • cinder blocks
  • metal.

Based on the number of vehicles:

  • one (most often);
  • two;
  • three or more;

Factors influencing the cost of a garage:

  • the material from which the structure will be built and its cost;
  • cost of space for a future garage. This could be the purchase of a plot of land, or payment for a place in a garage cooperative. In the latter case, you will have to pay much less than buying land;
  • the cost of delivering building materials to the work site;
  • the cost of renting special equipment;
  • purchase or rental cost of the necessary construction tools (concrete mixer, hammer drill, etc.);
  • wages for construction workers.

For clarity, let’s consider a situation where we decided to build a garage and at the same time save money. To do this, in the example we will build a garage for one car space. We will take sand-lime brick as the main material for the walls. Our garage will be located on a fenced plot of land not far from the cottage. There will be no heating supplied to our building.

Choosing garage sizes

The standard car that most of our compatriots use has a size of 2 by 4-4.5 meters. Don’t forget that we need to have a good access to the garage, and there should also be enough space inside to build shelves for storing spare parts, winter (summer) tires, tools, etc. Based on this, we need to build a garage, the size of which was 4 by 6 meters and a height of 2.5 meters. In order to provide natural lighting to the room during daylight hours, we will install 2 windows in the side wall. The thickness of the walls will be 250 millimeters. We will build from sand-lime brick, but we should not forget about reinforcement.

  • garage plan
  • garage facades
  • garage model

Choosing a location for the future garage

Any construction of a building or structure begins with choosing a location. In our case, it is necessary to take into account several factors:

  • The garage should be located as close as possible to the entrance gate. Do not forget that in most cases swing garage doors are installed. To do this, an additional distance of 4-5 meters is required in front of the garage to stop the car and open the gate freely.
  • To make it easier to enter and exit the garage, it is best that the road from gate to gate is as straight as possible.
  • The optimal distance from the house to the garage is considered to be 5-7 meters. This distance is enough for a comfortable stay, and even in bad weather you can quickly drop into the house or garage.
  • It is advisable to build a garage on a hill, especially if you plan to equip it with an inspection hole.
  • Under no circumstances should you build a garage in areas where the house's communications are laid.

General plan of the site with a garage

Construction of a foundation for a garage.

The first thing that needs to be erected for a future building is the foundation. In our case, it will be tape with a width of 30 centimeters. Due to the fact that the load that will be placed on the foundation from the walls is not so large, only one and a half tons per linear meter, we use, to save money, a shallow foundation of 60 centimeters. The pillow will be sandy and 30 centimeters thick.

Foundation node

Do not forget that the foundation must be at least 10 centimeters above the level of the main soil.

Garage wall masonry

The construction of walls is perhaps one of the most important stages of garage construction. For the walls we use 25 centimeters of sand-lime brick. Cement grade M100. Reinforced mesh 3-5 millimeters with a cell of 50 by 50 millimeters, class VR-1. Reinforcement has two purposes: 1 – makes the masonry more reliable and durable; 2 – prevents thieves from getting inside. Such work, if you have the knowledge and skills, can be done independently. But, it is best to seek the help of professionals. Masons will build walls in strict accordance with norms, requirements and standards, which will prevent cracks, etc.

For those who have decided to take up the construction of garage walls themselves, here are some tips that will allow you to complete this work as accurately as possible:

  1. In obligatory cases, we do ligation of the seams. In some places you will have to cut the brick into two parts.
  2. The thickness of the seams should be approximately 10-12 millimeters.
  3. Before starting to build the walls, after the foundation is completely ready, you will need to make a leveling layer. This is necessary in order to further lay each row vertically. To do this, it is necessary to make formwork on both sides strictly according to level. Next, the solution is poured into the structure and time is given for it to dry completely.
  4. Then we establish the so-called “orders”. They are installed at the 4 corners of the garage. “Order guides” are an ordinary wooden strip on which divisions are made every 77 millimeters. Simply put, each batten should be divided into the number of rows for garage walls. After this, a string is pulled between the “orders”. It is necessary to check the horizontalness of the masonry.
  5. Laying begins from the corners of the garage. To begin with, 10 rows are lined up. As a result, in 4 corners we get 4 lighthouses. They will allow you to further navigate when building walls.

Installation of garage floors and blind areas

There is nothing complicated in arranging the floor; it is a simple screed. The most important thing here is that the floor can withstand the load from the vehicle. It is best if the floor is approximately 10 centimeters higher than the main soil. As a rule, concrete or cement is used to screed the floor.

Before you begin arranging the floor, it is necessary to compact the existing soil. Then we lay a cushion 20 centimeters thick on the compacted soil. We use crushed stone for the pillow. In order for the floor to lie freely and securely, it must be separated from the walls. For this we use polystyrene foam. A thickness of 5 centimeters will be sufficient. Then we lay down a polyethylene film. A pre-prepared knitted reinforcement mesh is laid out on it. At the same time, do not forget about the protective layer; it should not be less than 4 centimeters. Next, the floor is poured with concrete or cement mortar. Then we give it time to dry completely, usually 5-7 days. After this, to level the floor, we make a small, 5 centimeters screed made of cement-sand mortar.

Installation of ramp for entry

To avoid flooding of the garage, you will need to make a concrete blind area on the outside. The width of such a ramp can be 50-70 centimeters. Concrete is laid on a sand bed. The ramp, which is located from the facade of the structure, can be rectangular or curved in shape based on the slope of the site. As for the width of the ramp, it can be from 50 to 120 centimeters.

Roofing device

To save money on roofing, we will use wooden beams that have a pitch of 1 meter and a section of 200 by 50, as well as profiled sheets. In most cases, beams are chosen from pine, less often from larch or spruce.

Roof beams

The optimal length of beams is 4.3 meters. When laying masonry, we leave nests in advance into which we will lay the beams. Each beam should rest in the socket by approximately 20 centimeters.

Roof assembly

In order for beams to faithfully serve as a reliable structure for many decades, their ends must be wrapped with roofing felt or roofing felt. This will protect the beam from moisture and, as a result, rotting. After installing the beams, some space remains between them and the walls. We seal it using cement mortar with the addition of small crushed stone. Don't forget to leave a small space, about 5 centimeters, between the walls and the ends of the beams. Also, it is imperative to securely fasten the beam to the wall. This is necessary so that the wind does not tear the roof off the structure. To do this we use the so-called twist. To make it, we need wire. One end of it is securely attached to the beam (tied around it), and the other is attached to the wall using a dowel. Don’t forget to treat the beam with an anti-parasite solution, as well as an antiseptic solution.

Next we need to make the sheathing. For this, an edged board is used, the thickness of which is 2.5-3 centimeters. We lay roofing felt on the sheathing. This will maximize the protection of moisture from getting under the roof.

When laying roofing felt, it is necessary to overlap by 10-20 centimeters. To reliably connect the sheets to each other, we use a torch, i.e. We heat up the roofing material and securely attach one sheet of overlap to another.

After this, steel sheets are laid, which are securely attached to the already created structure using roofing screws. They need to be screwed through the wave. In places where the sheets come into contact with each other, we overlap.

Sectional diagram of the garage

Don’t forget to make a small, 20-30 centimeter extension of corrugated sheeting behind the walls of the garage from the outside. This will protect the walls from moisture when it rains.

The last stage will be finishing work. In this case, we plaster the walls using cement-sand mortar. Plaster will not only protect the brick from mechanical damage, but also level the walls.

approximate price

An approximate calculation of the cost of the garage we are building looks like this:

  • Construction of the foundation will cost from 400 to 550 US dollars.
  • Construction of walls, approximately $750.
  • The cost of the base along with the garage door is about 700 US dollars.
  • You will have to spend at least $500 on the installation of the roof and floor.

If a person does all the work on his own, and money is required only to purchase the necessary material and deliver it, then the garage will cost approximately 2300-2500 US dollars.

Please note that when carrying out the above calculations, we did not take into account the supply of utilities (heating, light...), as well as external cladding work, rental of special equipment and necessary construction tools. We only took into account the approximate cost of the building material. It is quite difficult to accurately calculate the cost of a garage with all the subtleties and nuances, since the cost of the material is different in each hardware store. Also, each company that provides special equipment sets its own prices. The same applies to the delivery of materials, the cost of land, and wages for the construction crew.

Inspection hole in the garage

Additional costs will be associated with the arrangement of a basement or inspection pit. If you hire a team of masons, then professionals, for a garage of the specified size, will ask for at least 700 US dollars. And this is only the construction of walls without a foundation, blind area, roofing and interior work. In addition, we proceeded from the cheapest building material.

Based on this, building a garage is not exactly a cheap task.


How can you save money when building a garage? This question concerns the gross number of people who decided to build it.

To save money you can:

  • Do not plaster the walls.
  • Make the floor not concrete, but ordinary dirt.
  • Do not create a basement or inspection hole in the garage.
  • Refuse heating.
  • It is best to purchase building materials in the off-season. At this time, all sellers provide significant discounts.

Never skimp on:

  • quality and quantity of cement;
  • floor slabs;
  • garage doors;
  • quality of fittings;
  • reinforcement of walls.

What material is cheaper to build a garage from - the best deals

Below, in a few words, we will dwell on various materials that can be used in the construction of a garage and which will allow you to save additional money in our difficult times.

Garage near the house with block house cladding

You have decided to build a house for your car, but are short on funds, how can you make sure that the garage is spacious, well-built, and has enough finances? In this article we will tell you which material is cheaper to build a garage from, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

The building consists of the following structures:

  • Foundation.
  • Walls.
  • Roof.
  • Gates.
  • Finishing.

We will analyze each item separately and try to select the most economical type of material for each structure.


Prefabricated foundation made of FBS blocks

A strip foundation is usually placed under the garage (see Do-it-yourself strip foundation for a garage).

It is made from several types of material:

Prefabricated reinforced concrete blocks.

The advantages of such a foundation are speed of installation, strength and reliability. They can also be used to lay out a basement in a garage or a viewing hole. But the price of the blocks is quite high; in order to deliver and install them, you will have to hire expensive equipment, specialists in working with a crane and installing reinforced concrete.

This option is good when used blocks are available, a friend works on a crane and is ready to help for a nominal fee, and the owner of the construction site has the skill and experience of installation work.

Concrete poured into installed formwork with mandatory reinforcement.

In this case, you will only have to spend money on cement and a sand-gravel mixture; any suitable material is used for formwork: used boards, panels, plywood, metal sheets, that is, everything that may be at hand. For reinforcement, you can also find used reinforcement, mesh or any metal profile; pieces or scraps that are tied together into a single structure will do.

Monolithic reinforced concrete foundation for a garage

You can make a concrete mixture manually or using a small (0.5 m3) mortar mixer, which one of your garage neighbors or friends will probably have. Of course, this option will take some time and effort, but, as they say, “your own work doesn’t count” if you need to save on materials and work.

Brick or foam, cinder blocks.

To make such a foundation yourself, you need some experience and knowledge of brickwork, and hiring a specialist will cost a lot. In addition, the surface of blocks or bricks will require mandatory multi-layer waterproofing against moisture penetration and protection of the material from destruction.

So, based on the above, we conclude that the most cost-effective foundation for a garage is a “ribbon” of concrete mixture, made and poured with your own hands.

Garage made of foam blocks

I chose this building material because cellular concrete is cheap, lasts a long time and retains temperature well. Foam blocks are lightweight, construction is fast.

Advantages of foam blocks

  • Fire resistance.
  • Cheap, especially if you build it yourself.
  • Environmental friendliness. The building material consists of sand, cement and water.
  • The blocks can be cut with an ordinary saw, plastered, painted and glued.
  • The walls are smooth without adjustment or plastering, although the garage can be lined if desired.
  • The blocks can be connected without cement. If you are not sure that you can handle professional masonry, you can use special glue.

Cost calculation

Garages almost do not differ in size and architectural features, but you still have to make calculations of the amount of building material:

  • Wall area. Multiply the height of the wall by the length and add the results. There will be a garage door on the front wall, this should be taken into account when calculating the total area.
  • Wall thickness. Usually from 20 to 40 cm.
  • Block density.

For example, let's take a building with parameters of 5 m - long walls, 3 m - end walls and 2 m - height. We will not take into account the area of ​​the gate for now, but then we need to subtract it.

After simple calculations we get:

  1. The area of ​​two long walls is 20 square meters. m
  2. The area of ​​the short walls is 12 square meters. m.
  3. The total area is 32 square meters. m.
  4. If the side size of the block is 200 * 600 mm, each of them is 0.12 square meters. m.
  5. This means you need to buy 266 blocks (32 sq.m / 0.12 sq.m)

You will have to spend money not only on the construction of walls, the price of foam blocks will be only about 35% of the total investment. You should also take into account the costs of the foundation, floor, roof, and gates.

Need to purchase

  • Sand for the foundation and floor - 5 m3 for 800 rubles. = 4,000 rub.
  • Concrete M 200 - 5 m3 for 3500 rubles. = 17,500 rub.
  • Bitumen mastic - 15 kg - 700 rub.
  • Solution M100 for 2,400 rubles. — 5,520 rub.
  • Fittings - 4,000 rub.
  • Two rolls of masonry mesh, 15 square meters each. m = 6,800 rub.
  • Foam blocks 20×30×60 cm (266 pieces for 150 rub.) = 39,900 rub.
  • Boards 1.5 m3 for 5,000 rubles. = 7,500 rub.
  • Beams 1 m3×5,000 rub. = 5,000 rub.
  • Mineral wool for flooring - 1.5 m3 for 4,300 rubles. = 6,450 rub.
  • Roofing material (metal tiles) - 50 m2 for 300 rubles. = 15,000 rub.
  • Fasteners 3 kg x 125 rub. = 375 rub.
  • Gates - about 25,000 rubles.

The estimated total cost will be about RUB 133,745.

How to use an online calculator

To make the correct calculation, you need to fill in each of the proposed columns: the length and width of the garage, as well as its height. The size of gates and windows is needed so as not to purchase excess material.

The calculator allows you to calculate the approximate number of blocks for the construction of a regular garage, as well as with an additional floor. Since foam blocks can be laid on different sides, it is necessary to fill out the column about masonry. The wall thickness in centimeters is indicated in brackets.

Usually the seams between the foam blocks are small, so they are not taken into account in online calculations.

Metal garage

This structure is a frame covered with metal sheets on the inside and outside, with insulation inside the structure.

Advantages of metal profiles

  • Speed ​​of construction.
  • Reasonable price.
  • Easy to assemble.
  • Lightness of the material.
  • Durability.
  • Possibility of transfer.

The main disadvantage of such a garage is low security, since the metal can be easily cut. If you are planning to install a garage in the courtyard of your own house, this circumstance can be neglected. The optimal parameters for a garage made of metal profiles are 3 * 6 * 2.3 meters.

I recommend assembling the structure from ready-made kits, which include all the necessary elements. There are often advertisements for the sale of such used garages. If the metal is not damaged, you will save a considerable amount. Another option for a budget garage is installation without a foundation, but this is only possible on dense soil.

The minimum price of a garage for self-assembly will be about 50,000 rubles. If you decide to install an inspection hole, insulation and communications, the cost will increase to 70,000 rubles. A ready-made insulated complex costs about 150,000 rubles.

Description of cladding technology

If you have successfully installed the first sheet, consider half the battle done.

The most important thing in plating the frame is to correctly install the first sheet of metal profile . It should be located at one of the corner posts. Carefully check the position of the sheet vertically and horizontally. Use a plumb line, level or level.

The second sheet is laid with an overlap in 1 wave and secured with special self-tapping screws for corrugated sheets. In this way, all the walls of the garage are sheathed except for the one in which the wicket and gate are provided. Next, the roof of the building is covered with corrugated sheeting in a similar manner.

Advice! Before screwing in the screw, drill a hole of the appropriate diameter.

Garage made of wooden sandwich panels

Such buildings were once called Finnish houses. Modern designs are panels insulated with mineral wool or expanded polystyrene.

Positive characteristics of a garage made of sandwich panels

  • The design is lightweight. A serious foundation for the structure is not needed; a foundation that can support the weight of the car is sufficient.
  • No special equipment or complex tools are required.
  • Anyone with minimal construction skills can assemble the structure.
  • Sandwich panels are not afraid of moisture, frost and heat, so you can build a garage at any time.
  • The structural elements do not require finishing; after construction, the site remains clean.
  • The price of a wooden garage is low.
  • The garage can be easily dismantled and moved to a new location without loss.
  • Construction takes place in an extremely short time frame.

The disadvantages of wooden houses include relative fragility (about 30 years), susceptibility to break-ins, freezing at the joints of panels. Most of these shortcomings can be eliminated by sheathing the garage with metal.

Sandwich panel price

A panel measuring 6,750 by 190 mm and 100 mm thick costs about 1,500 rubles, with polyurethane insulation - 1,625 rubles, with polyisocyanurate foam - 2,500 rubles. Thick panels are not needed for a garage.

For a large garage measuring 4*7*3 m, panels with an area of ​​58.5 m2 will be required, taking into account the size of the entrance gate. Thus, for the construction it is enough to purchase 7 sandwich panels, the total cost of which will be 11,375 rubles. To this amount you need to add the price of wooden beams, metal corners, roofing and gates.

Pros and cons of corrugated sheets

Positive properties:

  • fire resistance and lack of deformation under the influence of high temperatures;
  • non-hygroscopic;
  • the presence of stiffening ribs that provide strength and resistance to mechanical stress;
  • wide choice of colors for paintings;
  • light weight compared to other popular construction and finishing materials;
  • quite long service life - up to 20 years;
  • environmental Safety;
  • relatively low price.


  • the ends of the metal sheets are not protected by an anti-corrosion compound;
  • the outer coating is damaged quite easily; scratches and chips rust over time;
  • under the influence of sunlight, it loses color saturation and after 3-4 years of operation it becomes more faded, possibly fading in spots;
  • heats up under the sun and transfers heat to nearby structural elements.

How to calculate the cost of building a garage

Every car owner thinks about the need to build their own garage. Storing a car outdoors risks corrosion and is unsafe. You can also store various useful things in the garage: from wheels to gasoline cans. There is only one thing that hinders the construction of your own home for a car - the cost of building a garage.

It seems that the construction will cost several hundred thousand rubles. After all, building materials are not cheap at all these days... Is this true? Is it possible to meet tens of thousands? And what can you save on? You will read about this in this article.

How much does it cost to build a garage?

To calculate the approximate amount of money needed to build a garage, you will need an estimate and the Internet. Internet access is needed to take into account the prices of building materials in stores in your city. Sometimes, due to logistics and the greed of sellers, the price for the same material in different regions differs by 20-40%. The estimate itself will include:

  • calculation of material based on the size of the building;
  • costs for delivery of building materials;
  • prices for auxiliary equipment (purchase or rental);
  • salary for assistants (general workers).

The cost of building a garage calculated in this way will still be approximate. We cannot foresee all risks, force majeure and nuances. Therefore, it is better to add 5-10% to the resulting amount.

Calculation of building materials for garage construction

Let's try to calculate the cost of a garage made of different materials. For example, let's take a standard garage, which has dimensions of 7 by 3 meters and a height of 2.2 meters. The garage will have no inspection pit, basement or windows. Such an economical option.

Attention: prices of building materials are taken from open sources and may not coincide with the price list of large suppliers in your city.

Popular materials for garage walls in 2022: foam blocks, metal profiles, timber and sandwich panels. This choice is explained by the inexpensive cost of construction.

For a 7 by 3 garage made of foam blocks, the estimate will look like this:

  1. Sand for foundation and floor construction - 5 m 3 for 800 rubles = 4000 rubles.
  2. Concrete M 200 - 5 m 3 for 3500 rubles = 17500 rubles.
  3. Bitumen mastic (14 kg) - 700 rubles.
  4. Cement-sand mortar M100 for masonry - 5800 rubles.
  5. Fittings - 4000 rubles.
  6. 2 rolls of masonry mesh, 15 m2 each = 6800 rubles.
  7. Foam block 20×30×60 cm (266 pieces, 150 rubles each) = 39,900 rubles.
  8. Boards 1.5 m 3 for 5000 rubles = 7500 rubles.
  9. Beams 1 m 3 ×5000 rubles = 5000 rubles.
  10. Mineral wool for floor insulation - 1.5 m3 for 4300 rubles = 6450 rubles.
  11. Metal roofing tiles - 50 m2 for 300 rubles = 15,000 rubles.
  12. Fasteners 3 kg x 125 rubles = 375 rubles.
  13. Gates - from 25,000 rubles (metal swing gates, roller gates with electric drive and installation will cost 50,000 rubles).

Total without delivery costs - 138,025 rubles.

An estimate for a metal profile garage is easier to prepare. It will be necessary to decide whether the garage will have a foundation. In principle, on dense soil a construction without a foundation is possible, which will reduce the cost of the estimate by three times. The remaining materials needed to build a garage are:

  • 18 sheets of corrugated sheets (provided that the gates will also be made of this material) - 420 rubles x 18 = 7560 rubles;
  • profile pipe 80*80*3 - 70 m = 30,000 rubles;
  • corner 100*100*7 - 4.1m = 2500 rubles;
  • profile pipe 60*40*2 - 24 m = 5000 rubles.

In total, we get a little more than 45,000 rubles without insulation, finishing and labor costs. It is believed that a garage made of metal profiles is the cheapest option for a house for an iron horse.

Another inexpensive material for the cost of building a garage is timber. You can assemble a house made of timber yourself if you have at least one assistant.

For a garage made of timber, the estimate will look like this:

  1. Sand for pouring the foundation and floor - 5 cubes of 800 rubles each = 4000 rubles.
  2. Concrete M 200 - 5 m 3 for 3500 rubles = 17500 rubles.
  3. Bitumen mastic (15 kg) - 700 rubles.
  4. Cement-sand mortar M100 for masonry - 5800 rubles.
  5. Fittings - 4000 rubles.
  6. Beam 180x180x6000 mm - 7 cubes and 1 cube of board 25 mm = 52,500 rubles.
  7. Slate for the roof - 30 sheets = 6,000 rubles.
  8. Fasteners, 3.5 kg - 450 rubles.
  9. Impregnation against moisture and pests - 2000 rubles.
  10. Metal gates - from 25,000 rubles.

When building a garage, it is necessary to lay tow between the beams, the cost of which we did not include in the estimate. It is believed that the walls of a timber structure do not require additional thermal insulation. However, if desired, you can insulate it with penoplex or mineral wool.

The total cost of a garage made of timber was 118,000 rubles without tow, which is somewhat cheaper than a garage made of foam blocks, however, the estimate for a garage made of foam blocks took into account the more expensive roof made of metal tiles. In addition, when calculating a structure made of foam blocks, we calculated the insulation of the floor. So we can assume that the cost of a garage made of foam blocks is equivalent to the same size of a structure made of timber.

What will the estimate look like for the construction of a frame garage? It is similar to a garage made of timber, only for the walls you will need to purchase ready-made SIP panels, the price of which is 1,300 rubles per 1 m2 (on average). This, with the given parameters of the garage, is a little more than 40,000 rubles. Yes, SIP panels will cost more than regular timber, but such a garage does not need to be additionally insulated. The technology does not require a large number of builders and additional materials.


It can be of two types: single-slope and double-slope; we will not talk about a more complex and expensive configuration, since our question is to build a garage at minimal cost.

Gable roof for garage

The ceiling is made of hollow slabs or timber, the ceiling is hemmed with boards or plywood. For rafters, take a board at least 40 mm thick, for sheathing - a board 25–30 mm (in order to save money, you can use unedged, but you will have to remove the wane, otherwise the wood will quickly rot).

Such a roof will help solve the issue of insulation; the floor in the attic can be covered with slag, which is the most inexpensive and accessible insulation material. The roofing material for a gable roof can be corrugated sheet or ordinary asbestos-cement slate, proven over the years, an inexpensive, practical and durable material.

For the ceiling, reinforced concrete slabs are used, which are laid directly on the walls with a slight slope to drain rain and snow water. Here the ceiling also serves as a roof. The joints are caulked with mortar or filled with polyurethane foam, and a 50 mm thick cement screed is placed on the surface for leveling.

Shed roof

Installation of a pitched roof on a garage made of fused materials

Roofing materials for a garage with a pitched roof are usually used in rolls, built-up, although to save money you can buy roofing felt, but this is a rather short-lived material, prone to rapid destruction, cracking, etc. Here it is better not to save money and buy more modern weldable materials, for example, TechnoNIKOL.

So, if you choose from these two types of roofing, it is clear that a shed roof will cost 10–15% less.

What can you save on?

Is it possible to reduce the cost of building your garage? You can use the following tricks:

  • completely abandon plastering of garage walls;
  • do not make a concrete floor, leaving soil as the base;
  • do not build a basement, and subsequently dig an inspection hole in the dirt floor;
  • purchase building materials on the market, bargaining with sellers;
  • make purchases in the off-season.

However, it is not recommended under any circumstances:

  • save on the quality of cement if you decide to make a screed, a base for the walls, when building a permanent garage;
  • choose cheap gates;
  • buy a profile pipe or fittings cheaper at the expense of quality.

Remember that building a garage will require a lot of effort and is a troublesome task. You can make the calculation using the tips from the article. It is better not to skimp on the quality of materials, since repairing the garage will be more expensive later. If you are not confident in your abilities, you doubt the possibility of building a garage yourself, it is better to save money and hire specialists. Otherwise, you risk facing a protracted construction project, which will not be a joy, but a burden. However, if you have an assistant and a little (but still experience!) in construction, building a garage in one summer month is quite possible for you.

Frame installation

Let's move on to the frame installation process

The frame can be assembled in parts away from the foundation or, if the USP is poured, directly on it.

Step 1. Installation of the starting profile (corner channel), which is used to form the perimeter of the garage (its lower base).

Step 2. Weld the corner posts.

Step 3. The upper trim is formed from the channel.

Step 4. Install intermediate racks from a profile pipe. Connections between pipes and channel may not be welded, but bolted.

Step 5. Attach the pipes for the roof and form its slope.

How much does it cost to build a garage

  • 1 Factors
  • 2 Approximate cost
  • 3 Savings
  • 4 Videos

A garage is an important and irreplaceable structure, especially in private property. To give preference to one design or another, you need to know its cost. But to calculate the approximate amount that will have to be spent, you will need a little time and an estimate. When calculating the cost, it is necessary to take into account several important components, including the quality of the material, the cost of the work, the size of the building and the price of equipment.

Please remember that the cost we have calculated is an estimate as it depends on many factors and varies widely. You can find out how much it costs to build a garage only by looking at an example. To calculate, we will take a detached one-story garage with standard dimensions of 4 by 7 meters, and its height will be 3 meters. We will be building a building from scratch, so we will need to lay the foundation, build the walls, not forget about the base and laying the roof, as well as finishing inside and out.

Material cost

  • Cost of place. Even in a garage cooperative you will have to pay, but it will cost less than buying land.
  • Cost of materials. The price of the same materials varies from place to place. But if you choose a brick garage, you definitely won’t go wrong.
  • Builders' salaries.
  • Cost of delivery.
  • Rental of special equipment.
  • Renting electrical equipment or purchasing it.


Material cost

  • Cost of place. Even in a garage cooperative you will have to pay, but it will cost less than buying land.
  • Cost of materials. The price of the same materials varies from place to place. But if you choose a brick garage, you definitely won’t go wrong.
  • Builders' salaries.
  • Cost of delivery.
  • Rental of special equipment.
  • Renting electrical equipment or purchasing it.

Approximate cost

Approximate cost of a garage

At each stage you will need to pay a certain amount:

  • You will have to spend $400–550 on the foundation.
  • The walls will cost $750.
  • The base along with the gate will cost a little less - only $700.
  • And for the roof and floor you will need $500.

If you have enough skills to build a garage yourself, then you can get by with just $2,300.

These calculations did not include the installation of utilities, such as light and heating, the finishing of the building, or the costs of transportation services, so it is impossible to say exactly how much it costs to build a garage. In addition, prices in a large city and suburbs can vary dramatically. This difference is especially noticeable when paying specialists.

If you hire specialists, this is a separate expense that can increase the cost of the garage by a decent amount. For example, masons will ask for at least $700 for their services. But the walls will be of high quality and smooth, and you won’t have to mix the mortar and delve into the details of proper brick laying (if you chose a brick garage).

Moreover, we have given an approximate cost taking into account the use of cheap materials. So, for example, if the slate for the roof (as in our case) is replaced with metal tiles or corrugated sheets, then the total cost of constructing a garage will be different.

Building a permanent garage is by no means cheap. If we choose a built-in structure for our building, the cost calculation will be more accurate, but additional points (design) will need to be taken into account. At the same time, you can significantly save on the foundation and walls.

Inspection hole in the garage
You can save on the following elements and work:

  • If you refuse to plaster the walls.
  • Abandon concrete floors in favor of dirt floors.
  • Abandon the basement, replacing it with a viewing hole.
  • If you don’t plan or don’t know how to repair the car yourself, then you can refuse the inspection hole.
  • In the off-season, building materials are cheaper.

n’t skimp on the screed.
Under no circumstances should you skimp on:

  • Quality and quantity of cement. This is especially true for mortars for screeds, foundations and walls if a permanent garage is being built.
  • The quality of the slabs. The ceiling must be strong and durable.
  • Strength of the stairs.
  • Gate designs.
  • Quality of fittings.

Building a garage is a responsible and expensive undertaking, so you need to prepare for it in advance by calculating the cost using our tips. Hiring specialists or doing everything yourself is your decision, but you should not skimp on quality materials, because there are other ways to reduce construction costs.

In this video, the owner of a 5x6 garage explains how he built it for $500.


Conventional metal swing gates will be the most cost-effective; they are reliable, strong and perfectly perform the necessary protective functions.
It is enough to paint them twice with metal paint for exterior use. Finishing

Depending on what material the garage is built from, the interior and exterior decoration depends. Usually no one goes to great lengths when decorating a garage, but it still doesn’t hurt to do the most necessary things.

Plastering foam block walls in a garage

Brick does not require special finishing; the outside is usually left in its original form, and the inside of the wall can simply be coated with water-based paint.

A block garage requires external finishing, it can be planed boards, lining, siding or simple plaster - whatever you can afford, it won’t hurt to plaster the inside with one layer and also cover it with water-based emulsion or lime.

The metal garage is painted with wear-resistant paint both outside and inside.


To find out for yourself what to build a garage from at the lowest cost, you must first calculate the building materials for the garage, starting with the foundation and ending with the roofing and finishing, and then select the most affordable materials.

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Reasons for choice

The choice of products based on cellular concrete is primarily due to excellent thermal insulation characteristics and low cost. At the same time, the strength is sufficient to create completely reliable individual construction projects that can last for many years. The lightness of the elements makes it possible to carry out work and transportation without much difficulty.

List of main advantages

  • The components do not burn, and therefore the structures ensure fire safety . The material has the first degree of fire resistance, due to which it does not change under increased exposure to heat.
  • The main cost of building a garage from foam blocks can be minimized by self-assembly . In addition, the price of the product itself is quite low.
  • Environmental friendliness is explained by the fact that the products consist of cement, sand and water . Individual elements contain a minimum amount of plasticizers and dyes.
  • Manufacturability provides the opportunity to realize various architectural ideas . All components can be sawed, plastered, painted, and so on.
  • Thanks to the precise geometric shapes, the constructed planes are very smooth . There is no need to align them in the future.
  • Foam concrete blocks go well with other building materials . The walls can be lined with brick, lined with siding or covered with plaster.

Note! One of the important features is that you can build a garage from foam blocks with your own hands without using a cement mixture, connecting the elements using a special glue.

Calculator for calculating the number of expanded clay concrete blocks

Expanded clay concrete blocks are rightfully considered one of the most popular modern materials used for laying walls in individual construction. A completely acceptable price level and a lot of advantages due to the physical, technical and operational characteristics of expanded clay concrete collectively outweigh the existing individual disadvantages, and such blocks are in wide demand. It is not for nothing that many large and small enterprises are engaged in their production.

Calculator for calculating the number of expanded clay concrete blocks

Purchasing expanded clay concrete blocks is not such a big problem, since there are many offers. It is important to choose high-quality material with the necessary parameters and determine the required quantity. The proposed calculator for calculating the number of expanded clay concrete blocks will help with the second question.

Carrying out calculations using this program requires some explanation. They will be given below, in an additional subsection of the publication.

Explanations for calculations

The calculation is based on the fact that, based on the dimensions of the selected expanded clay concrete block (taking into account the thickness of the masonry joint), the layout of the masonry and the total area of ​​the walls being built, the amount of material required for this is calculated. In addition, several more parameters that are traditionally of interest to the potential consumer are determined in parallel.

Let's start from the very beginning...

The program interface consists of fields divided into several groups for specifying source data. In addition to the fields that are open by default, they may appear additionally, depending on the selected conditions.

The first group is everything related to the parameters of the walls being built.

First of all, it is necessary to correctly understand that we are referring to walls for the masonry of which it is planned to use identical expanded clay concrete blocks and which will be laid out according to the same pattern (for example, in “half a brick”).

If the project provides for several types of walls (and this usually happens, taking into account internal partitions), and even more so if blocks of different sizes will be used for their laying, then a separate calculation is made for each type of wall. The results for the same block size can then be summed up.

  • So, the initial data for assessing the size of the future masonry are:

— Total length of the wall.

- General height for this type of wall. Height is usually estimated by the corners.

  • Wall masonry often continues on the gables of the house. If this is the case, then after answering “yes” to the prompt to consider gables, three additional fields will appear. In one of them - the number of such pediments (from one to four), in the other two - the dimensions, that is, the height and length of the base of the triangle.

Using these data, the total area of ​​the gables will be calculated and immediately added to the area of ​​the masonry walls.

If there are no gables, then there is no need to change anything - we immediately move on to the issue of windows.

  • If the pediments are “plus”, then it would be logical to exclude window and door openings in the wall in question from the total area of ​​the masonry.

The user is asked two questions in succession about the presence of window and door openings. If he answers “yes,” then additional data entry fields open: quantity, height and width dimensions. Moreover, both windows and doors are provided with two “sets” of such fields, that is, for windows (doors) of different types.

Please note: on sliders with the number of openings the default value is “0”. That is, if, for example, the second size needs to be ignored, it is enough to leave this zero value unchanged.

The area of ​​all openings will be calculated, summed up, and then subtracted from the total area of ​​the masonry.

The second group of fields is data relating to the selected standard size of expanded clay concrete block.

  • It starts with the dimensions of the block itself - height, width and thickness (the calculator provides visual cues so as not to get confused). Since in the vast majority of cases the block sizes are maintained in certain standards, the user will be asked to select these parameters for their lists.
  • The laying of external walls can be carried out according to the “half-brick”, “in-brick” scheme, and in regions with very cold winters the “one and a half brick” option is not excluded. Naturally, the number of blocks changes dramatically when choosing one option or another.
  • The choice of material is usually made from local or nearby suppliers (manufacturers or retailers). It is clear that “reconnaissance”, that is, familiarization with price lists, should already be completed.

To get, in addition to the number of blocks, some other useful data, you need to take the following information from these price lists and enter the following information in the appropriate fields:

— Standard number of blocks of the selected size on one factory pallet (pallet), pieces.

— Gross weight of one pallet with blocks, in kilograms.

— Cost of one block, in rubles.

The third group is represented by only one field, but a very important one. Building materials are traditionally purchased with a small reserve - for damage, defects, cutting, own mistakes in masonry, etc. It makes sense to immediately provide for a certain reserve here.

Three options are offered - a “pure” calculation, that is, without taking into account the reserve (may be useful, for example, for comparison), and with a reserve of 5 or 10 percent.

The calculation results will appear after pressing the “CALCULATE NUMBER OF BLOCKS” button. The user will be given the following values:

  • The total number of expanded clay concrete blocks of the selected standard size.
  • This total amount will be immediately converted into volume - the number of cubic meters of material.
  • To organize the transportation of the purchased batch of blocks, the following data may be useful to the consumer:

— about the total required number of pallets of material;

— about the total gross weight of the purchased lot.

  • And, of course, the price will be calculated (excluding transportation costs) in accordance with the indicated cost of the block.

If you wish, you can enter your name and email address in the fields provided. Then, in addition to the display on the screen, a detailed calculation will be sent to the user to the e-mail he specified.

Expanded clay concrete blocks are an excellent material for private construction!

If you choose the right quality material for masonry walls, you can achieve high durability of the building, the required reliability, and effective insulation. But when choosing, you should also be aware of the shortcomings of the material. What are the characteristics of expanded clay concrete blocks and what sizes are they usually available for sale - read in the special publication of our portal.

Preliminary calculations

To determine the budget for the construction, it is necessary to make some calculations to calculate the total cost of the raw material for the construction of the walls. Even an ordinary person who is inexperienced in all the subtleties of construction can do this. Below are instructions that help you take into account the main factors when solving this problem. It is advisable to prepare a calculator, a blank sheet of paper and a pen.

Important indicators

  1. The general quadrature of the side planes is found, for which the height is multiplied by the length. At the end, all the resulting areas are summed up.
  2. The thickness of the walls is determined; the choice of product sizes will depend on it. As a rule, the distance is 20-40 cm.
  3. The density of the elements is taken into account, which affects the strength characteristics and many other circumstances. Typically, D600-1200 blocks are used as an independent material.
  4. At the last stage, knowing all the listed parameters, it is very easy to find out the cost of construction.

Attention! Foam concrete products with a density of D100-600 are recommended to be used only for the construction of interior partitions and the organization of an additional thermal insulation layer.

Quantity as an example

When calculating the construction of a garage from foam blocks, you will have to determine how many units or cubic meters of material will be required in total. It is much easier to consider with a specific example.

The basis is a building measuring 5x3 m and a wall height of 2 m.

  1. The area of ​​the opposite planes is found by multiplying the height by the length, and then doubling it: 5x2x2=20 and 3x2x2=12 squares.
  2. These results are summarized. Thus, it is possible to determine the overall quadrature of the structure: 20 + 12 = 36 square meters. m.
  3. The area of ​​the front side of one element is calculated. For example, the side part of the block is 200x600 mm.
  4. The indicators are converted directly into meters. Based on the above dimensions, it turns out: 0.2 × 0.6 = 0.12 sq. m.
  5. The result of the second point is divided by the number obtained in the previous point. As a result, the number of units is determined: 36:0.12=300 pieces.

Addition! Knowing the cost of one foam concrete block, determining how much it costs to build a garage from foam blocks is not so difficult. However, money will also have to be invested in the foundation, roofing, and so on.

What is a foam block

Let's start the story first with foam blocks. This is a porous wall material included in the category of cellular concrete products that have high thermal insulation properties. For comparison, let's give an example: a brick has a thermal conductivity of 0.45-0.66 W/m K, a foam block has a thermal conductivity of 0.14-0.48 W/m K. That is, almost three times less, which means a garage built from foam blocks can be considered half already insulated.

It should be noted that this building material is produced using two technologies:

  1. They are poured into molds that have standard dimensions; the latter determine the range or standard size of the products.
  2. The mold is poured into a large mold, and the finished product is then cut to standard block sizes.

Attention! It should be noted that the two technologies use forms whose standard height is 60 cm. This parameter is always present in all types of foam blocks, but not in height, but in length. Manufacturers also offer blocks with a height of 60 cm, but these are no longer wall elements. Standard foam block dimensions 20x30x60 cm Source

When constructing any buildings, the main dimensional parameter of a block is width. It is responsible both for the load-bearing capacity of the structure from which it is constructed, and for the thermal technical qualities of the building. Therefore, in construction, foam blocks with length parameters of 60 cm, height 30 cm and width 20 cm are used for load-bearing walls. If it is necessary to erect a partition inside the garage, then blocks with a width of 10 cm are used.

It should be noted that the modern building materials market today is flooded with products whose dimensional parameters do not comply with GOST standards. As for blocks made of foamed concrete, the discrepancy sometimes reaches 3 cm. And this leads to the fact that instead of an adhesive composition it will be necessary to use a cement fastening mortar, which will have to be laid in a thick layer. This leads to an increase in the masonry joint and a decrease in the amount of block material used, which complicates the calculation of foam blocks for a garage even with a calculator (online).

Laying foam blocks with thick seams Source On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of garages made of aerated concrete blocks from the best construction companies with an impeccable reputation in the market. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Let us add that thick masonry joints reduce the thermal performance of a wall built from foam blocks. In addition, both the external and internal planes will have a large difference, which means that considerable money and effort will have to be invested in order to level them.

Advice! When purchasing foam concrete blocks, check them to ensure they comply with standard dimensions.

Carrying out work

Before the construction of a structure for a car begins, a project is first prepared. In most cases, a compact building is erected on it, including one or two rooms. It is advisable to make the building ventilated and heated.

Foundation structure

The construction of the foundation is a mandatory process on which the operational period of the facility will depend. When constructing a garage from foam blocks with your own hands, you can create a platform from the same elements, but with reinforcement.

Do I need permission?

Even if a citizen plans to build a structure on land that officially belongs to him, he still needs to obtain permission to build a garage. Only in this case can such a structure be officially registered under the owner’s name in Rosreestr. The process of obtaining a permit is divided into the following stages:

before direct construction work, it is important to send a notification to the regional administration containing information about the planned construction; it is permissible not to obtain a permit if the structure does not have a solid foundation and is not used for commercial purposes; In addition to the notification, a draft of the future structure must be sent to the administration, on the basis of which a decision is made by government officials; If work is performed without prior notification to the administration, the resulting object will be considered an unauthorized construction. It is possible to start decorating the building after its construction, but if violations of construction or urban planning standards are discovered, the administration may demand the demolition of the building

Therefore, before you make a garage, you should take care of its official registration

It is possible to start decorating the building after its construction, but if violations of construction or urban planning standards are discovered, the administration may demand the demolition of the object. Therefore, before you make a garage, you should take care of its official design.

What factors can influence the cost of building a garage?

Factors that can change the price of building construction include:

  • dimensions of the building;
  • foundation type;
  • materials used in the construction process;
  • gate design features;
  • use of professional tools.

If you take into account each of these points, you will be able to correctly draw up an estimate for the construction of a garage. It is worth noting that a person without the appropriate knowledge and experience will not be able to calculate the estimate correctly. The best solution would be to seek professional help from a qualified performer. A specialist will be able to calculate all costs and offer you optimal terms of cooperation. The presence of this documentation will allow you to build a building with maximum savings and monitor the expenditure of funds.

Calculator for calculating aerated concrete blocks

The online calculator for calculating aerated concrete blocks is designed to determine the required number of aerated concrete blocks and additional materials for building a house. Also, when calculating online aerated concrete blocks, you can take into account the dimensions of gables, window and door openings. Correctly carried out calculations will allow you to avoid unnecessary costs for the purchase of excess building materials and avoid problems with their shortage during the construction of a house.

  • Online calculator
  • Widget

What types of construction work are included in the documentation when drawing up an estimate for the construction of a garage?

As a rule, the following types of work are prescribed:

  • preparatory;
  • construction of the building foundation;
  • construction of a building above the foundation;
  • finishing.

Each type of work must be calculated separately in the documents; it is also necessary not to forget about calculating the costs of transporting builders and materials. After construction is completed, it is necessary to calculate the accuracy of the garage construction calculation and take into account all inconsistencies.

In order for creating an estimate for a garage to justify the investment of time and effort, it is worth resorting to the professional help of performers with many years of experience. Since specialists have certain knowledge and experience, they will be able to compile documentation in the shortest possible time.

Information on the purpose of aerated concrete blocks

A fairly new and popular material, aerated concrete is a lightweight cellular concrete, which is obtained by mixing quartz sand, lime, Portland cement and aluminum powder, which in turn gives rise to gas formation. You can learn more about aerated concrete, its pros and cons in this article.

Aerated concrete blocks are used for:

  • Thermal insulation of enclosing structures;
  • Construction of enclosing structures;
  • Construction of interior partitions.

The use of aerated concrete directly depends on its density; in the marking it is indicated by the symbol “D”.

It is generally accepted that at D=300-500 the blocks are thermally insulating.

When D=500-900 structural and thermal insulation blocks

When D is over 900, structural blocks.

As a rule, for the construction of load-bearing walls of a residential building, aerated concrete blocks with a density of 500-600 are used, thereby achieving the necessary load-bearing capacity of the wall, the desired thermal insulation properties and saving costs on building a house.

Where can you order the services of a competent specialist?

Since it is quite difficult to calculate the construction of a garage, it is worth approaching the issue of finding a contractor responsibly. Otherwise, you may receive low-quality estimate documentation and, accordingly, will not be fully informed about the price of building construction. In order to find a performer, you must:

  • contact private estimators who will offer cheap development;
  • look for a freelancer;
  • entrust the creation of an estimate for the garage to a contractor registered on the YouDo website.

The latter option allows the customer to achieve significant savings in time and money. All you need to do is fill out an application and post it on the platform. After this, you should wait for responses and familiarize yourself with the conditions under which specialists agree to provide their services. You can order document development services from the specialist who will offer optimal conditions for cooperation.

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