Installation and connection diagram for a water meter: how to properly assemble and connect a water meter in an apartment with your own hands - photos and videos

In this article we will look at what a diagram of the correct installation and connection of a water meter with your own hands in an apartment looks like. Many private property owners want to have devices for metering moisture costs in the house, since it turns out to be too much to pay at general tariffs. This is especially true for housing in which one person lives, but several people are registered.

The amount is charged to all registered residents, regardless of whether they used the utility service or not. It turns out that installing a water meter is much more profitable and convenient than paying bills for unused cubic meters. It remains to figure out who can deal with this issue - the owner or exclusively the housing office.

Installing a water meter yourself: is it necessary to do it?

The regular increase in consumption tariffs and the reluctance to pay for nothing are now pushing most owners to install personal metering devices at home.

There are also people who do not want to invite a specialist. It’s easier and faster for them to deal with this issue themselves. It’s just not clear whether this can be done.

As a rule, housing office employees care little whether a person has a specialty or a clearance group. Usually they easily allow owners to install water meters themselves. But they demand to be invited to install seals and enter into a contract.

Therefore, in this article we tell you how to install and connect a water meter in an apartment, and how to install it yourself.

And below we will tell you how all this is done personally or by a specialized company, what documents will need to be drawn up at the end of the event and how to choose the right equipment.

The presence of this equipment is the beginning of rational consumption of utilities. The user can track what volumes he actually used and when. And water utility workers will no longer be able to write off losses that occur due to deterioration of networks.

But let's look at whether this is always beneficial. For example, it is planned to install a flow meter for hot and cold water. But at the same time, every day, morning and evening, you have to lower quite a lot until it warms up. In this case, you need to put up with the agonizing wait and, at the same time, overpay for the used volumes, which actually just went down the drain.

Another option in which installing and installing water meters yourself using a video will not be profitable - if there are more people living in the house than registered. When 6-7 people live in an apartment, but only 1-2 are registered, installing the device will not be profitable.

Insulation of pipes at the water supply to a private house

We insulate pipes using insulation and heating cable. We install the food grade heating cable inside the pipe because it is quite easy to replace. With this installation, the cable transfers 100% of the heat to the water and does not heat the air around it. Insulation will help you use a heating cable of lower power, for example, 10 W, and save on electricity.

Heating cables are resistive and self-regulating.

  • Resistive

    - have constant power along the entire length. At the point of overlap, the cable overheats, which causes rapid wear and destruction.

  • Self-regulating

    — its temperature does not exceed 65°C, which eliminates overheating. As a result, it is fireproof and more wear-resistant. For the same reason, it can be installed overlapping, and this will not cause local overheating.

The cable is selected according to power. As a rule, 16 W/m is quite enough for HDPE pipes with a diameter of 16 to 32 millimeters when installed outside. If the cross-section of the pipe exceeds 32 millimeters, then you should choose a cable with a power of 24 W/m. We, in turn, use and install about 3 meters of food cable with a power of 10 or 13 W.

It should also be noted that a self-regulating heating cable does not require an additional thermostat, unlike its resistive counterpart. It is quite simple to install and plug into a power outlet.

To install the cable, you will need a tee (we use a 90° tee), which is installed on the pipe in the house.
The cable enters it from above. Set of heating food cable for laying inside a pipe with a water gland, 3 m.
For additional insulation of the pipe, we use 2 layers of 13 mm thermal insulation made of foamed polyethylene. We use 4 whips of 2 meters with a diameter of 34 and 54 mm. Foam insulation is relatively inexpensive, so you will not feel any special financial costs.

Thermal insulation of foamed polyethylene pipes

What the law says

Legally, there are no prohibitions on the fact that the owner wants to do everything carefully and without help.

It is important to use common sense when performing this activity and think about what to install and in what order. And also during the process it is recommended to comply with the standards and rules according to the instructions, which are often included in the kit.

If you plan to involve craftsmen in this matter, then you need to inquire if they have permission for such work and access.

Remember that if the housing office imposes the services of a specific company that installs and installs a water meter according to the scheme for a fee, then the office is doing this illegally. Each owner has the right to carry out the entire procedure without outsiders. His responsibilities include only inviting employees to seal and conclude an agreement.

But there are a couple of nuances that it is advisable to take into account:

  • It is recommended to purchase equipment only from trusted certified companies. Remember that the package must contain a technical passport.
  • Before the action begins, you will have to shut off the riser. In apartment buildings, this is often problematic to do without the help of housing office employees.
  • In the process, you should strictly follow the assembly, installation and connection diagram of the water meter in the apartment. Do not allow operations to be performed outside of the standards. Otherwise, in the event of a pipeline breakthrough, you will have to reimburse all costs from your budget. And they can be significant in case of damage to public and private neighboring property.

Are water meters necessary?

At the beginning of the last century, the majority of water consumers from central water supply networks paid for the services of the water supply organization, taking into account established standards. These standards determined the amount of water consumed by each person living in the house. That is, the amount was fixed. Today, as mentioned above, changes have occurred.

We must immediately make a reservation that there is a government decree that clearly states that gas, water and electricity meters must be installed at each facility. But there is a caveat if their consumption is made from centralized networks. For example, for an autonomous water supply from a borehole or well, there is no need to install a meter. This also applies to the gas main if the owner of the house uses gas tanks.

Today, the installation of a water meter is planned at the stage of designing a house and utilities. If the house is old, then the water meter is installed by tapping into old water pipes.

Inserting a meter into an old water supply system Source

Installing water meters is a necessary process. The reason is an imperfect payment system based on each consumer. It is imperfect in that the water supply organization has one main goal - to make a profit. But this system does not take into account one factor - there is no control over how much water, for example, residents of a private house consumed. There are 5 people registered in the house, but three live there. Or someone went on a business trip or ended up in the hospital. Or the whole family went on vacation. All the same, payment for consumed water will be made based on five people.

Even if you don’t take into account these obvious, or rather, probable moments, and look at the statistics, then installing a water meter is much more profitable. For example, according to standards, each person must pay for 11.7 m³ of water per month. But on average, if a water meter is installed, he only pays for 4 m³. The difference is simply huge. At the same time, if you are the owner of a private house with a garden plot, then you will be charged for the territory used. After all, there will definitely be a garden or vegetable garden, a flower bed or a greenhouse, which you must water. And if you also have a car, then several cubic meters will be added to the standard.

Wash a car at home Source

And with all this, no one takes into account whether you are watering your garden plot or whether it is completely asphalted. Do you wash your car yourself at home or take it to a car wash?

That is, it turns out that installing a water meter is much more profitable. True, you will have to make certain expenses: buy a water meter and pay for the services of installers. But, as practice shows, these expenses pay off within six months.

There is another positive side to installing a water meter. Many consumers take water for granted. Here she is and that’s it. And you can use it without restrictions. Such people do not understand that water resources are not limitless. An installed water meter disciplines such people. They don't want to pay large sums of money, so they will try to use less water. In addition, everyone tries to take care of the plumbing. A thrifty owner will not have a leaking faucet or a leaking toilet.

We do not use water sparingly Source

In order to correctly install a water meter, and even more so, to operate it competently, you need to know its design features. The bulk of water meters are devices whose operating principle is based on the rotation of one blade element. This is either an impeller or a turbine.

The water passes through the channel where the impeller is installed. It rotates and transmits torque to the counting device. The latter can be mechanical or electronic. One revolution of the impeller corresponds to a certain volume of water passed through the device.

Meters with impellers installed have one drawback. This element is subject to the influence of so-called turbulent flows. They appear when water pressure increases. Such flows reduce the speed of rotation of the blades. Let us add that the impeller itself is an inert mechanism, that is, for optimal rotation it needs a starting speed. Therefore, at the beginning of rotation the impeller has a lower speed. Although manufacturers precisely adjust it to the required dimensions.

Structural elements of a water meter Source

But it should be noted that on the scale of one small house this is not so noticeable and does not have such a strong effect on consumption losses. That is why water meters of this type are so common in private housing construction.

If the water main is more serious and has high pressure, then turbine-type meters are installed. They have no shortcomings. Therefore, their accuracy is much higher.

Let us add that there are so-called combined models on sale. This is a complex device consisting of two channels that are closed by valves. If the pressure in the water supply network is low, then the water passes through the channel where the impeller is installed. If the pressure increases, the valve closes and the channel where the turbine is installed opens.

Turbine water meter in section Source

There are designs that are divided by the number of channels inside:

  • single-jet;
  • multi-jet.

In the first, the channel is a single chamber through which the entire water flow passes. It is in such devices that turbulence occurs. Secondly, the stream is divided into several channels. And it is in such water meters that there is no turbulence.

There is another classification where devices are divided into “dry” and “wet”. In the latter, the impeller is located directly in the channel and is in contact with the passing water flow. The advantages of this model: low price and insensitivity to magnetic influences. Flaws:

  • quickly fails due to corrosion of metal elements, because the impeller is always in water, and the counting device is in contact with it;
  • When the quality of the water mass is low, the mechanisms become clogged with sand, silt and other troubles.

In “dry” water meters, the impeller is located in the channel, and the counting device is separated from it by a sealed chamber. That is, its mechanism does not come into contact with water. This extends the life of the entire device. The transmission of rotation is transmitted through a magnetic pair. One magnet is installed on the impeller, the other on the counting device. Magnets are rings. The only drawback of this model is the presence of magnets. They do not work well if they are exposed to a magnetic or electric field. Manufacturers solved this problem by installing magnetic protection in the form of a coupling in water meters.

Dry type water meter Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in the installation of water supply, sewerage and heating systems

Today, manufacturers offer electronic water meters. Their distinctive feature from mechanical ones is a reed switch sensor, which converts the rotational movement of the impeller into electromagnetic pulses. The latter arrive on the display panel, where the water consumption is displayed. Therefore, such water meters consist of two parts connected by a cable. The display panel can be moved outside at a distance of the length of the cable. Let us add that electronic models can display not only water consumption, but also show the cost for it according to current tariffs. That is, such devices can be programmed.

How to register and register a water meter

Even before making your choice regarding a specific model, it is advisable to contact the housing office and ask for technical requirements for the equipment. After this, you can buy any device that will meet the specified wishes.

1.5 m3/h For process water

1.5 m3/h For process water

MBFT-75 Membrane for 75GPD

After purchase, it must be taken to the housing office or water utility department along with the technical passport so that it can be inspected and the empty fields filled in. Simultaneously with the return of the equipment to the owner, he will be given a day when it will be sealed.

Advantages and disadvantages of a combined and separate bathroom

The bathroom is the territory of plumbing. Of course, this is where the predominant amount of it is concentrated, helping us cope with the natural physiological needs of the body and carry out hygienic or housekeeping procedures. All these processes occur with the direct use of water, followed by its removal. Therefore, understanding the principles of constructing bathroom configurations will be an integral part of the successful implementation of residential water supply wiring.

The structure of the average housing includes two types of bathrooms - combined or separate. By giving preference to the combined type, you get one target room equipped with, at a minimum, a toilet, washbasin, bathtub or shower. If the bathroom is separate, then the toilet and bathroom are separated, having their own separate entrances.

The choice of the configuration of the room (rooms) is influenced by a number of factors, and first of all – subjective. However, you should know that from the point of view of basic sanitation, the proximity of the latrine to the area where hygiene procedures are carried out in combined bathrooms is not a correct planning decision. Imagine that microscopic dust in the process of draining sewage, scattering many meters around, settles on your washcloths, toothbrushes, and towels. This is not a very optimistic picture.

“Combined” is logically justified in several cases:

  • when combining a bathroom and toilet that are too cramped to create at least some free space. With this solution, sometimes it is even possible to install additional equipment, such as a bidet or washing machine;
  • if the area of ​​the common room is initially rather large (about 10 m2 or more);
  • when the bathroom is used by a limited number of people. For example, an apartment accommodates 1-2 people or there is a second guest control room, and the first serves only the master bedroom.

Installation diagram, connecting water meters in an apartment with your own hands with video

If all wiring is done in a standard way, then the system will look approximately the same:

  1. the shut-off valve is where it all starts;
  2. filter - you can change and install new ones if you suspect blockages;
  3. water meter - any purchased by the owner and approved by a housing office specialist;
  4. check valve - the circuit ends there.

In order for everything to be done correctly, it is advisable to choose a suitable area in the bathroom or near the entrance to the house. This should be a point before the first branch so that the equipment can take into account everything that enters the home. Otherwise, the master will not approve of such amateur performances and will not give a filling.

How to install water meters yourself: installation video and choosing a location

When choosing a specific point in the room, it is advisable to evaluate how the pipe is located and check whether there is any wiring at this point.

It is worth noting that the device can be positioned both vertically and horizontally, depending on the wishes of the owner. The main thing is that there is free access to its inspection at any time.

It is recommended to mount the equipment as close as possible to the main entrance into the sanitary zone. In private households this is usually 20 cm from the pipeline outlet.

Often, if the owner installs the water meter himself, the installation and installation diagram goes under the washbasin or next to the toilet. Please note that the technical passport specifies the distance of the straight segment that must precede the insertion.

Another requirement is that if the fittings are outdated or questionable, then it is advisable to replace them with a newer ball one. It is necessary to purchase high-quality spare parts from trusted manufacturers. Their task is to withstand temperatures of 100 degrees and above, as well as high pressure. Otherwise, use will end with a pipe break.

We purchase the necessary materials

How many counting devices are needed depends on the number of risers in the building. Be sure to purchase ball shut-off and check valves, as well as a filter. Inspectors will check the presence of all parts and refuse to seal if something is missing.

Tools you will need:

  • grinder - for cutting off old fasteners;
  • hacksaw - suitable for places where previous equipment cannot reach;
  • scissors and soldering iron - if the connection is made of plastic;
  • adjustable wrench - for tightening the nuts;
  • FUM tape and O-rings - for insulation;
  • bends and corners - if you need to connect them to a water pipe;
  • couplings - when changing to another size.

How to properly assemble, install and connect a water meter in an apartment yourself

The simplest process is if the pipeline is plastic. The polymer is easily cut using special scissors. Their upper part is sharp, especially for cutting, and the lower part consists of a small holder. And further connection is made with a soldering iron, which is designed for this task. It will be easy to understand its technology. But you should not use any other soldering tool for these purposes - there is a high probability of burning through the wall. This method applies to all metal-plastic and polypropylene materials.

If the pipes are metal, it will be a little more complicated. Usually, correct installation of water meters with your own hands, as in the photo and video, is carried out simultaneously with a complete or partial replacement of the pipeline in the house.

To make assembly easier, we recommend that you arrange all the elements in advance in the order in which they should be connected. Before starting assembly, you need to wind the seal onto the threads of the mechanism. Try to drown it into the coils as much as possible. And when tightening, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the connection may burst.

SF-mix Clack up to 0.8 m3/h

SF-mix Runxin up to 0.8 m3/h

SF-mix manual up to 0.8 m3/h

The sequence of actions is quite simple:

  • The water supply is turned off.
  • When a section of the pipe is cut off, it is worth placing a basin to drain the remaining moisture.
  • The water meter block is connected to the shut-off element - do not forget to put a gasket there.
  • The device should be rotated so that the arrow points away from the embedded tap.
  • Where the tail faces, a check valve is placed, and where the sharp part is, an “American” valve is screwed in.
  • When the counting device is secured, it is necessary to accurately measure the location in which the counter thread is located.
  • The excess pipeline element is cut off.
  • At the end of the pipe, a thread is created and a fitting is mounted.
  • A piece of “return” is unscrewed from the water meter and fixed in a prepared place.
  • Once everything is completed, the connection is restored.

Installing a cold water meter on polypropylene and metal pipes should not be difficult, even if you install it yourself. To do this, we have written detailed instructions with all the important points. But if it seems that this is too difficult, then you should call a specialist from the housing office. Most offices will send a specialist free of charge.

There is a nuance. In order for the equipment to work for a long time and without failures, you should install a filter device in front of it. It will trap particles and mechanical inclusions that are often contained in the flow. You can purchase such a filter on the website - Our consultants will help you choose the appropriate model depending on your wishes.

How to install water meters video: checking the functionality of the device

This is done quite simply. All you need to do is connect to the water supply. It is necessary to slowly open the lock, which is responsible for cutting off the apartment from the general water supply.

When the system is running, it is worth opening any tap and observing whether all connections are tight and whether there are any leaks somewhere.

If everything is fine and functioning, all you have to do is fill out an application and wait for a specialist to arrive to seal it.

The tasks of the invited master include checking the correctness of the connection and placement, as well as the location of all identification marks. The controller will perform a test run and check how the equipment works.

Three non-obvious mistakes when laying a water pipe and introducing it into the house

Often, home owners are faced with the fact that the water supply unit is skewed, which can cause a pipe collapse.

This can happen for several reasons:

The trench was dug incorrectly.

This usually happens if the entrance to the foundation is made at a right angle. The pipe must be placed on solid ground. The trench must rise smoothly (there must be a slope) so that the turning radius is sufficient and the pipe does not break. Also, the soil sags over time, the pipe goes down and pulls the assembly along with it, breaking it out of the connection, both in the house and at the well adapter, caisson, at the well.

Right angle in the mortgage.

Typical mistake: builders, when pouring a foundation (monolithic slab), install an embedded pipe with a diameter of 110 mm and move from the vertical section to the horizontal section at an angle of 87°. In this case, we make a smooth turn from the vertical section, for which we use 2 angles of 45°, or 3 angles of 30°. The same smooth turn should be used when installing a sewer outlet - at least 2 bends at 45°. If you try to insert the HDPE pipe at a right angle, it will break.

If such a mistake has already been made, then there are 2 options.

pass a corrugated stainless steel pipe, such as Neptun, through such an outlet. They are expensive - a 32 mm pipe costs about 400-500 rubles per linear meter, plus the cost of fittings.

If the mortgage is located near the outer wall of the house, you can dig under the foundation and redo the incorrectly made mortgage.

The pipe is laid incorrectly.

The pipe must be laid in such a way that due to linear expansion it does not lose its tightness and does not damage the connections. To do this, our specialists lay the HDPE pipe in a “snake” pattern, thereby leaving a margin for the contraction and expansion of materials when the temperature changes.

Case from practice. The usual situation: laying takes place in the summer. Black HDPE pipe heats up in the sun. It is laid out on the bottom of the trench in one line and quickly covered with soil. The pipe in the ground cools and narrows.

There is no need to sprinkle HDPE pipes with sand throughout the entire laying, as many advise. Nothing bad will happen, it's just extra costs.

It is clearly visible that the pipe is being pulled down. The reason is soil subsidence near the input .

How to do this with the help of a management company

If you plan to invite a specially trained person for this purpose, then the mechanism is greatly simplified.

Everything is done in stages:

  • an application is submitted to the Housing Office, they can also suggest companies that have the right to perform such actions;
  • if an organization has been chosen, then an installation contract is concluded;
  • when everything is completed, the acceptance and commissioning certificate is signed;
  • at the same moment a seal is placed, which confirms the fact of compliance with all requirements and standards.

Is verification canceled due to quarantine?

In 2022, due to the pandemic, a number of laws were changed. This also affected metering devices. During the quarantine in 2022, until January 1, 2022, verification of metering devices (in particular, water meters) ceased to be a mandatory procedure for individuals. You can carry out the procedure, the verification certificate is valid. But if you do not do the next verification in 2020, then they have no right to apply any sanctions to you.

The Government of the Russian Federation adopted Resolution 424 on this.

Read details about verification 2022 in a separate article.

On January 1, 2022, the moratorium ended. Now you still need to do the verification. Read what to do if you did not have time to do it in 2022 and the verification is overdue.

How to choose a meter

After we looked at how to properly install water meters in an apartment on our own or with the help of a special company, it remains to understand how to find it.

In the store you need to pay attention to three parameters at once:

  • serial number - it must be the same on the case and in the registration certificate;
  • a seal from the factory - and on it there is a stamp from the Gosstandart Union;
  • inspection date - after release, all such equipment is checked for quality, this date is indicated in the documents.

When the buyer pays for any model, the seller must put a stamp on the papers and indicate on what date the product was sold.

Problems during operation and their solutions

During the operation of the water metering unit, some problems may arise. Let's consider their types and possible solutions.

Whatever the problem, it is not recommended to fix the problem yourself. Use the services of specialists - this will save your time and money.

High-quality sealing is the key to long-term service, but do not overdo it. A large amount of winding may cause leakage

Calling a plumber to your home is much safer and more expedient, since the problem can concern completely different parts of the water meter unit. For example, the fault may lie in pipe connections. The coarse filter often becomes clogged; it needs to be cleaned or replaced. Breakage of the shut-off valves cannot be ruled out. In addition, contacting a plumber will help solve all problems several times faster. In most cases, the service is not that expensive or even free. Proper troubleshooting of the water meter unit will prevent further damage to the equipment and avoid further problems in the future.

Symptoms and corrective measures:

  1. Water flows poorly through the water meter . The coarse filter may be clogged. It is necessary to call a representative of the management company to eliminate the defect; he is obliged to clean the filter and re-seal it free of charge. Under no circumstances do this yourself; breaking the seal is tantamount to voiding the warranty.
  2. Broken seal. Don't fix it yourself. Notify the management company as soon as possible. You will have to pay for re-sealing, but this is nothing compared to the fines if the inspector discovers that the seal has been broken. You will have to pay the full amount of the tariff since the last inspection (maybe several years), as well as a fine for missing an application.
  3. Water passes through the water meter, but the readings are not recorded. The counting or rotor mechanism may have broken down. If you are sure that your water meter is faulty, you have the right to a free unscheduled inspection. This is the case if the warranty period has not expired.

During the inspection period, water payments are calculated based on the average minimum for the region. The inspection can take up to several months; sometimes it is easier to buy a new one.

Don’t delay installing a water meter - it will help you save up to 30% of your monthly payment

Installing individual water meters is becoming an integral procedure in every home; the process is not so much labor-intensive as it is troublesome, but it is completely worth it.

By following the order in the sequence of work on installing a water meter, you not only save about 30% every month, but also have an incentive to use water wisely.

You may also find useful information about the timing of meter verification and the specifics of this procedure.

How to install a water meter in an apartment with your own hands: procedure and rules

We already talked about this above, so now briefly point by point:

  • the riser must be blocked, otherwise there will be a flood;
  • the valve located after the equipment is closed;
  • the holding devices are unscrewed - if new equipment is installed that was not there before, the required area is simply cut off;
  • the water meter is removed - in cases where it was not there, a step is skipped;
  • a water meter is installed;
  • The locks are opened and checked for leaks.

AMETHYST - 02 M up to 2 cubic meters/day.

Aeration unit AS-1054 VO-90

Main table dispenser AquaPro 919H/RO (hot and cold water)

Video description

The video shows how to correctly replace the meter and what to do with the documents:
And at the end, one more recommendation. After installation is completed, it is necessary to test the assembled unit. To do this, one tap is opened inside the house or in the yard. Then you need to open the shut-off valve in the well a little. It is not recommended to open completely immediately, because water hammer may occur in the water supply network. In this case, there is always a possibility that the meter will fail due to the impact.

As soon as the water displaces all the air from the water supply, that is, it begins to pour out of the tap, you can open the valve completely. First, the unit is checked for leaks. Secondly, they look at the pressure from the tap. Usually, if the unit is assembled correctly and there are no serious leaks, then the pressure will be optimal.

And one last thing. All metering devices are subject to inspection after a certain period of operation. This is indicated in the product passport. So, you cannot remove the water meter yourself, and therefore remove the seals. This must be done by a representative of the water supply organization. The most interesting thing is that dismantling and installation is a paid service. Yes, and checking can cost you a lot. Therefore, many owners of private houses purchase a new meter and install it instead of the old one. It turns out cheaper, and the procedure itself is simplified - you don’t have to take the device to a workshop and wait for it to be checked.

What is better to install in an apartment building

There are several types of meters from which the owner will have to choose. Most often, the Housing Office issues recommendations. Usually they require that the owner install the wing, sometimes they even prescribe a specific make and model. The fact is that office workers know well which pipes go where, and it makes no sense for them to ask them to purchase expensive equipment.

When choosing, you need to remember:

  • pipeline cross-section - it must match exactly;
  • reliability is the main indicator, because the counting device will function for years;
  • Is there a “smart home” system in the housing? This will greatly reduce the choice of varieties.


If a meter is installed, special requirements are imposed on the root valve - it must have an “eye” on the outlet side for sealing.

Installing a seal will ensure that the user will not be able to disconnect the pipe and draw water without taking into account its quantity.

It should be noted that in some settlements water supply services can manage without this measure, so this issue should be clarified in advance. Also, sealing the tap is not required if the pipeline is made of polymers with permanent (soldered) connections.

Please note that not all taps are equally reliable. Avoid models with silumin parts, which tend to suddenly crumble . If this happens to the root tap, then by the time the user finds a way to turn off the water (in the best case, he will have to run to the basement, in the worst case, he will have to climb into a well on the street), it will have time to cause considerable damage.

Today, metal-plastic cranes are available for sale. As practice has shown, they are quite trustworthy.

In addition to the root tap, we recommend installing another tap - after the drain to the toilet cistern. If you have to turn off the water, for example, to carry out renovation work in the kitchen or bathroom, the toilet can be used as usual.

Samples of documents used for registration

You only need two papers:

  • statement;
  • Act.

The first form can be taken to the housing office, and the second form will be brought with them by the people who will put the seal.

It is filled out according to a standard template, but it can also be filled out in free form. In the upper right corner it is written who the petition is intended for. By . Below, I ask you to ensure, in accordance with the procedure established by law, the transition to calculating water consumption based on existing instruments. At the end there is a signature and date.

How to make a diagram correctly

Before drawing up a wiring diagram, you need to decide on the materials from which the pipes will consist:

When independently developing an apartment water supply scheme, you have to build on generally accepted norms and rules. It's better when specialists get down to business. In this case, in addition to graphical display, the document contains important information:

  • list, labeling and quantity of all household plumbing products;
  • information about pipe materials, diameter, length;
  • the intended purpose of the pipeline and the direction of flow;
  • list of necessary shut-off and control devices;
  • location of protective and measuring instruments.

But this does not mean that the quality and information content of an apartment water supply diagram developed with your own hands will be lower. It all depends on attentiveness and accuracy.

Who does the sealing and when?

We reviewed the installation diagram of the water meter both independently and with the assistance of craftsmen. Now let’s take a closer look at the moment when experts certify the correctness of the technology.

The very fact of the employee’s arrival and the drawing up of the report is confirmation of the correctness of the measures taken. That is why only people from the housing office or specialized companies with a license can sign it.

The plumber performs an inspection, checks for the presence of factory seals and looks for damage. Then he opens the taps and makes sure that the readings change. When he makes sure that everything is correct, then he will draw up the paper in two copies. He will take one of them with him and transfer it to management, and the second will be kept by the owner.

What will you need besides pipes and fittings?

An effective system cannot operate safely without:

  • main valve of inlet shut-off valves;
  • multi-stage purification filtration station;
  • devices for adjusting and setting operating parameters;
  • flow control instruments;
  • devices for protection against the consequences of accidents;
  • other additional equipment.

Each of these elements is necessary for the system to operate smoothly, be monitored, configured, and protected.

Main valve, inlet shut-off valves

This is a device that operates in two positions (open, closed). The task is to cut off the water supply from the riser if it is necessary to carry out repairs or in the event of a long absence of apartment residents. An alternative is valves that smoothly regulate water pressure and operate in an intermediate position. But such valves are more expensive than conventional ball valves.

Filtering devices

The minimum set consists of two types of filters:

Installed at the inlet after the ball shut-off valve. The purpose of the filter is to catch large solid contaminants (rust, scale, etc.).

Absorbs small solid suspended particles. Special cartridges with fiber filler are used as filter elements.

Each filter requires periodic maintenance. During rough cleaning, the particles are retained by a metal mesh, which must be removed and washed. There are filter models equipped with a self-cleaning system. You have to buy new fine cleaning cartridges.

Regulating devices

The task of the stabilizing reducer is to maintain a comfortable pressure in the distribution pipes - this is from 3 to 4 bar. You can also use an electronic version - this is a pressure switch, which will eliminate the possibility of water hammer. A sharp surge in pressure can damage washing plumbing fixtures and wiring elements.

Check valves also fall into the category of control devices. They are needed if boilers are to be connected, and they protect the system from spontaneous drainage of water from the tank into the riser when the water supply is turned off.

Metering devices

The use of meter models is regulated by GOST. Installing it is not enough; flow metering devices must be calibrated and sealed. This is done by special water utility services. The device is equipped with a strainer and a check valve. When installing, there must be straight pipes on both sides. This will eliminate measurement error.

Emergency devices

These “smart electric valves” - this device protects the wiring from breaks and leaks, and the apartment from flooding. If a hose or pipe bursts, the pressure will drop sharply, and the device will immediately cut off the water supply.

How to properly assemble, install and connect a water meter in an apartment with your own hands - video

The basic rule that all property owners on whose territory there are such devices will have to follow is maintaining open access to them for housing office employees if necessary. Now this happens much less frequently than before. But sometimes, if the readings diverge from what they expected, they ask to show them a working device in order to check and check the seals.

It will also be more convenient for the owners themselves if this part of the interior is located so that there is no risk of breaking it. In addition, it is important to feel comfortable checking the payment figures.

We figured out how to install, assemble and install cold water meters in an apartment, vertical connection diagram with your own hands, according to all the rules. We compared when it is worth installing a water meter and when its presence is not beneficial to users. We looked at whether this can be done without specialists, what is needed to carry out this difficult event, and what tools are best kept nearby. To ensure your equipment lasts as long as possible, use filters.

Determining the installation location

According to the requirements, the water metering unit should be located at the minimum possible distance from the pipe entry into the room.

That is, so that the possibility of cutting into the pipe before it is completely absent.

In apartment buildings, this rule is often only partially observed: here water utility employees easily accept flow meters installed at a distance of 50 cm or more from the root valve (usually the meter is located in the toilet).

In private houses the situation is different. A device installed more than 20 cm from the input will not be accepted for operation. The water well located in or near the yard must have a reliable, durable lid, on which a seal will also be installed.

Of course, when choosing an installation location, you should ensure that the meter is accessible for readings and maintenance. You should also take into account the temperature at the “place of deployment”: it should not fall below +5 degrees.

After installing water meters, they must be sealed for commissioning. Read the article on how and where to seal water meters.

You can learn how to disassemble a single-lever mixer here.

Is condensation constantly forming on the toilet cistern? Perhaps the air in the bathroom is too humid. Here you will learn how to deal with this problem. Let's look at the main causes of moisture formation and ways to eliminate them.

Should I hide the pipes or not?

A question that often arises during a complete bathroom renovation. After all, having laid fashionable tiles and installed expensive plumbing fixtures, you don’t really want this beauty to be diluted by external pipework. Turning to SNiP 2.04.-85 “Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings”, as well as its updated version SP 30.13330.2012, we find that:

“The laying of plastic pipes should be primarily hidden: in baseboards, grooves, shafts and channels. Open installation of connections to sanitary fixtures is allowed, as well as in places where mechanical damage to plastic pipelines is prevented.”

In order to correctly carry out hidden installation of communications, a number of points should be taken into account:

  1. First of all, you need to choose material made by well-known manufacturers and purchase it at official sales points. Ask the seller for certificates of conformity, a description of the scope of application and confirmation of warranties for plumbing products.
  2. Preference should be given to boxes, false panels with inspection hatches or removable decorative protective screens.
  3. You should inquire about which pipe models can be completely walled up in concrete structures at the stage of their purchase. However, general rules do not allow embedding of collapsible units, including fittings. They must be provided with free access for control and prevention. It is allowed to seal homogeneous joints made by diffusion welding, while it is desirable to keep the number of joints to a minimum.

In addition, when walling up in a structure, the temperature and mechanical properties of pipelines should be taken into account. They must either have a low coefficient of thermal expansion, or provide conditions for their free deformation. Therefore, taking into account the above, the best solution for embedding in a structure would be to use solid sections of metal-plastic, polybutene or cross-linked polyethylene.

It is also allowed to embed pipes in soldered polypropylene floors or walls. Preference is given to reinforced products, since they have a linear expansion coefficient that is 5 times less than non-reinforced ones. Pipes are laid in protective covers made of elastic material (such as Energoflex) or with a reserve diameter in plumbing corrugations. Such measures help compensate for temperature deformations of hot water supply lines and prevent the formation of condensation on hot water supply lines.

Connecting water inlets

The inlet section is connected to the external water supply network using one of the following methods:

  • directly to the tees, crosses or plugged holes left during the construction of the city highway;
  • connecting the pipe to the main line by welding or inserting a tee;
  • by means of a saddle.

In the latter case, a cast-iron shaped part is used, securing it to the water supply with a clamp on a rubber gasket. The saddle is used when it is not possible to shut off the external water supply. A shut-off valve - a pass-through valve or gate valve - is fixed to it using a threaded or flanged connection. To drill a hole in the pipe, a drilling device is attached to the locking element.

A valve or gate valve is also installed at the point where an input with a cross-section of more than 50 mm is connected to an external water supply system. Input units are equipped with stops in areas of turns along a vertical or horizontal plane.

When installing several inlets with measuring instruments on an internal pipeline, connected by pipe sections, it is necessary to provide for the installation of check valves

Types of devices and price

Depending on the design features, there are the following types of water meters:

  • tachometer;
  • vortex;
  • electromagnetic;
  • ultrasonic.

In apartments, tachometer models are mainly installed, since such devices have the following advantages:

  • compact dimensions;
  • low price;
  • low reading error.

The main disadvantages of tachometer models include the following:

  • increased sensitivity to the effects of particles dissolved in water;
  • the blades that rotate the meter under water pressure wear out over time;
  • exposure to a magnetic field affects the accuracy of readings.

If the inspection schedule is followed, tachometer devices will last for 10-12 years. The principle of operation of such water meters comes down to the following: an impeller (or turbine) built into the housing rotates under water pressure, thereby setting in motion the mechanisms responsible for changes in the readings of the device.

Electromagnetic meters require a constant supply of electricity. At the same time, these water meters give more accurate readings. And some models allow you to send information by email.

Ultrasonic and vortex devices are not used in private households. This is explained by the fact that such devices are expensive. In addition, vortex models are characterized by increased sensitivity to particles dissolved in water.

The cost of the meter depends on the type of device chosen, the manufacturer's brand and other factors. Tachometer water meters will cost 650-1000 rubles.

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