How to make a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands: step-by-step assembly instructions

To arrange an autonomous sewer system, you can go in several ways. One of them is a septic tank.

This installation consists of 2 containers, between which there are overflow pipes. Sewage, entering these containers, is processed by special bacteria, as a result, waste sinks to the bottom, turning into sludge, and the purified water moves on. The water coming out of the unit is quite clean. Therefore, its entry into the soil is harmless. More details here.

Installing a septic tank is more profitable than installing a standard cesspool. After all, for a septic tank, the services of a vacuum cleaner are ordered much less often. The vacuum cleaner simply needs to remove the solid residues that have settled to the bottom. This leads to significant cost savings.


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Septic tanks can be budget or industrially produced (here are options for summer cottages), or you can make such a sewage system with your own hands from a Eurocube. Of course, the production version is better; it comes with everything you need for modern waste processing. But it has a significant drawback - the cost, which cannot be called cheap. Arranging a sewer collection site from Eurocubes is one of the most acceptable options.

What is a Eurocube?

Eurocube is a container designed for storing or transporting liquids. This could be water, food or fuel. The material for the Eurocube is polyethylene; the walls of the product are very thick and durable. It can hold 1000 liters of liquid. It is not difficult to purchase a Eurocube; they are sold by business outlets. Most often, such containers are used to store water in dachas and personal plots.

There are smaller containers on the market. They contain 640 liters of liquid. They have their own characteristics. Firstly, this is the material – low-density polyethylene. Secondly, this is a filler neck with a diameter of 150 - 225 mm. Thirdly, the lower part is equipped with a drain pipe, the diameter of which is 50 - 80 mm. The outer part of such containers is covered with a reliable steel mesh, which increases the strength of the product.

It is these tanks that are needed to create a sewer drain. With their help, you can build a good sewer system that can easily serve a dacha or a house with a small number of inhabitants.

Calculations before constructing a sewer system from Eurocubes

In order not to make a mistake with the number of eurocubes that you will take to build a septic tank, you need to analyze what your daily water consumption is. It is believed that one person needs 180 liters of water per day. If 3 people permanently live in a house, then you need to multiply the number of people by 180 l. The result will be 540 liters. This is water consumption for 3 people.

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