Do-it-yourself sports ground at your summer cottage

Every owner of a suburban area tries to arrange it as rationally as possible. To do this, use the services of a landscape designer. However, you can distribute the space correctly yourself. Many people plant a variety of flower beds, while others build sports grounds for their summer cottages. The second option for arranging the site will be not only interesting, but also useful. Especially if there is a child in the family who needs physical training and a great time.

An example of a finished sports ground for home and garden

Functionality of the sports ground

There are various types of sports grounds that can be easily set up with your own hands in any part of the garden - for both adults and children. They differ in their functionality. For example, for adults on the sports ground you can arrange:

  • strength training equipment;
  • basketball court;
  • mini football field;
  • areas for playing ping pong and much more.

It will be useful for children to do:

  • small strength training equipment;
  • sandboxes;
  • slides;
  • swings and so on.

You can do all this yourself. You just need to correctly make the drawings of such devices. Or you can buy ready-made sports grounds. Prices for such equipment vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. It all depends on what material is used in production, as well as on the professionalism of the workers.

Ready-made children's playground project

Step-by-step instructions for building a sports ground with your own hands

Construction is conventionally divided into three stages:

  • Marking and excavation work. This stage also includes choosing a location.
  • Arrangement of the site.
  • Installation of sports equipment and facilities.

It is recommended to choose corner plots of the household plot in the country, but so that the area is not shaded or cluttered. The perimeter is cleared and markings are carried out. For marking, you can use pegs on which twine is pulled.

Excavation work includes leveling and dumping soil, making excavations for foundations, etc.

Afterwards you can begin arrangement. It all depends on the type of coating chosen. If it is concrete or asphalt, then a excavation in the ground and formwork are pre-made.

The same activities are considered preparatory for filling and pouring plastic or rubber chips. Only for a concrete monolith can removable formwork be used.

What are sports grounds made from?

Modern manufacturers try to use only durable, practical and durable materials in the production of sports fields. Mainly preference is given to wood and metal.

If children's playgrounds are being made, then it is possible to use plastic with a dense structure.

The prices for such complexes are several times lower, since they can be used for a certain period of time. This is due to the fact that the child is growing, and such products are not able to withstand significant loads.

Note. Before you buy ready-made plastic sports complexes for your child, you must first check with the seller about the maximum age of children who can play on the playground. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates it on the packaging.

Wooden sports ground project

A gym for a child at home – is it necessary or not?

Children's sports corners for the home are quite popular and have been used for many years. They are comfortable and practical. The child will be glad that he will have his own corner in the apartment or house where he can play sports. And it doesn’t matter what the weather is like outside, because the house will always be warm and cozy. Just give children space, and their imagination will develop as it pleases. On average, a sports corner at home for children will occupy 2 m2 or more.

Let's look at the factors that speak in favor of making it in your home or apartment:

  1. A child can actively develop any time he wants. This could be morning, lunch or evening.
  2. The child will spend time not only fun, but also beneficial for his health. In addition, when receiving guests, the children will not disturb the adults, having their own corner.
  3. Children will be able to develop coordination of movements and develop their vestibular apparatus. The cardiovascular system improves.

As you can see, the presence of this corner in the room will only benefit both children and parents. The only negative is that the corner takes up space and can be dangerous for children. But, this is how to submit it. After all, the room still has a corner for children’s games. As for falls from the structure, it is enough to simply place mats on the floor to protect those playing.

I would like to note that parents can buy a ready-made corner and install it in a suitable place, or they can make a children’s sports corner with their own hands. It will be cheaper, but you will need to have manufacturing instructions, drawings, materials, tools and free time. And some skills in working with wood are also welcome. However, before moving on to the instructions, you should consider the requirements for a children's sports corner.

Choosing a location for a playground

In principle, the site can be located in any part of the garden. Just keep in mind that spending time on it should be comfortable. This means that there are certain recommendations for designing such a structure.

  1. It should be in the shade, but it is not advisable to place it in the northern part of the site. The sun's rays will not hit it. The best option is the southwest direction. Shade can be created using a canopy. Although there are often cases of placing the site under spreading trees. Branches that interfere with the normal installation of exercise equipment and swings must be cut off, which will avoid injuries during play.
  2. For safety reasons, the playground is placed near the house so that you can watch children play through a window or from the veranda.

    Sample of a children's playground located near the house

  3. There should be no plantings next to it: vegetable gardens, flower beds, etc. This will not only protect the child from injury, but also the plants from damage.
  4. When designing a site, it is worth taking into account the wind directions in the area, in particular, to avoid drafts.
  5. Some exercise equipment and swings must be placed at a certain distance from each other. Their proximity can cause injury.

Well, and most importantly, you need to choose a garden site that has no bumps, roots, etc. It is also worth considering lighting in the evening. It can be supplied directly from the house or connected from a separate power supply panel.

Preparing for construction

Creating a sports ground on a summer cottage requires careful preparation. Free space sufficient for the number and size of structures is preliminarily allocated. The best option is an area that is in the shade throughout the day. This will allow children and adults to play sports comfortably.

Features of preparation

Unprotected electrical wires, sharp objects and other dangerous parts must not be placed on the site. The territory should be clearly visible from the windows of the house, which will ensure the safety of adults and children. Horizontal bars should be located at a distance from a pond or pool.

Soft grass reduces the risk of injury

After determining the location of the sports ground, its territory is developed. Old stumps, dry bushes and trees, and other foreign elements are removed. To reduce the risk of injury, the area is covered with a thick layer of sand, and in some cases a lawn is appropriate. With the help of a small fence, you can prevent the further distribution of sand throughout the entire dacha area. If you have a lawn, it is necessary to provide optimal care for it.

Size and drawings

A sports ground at a dacha often includes various types of ladders, crossbars and rings. During the planning process, the locations of all horizontal bars are determined. For example, a horizontal ladder can connect a pull-up bar and a ring bar placed at opposite ends.

One horizontal bar can include several elements and perform different functions

Independent production of a complex of projectiles requires determining the size of all elements. Separate complexes are often equipped for school-age children. If the area does not allow you to create separate zones, then it is important to take into account the growth and capabilities of the children.

Diagram of a classic pull-up bar

It is sometimes impossible to create a detailed professional drawing with your own hands. Therefore, it is best to schematically depict on the sheet the location of the necessary elements, and also select the sizes of the horizontal bars.

The crossbar can be double or combined with a swing and ladder

A set of horizontal bars for a summer house may only include a double crossbar, which is universal for different exercises. The removable swing allows both children and adults to relax if necessary. An addition in the form of a rope or regular ladder will make the compact horizontal bar multifunctional, so there is no need to install many structures for sports. It is enough to attach several crossbars, which can easily be combined with a basketball basket, rope or ladder, swing and often serve as a football goal. At the same time, all parts must be of high quality. It is necessary to provide the ability to remove and bring into the room the removable components of the horizontal bars during a long absence of users or bad weather conditions.

Types of sports grounds

Depending on the functionality, sports grounds can be simple or complex. Simple ones include ordinary sports complexes:

  • Horizontal bar in the form of a ladder;
  • Devices for complex muscle development.

This applies to adult sports grounds. In the nursery, it will be enough to install a slide and make a sandbox. In some cases, horizontal bars are also installed, as for adults, only in reduced sizes.

Complex sports grounds are sometimes equipped with jogging areas. Special paths are built around the perimeter, they are paved or covered with other material.

Example of a complex sports ground project

It is possible to install basketball hoops, tennis nets and more.

Note. You can choose the type of sports ground based on the parameters of the site itself. The larger it is, the greater the number of horizontal bars and various devices that can be placed on it.

Any home sports complex for both children and adults can be made with your own hands, and certain materials are used for this. The most important thing is to choose the right place and draw up a project.

Features of the corner and requirements for it

Everything that concerns children should be safe and not harm their health. And here there are several points that are taken into account when creating a children's corner. Let's start with the fact that all structural elements must be reliable, strong and durable. All parts are connected to each other securely so that when playing sports the child does not fall and injure himself. In addition, the wall or other elements must be fixed to the floor or wall.

The second point concerns the finishing of products. All paints and varnishes or other compositions that will be used in the future for processing wood or metal must not emit toxic substances. Children will constantly be in contact with the elements, so their safety must be appropriate. Well, as we mentioned above, it is important to take care of mats and soft surfaces.

If we conclude, it is not difficult to make such a sports corner. It is only important to choose a suitable place and follow the instructions. Let’s say right away that to accommodate all the elements of the corner you will need at least 2 m2 and an additional 1 m2 of free space around for games and unhindered movement.

But the next question arises: what is included in the sports corner? To create a functional corner in the apartment, you cannot do without:

  • Swedish wall;
  • small horizontal bar/bars;
  • gymnastic rings;
  • swing or rope ladder;
  • soft sports mat on the floor.

Below is shown what a full-fledged complex for children should look like.

Thanks to this set of sports elements, you can make a complete structure so that your child develops and leads an active lifestyle. Now let's look at how to create a corner with your own hands.

Space planning

There are two ways to design a sports ground. Firstly, you can do everything yourself. Secondly, you can turn to a landscape designer for help. The price for such services is quite high, and not everyone can afford them. The best option is to develop the project yourself.

An example of a competent playground layout

It includes:

  • Choosing a location;
  • Determining the number of horizontal bars and entertainment complexes;
  • Calculation of the required quantity of selected materials.

The optimal options for the parameters of a sports field are: 3 x 8 m; 5 x 5 m; 6 x 3 m. Dimensions of mini-platforms: 3 x 3 m; 4 x 4 m; 2 x 3 m - more suitable for constructing a play space for children, since their functionality will be limited.

example of the project and layout of a children's playground

Football field covering

The grass on such sites is replaced with a synthetic porous surface. The main difference between a porous coating and a grass lawn is that it is ready for full use within two days from the moment of installation. Such a field can be transformed from a football field into a hockey field without much effort, because such coatings have the ability to create ice surfaces even without removing materials.

The main foundation or base of such a sports surface is often asphalt or sand mixed with gravel. In winter, an ice field is formed on such surfaces thanks to a 15 cm snow cushion. In order not to spoil the porous surface of your sports ground, do not remove ice from its surface by mechanical means.

If you wish, the sports ground can be equipped with lighting and a small grandstand, in other words, places for a small group of spectators.

Number of horizontal bars on the sports ground

Firstly, the number of gaming and sports equipment depends on the size of the site and the space allocated for the playground. As a rule, for an adult, a wall bar, parallel bars, pipes for pumping up the abs, and horizontal bars for “walking” on your hands are enough for an adult. Entire play sports complexes are being built for children. You can buy them. The price depends on the parameters and materials from which they are made.

Project of a sports ground with a large number of horizontal bars

Secondly, you need to determine for what purpose the site is being created. It may have less functionality, that is, almost no one will use it. Or be multifunctional.

Calculation of dimensions and drawings for a sports complex

Let's first imagine a combined sports complex that can be used by both adults and children (from 7 to 15 years old).

The sports complex is made of wood, which allows for quick construction and safe operation. The complex itself includes two wall bars, horizontal crossbars, a hanging bag for practicing punches and a swing on rope cables.

The most simple and functional do-it-yourself sports ground, which is made of a metal profile and includes all the necessary equipment: a horizontal bar, parallel bars of different levels, an ebb for hanging a pear, a Swedish wall.

All structures are made of square metal profiles and ½ and ¾ inch tubes.

Necessary materials for construction

As mentioned above, you can build a platform with your own hands from metal and wood. These materials are endowed with certain technical and quality characteristics. Although modern manufacturers provide the opportunity to buy ready-made sports and gaming complexes, the prices for which in some cases can be several times lower than for self-manufacturing.

For example, sports equipment can only be made of metal. For this use:

  • Profile pipes of a certain size with a thick wall;

  • Round pipes.

Why is metal preferred? It's quite simple. On a wooden horizontal bar, for example, you can drive a splinter during training. And, in addition, metal is the most durable and reliable material, capable of withstanding significant loads and various impacts of climatic and weather conditions.

Horizontal bars are constructed from it using welding equipment.

Advice. All seams must be well processed and sanded.

The material is pre-treated with anti-corrosion agents and primed. Next, paint is applied. Along with the many advantages of metal, there is one drawback - the price. It is quite high, and if the sports ground is made entirely of metal, it will be expensive.

Example of a metal sports ground

Swings are also made from metal, which can be purchased ready-made. The owner only needs to install them correctly and secure them. The price for such designs is low.

Wood is mainly used to make children's sports complexes, which consist of houses, towers, stairs, slides, and so on.

In some cases, both materials are used.

How to heat your deck in winter

If you want to kick the ball not only in summer, but also in winter, then you need to equip your court with heating. To achieve this goal, special snow melting systems powered by electricity are used. Analogues of such technologies can be considered “warm floor” systems, powered by electricity or heated by water.

An electrical heating system is a complex that includes connecting cables, auxiliary elements of various types and cables: switching, protective and connecting devices. The heat source in the electric heating system is a special heating cable. There are two types of such cables: resistive and self-regulating.

All electrical systems designed for melting snow are equipped with a thermostat - a special device that performs regulation and protection functions. It is thanks to the thermostat that a constant temperature of the heated object is maintained. This device consists of the following parts: a control device and a temperature sensor, which in turn make up a thermostat, and the thermostat also includes temperature and humidity sensors. According to experts, such a sensor should be mounted in places where the formation of snow and ice is at its maximum level, and its main sensitive element should be placed in the upward direction.

The main feature that arises when heating grass lawns is the need to maintain a certain grass regime simultaneously for the root and the above-ground part of the plant. For this purpose, two sensors are installed in the thermostats, one of which monitors the temperature readings in the environment, and the second monitors the temperature of the soil under the cover and maintains it at the optimal level of 17°C. These sensors should be placed at a strictly measured distance: the underground one should be 10 mm below the top layer of the ground, in the center of the sensor cable loop, and the external one should be protected from direct exposure to sunlight and placed 3 mm above the ground level.

The soil heating system is quite important and should be thought about in advance. Think about forty square meters of your sports ground, plus you will probably think about heating the path to the site, and there you can also install a heated porch. Energy consumption will be considerable, which is why we recommend that you opt for liquid heating systems, because using them you will significantly reduce energy use when heating the site. If you have chosen such a system, entrust its installation to real professionals and do not take on the matter yourself, and in no case do not skimp on sensors, because the quality of heating the grass in the winter will depend on whether you make the right choice .

Playground made of modules: principles of arrangement

The advantage of a modular playground is the ability, if necessary, to expand the configuration by adding any elements. The device can then change and adapt to the child's age. It is enough to start with one of the elements and, for example, add other surprises every year.


Since children have already grown out of the sandbox, slide, carousel and other attractions of the playground, it is necessary to equip the sports corner with more impressive equipment. If we are talking about a large area on which it is realistic to allocate space for several play zones, then there will be room to spread out.

The more diverse the equipment, the greater the chances that the younger generation will become interested in the complex and will spend time there, and even make friends.

A very active and clearly skilled levap from Nizhny, he collected all imaginable entertainment for the kids. According to him, his three grandchildren and a gang of neighbors have something to do: there is a football field, a horizontal bar with monkey bars, gymnastic rings, various ropes with nets, a trampoline, bicycle paths, a shooting range, even an ATV with a track. Although he himself admits that the shooting range and motorcycles are popular, and the rest of the complex is based on the fact that the first two are busy.

Not every yard will accommodate such an assortment, and not everyone can handle it financially, but the main idea is clear - to build more of everything. For arranging a medium-sized sports ground and for parents with average capabilities, the following solution is suitable:

  • Gymnastic block - horizontal bar, rings, net (rope), beam, punching bag.
  • For ball games - a court with a basketball hoop (you can also make fastenings for a volleyball net there; a couple of portable goals - and you can already organize a game of football).
  • The trampoline is the most interesting equipment; it will be a great success for any age category.
  • Table tennis is also one of the sold-out options.
  • Sedentary games - a table with benches around or a deck chair, preferably a canopy - from the sun and precipitation. There are also those who like to put puzzles together outdoors, play dominoes and chess. Yes, and visiting friends will have somewhere to put their devices and gadgets out of their pockets before active recreation.

To set up a site of a more modest size, in view of the standard six acres for everything, you can get by with a trampoline and a basketball hoop. Even such a set will distract teenagers from boredom. Some people make do with just one trampoline and are quite happy.

GreenMax member FORUMHOUSE

We bought a trampoline for our son in the store, the managers advised on all issues of operation, and it was delivered the next day after payment. The son is completely happy, he jumps and somersaults all day long, and even with friends. And we are glad that in the fresh air there is physical exercise, and not online shooting games. A trampoline is the best option for children's development.

By the way, based on the results of a discussion among trampoline owners and those wishing to join them, it was decided that the best option is a spring trampoline. Inflatable loses in cost, noise level, maintenance costs, and service life. The main condition is the presence of a protective net and compliance with safety regulations. Homorek, Marbur, and Levap agree with this, and the latter is clearly a thorough man.

Well, a table tennis table is absolutely fun of all times and peoples, one of the most popular equipment for country sports grounds. When your wallet allows, you can buy a table ready-made, and when your skills allow, it’s easier to make it yourself, like jivul from St. Petersburg. He used old window frames as a frame and 16mm chipboard for the tabletop. I sanded the two halves and painted them. The slabs are removable; if the weather turns bad, they are carried into the shelter, as in the off-season. However, he notes that if he were doing it now, and not in 1994, he would use laminated chipboard, it has a better rebound. The optimal dimensions of the table were given by Irena from Pushkino: length - 2.7 m, width - 1.52 m, height - 0.76 m.

If you have welding skills and equipment, it is better to weld the frame with the frame from a metal pipe or angle. This will be an almost eternal structure; it just needs to be coated with an anti-rust compound and painted.

The simplest basketball backboard is made from ordinary floorboards or thick plywood and reinforced with a frame made from a metal corner. A frame made of thick wooden beams or logs - whoever has what is left at the dacha. The idea was suggested by forum craftsmen DimsonK from Klin and Stoker007 from Irkutsk.

DimsonK member of FORUMHOUSE

The purchased basketball backboard could not withstand the activity, the new one was made of thick, strong plywood, fastenings from a 60 mm corner, and a purchased ring. This one will definitely stand up to rough play.


I made a shield of smaller diameter from a floorboard, a purchased ring, and a mesh of chain links (a childhood dream), and mounted it on the wall of the barn. We made a similar one for a friend on a beam (100 x 100). They concreted it into the ground, strengthened it with reinforcement, it’s been standing for 3 years, everything is fine.

No. 8. We take into account the interior features

It is desirable that the sports corner fits into the interior of the children's room, because not only physical fitness is important for a child, but good taste. If the room is decorated in neutral shades and a modern style, then almost any complex will do. If the room is made in a certain color, then the corner should be the same shade.

Wooden and metal complexes, made in metallic color, as well as in white, are considered universal. If the room is tiny, it is better to choose a complex that matches the color of the walls - this will make the room seem less cluttered.

Remember that a children's room is a space for bold experiments. There is no place for strictness and boredom, so the sports complex can be designed in the form of a pirate ship, a castle or a fairy-tale house. Of course, such a corner must be supported by other elements in the room.

Horizontal bar

While the finished staircase is drying, it’s time to start preparing the horizontal bar. It will be part of our wall bars.

We will need:

  • Wooden boards measuring 60x25x5 cm (if desired, the parameters can be changed in a direction convenient for you) - 2 pcs. They will play the role of side bars for attaching the horizontal bar.
  • The crossbar itself, the length of which should be 60 cm and the diameter 3-4 cm (for children's hands - the most convenient option). We calculate the length of the crossbar in this way: the width of the finished staircase = 50 cm + 10 cm (which falls on the two side crossbars of the horizontal bar).
  • Wood glue.
  • Bolts, nuts and washers - 12 pcs.
  • Drill-driver.
  • Wrench for fixing bolts and nuts.

Stages of work on the manufacture of a horizontal bar

  1. We carefully sand the wooden sides of the horizontal bar. If desired, on the sawmill you can give the parts a rounded shape on one side.
  2. We apply markings to the inside of the sidewalls and use a drill to form holes for the horizontal bar.
  3. We coat the crossbar on both sides with wood glue and firmly drive it into the formed grooves.
  4. Now you need to apply markings to the sides of the stairs and the sides of the horizontal bar in such a way as to form symmetrical holes for fasteners. Try to place six bolts on each side and at the same time evenly distribute the load of the horizontal bar sides on the staircase structure by rationally arranging the hardware. Let's say there are three of them along each edge of the side of the stairs. Total - six bolts on each side of the ladder for reliable fixation of the walls of the horizontal bar.
  5. Using a drill, we make holes for the bolts and securely connect the ladder to the horizontal bar at the top of the wall bars.
  6. After the finished structure has dried, coat the horizontal bar with varnish and leave it aside for now.

Ideally, we should end up with something like this:

After finishing the work, the horizontal bar should look like this

No. 6. We take into account the age and preferences of the child

It is easy to understand that there is not and cannot be a universal sports corner - too much depends on the child’s hobbies, age and preferences.

Based on age , we can formulate a number of recommendations:

  • for a child 1-2 years old A small wall bars with a mat will do. You can also purchase an outdoor sports complex such as “Baby” or “Early Start”, but keep in mind that at a high price they have a limited service life - up to 4-5 years of age. If the plans include a second/third child, then such a complex will be justified from a financial point of view;

  • For a child under 4 years old, a wall bars with crossbars of small diameter and a distance of 20-23 cm between them are suitable. You can use horizontal bars, a ring, a rope, a swing and a trapeze;
  • from 4 years old you can use a universal wall bars with a standard distance between the bars (25-26 cm). It can be supplemented with any of the elements listed above, because at this age the child is especially active;
  • for a teenager, complexes with horizontal bars, an abdominal bench, a pear and rings are suitable.

If a child attends some kind of sports section, this must be taken into account when choosing equipment for the sports complex. So, for example, for those who are involved in boxing and wrestling, a punching bag becomes a mandatory element, for track and field athletes - a press bench, a horizontal bar, a rope and a wall bars, and for gymnasts and dancers - a trapeze, a rope and a large mirror with a handrail along it (barre ). If your child is interested in basketball, then you can’t do without a basket, but you need to carefully consider its location and remove all fragile objects within a radius of several meters.

Do not forget that the sports complex should change as the child grows up . A teenager may already need exercise equipment, such as a treadmill or exercise bike. Parents of children are advised to periodically change the equipment of the corner so that the child does not get bored. For example, you can hang a rope and rings on a horizontal bar, and then replace them with a trapezoid.

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