How to regulate the water temperature in an oasis geyser?

Malfunctions happen in any equipment, regardless of the manufacturer. Be it a famous German brand or its Chinese equivalent. The difference is that in the second one they occur more often.

The breakdown of such an irreplaceable device as a geyser creates a lot of inconvenience. If the malfunction is not related to a gas leak, in most cases, you can repair the Oasis geyser yourself. We will talk in detail about what kind of breakdowns are most often diagnosed in speakers of this popular brand among users, as well as how to fix them in this publication.

Why doesn't the gas water heater work?

The main reasons why a gas water heater does not light up are divided into the following groups: External factors: poor gas pressure level, insufficient water supply pressure, traction failure, etc. Internal breakdowns of components and modules: a problem with generating a spark, or a blockage.

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Internal organization

The diagram above shows the design of a typical gas water heater, which is also typical for Oasis columns.

Let's look further at how the most common type of brand's flow-through chimney model with automatic ignition works.

When the tap is opened, water is supplied through the inlet pipe into the water-gas unit, which turns on the ignition and gas supply. As soon as it ignites, a signal is sent from the flame sensor to the electronic unit to stop sparking.

Next, the water passes through a coil rigidly fixed to a heat exchanger, which is heated by burning gas. The coil transfers heat to the flowing water coming out.

When the tap closes, the water-gas unit turns off the gas supply. The combustion stops and the column goes into standby mode for the water tap to open.

An important condition for the normal and safe operation of the column is the removal of combustion products through the ventilation chimney. If the hood is missing or insufficient, the draft sensor is triggered and the column is turned off.

An overheating sensor is responsible for timely shutdown of the column when the maximum temperature is reached. It is an important element of the column, providing protection against overheating

Maintaining the required temperature regime is an equally important condition for fire safety and long service life of the column.

Overheating negatively affects the condition of all elements, primarily the heat exchanger, which leads to their premature failure.

The chimney duct is clogged

Lack of draft when the Oasis gas water heater does not light up usually appears when there is soot in the smoke ventilation system and heat exchanger, which clogs the fin pipes. This indicator is measured by a sensor and at low values, a protective mechanism is triggered, cutting off the gas to the device.

Under such conditions, the column will not be able to light up. It’s easy to check the draft; to do this, bring a lit candle to the ventilation, and if the fire is pulled towards the channel, then everything is fine; if not, you will need to clean the flues and internal heating surfaces from soot deposits.

Another reason for poor draft may be poor ventilation in the room. Currently, many apartments have plastic windows installed, which, to put it mildly, “are not good for ventilation”; in such rooms the unit only works if the window is open. In order to avoid this type of failure, you will need to install a special supply valve that ensures proper air circulation in the room.

Incorrect pipe connection

The Oasis gas instantaneous water heater, whose malfunctions are caused by the fact that the device was installed incorrectly and the inputs and outputs of hot and cold water were mixed up, will not work. Oasis devices work in such a way that the cold water pipe is connected to a water block, on which a mechanism is installed that adjusts the pressure and speed of fluid flow. There is also a safety valve and a water drainage unit for carrying out repair work or relieving excess pressure.

The next important unit for the movement of the medium is the copper heat exchanger, which is located above the collector and consists of a curved finned pipe. The structure takes heat from the exhaust flue gases and transfers it to a moving stream of water entering through the water unit. The heated water exits through the outlet pipe to the water tap. A temperature sensor is installed on the pipe to protect the device from overheating. Therefore, if the input/output of the water medium is mixed up, then there will be no water circulation.


I would like to leave a review about the operation of the Oasis OR-20W flow-type gas water heater and I hope that it will help someone make the right choice. This speaker is made in China, so initially I didn’t have any special hopes for the quality. But, to my surprise, this speaker model pleasantly surprised me. It is not expensive, it works quietly, the water heats up quickly enough, simple mechanical adjustments, and temperature control is provided.


I really liked the design. This immediately caught my eye in the store... In addition, the speaker is safe. There is no direct access to fire, everything is covered with glass. Convenient to adjust and change modes. You can adjust the burner power and water pressure. The water temperature is displayed on the LCD screen. The screen has a blue backlight. Our column can simultaneously supply both taps, in the kitchen and in the bathroom, with hot water. After turning on the column, the water reaches the desired temperature in a matter of seconds. But there is one drawback. If the batteries run out, you will have to sit without hot water. As I already wrote, you can’t get around here with matches. That's why we always have spare batteries on hand.


Ignition produces a spark, but the burner does not ignite

In cases where the electric ignition produces a spark, but the burner does not ignite, you should try replacing the thermocouple. Sometimes the problem is related to the solenoid valve, and after updating it, the equipment operates normally. You should check the ignition unit, because if everything is fine with it, but ignition does not occur, you need to look for a problem in the power wire or burner spark plug.

If a spark is supplied, the flame lights up, but immediately goes out, try holding the gas button longer. It is likely that the sensors responsible for the formation of the flame simply do not have time to warm up.

Preparing to set up a water heater

Although there are instructions for the Bosch, Selena and Neva gas water heaters on how to set them up correctly, not everyone understands how to do this. Having made a mistake at the very beginning, the device begins to work not as it should. You should start by regulating the water supply.

First of all, adjust the water regulation. If you do it at the last moment, then all the settings will be incorrect. The flow must be the smallest . The values ​​can be found in the documentation, they are usually 6, 10 and 12 liters.

The main thing is that there is only one tap for work.

General recommendations for repairs

Before you start repairing a geyser, you need to remember that this device is a device with increased danger and one of the key points when repairing it is strict adherence to all safety rules. When repairing, the following requirements must be observed:

  1. The water and gas supply must be shut off during any repair of the device.
  2. It is necessary to use only high quality parts purchased from specialized stores.
  3. After the heater or some of its components have been dismantled, you need to carefully check all joints for leaks after reinstalling it.
  4. There is no need to start repairing the speaker yourself if you have no idea how it works and what is the reason for its breakdown.
  5. It is also necessary to remember that after an unsuccessful repair attempt, the unit can be completely broken, so that it will no longer be suitable for repair, so you need to approach this problem carefully.

The most common malfunctions that occur during the operation of a gas boiler have been described above. Many problems are easy enough to solve on your own, but if you are not confident in your skills, it is better to turn to a specialist for help or carefully study the entire system. Otherwise, you can completely break the device, so no technician will be able to fix it, and in addition, the risk of harming others increases.

Therefore, when choosing a new unit, it is necessary to carefully study it and check the condition of all components, pipes and parts that will be responsible for supplying gas and igniting it, in order to avoid an explosion in the future.

Since childhood, I have been interested in design and repair. At first I collected airplanes, repaired broken toys, then I repaired kitchen equipment and helped my dad with renovations in the house. Today I am engaged in the design and installation of heating, ventilation, water supply and sewerage systems. Repair and installation of plumbing. In my free time I write articles on this topic.

Manufacturer – Germany

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14-0/0 RXZ14-0/0 RXI14-0/0 GRX
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pro 11-0/0 XZC+OE 19/2 XZ-C+remium SOE 19/2-24/2 XIPpremium SOE 19/2-24/2 XIpremium OE 19/2-24/2 XZpremium OE 24/2 RXIpremium OE 24/2 RXZ
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Powerful hood

This failure is especially dangerous for devices operating with open combustion chambers using natural circulation, when the vacuum is set by the height of the chimney, and air is taken from the room in which the column is located. When a powerful exhaust system is located in the house, opposite the gas water heater, when it is turned on, flue gases from the combustion space do not enter the atmosphere through the chimney, but are drawn in by the hood.

Additional Information! This leads to a drop in vacuum, separation of the torch from the burner, activation of the flame sensor and emergency shutdown. It will not be able to turn on until the exhaust devices are stopped. To prevent this type of failure, it is prohibited to connect them when the Oasis equipment is operating.

How to make a gas burner for a tandoor with your own hands

A do-it-yourself tandoor burner is an interesting and uncomplicated undertaking if you have the necessary tools. Making it yourself will allow you to more accurately select the desired parameters and geometric characteristics. To make your own, you must be able to handle a welding machine and drill. Have knowledge of connecting coupling fittings and conducting hydraulic tests.

Manufacturing will not take you much time if you set yourself a clear task beforehand, decide on the dimensions and characteristics of the burner to be manufactured. You need to look at existing analogues of products to understand the result you want to get.

The manufacture of the simplest and most reliable gas burner design will be described below.

Required materials and tools

To manufacture the most unpretentious burner device, the materials you will need are:

  • Half-inch gas supply pipe;
  • A pipe bender, or other device with which you can bend a pipe of the required diameter. If this is not the case, then you can use ½-inch half-bends at 45 degrees;
  • 90 degree bends;

Important! It is necessary that all these parts are the same size in terms of internal and external diameters. You will also need:

You will also need:

  • Piezo ignition button;
  • Ceramic electrode for igniting boilers;
  • Couplings, ½ inch bends – 1 set;
  • ½ inch gas valve – 1 piece;
  • Welding machine;
  • Cutting machine;
  • Drill;
  • Drill;

Manufacturing instructions

Evenly mark the locations of the holes (the number of holes and their size should be such that the sum of the areas of these holes is equal to the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe itself);

Drill holes; We bend the pipes;

We mark pipes and bends according to the required size of the tandoor. In this case, it is necessary to take into account that the distance between the welds is at least 50 mm. This way you will get an outer ring and, if the diameter is sufficient, then an inner ring with rays. Then weld all the parts included in this structure. Perform hydrotests of the structure to control welds. Just make sure there are no leaks

And pay special attention to the places where the structure exits the tandoor. Connect the piezo ignition so that the ceramic electrode is located at the nearest hole in the pipe (this is necessary in order to avoid the accumulation of natural gas in the furnace).

Install a coupling and mount a valve on the section of pipe entering the furnace. The structure is ready. Homemade tandoor burner Another option

Installation and connection

  • The burner is installed after testing in fresh air to determine the uniformity of gas supply and combustion. It is mandatory to check the piezo ignition multiple times under different operating conditions. Also be sure to test the adjustment range
  • Installation is carried out in the lower part of the furnace using spacer metal fittings. Installation on bricks with subsequent fixation of pipes is possible.
  • After installation, it is necessary to reliably seal the places where the pipes pass through the furnace wall. To do this, use either cement or mineral filler used in the manufacture of the tandoor itself.
  • Connection is made with a flexible hose to the connection pipe with the valve.
  • Tests of the installed combustion device can be carried out.

Ignition operating principle

Electric ignitions, which are equipped with most modern models of gas boilers, include the following elements: diode, resistor, capacitor, transformer, spark plug, switch. This convenient and practical invention facilitates the operation of the unit, speeding up its activation and configuration. With the help of a compact device, you can ignite a flame in a burner not only quickly, but also safely, without the use of matches and lighters, which tend to run out and deteriorate. The flame appears immediately after pressing a button or turning a lever. It is customary to distinguish between several types of electric ignitions for gas boilers - mechanical, automatic and semi-automatic. If the unit is equipped with mechanical ignition, to turn it on you need not only to activate the burner by turning the switch, but also to press a special button. The device will generate a spark and ignite the flame. If the electric ignition is automatic, then the equipment turns on when you turn the handle - there is no need to use additional devices. To be able to use automatic ignition, the heat-generating device must be connected to the network (a grounded socket must be nearby). If the electric ignition of a gas boiler fails, you should call a heating equipment repairman at home; this can be done on the website


High consumer demand and popularity of Oasis geysers are due to a number of undeniable advantages of these devices:

  • The high safety of using the units is explained by the presence of protective sensors that turn off the device in emergency situations.
  • The ability to provide stable heating of the coolant, regardless of pressure drops in the water supply system, makes the operation of the dispensers simple and comfortable.
  • The location of the main module away from the hot water pipe increases the safety of the device and protects important structural components from overheating.
  • The presence of a mesh filter protects the system of pipes and pipes from clogging and rust accumulation.
  • Economical fuel consumption is due to the presence of “Winter-Summer” modes. This allows you to automatically regulate the fuel supply and significantly save on water heating.
  • The presence of a heat-resistant alloy in the radiator eliminates the formation of scale on the internal walls of the device.
  • High efficiency rates and long service life distinguish Oasis speakers from other devices available in this price category.
  • The presence in the product line of turbocharged models capable of forcibly removing gas combustion products. They allow you to use the water heater without installing a chimney and make its operation even safer.
  • The modern and aesthetic design allows you to install speakers in kitchens and bathrooms without the risk of spoiling their appearance.
  • All Oasis models are equipped with a liquid crystal screen and a control panel, which makes using the device simple and convenient.

Gas smell when turned on

This is a serious and dangerous problem. Shut off the gas supply immediately! Contact your gas company.

The seal is probably worn out. Replacement in the event of a gas leak must be carried out by a specialist. We described above how to disassemble the gas-water unit and get to the oil seal.

Before using the equipment, read the instructions. It is recommended to carry out a preventive inspection of all components of the water heater once a year. Now you know what to do. And if you are confused, turn off the fuel supply and contact the service center.

Oasis instantaneous water heaters

Gas instantaneous water heater Oasis SG-20

The instantaneous type of water heaters has become widespread. The key feature of this model is that water will be heated even at low pressure in the water supply system.

According to user reviews, the Oasis instantaneous gas water heater has a number of advantages:

  1. The device turns on only when the water is turned on. This helps save energy resources.
  2. Functions regardless of electricity, because its operation is carried out using replaceable batteries.
  3. Depending on the season, you can choose the heating mode.
  4. The device is designed according to a special design that helps reduce costs.

How to light it?

Special literature usually indicates a clear procedure for igniting the device. First of all, oxygen access is opened. Then the combustion gas is supplied. The resulting mixture must be ignited immediately. Extinguishing is carried out in the opposite order: first the gas valve is closed, then the tap responsible for the oxygen supply is closed.

The problem is that if you turn on the oxygen first and then the gas, the flame is likely to be blown out by the oxygen flow. Therefore, the feed should not be opened completely, but by ¼. Some solve the problem differently: they initially open the gas, ignite it and gradually open the access of oxygen. This method helps to adjust the torch, and the only drawback is a small amount of soot.

Mixing cold water in the mixer

Many people, instead of adjusting the degree of heating on the gas water heater itself, mercilessly torment the mixer. If you open the cold water too much, the lit column will simply go out. If at that moment it was not burning, then it will certainly not catch fire. Make it a rule to turn on the hot water supply first, and only then the cold water supply. It’s best to adjust the degree of heating using the appropriate controls.

You also need to remember that intensive mixing of cold water is not welcomed by the developers of geysers - this can lead to their damage.

Malfunctions and methods for their elimination

Before you start troubleshooting the Oasis brand column and choosing a solution, you need to make sure that there is normal water pressure in the system and draft in the chimney.

It is better to check the draft with a candle or match; the flame should deviate well until it extinguishes.

Let's consider the most common malfunctions that appear during the operation of Oasis speakers, possible causes of their occurrence, and methods of elimination.

The flame in the burner does not ignite

If the Oasis gas water heater does not light up, there may be several main reasons.

Let's talk about the main ones:

Insufficient power supply to the speaker

Insufficient power supply or no power supply. The most likely and simplest reason for this malfunction lies in dead batteries.

If, when you open the tap, you hear a discharge crackling sound, there is a spark, the pressure is normal, but the gas does not ignite, then the reason is most likely in the batteries.

Over time they lose their capacity. Their power drops, they cannot supply the required current to the load. It is only enough to start a high-voltage generator, and there is not enough power to open the solenoid valve.

Deterioration of contacts in the battery compartment due to corrosion and contamination can also cause ignition problems. Corrosion can be caused by leaking batteries or moisture entering the contacts from the outside.

Repair instructions: replace the batteries with new ones. Alkaline elements should be installed. First you need to check the condition of the contacts. If necessary, wipe them with alcohol, or clean them with sandpaper, a knife or a file.

If corrosion damage occurs as a result of moisture ingress, the source should be identified and the leak repaired.

For chimneyless speakers, the lack of ignition may be due to a faulty power supply. Only in this case there will be no spark discharge.

Weak pressure at the water heater outlet

Deterioration of water flow through the column is a common occurrence.

If the water pressure in the system is normal, but the outlet of the column is weak, then there may be several options:

  • the filter at the inlet of the water block is clogged;
  • the throughput of the heat exchanger coil is impaired due to scale;
  • the mesh divider (aerator) on the hot water tap is clogged;
  • a piece of scale got into the flexible hose supplying hot water to the tap.

Remedy: remove, clean, rinse mesh filters under running water. Replace flexible hose. Clean the heat exchanger.

Water unit malfunction

Under the pressure of the incoming water flow, the membrane pushes the rod, which opens the mechanical gas valve and presses the microswitch button that activates the ignition.

This mechanism may fail for the following reasons:

  • the membrane is worn out, over time it loses its properties, elasticity, and breaks; the rod is stuck.

Repair instructions: disassemble the water unit. If the threaded connections are stuck, treat them with anti-corrosion agent WD-40 or brake fluid and leave for half an hour.

Then replace the membrane, lubricate the rod, spring and seal. It is better to install a new silicone membrane; it will last longer.

Malfunction of microswitch or solenoid valve

You can check the serviceability of the microswitch and solenoid valve with a multimeter. To do this, it must be switched to resistance measurement mode with a minimum limit.

Connect the probes to the microswitch terminals and alternately press and release the button.

If the readings of the device vary from one ohm to infinity, then the switch is most likely working. If the readings do not change, the microswitch is faulty.

To check the solenoid valve, you need to measure the resistance of the solenoid windings at the connector terminals. It should be about 400 ohms between the black and yellow wires, and the yellow and red.

Between the red and black wires - about 7 ohms. If the measurement results are significantly different, the solenoid valve is faulty.

Mixing flows

Unregulated heating modes, when hot water comes out at a temperature of more than 55 C, it requires cooling. In this case, the user opens the cold water tap in the mixer, which leads to a drop in pressure in the water supply. In cases of low-mode systems, this can lead to a complete stop of the column.

This temperature of heated water also causes intensive processes of scale formation in the internal heating surfaces of the water heater, due to the presence of hardness salts in the water - Ca and Na, which reduce the flow rate and overheating of the finned tubes until fistulas form and water leaks into the inside of the column.

Additional Information! In order to prevent these types of temperature violations, it is necessary to set the maximum heating temperature with the regulator to no higher than 50 C.

Popular models for apartments and country houses

A review of efficient Oasis instantaneous water heaters with an affordable price will help you make the best choice for arranging comfortable living in city apartments and the private sector.

Glass 20VGTUR 24B-12W
Removal of combustion productschimneyforced ventilationwithout chimney
power supplybatteriescircuitbatteries
additional functionsRCD, thermostatthermostatthermostat
antifreezeThere is
winter – summer functionThere is
price, rub.400090004000
productivity, l/min10125
automatic ignitionThere isThere isThere is
displayThere isThere isThere is
mechanical flame controlThere isThere isThere is

Model “Glass 20VG”

Glass 20VG has a low cost, energy-saving function, an anti-freeze system and sufficient performance to supply hot water to two points. Disadvantage: battery operation and the need for a chimney.

The TUR 24 consumes a little more power, but has forced ventilation, an electrical connection and greater performance, which makes this model more affordable. Installation and connection methods

Installing a gas water heater for the first time or when replacing a faulty one that has failed requires various preparatory operations.

When installing a gas device, the project must be agreed upon and the gas wiring to the installation site of the column must be correctly completed. The document indicates the characteristics of the room, installation location, and type of device. It is better to entrust these works only to specialized organizations licensed for this type of activity. The connection is made in accordance with the instructions and SNiP.

Before connecting, turn off the gas. Using a gas wrench, unscrew the hose nut. It is difficult to damage a flexible connection using a hose, but if the connection was made using metal pipes, it will have to be dismantled by sawing. It is better to replace old hoses.

Then turn off the cold water supply. Begin installing the water heater according to the attached diagram. The distance from the outlet of the exhaust gas column to the chimney must be at least 50 cm, but in rooms with a height of 2.70 m, installation with a height of 25 cm is allowed.

At the next stage, connect the water supply, connecting to the input and output of the column. Modern flexible hoses allow you to avoid leaks by tightening the fixing nuts. When using pipes, it is necessary to eliminate leaks with tow or FUM (tape sealant).

Then connect the gas. It is better to use the services of a specialist.

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