What is ondulin - all about its varieties and use

Ondulin looks like slate, but it is a completely different material. It has many positive qualities that have led to its popularity. It is one of the most budget-friendly roofing coverings, but with proper installation it can last 50 years or more. For those who are planning to build a house or repair a roof, we will understand what ondulin is, what its positive and negative sides are, when the use of this material is justified and how to work with it.

Installation of roofing from ondulin Source ytimg.com

History of appearance

In our country, ondulin is perceived as a new material. This is wrong. It appeared immediately after the Second World War. The idea came to the mind of the Frenchman Gaston Gromier. After the hostilities, many homes were destroyed, many people became impoverished. Cheap building materials were needed, but a lot of them were required.

Ondulin responded to the requests presented. Despite the low cost, it had high qualities, looked nice, and could be used for a long time. In France, the company OFIC SA was created, which began production of ondulin. It was later renamed Onduline Group to be more recognizable.

At first, the distribution of the new roofing material was limited to Europe, which is why its second name “Euroslate” is associated. Later it spread throughout the world. In the Russian Federation, the Onduline plant was built in 1994 near Nizhny Novgorod.

What is ondulin

The sheets look like wavy slate. But ondulin is a completely different material with different properties. The basis of the slate is an asbestos base impregnated with cement mortar. Euro slate uses cellulose as a base. It is impregnated with minerals and bitumen.

The characteristic wavy shape of the sheets Source dimdom.ru

It turns out to be a kind of composite. The cellulose layer maintains the shape of the product, and the bitumen provides waterproof properties. The wavy shape gives the sheets additional rigidity. In addition, this design prevents water from flowing into the vertical gaps between the sheets during rain.

Nowadays, polymer canvases impregnated with high-quality bitumen are increasingly used instead of cellulose. This type of euro slate has better properties and is more durable.

To give a decorative appearance, the material contains a mineral pigment, which gives ondulin different shades. Manufacturers offer a varied palette of colors, which helps you choose the right color scheme that will match the design of the building and the wishes of the customer.

Production technology

The main raw materials for its production are cellulose fibers and paper waste. Pulp is formed from paper raw materials, water and additives, which is heated at a temperature of +120 degrees. dried and compressed. The shape is given by corrugation. Next, they are cut into sheets of standard sizes. The resulting sheets are wavy in shape. Finished products are painted in various colors, allowed to dry and immersed in clean molten bitumen with polymer additives. The sheets are cooled to a temperature of +60 degrees, allowed to cool for several days and gain strength in warehouse conditions.

Additional articles:

  • Roof gutters
  • How to assemble a chimney from sandwich pipes

Properties of Euroslate

Like any other building material, ondulin has pros and cons that determine its use.

Positive sides:

  • light weight - one sheet weighs about 6 kg, this makes it easy for even one person to work with it, plus, ondulin does not create a large load on the roofing system;
  • attractiveness - the roof looks neat, bright, making a pleasant impression;

Samples of ondulin of different colors Source fotocdn.net

  • water resistance - bitumen has practically no pores, does not allow water to pass through, its waterproofing qualities are very high;
  • biological inertness - due to the fact that the liquid does not penetrate the bitumen, as happens with slate or tiles, moss does not appear on it during the entire service life of the roofing;
  • simplicity and speed of installation - due to the lightness of the sheets of material, even one person can install them; delivering them to the work site does not cause difficulties;
  • optimal thickness - the thickness of the sheets is 3 mm, this is enough for the necessary strength and water resistance;
  • long service – a profiled bitumen coating can last for decades; if installed correctly, such a roof will not require replacement for about 50 years; the manufacturer usually gives a 15-year warranty;
  • low cost - Euro slate is one of the most inexpensive roofing materials; it is often used in cases where they want to build budget housing;
  • flexibility - thanks to this property, the sheets are not afraid of impacts, you can step on them and they will not suffer; softness simplifies installation and allows, if necessary, to slightly stretch or narrow the waves;

Ondulin has good flexibility Source obyava.ua

  • strength - the roof is able to withstand the weight of thick snow cover, heavy rain, hail;
  • sound insulation – a valuable quality is silence during heavy rain or hail, corrugated sheets and metal tiles make a loud noise under such influence, tiles and slate make a loud noise, Euro slate makes almost no sound; in addition, it reduces the noise level from the street, this is valuable if the house has a residential attic.

To understand what roof ondulin is and how durable it is, it is worth recalling that the manufacturer claims that this material, when carefully and competently installed, can withstand hurricane winds of up to 192 km/h. True, doubts arise whether the roof itself can withstand such a wind. We hope that no one will have to test the wind resistance of the roof of their home in practice.

Thick layer of snow on the roof Source spb-k.ru

As mentioned above, an ondulin roof has pros and cons, so it is worth dwelling in detail on the negative qualities of the material. Among them:

  • poor resistance to frost - in severe cold, bitumen becomes brittle and can crack; in such weather it is better not to move the product or clean the snow on the roof; for this reason, it is better not to use the coating in northern regions, where very low temperatures are common in winter, especially if they last for a long time;
  • flammability - resins and cellulose are flammable substances, so some owners are afraid to use ondulin for fear of fire;
  • fading - the color of the roof tends to fade over time under the influence of the sun; this applies less to the original ondulin and more to its analogues from other manufacturers.

The budget price of Euro slate can be considered both a plus and a minus. Some developers do not use this material only because they consider its use to be unprestigious.

The use of ondulin is limited to social facilities, including medical institutions, schools, kindergartens, and boarding schools.

When arranging roof connections to pipes, you need to be careful with bituminous materials, because they can leak from heat. The original Onduline has a formulation that allows it to withstand temperatures greater than 100 degrees Celsius, but not higher than 250 degrees. Therefore, the sheets are not laid close to the pipes, leaving a gap; the junctions are closed with special elements made of non-combustible materials or metal.

Arrangement of a reliable connection of the roofing covering to the chimney Source stroyfora.ru

There are often statements that ondulin is short-lived and becomes unusable after 10-20 years of service. This is wrong. The fault is poor-quality installation, saving on lathing or buying fakes.

A detailed analysis of the shortcomings is important for understanding what ondulin is and what it is made of. Comparing its advantages and disadvantages helps to understand whether this material is worth using at all.

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in roofing materials and related work

Areas of use

Ondulin sheets are widely used in private construction. It is purchased to cover the roofs of cottages, private houses, bathhouses, garages and any other outbuildings. It is very convenient to use it for roof repairs, since the material is quite light and easy to work with.

You can simply lay ondulin on top of slate or metal roofing; installation does not create additional load on the rafters. This way, roof repairs won't require dismantling the old roof and opening up the interior, exposing it to the elements.

The ease of installation and aesthetics of ondulin have made this material in demand for covering the roofs of cafes, shopping pavilions, and for creating various canopies and awnings. Sheets of the material bend well, so they can be used to cover roofs of complex shapes.

For example, if it has arched elements. The manufacturer offers not only sheets, but also various additional elements, with the help of which the gable, valley, and ridge of the roof are formed. Onduflesh tape is used to insulate the junction points. As a result, the tong and other elements are reliably protected from moisture penetration.

In addition, ondulin sheets can be used to cover various vertical surfaces. Using this roofing covering you can create a waterproof screen. But ondulin should not be used for the construction of fences and enclosures, since in the cold this material becomes quite brittle, and in the heat it acquires increased plasticity.

Original Onduline products and alternative manufacturers

The high demand for lightweight and durable material has led to the emergence of many analogues. As a rule, they are inferior in quality to original products, but are cheaper.

In order not to run into a fake, you need to understand the differences between real ondulin, what kind of material it is, when you can use alternative brands of Euro slate, and when you shouldn’t. Please note that good stores never hide a specific manufacturer, so it is better to find out the details from a consultant.

The sheets of the original ondulin have a size of 200x94 centimeters and a thickness of 3 mm. Their weight is 6 kg. Number of waves: 10 pieces.

The original ondulin is durable, you can walk on it on the roof, and thanks to its roughness there is no danger of slipping.

Surface structure of ondulin Source ytimg.com

Spears usually have only 9 waves, but they weigh 9 kg, sometimes even more. The quality is inferior to the original.

If we take manufacturers with characteristics that are not much inferior to Onduline, then we can highlight the following brands:

  • Aqualine is a material from a company from Belgium. The base consists of 21 layers of cellulose, the fibers of which are arranged perpendicularly. This gives the sheets additional rigidity while maintaining flexibility. It is mainly used when working on roofs with complex geometry.
  • Butuvel is a German company. The sheets can be used for roofs and wall cladding. The product is guaranteed for 15 years.
  • Bioline – products from Ukraine. Now it's hard to find it here. For color fastness, good German dyes are used, so the color of the roof remains bright and rich for many years.
  • Gutta is a manufacturer from Switzerland. A distinctive feature of the sheets is good resistance to ultraviolet radiation and chemicals. The paint does not fade in the sun for a long time.

Roofing material Gutta Source tildacdn.com

Main advantages

What advantages distinguish ondulin from a number of other roofing materials? Here are the main advantages of this coating:

  • Low level of water absorption. Ondulin roofing does not allow a drop of water to enter the roof space, which helps preserve the roof structures.
  • Ondulin coating can be used in different climatic conditions, because it can easily withstand the effects of precipitation, including hail, strong winds, and temperature changes.
  • Resistance to biological effects. Roofing made of ondulin is not affected by bacteria and fungi, mold does not grow on it, wood-boring insects do not infest, etc.
  • The material is not destroyed by various chemicals - industrial gases, solutions of acids, alkalis, etc.

  • Environmental friendliness. For production, cellulose fibers are used, which are extracted from ordinary waste paper. The material itself does not emit any harmful or dangerous substances; rainwater that flows from the ondulin roof is quite suitable for watering plants and other technical needs.
  • Easy to install. Any person who has skills in working with a hacksaw and hammer can cover the roof with sheets of ondulin. Before starting work, you will need to carefully study the instructions for laying the material and watch how the craftsmen lay this coating in the video.

So, ondulin is a reliable, high-quality material, which, due to its qualities, is widely used in private construction. However, you need to take into account the inherent disadvantages of the material so as not to be disappointed in the choice made.

How to choose bitumen slate

The following requirements apply to roofing material:

  • long-term operation;
  • waterproof;
  • convenient and simple installation;
  • reliability;
  • preservation of paint or exterior coating.

When choosing ondulin, carefully examine the material. The cut should be dense, uniform, and there should be no delamination. Also look at the uniformity of color across all sheets in the batch you purchase. Blisters, cracks, and wrinkled edges are unacceptable.

Ondulin defects Source krysha-expert.ru

Types of bitumen sheets offered by Onduline

The company's products include several models that differ in a number of characteristics. Let's look at their features.

Ondulin Smart

Smart sheets are used for roofing and wall cladding. To prevent moisture seepage, a special lock is used at the overlap points. Thanks to the technology, the end overlap is reduced to 12 cm, which helps to save material. Cost from 270-280 rubles per square meter.

No specific skills are required to figure out how to cover a roof with Smart ondulin - the sheets have pre-marked places for fastening, which makes installation easier by saving time on marking. The main thing is to be careful in your work and carefully follow the instructions. Sheet size 1.95×0.95 m, weight 6.3 kg. The product has 10 waves with a height of 38 mm and a pitch of 95 mm.

Appearance of the Ondulin Smart brand Source stroy-gid.su

New products on the market: camouflage, 3D effect and smart lock

Sales of ondulin are growing every year. In 2016 alone, according to the Ondulin company, about 1.5 million square meters were produced!

Here are the 5 main manufacturers of ondulin, whose products are represented on the Russian market:

The domestic manufacturer today produces three main types of ondulin for Russian latitudes:

A sensational new product on the market is Ondulin Smart. This is what a “smart” lock is (this is how the prefix Smart is translated):

The Smart system is good because such sheets are already marked with convenient markings for nails, the DIY system is good because it is well suited for self-assembly, and the Compact system is smaller in size and ideal for roofs of gazebos and verandas.

In 2016, a foreign novelty was released, quickly gaining popularity. This is ondulin, colored so that a three-dimensional effect is created. Indeed, from the outside, such flat sheets look like real rows of tiles laid next to each other.

Let's also look at the latest new product from Onddline, “Ondulin-camouflage”. Here, the color of the roof is specially selected so that the roof itself blends in color with the environment and completely hides the house from prying eyes, especially from above.

Those. The color of the grass and surrounding trees is analyzed, then a coating of exactly the same color is produced. Moreover, such a camouflage roof can be laid either new or on top of the old one.

By the way, in 2014 Ondulin’s assortment included Onduvilla tiles, as more expensive products, and Ondalux sheets, as more budget-friendly products. People also often call them ondulin, although this is not entirely true. This is what Onduvilla bituminous shingles look like:

Nuances of installing ondulin

Before starting work, you need to draw up a plan in order to understand exactly how much ondulin will be needed and how to properly lay it on the roof. To do this you need to know in advance:

  • roof area;
  • its angle of inclination;
  • the length of all connections to vertical surface elements;
  • number and length of connections to chimneys and ventilation pipes.

Accurate calculation means saving material. A situation where at the end of the work several sheets are missing is also unacceptable. It may happen that later it will not be possible to find the desired shade of color and the additionally purchased euro slate will stand out from the background of the other sheets.


In order for the roof to serve for a long time, and not to become unusable after 10-20 years, all work must be carried out extremely scrupulously, so you need to have an idea of ​​​​how to lay ondulin.

First of all, prepare the base on which the bitumen slate will be laid. The joists must be set with minimal deviations. If the plane of the sheathing goes in waves, then this will be clearly visible on the ondulin.

Tips for choosing

Ondulin is an excellent roofing material that fully justifies its cost. If you decide to buy ondulin at Leroy Merlin or any other hardware store, you need to pay attention to the following parameters.

  • Each sheet size must correspond to the declared parameters, they all must be the same in size.
  • The number of waves should be ten or eight; nine waves indicates a fake.
  • You need to compare several sheets before purchasing; they should not differ in shades.
  • There should be no bitumen stains on ondulin.
  • The product must have a quality certificate and guarantee.
  • Buy ondulin from trusted manufacturers; it is not recommended to buy Euro slate at a suspiciously low price.

Video description

See all the nuances of high-quality installation of Euro slate in this video:


The question arises as to how to attach the ondulin. Regular nails or roofing nails with galvanized heads will not work. It is necessary to use special self-tapping screws with plastic caps that protect the fasteners from corrosion. Their caps are wide to securely press the sheets. If the cap is small, the ondulin will easily be blown off by the wind.

Self-tapping screws for fastening ondulin Source berezka-stroi.ru

The screws are removed with a regular hammer. It is also permissible to use roofing screws, which are used to fasten corrugated sheets or metal tiles. But in this case, you will need a screwdriver for fastening.

There are craftsmen who believe that it does not matter how the ondulin is attached to the sheathing. This is the wrong approach. Firstly, nails are driven only up the wave. You can't go down - the roof will let water through. You need to hammer in the fasteners in 4 rads, without missing a single wave. Start from the edge where the ondulin joins other sheets, carefully straightening the sheet. The inner 2 rows of nails are driven in a staggered pattern.

The main thing in how to attach andulin slate correctly is accuracy. The nails must be driven exactly into the crest of the wave, strictly perpendicular to the plane of the roof. It is equally unacceptable for the nail to both crush the material and leave a gap between the head and the surface of the wave. Make sure that the cap is in good condition - it should not have cracks or chips. Such fasteners should be replaced.

Common mistakes

Onduline provides a 15-year warranty on the material. On YouTube you can find a large number of videos showing the depressing state of ondulin 10-20 years after installation. It's not the material that's to blame. There may be several reasons:

  • Purchasing cheap analogues. The savings will be small, but problems may begin after several years. To avoid this, it is better to take the material from official representatives of the manufacturer. Their consultants always help with calculations and tell you what additional elements are required.
  • Poor installation, incorrectly installed rafters, sheathing. Although it is often written that ondulin is easy to install without experience, this should not be done. It is much better if the installation is carried out by a team of professionals. Installation costs will be repaid by the long service life of the roof without the need for repairs or alterations.
  • Carelessly made connections to pipes, poor-quality installation of ridges, valleys, gable elements, lack of filler in cracks. Such work requires qualifications, care and experience. It is better if it is done by a specialist. This especially applies to connections to chimneys and ventilation.

An example of careless laying of sheets: crumpled waves, lack of filler, incompletely driven nails Source ytimg.com

Ondulin roof care

In order for a roof with ondulin installed on it to last more than 15 years, it is necessary not only to perform high-quality installation, but also to not forget about caring for the roof in the future. Just 4 simple rules will increase the durability of the material by at least 3 times. So:

  • inspect the condition of the coating 2 times a year: before the start of winter and after it ends;
  • tree branches should not touch the roof, trim the crowns in time;
  • regularly clean the ondulin from debris and fallen leaves, this work can be combined with an inspection; you can sweep away the debris with an ordinary broom or brush;
  • After cleaning the roof itself, clean the gutters; water should flow out of them freely.

Additional items

To install ondulin on the roof, you must purchase the following:

Recommendations for installing ondulin.

  1. Special nails with colored heads, made of carbon steel, durable and airtight. There are 100 pieces in a package, diameter is 3.55 mm, the color of the head is matched to the color of the sheet (about 20 nails are needed for one sheet).
  2. Ridge for the roof edge. Its length is 100 cm, useful - 85 cm.
  3. Nipper for slope and pediment. Length – 110 cm, useful – 95 cm.
  4. Copolymer ventilation pipe material.
  5. Endova. Length – 100 cm, useful – 85 cm.
  6. Cornice filler for the gap between the sheathing and the sheet. Can be ventilated or unventilated. Made from foamed polyethylene. Length – 85 cm, thickness – 2.5 cm.
  7. Insulating tapes made of butyl rubber, aluminum. Width – 28 cm, length – 250 cm.
  8. Closing apron made of polypropylene. Length – 940 mm, package of 25 pieces.

Briefly about the main thing

If we briefly consider what ondulin for a roof is, then it is a reliable composite material consisting of a base impregnated with bitumen resins. It is made of canvas made of several layers of cellulose fibers. For strength, the fibers of adjacent layers are directed perpendicular to each other.

Ondulin, with proper installation and simple maintenance, can last up to 50 years, which is proven by the long-term operation of houses with a similar roof.

The main advantages of the material are lightness, flexibility, water resistance, bioinertness. At the same time, Euro slate is a flammable material; the paint fades over time.

Ondulin is sensitive to the quality of installation and requires special care in the preparation of rafter structures and sheathing. It is better to entrust the installation work to experienced specialists. To ensure that ondulin does not fail during service and is durable, installation must be carried out strictly according to the instructions.


Ondulin is produced by different manufacturers and has different brands.


The wave profile increases the strength of the material, but at the same time maintains good flexibility, which makes it possible to cover roofs of complex configurations.

Life time

The service life of an ondulin roof is influenced by the following factors:

  • the density of the sheathing (its pitch must correspond to the slope of the slope);
  • the number of sheets in the joints, overlapping each other - the service life is reduced when four sheets overlap at once;
  • the number of fastening elements and their compliance with the requirements for fastening ondulin;
  • mechanical loads on sheets during installation (compression, tension).

Violation of technology reduces service life to 3–5 years.

Color and its durability

The main problem with colored material is that it fades quite quickly when exposed to direct sunlight.

Heat resistance

Installation of ondulin should not be carried out at temperatures above 30 °C. The material must not be heated above 220–230 °C, as it may ignite.

Frost resistance

The guaranteed frost resistance of ondulin is minus 35–40 °C. It is not recommended to install sheets at sub-zero temperatures.

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