Houses up to 150 sq. m. - overview of finished projects, ideas for planning and zoning (140 photos of new products)

Anton Pechyony

head of a design studio Do you agree that the more complex the task, the more interesting its solution?:) This rule applies to everything in life, and in particular to interior solutions. The multi-storey nature of townhouses allows you to use different styles and directions, play with lighting and combinations of shades. And all this taking into account the character of the customer and his family members, their interests and preferences. So the design of townhouses of 150 sq. m for a real master is not a problem, but an interesting achievement of the goal.

Bright yellow accents perfectly liven up this calm blue-gray interior.

The living room is visually separated by a shelving rack with mezzanines. Despite its airiness, it is very roomy and functional.

White gloss in the kitchen looks light, festive and greatly expands the space.

In this bright, laconic kitchen, we decided to do without the usual tile backsplashes. Tempered glass also performs this role well.

This wonderful room can be called a kitchen-library.:) Very cozy.

When the interior has a lot of multi-colored accents, it is better to make the facades and furniture monochromatic and neutral. In our case, this is a festive white color.

In this sophisticated monochrome kitchen-studio, all attention is drawn to the beautiful sofa. :)

There are many interesting nuances in such a complex interior. Unusual and stylish kitchen-living room!

The living room area is separated from the kitchen by a high glossy white counter. Due to the texture and color, it looks light and airy, as does all the furniture in this room.

Different styles are mixed here, which gives the room a special charm and unique comfort. :)

Please note that the windows are not highlighted in any way. On a white wall framed by white curtains, these are simply openings that let in light, and all the color accents are located inside the interior.

Thanks to these rich shades, the studio kitchen looks so joyful and life-affirming! :)

We used wide ceiling cornices to visually make the ceiling higher.

Matte wooden surfaces combine very well with the white gloss of the facades.

This small, stylish kitchen features plenty of glossy surfaces. They reflect light and expand the space.

In the interior of this classic kitchen we used shades of vanilla, caramel, baked milk...Delicious! But this is a kitchen, after all. :)

A feeling of warmth, light, sun, delicate flowers and herbs. All this gives hints of Provence, which we used in creating this interior.

There are two bright accents in this kitchen: the incredibly beautiful tiles we used for the backsplash and the wonderful sky blue table. :)

The kitchen-dining room is made in a classic style, in calm light colors. The dining area under the window looks especially stylish: so cozy and respectable.

It's so great when bright colors are used for kitchen design! Start your day on a positive note. :)

In this bright kitchen, the combination of muted yellow and wooden surfaces creates a warm and cozy atmosphere.

How do you imagine the ideal design of 150 sq m townhouses? Maybe such glossy surfaces without accessories will find their place in it? They look simply cosmic! :)

The wood we used in this project has an incredibly beautiful texture. Such panels on the wall and floor themselves serve as interior decoration.

Any interior is made by details. And this bedroom is a clear confirmation of this.

Here is an example of a graphic bedroom with loft style elements. Due to the color and abundance of glass surfaces, the room turned out to be very light and airy.

In this delicate lavender bedroom, the attention is drawn to the beautiful and unusual design of the walls.

Panels on the walls framed by moldings, wide ceiling cornices, interesting lamps, expensive textiles - all this creates the image of a luxurious bedroom.

Nice idea for a wall at the head of the bed! A floor-to-ceiling mirror not only reflects the window opening, but also serves as an original dressing table. :)

The entire design of 150 sq m townhouses can be soft, warm and incredibly cozy, as in this bedroom.

The items in this room are strictly consistent in the same color palette. It turned out elegant and stylish.

Such lilac tenderness! :)

The furniture in this bedroom is laconic and simple. But the walls are decorated in an unusual way - they set the entire mood of the interior.

Every item in this stylish turquoise bedroom has its place. Don't subtract or add. :)

The bright yellow bedside table is just super! :)

A sophisticated and sophisticated classic bedroom. Furniture, accessories - everything complements each other.

This small watercolor bedroom had enough space for both wardrobes and a dressing table.

Under the huge window there are cozy chairs with a coffee table. Beauty!

The design of this project has a reference to the Provence style.

Bright classic bedroom. The parquet board on the floor is lined with the ever-current French Christmas tree.

Cherry blossoms at the head of the bed and pink textiles create an unusually romantic mood. :)

The design of this bedroom is simply gorgeous! This dome chair is great to sit and read before bed. :)

This wonderful children's room is designed for two children. The combination of soft pink and light green looks fresh and bright.

Light and sunny - this yellow children's room beckons to create and learn! :)

It is better to place the work area for children near the window. The more natural light the better.

What do you think of this nursery option for a boy? Rich blue looks fresh and bright.

Another option for a bright, cheerful children's room. And the sports corner is just every child’s dream! :)

A comfortable daybed under the window is not only a great place for reading - it is also additional storage space.

Don't be afraid of gray in your child's interior! In combination with yellow it turned out bright and positive. :)

If you have a very active child, then white in the nursery will calm him down.

This interior turned out to be moderately bright and stylish. And such a huge window in the room is a great success. :)

A lot of wood was used in the design of this nursery: on the floor, on the walls, in accessories. By the way, the painted lining on the walls looks very stylish.

Agree, two sinks are a great idea!

Furniture floating above the floor visually expands the space. Yes, and it’s convenient to clean. :)

Stone houses made of bricks and aerated concrete blocks

For centuries in Rus', houses were built from wood, and not only by representatives of the lower classes, but even by the aristocracy. What about the dwellings, the fortress walls were once made of wood. Suffice it to say that even the Moscow Kremlin, under Ivan Kalita, was made of wood. True, he didn’t last long. Then the Kremlin became white stone, and relatively recently, about five hundred years ago, it acquired its modern appearance.

It turns out that, like many other things, the construction of stone chambers began with the Kremlin. Today, many people want to have their own small kremlin with an area of ​​at least 150 square meters. There are no obstacles to the realization of this desire, if, of course, there is a suitable plot of land and money to realize the dream.

There are no problems with the plot; anyone can get it practically free of charge. As for money, then, most likely, it is there, since such an idea appeared, it did not grow out of one empty desire, it was probably supported financially.

There are six acres of land available to the public, money and the desire to build a stone house, too. All that remains is to decide what stone to build your little fortress from. Many projects of houses and cottages of 150 m2 suggest using red brick as the main material for this purpose.

He, of course, will make it similar in color to the citadel of Russian power, but still this is not enough to at least mentally identify his house with the place of residence of the president. So many today are abandoning traditional bricks, preferring aerated concrete blocks. They are much lighter than bricks and hold heat better.

True, aerated concrete is a less durable material, but its strength is enough for the house to stand for several hundred years and not only your children, but also one of your grandchildren and great-grandchildren, would grow up in it, remembering with a kind word the grandparents they, maybe they will only see it in a photograph.

Of course, you would like not only all your children, but also all your grandchildren and great-grandchildren to live together in this house. However, for this it is necessary to build not a one-story, but at least a two-story house of up to 150 square meters. m.

As the mortar on which the blocks will sit, it is best to choose a sand-cement mixture, called concrete for short. Of course, concrete is not the only binding material that can be used to hold aerated concrete blocks together. You can purchase specialized glue at a hardware store.

But you are building your own house. This means that if you mess up something with the rules for spreading glue, and you never know what else you can mess up with when you take on something new to you, you risk your own home. It may, God forbid, fall apart or some other unexpected thing happen to it.

In general, use native, trouble-free concrete, which did not let our grandfathers down, and will not let you down either. Aerated concrete is a relatively light material, which means that if a simple house of 150 square meters is built from aerated concrete blocks, when constructing the foundation it will be possible to get by with laying a traditional reinforced tape.

Foundation and engineering systems

The foundation is laid to a depth below the freezing point of the soil. Our contemporary does not want to live in a house that does not have running water and sewerage. The laying of local engineering systems should be carried out at the stage of foundation construction. That is, the laying of sewer and water pipes, which will inevitably pass through the foundation strip, must be done even before the concrete is poured into the formwork.

Thus, the pipes will be firmly fixed to the foundation and will determine the location of the bathroom, kitchen and toilet in the future house. If it is expected that at least five people will permanently live in the house, then the cesspool or septic tank must have a sufficiently large volume.

In addition, the location of the cesspool on the site should be such that it is located as far as possible from the source of drinking water, that is, a well or borehole.

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Moreover, if there is no free access to the cesspool, then you will have to clean it manually, as was done two hundred years ago. Since the pit will fill up quite quickly, the need to clean it will arise almost every month. Therefore, the house plan must necessarily take this factor into account.

A house with an area of ​​150 square meters simply must have convenient access to the septic tank. If you have found the funds to build a large house, then you will probably have money for a good septic tank. Why a septic tank and not a pit? All your sewage can be directed into a septic tank. At the same time, it will not overflow too often, since only solid waste will remain in it, and most of the water will go into the ground.

Laying aerated concrete blocks is carried out according to the same principle as laying bricks, but since the blocks are larger than bricks and are quite light, erecting walls in one layer (in the case of aerated concrete blocks this is enough) will not take much time, and you will be faced with the task of planning the interior spaces . However, this should be taken care of in advance.

Finishing the kitchen area

From the hallway, a staircase leads to an area located on the half level between the floors: this room combines the kitchen and living room. The kitchen design is dominated by classic design elements: white and cream shades of furniture, a kitchen island with rounded corners, exquisite gilded fittings in an antique style. Lamps in the form of lanterns add a special charm to the room. Contrast with light shades is created by the use of olive-colored tiles and curtains.

Basic materials:

  • floor tiles Venis, collection 1900, olive border;
  • Kerama Marazzi tiles, Gamma collection for finishing the kitchen backsplash.

Internal layout

Since the sewer pipe has already been laid, the place where it exits into the house should become the location of the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. All these three rooms should be located as close as possible to it. The steeper the drain, the less likely there are blockages in the pipes leading from the kitchen, toilet and bathroom.

Despite the fact that 150 meters is a fairly large area, it is hardly worth allocating a large space for a bathroom. Purely functionally, they are not intended to be spent a lot of time in them. It will be quite enough if you allocate no more than 8 square meters for them.

The kitchen is another matter. The most important process in human life, the process of preparing and consuming food, takes place here. Therefore, it is advisable to make it large enough. In general, the kitchen should be perhaps the largest room in the house. There should be enough space here not only for the hostess, but also for the whole family, and if necessary, for guests.

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When organizing a holiday and inviting neighbors and relatives to our house, we, first of all, invite them to have a drink and a snack. Therefore, your kitchen will become for them the room by which they will judge the design of your home as a whole. It doesn’t matter that after the banquet they all go to the living room with an area of ​​50 square meters, if the kitchen is too small for them, they will not appreciate the spaciousness of the living room.

The most important area of ​​any home is the children's room. If there are three children in the family, then why not allocate a separate bedroom for each of them. Since this will not just be a bedroom, but also a room where the child will spend most of his life, it should be quite spacious.

Sauna combined with swimming pool

Immediately from the hallway you can enter the room that houses the bathhouse with a mini-pool, and it is distinguished by many portals where doors were originally planned to be installed. The decoration is done using green and olive mosaics, which contrasts interestingly with the floral pattern on the walls.

The main wall is decorated with a fresco made in shades of green and depicting a mountain-sea landscape: this element fits harmoniously into the space, preserving its freedom as much as possible. Other walls are finished with moisture-resistant artificial stone plaster, and the area around the pool is paved with cream-colored tiles and visually enlarged through the use of a mirror insert. The lighting of the sauna and pool is made using built-in and wall lamps, which create a subdued atmosphere here, full of relaxation and comfort.

The following materials were used to create the interior:

  • Peronda wall tiles from the Provence collection in white and olive tones.
  • Facade fresco with Affresco anti-moisture coating.
  • Decorative mosaic of green shades.


However, 150 meters is also not dimensionless and cannot accommodate everything you want. Therefore, it is advisable to use the attic for housing, at least in the summer, by building an attic there. Houses with an attic up to 150 sq. m. m. is a fairly common phenomenon, since in Russia, most often attics are built not because there is not enough land or because they are afraid of increased taxation.

In Russia, an attic is a kind of sign of a certain status and it is not shameful for anyone to build an attic in the attic, as evidenced by numerous photos of private houses of 150 square meters. m. flooded the Internet.

Second floor bathroom

This room is done in soft blue shades, the walls are paved with Peronda Provence tiles in a single color, and the side parts are made with a floral pattern depicting an intricate interweaving of bells. Mosaic in a blue shade favorably emphasizes the space and sets off the overall light background, while beige inserts and classic furniture create a feeling of comfort and relaxation. The bidet and toilet are located opposite the entrance, and the symmetrical position is quite advantageous for this layout. Lighting is provided using built-in devices.

Photos of houses 150 sq. m.

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