Houses in hunting style. Design, features, materials. on the Nedvio website

The times when all people dreamed of moving to live in large cities have today given way to the opposite trend - wealthy residents of large cities dream of living away from noisy roads, crowded streets and courtyards, polluted factories, enterprises, and are increasingly buying country houses or plots for construction.

In this regard, it is not surprising that buying your own cottage, dacha or townhouse is becoming in demand not only in Moscow and the Moscow region, but also in other regions of Russia.

Country real estate also has its own characteristics. Thus, when choosing a plot to buy in the forest or on the water's edge, many buyers strive to build a house that would look as harmonious as possible with the surrounding nature. Preference is given to wooden buildings: from logs and timber.

Today we will talk about a very interesting style of wooden houses: hunting. We'll tell you about its features, nuances that should be taken into account in finishing and much more.

Residential buildings made of wood. Features and Benefits

Despite the active development of building elements, natural wood is still the most popular material for suburban construction. Such buildings look aesthetically pleasing and retain a special coziness and comfort.

Living in a wooden home is a pleasure, regardless of the time of year. To make the house truly cozy, special attention is paid to its external and internal appearance.

Advantages of wood as a material:

  1. High sound and heat insulation properties;
  2. Regardless of the weather, residential buildings made of logs retain optimal humidity, which is why it is comfortable to live in them all year round;
  3. The natural material used in construction releases beneficial substances, the premises maintain an optimal microclimate and a special aroma, which has a beneficial effect on human health and mood;
  4. Structures made of wood (as a natural raw material) have a unique appeal. Even if it is not a large building, it will look much more impressive than a cottage built from other materials.

Choice of finishes

Nowadays, designers choose to work with a variety of raw materials for interior cladding work. Among the most popular are:

  1. Drywall allows you to realize the wildest fantasies of designers. It can be easily painted in different colors, covered with wallpaper or applied with decorative plaster;
  2. Another popular method of finishing country housing is lining. This element has such important qualities as: long service life, beautiful appearance, practicality and reliable strength. A wide range helps you choose a product of various shades;
  3. The finishing method that most owners prefer is to leave the natural material in its original form. Not all owners of wooden houses want to cover the wood with wallpaper or paint. To emphasize a special attractive style, it is enough to cover it with varnish or special paint for reliable protection from moisture, insects, fungi, and microorganisms.

Making boards

Of course, we can’t count on even and relatively smooth boards that are made at sawmills. Nevertheless, we are quite capable of making a product that is quite similar to them and which we are not ashamed to call a board. All you need for this is a sharp axe, and for greater convenience you can make a wooden sledgehammer. It is necessary to choose a straight tree without large knots or twists in the trunk, plan several wooden wedges, make a small cut at the base of the trunk and drive a wooden wedge into it, gradually splitting the log along the fibers. A second cut is made nearby and the wedge is driven in again. Then the entire deck is split into boards, or as they are called - shingles. By the way, these boards have much more strength than those made on a sawmill in the usual way, since the wood fibers are not damaged. In this way, you can provide yourself with the necessary number of boards to build a roof, doors, floors and other necessary parts.

Reasons for the popularity of hunting style

Nowadays, there is a large selection of different directions that you can choose to implement your design. Before you settle on any one, you should read the recommendations of experts.

It is important to remember that wooden cottages are associated with special coziness, warmth and comfort, so choosing a high-tech style here would simply be inappropriate. Even if the finishing is done with plasterboard, you should not use a large amount of concrete and chrome.

Turkish Hammam

If you want to spend an unforgettable weekend, rent the Ermak log house, which combines traditional relaxation in a Russian bathhouse and the fabulous atmosphere of a Turkish hammam. The combination of two steaming cultures provides an unsurpassed effect for the overall health of the body. Hammam is a bathhouse with soft and thick steam, which is well received by those who can hardly tolerate the heat of a Russian steam room or the dry air of a Finnish sauna. The temperature in the steam room does not exceed 40 degrees, without harming the hair. The healing properties of the Turkish bath have been known since the times of the Ancient East, as here:

  • relieves stress and tension;
  • removes toxins and helps cleanse the body;
  • a beneficial effect on the skin is felt.

The luxurious furnishings and attentive, caring staff of the bathhouse spa complex will take you to a charming oriental fairy tale with an amazing feeling of complete pampering.

Hunting style. What is this?

Many people associate the very phrase “hunting style” with medieval English castles and expensive estates of Russian merchants. Many people have associations:

  • with a large number of animal skins, which are used as carpets;
  • images and stuffed wild animals, paintings and tapestries depicting birds;
  • as well as a fireplace, which is not just an aesthetic decoration, but also serves as heating for the home.

This design is rare to see in the city; it is difficult to imagine an apartment in this style. But he is in great demand in creating the exquisite style of country houses.

However, it is important to consider that the hunting style is quite unique and quite difficult for inexperienced designers. When deciding on the design project and future decoration of the house, it is important to maintain a balance: on the one hand, not to overdo it (and not turn the house into a “hunting museum”), on the other hand, to maintain the authenticity of the style (without accidentally mixing it with others).

What should you pay attention to when decorating a house?

Interior of the premises

A hunting-style dacha or cottage is, first of all, a place where you can completely relax, rest your soul and body.

The main principles of design are simplicity and comfort. This style cannot be achieved in every home or room. For example, it is difficult to imagine a nursery or bedroom with stuffed animals, their skins and other attributes. If there is a great desire to create a popular interior in each room, then only a minimum number of attributes can be placed in the nursery.

This look is not the best option for the kitchen, since it is dominated by wool and fur, and for areas where food is prepared, it is simply not appropriate.

The best way is to create such an interior in the hall or recreation room where the owners of the house receive guests. It is not uncommon to create it in the hallway. In this place, stuffed animals and skins will be especially relevant.

Shades of colors

Since the peak of the hunting season is in autumn, all warm shades predominate in the decoration:

  • yellow;
  • brown;
  • brick;
  • orange;
  • ocher;
  • sand;
  • the color of dark greenery, moss and others.

They create a particularly warm and comfortable atmosphere in the room. But if the room seems very dark, there are a few subtleties you can make that will make it not so gloomy.

First of all, it is recommended to paint the walls in light colors, for example, vanilla or cream. The ideal option is a combination of dark and light shades.

Correctly selected lighting will also help solve this issue. If you wish, you can create a room in dark colors, but in this case, focus on lighting fixtures. These can be numerous floor lamps, ceiling lamps, or local type lighting.

Materials used

A room in a hunting style is a continuation of nature itself, which is reflected not only in warm colors, but also in all elements of its decoration.

The classic finishing material is wood or natural stone. A well-built beam or log makes the exterior and interior of a home look more expensive, luxurious, and sophisticated.

At the same time, it is not at all necessary to use only wood for finishing work. Using natural raw materials, you can make only walls or focus on a warm, comfortable wooden floor. To significantly reduce finishing costs, many experts recommend using artificial materials with a wood-like texture.

Special attention should be paid to such a detail of the room as the ceiling beam. In commercial real estate, in particular guest hunting lodges, it is the most favorite part of architects. If the height of the building allows, it can also be used in a country cottage.

Tapestries are also ideal for adding a hunting style to your home. While looking at them, you can forget about pressing problems and be transported to another millennium. They can be hung on walls, ceilings, pillows, and used in upholstery of upholstered furniture.

Selection of trees for construction

Typically, the construction of huts in the taiga is made from coniferous trees. Of course, larch would be more suitable, since it rots much more slowly than conifers, but it still needs to be found in sufficient quantities. As a last resort, lay out the first crown from deciduous trees, and then continue with conifers. Cedar is also perfect for this purpose, since in a hut with cedar walls the air has a healing effect. There is no need to choose very thick trees. Fifteen to twenty-five centimeters thick logs will be sufficient. Practice shows that a raw pine log up to 25 cm thick and up to 4 m long will weigh about 120 kg. And since you will not be lifting the whole log, but only one edge of it, this weight will be quite feasible for an adult and healthy man. If such a weight still seems heavy, you can choose thinner trees. Of course, in this case you will need more of them.

How to buy a house in a hunting style?

No matter how attractive the hunting design of the building may seem, it is not suitable for everyone and is quite rare in Russia. There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, it requires significant additional investments in repairs, decoration, furniture and interior. Secondly, most often this interior design is not entirely suitable for a family home and is not very popular with women. And this is not accidental, since “hanging animal carcasses and skins” are elements psychologically and historically closer in spirit to men (as hunters, breadwinners), who usually value strength and power.

The hunting style design is ideal for people who value luxury, aesthetics and sophistication. Those who know exactly what they want and easily achieve their goals.

If you are just such a person, then you can safely create a similar interior in your home. And in order for your country cottage to become especially attractive and sophisticated, you should use the services of professional designers; they will help emphasize all the advantages of your home, create a unique image and special comfort with the help of all the details in the decoration and interior.

Our real estate database contains hunting-style houses for sale, you can study prices and photos, watch village plans, videos, and read reviews. If you are interested in additional information or viewing the property, just call or simply leave a request.

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A hut in the taiga can have either a single or double roof with an attic. Single - it is done faster and easier, but with an attic it is many times more convenient and practical. Firstly, the hut becomes many times warmer, and secondly, additional space appears for storing various things and supplies. In the warm season, you can dry hay and all sorts of herbs there. The roof is made as follows. First, the ceiling is laid out of shingles. The cracks between the boards are lined with moss. You can sprinkle it with earth on top or cover it with plastic wrap. Next, in front and behind the hut, two supports are attached to the top, the ridge rests on them and on the sides, two or three on each side. Then we cover the entire structure with shingles, we also caulk the cracks with moss, there is no need to spare the moss, and on top everything is covered with plastic film. It is not heavy and you can take it with you in sufficient quantity.

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