Which water meters are best to install? Installer review!

Place Name Characteristics in the rating
The best mechanical water meters: budget up to 900 rubles
1ITELMA WFW20 D080Best quality confirmed by users
2VALTEC VLF-15U-LThe most reliable counter
3Standard SVKM-15UBest price
4ECO NOM SV 15-110+KMCHMost popular model
The best mechanical water meters with pulse output
1Zenner ETWI-N DN 15The best combination of price and quality
2Itelma WFW24 D080High quality device
3Heat and water meter VSKhd-15-02Highest quality build
The best premium mechanical water meters
1Standard SVK-25Long service life. User selection
2Pulsar N00012571Fully electronic reading
3"Decast Metronic" VSKM 90Highest product quality

What to do after?

The final stage after installation is a mandatory performance check. To do this, perform the following steps sequentially:

  • turn on the water supply;
  • gradually open the ball valve;
  • check if there is a leak.

If everything went without a water leak and the meter is working normally, they call a Vodokanal inspector . After the inspection, the water meter is sealed, registered and marked in the device’s data sheet.

The private owner must receive a document confirming the acceptance of the device into operation, a technical passport with a mark on the date of the seal. Calculations of meter readings are carried out from this day.

You cannot install the seal yourself or invite private craftsmen . The sealing procedure is carried out after an official application for acceptance of the device for measuring water flow.

Important! Until registration has been completed, water meter readings cannot be taken to calculate the cost of water supply services. It is better to do the procedure immediately after successful testing of the metering design.

Best lists

In addition to the previously discussed meter models, we want to offer you the best water meters in the following categories:

  • best price;
  • universal;
  • for hot water.

Low price

The highest quality and budget option was the universal meter ECO NOM-15-80. The device operates at temperatures from +5 to +90 degrees. The verification interval is six years for both cold and hot water. The advantage of the water meter is its reliability; it can cope with the pressure of the working medium in pipes up to 1.6 MPa. The internal parts are made of high-quality plastic, thanks to which the IPU is resistant to external magnetic fields.


There are the following types of water control meters:

  • Tachometer.

The simplest, most affordable and most commonly used type of water meter in everyday life. The operating principle is based on the interaction of the flow with a paddle wheel, the rotation speed of which determines the dial indicators. Based on the design of the working elements, the devices are divided into several subcategories:

  1. With impeller.
  2. Turbine.
  3. Jet.
  4. Combined.
  5. No contact with water.
  6. Digital.
  7. With the possibility of hot water metering - depending on the set temperature.
  • Ultrasonic.

They are based on the passage of sound pulses generated by a piezoelectric module through a stream and received back by it. A fairly accurate device. Versions for domestic use are produced, but due to their high cost they are not in great demand. Among the main advantages is the non-volatile storage of collected data.

  • Electromagnetic.

It is based on an inductive coil that produces a corresponding magnetic field. Based on the nature of its change as it passes through the stream, the water flow parameters are assessed. They are distinguished by the most accurate measurements. However, they are very expensive and therefore are used only for installation on large objects.

Operation diagram of an electromagnetic water meter Source ytimg.com

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in water supply, sewerage and related work

  • Superstatic or vortex.

The device operates on the principle of dividing the flow into three parts using a special swirler and counting the frequency of transitions in individual channels. In private practice, such models are usually not used.

Advice! Popular brands of water meters offer the average consumer almost the same as not very well-known manufacturers. Therefore, when choosing a device, it is necessary to proceed, to a greater extent, not from the popularity of the brand, but from the cost, practicality and benefits of its use in specific conditions.

Taking readings

The counting mechanism of the VSKM water meter contains eight windows, behind which there are disks with numbers from 0 to 9 printed on them. Five black numbers indicate the amount of water flowed in cubic meters. Three red numbers show the amount of water in liters. The central panel also houses the MID sensor or DG arrow. There is an indicator in the form of a black star on a mirror background, which makes it possible to carry out verification quickly and without dismantling.

The counting mechanism itself can be rotated around its axis at any angle.

Features of installing a water meter in a private house

What is the difference between installing a water meter in a private house and installing it in an apartment? The fact is that two water meters must be installed in the apartment at once: one for cold water, the second for hot water. One device is installed in the house, and after it the route is divided into two branches: hot and cold water supply.

And one moment. Is it possible to install water meters on vertical sections of water supply? There is no ban on this; all water metering devices are made in such a way that they accurately calculate the consumed amount of water passing through them, regardless of their location in space.

Although experts recommend installing them on horizontal sections of pipes. If installation is carried out vertically, then it does not matter in which direction the water is supplied from bottom to top or top to bottom.

But during the entire installation process, it is necessary to adhere to the standard scheme for installing a water meter in a private house. Although it has the same installation in an apartment, there is practically no difference.

Source: https://otepleivode.ru/vodosnabzhenie/schetchiki/ustanovka-schetchika-vodyi-v-dome.html

Subtleties and nuances

When installing a water meter in a private house, you need to know the following subtleties:

  1. The choice of model depends on the location and installation conditions. For example, you should not install a regular meter in a well, or vice versa, a wet meter indoors. In the first case, the water meter can be damaged; in the second, you may incur unplanned expenses, since the wet water meter is more expensive.
  2. Operation of the device begins after sealing and execution of documents, such as a transfer and acceptance certificate and a subscription book. The sealing is carried out by housing and communal services inspectors.
  3. When installing a water meter, it is better to install a bypass to operate the water supply without a water meter. If there is no bypass, you will have to install a special insert when removing the water meter.

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Installation principle

Now let's move on to the main question - how to install a water meter in a private house? You need to start by contacting the water supply organization in order to submit an application indicating the request and the location of installation of the water meter with its further registration.

In this case, you need to ask two questions:

  1. Is it possible to install a water meter in a private house with your own hands, or must this be done by employees of Vodokanal or another organization that has a license to carry out this type of work.
  2. What water meters can be installed. The thing is that in each region there is a list of models that can be installed. Therefore, you need to familiarize yourself with this list. If you purchased a device in advance that is not on this list, you will have to either buy a new one to avoid problems, or license it, running around to various organizations where you will have to pay for the services provided. So it’s better to first familiarize yourself with the list, and only after that purchase the counter itself.

As practice shows, in many regions there are no strict restrictions on who will carry out installation work. Therefore, taking into account your financial situation and trying to save money, you can do everything yourself.

But in the end, you will still have to call the controller to register the device, because in the process of putting it under control, the water meter is first of all sealed. It would be ideal if Vodokanal workers do everything. It won't cost that much, but it's already a 100% guarantee.

Well construction

So, how is the meter installed? You need to start by digging a well. Usually, to do this, they dig a hole 1.2 × 1.2 m with a depth of 1 m. There is one very important requirement, which concerns the correct operation of the water meter in winter.

It is important that the temperature in the well does not drop below +5C, so you need to think about how to insulate the well.

Considering that the well structure will be lined with bricks or blocks, plus, it will be necessary to lay thermal insulation material, the pit itself will have to be expanded to dimensions: 1.7 × 1.7 × 1.3 m.

True, you will have to take into account the level of the pipe, which is a branch from the main water pipeline towards the house. That is, the depth of the pit may be deeper. In any case, the distance from the bottom of the pit to the pipe should not be less than 10 cm.

In this case, you will have to take into account that the bottom of the well will have to be concreted, since a solid foundation is needed under the walls of the structure. A concrete screed thickness of 10 cm is sufficient because the loads on it will be insignificant.

Next, the walls of the well rise. After which you can proceed to installing a water meter. To do this, the pipeline is cut at a distance of 20 cm from the entrance. Next, the size of the installed shut-off valves, coarse filter and the water meter itself is measured. And in this place the pipe is also cut.


Now you can proceed to installation.

  • First of all, a valve or ball valve is installed.
  • Next, the filter is installed.
  • After that the counter itself.
  • And the last one is the check valve.

It is clear that a valve is necessary to shut off the water supply for various cases: repairs, accidents, prevention, and so on. The filter partially purifies the water, which extends the life of the water meter. The latter counts the volume of water consumed. Why do you need a check valve?

Its function is to block the reverse flow of water from the internal water supply system of a private house.

For example, if there is a need to change the water meter or clean a clogged filter, then first of all the valve is closed, and the check valve blocks the route through which water can flow back.

It is clear that its functions can be performed by exactly the same valve or ball valve. Many owners of private houses do this. But the valve does everything automatically with a spring-loaded mechanism, and the valve has to be turned to close the pipeline.

All connections between the water supply elements inside the well must be threaded, that is, detachable. There is no need to use welding here, because one of the main requirements for water supply networks is their maintainability.

That is, repair operations carried out inside the well should not be a big problem for the owner of the house.

Attention! And one more point regarding the thermal insulation of the well - the top cover also needs to be insulated. Many people forget about this, and end up with a decrease in temperature inside the well tank.

So, if all the rules for installing a water meter in a private house have been followed, you can call a representative of the water supply sewer system to check the installation and seal the water meter.

Of course, you must first independently test the assembled structure to ensure there are no leaks through the joints and the correct operation of the water meter itself.

Therefore, the valve must be opened carefully; high water pressure can create an impact on the impeller of the water meter and damage it. After this, any consumer is opened to see whether the counting mechanism rotates or not.

After making sure that everything works and there are no leaks at the connections, you can call a Vodokanal employee.

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