Is a kitchen with a sink by the window convenient: photos of interiors, analysis of layouts + tips

Kitchens with a sink by the window look a little cozier than spaces with a conventional wet area, and evoke associations with spacious houses in America or England, where it is customary to wash dishes while looking out the window at a beautiful garden or a handsome neighbor. Should we take an example from Western housewives and how to organize a comfortable workspace with such a sink arrangement? We tell you in this post.

Design: Kirill Kochetov, Ilya Shulgin

Design: Kirill Kochetov, Ilya Shulgin

Pros and cons of location

Advantages of sinks located under the window:

  • Beneficial effects on psychology. Observing what is happening helps you relax, and natural daylight has a gentle effect on the psyche.
  • Increased functionality. By moving the sink under the window, the work area becomes almost a meter larger. In addition, the new location can contribute to the formation of a proper work triangle.
  • Humidity adjustment. In a small, damp kitchen, moving the wet zone will reduce the level of humidity - just open the door briefly after washing the dishes.
  • Expansion of the working surface. Most often, the countertop is combined with a window sill - part is occupied by the sink, and in the empty space you can organize the storage of dishes and connect household appliances.

The photo shows a U-shaped layout with a sink in the center

There are also a lot of disadvantages to having a sink by the window in the kitchen:

  • Transfer of communications. In an ordinary apartment, water pipes and sewerage will have to be carried almost through the entire kitchen. The process requires effort and time; a large number of connections is fraught with leaks and flooding.
  • Frequent cleaning. The window opening here is like a mirror in the bathroom: the glass will constantly be splashed with detergents and water.
  • Difficulty cleaning windows. When making a wide tabletop, immediately think: how will you wash the windows? Especially from the outside.
  • Battery problems. In Khrushchev and socket buildings, heating radiators are usually located under the window - by installing a sink you will lose the flow of heat. You will have to cut ventilation holes in the countertop or move the battery. The second is more difficult, but more effective.
  • No dryer. Those accustomed to a standard kitchen set, where the cupboard is located directly above the sink, will have to relearn. The dryer can be placed on the wall at the side of the opening, in a lower cabinet or on a countertop.

As for the view from the window, this is a controversial issue. Of course, if your apartment offers a panoramic view of the city or a forest thicket is visible from your cottage, all the disadvantages can be forgiven for the view alone. What if you can see the fence of a private house or the backyard of ordinary city life? In general, before moving the sink, think: are you ready to look at the landscape every day?

When is it better to refuse a decision?

In some situations, it will not be possible to place the sink near a window. Typically this problem occurs in the following situations:

  • If the window opening is lower than the normal height of the tabletop. In such a situation, there is no point in extending the window sill into the countertop.
  • If the window is located deep in the wall, and the owner is short. In this case, you will not be able to reach the handle on the frame.
  • If the stove and refrigerator are too far from the window. In this case, you will have to make a lot of unnecessary movements. As a result, every cooking will lead to severe fatigue.
  • If the windows face south or southeast. In this case, the room is illuminated by the sun for a long time. Of course, you can hide from them behind the curtains. However, in such a situation the meaning of the design decision will be lost.

A not very convenient option would be to locate the sink away from the refrigerator and stove.
Placing the sink near a window is a very interesting idea that has many advantages. It allows you to make the kitchen more comfortable and save space in a small room. It is important to think through all the details down to the smallest detail in advance.

Which sink is best to use?

Choosing a kitchen sink to place on a windowsill is not much different from any other: it should match the style, size of the furniture, and be comfortable for you.

The sink can be overhead, mortise at the top or bottom (recessed). The first option, when the sink protrudes slightly beyond the countertop, is convenient for narrow work areas. The other two can be mounted in regular and wide surfaces.

The photo shows a sink with installation from below

Based on the design, choose the model that is most convenient for you: minimalistic single, single with a wing, double, double with a wing. In small kitchens, give preference to compact but deep sinks without wings. For large rooms the choice is unlimited.

And the last thing is the material. There are metal (stainless steel), composite (artificial stone) or ceramic sinks.

  • The first ones are the cheapest, do not require special care when caring, but can make a lot of noise.
  • The latter are more expensive, they can be integral with the countertop (the absence of joints is a plus for hygiene), but they are expensive, and the light ones absorb dyes (tea, coffee, beets).
  • The latter are usually overhead: caring for them is no more difficult than caring for a washbasin or bathtub.

The photo shows a white ceramic model with two bowls

Storage cabinets

The height of the cabinets should be long; you can fit options up to the ceiling. Such long accents in the kitchen visually lengthen the walls. They will fit all the necessary things.

Accessories that are rarely used, such as holiday dishes or a mixer, are placed on the highest shelves. But lower down you can place what you need to have at hand every day.

Mixer selection and location

The design of a kitchen with a sink near the window does not end with the choice of the bowl itself: near the window frames, the mixer is of greater importance. It is necessary to select and install it correctly, first of all, so that the window sashes open: a matter of comfort, a safety requirement.

By choosing a standard model, you can save a lot, but you should clearly calculate the distance from the window: the tap should be clearly in the center so as not to interfere with the opening of any of the sashes.

The depth of the countertop is not enough; a regular faucet cannot be positioned so as to open the window? Pay attention to folding devices. The idea is that the faucet can literally be taken out of the hole, placed next to it, and then returned to its place in a couple of seconds - no tools are needed.

Another way to avoid the problem of the valve colliding with the faucet is to install a flexible mixer. It is not removed from the socket, but simply bent.

All recommendations refer to the location of the sink in the center of the opening. Is the wet area shifted towards the slope? Place the faucet as deep as possible in the corner.

How to organize space if the kitchen sink is near the window

Where to put dishes?

You can choose a set with drying in the lower drawers or consider a compartment in the column if it is located next to the window. Or consider the option of table-top drying near the sink: such models are appropriate in classic interior styles with a rustic touch - Provence, country.

Design: Yulia Likhova

Design: Yulia Likhova

Design: Inna Svyryba

Design: Inna Svyryba



Where do you put sponges and detergent?

Install a dispenser on the countertop - this is the most aesthetically pleasing and discreet option. And for sponges, consider a shallow pull-out compartment directly under the sink.

Design: Enjoy Home

Design: Enjoy Home

Design: Natasha Sorokiina

Design: Natasha Sorokiina

Design: 121 Interiors Architacts

Design: 121 Interiors Architacts

Which mixer to choose?

Ideally, it should be tall and L-shaped: unlike simply tall and rounded models, the faucet “spout” shifted closer to the front side of the sink will reduce the amount of splashes on the glass.

Another good option is a model with a bayonet mount, when the mixer can be removed from the base and put aside. This solution will help if the frame has only one sash: this will allow you to sometimes open the window wide open.

Design: Larisa Kurbanova

Design: Larisa Kurbanova

Recommendations for arrangement

What kind of kitchen the kitchen will look like depends not on the type of faucet or sink, but rather on the layout of the kitchen unit.

You can only place a direct kitchen under a window along a long wall (minimum size ~3 meters): keep in mind that approximately half of the space is eaten up by the opening, which does not allow the installation of upper cabinets.

A more ergonomic option is a corner one. There is a window on one wall, the main storage, hob, and cooking area on the other. The U-shaped one will also look advantageous, especially with a sink in the central part (the bridge of the letter P).

Project approval

The kitchen is a “wet zone”. If the plumbing fixtures are moved, there is a danger of flooding the neighbors. Owners of apartments in high-rise buildings will have to coordinate their actions with city permitting services.

The rules often stipulate that moving a sink within the same wall with a riser need not be certified by the authorities. Moving to the window, to the center of the room or to the opposite corner is considered redevelopment. To approve changes you need:

  • copies of real estate documents;
  • registration certificate;
  • project (schematic representation);
  • statement.

The package of papers is submitted to the local housing inspectorate. The permit procedure lasts on average 20-45 days. Redevelopment is often agreed upon without reservations before the renovation begins. If the inspector has any comments, they will have to be corrected. In order not to understand the diagrams yourself, it is better to order the project from professional designers.

A man draws a plan Source

Nuances of window decoration

The advantage of having a window near the sink is daylight. The downside is the curious glances of passers-by or neighbors, especially if you live on the first floor or there is another one very close to your house.

To have privacy, consider how the windows will close. Light curtains or long drapes will not work: with a light breeze, the former will definitely wrap around the tap, and the latter will look ridiculous, lying on the tabletop.

Suitable options are roller or Roman blinds, blinds. They all have 2 placement options: outside the opening or inside, on the frames themselves. The most practical would be non-fabric curtains (blinds, roller blinds) - they do not absorb water, and it is enough to wipe off dirt with a damp cloth.

You don't need to close the window, but want to decorate it? Choose cafe curtains or short curtains that resemble lambrequins. In some styles, it is appropriate to abandon curtains altogether.

Tabletop under the window sill: variety of materials

The first step in the installation process is to determine the desired material for the countertop window sills. The most common options are the following:

  • marble construction;
  • artificial stone product;
  • ceramic option;
  • glass window sill;
  • wooden product.

The most common materials for making countertops for window sills are marble, artificial stone, ceramics, glass and wood.

Structures made of marble are resistant to mechanical damage, as well as to the effects of a humid environment and aggressive substances. At the same time, the high cost of the material is fully justified by the highest quality and reliability.

A tabletop made of artificial stones is an affordable analogue of the marble option. The only drawback is its fragility (compared to a marble product).

The countertop on the window sill, which is made of ceramics, is characterized by fragility. When using it, extreme caution should be taken, because if objects fall on it, chips may appear that simply cannot be hidden.

Note! Despite the significant disadvantage, ceramic countertops are easy to maintain and affordable in terms of price.

The glass structure will add style and originality to the kitchen interior, and due to the thickness of the glass it will be impossible to break.

If we talk about wooden window sills, it is worth noting that they can only be installed if in the future this space will not be used for food preparation processes that require constant contact with water.

Thus, the variety of material options for the countertop under the window sill is quite large. It all depends on your budget and personal preferences.

Window sill height: when size really matters

When it comes to kitchen space, every centimeter matters, including the size of the window sills. Often the height of the set together with the table top is 0.85 m. However, sometimes it can be higher due to adjustable legs and an enlarged base. The “correct” height of the working area is considered to be 15 cm from the elbow in the bend. This is worth considering when ordering a kitchen.

When choosing a tabletop for a window, it is necessary to take into account not only the height of the window sill, but also the width of the slopes

Thus, if the height of the window sill is approximately equal to the height of the tabletop, it is better to simply continue the work area parallel to the window. In this case, the battery below can be safely left open.

Note! The width of the slopes should be taken into account when choosing a tabletop near the window that is planned for installation. In addition, the material used deserves special attention.

It is important to limit the access of moisture to the countertop under the window sill. It is unacceptable for it to get wet from window condensation. However, if the problem of excess moisture on the wall is still present, it is better to give preference to a product made of artificial stone or a beautifully designed plastic countertop.

If the window sill is located at a higher level than the tabletop, the space between the upper and lower structures is often decorated with tiles or covered with a plinth. Which option will be chosen depends only on the features of the kitchen design. Speaking about wide window sills in the interior, it is worth noting that they are made of the same material as the tabletop. At the same time, they serve as additional shelves. If a decision is made to leave the window sill in its original form, it is cut to the width of the slope.

If the tabletop is higher than the window sill, it is best to simply block part of the window opening with bricks and order a smaller window. However, this solution is only suitable for private houses. As for the apartment, such an action is a violation of the law, since it entails a change in the architectural appearance of the building.

The simplest option from a technical point of view is to build a kitchen line on top of the window sill, leaving up to two tens of centimeters so that you can open the window sash and ventilate the room. The “groove” between the furniture and the glass can be closed using potted plants. This is not the most ergonomic solution, but it is the most economical. There will be no need to replace the double-glazed windows and use tricks when installing furniture.

How does it look in the interior?

Moving the sink to the window opening is an easy way to make the interior more stylish and up-to-date. The reception is suitable for all styles: classic, neoclassical, modern, scandi, loft.

In the photo there are cafe curtains on the window

See photos of kitchen interiors with a sink by the window, choose your own version of the sink, faucet, location, design.

To summarize, I would like to say: if your desire to move the sink is stronger than the problems with moving communications, heating issues - make your dream come true!

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