How many years does it take from “was” to “has become” or how to create your own garden from scratch

The article will discuss what the garden layout should be, what planting patterns are best to use, how to plant fruit trees, and where to choose a place to plant a vegetable garden. Photos and videos of finished projects will demonstrate the variety of existing solutions.

Garden project plan Source

Why a fence and a fence made of corrugated sheets?

Unlike pastoral pictures of American suburbs with areas separated only by hedges or nominal wooden fences up to half a meter high, in our realities the picture is different.


So - I have an empty plot of land. Should we build something on it? Which building is the most important in Russia? Probably a fence. We all want to isolate ourselves from the dangers of the outside world. So we started with the fence.

The history of the development of the site began back in 2010 - both now and then, if you needed something “cheap and cheerful,” they chose profiled sheets. So Arnau (Alexander) was no exception, finding several advantages for himself in such a solution.

  • Complete visual protection from external factors.
  • Relatively low cost.
  • Durability if installation technology is followed.
  • Maximum assembly speed - installed literally in a day.

The main disadvantage of this type of fence is the lack of aesthetics, but there are different decoration options, which is what the craftsman has been doing all these years. Today he would choose a beautiful wooden fence that matches the style of the house, since the final cost, taking into account all the transformations, turned out to be approximately the same. But he doesn’t have any special regrets about this – at that time the choice was justified.


That's right, the corrugated sheet, plus the decor, ended up costing more. But the advantage of the profiled sheet is that I could afford it right away. And I do all the decorations year after year, gradually. And there is no need to spend a lot of money at once.

What’s interesting is that the corrugated sheet was mounted with the colored side facing the site, and the gray side facing the street. The case when you do it for yourself, and not for others.

Barbecue area at the dacha. Where to place

It so happens that outdoor recreation is always associated with a barbecue area, where you can fry meat and cook vegetables, thereby getting closer to nature. When choosing a place for a barbecue, it is important to remember that there should be no flammable or related items nearby. This place must have the following characteristics:

  • Wind protection. This is because wind can not only interfere with the grilling of meat or vegetables, but also increases the risk of nearby items catching fire.
  • The barbecue or barbecue area should be level and free of holes and protrusions. The smoother the surface, the more stable the grill will be, and therefore safer for others.

Landscape design project and why I had to refuse the author’s services

Arnau considers a plan to be the basis of any serious business, and creating a garden in virgin lands and landscaping the site is just that. Therefore, in the fall, he turned to a landscape designer for a project, who attracted attention with her work. The craftsman was completely satisfied with the developed master plan in the nature garden style, even if it was drawn. Visualizations were still minimally widespread at that time, and even today not everyone is willing to pay extra for the volume.

It was assumed that the same company and the same specialist would implement the plan, but it did not work out, since the designer’s dishonesty was revealed already at the first stage. At first I was shocked by the estimate - it turned out that it included huge volumes of geoplastics. But with the raising of the entire back part of the yard by 20-30 cm, Arnau decided to wait, but plant large trees and seedlings where there will be no construction work (the foundation for the house has already been poured). The estimate for this part of the project was satisfactory, and the landing itself went relatively smoothly.

But then problems began, which is why they quarreled with the designer and refused her services. Of the twelve ornamental trees, seven survived, and of the six fruit trees, only two survived. The forum member believes that the main reason for this development of the situation is the poor quality of planting material. The lack of watering could also have had an effect - they started planting at the end of March, but no one warned the owner that the trees needed to be watered abundantly immediately, and their own water from the well appeared only in mid-April. Back in May, the trees looked quite viable, but at the end of June they began to wither, and in the first season they had to uproot a couple of pines and a spruce.

Life hack - so that the roots of his neighbor’s plants do not interfere with him, and the roots of his plants do not interfere with his neighbors, the craftsman dug metal sheets to a depth of 50 cm along the perimeter of the entire plot and is very glad that he did so right away.

Meadow instead of lawn

Article on the topic

Evergreen theme: how to create beautiful compositions from coniferous plants A lawn is an excellent background for planting, but it is extremely labor-intensive. Judge for yourself: in the spring you need to comb it out, remove old dry grass, make punctures so that the roots of the grass breathe better, mow it every week or two in the summer, water it so that there are no areas with excess or insufficient moisture (otherwise unsightly spots may appear on it) , fertilize regularly... Unfortunately, a garden carpet requires constant effort.

The search for alternatives has been going on for quite some time. A good option is to replace the lawn with a “natural meadow”. Such a meadow needs to be mowed only once or twice a season, and not weekly, like a lawn. True, after mowing it loses its decorative effect for one or two weeks until the grass grows back. But you can forgive the meadow what you don’t want to forgive the lawn: even if in some place the grass grows worse, spots appear, the color is not bright enough green or the grass falls from the rain and wind - this will not spoil the almost natural community.


The meadow must be laid out specifically. An overgrown lawn cannot become one, if only because the density of planting grasses on the lawn is much higher than grasses and perennials in the meadow. The main problem that you may encounter if you want to create a real meadow is rhizomatous weeds: wheatgrass, sow thistle, and sowweed. They pose no danger on the lawn because they do not tolerate constant mowing. In the meadow, they feel very at ease and can kill cultivated plants. The only way to avoid this is to thoroughly clear the area allocated for the meadow of weed roots in advance.

There are special grass mixtures designed to create a meadow. As a rule, they consist of seeds of both annual and perennial plants: while perennial grasses develop, annuals will provide decorative value in the first season. Such mixtures can also be thematic - for example, intended for wetter or drier places, with a predominance of flowers of certain shades, or with the participation of plants that are attractive to bees and butterflies. Unfortunately, the range of such seeds offered by our garden centers is not yet very large.

Photo: AiF/Victor Tropchenko

Don't create difficulties for yourself!

There is a widespread misconception among people that, they say, “I’ll plant everything with a lawn and won’t do anything else.” Not to mention the fact that only a good, smooth, emerald-colored lawn, like a billiard table, caresses the eye and soul. And this requires very serious effort and skills. But let's say you did it anyway. And lovingly you call him nothing more than “my English.” Let's come down to earth: in May you will be fed and mastered a new mechanism under the frightening name “verticutter”. Every Saturday in the summer there is a haircut. And so on. Attention, lovers of the “easy life” in the garden: the lawn is not for you! A. Ganov Photo: AiF/Viktor Tropchenko

How to adapt free water to your needs

In parallel with the construction of a house and a bathhouse from timber, in 2010 Arnau acquired a storage tank, digging it into the ground.


This barrel is one of the most useful ideas for the site. And today I would have dug two of these, and not just one. The essence of the idea is that this barrel is buried in the ground and drains from the roofs of the house and bathhouse are connected to it. As a result, even after a little rain I have a supply of clean and soft water. A primitive pump is installed in the barrel, which successfully pumps water. I constantly use this water to water my plants.

The system is the simplest - under each drain there is a receiving box in which garbage settles; sewer pipes run from the boxes, connected to a pipe going into the barrel. In case of heavy rainfall and overflow, discharge into a well is provided. No anchoring was done, the container was simply dug in and filled with water; in the spring it does not float up, as it is filled with autumn rains.

Lighting of the recreation area in the country

You can add magic to your cottage with the help of well-organized lighting. It is divided into functional (indicating the location of paths and individual objects) and decorative (indicating a certain landscape decor).

  • directional light sources (used to illuminate paths and green spaces);
  • headlights (various in many models);
  • candles (used to create a romantic atmosphere);
  • water lamps (used to illuminate tanks).

Handmade lighting products made from scrap materials are welcome. So you can devote yourself to creativity during the day and admire the result in the evening hours.

The design of a recreation area in a dacha must be done on an individual basis, taking into account financial capabilities, as well as the specifics of a residential building and yard.

If you have patience, even the most remote area can be turned into a picturesque oasis, full of comfort and coziness.

How they made a mistake when paving

Having parted with the first designer, Arnau did not despair and at the height of the season managed to find another specialist - in general, the result of cooperation with Vladimir was satisfactory, but there were some mistakes. When preparing the base for the paths, the excavated soil was evenly distributed over the site, which is incorrect.

  • Firstly, the layer of sand “buried” the fertility.
  • Secondly, this sand raised the ground level on the site and above the paths.

Therefore, after a few years, the paving had to be redone - the stone was removed and sand was poured into the base. The alterations were carried out by the same team as the first time, under the leadership of a new designer, but of course the customer had to pay for everything. Rostov flagstone was chosen as the finishing layer for the paths: “available, inexpensive, in a natural style.” After a few years, it became boring, but clinker is not only nobler, but also much more expensive. The stone was laid on a layer of sand compacted with a vibrating plate, the seams were also covered with sand, without adding cement. By the way, flagstone, also known as plastic, does not slip at all after rain due to its rough surface. The thickness of the stone in pedestrian areas is 3-4 cm, in the parking lot it is 5-6 cm. No edges were made, but concrete reinforcement was placed along the edges to prevent the stone from spreading.

Single style

We bring to your attention the most popular solutions for vegetable garden design in a general style.

Choose plants that are contrasting in shape and color, don’t be afraid to experiment!

MediterraneanPastel shades, terracotta, ocherNatural stone, paving slabs, wood flooring, brick
  • Decentralization
  • Availability of a recreation area
  • High terraces, multi-level structures
  • climbing plants
CountryVariegated natural shadesNatural wood, stone, willow twig
  • Smooth lines
  • Large number of colors
  • Using household items as accessories
  • Wicker structures
JapaneseGreen paletteSmall crushed stone, pebbles, boulders
  • Decoration with lanterns, bridges, gazebos
  • Asymmetry, irregular shapes
  • Low beds
FrenchDelicate natural colorsAlmost any: wood, stone, brick, slate, concrete
  • Beds of regular geometric shape, divided into segments
  • Paved paths
  • Framing with decorative stone or border

A stylish vegetable garden with a unique design will become the pride of any summer resident, and smart technologies, high beds and the right choice of soil will help increase productivity and save effort and money spent on maintenance.

Distressed gazebo-tea house

Back in 2010, simultaneously with the bathhouse project, Arnau commissioned the architect to design a gazebo, also known as a tea house. There are no complaints about the bathhouse.

Things didn't work out with the house from the very beginning. And they had to “pull it out” from the designer, and there was no luck with the implementation.


The first contractor stole the advance payment for it, and then fed me breakfast for a year. The second one made it so that the house could fall from the slightest breath of wind. The third strengthened the house for one season, then left everything to chance. In the second season I started making a roof - from terraced hardwood boards, terrace corrugated boards! You have never seen anything worse in the area of ​​tea houses, believe me. And only Vladimir was able to finish the unfortunate tea house and cover it with larch shingles. For which I am very grateful to him.


During the summer of 2011, the garden did not undergo any major changes - the main efforts were devoted to the construction of a site for the tea house and a pond in front of it. The area of ​​the reservoir is about 30 m², depth is up to 1.2-1.4 m, decorative purpose. Having already covered the pond bowl with a membrane, they finally brought in a batch of shrubs and trees. This time, Arnau strictly monitored the quality of the planting material and chose it from “far from the cheapest nursery.” At the end of October, we planted everything we bought and completed the stone wall that should separate the “forest” part of the site.

At this stage, the understanding came that we would have to change the contractor again, since the current one is more likely a “foreman, not a designer,” which causes a lot of problems. Yes, the team did some things well, but for this they had to literally stand their ground. And when there was no such opportunity, the work either stalled, or the result turned out to be far from planned.

Prepare cuttings

It is convenient to harvest vegetable seeds. But many flowers, shrubs and trees grow poorly from seed, or it takes a very long time. In addition, hybrids, in principle, do not have seeds, and their reproduction occurs in other ways. Almost all perennials, most shrubs and vines, and many trees are propagated by cuttings. Take the time to get a few cuttings and plant them in damp perlite. After a few weeks or a month, leaves will appear on the cutting and it will take root.

Why hire someone to arrange the site?

This question was asked to Alexander by one of the visitors to his topic, to which he received the following answer.


Why trust contractors with anything at all? Probably because you cannot have a good understanding of all possible types of human activity. Probably, in most cases, a specialist who has done his job many times and has seen many of his own mistakes will complete the task better than you with little knowledge and almost always without experience. You talk about the profession of landscape designer as something available to everyone. This is wrong. Now I feel much more confident in this area than in 2009. But I’m definitely not a specialist, but a moderately experienced amateur.

Therefore, even being disappointed in the second designer and stopping cooperation with him for some time, Alexander invited a third.

A little about the fire in the recreation area at the dacha

Recreational areas are almost always located near barbecues, barbecues, and other potentially dangerous items.

For a relaxing holiday in such places for cooking you need:

  • be at a distance of 3 meters from trees, bushes, wooden buildings;
  • have free access to water;
  • have a stable base.

At the same time, the food preparation area should not be too far from the guests, otherwise the head cook may feel cut off from society or forget to turn the meat or potatoes in time.

A cozy seating area will help you get additional pleasure from being in nature and have a good time with your family or friends.

Attempt number three, also with blots

The new specialist began work only at the beginning of July 2012, having received as an “inheritance” a yard that had already become overgrown. After clearing, we began to build a wooden path made of larch based on geotextiles and a cushion of crushed stone. By the end of the month, new plants appeared in the garden and pond, part of the path.

In mid-August, we laid out the beds and made a pebble path.

True, the stones began to fall off after the first winter, and by 2015, when their number reached 40%, new alterations and repeated expenses occurred. The mistake is that the pebbles were simply glued to the concrete base using tile adhesive. During the renovation, the stones were not only knocked off, washed and repositioned, but also filled with a special sealant and everything has been holding up for several years. By the way, the second designer-contractor repaired the path, since by this time the third had already refused to cooperate. This is the “circle” of professionals on Alexander’s site.

As of the end of September, there is clear progress.

The end of October - emphasis on the long-suffering MAFs, during the construction of which almost all contractors screwed up.

Warm beds

The principle of constructing warm beds is based on multi-layering and the placement of fresh manure in their lower layers. In winter, the main processes begin, and by spring it begins to decompose. As the manure rots, it releases heat, and the bed becomes ready for planting early.

Many gardeners have been convinced more than once that high-quality fertilizer produces a large harvest that does not require much effort from its owner.

This method is suitable for radishes, cucumbers and other crops with shallow roots.

See alsoLandscape design: What is the basis

The fourth season from the beginning of the development of virgin lands

In May 2013, work had not yet begun, the site looked like this.

At the beginning of July, they got around to the long-suffering tea house and the same contractor began building a firewood shed.

In August, they began installing wooden gratings along the corrugated sheet fence, and this process was completed in 2016 - “because it’s expensive.”

In the garden, something began to emerge only towards the end of October - the heathers and turfs are already showing themselves as a bright spot.

Materials for beds

By zoning a site using beds, you can separate incompatible plant species or combine those that have the same care system.

TreeEasy to create, mobile, easy to disassemble and transportProne to rot
StoneDurability, effectivenessHigh price
PlasticEasy to install and maintain, resistant to sun, cold, and moistureDoesn’t always fit into the overall style of the site
MetalDurabilityRequires additional precautions

See also: Do-it-yourself landscape design of a summer cottage, photo.

Season five - the house is ready, in the garden, if not the final, then the main

Compared to May 2013, in May 2014 the site looks “more cheerful”, but if you don’t take care of the reservoir and only appear intermittently, it takes on a very unpresentable appearance.

Mid June.

The mentioned attempt to crossbreed a tea house with a decking board, after which the contractor was sent from the site. But the terrace board came in handy later.

By the end of September, the house is finally under an adequate roof, and the rest of the garden areas are looking good. All the work in the house had just been completed, and Alexander had the opportunity to live in it comfortably and spend more time on the site. That is, to work closely with the garden, mainly on your own, attracting performers for some of the work.

The season closes at the end of December.

Woody instead of herbaceous

Trees and shrubs can rightfully be called the “skeleton” of any garden. They not only shape the appearance of the site, but also allow you to spend the least amount of time on maintenance. Gardens with a predominance of woody plants, mainly conifers, look good even when they are no longer looked after at all.

Mature trees and shrubs require very little time and labor: just pruning 1-2 times a year and occasional watering. It is thanks to their always good appearance and ease of care that they are so popular in European front gardens.

The range of tree crops is very extensive: you can find plants of any size and shape, with decorative foliage or beautifully flowering, deciduous or evergreen. True, the latter usually require more attention. Among them are seemingly unpretentious conifers: there are many “capricious” species and varieties that need shelter from the spring sun at least in the first years after planting (many thujas, junipers, hemlocks). The most reliable of the conifers are usually the forms of Scots spruce or mountain pine.

By the way

It would seem that what could be more unpretentious than Scots pine? However, from experience, varieties of this species selected in warmer countries in the climate of central Russia often do not do well.

Among the shrubs there are also relatively low-growing ones that can be used as a kind of alternative to the lawn - these are spirea, stephanandra, horizontal juniper, microbiota. Over time, when they grow (or if the planting was initially dense), almost no weeds appear under them. And, of course, the traditional way to reduce weeding and watering of any plantings is to mulch the soil with loose organic materials (chopped branches, bark, fallen leaves, mown grass, etc.). But we must remember that the use of coniferous bark acidifies the soil, which not all plants like.

Photo: AiF/Victor Tropchenko

Trouble-free way!

You often hear that a coniferous garden requires almost no maintenance. This is partly true. But I would make a small addition. Coniferous forest - yes, it does not require maintenance. Fir trees and pine trees are growing, becoming from year to year more and more like some of the Kremlin New Year's trees, and others of mast linemen. But when we talk about a coniferous garden, we still mean something else: a variety of varietal larches, spruces, junipers, pseudo-hemlocks and just hemlocks... And for a low-maintenance garden, preference should be given to the slowest-growing varieties. So that we have no other concern other than admiring! Those that grow quickly require more attention to themselves: mandatory and timely annual pruning, sometimes radical. And this, believe me, goes against the idea of ​​low-income. And, of course, you should not plant conifers that are problematic for your region. For example, the popular Canadian spruce 'Konika', which suffers greatly from the spring sun, is simply contraindicated for the gardens of our Karelian Isthmus. Not only does it take a lot of time to annually cut out the “burnt” branches, but we usually plant it in the most visible place. And at the sight of a “beauty” with brown and blackened needles, the gardener’s mood becomes very bleak. A. Ganov Photo: AiF/Viktor Tropchenko

Six years from “was” to “became”

Arnau opened his topic with a detailed description of all the misadventures and successes in June 2015, in the first message he posted a photo of what happened and how it became.

The second photo is from June, and he started working in the garden in the spring.


The end of April 2015, I put up stone troughs, in which I later built mini rock gardens. Nowadays, saxifrage, gentian, grosgrass, pinks and other alpines grow successfully.

In mid-June, Alexander began decorating the back side of the fence with mats made of willow vines - due to the overgrown growths, it turned out not too neatly, but much better than it was. And if you consider that such decor is much cheaper than custom-made trellises, and is more appropriate in the “forest” area of ​​the garden, everything is great.

Mid-July - the beds have been developed, the pond is still in mud, stones are still flying off the pebble path, but in general, it is already a full-fledged garden and park complex.

Ideas for decorating a beautiful garden (photo)

Landscaping a garden with your own hands is not a difficult task at all. The main thing is to adhere to all the above recommendations and present the finished result. We will show you some examples of gardening design.

Photo of a beautiful garden - option one

There are typical areas around the house. Specialized forms clearly indicate a children's area, a spacious entrance and flower beds indicate the front entrance, and the presence of a gazebo, trees, and shrubs indicate a recreation area.

In addition, there is an arboretum and a small pond with a bridge across it. All these structures are harmoniously integrated into the overall design of the site.

Beautiful garden design in landscape style, which is characterized by smooth paths and some asymmetry

Photo of a beautiful garden - option two

As in the first version, the landscape style is maintained here. The gardening zone, allocated for planting fruit trees and a vegetable garden, deserves special attention.

The beds are designed very attractively in the form of rectangular modules. Such plantings look very neat and will be convenient during operation. On the other side is the front area. Its presence is mandatory in any landscape design.

Landscape garden project

When designing a beautiful garden for a private home, adhere to the principles of proper planning. Enliven the landscape of your site around the main building with stylish garden decor elements.

Ten years later – garden in spring-summer 2022

It is impossible to cover more than fifty pages of a topic within one article; for details, refer to the source. But ten years after the start of work, the site looks like this.

And this is last season.

Despite all the difficulties, mistakes and rework, Arnau achieved the desired result, but does not plan to stop there. As you know, there is no limit to perfection, and no matter how many years pass, something changes in the garden every season and will continue to change.

On the topic, we have an article about how a landscape designer equipped his site. The corresponding thread on the forum will help you avoid at least common mistakes when planning. In the video - the first experience of landscape design on your own.

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Original ideas for a beautiful garden (photo)

Many summer residents strive to create a certain coziness in the garden, decorating it with stunning landscape design, a colorful rose garden, an alpine slide, decorative ponds, streams and fountains. Such original solutions will turn an ordinary plot into a fabulous magical garden and attract everyone's attention.

If the prices for such jewelry “bite” your pockets, it will be much cheaper and more enjoyable to make everything yourself. In the future, the creative process of making decorations for the garden can turn into a hobby.


Fantastically attractive paths in the garden made of decorative paving stones, near which there will be a comfortable seating area. Here you can install all kinds of sofas, benches, armchairs, grills, tables.

Garden paths can be laid out using a plastic form. Pour cement mortar into it, wait until it dries well, and enjoy your creation.

Advice! To diversify the luxurious landscape design, you can use natural stone, colored stone chips, and decorative evergreen shrubs.

Flower beds and flower beds

Do you want to have a beautiful garden? Then pay special attention to flower beds and flower beds. Arrange compositions so that plants replace each other during the flowering period. In early spring you will be pleased with snowdrops, daisies, crocuses, and forget-me-nots.

When tulips, daffodils, petunias, and pansies fade, asters, dahlias, and chrysanthemums will give beauty in the fall. Make sure that your flower beds have as many bright colors as possible, then your garden will become luxurious and extremely mesmerizing.

Body of water or pond

Design a beautiful decorative pond where a stream will babble, which you can line with stones, plant floating lilies and decorate with various decorative figurines, jugs and much more. Plant your favorite flowers near the stream to make the composition completely complete.

An excellent solution is a decorative pond with a fountain, which makes it doubly pleasant to enjoy the beauty of the garden. This option will be more expensive, because it will require additional materials and expenses. You will need plaster stone, brick and a pedestal where the fountain will be installed. Complete it with all kinds of figurines, LED lamps, and water gutters.


A fountain with lilies will be another great solution for the garden. A plastic tray decorated with bright fragrant flowers and perennial herbs will help you with this.

Old things

Got an old car in the barn? You shouldn’t throw it away, because with its help you can create an unusually mesmerizing decoration. Place the cart in the garden on the lawn, plant bright garden flowers around it, which will spread the aroma throughout your area.

As you know, most of us decorate our territories with our own hands. Decorating the area will not take you much time and will help you express your creative side. Plastic and wood can be excellent materials for creating various crafts. You will need to have plastic water bottles of different sizes, acrylic paints, varnish, fixative and a glue gun on hand. With some imagination and creativity, you can create unique garden shapes from a couple of ordinary bottles.

Today, in summer cottages you can find bright, beautiful flower beds, unusual flower beds, tiered mixborders, and unique compositions of stones on an alpine hill. Using these elements, you can fill any garden area with colors. Vases and flower beds that are created from scrap items look very unusual. For example, you can use old car tires to create a garden bed. Instead of flowerpots, fill old rubber boots with soil.

Decorative camouflage

The art of camouflage is especially important for creating a complete and well-kept garden design. There will always be places and buildings on the site that it is desirable to hide from prying eyes, or even simply to divert attention. These can be unsightly objects that spoil the overall appearance and impression of style, or heavy structures that need to be given softness and vitality. In each case, various camouflage options are selected to play up a particular landscape design object or building.


As the great Faina Ravnevskaya said, “Beauty is a terrible power!” It's hard to disagree with this. We must try to “kill two birds with one stone” - get healthy and necessary products, and please the eye with the beautiful design of the site.

The right design style will help you achieve such harmony: minimalist or French.

Let's talk about the features of these stylistic trends in more detail.

Prepare your own fertilizers

Buying a bag of compost or organic fertilizer is, of course, the easiest way. However, you often have to overpay for simple mixtures that you can easily prepare. If you don't have chickens or other litter providers, make your own fertilizer. Mix kitchen waste with sawdust, grass clippings, leaves and garden soil and leave to rot for several months. Additional nutrients (calcium and phosphorus) are contained in sufficient quantities in eggshells - chop them up and add to the finished compost.

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