Rules and regulations for the construction of a garage on the site

You can arrange buildings on your own site as you wish. In this case, fire safety standards and the distance from the fence to the garage and neighboring buildings that have already been erected or are being built must be observed.

There are several legislative documents for the construction of a garage. They do not contradict each other, but operate on different planes. The main ones are fire safety rules, which must be followed strictly. Some standards are advisory in nature.

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, a garage is classified as an outbuilding.

Based on Article 51 of the Civil Code, Articles 1 and 17, obtaining permission to build a garage on a private plot is not required.

But this does not mean that it can be built anywhere.

The neighboring plot is empty

SNiP regulates the distance when constructing a garage from the fence, on the side and in front, as well as from the nearest neighboring building and the red line. In this case, the right of the first developer matters.

A garage on an undeveloped plot can be located no closer than 1 meter from neighbors

If construction of a house and outbuildings on neighboring plots has not yet begun, then the garage can be placed at a distance of 1 m from the neighboring fence. The measurement takes place from the extreme point of the base to the demarcation line, in this case, the fence.

According to SNiP, wastewater from the roof should not fall onto someone else’s property. The passage between the building and the fence must remain free.

A free passage between the garage and the fence ensures good drainage of water from the roof

Before building a garage, talk to your neighbor. If he already has an approved development plan for the site, primarily a house, then this is equivalent to the start of construction and is legally valid at the level of existing buildings.

The neighboring plot is built up

If there are buildings on a neighboring site and work is being carried out to create a foundation, the 6-meter rule comes into force. The garage must be located more than 6 m from the nearest neighboring building.

These rules ensure safety in the event of man-made accidents and other types of damage and fires that occur.

In the event of a fire, the fire should not easily spread to other buildings

During simultaneous development and when a neighbor is building later, but wants to locate the house closer to your existing garage than 6 meters, an agreement is concluded between the neighbors. It is legally certified.

Building dimensions

The size of the garage is determined by the dimensions of the car that will be in it. The minimum size is 3 x 6 meters. However, in recent years, the dimensions of passenger cars have increased, and 18 square meters. meters were no longer enough.

Moreover, inside the garage there should be racks for tools, spare parts and fuels and lubricants. Therefore, taking into account modern realities, the internal size of the garage needs to be increased to 4.5 x 6 meters. This will make it possible to calmly move inside and freely open car doors without fear of scratching them.

Distance from red line

The second part of the garage location rule concerns the so-called red line. This is usually the front boundary of the property facing the road. The line along which all government communications, underground and overhead, pass:

  • water pipes;
  • sewerage;
  • power line;
  • connection;
  • gas supply.

The red line with communications must be at a sufficient distance from the garage

In addition to the systems listed above, others may also pass through.

The garage should be located 5 m from the red line. By complying with this condition, you comply with the requirements of local authorities and road inspectors. The car in front of the garage must be parked on the site, not occupying the roadway or sidewalk.

The parking space between the garage and the road should not block the passage of other cars on the road

The distance from the garage to the fence can be reduced, and even made into one line, if the fence is moved a meter from the red line towards the site and coordinated with local government and fire safety authorities.

The fence must be moved along its entire length, and not just in front of the garage, creating a free area for passage in the event of an emergency or fire.

A garage with a parking space must be located on the site

Additional requirements

At what distance from the property line can a garage be located if there is an alley on the side? Regardless of the width and intensity of the dirt road or just a pedestrian area, the house for the car should be located no closer than 3 m from the side fence and the street.

This requirement of SanPiN is based on fire safety; in the event of an emergency, transport must pass freely between areas.

Acceptable layout of the garage on the site

The provision applies to the house, all outbuildings and structures related to small architectural forms:

  • gazebo;
  • pergola;
  • awnings;
  • greenhouse;
  • summer houses.

Requirements for a garage built into a house are imposed on the general principles of a permanent building

The boundaries are determined at a distance of 6-10 meters from the fence, depending on the material of the walls. For wooden houses - 15 m. It is prohibited to arrange living rooms above the garage:

  • bedrooms;
  • children's;
  • kitchen-dining rooms;
  • living rooms.

Garage in a private house. Is there an alternative?

If the construction budget is limited, you can do without a garage altogether and replace it with a special canopy, under which the car can feel quite comfortable. Or you can even think through the design of the house so that it is located above the garage.

A free-standing carport has several advantages over a garage:

  • it is mobile - it can be moved to a new location without much difficulty if necessary;
  • scalable - if necessary, the canopy can be expanded;
  • inexpensive - the most attractive feature.

However, we will not consider canopies, since this is still not a garage, and it is unsuitable for permanent, especially winter use.

Recommendations from a specialist on choosing a place to build a garage

When constructing an inspection pit, it is necessary to conduct geodetic exploration of the soil and soil waters. If the location is close, choose another place or waterproof the pit. This is explained in the following video:

When developing a project, experts recommend immediately planning to build a garage on the north side of the site. Then it will not block the sun for plants around the house and limit the light flow.

The location of the garage in the northern part of the site is recommended, but not mandatory

This point of the designers is advisory in nature and is more suitable for farmers who use the site for growing vegetables and fruits.

Distance from the fence during garage construction: documentation and SNiP standards

The following standards apply to detached and attached garages built on private plots for personal cars:

  • SNiP 2.07.01 – 89. “Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements";
  • Urban planning complex of the Russian Federation 12.29.2004, No. 190-FZ;
  • “Fire safety rules for buildings and structures” dated 21.01. 1997;
  • Fire safety standards No. 53.13330.2011.

The garage should be located 1 m from the neighboring fence, and 6 m from the windows, veranda and walls of the neighboring house

The measurement is taken from the edge of the protruding plinth or walls, which stands out more outward, to the line of the nearest element of the neighboring building. Balconies protruding above the level of the roof of the building for the car are not taken into account unless they have columns and capital supports of another type.

Maintaining the required distances between the garage, the fence and the nearest building on the neighboring site will protect you from administrative liability, disputes with neighbors and forced demolition of the building

Violation of the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01 - 89 and SNiP 21.01 - 97 will not entail criminal punishment, since in relation to outbuildings, which include garages, regulatory documents are advisory in nature.

Fire safety regulations must be observed; violation of them is punishable by fines and even demolition of structures.

You can ignore them on your site, but after construction the garage must be registered with the BTI, so troubles may arise.

Wiring and lighting

Electrical installation is regulated by garage construction standards. To provide electricity, a separate line with its own fuse box is installed. Lighting lamps are contained in sealed shades. The wiring is carried out inside corrugated tubes, which ensure self-extinguishing of the wire in the event of an electrical short circuit.

In addition to the above, security issues include the location of the entrance. It should not be in line with the fence that borders the area.

Fire safety standards

Fire safety requirements include a number of points that will help avoid a fire:

  • the supply of electricity from the house to the garage is carried out with an insulated cable in accordance with PTEEP standards, without breaks or bare spots;
  • the wire is placed in a metal sleeve;
  • fuses are installed at the input;
  • light bulbs with protective shades;
  • presence of a fire extinguisher in the garage and car;
  • no heating;
  • floor with anti-slip coating, resistant to oils;
  • a box with sand for removing spilled fuel and lubricants and extinguishing fires on the floor;
  • outside fire shield;
  • do not leave the car with an open fuel tank;
  • smoking area outside the garage.

It is better to observe fire safety in the private sector so that outbuildings and the house on the entire site do not burn down

You should not store cans next to your car in the garage. It is better for them to make a room behind the garage with a separate entrance.

Electric heating devices and switched-on power tools must not be left unattended.

Immediately during construction, create paths 70–80 cm wide around the base. They will protect the foundation from wastewater and ensure free passage.

Advantages of garages with a utility block

It is not uncommon for all sorts of storage systems to be installed in the garage itself. Moreover, they store not only things related to the car, but also household or household items.

The utility block will allow you to unload the space if you allocate a separate pantry. Two are even better. One for seasonal tires, auto chemicals, filters and consumables, if the owner prefers to wash the car and carry out preventative/seasonal maintenance of the car with his own hands. But the second room should be reserved for storing everything else: tools, garden furniture, sports equipment.

The interior space of the garage will thus be freed up only for the car. This is not only convenient and aesthetically pleasing, but also completely eliminates the risk of damage to the paintwork of the body when you need to take or put something down.

The same applies to home workshops, which are often set up in garages. They are given a separate room, which can be accessed either from the yard or from the garage.

Another advantage of the combination is the saving of materials and time for construction:

  • general pit and formwork for the foundation;
  • common internal walls;
  • common roof from the ceiling to the drainage system;
  • general blind area, drainage and storm drainage.

And as stated in the introduction, combining two buildings into one saves space on the site.

Project of a garage with two outbuildings and a canopy

Project of a garage for two cars with outbuildings

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