Technologies for pouring concrete into water, pouring foundations

Some kind of film is constantly forming in the well, I decided to pump it out with a bucket... I pulled out the pump and was stunned... the hose, cable, pump are all black. I don’t know what it is... it can be washed by hand, everything stays on the hands, but it can be easily washed off with water...

In general, I am at a loss, what kind of rabble is this?

The film in the well turned out to be some kind of red suspension, I don’t understand what it’s from... like the rusty rubbish that forms in filters in apartments with old pipes... I didn’t take a photo of it, unfortunately

PS I pumped out the well many times over the summer... several times almost to the bottom, mostly to half. six rings, water stands ring from the surface

see also

Comments 29

or due to bottom filter or manganese

Filter... so to speak. They threw out the shield, washed the stones, put everything back in - the water became excellent. according to the analysis there was no manganese

ICE. The neighbor had the same crap with the shield. We pumped it out, pulled the crap out, washed the rings, after filling up with water, pumped it out again and now everything is fine according to the experts’ results. I haven’t handed over my water, everything is OK for the fourth year. Ugh, ugh, ugh. . . For food, I run it through a large Korean filter with mineralization.

Oh yes, friends... I forgot to write back... we found out with 95% accuracy what happened to my well...

It turns out it's rotten. Rot coming from the aspen panel at the bottom. The so-called bottom filter. as professionals write, freshly cut sawn aspen, etc., already gives off a pungent odor, and in water, despite the supposed “impossibility” of the process, it begins to decompose... and as a result - stench, turbidity, putrefactive bacteria in the form of a black coating.

Like this. SO what about the future for those who will dig a well. Forumhouse specialists say that in their entire practice, only 5% out of a hundred have had to install this bottom filter; basically, it is useless, and simply serves as a money grab during installation, and (for unscrupulous diggers) during subsequent use, for cleaning and removing the shield

I'll put in my 5 cents :-)) Very similar to bacteria.

then why are they only in the lower layer of water and do not rise to the upper? I have the same tops and I absolutely normally use water for food

Bacteria are divided into anaerobic and aerobic. Aerobic animals live (receive energy) without access to oxygen.

Then it would smell like gasoline. At worst, solarium :)))

yes one hundred% he is rich.;) OIL KING

I have the same crap. This black coating is very slippery and smells like silt. The well is over a year old, there are 4 rings in the ground. At the same time, here’s some crap: I pumped out the well completely only 2 times over the summer. Little water is consumed. I take the water from above with a bucket - it’s a dull yellow color. Barely noticeable, but there. If you put it in a bucket and leave it for a day, there will be a reddish sediment on the walls and bottom. The taste is normal. If you swirl the water around a little, the water becomes cleaner and there is much less sediment in the bucket. But this is not the most unpleasant thing. The most unpleasant thing is that when drawing water with a pump (hanging half a meter from the bottom), for the first 10-15 minutes the water comes with a musty smell, which is not present when drawing water with a bucket, even after splashing. That's where the smell comes from, it's not clear to me at all

IN! exactly the same! And the black stuff is as you describe, and there is a smell. I won’t say anything about the rest... they didn’t try to defend it... but when I put it in a bottle in August while pumping out seemingly clear but smelly water, the mud didn’t go away within 24 hours, but the smell remained.

An additional version of the smell has appeared... tell me, didn’t it take you an hour to place a wooden disk at the bottom of the well? I have it laid and there is an assumption that it is not aspen... and it is rotting.

In general, we agreed to do chemistry and bacteria... on the 10th-11th we will take them and give samples. Well, I’ll definitely post the results

They put a shield on you most likely because you have quicksand there. Usually in these situations they are placed so that the well does not become covered with sand. They didn’t put a shield on me, but I suspect oakum. They used tow to fill the gaps between the rings when the loam began to squeeze out from there. I also thought it was rotting. Wood will not rot under water, there is no oxygen there. What kind of soil? I have 2 shovels of black soil, then loam, then sand. This is all for one and a half rings. Then came the clay mixed with stones. If the first 2 rings were buried in 4 hours, then the remaining 2 were buried for 2 days. it feels as if a roller had previously pressed this clay with small stones there. And this is all taking into account the fact that our site is in a lowland, groundwater is close, and 3 meters from the current well there is sandy quicksand (at first they started digging there, but after 1 ring the quicksand began to appear)

Clay loam... Quicksand or what, I don’t know. We buried five or six rings in a day... Not enough sand. Angle 70cm from the surface.

and on what then did they put the shield?

Well, it’s not like I decide how to make wells

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