Infrared heaters - technical characteristics and properties

Trunk gas is recognized as the most economical energy carrier, but not all populated areas are covered by the gasification program, not only on paper, but also in reality. And the cost of connection is astronomical and forces consumers to look for more affordable heating options. One of the articles already discussed heating with electric convectors, which is in demand today, but infrared heating at home is gaining increasing popularity. The craftsmen of the FORUMHOUSE portal have accumulated considerable experience in using such equipment.

Infrared heater device

Infrared heaters have not only several designs (we will talk about this later), but also several operating principles, each of which is based on IR radiation. Let's consider the technical characteristics of each of these IR heaters.

IR heater with heating panel

  • 1. LED indicator of work activity;
  • 2. Element that generates IR rays;
  • 3. Product body;
  • 4. Ceramic internal heat insulator;
  • 5. Tightening plate;
  • 6. Heat-emitting plate.

This type of device produces heating in the classical way - thermal convection. This happens with the help of secondary thermal radiation, which it produces by heating one of its structural elements – the front panel – with IR waves. This is not very effective, but it eliminates the problem of too close sources of open infrared radiation and their effect on the human body.

IR heater with reflector, without heating panel

  • 1. Heater body;
  • 2. Protective grille;
  • 3. Power regulator;
  • 4. Element generating IR rays;
  • 5. Heater reflector.

The device produces heating using directed IR radiation. A reflector is a reflector made of metal, most often aluminum. Its surface is carefully polished. Designed to form and intensify the flow of IR radiation and localize the heating zone.

In addition to the listed components, there are several more components that are included in most standard heaters. This is a thermostat, which can be either electronic or mechanical. The device is designed to control the set temperature. Manufacturers can configure a temperature-sensitive sensor to take readings from various objects, which can be the radiation source itself, its body or an external object.

Gas IR heater

  • 1. Reflector;
  • 2. Power regulator;
  • 3. Gas burner;
  • 4. Connecting rod through which gas is supplied;
  • 5. Heater base.

A special feature of these IR heaters is that they are completely autonomous. When gas burns, the radiating element, above which there is a reflector, heats up. IR waves are reflected from the reflector and directed into the space where the reflector is directed. This type of IR heaters burns oxygen.

Structural versions of IR heaters

Based on the principle of placement indoors or outdoors (installation method), infrared heaters are divided into floor, wall and ceiling.

Floor IR heaters

Floor-standing - they are usually portable; most models have a purely functional design, equipped with a carrying handle and a special compartment for the cord. Such devices are used exclusively as auxiliary heat sources.

IMPORTANT! When choosing a portable model, you need to pay attention to whether the compartment where the cord is tucked away overheats. The protective wiring may melt.

High-power models with significant weight are additionally equipped with wheels to facilitate transportation. Most heavy-duty floor-standing models come standard with rollover protection. But only premium products have a thermostat and remote control.

Types of floor IR heaters.

Wall IR heaters

Wall-mounted infrared heaters, whose efficiency characteristics can be compared with centralized water heating radiators, are installed in the same places. These devices are full-fledged heating devices. High power and radiation area also imply significant weight, but this indicator is not so important for devices for stationary use.

When choosing such devices, you should pay attention to the presence of a variety of control and security systems:

  • Programmable thermostat, on which you can set not only the temperature mode, but also the time to turn on the heater;
  • Emitter overheating protection system.

Manufacturers pay special attention to the appearance of such heaters. The surface of the panel can be decorated with both stylized drawings and quite decent original paintings applied with airbrushing. Some models are finished with natural stone or Tibetan salt. But such decorations, in addition to significantly increasing the cost of the heating device, reduce its efficiency, and the paint, when heated, can emit harmful fumes.

Wall-mounted IR heater.

Ceiling IR heaters

Ceiling heaters have a unitary, functional appearance, which is difficult to fit into a sophisticated interior. They are used mainly in retail and office premises, in open areas of street cafes. Taking into account the specifics of use, many manufacturers are developing models with special fasteners that are compatible with fastening units and Armstrong ceiling standards.

In everyday life they are used in dachas, garages or workshops. A very promising area of ​​use is heating greenhouses in early spring and late autumn, which can significantly extend the period of ripening and harvesting.

Types of ceiling IR heaters.

Installation methods

Another significant difference between infrared heaters is their ease of installation and versatility.

They can be placed at any angle to heated surfaces and oriented differently in space.

The panels are mounted on walls, but it is possible to install them on the ceiling or floor. The direction of heating will depend on this: from below, from above and from the side. This versatility has found wide application in interior design; the required direction of thermal radiation can be taken into account at the design stage.

In order to save money, you should carefully approach the organization of heating systems and optimize them as much as possible. The correct choice of heating devices plays an important role. And it is impractical to leave aside such a technological novelty as infrared heaters. Considering all the advantages of this type of heaters, they can be used for almost any task.

Wavelength and dependence on it, temperature of the heating element

From the physics course it is known that infrared radiation is in the range of 0.75-1000 microns.

Manufacturers of IR heaters have divided this range into three sectors. This is done because the operating temperature of the heating element depends on the wavelength.

1. At a temperature of the heating element from 100 to 600 0C , the emitter operates in the long-wave range 5.6 - 100 µm. Such devices are considered low-temperature. They are intended for residential premises where the ceiling height is limited to 3 m. As a rule, the power and temperature of such models are limited to 120 ºС.

2. At a temperature of the heating element from 600 - 1000 0C - the average wave range is 1.5-5.6 microns. Devices with such performance indicators are used in high-ceiling rooms of 3-6 m. These are usually private houses of old construction or public buildings.

3. Heating temperature more than 1000 ºС - heaters use short-wave IR wavelengths of 0.75-1.5 μm. They are used for heating rooms with ceilings of 6-8 m: warehouses, hangars, assembly shops or for heating outdoors.

Dependence of temperature on model power

Power 100-400 W. Devices of this power include so-called “soft heat” heating devices, the maximum temperature of which reaches 60º. The heater can be used in humidity modes up to 100%. In addition, heaters of this type are recommended for use in preschool educational institutions so that children cannot get hurt.

Power 400-600 W , temperature from 60 to 100 ºС. Intended, for the most part, for installation in offices. Some heaters have Armstrong ceiling mounts. Metal housings with varying protection from IP55 to IP21.

Power 600-1000 W at a temperature of 101-280 ºС. Infrared heaters, the technical characteristics of which are limited to a given temperature, are produced by many companies. The devices are designed to create warm curtains over windows or doorways. Power more than 1000 W, surface temperature more than 300 ºС. Mainly intended for external use for heating open terraces, winter gardens, balconies.

Recommendations for choosing a heating device

Before purchasing, you have to decide: which model of infrared heater is better to choose for your own use? If you are interested in the option of an infrared carbon device, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the varieties and tips for choosing a carbon model.

It is also necessary to determine where exactly the device will be installed, whether it is necessary to transfer it to another room, what heating area should be calculated, which power source is preferable for it.

Power is calculated in the standard way: 1 kW per 10 m², that is, to heat one room you will need a device no more powerful than 2 kW.

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Heaters for outdoor or terrace

Appliances for the kitchen or nursery

Mobile heating devices

IR equipment for garage

One of the indicators of the “longevity” of home heaters is durable materials and good build quality. Sometimes you can even judge by eye how reliable and functional a thing is.

If there are no nicks, chips or scratches on the body, all parts fit exactly to size, the grille is not deformed, adjustment is free - the product is of decent quality.

If unusual design comes first, the main focus is on wall-mounted electric models. Some of them are made so skillfully that they are difficult to distinguish from paintings or graphic works

Be careful with the cheapest models. Even if you are satisfied with the appearance, you need to look for a catch - perhaps it’s due to low-quality materials or the lack of any protection. Heater safety is one of the main criteria, for which you can overpay.

If the price is higher than usual, then the device is equipped with additional devices that may be useful. For example, a thermostat that controls the temperature, an overheat sensor or a remote control.

Types of heating elements and their characteristics

Ceramic heating element

The ceramic panel heats up thanks to a metal thread with high resistance. Thanks to the effect of magnetic induction, the thread imparts to the ceramic panel not only the temperature, but also the impulse to emit IR waves. Due to the design features, the bath type of IR wave generation can only be used in wall and ceiling models.

Ceramic emitter.

Halogen heating element

IR waves are induced by a halogen lamp. The devices are compact in size and have high power, quickly heat the room, and can be used outdoors. The most common models of manufacturers are: Neoclima, Ballu, General Climate. A significant drawback of these devices is that they glow quite brightly during operation.

Halogen infrared emitter.

Tubular heating element based on quartz and carbon lamps

They generate IR radiation in a spectrum invisible to the human eye. The most popular manufacturers: Electrolux, Frico, Adax, Hintek, Timberk, Simbo. They have relatively low power consumption. Due to their compact dimensions, several rods can be mounted in one generating panel, which significantly increases its efficiency. Among the disadvantages, one should note the high cost of products based on carbon elements.

Tubular emitter.

IR emitter based on a gas burner

This device has a dual operating principle. The gas, burning, heats the radiating element around which the reflector is located. Infrared waves, reflected from it, form a thermal dome or field, depending on the model and direction of reflection of the reflector.

Devices of this type are completely autonomous and can be used on hikes and in dachas where there is no electricity. Even compact models are very effective; they can be safely used during an emergency shutdown of heat supply in winter. Branded devices are equipped with all kinds of security systems that will turn off the gas supply if the fire goes out or the amount of carbon monoxide in the room exceeds the norm. In addition, for ease of use, they are equipped with a built-in piezo ignition.

Gas IR heater.

Customer Reviews


Ballu BIH-LW2-1.5

We bought it for a country house, for the off-season as an addition to the stove heating. As a result, before the purchase, we were sitting in the kitchen wearing UGG boots and our feet were freezing, given the uninsulated floors and drafts. The installation allowed me to sit in slippers, my feet stopped freezing. The only thing is that during installation, we took into account the place where we are most of the time, and determined the place for installation in such a way that the radiation would overlap this zone. In fact, we use it to heat one room of 18 m2, in other rooms there are stoves, in the autumn months it is heated once in the evening, and the heater runs at half power all day in the kitchen. During winter visits, the heater operates mostly at full power, and at half power during heating.

Nina S.

Timberk TCH AR7 1000

We installed such a heater in our country house a year ago, and it was a big help in winter. But it is only suitable for small rooms; the power to heat large ones is not enough. This requires a thermostat, but otherwise it’s a very good washer. It works quite a lot, heats the room in a few minutes. We chose this model because of its affordable price and ceiling mounting: this way you can save space (in the country the rooms are small), and the heat flows more evenly.

Lesha N.

Almac IK11

My brother and I decided to make life easier for our elderly at least somehow. They don’t want to go to the city, and they no longer have the strength to watch them heat the stove. We prepared for this winter; we took our parents two Almak IK-11 heaters, and for them simple and understandable thermostats from the same manufacturer, model IMA. The display always shows the air temperature in the room in large numbers. There is an indication of operation: if the heater is turned on, then the manufacturer’s green logo is additionally displayed and it is clear that it is working. But this is not so important because and you can feel the warmth from the heater when it turns on. Using the buttons you can add or lower the desired temperature. One was placed in the bedroom, the other in the passage between the living room and the kitchen. Warm air spreads out in all directions. In general, we are happy so far, we are waiting for winter. I hope there will be no problems, the heaters are modern, they turn off themselves when the room is heated. Then they turn on themselves again. This will greatly simplify life for parents, they will be warm and will not need to light the stove so often.

Vasilisa R.

Hyundai H-HC2-10-UI690

I work as a relocation attendant. We got together with the girls from other shifts and bought this heater. We installed it at a height of 2.70. We warm ourselves with it mainly at night. Silent, does not emit foreign odors. The room feels warm after just 20 minutes of heater operation. For our small duty room, just what we need. It doesn’t burn up oxygen, and after a 12-hour shift there’s no headache. High-quality assembly from quality materials, I disassembled it at home after purchase. The case is metal, durable, not tin, good thick foil, thermal insulation made of stone wool, there are no questions about the terminal compartment, the wiring is reliable. When I first turned it on, there was no crackling sound or smell of burnt dust, the heat came right away. I installed it on the standard ceiling mounts, it works as it should, I plan to install a thermostat to maintain a constant temperature and be more economical.

Leonid Efimov


For a long time we asked the owner to replace our old heater in the warehouse, in the service room, where we spend almost the entire working day. When we finally received the Resant quartz device, we didn’t understand the humor at all. Small, you can see from the plastic of the case that it’s cheap. My partner and I perked up a bit only when we immediately felt warm after switching on. Later we learned that it is undesirable to be constantly exposed to infrared rays. Therefore, we periodically turn it off, and so that the temperature does not drop quickly, we adapt a black stone slab, which heats up and releases heat gradually.

Catherine goose

Ballu BIH-LM-1.5

I bought it for work because small radiators in a spacious room cannot cope with heating. I took it to replace the oil one at 1900W (stupid things in large rooms), this one at 1500 does a much better job. There is, of course, a nuance: infrared heats up all objects around it, and it heats up well)). You must select the installation location very carefully and, in the absence of timers and a thermostat, do not forget to turn it off. I’m still happy, it copes with the task!

Ilona V.

Almac IK16

The Almak Ik16 heater was selected for us by an online store consultant. We chose a good store, without intermediaries, official. They only told us the parameters of the room and that’s it, they still chose the color. Installed in the women's locker room of the fitness club, centrally on the ceiling. The locker room is not small, almost 27 square meters and has a tiled floor, not the warmest room in the club so to speak, but the temperature there needs to be at least 22-24C. There is central heating, but it couldn’t cope last winter, and in the off-season the pipes are generally cold. Now the coach turns it on an hour before the first lesson and everything has time to warm up. So for now it is set to the minimum temperature, in winter it seems to me that it will generally fry. Connected via a compact thermostat, also picked up by the seller. And his box itself is relegated to a place inconspicuous to the eyes of visitors. Well, so that you don’t accidentally press anything, let’s say I absolutely disagree with the fact that the Almak doesn’t heat up. Well, what kind of nonsense is that?) It still warms, it’s a heater and a good heater. Solve the issue with thermal insulation and you will be happy. I have two identical ones, one at home, and the second one in my workshop. No problems with them, no maintenance, just a fairy tale. At home, IK-16 works in tandem with a thermostat, but at work without it. At work I need the maximum, that's why. But at home, yes, at home you don’t need full power, that’s why a thermostat is necessary. and you can set the desired degree, plus it also helps you save money.

Yaroslava K.

Almac IK11

We had a dressing room without any heating. On the advice of neighbors, we installed an Almak IK-11 infrared heater there and realized that this was the easiest way. A thermostat was also connected to it. Now, in cold weather, when flooding the bathhouse, I turn on the heater and set the thermostat to 22C. Now it’s a completely different matter: you undress calmly, you feel a pleasant warmth from the heater and the floor seems to have become warmer. I don’t know how this happens, but it’s a fact! By the way, we also got rid of the dampness; we always had high humidity there. The towels are drying and the washing machine is standing. I really like the result.

Natalya Sh.

Ballu BIH-APL-0.6

Great heaters! Used as the main heating in a house with an area of ​​40 m². There are 6 heaters installed in the bathroom, kitchen and two rooms. The corridor is unheated. The house is warm and comfortable. They are run through thermostats from the same company. Keep in mind that 0.6 W as the main heating is designed for 6 m²! With the same indications they were established. Everything is fine! Thanks to the manufacturer and Yandex! At the dacha, a hall of 26 m2, I hung 2 pieces. Everyone has their own thermostat. In winter, we spent all weekends and New Year's holidays there. (set the temperature to 20 degrees) shorts and a T-shirt!

Alfred S.

Ballu BIH-AP4-0.6

Your own garden, lots of fruits and berries. The panels were fitted in a special dryer. I use variable direction swivel brackets, 2 pcs. connected to one thermostat, it is convenient to control heating. It’s also good that the heaters quickly switch to temperature settings, you don’t have to wait. There are benefits to everything - they replace solar radiation. The heaters were installed in the upper part of the greenhouse - the light weight does not load the structure and is convenient to adjust on brackets. Connected to the thermostat. We use it as additional heating in cold seasons. Heat reflection heating maintains stable temperature, infrared radiation promotes plant growth.

Advantages and disadvantages of IR heaters

+ Advantages:

  • High energy efficiency.
  • Fast and gentle heating of all objects within the coverage area.
  • Unlike convection devices, it does not raise dust.
  • Possibility of adjusting the heating zone.
  • They do not dry the air and do not burn oxygen. This is only true for electrical IR generators. It is better to refrain from using autonomous gas generators in a small room.
  • Many models “specialize” in heating rooms with high ceilings.


  • All devices of this type are completely autonomous; even in one apartment it is still difficult to combine them into a single network. You have to type commands for each heater separately.
  • Some models crackle when heated and cooled - this is due to the fact that metals that have different degrees of expansion when heated and cooled (steel + aluminum) are used for the production of the device.

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Infrared heating is a new product on the modern market with great potential. Despite the fact that this technology was invented at the beginning of the last century, it is only now that it is being actively used for heating rooms. In the construction of large facilities, such heating is simply irreplaceable, because it significantly saves energy, is convenient to install and use, and has a number of other advantages. It is safe to say that this is the technology of the future, since in the context of the desire to reduce energy consumption, infrared heating is a big and bold step towards the goal.

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