Learning to correctly calculate the length of the cornice in relation to the window (5 photos)

The traditional method of decorating window openings in a room is curtains. They help to put the finishing touch on the interior of the apartment and create comfort in the house.

Before choosing a curtain, you need to decide on the style. It can be decorative. This type is used in various formal and assembly halls, often in large living rooms. It implies that the curtains will be decorated once: they represent an interior item. This type of curtain provides only aesthetic pleasure, but is not a functional item.

The next option for curtains are curtains in living rooms, which help hide residents from prying eyes, and during sleep they hold back excess light from the window. They are laconic and sewn from dense fabrics.

The most common type is mixed. Then the curtains have a practical benefit - they hide what is happening from prying eyes and at the same time look beautiful and expensive. This is a win-win for any living space.

Choosing curtains to match the existing room design

Most often, arrangement of window space is the final stage of repair. Therefore, the choice of curtain design is based on an already existing design style. The following are some recommendations for choosing curtain rods.

  1. Classic style - iron and wood. If your living room, bedroom, office or kitchen is decorated in the classic style of old England, then it would be ideal to use both wooden cornices made from expensive wood and wrought iron luxury items. But for the French “Provence”, white wooden facades will look better.
  2. Plastic hangers can be ideal substitutes for wood and metal. Therefore, they are often used to decorate rooms of almost all styles. Due to the availability on sale of crossbars of different textures that replicate natural materials (wood, metal, ceramics, granite, marble), they have gained great popularity.
  3. Separately, it is worth noting string systems. For the “High-tech”, “Loft”, “Scandinavian style” styles, such pendants have become an indispensable attribute, harmoniously complementing and succinctly expressing the essence of these trends.

When decorating a modern home, they often combine different types of curtains and, as a result, curtain rods for them.

Over the past 5 years, Roman, French, Austrian, Italian, and English curtains have gained great popularity. The bay windows are beautifully complemented by special flexible profile guides. The choice is great. There are options for every connoisseur.


The width of the curtains and cornice is an important component when calculating the tailoring and installation of the product, because it should look presentable and allow the interior to look complete. If the window is large, it automatically becomes the center of attention, so it is important to make it flawless, which is why designers are often invited to carry out the project. They know how to take into account the nuances of the material, furnishings and dimensions of the room, as well as accurately calculate the drapery coefficients of the material.

If you need to visually increase the width of the entire room, use a wall-to-wall cornice.

How to decide on sizes

If you want the curtains to be from wall to wall, then the cornice should be almost the same length. It can be 10 cm shorter, but it can be close. If you are only going to close the window, then the length of the cornice should be at least 50 cm greater than the width of the window opening. More is possible, but less is not advisable.

In general, everyone determines the length for themselves. You can proceed from the following considerations:

  • If the window is large and there is more than enough light in the room, you can take a cornice of minimum length: the width of the window opening + 40 cm (20 cm on each side). In this case, open curtains will slightly block the window. The minimum distance from the edge of the window opening is 20 cm
  • If the window is already small and faces north, then it is better to leave at least 30 cm on the sides. In this case, even thick curtains in the assembled state will fit on the side of the window.
  • Two windows on one wall with a small partition. It is best to make one long curtain holder. It will look much more modern.

There is one note that should be taken into account when choosing the length of the ceiling cornice. It must be secured so that the farthest row of curtains (tulle) does not touch the heating radiators. This is worth considering, because not all of our rooms have ideal geometry.

Choosing the length of the curtain rod for roller blinds

The type of roller or Roman blinds usually involves hanging the fabric directly next to the glass. It should close completely without gaps, but also remain functional. That is, how to choose the right curtain rod and calculate its length.

Calculating the dimensions of the cornice for a roller blind is simple; just measure the width of the window.

  1. The size of the cornice is designed so that the curtain can completely cover the window.
  2. But at the same time, be sure to take into account that when opening it does not interfere, and the slopes are not damaged.
  3. Typically, the ideal dimensions correspond to the formula length plus 10-15 cm.

Holders for roller blinds can be purchased ready-made or ordered from a workshop.

Please note: if Roman blinds are attached to a window opening, then this is done according to the rules of curtain curtains.

How to choose a cornice according to window size

The width of the curtains and the width of the cornice are usually different numbers, because the exact dimensions of the fabric are selected for roller blinds, while the rest require an increase for drapery. But before deciding on curtains, you need to know how to calculate the length of the cornice.

If the standard size of the cornice does not match your length measurement of the opening, then you can always saw it down.

Select them for curtains as follows.

To the horizontal value of the window opening you need to add 15 cm on each side. This means that in total you will need to add 30-40 centimeters. But there are exceptions that must be taken into account: the ability of the material to drape, and how harmoniously the size of the window fits into the decor

It is necessary to increase to 50-60 cm if it is too small and it is important to visually enlarge it. And if the curtains are not prone to folds, or are heavy, then you need to think about making them convenient to move to the side, allowing light to better penetrate the room. If you have a large window, you can choose a shorter extension length than usual, but it is recommended not to make it shorter than ten cm at each end.

Wall cornices 3 m long must have at least 3 support points: 2 on the sides, one in the middle.

The misconception of beginners is to select the length of the cornice close to the window opening, in which case there will be a gap. And then the curtains do not fulfill their intended purpose: limiting the amount of sunlight inside the room and interior design. After all, it will not have any visual appeal, and there will also be gaps, which they usually try to get rid of.

Standard parameters were derived from the ergonomics of typical rooms, in which windows and walls are almost the same size.

Russian standards

Domestic manufacturers have long known how long curtain rods should be. Thanks to Russian GOSTs and other standards, manufacturers traditionally produce curtain rods of three meters. This is due to the ergonomics of the premises and the design characteristics of the windows. In recent years, the assortment has begun to expand; stores increasingly offer products of other lengths, although they are also fixed.

Choosing a three-meter cornice is as easy as choosing any other type. It is worth paying attention to what material it is made of. The diameter of the pipe plays an important role. To begin with, it is worth deciding on the general concept of window design. The diameter will be important if the curtains that are chosen are very massive and large. Thick cornices will not be able to bend and ruin the view.

Variety of mounting types

As already described in an earlier article, the types of curtain fasteners differ. Standard options are wall and ceiling hangers. At the same time, wall-mounted ones are mounted on special brackets that come with the product. They are easy to install using dowel nails.

Modern wall cornice made of metal profile

Ceiling products are mounted on the same brackets, or simply to the ceiling. Profile hangers made of plastic or aluminum are intended for rooms with low ceilings. To improve the decorative component, special baguettes (ceiling plinths) are sold. They are produced specifically for specialized products. Inlays imitating wood, metal, and marble allow baguettes to be used universally for any interior design of a room.

Baguette cornice for a classic interior

Ceiling cornice in a Scandinavian interior

Depending on the requirements for curtains, hangers for them are produced with a different number of guides or profile grooves. This is how they distinguish:

  • single row;
  • double row;
  • three-row.

The choice depends on the owner's needs. If you want to hang full-fledged window textiles, with curtains, tulle and lambrequin, you need to select three-row hangers. And, for example, for Italian curtains, it will be enough to use double-row curtains.

Profile types and crossbars can have from one to three rows of guides. They are mounted both on the wall and on the ceiling. That's sorted out. What are window and telescopic hangers?

Let's start with the last ones. Telescopic versions of crossbars for curtains are similar to ordinary tubular ones. The main difference is the presence of a system of tubes of different diameters, inside of which there is a finishing spring. One pipe is inserted into another. The entire system is attached to the window opening. For fastening, you need to open the telescope. Typically, such a hanger is used in bathrooms for curtains.

A sliding cornice is installed between two surfaces

Window curtains are more interesting. For example, for Roman blinds only specialized fastening fittings are used. It is divided into two types:

  • open;
  • closed action.

The open system consists of a support bar on which the lifting carriages are suspended

In a closed system, all mechanisms are hidden inside the housing

In general, such curtain rods have from two to four lifting rings suspended on special ropes or cables. The lifting system is controlled by a chain or belt (depending on the type of construction). The principle of operation is simple: the reels included in the design, equipped with a spring lifting mechanism, wind the cables. But the cables pierce the curtain fabric, at the end of which there is a plug (fixation ring). This system allows Roman blinds to gather into a characteristic accordion, exposing only part of the window.

Installation of a cornice for Roman blinds

Such lifting structures are installed on plastic and wooden windows. They have standard sizes, so when purchasing Roman curtains, you do not risk making mistakes in matching the size range. Due to the ease of attaching the curtain to the structure (there is Velcro), this method of arranging a window opening has become very popular.

Adhesive tape is used to secure the canvas to the cornice.

Roman curtains are the only possible option for arranging inclined roof windows. Therefore, curtain rod manufacturers have come up with fixed guides that allow textiles to be installed at an angle, while ensuring that the curtain adheres to the window, preventing sunlight from entering the room.

Roman curtain rods for kitchen curtains are also used for Austrian and French curtains. Comparing French and Austrian curtains, at first glance it is difficult to find the differences. Both options have a similar structure of arched, wavy folds. But there is still a difference: in French textiles, folds are always present, regardless of whether the curtains are lowered or raised. Austrian ones form folds only when raised. When fully extended they are straight.

Austrian curtains are a lifting type of curtain

But there is still a difference between the Roman type and the French and Austrian. The curtains for the last two curtains have a larger format (size), so they are installed directly on the wall or ceiling using brackets or regular dowel nails. Directly, the curtains themselves are also attached with Velcro.

French curtain made entirely of folds

Window decoration

The size of tulle and curtains directly depends on:

  1. curtain type (Roman or curtains);
  2. cornice lengths;
  3. parameters and features of the window opening;
  4. the general idea of ​​the designer.

In order to avoid annoying mistakes when purchasing curtain fabric, you need to correctly calculate the size of the curtains.

If one of these factors is not taken into account, it will be difficult to correctly calculate the sides and area of ​​the product. Accordingly, the aesthetic part of the enterprise is at risk.

If the tulle is too short, it will not be able to fulfill its direct function - to diffuse sunlight and complement the design of the room. This is especially true for the living room, because a flaw catches the eye and spoils the overall impression and mood.

The choice of cornice depends on the design of the room, the size of the surface to be decorated, the style of the curtains, the weight and texture of the fabric, and the method of its fastening, on the wall or ceiling.

If the curtains in the bedroom are not long enough, they will not be able to fully darken the space. And excessively large dimensions look untidy, and besides, it is unsafe. They are inconvenient to handle in everyday life, and they also get dirty quickly.

Manufacturers of home accessories have taken into account all the nuances; today you can buy products of standard sizes that are suitable for all typical rooms.

It’s the same story if the width for the curtains is chosen incorrectly: functionality is impaired, aesthetics are absent, and the overall impression is reduced. And curtains that are too wide usually just mean an untidy look.

When designing exclusive interiors, you can order a fastening system based on an individual project.

Forms of cornices

Each shape can emphasize not only the beauty of curtains, but also make them functional.

The simplest, most standard and familiar form. Attaches to the wall using self-tapping screws.


A necessary detail for a non-standard room layout. It is ideal for soft zoning of space and the design of bay windows or windows located close to the corners.


Made from different materials. Quite often, such cornices are used in the bathroom to complete the interior.


Available in a variety of options. A curved stainless steel rod is more durable and can withstand greater loads. This type is also great for standard plumbing models.


Arc rods are a rather unusual and interesting addition for fastening. They are used for non-standard or bay windows. Another most common way to use such structures is to hang security curtains in the bathroom.

Flexible (radius)

An ideal solution for realizing design ideas. Thanks to the flexibility of this product, you can give the curtains the necessary bends and turns. This model is suitable for decorating non-standard windows, as well as for highlighting individual zones in a room or creating canopies with an oval shape.


Will not distract attention from the curtain design. Canvases flowing from under the ceiling with a hidden cornice look especially elegant and graceful.

What does the cornice look like?

The fundamental function of any curtain for curtains is to securely fix the curtain at the required height. The cornice is a special horizontal structure with fasteners. The design usually takes the form of a simple rod. Using fasteners, the rod is fixed to the wall or ceiling. The simplicity of the design makes it durable and easy to assemble/disassemble.

The round cornice consists of a pipe-shaped rod, brackets and decorative ends

What styles can it be used in?

In modern halls, bedrooms, and children's rooms, roller curtains are increasingly being installed instead of standard curtains. In this case, the need for a retainer disappears by itself. However, this is a rather bold, unusual decision. Most people still prefer classic accessories for window decoration.

Without a cornice it is impossible to decorate windows in a classical style room

Modern curtains look attractive in interiors of different styles. They can be used in the classical direction. Forged metal cornices are especially in fashion. They emphasize the nobility and sophistication of the classics. Plastic models are ideally suited to modern trends - minimalism, loft, hi-tech. If the room has a suspended ceiling structure, you can install the cornice hidden. For this purpose, a special niche is being formed. It masks all the details.

In such a niche, the cornice itself will not be visible, so you can use any convenient way to secure the curtains

How to choose the right cornice?

It is necessary to decide on their types. Depending on the materials they are:

  1. Metal;
  2. Wooden;
  3. Plastic.

Thus, metal cornices are distinguished by their sophistication and durability, while wooden ones will add naturalness and freshness to the image. Plastic products are used in modern or complex interiors. This is because this material can take any form.

Advantages and disadvantages of ceiling cornices

Ceiling cornices are called cornices that are attached to the ceiling and they are becoming more and more popular and here's why. First, the cornice on the ceiling visually makes the ceilings higher, because there is no horizontal division, which gives this effect.

The premises have a more modern look

The second point is that you can drape the entire plane from one wall to another and from floor to ceiling. If the window is on a short wall of a long room, it looks more attractive.

Third plus. Since the curtains on the ceiling cornice cover the entire skylight in height, the absence of gaps makes the darkening almost ideal. And an “accompanying” positive point is that you can hide the heating risers, which are usually located near the window.

There are other advantages:

Variability of design. There is an invisible option, neutral and with a decorative strip. This strip is attached to a special panel on the front side of the cornice. It can be of any type and style. Thanks to this, you can design the window in the desired style. For example, use flexible plastic tape painted to look like metal. This is an option for high-tech style and the like. You can use an overlay with an ornament. This option is good both in ethnic styles and for classic and even “palace” interiors.

Ceiling cornices can be invisible, or can be used to decorate the interior

  • Curtains move well (if you use high-quality products).
  • You can make curtains with control. It is mechanical - a chain that must be pulled to close or open the curtains. There is automatic - using the control panel.
  • Any length. Typically, ceiling curtain rods come in pieces up to 4 meters, but there are connectors that allow you to increase the length to the required length.
  • Curved lines are easily realized. For this, there are either special flexible ceiling cornices, which can be given any shape, or prefabricated ones, in which the curves have a certain radius. They are inserted into the right place using a built-in lock, which does not interfere with moving the sliders (at least not too much).

Ceiling cornices can be curved. Example of installation in a plasterboard ceiling niche

The only disadvantages that can be highlighted are the inconvenience during installation. It’s inconvenient to hold your hands up, and drilling into the ceilings of apartments is still a pleasure. Another disadvantage is the difficulty of installation in the presence of suspended ceilings. If they are just planned, everything is possible. If you already have it, nothing can be done.

Refining the width parameters to perfection

The width of the curtain is not only the distance from the first to the last hook, but also takes into account the drapery that the owner wants to make. The splendor and volume of the folds also depends on the area and decor of the room. If the window is located in a spacious room, there is no furniture close to it, then a large amount of drape will look impressive.

Less noticeable folds fit better into modest sizes.

The most accurate measurements are obtained by using a metal tape measure rather than the usual measuring tape.

This means that the following must be taken into account.

  1. A large bedroom or living room often has small windows, so a lot of drapery is inappropriate there. The same goes for the doorway.
  2. If the window design is characterized by two layers, then the top panel should be 15 cm longer to achieve a more impressive result.
  3. If the room is not spacious, but not too modest, then you can use standards based on the length of the cornice. Its duration (if there are two or three leaves) is usually multiplied by a factor of one and a half. And long fastenings for curtains from two to four meters are multiplied with values ​​of two and three, respectively.
  4. If the sizes of the window and the room are not proportional and not standardized, then you can start from the type of material. The values ​​of curtain sections are usually multiplied by one point and seven tenths, and the veil, organza with print - by two. If the last fabric is without a pattern, then you can safely multiply it by three.

The use of ceiling cornices allows you to beautifully decorate windows, as well as separate part of the room with a curtain.

Important: the lambrequin is not counted in the same way as the curtains; their duration is equal to the length of the fastening pipe.

Interesting examples in the interior

An interesting option is modern multi-level systems based on rail or profile cornices. Most often, they use automatic sliding mechanisms. If you want to keep up with the times, then this option is best suited. Such curtain rods are practical, comfortable, and among their assortment you can choose an option for any style.

Lovers of the classics can consider round wooden or metal cornices. They look impressive with ring curtains and are easy to use. But one nuance is important here. They need to be hung perfectly straight, since even a slight tilt will move the curtains in one direction or another. Those who prefer reliability prefer powerful metal models that will look luxurious and hold the entire window frame.

Types of wall cornices

There are many types of curtain rods that can be divided into:

  • according to the material of manufacture;
  • according to the features of fastening to the surface;
  • according to the method of fastening the curtain fabric.

It is important to consider all these signs before purchasing a device.

Material of manufacture

Cornices are made from classic and modern materials:

  • tree;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • metal-plastic.

From the point of view of durability, wood and metal win, but in any case, the mass of the curtain is not so large that plastic, and especially metal-plastic, cannot withstand it. The choice of material is more a matter of design than practicality:

Wooden products will fit perfectly into the classic interior of a room with a predominance of warm colors from light brown to chocolate.

They can also be chosen for blue shades of design, as the wood color will look good in contrast.

Wooden cornices can be successfully adapted to ceiling plinths, stylizing the room as a classic reception room.

Often, wood wall moldings pair well with traditional white ceilings; You can hang light curtains made of thin fabric or tulle curtains on such a cornice.

The cornice and finials can be made to order, so you can create a unique design in the room.

These curtain rods are well suited for creating rounded curtains in the style of a stage curtain.

Metal products are heavier and require reliable fastening. Such curtain rods fit into a rich, rich interior. Design style - from classic to modern.

Metal curtain rods are often suitable for rooms with a contrasting, dynamic design.

The shape of the tips ranges from peaks and balls to bird heads and other original varieties.

The advantage of plastic is that it often blends very well with the ceiling, giving the impression that the curtain is simply floating in the air.

Often such products are used in the kitchen, where it is important to emphasize the modesty and simplicity of the interior.

They are also often used in children's rooms.

And in bright bedrooms with windows facing south.

Ceiling and wall cornices

The cornice can be attached to the surface of the wall above the window or directly to the ceiling. Each option has its own advantages. For example, if a suspended ceiling is installed, then dismantling part of it to install a cornice is quite problematic, and in this case it is better to install the cornice on the wall above the window.

If you mount the unit on the ceiling, you get the beautiful impression that the curtain is simply falling from above. In this case, you need to make sure that all working mechanisms are carefully hidden.

However, if it is assumed that the cornice itself should serve as a design element. Of course, it is mounted in a visible place (usually on the surface of the wall) in order to make its contribution to the interior of the room.

Features of attaching curtains to the cornice on the wall

According to the features of curtain fastening, the following curtain rods are distinguished:

  • strings (the curtain is traditionally attached with clips that are hung on a string);
  • round (a stationary round rod is fixed to the bracket, on which the canvas is suspended);
  • profile - for roller blinds with a special mechanism that allows you to adjust the desired height.

String curtain rods are well suited for light curtains of short length or modest colors. Most often they are intended for small bedrooms, kitchens or children's rooms.

Round wall curtain rods are an excellent option for the hall, large, heavy-looking curtains that emphasize the originality of the design. premises.

With the correct selection of the tip, a round cornice will ideally decorate a nursery and create a pleasant atmosphere for children and adults.

A system of two rods is often used. This design move works well if the color of the cornice strongly contrasts with the background of the room.

The round cornice goes well with eyelet curtains, the fittings of which are specially designed for this type of fastening.

Profile cornices are designed for different types of curtains. They provide for all kinds of movement of the canvas - sliding, like blinds, rolling, etc. Such devices are a little more complicated, but the differences in installation features are minor.

Profile cornices will successfully fit into any design

They are often made of plastic so that they do not attract attention to themselves. It looks like the curtain is coming straight from the ceiling.

Often an additional box is installed for such cornices. In this case, the convenience of using the curtain is combined with a beautiful design - the box contributes its part to the overall interior of the room.

What should be the height of the ceiling plinth?

Professionals recommend choosing baguettes no more than 8 centimeters wide for low ceilings not exceeding 2.5 meters in height. If you need to decorate a room with a high ceiling (from 3 meters and above), you need to choose wide moldings, at least 8 centimeters.

Interesting materials:

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Please note that the brackets vary in length. If the length exceeds the distance from the window to the ceiling, then it will not be possible to place the bracket above the window opening - it simply will not fit. In such a situation, they can be placed below the window. This option is called placement “partially above the window opening.”

Important! A cornice over two meters long must be mounted on three brackets. If the length is less than two meters, two will be enough.

The distance between fastenings must be at least one and a half meters and should not exceed two meters. Then the cornice will be securely fastened: this will help avoid deformation and the curtains will not sag.

Examples of correct calculation and design of windows

If the owner has a standard double-leaf window, usually it is one meter and forty centimeters wide, then the cornice is selected under it + 15 cm on each side. This means that the sum of the length of the window opening and the indentation will be equal to 1.70 m. If you consider that such windows are often found in the kitchen, the fabric will not be heavy, there is no point in draping it too much, so the coefficient may be two or slightly less.

By installing a cornice right under the ceiling, you can visually increase the height of the room.

As a result, we multiply the length of the cornice by a factor of two, we get 3.40 m of the curtain itself. And for cutting, you need to add centimeters for processing and shrinkage. It turns out that you need to cut three and a half meters wide on the curtain.

If the ceilings are high enough, the cornice can be installed just above the window.

Application in different interior styles: photo, description

A sign of a harmoniously selected window opening design is its harmonious combination with the overall style of the room. Some people find it difficult to achieve such a result on their own, so they use the services of designers. However, do not rush to contact specialists. You can find a suitable cornice for any interior style if you take a few points into account.

A variety of options will allow you to create combined compositions that will undoubtedly decorate the room.

Wooden round crossbars will be an excellent solution for Provence, eco, and classic styles. They are made from natural raw materials and will withstand any composition of tulle, curtains, or drapes. It is very difficult to make a mistake in choosing wooden cornices. They all look gorgeous, as you can see for yourself by looking at the photo examples.

Their positive aspects include a noble appearance, environmental friendliness and versatility.

A wooden cornice will look harmonious in almost any style, of course, except high-tech and modern.

Flexible aluminum and plastic structures will be an ideal solution for rooms in the style of minimalism and hi-tech. With their help, you can beat a multi-level ceiling and windows of non-standard shape. Flexible models will allow you to zone the room if necessary.

At the moment there is a wide variety of colors and designs for cornices made from this material.

Due to their low weight, they can be used when mounted on drywall.

Forged metal cornices will become a real decoration of a large hall in the Art Nouveau, Baroque style. They will emphasize the bohemian atmosphere and will be ideally combined with multi-layer curtains made of expensive fabrics.

The heaviest curtains and multi-layer fabric compositions are usually hung on such a cornice.

Laconic and aristocratic design, original tips, brass elements add luxury.

Making a curtain with your own hands: brief instructions

When creating decor for window openings, many owners decide to make curtain holders themselves. This can easily be explained by several reasons. The first of them is the too high price of finished products. Quality products are quite expensive. Another reason is that some owners simply do not trust the quality of ready-made fixatives. Regardless of the reasons, it is quite easy to build a beautiful cornice with your own hands. To do this, you can use available materials.

In this article, we will look at step-by-step instructions for making a round clamp for the kitchen:

  1. Preparation. First you need to find suitable materials. The easiest way is to make a clamp from a plastic pipe. Plastic pipes are reliable, durable, and easy to process. They are ideal for lightweight ring curtains. You should also purchase special wall holders and decorative accessories at a hardware store.
  2. Buying curtains, determining their method of fastening. The kitchen will require lightweight, durable curtains. They will be constantly tested by sunlight, heat, steam, grease. Curtains should be easy to remove and machine washable.
  3. Pipe cutting. To do this, you need to use special scissors for cutting plastic pipes. If they are not there, you can use an ordinary hacksaw for metal. Pipes should be cut to the required length. Usually the width of the window opening is taken and about ten centimeters are added to it.
  4. Fixing on the wall. The pipe can be fixed to the wall using screws, self-tapping screws, and special fasteners. Next, rings for the curtain are put on the pipe. The ends can be decorated with special plugs. Plugs can be selected according to the diameter of the pipe. Installation completed.

How to choose the ideal option for your home?

Many people find it difficult to select even such a small interior detail as a cornice. What should you consider? There are several main criteria.

Size. Not all crossbars can be adjusted to size using a hacksaw. In some cases, you need to know the exact length. To do this, you need to measure the window opening using a regular building meter.

The wide range is undoubtedly an advantage of the wall mount.

Important! The length of the cornice must exceed the width of the window by at least twenty centimeters. Features of the room

You need to consider what room the product is being purchased for: the kitchen, bedroom or living room. For the kitchen, the ideal solution would be a lightweight plastic cornice in the form of a pipe. You can install a wooden one in the bedroom or children's room. A forged crossbar will look harmonious in the hall

Features of the premises. You need to consider what room the product is being purchased for: the kitchen, bedroom or living room. For the kitchen, the ideal solution would be a lightweight plastic cornice in the form of a pipe. You can install a wooden one in the bedroom or children's room. A forged crossbar will look harmonious in the hall.

The variety of styles and materials has made this type of curtain rods the most popular.

Number of rows. In this case, you need to decide in advance how many curtains will be hung and whether there will be tulle. But sometimes it’s better to buy a two-row model, even if you don’t plan to hang multi-layer curtains at first.

This allows you to most accurately select an individual design for a specific decor.

Coloring, design. Window decoration should be harmoniously combined with the overall style of the room. It is necessary to take into account the design style and the color of the curtains when choosing the shade of the crossbar.

They can withstand heavier curtains than with ceiling mounting.

Material of manufacture. You should choose the material taking into account the weight of the curtains, the style of the room, personal preferences, and financial budget. The most expensive are forged products. Wood is also expensive and requires additional fasteners. Available models are plastic. However, curtains that are too heavy should not be hung on them.

Such holders must be mounted on solid walls.

An example of curtain calculation if the length of the curtain rod is 3 or 4 meters

When the curtains are 4 meters wide or even more, then the designer bears a considerable responsibility. After all, large windows become the central part of the interior; it is important to design them correctly, taking into account the rules and wishes of the owner. Therefore, for such cases, the path of self-tailoring is usually chosen.

How long a wall or ceiling holder for curtains should be is up to everyone to choose for themselves.

To do this, you must first measure a 3 or 4 meter curtain mount to understand what the exact base figure will be, which you will then need to multiply with the drapery coefficient (DR).

Correctly selected curtain rod sizes will not only create a cozy atmosphere, but will also facilitate various manipulations with curtains.


  1. We determine how many parts will need to be sewn.
  2. Then cut them out taking into account the pattern and seam allowances.
  3. In some cases, when the fabric has a large part of natural composition, it is necessary to give a centimeter or two for the fabric to shrink after washing and ironing.

By correctly choosing the size of the cornice and setting it to a certain height, you can visually expand or narrow the room, increase or decrease (again visually) the height of the ceiling.

Advice. Often, after sewing long original curtains (especially with a pattern that was selected), there are leftover fabrics. They are good for making garters or pillowcases for decorative pillows. This will add harmony to the interior and look stylish.

Clothes pegs for curtains

In most cases, fastenings are included as components along with the cornice. But you can buy clothespins separately and combine them with various materials.

1. Eyelets. For such fasteners, round or string-type cornices would be a good option.

2. Hooks, loops and rings. These options are universal for all curtains. To hide them, if they do not suit the style of the room, you can use a baguette panel.

3. Velcro. There are curtains that have adhesive loops or are stitched with an adhesive strip.

4. Creative approach. You can use paper clips, pins or clothespins as curtain fasteners.

Calculating the width of the curtain with a long cornice

Curtains with an aspect ratio of one to three or more are usually more suitable for heavy drapery. Therefore, it makes sense to use its coefficient - CD. For example, for this we take a curtain fabric, the cornice is three meters long, with CD = two and a half. This means we multiply these numbers and get a curtain width of seven and a half meters.

If you want the cornice to be invisible, choose an aluminum profile cornice or a plastic rail (cornice).

But the width of the piece of fabric will have to be made larger by at least two to three centimeters for processed seams and for shrinkage. And if the edges have bias tape or other decorative elements, then such additions are not necessary. The same goes for artificial materials that do not shrink.

Cornices are most often installed in one, two and three rows.

How to choose a curtain rod

In order not to make a mistake with the right choice, you need to be confident in the technical and external characteristics of the product. The cornice should fit harmoniously into the overall style direction of the house and not stand out against the background of the windows. It is best to give preference to neutral pastel shades. These include beige, ash, peach, mocha, graphite.

The fittings and shape of the cornice should also be laconic and not pretentious. The use of additional decorative elements will be relevant only for such unusual interior designs as ethnic or baroque. More modern modern, high-tech or Provence do not accept inlays and other details.

It is also worth deciding on the shape of the window, which should be in harmony with the chosen cornice. If you doubt the window parameters, then you should consult with a specialist and, if possible, order an individual creation of a cornice. The type of fastening and material should also depend on the original window, interior design and personal preference.

How to make perfect curtains?

To select the curtains of your dreams, you don’t always need to be an interior designer. It is enough to have taste and take into account some subtleties. Who else but the owner of the apartment knows what kind of curtains the home needs? First, you need to figure out what the composition consists of:

  1. Tulle is a light, translucent fabric. It gives the window a finished look without interfering with the light illuminating the room, and is rarely used separately from other components. Manufacturers offer hundreds of options to suit every taste and budget. The determining parameter is the fabric: voile, mesh, organza, cotton, silk;
  2. The curtain is the dark part of the curtains. Thanks to its heavy, massive structure, the fabric looks good draped and is a defining element in window decoration;
  3. The cornice is the element on which the curtain is attached. He takes the entire load upon himself and transfers it to the wall. Despite the technical function, a beautiful design for hanging curtains is also a small accent when creating an interior.

And if the selection of the fabric part is a personal matter and preference, then when choosing a cornice, accurate calculations and knowledge are required.

Criterias of choice

Curtain holders are selected according to the shape of the window and the size of the room. You should also think about fittings for hanging curtains.

Design style

Rail, forged and wooden cornices are often used in interiors. Iron rods are chosen without decorations or with ornate decor, made in the form of a flower branch. Popular noble metals: brass, dark copper, blackened gold and silver. You can match the black and white plastic slats to curtains of any color.

Window configuration

Windows of standard and asymmetrical shapes are decorated with round cornices. A window in a sloping attic roof can be curtained with a curtain attached to a rod with ceiling brackets.

Rail and profile ceiling holders that follow the outlines of the openings are suitable for bay windows. You can also choose two types of cornices for complex-shaped windows: place a Roman cornice in the center, and round rods or ceiling profiles on the sides. The entire structure will be united by a wide baguette plank.

Room dimensions

A correctly selected cornice balances the room:

  • rectangular, with a window on a narrow wall combined with a built-in ceiling structure;
  • the large living room will be decorated with wooden holders, baguettes with rich carved and stucco decoration;
  • in the middle room, bedroom, office, the strings will shade the window without distinguishing it from the overall composition.

Round cornices are suitable for small and large living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens and bathrooms.

Cornice mounting location

The choice of curtain holder depends on the density of the wall. If the mounting area is covered with plasterboard, a heavy cornice will damage it. Therefore, iron brackets are not screwed to the suspended ceiling, replacing them with lightweight plastic structures.

Material and type of product

Its price depends on the material of the cornice:

  • plastic is an inexpensive and lightweight basis for ceiling structures. Built-in models of different shapes create the illusion of a curtain falling from the ceiling;
  • wood - classic rods can withstand a lot of weight, combined with heavy plush, tapestry and light tulle;
  • metal - copper, brass, chrome-plated, gold-plated holders are the most durable and expensive.

Based on the type of surface, matte and glossy products are distinguished. Wood, metal, and leather are imitated on plastic baguettes using decorative coatings.

Accessories used

Cornices consist of three main parts:

  • holders - they are also brackets, hangers. Two main elements support the sides of a standard length crossbar. Long structures over 2 meters are supported by additional suspensions in the middle;
  • base - rod, strings, profile;
  • fleurons are decorative elements installed on the side brackets of the rod.

Brackets can be open or closed. On open-type holders, the barbell is placed on top and can be removed at any time. They are fixed on the wall. Closed brackets are also attached to the ceiling. The rod is tightly enclosed in them and cannot be removed.

To attach curtains use:

  • eyelets;
  • loops;
  • ties;
  • hooks;
  • rings;
  • magnets.

The fastening parts are matched to the types of holders so that the curtains can be easily removed for washing.

Closed-type curtain rods and curtains with eyelets additionally require hooks, otherwise the fabric cannot be removed from the rod threaded through the holes.

Purpose of the room

When choosing the type and shape of the cornice, take into account the purpose of the room. Simple, high-tech wall holders are available for non-residential premises. In living rooms, ceiling profiles, wall moldings and round cornices will maintain an atmosphere of comfort.

The interior design of the room is also taken into account. String and rail mechanisms and chrome-plated metal rods will organically fit into the hall or bedroom in the high-tech style.

Installation features

When attaching cornices, general recommendations are taken into account:

  • The curtain should cover the window by 15-40 cm on each side. This makes it possible to open the curtains as much as possible and let sunlight into the room.
  • When placing the cornice, the projections on both sides of the window should be the same.
  • The distance from the wall is selected so that the curtains do not touch the window sill and the heating radiator.
  • Curtains that cover the entire surface of the wall should be 1-2 cm smaller than its length.

Principle of installation of wall-mounted models

  1. The cornices are fixed above the opening at a distance from the ceiling equal to 1/3 of the width of the beam above the window.
  2. Using a level and tape measure, the attachment points are determined in accordance with general recommendations.
  3. To prevent the long rod from bending under the weight of heavy curtains, fastening elements are installed every 1.5-2 m.
  4. The brackets are screwed with self-tapping screws through pre-fixed dowels.
  5. Rings are put on the bar and it is fixed to the wall.
  6. Tips are installed.

Rules for attaching ceiling cornices

  1. First, preliminary assembly of all structural parts is carried out.
  2. The assembled cornice is applied to the ceiling, the attachment points are marked with a pencil. Ceiling rails are attached every 30-50 cm, following general recommendations.
  3. Holes are drilled in the concrete floor and dowels are inserted.
  4. When installing a plasterboard ceiling at the installation sites, it is necessary to provide for mortgages in advance. The gypsum board will not support the weight of the cornice with curtains, so it is attached to a wooden block that serves as an intermediate support. The mortgages, in turn, are securely screwed to the concrete base using self-tapping screws and dowels.
  5. When installing a cornice on a suspended ceiling, a similar fastening method is used - wooden mortgages are also provided on which the entire structure is fixed. Additionally, special rings are installed in the tension fabric at the points where the self-tapping screws will pass, which prevent the PVC film from tearing under the load.
  6. When designing a stretch ceiling, you can take into account the location of the cornice and leave a niche for it, without bringing the canvas to the wall with the window. Then the fastening will be quite easy and the curtain will be hidden in the created space.
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