Plastic rings for wells: what they are and how they are used

For a long time, concrete rings served as an indispensable material when arranging a private plot. But with the development of technology, plastic rings for wells or sewers are increasingly replacing concrete products. Let's figure out what plastic products exist, what sizes and features they have, and what factors to consider when choosing.

Polymer sand rings for a prefabricated well Source

Classification methods: types and sizes

Plastic rings are used in arranging communications of all types. Therefore, if we take into account the scope of application, we can select products for a well (drinking water), for a septic tank or sewerage system. It is convenient to divide products according to the material from which they are made; in this case the following options are possible:

  • Made from polyethylene. The main advantages of plastic are its long service life and indifference to significant temperature fluctuations (from -50 to +70°C), which allows its use in most climate zones. Polyethylene rings have a multilayer structure, which increases their strength and resistance to aggressive environments; installation does not require special skills and knowledge.
  • Made from polypropylene. Durable and resistant to abrasion, polypropylene plastic rings can withstand temperatures up to +120-140°C without changing their performance properties. Polypropylene is a chemically resistant material that is not afraid of aggressive organics; To increase frost resistance, stabilizing additives are introduced into its composition.

Rings and additional elements Source

  • Made from fiberglass. Fiberglass, which is part of the polymer, gives the products particularly high wear resistance. They are not subject to corrosion, are durable, do not break down when working in aggressive environments, and are safe to maintain since they do not conduct electricity. The main disadvantage is the high cost.

The dimensions of plastic structures are standardized as follows:

  • Inner diameter (with and without bottom): 60, 68, 80, 90 cm.
  • Outer diameter: 65, 73, 85, 95 cm.
  • The height varies depending on the type of product (stacked or solid), from 20 to 150 cm.
  • The lid is selected according to the size of the neck. The internal diameter varies from 55 to 90 cm, the external diameter - from 60 to 95 cm.

What it is

Polymer sand rings and wells are made from composite materials: plastic and sand. When ready assembled, the product is highly durable. They are made in separate parts, which is why they are also known as prefabricated ones.

The polymer sand well consists of:

  • rings;
  • bottom;
  • hatch;
  • cone-shaped lid.

Rigidity is achieved by incorporating sand into the matrix of the polymer material. Thanks to this, such a product copes with the negative and aggressive effects of the environment. They have proven themselves positively in heaving soil conditions. The connection process is carried out using tongue-and-groove technology.

Benefits of use

The use of plastic in the installation of communications simplifies the progress of work and subsequent operation due to its improved physical and chemical characteristics. The advantage of polymer rings for wells is expressed in the following advantages:

  • Improved physical properties. Plastic, unlike ring concrete, does not require maintenance or repair. The design maintains original performance characteristics over a wide range of operating temperatures.

Comparison of the characteristics of plastic and reinforced concrete Source

  • Inertness The polymer is resistant to any organic and inorganic substances contained in water and soil, as well as to most technical compounds (chemicals, oils).
  • Improved wear resistance. Plastic retains its strength for 45-50 years of service.
  • You can refuse additional waterproofing. You will not have to spend additional time and money, as is the case with a concrete structure that needs to be treated with waterproofing compounds. To ensure that the system does not allow water to pass through, it is necessary to follow the installation technology.
  • Light weight. A standard concrete ring weighs about 600 kg, while a plastic ring weighs less than 50 kg. Transportation and installation are greatly simplified.
  • Environmentally friendly. Modern polymer materials are completely safe for health. Due to their inertness, they do not emit harmful substances under any operating conditions.

The drainage well protects the adjacent area from flooding Source
The only thing in which plastic products are inferior to their concrete counterparts is cost. However, the owners who made the choice in favor of plastic were convinced that it was completely justified, since it eliminated many problems during the operation of the products:

  • They do not need to be cleaned, since the smooth walls do not form plaque suitable for the development of microorganisms.
  • They maintain good tightness and are not afraid of soil movements.
  • They are not afraid of periodic freezing and thawing.
  • If necessary, they can be equipped with additional accessories, for example, a hatch, a ladder, a neck.

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in water supply, sewerage and related work

What is the service life

If we compare composite material with reinforced concrete products, the latter has a limitation of 50 years. If reinforced concrete does not completely collapse during this period, it will lose its operational properties. Also, every year you will have to check the tightness of all joints and the entire structure as a whole.

As for polymer rings, they will not lose their positive properties throughout their entire service life. According to forecasts, such structures will last for centuries. However, this will be possible provided that installation technology and proper maintenance are followed.

Functionality and scope

The main way of using polymer products in the private sector is in wells for drinking water. Another area of ​​use is drainage and sewer systems, and in private households - a septic tank.

The bottom is made of the same material as the body Source

Plastic rings intended for sewerage can be divided according to purpose into the following types:

  • Observations. Without them, normal functioning of sewer pipelines is impossible. With their help, they carry out maintenance, monitor the condition of the system, and deliver equipment. They are installed at places of rotation, connection, change in slope or diameter.
  • Absorbent. They are needed where it is impossible to drain wastewater, for example, in private septic tanks. Drainage material (crushed stone, broken brick, gravel) is poured into their bottom.
  • Water intakes. The accumulated water is diverted somewhere else: into a drainage system, into an open reservoir or ditch. For water intake wells, it is important to have a sealed plastic cover. It helps to avoid sewer overflow when water comes in quickly (for example, after heavy rain).

When there is no central main line nearby, an autonomous sewer system can be built without the use of a septic tank. To do this, the bottom of the well, mounted from plastic rings, is supplemented with a kineta - a special tray with pipe connection points. The system will allow waste to be discharged evenly.

A well for sewerage, next to it is the bottom (sink) Source

With the help of plastic well rings it is convenient to restore dilapidated structures, concrete, brick, earthen. To update the source, just select rings with a smaller diameter and install them in one of the following ways. The space between the old and new walls is filled with sand.

Requirements for installation of a stationary country well

Before installing a well made of reinforced concrete rings, the owner of a summer cottage needs to decide in what period the structure will be used. It is possible that water is supplied only in the summer, and the owner plans to permanently reside in the country house. In this case, the installation of the sewer well will be different, taking into account the operation of the structure throughout the year.

A scheme that allows the installation of a water supply system assumes the presence of a source of electricity on the site. This is due to the fact that it will be necessary to install a pump in the well to supply water. Installing an electric pumping station to supply water to a well requires the development of all the necessary drawings. Using this traditional method, you can install sewer wells with water supply yourself.

The summer source of drinking water is a temporary structure, so its design can be stationary or collapsible. Usually it is used for 2-3 months. In order not to spend too much physical effort and material resources on the installation of such a structure, you must follow the recommendations below:

  • select a submersible or surface pump in advance;
  • take into account the depth of the pipeline (0.5-0.8 m);
  • select a special area where the device will be placed;
  • provide a drainage system for the stationary option.

You can install a permanent water supply using a manifold connection. The system must function due to such design elements as:

  • pumping station;
  • storage tank;
  • water heater.

Before installing the rings taking into account the requirements of the PPR, it is necessary to understand the place where the water source is located. First, you will need to investigate the level of underground groundwater. To ensure a successful search, you can use different methods.

For example, these could be glass jars of the same size. They should be placed throughout the entire plot of land. In this case, the bottom of each of them should be at the top. After some time, you need to check all the jars: whether condensation has formed in them or not. The larger it is, the closer the location of the aquifer is considered.

Construction and details

By design, polymer wells are divided into the following types:

  • Prefabricated. They are assembled directly at the installation site using the groove connection principle. Prefabricated products are lightweight and can be installed alone.
  • Monolithic (seamless). A convenient option for arranging a drinking well. The polymer pipe is immersed inside the aquifer; it is sealed enough to protect the water from contamination.
  • Welded. Made from polyethylene, used for sewerage.
  • Any plastic well, regardless of the material of manufacture, includes the same set of parts:
  • Bottom. Durable and thick cast part. The bottom can be blind, through or tray (the latter has guides for diverting the flow).

Construction of a sealed plastic well Source

  • Well (chamber). The main element is in the form of a smooth or corrugated pipe of large diameter with thick walls.
  • Hatches, covers. Appearance depends on the purpose. The blind hatch prevents debris, groundwater and sediment from entering the well shaft. Lattice models are used in combination with storm drainage systems.
  • Ring. Designed to regulate the height of the polymer well.
  • Caisson. It is used to create a waterproof working chamber in water-saturated soil or to protect the well from contamination.
  • Accessories. Necks (most often present on inspection wells), reinforced steps for wells.

There are more specialized varieties. For example, a well for a well has a relatively small body diameter. Additionally, it is equipped with corrugations that help to effectively withstand soil pressure; Stiffening ribs also help with stability.

The neck is an essential part of many products Source

Ring prices

The pricing policy is determined by the market, and therefore in different regions the same product will cost differently, but everywhere its price is directly dependent on the size. And if for KS 7.3 you will have to pay from 700 rubles, then for KS 20.9 - already about 4.5 thousand rubles. Purchasing from the manufacturer provides savings of 5-15% compared to construction markets. But when drawing up an estimate, in addition to spending on rings, the customer must keep in mind other expenses:

  • digging a foundation pit for a structure;
  • for delivery of products;
  • for installation work;
  • construction of a well house (optional);
  • for additional materials, for example, cement for sealing joints or pebbles for the filtration bottom of a well.

It makes sense to cooperate with one supplier. In many cases, this will bring additional benefits in the areas of service, delivery and information support.

How to restore a well with plastic rings

Plastic well rings are rarely used for self-installation. With their help, concrete structures that have lost their tightness due to long-term use and wear, broken installation technology, or soil pressure that has caused displacement of parts are brought back to life. The occurrence of a problem is judged by the following signs:

  • Damages or defects in a shaft that are visible to the naked eye.
  • A sharp decrease in water level (unless this is due to seasonal changes or, for example, to a deeper mine dug in the neighborhood).
  • The water became cloudy and a foreign smell appeared.
  • The bottom silts up, impurities appear (sand, clay, soil), cleaning does not help.

The operation of the well can be restored using polymer rings. Repair work is carried out in the following order:

  • The well frame (ground part) is dismantled.
  • The water is pumped out using a pump.
  • If necessary, the walls of the well are disinfected.
  • Remove debris, sand, and silt from the bottom.

Composite blank for a well Source
Restoration begins three days after preparation, for which the following actions are performed:

  • Plastic rings are connected into a single structure. If the bottom surface is not smooth enough, it is first updated by adding sand, crushed stone or broken brick.
  • Additionally, the seams can be treated with a sealant (for example, silicone).
  • The space formed between the plastic and the soil is filled with sand.
  • After completing the work, wait until the well fills on its own. Then install a drainage pump and pump out the water several times until it becomes clear.

A backfill is made between the plastic and the soil. Source

Do-it-yourself excavation work

After selecting the most suitable site, you can begin to dig up the soil, taking into account the size of the rings. It is better to carry out this type of work with an assistant, so that the partner supports the other person from above. First, you need to prepare a hole 1 m deep, which will allow you to roll a ring of reinforced concrete onto it. It should be lowered down only after checking the vertical draft using a plumb line.

If you find a deviation, you can use a shovel to correct it. When carrying out excavation work, you should take into account the rule: the greater the depth of the dug hole, the slower the installation will be. It takes time to dig out each subsequent meter. Typically this will take half a day. Then you need to make sure that each ring in the hole sinks down, as the video below describes.

When installing each subsequent product, you need to use a sledgehammer to drive the ring into the hole. If it is not located exactly on the previous product, you can correct the resulting deviation using a crowbar. One of the partners will need to tie himself with a rope to his belt, strengthening its other end on the surface in order to go down into the well when it is dug to a depth of 3 m.

After completing the excavation work in the wells, it is necessary to carry out the arrangement of the bottom. A “cushion” of crushed stone is made in a layer of 10 cm. This will prevent muddy water from entering the filled bucket. If you do not follow the rules for installing the rings, large gaps may appear between them. In this case, it will be almost impossible to repair the structure. Clay is suitable for sealing small cracks between the rings in sewer wells.

On the surface of the earth around the well at a distance of 50 cm, it is necessary to clear the area of ​​excess soil. Then it is coated with clay and compacted. This allows excess water to be retained on the surface.

How to make the right choice

When choosing polymer rings for a sewer or drinking well, you must be guided by the following criteria:

  • The price of polymer products depends on the type and quality of the material, wall thickness, dimensions and design features (for example, the number of pipes).

Different types of drainage wells Source

  • Monolithic and prefabricated models are offered on the market; the latter are more expensive.
  • A monolithic body cannot be used in all cases. It is durable, withstands compression well, but is only suitable for shallow mines, and it is impossible to build it up.
  • A well of any height can be made from prefabricated products; at the junction of individual elements there is a sealing ring responsible for the tightness. In general, the design is more flexible than a monolithic one, but the more connections there are, the greater the likelihood of leaks.
  • Models with pipes save time: you don’t have to cut in the pipes yourself.

Installation of a caisson for a well Source proraboff.rf


The price tag for polymer products will differ depending on the features and technology of creation, as well as the manufacturer itself. The final cost is affected by diameter, height, wall thickness, etc. Plus, each element of a prefabricated well will have an individual cost. Approximate prices are shown in the table below:

ViewCharacteristicsPrice thousand rubles
Ready well “Yenisei” Height 2 metersThickness 50 mm and outer diameter 110 cm14,5
Ready well “Yenisei” Height 3 metersThickness 50 mm and diameter 110 cm21.3
Polymer ringHeight 20 cm and diameter 100 cm1700
Ring with capDiameter 80, height 30, neck diameter 75 cm29

Important! There may be a different manufacturer in your area, and therefore the price will be different. Therefore, it is better to compare several manufacturers before purchasing.

Briefly about the main thing

Plastic rings simplify the construction of a drinking well; they eliminate the need to install concrete rings or line the internal walls with bricks. The materials used are plastics with different properties; some are extremely resistant to aggressive environments, others tolerate negative temperatures well.

In the private sector, plastic structures are most often used for the restoration of drinking wells, installation of wells and sewage systems. They can be prefabricated, welded and seamless, differ in size and the presence of additional elements.


Thanks to the selected composition of the components of the polymer-sand mixture, excellent technical characteristics are achieved. Up to 80% of the mixture is sand, which ensures rigidity and strength of the products. The plastic is used as a binder and, when hardened, forms a waterproof monolith.

In terms of technical parameters, polymer rings for wells are significantly superior to reinforced concrete rings. The table shows a comparison of their main characteristics:

ParameterPolymer sand ringsReinforced concrete rings
Density, kg/m3before 1750up to 2400
Bending strength, MPa17-256-7
Compressive strength, MPa17-1840-50
Frost resistance, number of cyclesover 500up to 350
Water absorption, mass%0,15up to 4.5
Abrasion, kg/cm20,05-0,10,3-0,4

The table shows that composite rings are superior to reinforced concrete in terms of strength, water resistance, and frost resistance. They resist abrasion better and weigh much less. In addition, polymer sand wells are characterized by increased chemical resistance. They easily tolerate the effects of aggressive substances, including those contained in domestic and industrial sewage. They can be washed using any detergent.

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