Two-story frame house 5.5x9.5. Project DK-78 "Hearth"

A 5 by 5 house is a structure used as a small country house or as a living space for a married couple of 2 people. The newly erected building will serve as an excellent place for a spring holiday and free year-round pastime.

The construction of such buildings is not difficult, but still requires certain construction skills. Equally important is the ability to understand the construction design plan according to which the construction is being carried out.

Subtleties of choosing a project

Having decided to start building his own one-story housing, the developer probably already knows what exactly he wants to see upon completion of the work. Many people think that they can draw up a design plan on their own, but it is not so simple.

It is better to contact the design office and select a ready-made plan. But standard drawings are not always suitable for the individual construction of a one-story house and often require adjustments.

Factors influencing the design of a 5x5 house:

  • features of the proposed development site (type of soil, depth of groundwater, location of entrance gates, etc.);
  • the cost of constructing a building according to the proposed project;
  • purpose of the building;
  • optimal area.

Taking into account the above factors, the construction of the house will occur as quickly as possible and will satisfy all the wishes of the customer.

Typical small-sized houses are sometimes called “Scandinavian”. Most often, permanent occupancy is not planned in buildings. Therefore, in northern latitudes, such structures do not have large heating systems, and a frame with a panel structure is used as a building material. The design plans for such houses are very simple and uncomplicated.

Construction of a frame structure takes less than a week, and the price of the entire building is freely included in the annual salary budget of the average worker.

If the developer intends to operate the premises for residential purposes, then the design plan must include all the necessary communication components (heating, water supply, drainage, etc.). It is more profitable to use brick or imitation timber as a building material; they require additional insulation, but are still more suitable for life.

Whatever building material is used, the total area of ​​the finished structure will require the use of a small amount of furniture. But even such a space is visually enlarged and conveniently used using all the necessary interior elements.


A 6x9 house plan begins with determining its purpose - for permanent or seasonal residence. The building is for a young couple and their frequent guests or for a family of three or four people.

A building for permanent residence implies the need for insulation , communications, and the location of the toilet and bathroom inside. In such a house, as in the case of a seasonal option, it is possible to place and install a fireplace for heating.

Family composition and lifestyle are important when designing rooms. If the owners of such a small building like to invite guests and organize meetings at their place, then you should definitely think about a living room with a sofa. And if the inhabitants of the house are a married couple with a child, then it is important to place two bedrooms.

The placement of rooms can be different in a house measuring 6 by 9 meters for a family of four (parents and two children). For example, the entrance to the house begins with an entrance hall and a living room, which is divided into a sitting area and a dining room. From the dining room you can enter the kitchen and its work area through a bright arch.

The space allows you to organize two more small separate rooms. This will include a shared or separate bathroom, as well as a bedroom for the parents. In the living room there is a staircase to the second floor of the house.

The attic will accommodate one large bedroom for children and a play area. Another option is two separate rooms with beds and tables for studying.

Optimization of small space up to 30 sq.m.

The main idea of ​​optimizing living space is to get the most out of every free meter.

Drawings and layouts of small projects provide additional options for arranging the interior. A reasonable approach to the arrangement of furniture is a guarantee of creating free space and comfort.

Space optimization begins with determining the functionality of the room and its purpose as a whole.

House 5x4

The minimum size of a building structure, most often used as a bathhouse with a dressing room, but year-round living is not uncommon.

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4x5 houses are built from timber; the building layout provides for one main internal wall, which divides the space of the room into 2 zones: a living area and a recreation area.

Optimizing the space in the house is done with the help of multifunctional furniture, as well as by using all the free corners.

For example, the arrangement of dishes and other items is carried out on racks, which are included in advance in the plan for future construction. Thus, there is no need to install large bedside tables and kitchen cabinets.

To optimize the relaxation area, use a small bed with a 4-legged stand. So, the space under the bed will serve as a place for horizontal cabinets (bedside tables for clothes).

Additional space is provided by a 4 by 5 house design with an attic. The attic will provide an open area that will become a storage area for the owner’s shoes or a place for summer tea drinking.

Foam concrete structures rarely include a dividing wall in the design, since it takes up a lot of space, and an already small room becomes smaller. Therefore the completed building only has 1 room. To optimize space, additional chipboard or MDF boards are used or the room is divided into zones using furniture and curtains.

House 5x5

The size of the building is not much larger than the previous one, and accordingly, the optimization of the premises is carried out in similar ways. Additionally, a house made of 5 by 5 timber allows you to construct so-called “hides” where you can put little-used things.

For example, in the living area, where there is supposed to be a kitchen, a storage room is made in the floor. The same pantry can be included in a 5 by 5 house project with an attic, which will serve as a shelter for storage located inside the stair lift.

The ladder itself is also used for storing things, even if it has 3 steps. You just need to make steps with removable surfaces, and lay out the base from boards. In such “storages” a housewife can hide household items (brooms, dustpans, mops), and a man can hide car parts or garden electrical equipment.

When designing a home, it is more profitable to immediately allocate space for a terrace, which can be used as a summer kitchen.

Internal optimization of the room involves the use of vertical decorative elements, multifunctional furniture, and a minimum number of personal belongings and household items.

It is more profitable to build a 5 by 5 house made of foam blocks on 2 floors, with a living area on the 1st floor and a relaxation room on the upper tier. With a reasonable setting and proper use of space, the 2nd floor is further divided into zones.

The priority option for small houses is to combine the bathroom into one single room. It is advisable to include all the nuances and additional zones in the housing design plan in advance.

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House 5x6

The 5 by 6 house design involves the use of furniture sets that occupy space near adjacent walls along the perimeter of the house. Such household items are considered to be a set of kitchen or bedroom furniture with a corner transition. When using a corner set, there is a place in the kitchen to accommodate guests, while maintaining the space of the room.

The corner furniture under the seats has additional drawers that will allow the housewife to store rarely used, voluminous kitchen utensils there. The sleeping part of the room made of 5 x 6 timber can also be furnished with sliding furniture. So, by placing a soft folding sofa instead of a bed, you can not only optimize the space, but also place guests at the festive table, which previously looked like a small coffee table.

A 5 by 6 house with an attic allows you to move some of the kitchen furniture into the open air, in particular, the dining table and shoe rack.

Kitchen design and decoration on 9 squares

Now we’ve gotten to the visuals, but I’m always for functional design, so there won’t be anything about flowers.


9 m2 in the kitchen is enough to start... gatherings.

Therefore, lighting should have at least 2, and preferably 3 levels:

  1. Regular overhead light from spotlights. I don’t specifically call it the main one, because it is needed during cleaning and part of the cooking. The upper cabinets block this source and the tabletop will always be in partial shade - it’s uncomfortable to cut.
  2. LED lighting for the apron and tabletop. The most important light is the one that is used most often and should be called the main light because... and it illuminates the tabletop and is enough to go in and grab something or make coffee. In most kitchens, a grave mistake has been made - the backlight lighting is turned on with a button somewhere on it, because it was left to the responsibility of the kitchen technicians. You need to do normal wiring and switch on the backlight on a separate button at the entrance to the kitchen and nothing else.
  3. Light over the dining table or any place where you eat.

2 problems: the ideal color temperature of lamps for all rooms except the bedroom is 4500K - this is the shade closest to daylight, but not yet cold. Above the place where you eat, it is better to make 3000-3500K - this way the food seems more appetizing (These are evolutionary things because our ancestors ate food near the fire, and its color is warmer. All restaurateurs use this).

Don’t even think about illuminating the base - it’s always a little dirty and there are stains and, believe me, you don’t want to see every drop - you’ll live more peacefully.

By the way, we are in:


9 squares have enough kitchen cabinets and free surface on the countertop to lay out all the utensils and eliminate the need for rails.

An open apron can be a stylish accent. Textured tiles + lighting = beautiful shadows and volume. Or a glass skinal with 1 color behind it without drawings or patterns, as a modern design option.


In kitchens up to 9 sq.m. I always advise not to experiment with color. When there are no clear preferences, choose white gloss and generally stick to light colors.

This is a standard risk-free option, in which the design will turn out at least good. Read a detailed analysis with a bunch of photos about white kitchens with wood.

9 square meters is the limit of the kitchen area when you can start experimenting if you really want to. I strongly advise you to read my detailed material about the combination of colors in the interior - it will help you avoid standard mistakes.

Alternatives that are well suited for 9 m2: shades of gray (matte is stylish, but impractical) and all variants of dirty blue.

See many beautiful unusual options in the general article about kitchen design - I’ve collected a bunch of interesting color schemes there. There is a lot of gray in the article about the kitchen in the neoclassical style.

How to increase living space

When constructing small structures, experienced designers do not recommend isolating household premises from the main part of the house. Regardless of the amount of multifunctional furniture and secret storage rooms, the room will still seem small and there will not be enough space in it.

To optimize space, builders recommend giving preference to studio rooms, and developing 5 by 6 house projects with an attic, which will serve as a private open space.

Visual increase in space

In addition to the use of special furniture, the space of the room can be expanded visually.

Methods of visual expansion:

  1. Vertical objects. When decorating the interior, use more vertical decor (wall cabinets, elongated shelves on consoles, paintings), put up striped wallpaper.
  2. Color. When choosing shades, focus on light pastel colors. This also applies to furniture. Light colors visually enlarge the space and give a feeling of freedom.
  3. Curtains. You can raise the ceiling using a cornice screwed tightly to the base of the ceiling. Textiles need to be placed all over the wall, so that curtains and tulle will come from the base of the ceiling, visually lift it, enlarging the room. A good solution is vertical blinds.
  4. Mirror ceiling. We are talking about a special reflective film of varying degrees of reflection - PVC film. Mirror tiles are also used.

The spaciousness of the room depends on the amount of furniture and arrangement of household items.

Country house layout

A 4x5 frame garden house does not provide for year-round use, so the house drawing plan looks simple, without taking into account communication elements, which will have a positive impact on finances and the speed of construction of the structure.

The house design does not include a heating system and a bathroom. If heating is necessary, portable heating elements or heaters are installed. The development plan only includes the electrical supply system.

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When building a garden house on a site, it is appropriate to consider the issue of reducing the cost of construction and the materials used.

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