How can it be beneficial to combine a bathhouse and a summer kitchen under one roof?

In creating country life, the presence and correct location of auxiliary buildings plays an important role. After all, they greatly simplify the life of the owners, save time and allow you to enjoy a good rest in nature. Lovers of conservation and outdoor dining cannot do without a summer kitchen, gazebo or veranda. A bathhouse or sauna will help you forget about everyday worries. And with a limited area of ​​the summer cottage, such extensions can be successfully combined.

Construction of a kitchen

The next step will be preparation for pouring the foundation.
It must match the weight of the structure. It is advisable to start by drawing up a diagram in order to get an idea of ​​the amount of upcoming costs of materials and time. The foundation can be made columnar or strip. The first is suitable for light metal structures, and the second will be appropriate where a building made of brick or stone is planned. Before making drawings, you should finally decide on the type of suitable structure. It can be of three types:

  1. Gazebo with barbecue.
  2. An open outdoor seating area with a small brazier.
  3. Capital construction, for example, a bathhouse with an outbuilding and a veranda.

After this, you need to prepare the necessary building materials and tools. Their set depends on the chosen design. Brick barbecues will last a long time without creating any problems: they do not rust, do not burn out, and food cooks better on them.

A closed brick gazebo with a barbecue needs a strip foundation; in order to avoid problems in the future, it is necessary to prepare drawings in advance.

Features of the construction of a common roof for a bathhouse and a gazebo for some projects

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the consideration of the features of the most popular project - a bathhouse with a gazebo under an elongated gable roof. The gazebo in this version rests on the walls of the building and vertical supports

In this case, experts recommend paying special attention to the process of building the foundation, since it is best to use different types of foundations.

Usually, a reinforced strip foundation is laid directly under the building, which copes well with heavy loads. But under the gazebo it is best to make a columnar one. However, they will not be interconnected and each of them will function on its own.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the gable roof in this case will have quite large dimensions. Its length above the gazebo alone will be about 4 m.

And this is a serious load on the supports and, therefore, the risk of displacement of the rafter system

It is important to understand that even minor, at first glance, distortions (3-4 cm) can have a serious impact on the condition of the structure. Therefore, even at the stage of laying the foundation, it is worth trying to eliminate such risks.

Before building a roof, it is necessary to carefully carry out all calculations and prepare materials

Despite all the recommendations, some owners still prefer shallow foundations

In this case, it is important to strictly adhere to all building codes:

the thickness of the sand cushion should be at least 20 cm; the depth of the tape cannot be lower than 80 cm; the diameter of the construction reinforcement that will be used to reinforce the tape should not be less than 10 mm; It is important to allow the finished foundation to settle to avoid settling after the building is built.

Do not forget that for a columnar foundation it is necessary to have anchors that will allow you to fix vertical posts, the width of which will be at least 40x40 cm.

Laying the foundation for a bathhouse is a very important stage of construction.

In addition, it is important to understand that almost any material undergoes shrinkage and wood is no exception. In some cases, this figure reaches 0.7 cm per 1 m of height

But the racks that hold the roof over the gazebo will not shrink. Therefore, it is best to give the entire building time to shrink. As a rule, this period is one year, but it is better to take more time to avoid troubles in the future.

Several successful projects

The first project of a bathhouse with a summer kitchen is a wooden house with a terrace onto which the dining area has been moved.

Cooking takes place inside, and access to the bathhouse is possible both from the kitchen and from the street.

The design of a bathhouse with a kitchen and a terrace, similar in design, differs only in that the entire kitchen area has been moved inside.

Pay attention to the glass decor, which makes the bath house more modern. As in the previous case, access to the bath area is possible through the outer door

And this is what the kitchen area might look like from the inside. Blackout blinds create a stop that promotes relaxation after steam treatments.

The kitchen has everything you need, including modern appliances.

The photo below shows another kitchen project that opens into the dressing room. Due to the larger area, it was possible to expand the dining area.

All decoration is made of wood, but the room looks cozy, as it is complemented with textile elements.

These photos of projects confirm that building such a house on your site would be a great idea. Moreover, you can ensure a comfortable stay at any time throughout the summer and even in winter if you take care of insulation and protection from the winds.

Examples of buildings up to 40 m2

If you find a free corner on your plot of land, you can build a small but very functional summer kitchen on it, combined with a bathhouse of up to 40 square meters. m. We present to your attention ready-made projects of such buildings, some of which you will probably “take into service.”

In this case, in the picture above you see a project for a summer kitchen combined with a bathhouse and a terrace. The total area of ​​the building is 32.34 m2. Despite its small size, this structure has everything you need for proper washing, relaxation and cooking.

There is a small steam room, the project contains its exact dimensions of 2400x2450 mm. Adjacent to the steam room is a shower room of the same size. There is a summer kitchen 4200x3400 mm, divided into two functional areas: cooking and relaxation. And of course, there is a small terrace 4200x1500 mm, where you can go out, get some air or take a smoke break.

And this is a project for a super small bathhouse with a summer kitchen, which will occupy an area of ​​only 22.08 square meters. m., a very good option for a summer house and the material for construction will not take much. The dimensions of the entire building are 4800x4600 mm. A structure is erected from timber, wooden boards and slats. There are quite a few similar kitchens with baths, since in such a limited space it is possible to fit everything you need:

  • steam room or sauna;
  • locker room or dressing room;
  • kitchen area and living room;
  • veranda.

Bathhouses with kitchen over 40 m2

Those who like to relax in comfort will have to allocate an area for a bathhouse with a larger summer kitchen. In this case, there are no restrictions. There are projects with an area of ​​45, 50, 60 or even 80 and 100 m2. Such dimensions are worthy of a spacious residential building, not just a bathhouse with a summer kitchen. Here are examples of spacious buildings that combine a bathhouse or sauna with a summer kitchen.

In the picture above there is a bathhouse with a kitchen area of ​​45.19 m2. The entire building is divided into two parts: closed and open. In the closed part there is a steam room, a wash room, a toilet, a relaxation room and a vestibule, while the open part consists of a spacious terrace and a kitchen area. It is noteworthy that in this unique bathhouse, combined with a kitchen, the cooking area and firebox are located next to each other. The fact is that the stove in this case serves to cook food and at the same time to heat the heater located in the steam room - very convenient and economical.

Well, this spacious bathhouse with a kitchen area has the dimensions of a small residential building of 51.7 square meters. m. In the closed part of the building there is a fairly spacious shower room, a steam room, a spacious dressing room, also known as a relaxation room, a bathroom and a vestibule. Under the open canopy there is a stove, grill, barbecue and a large table with chairs. The structure is made of laminated veneer lumber - this is an environmentally friendly material that retains heat well, which is very valuable for a bathhouse.


This project features a huge bathhouse with a swimming pool and a summer kitchen. The largest room with the pool is 32.3 m2, and the entire building has an area of ​​94.5 m2. The second largest is the rest room, combined with the kitchen. The latter is allocated a small corner, and the rest of the space is allocated to the sofa and dining table. The steam room in this case is wonderful, spacious and conveniently located next to the relaxation room. There is also a shower room, toilet, pump room, vestibule and a fairly large terrace.

You can see a much less grandiose bathhouse in the picture above. Its area is 66.24 square meters. m. In the corner of the building there is a steam room, next to it is a shower room, a relaxation room and a vestibule. The vestibule opens onto a terrace of 15 square meters. m. There is a grill and a round dining table on it, where you can eat freshly prepared kebab right in the fresh air. The bathhouse was built entirely from calibrated logs and looks simply wonderful.

So, no matter what project you choose, remember that a bathhouse with a summer kitchen is not filled with luxurious surroundings, but with the warmth of the hearts of your friends and relatives. Organize holidays for yourself and your loved ones more often, and a spacious bathhouse is just a means to make yourself and others a little happier!

Useful tips

When planning the construction of a bathhouse with a terrace, certain rules must be taken into account:

  • Regardless of whether the bathhouse is large or small, it must have separate rooms for a changing room, shower and steam room.
  • For a terrace it is better to arrange a pile foundation. This will give the entire object additional stability.
  • When designing a terrace, it can be made under the same roof as the bathhouse, covered with the same roofing material. However, it is more practical to use polycarbonate for the canopy. A blind canopy can serve as an obstacle to light entering the bathhouse windows. And then you will have to turn on the lights ahead of time. If polycarbonate is used, there is no need to build a reinforced base, and the translucent roof will not hang over your head.
  • If the terrace floor is finished with paving slabs, you need to prepare a small slab foundation for it. The slabs are first covered with insulation, and then the tiles are laid. It is better not to neglect this order of work so that the coating lasts longer than one season.
  • If the floor in an open area is made of a special composite board, you will not have to worry about periodically painting the coating, since outdoor paint on a regular floor quickly fades and crumbles. Composite coating will last for decades.
  • You should carefully approach the issue of installing a stove in a bathhouse. It is necessary to position it so that it can warm all the rooms adjacent to the steam room. But if the bathhouse will operate in winter, it is necessary to provide individual heating in the guest rooms, since one stove cannot warm all the rooms.
  • Even at the design stage, for a bathhouse used at any time of the year, it is necessary to provide a vestibule that will prevent cold from entering the building. Thanks to this, your stay in it will be more comfortable and fuel consumption will decrease.
  • The stove itself can be not only wood-burning, but also coal or gas. The choice of heating method depends on the budget of the bathhouse owner and his preferences.

For an overview of the bathhouse with a terrace, see the following video.

Tips for organizing a seasonal kitchen

In order for a seasonal building to become a favorite place to spend time not only for the housewife, but also for all household members, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

when determining a place for a summer dining room, it is important to place it away from the poultry house, compost and yard toilet; It is better to install the structure under trees that will provide shade and orient it to the north so that the bright sun does not shine through the windows; in a lightweight building, the task of washing dishes will be greatly facilitated by a small electric water heater; It is better to choose plastic furniture (it is easy to clean and does not attract insects); building floors are usually covered with linoleum or tiles, this greatly simplifies cleaning.

Advantages of a bathhouse with a summer kitchen

  1. Price. The design of a bathhouse with a summer kitchen is relatively cheap, because... this combined option does not imply the presence of frost-resistant materials and insulating elements. The presence of a huge range of products in construction markets and stores, additional materials left over from the previous construction of buildings will help to use all leftovers and significantly save money.
  2. Fast construction. A bathhouse with a kitchen and a garage under one roof will be built much faster than all these structures separately. A well-thought-out interior will help to combine several zones in one room for a pleasant pastime in the shortest possible time, because... this will not require several plans, and the building materials will not require a large amount of waste after trimming. All work can be done in one go.
  3. Space saving. Bathhouse designs with a summer kitchen have a significant advantage in terms of space saving, because... one building requires much less space than several separate ones. Therefore, such a structure can be installed even in a geographically small area. After all, a garage and a bathhouse equipped with a summer kitchen require a separate entrance or approach, but the combined option allows you to limit yourself to one common one.
  4. Availability of free space. A kitchen in a bathhouse, a gazebo and a garage coexist perfectly in one room, so the advantage is obvious. The owners can choose the size at their own discretion, based on the size of the site, the functional purpose of the structure and their financial capabilities. This construction is as democratic as possible, therefore it involves the combination of various combinations. A bathhouse with a summer kitchen and a terrace can be combined with a living room for relaxation and organizing sleeping places in the warm season. You can also add a garage, swimming pool, billiard room, etc. to this project.
  5. Functionality. The interior of the combined areas of the bathhouse, kitchen and garage allows you to create from such a structure a whole range of services for a pleasant pastime. A properly thought-out plan will help arrange the functional sections as conveniently as possible. For example, a Russian stove can be placed in the wall between the kitchen and the bathhouse so that you can cook food on it and heat the steam room. This will double the consumption of firewood, coal or other raw materials for heating the bath.

Project of a bathhouse with a kitchen and an open terrace

Project of a sauna complex with a barbecue canopy and a dedicated gazebo

Bathhouse project with summer kitchen and garage

The main stages of creating a design

Having settled the legal issues of the legality of such a building, and having received permission for its construction from the relevant services, you can begin to implement the technical work plan.

It consists of the following steps:

  1. Preparation of territory and materials.
  2. Site marking.
  3. Drawing up an individual drawing or choosing an existing building project.
  4. Laying the foundation.
  5. Assembling the frame and walls.
  6. Establishing communications.
  7. Construction of the roof.
  8. The final stage of construction is the completion of interior and exterior finishing.
  9. Interior decoration.

If the layout of the room implies the presence of a second floor, when laying the roof you need to worry about its thermal insulation.

Project of a bathhouse with a kitchen: advantages, photos. Examples of bathhouse projects with a summer kitchen

Baths can be different. Some people make a simple small bathhouse, while others build a large building with many rooms. If a steam room, a washing room and a rest room (vestibule) are mandatory in any bathhouse, then other rooms are at the discretion of the owner.

Among the additional amenities in the bathhouse that can take your relaxation to a new level is a kitchen.

Bathhouse projects with a kitchen and a room are popular, because at low costs they make it possible to get a full-fledged place to relax, where you can relax in the fresh air, go to the bathhouse and have a picnic.

Log baths

Log baths have an expressive Russian flavor, which can be emphasized even more if you cover the roof with reeds and add a small gazebo for spending time outdoors after the steam room.

An excellent addition to the exterior of a bathhouse with a multifaceted gazebo made of logs will be a fence made of carved balusters in the Russian style. A brown metal roof will add an interesting touch to the design of the building.

The log bathhouse and the extension to it in the form of a gazebo under multi-level gable roofs offset relative to each other look impressive. Such an asymmetrical pediment will give the building an unusual flavor, despite the usual rustic style of architecture.

To set off the light facades of a bathhouse made of pine logs, lay the roof with brown, red or green Ondulin - this solution will be both budget-friendly and beautiful.

If you are a lover of modern style, build a log bathhouse with a spacious terrace under a curved pitched roof. Log facades in combination with inclined supports, metal roofing and stone plinth will look very non-standard.

Furniture selection

All stages of work specified in the project for the construction of a summer kitchen with a terrace under one roof have been completed, it’s time to start arranging the premises. A light and relaxed style for the interior will be provided by plastic or wooden furniture, as well as wicker, rattan or wicker.

The first option will cost much less than the others. What is definitely not suitable are soft sofas with armchairs. Any of the selected options must meet the following requirements:

  • lightness, compactness;
  • ease of use;
  • resistance to dampness and moisture.

Decorative elements and textiles play an important role in interior design. Soft pillows and capes in bright colors will create comfort, filling the interior with warmth. Since we are talking about a kitchen, it must certainly have a stove or hob, a dining and cutting table, a sink, a set or drawers for storing dishes and other necessary items, and a refrigerator.

A fireplace is everyone's dream. It is good to install a stove with an open fire on the terrace. Depending on its location, the rest of the furniture is arranged: table, chairs, compact sofa. To avoid fire, you should be especially careful when selecting finishing materials near the fireplace area.

According to fire safety regulations, open-flame braziers must be located at least 2 meters from flammable materials. The area near the fireplace should be lined with non-combustible material. If you think through everything to the smallest detail, a summer kitchen built with a terrace under one roof will truly delight its owners.

The choice of colors, stylistic decision, optimal implementation of the hearth, proper arrangement of furniture and everything necessary - every nuance matters. In order to realize all your ideas, it is best to entrust the work of drawing up the project to an experienced designer or take on the matter yourself, after first studying the ideas presented above.

After all, who else but the owners themselves know what they want? How unique and inimitable the building will be depends to a large extent on their imagination and ideas.

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Open plan: its pros and cons

There are several types of summer kitchen. This is a closed room, combined and open kitchen. A closed layout includes a guest house with an entrance and walls, sometimes a bathhouse and a billiard room. The combined kitchen is a partially enclosed room with a seating area and utility room. The most contact area with nature is the outdoor kitchen (its photo can be seen on the website), which has its advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of an open kitchen

  1. The main advantage of an open-type summer kitchen is its affordable price, because... This option is considered the most budget-friendly. An open summer kitchen in a country house, photos of which are presented on the website, can easily be built with your own hands. Its layout is quite simple, the process of performing the work is also not complicated, and the materials are not needed in such large quantities. You can use the remaining materials from building a house or renovating an apartment, as well as a huge selection in construction stores or markets.
  2. After a noisy city with exhaust fumes from an endless number of cars, fresh air seems like nectar. The option of an open summer kitchen, a large number of photos of which are available on the website, will provide this pleasure in full. You don’t want to go into a closed room even for a short time, so many lovers of country holidays prefer an open plan. It is also very pleasant to cook food over a fire without fear of a fire. And food cooked in a Russian oven will outshine the culinary masterpieces of the most expensive restaurant with its specific taste.
  3. The most important advantage is that the open kitchen is the clearest example of demonstrating its name. Openness in communication with your relatives and friends, welcoming guests and a pleasant conversation with a glass of aromatic wine will provide a boost of energy for a long time. The unique taste of kebabs, steaks, grilled vegetables and other culinary delights cooked on a barbecue or grill will remind you of a pleasant time spent, and the aroma of these delicacies will attract new friends from all over the area.
  4. Outdoor kitchen projects, photos of which can be seen on the website, demonstrate the excellent ideas of designers for interior design. This is extravagant outdoor furniture made of wood, rattan, lightweight metal and plastic, which is difficult to imagine in a city apartment, a Russian stove, an elegant fireplace, an original barbecue. Outdoor cuisine is very specific in this regard, and this only enhances its flavor. I would like to say a special word about the floristry of this site. An open kitchen provides endless possibilities for anyone who wants to feel like a landscape designer. It can be decorated around the perimeter with bright flowers of the same or different heights, of various varieties and colors, exotic plants or trees, as well as decorative grapes and climbing vines. It would be very wise to plant a cultivated grape variety that will delight you with juicy fruits. Numerous photos of green decorations can be seen on the website.

Unobtrusive designs and a minimum of necessary furniture and equipment will allow you to have a pleasant time cooking and enjoying nature.

Disadvantages of an open kitchen

  1. The kitchen is constantly exposed to external weather factors, therefore it is subject to constant temperature changes and all kinds of precipitation. Therefore, it is worth making sure that the materials from which it is made are well processed, and that the installation itself is of high quality. Otherwise, under the influence of wind, the structure may collapse, and frequent rains and snow will destroy the structure of low-quality materials. It is also recommended to take care of the summer kitchen before the start of the winter season, especially if there are flowers there.
  2. A significant drawback is the unprotected working area, so the open kitchen does not provide for the presence of stationary household appliances. People are also unprotected in the event of bad weather. Even the presence of a canopy does not save you from slanting rain and strong wind; cool weather is also not the best friend of a summer area. The abundance of insects will not provide an opportunity to have a normal rest; birds and animals will gladly help themselves to what the owners forgot on the table without asking.
  3. The main disadvantage of a summer kitchen is its seasonality, because... During the cold season it is uncomfortable to be there.

In an open summer kitchen, furniture made from natural materials is appropriate: rotan, wood or bamboo

Location of the summer kitchen

Summer kitchens, photos and projects of which are presented on the site, can be adjacent to an already built house or located separately from the main room.

Autonomous. Before you start building a free-standing kitchen option, you need to make sure that the site is at least 0.10 hectares of land. According to the project, the site for the new building should be at a distance of 7 meters relative to all other buildings. By law, all building projects must be coordinated with the relevant architectural organizations, otherwise fines and sales bans cannot be avoided. A separate room can have a bathhouse with a summer kitchen, or it can be in the form of a house with a veranda or terrace

It is recommended to pay attention to the provision of all necessary communications, especially if the decision is made to build the premises according to the project with your own hands. The project of a summer kitchen with a bathhouse should be entrusted to specialists, because

Finnish versions of dry steam require high-power electricity, and it is unsafe to do it yourself.

Adjacent. Such options involve attaching a summer kitchen to the house. The rules here are not so strict, but it is still necessary to obtain documentary permission to approve the project. The design of a summer kitchen with a veranda must be carefully planned, because... it is necessary to designate as much as possible the entrance to one and the other room, and the connection between them. Then the house will always be clean, free of dirt and sand. You should also pay attention to the fact that the wall combined with the summer kitchen must be without windows, otherwise there will never be sunlight in the room. All necessary communications must be located as close as possible to similar ones in the house in order to avoid long pipes and frequent connections. You can also build a stove or fireplace, but you won’t be able to do it yourself, because... This requires experience and certain skills inherent only to specialists in this field.

A summer kitchen attached to the house can be completely glazed or in the form of an open area with a canopy

Space zoning

The interior of a combined room for a summer holiday in a country house or dacha provides for the presence of full-fledged areas, such as a kitchen, a recreation room, a bathhouse, a garage, a swimming pool and other functional extensions at the discretion of the owner. Photos of all possible options can be viewed on the website.


The interior of the kitchen area assumes the presence of full sections in the form of necessary communications, equipment with household appliances, a stove, etc. It is recommended to consider the most convenient placement of these blocks when preparing a variety of dishes and preserving supplies for the winter. The building is intended for summer holidays, so it is worth providing the hostess with conditions for easy, relaxed cooking, which is radically different from working in the kitchen in an apartment. Let cooking in the fresh air be a real relaxation, and not a torture with dragging heavy buckets and freezing hands from icy water.

The kitchen at the bathhouse is often combined with a relaxation room, and its size is determined by the number of guests

Dining room

The design of the relaxation room offers many options for a wonderful time with family and friends. The dining room can be furnished with a variety of furniture, ranging from lightweight options for relaxing in an open area, to solid, massive models for closed layouts, designed for leisure on cold winter evenings. It would be very appropriate to place a fireplace in the dining area; it creates incredible comfort for relaxation in cool weather, you just need to take care of the constant availability of firewood.

It is mandatory to install a grill for kebabs and barbecues. We can’t imagine a holiday in a country house with a bathhouse without these specific smoky-smelling delicacies. Where and how to place the grill, and what it should be like, is a matter of taste for the owners. You can build it yourself, or you can purchase a ready-made model in a specialized store. It would be very appropriate to place a billiard table in the recreation room. If space allows, its presence will make it possible to spend time even more attractive for those who master the art of this game and for beginners trying to learn.

The relaxation room at the bathhouse is usually a place for drinking tea, organized in an adjacent room or on an open veranda


The interior of the bathhouse should be as comfortable and safe as possible for your stay. The most popular option for a bathhouse is to install a heater stove, because... a brick oven involves the construction of a complex structure, sometimes even with the laying of a foundation. In addition, its cost is quite high, and construction requires special skills, so installing it yourself will be problematic. In addition to the stove, the steam room of the bathhouse must be equipped with several comfortable lying and sitting places; finishing materials should be treated with special fire-resistant components. It is also recommended to stock up on dry firewood to quickly light the stove.

The layout of the bathhouse must necessarily include a dressing room for changing clothes and a washing area for taking a shower. Water for this procedure can be placed on the roof in a storage tank, which will save energy for heating it. It is advisable to build the steam room itself in the bathhouse on the south side, because This will allow the sun to additionally heat the room. Accordingly, it is recommended to place the recreation area on the north side, because this will be appropriate for a comfortable rest in the shade. The option of a bathhouse with a small pool will be very convenient. But even a modest-sized bathhouse requires full construction with all the necessary requirements and compliance with standards.

Natural wood is a traditional material for both wall decoration and interior decoration.

The interior of the steam room should not contain bright colors or complex shapes


A summer kitchen equipped with a bathhouse must be provided with a bathroom. This will allow you to fully relax without constantly running to a separate toilet after the steam room, and save money on building an additional room. The layout of the bathroom should be thought out especially carefully, because... it is necessary to take care of access to water and a cesspool for disposal of used water. During operation, you need to monitor the filling of the pit and clean it in time.

Organization of a toilet in a log bathhouse

Bathhouse with a gazebo under one roof

So, what can you do if the bathhouse has already been built and you want to add a gazebo to it?

There are several options. In the first case, you agree to partially dismantle the roof and make a new one. In the second case, you make a separate roof for the extension, possibly connected to the main one, but without dismantling the old one. The third option is that you build an extension at some distance from the bathhouse, and then make a covered passage between them.

What’s remarkable is that when creating an extension, you can make a gazebo of any shape.

Together with gazebo, barbecue

The presence of the word “barbecue” in the title means that you want to move the cooking of meat closer to the sauna. Again, so that the feast takes place with maximum convenience for those present. But here a lot depends on your personal preferences in cooking meat - for some, a light barbecue is enough, while others want to install a full-fledged barbecue oven.

In the latter case, the location must be selected more carefully, because a small but concrete foundation is made for such a furnace according to all the rules, that is, on a sand bed and reinforced. And the stove itself will not be particularly mobile - its minimum weight (we are talking about a brick one) is 2-3 centners, but in general they can weigh much more. The minimum suitable width of a barbecue oven is a meter.

Corner bathhouse with a gazebo, on the territory of which there is a barbecue area. Teplokrepost Photos

And if you have a barbecue oven, then the question arises - why not fully equip the summer kitchen - all you have to do is add a stove for the cauldron and a cutting table. True, it is advisable to add water.

All this is listed so that we can already begin to estimate the space that is needed in addition to the space for guests.

Such a project can be implemented in different ways - by making a canopy for the barbecue area, using the already mentioned covered passage between the bathhouse and the gazebo, or by designing the barbecue area as an organic part of the gazebo space itself, for example, by placing a stove in the center.

ADVICE! Use the services of an architect to ensure that the combination of a bathhouse with a gazebo and a barbecue under one roof is ergonomic.

What style should the interior be made in?

When choosing a design concept for a summer kitchen, it is important to ensure that it is combined with the facade of the house and other objects on the site. There are several popular stylistic trends that combine convenience and homeliness

Provence. The style, which came from the south of France with its rustic flavor, is ideal for decorating a gazebo, veranda and kitchen. The decor, on the one hand, is quite simple, and on the other hand, it is elegant in a modern way. The basis is natural materials and handmade elements. It is built from wood (timber) and covered with a special solution to create the effect of antiquity. For finishing, lining painted in the required color is suitable. Furniture should be made exclusively from natural materials. As for the color scheme, it is better to stick to pastel shades of lilac, blue, white, yellow. The style is distinguished by the presence of textiles with lace, paintings with landscapes, the presence of porcelain dishes and family photographs in frames.

Classic. Light colors are ideal to help visually enlarge the space.

It is important to place special emphasis on details and fittings: these elements are made of silver, copper and gold. Such an interior would not be complete without vintage furniture and crystal lamps.

Eastern and Mediterranean style

These two styles are distinguished by their richness and variety of colors. The most suitable material is varnished wood in rich colors. It would be better to install a stand instead of a table, and poufs instead of chairs. Mosaic is suitable for finishing. In the second style option, you can use brick as the main material.

Country. A true reminder of country life, which values ​​the simplicity of details and their practicality. The main advantage of this style is its cost-effectiveness, because many things can be done independently. In furniture, it is preferable to give preference to models with forged elements; the walls can be covered with plaster and painted. Decorative stone or brick would also be appropriate in such an interior. The most suitable would be a light color scheme.

Bathhouse and summer kitchen under one roof: advantages

A bathhouse combined with a summer kitchen will become a comfortable, functional room for both a summer cottage and a country house. A multifunctional building will save space on the site. There is no need to build two separate capital buildings. This is much more profitable from a financial point of view. The premises can be used all year round. In summer as a kitchen, in winter as a bathhouse. The space can be used as a guest house if an additional bedroom is added to the layout. A covered terrace or a heated gallery will help connect a residential building with a kitchen area. This solution allows you to use the room in any weather conditions.

Types of summer kitchens

The simplest option for a summer kitchen is to arrange a ready-made terrace or veranda

On the veranda

For those who would like a summer kitchen on the veranda, it is important to remember that the extension should become an organic continuation of the house. Based on this, you need to choose the style, decor and furniture for the veranda

The appearance of the summer kitchen on the terrace should be combined with the facade of the house

It is not necessary for there to be a complete coincidence, but the buildings should have something in common with each other

The first step is to lay the foundation (its depth must be equal to the depth of the foundation of the house. Otherwise, there is a risk of the extension being torn off in the winter). After this, the wall frame is installed and the external cladding is performed, as well as the roof (single-pitched). The most successful solution is a general roofing covering for the house and extension. In order to let more light and air into the veranda, it is better to choose casement windows or glaze the entire front part or sides.

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Attached to a house with a terrace

A kitchen with a terrace - or in other words, an open attached space, is based on the multiple expansion of the porch. You can attach it using special beams that act as supports; they are installed along the wall of the house and covered with a canopy at an angle. If the area is well leveled and there are no problems with water accumulation, then the floor can be installed directly on the ground. The optimal material for it is paving slabs.

Summer kitchen attached to a small country house

You can protect your terrace from bad weather using side partitions, which can be either permanent or decorative.

Attached summer kitchen with solid walls

Arrangement of the dining area in the summer kitchen

Climbing plants on the walls will look especially harmonious; they will not only become a decorative element, but will also add coolness on hot summer days.

Summer kitchen with utility room

It is difficult to imagine a private house or dacha without a change house or, in other words, without a utility room. This is a place where various things, tools and all kinds of household supplies are stored. Often a utility block is combined with a summer kitchen, which can be a very successful and convenient option, and also economical.

Such buildings usually have a frame structure and are inexpensive

As a rule, country cabins consist of one or two rooms and a bathroom - this is the most necessary thing. In addition, if such a building was erected before the construction of the main house, then the utility block can become the location of the construction team and all the necessary building materials.

All rooms are usually arranged under a common roof

The design often includes a canopy used for household needs or even to accommodate a car.

If construction has already been completed, then the utility block can become a full-fledged warehouse. There is also always the opportunity to use your imagination and equip household appliances. block, for example, for a carpentry workshop. In general, such a room in a country house or country house will never be superfluous.


The main or finishing material in a bathhouse and gazebo is usually wood. This is tradition, accessibility, and other arguments in favor of this material.

However, here's what you should pay attention to for those who are not going to glaze the terrace:

ATTENTION! To construct the floor, you should use wood that is resistant to exposure to the open air, under any precipitation.

In fact, this type of flooring material can be found under the name “deck board”. It is best if larch or cedar was used to make it. Oak is too expensive, and other species are not suitable, because wood in the open air is subject to constant deformation from water and sun.

deck board in the rain

In addition to deformations leading to cracking, wood easily becomes a haven for fungi, bacteria, insects and rodents. In order to avoid such a neighborhood, the tree should be treated with protective compounds, and regularly, according to the instructions.

If you still decide to save on material for floor boards, be prepared for a short service life, even taking into account impregnations. Although, of course, a complete replacement will not be needed, only partial repairs.

A bathhouse with a gazebo and a relaxation room under one roof. Teplokrepost Photos

Otherwise, for the construction of the combined terrace, the same materials are used as for the bathhouse as a whole. An exception may be the foundation - for a veranda it is better to make a columnar one, because the structure is light, and it is good when there are supports not only around the perimeter.

Prices for finished projects

The cost of ready-made gazebos and baths is presented by the company SK Smirnov , whose official website provides all contact information.

We do not advertise their services. All information is provided for informational purposes only.

From timber 6 by 6 (373 thousand rubles)

  • Foundation : foundation blocks 20 by 20 by 40 cm.
  • Walls : profiled timber 90 by 140 and 140 by 140 mm.
  • Floor : board 36 mm.
  • Roofing : ondulin or corrugated sheeting.

Made of cedar with a rounded roof 6 by 4 (410 thousand rubles)

  • Foundation : foundation blocks 20 by 20 by 40 cm or piles (for an additional fee).
  • Walls : profiled timber 90 by 140 and 140 by 140 mm.
  • Floor : board 36 mm.
  • Roofing : ondulin or corrugated sheeting.

With an attic and a terrace 7 by 6 (477 thousand rubles)

  • Foundation : foundation blocks 20 by 20 by 40 cm or piles (for an additional fee).
  • Walls : profiled timber 90 by 140 and 140 by 140 mm.
  • Floor : board 36 mm.
  • Roofing : ondulin or corrugated sheeting.

Selection of materials for construction

Materials for construction are selected mainly as environmentally friendly, natural, and high quality as possible. The structure is built to last for many years, maintaining a beautiful appearance, requiring virtually no repairs.

The following building materials are most often used for construction:

  • natural wood - logs, boards, beams;
  • brick, natural stone;
  • foam concrete, gas silicate blocks;
  • glass, including fireproof, frosted, colored;
  • sand, gravel, clay, cement;
  • various types of vapor barrier, waterproofing, thermal protection;
  • pipes made of plastic, metal;
  • ceramic tiles - for decorating floors and walls;
  • tiles, ondulin, roofing felt, slate - for roofing.

The indoor bathhouse is exposed to hot water and high temperature, while the open area in front of it is exposed to wind, precipitation, and direct sunlight, which is important to consider during construction. For the construction of the bath itself, coniferous wood is preferred, but it is better to finish it with deciduous wood - resinous substances, with long-term exposure, have a detrimental effect on the respiratory system

Such construction is carried out frame or in the form of a log house. Brick, stone, and also bathhouses built using the “claystone” technology (from firewood and clay) are less common.

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