Projects of luxury houses and cottages: features of the high price segment

Respectable projects of mansions and villas are always relevant. Elite and VIP houses require high professionalism in project development and impeccable quality in implementation. What types of luxury house projects are there, what are their advantages - this will be discussed in the article.

Elite mansion project Source

Mansion: design and construction

Professionally completed mansion projects include a full description of both functional and decorative components of the premises. The functionality of the planning solution is the main factor that determines the design of the mansion. Any large areas are divided into: private, public, technical and residential.

Project of an elite house in the Art Nouveau style Source

There are 5 stages in drawing up a mansion project. Created:

  1. A step-by-step plan that describes the area, height of the rooms and other parameters.
  2. Material estimate.
  3. Plan of the electrical network, ventilation duct, water supply network and other systems.
  4. A schematic plan of each room, which shows all the furniture, interior items and their location.
  5. 3D model of premises and sketches.

Projects of luxury houses and cottages

They take into account all the layout wishes that the future owner will want to see. This point is especially important when luxury house projects are made for specific people. If such a house or cottage is planned outside the city, it is necessary to have a sufficient number of bedrooms and dressing rooms in it. Most often, bedrooms are located on the upper floors.

Option for planning an elite house: 1st floor Source

The first floor is often reserved for the living room, kitchen and rooms where you can relax. It is advisable to add a fireplace room, a swimming pool and a billiard room to luxury home and cottage projects. Future owners of the expensive sector meet these requirements more often than others.

Option for planning an elite house: 2nd floor Source

Construction of luxury cottages

The construction of elite cottages follows the classical scheme, which is also relevant for other buildings. The fundamental differences from ordinary houses concern only the interior and exterior. Therefore, other specialists are required to build luxury housing. In addition, the construction period is slightly different. Due to the fact that it is necessary to equip the premises with a cinema, a swimming pool and other structures that are almost never found in ordinary housing.

There are 6 distinctive features of an elite cottage:

  1. The construction of almost every elite cottage is carried out according to a unique project.
  2. Higher quality materials are used, which are selected taking into account environmental safety.
  3. Excellent interior design using high-quality decorative and finishing materials.
  4. They are equipped with the latest engineering system and various communications with the possibility of automatic control.
  5. The presence of a multi-person garage, a swimming pool, a gym with exercise equipment, a SPA complex, a cinema, a wine cellar and a small house where security and maintenance personnel live.
  6. A private place with a thoughtful landscape.

Interior design project for an elite house Source
See also: Catalog of house projects presented at the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition.

It is worth understanding that the construction of an elite cottage does not always involve the implementation of all of the above premises at once. Some owners limit themselves to only those rooms that will actually be used.

Projects of luxury brick houses: important factors

The design of a brick house is created taking into account the following factors:

  • For an elite brick house, you will need to conduct a soil analysis where construction is planned. Only after this they begin to develop drawings or select a standard project;
  • the foundation must be high-strength and deep.

Construction of houses

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In light of the poor environmental situation in big cities and the growing well-being of our citizens, part of the population is moving outside the city. After all, owning a home in any country is considered a sign of wealth and respectability. Naturally? Living outside a metropolis also has some disadvantages, for example, inaccessibility to transport, neighbors from different social classes and the lack of well-developed infrastructure. That is why the need arose for the construction of elite cottages.

Characteristics of an elite cottage

Over the past ten years, the word “elite” has firmly entered our lives. This definition did not bypass the real estate environment either. Not so long ago, people tried to move from towns and villages to the city, noisy and large, with its mass of prospects and opportunities for the future. But people did not want to give up staying closer to the land - they garden, have country plots and houses, and from time to time relax in nature.

Over time, cities filled up, the population grew, agglomerates became overgrown with the power of industrial industry, and therefore the environment deteriorated. The population of the concrete jungle reaches its maximum in the summer. But each person, depending on his needs and income, provides himself with a stay in nature in different ways: some are content with a wooden house, while others need an elite cottage, which is landscaped with the latest technology.

A cottage is classified as luxury real estate if it has certain criteria. Let's look at the main ones:

  1. Location. Such housing is not built using the infill development method in rural settlements: a cottage built among cheap dachas is not elite. On the other hand, an elite mansion cannot be located in an open field. Elite cottage villages, first of all, are located no further than 30 kilometers from the city.
  2. Infrastructure. The village must have a well-developed infrastructure: gas supply, electricity supply, water supply and central sewerage, as well as asphalted transport roads. In order for the residents of such a town to feel great and not deny themselves anything, compared to city residents, developers build shops, a sports club, entertainment facilities, a preschool, a school, a well-maintained beach, and provide garbage removal and security services.
  3. Construction Materials. When building an elite cottage, much attention is paid to the quality of building materials. Elite cottages are not built using frame construction methods. The materials chosen are porous stone, brick, concrete or durable wood, which ensure durability and strength, as well as environmental friendliness.
  4. Architecture. All houses in the cottage village are designed in the same architectural style, but at the same time retain the individuality of the interiors, since one owner needs a large sauna, and another needs an indoor swimming pool. A breathtaking view from the window is another requirement. A prerequisite is the availability of a parking space and a garage.

Each component in itself is mandatory, but not sufficient to classify a cottage as an elite building. And only the combination of all these criteria allows us to consider the house elite. Based on the above, it follows that there are no two identical cottage options on the luxury housing market.

Development of a project for an elite cottage

So, the realization of the idea of ​​an elite country house begins with the selection and purchase of a plot of land. An elite country mansion is part of an architectural complex called a “cottage town”. Only in this case will the property be devoid of the disadvantages that are inherent in ordinary suburban buildings. People of the same social stratum live in this town, so every resident feels comfortable.

The area of ​​the land plays an important role. 25-30 acres of land is considered optimal for a detached cottage, and 12-15 acres for a house in a cottage community. The site must have a well-defined landscape - the presence of trees, shrubs and open green spaces. The mansion should be surrounded by spruce, pine or other trees. Preference is also given to ecologically clean areas with convenient access roads on the banks of a river or close to a pond and green area.

At this stage, it is strongly recommended to use the services of an architect, because the term “elite” itself does not imply savings in any form! During the design process, the outline of the mansion, the area of ​​the premises, the appearance and facades are born. The project of an elite cottage includes floor plans, sections, a plan of the roof, facades and foundation, as well as an explanatory note.

Also at this stage, the elite cottage project is linked to the site. You need to determine where the facade of the house will be facing, where you want to make a passage to the front door or entry. It is important to take into account the location of the future mansion on the cardinal points. If you don’t think this through, then it may turn out that the bedroom is located on the sunny side, and there is no sun at all in the living room. Linking is also needed to determine in advance where the well, gas main, and septic tank will be located. Many owners who acted rashly felt this discomfort themselves!

In the process of designing a cottage design, 3D visualizations of facades are performed, so you can see how your future home will look, coordinate the relationship of individual parts and the overall design of the mansion. If necessary, solutions for decorative cladding of the foundation, materials and color of wall decoration, window sizes, roofing and architectural decor are selected.

If you wish, you can also develop a landscape design for the area adjacent to the cottage. Well, where would we be without this on the territory of your possessions! An elite cottage is not just a comfortable country house, but a harmonious fusion with the surrounding landscape. Therefore, special attention is paid to the natural environment.

In the course of such work, you will have to find out whether drainage is necessary, whether topographic survey, soil sampling, delivery or removal of soil, etc. are required. Remember that any site is unique and in each individual case there may be several solutions to one problem, when only specialists can help.

But remember that if the plot of land is forested, it is better to try not to cut down many trees for a house that does not fit on the free territory. It is best to slightly change the shape of the cottage, which can even add individuality to both your home and the site, as in the photos of elite cottages in catalogs.

As a result, you will receive a plan for estate buildings, automobile and walking paths, decorative streams, ponds, fountains and walkways, alpine slides, flower alleys, gazebos and sports grounds, as well as a lighting scheme for the area. And this is not a complete list of the elements of your land plot! Whether it will all be decorated in a natural French or strict English style is a matter of taste for the homeowner. Having approved such design documentation, you can safely move on to the stage of planning the internal space.

Planning the interior space of a mansion

An elite cottage should have a significant area - preferably from 250 square meters. However, this rule does not always apply. For example, if a cottage is designed for one or two people, then its area can be 150 square meters. All necessary premises are located under one roof. This applies to the bathhouse, the swimming pool, the garage, and the gazebo, although this is not a mandatory condition for the building, but it is the way it is.

An elite mansion should have a huge living room with a fireplace, a kitchen that is at least 25 square meters in size, a separate room for each family member, guest rooms, an office with a library, a billiard room, a sauna with a plunge pool, a winter garden, a gym, an attached or underground garage and auxiliary utility rooms. But in any case, standard drawings of elite cottages are never used.

In an elite building, services and technical premises should be isolated from the residential area. This fully applies to the garage, since the smell of gasoline coming from the basement garage is not eliminated in the summer even by the most effective ventilation system. Service personnel move along bypass galleries and corridors.

Additional comfort for those living in luxury housing will be provided by a spacious covered balcony or patio. This will allow you to be outdoors in any weather. Large windows emphasize the elite nature of the mansion. In some buildings, owners install floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors or huge panoramic windows, which better emphasize the proximity of nature. They also provide for the rational placement of bathrooms so that the plumber who comes to fix the problem does not need to enter the bathrooms.

According to many architects, elitism in architecture has nothing to do with architectural styles, although many will disagree with this. In the modern design of elite cottages, certain stylistic trends can be seen very clearly. In most cases, classicism is used: elegance and rigor of architectural solutions, symmetry in everything, graceful columns.

There are many supporters among wealthy people of modernism, which is represented by the American-Canadian version, and the demand for country and chalets is increasing. The presence of metal on the facade is another trend in modern housing construction. Creating decorative lighting for the facade can also give the cottage additional attractiveness. In any case, when choosing an architectural solution, the impeccable taste of the owners should be a fundamental indicator. The main thing is to be able to avoid unjustified shifts in architectural trends and styles.

Laying the foundation of the cottage

Now we are approaching another important point in the construction of an elite house - laying the foundation. If the foundation is made with violations, then be 99% sure that it will burst. You don't want cracks on the facade of your house, do you? Today we will not consider what types of foundations there are. Let’s better cover how to make a foundation so that it lasts at least 100 years. It doesn’t matter what kind of soil is on your site: loam, clay, black soil, sand, rocky soil, it is recommended to make the foundation pile-grillage.

Remember that the number of piles should be the same as the load your cottage requires. The distance between the piles should be at least 90 centimeters. A pile diameter of 150-200 millimeters will be sufficient. The most important thing is that the depth reaches at least 2 meters, in other words, below the freezing depth. High quality concrete is used.

Next, when building an elite cottage with your own hands, formwork for the grillage is installed on top of the piles. Under no circumstances should you go 5-10 centimeters deep into the ground. The grillage should be slightly suspended from the ground by 2-3 centimeters. The entire load falls on the piles, and the grillage acts as a connecting element for them. It is also required to distribute the load of the house and transfer part of it to itself.

Plus, a reinforced monolithic slab is poured onto the grillage, which completely connects the entire foundation and takes on all the remaining load from the cottage. The foundation made using this technology is very strong and not subject to any ground movements. And the load per 1 square meter reaches 780 kilograms.

Construction of the walls of the mansion

A lot is now being written about the usefulness of buildings made of natural wood. Therefore, it is worth considering the most significant factors that influence the choice of wood as a material for the construction of an elite cottage.

  1. Wood is a strong and durable material, and for your health it is the most beneficial and environmentally friendly. Thanks to the unique structure of wood, in which there is constant air exchange, the main problem of removing toxic substances from human activity from residential premises is solved. The use of synthetic materials contributes to the accumulation of fungi, bacteria and dust mites, as well as harmful substances such as hydrogen sulfide, dimethylamines, ammonia, benzene, phenol, formaldehyde. And 400 similar titles! The saturation of the air in any house with these substances and the absence of them in a wooden elite cottage determine the different well-being of a person.
  2. Air humidity in a wooden house is maintained within 45 - 57%, and this indicator is, in turn, the most useful for a person, and it will not even depend on the weather conditions outside the window. In addition, in such cottages the internal air corresponds to the time of year: in summer it is pleasantly cool, and in winter it is comfortably warm. Living in a wooden house normalizes blood pressure, improves sleep, relieves stress, stimulates memory, increases efficiency, and the sunny color of wood material improves well-being and mood.
  3. The wooden walls of an elite mansion are a work of art in themselves, unlike their stone counterparts. And in decades to come, natural wood will be perceived as richly as it is today. According to reputable developers, luxury houses made of laminated veneer lumber are among the most beautiful in the world; it is not without reason that the demand for them among the wealthiest clients grows every year.

Pine and spruce are traditionally considered the best wood in the world as a material for the walls of a house, which makes it possible to build an elite cottage that will last for centuries. Houses are built much less frequently from other materials. And that's why:

  • Spruce and pine are warm in winter. The main factor in choosing coniferous wood is its excellent thermal insulation properties due to the low density of wood. The thickness of walls made of solid pine or spruce should be 180 -200 millimeters.
  • Conifers do not heat up in the heat. Thanks to the unique structure of spruce or pine, luxury houses made of such material have the ability to “breathe” - in other words, to pass air in both directions through the structure of their fibers, which acts as a natural ventilation system for the building, but also eliminates heating of the walls, as happens in brick and stone houses in the hot season.
  • The wood texture has a very attractive appearance. Unlike other types of wood, the color and texture of pine and spruce stand out for their beauty. And besides, I would also like to remind you about the durability and reliability of this material: remember, the oldest houses in the world that have survived to this day are wooden.

Roof of an elite cottage

Construction of the roof is an important stage in the construction of an elite cottage, as it sets the architectural appearance of the building. Based on the wishes of the owners, as well as the use of the attic space, roofs can take on a wide variety of shapes with a variety of supporting structures. They are flat, pitched, hipped, attic, hip and others.

After you have built an elite cottage and installed all the floors, you can safely move on to roofing work. You should not save on this work, because the roof is a complex structure consisting of many components that provide ventilation and protect the building from condensation, moisture and heat loss.

If the roof is of poor quality, repairs may be required not only to the roof itself, but also to the underlying floors - ceiling, walls, floor. And therefore, expensive interior decoration and furniture may suffer. The construction of the roof needs to be thought through at the design stage of an elite cottage. In it you specify in advance the type, shape of the roof and materials to be used.

It is imperative to determine whether the roof will be used or unused, that is, whether you need attic space or not. The structure of the roof will depend on this. The roof, like the facades of the building, serves as a certain decoration of the building. To make your luxury cottage stand out from others in originality and appearance, you should choose a roof shape that matches the overall appearance of the house.

Thus, when building an elite cottage, you cannot save on anything! It is necessary to thoroughly and seriously approach the choice of site and carefully develop the design of the mansion and its interior decoration down to the smallest detail. This is the only way you can make your dream come true!

How luxury cottage projects are created

There are several rules by which highly rated companies create luxury cottage projects.

  1. Specialists adapt ready-made ideas to suit the customer. Thanks to the fact that future home owners offer their ideas and indicate what they would like to see in the cottage, they are always satisfied with the final result.
  2. The goal is to create not only beautiful and functional homes. It is important that houses are comfortable to live in. Beginners often care much more about design, while forgetting about comfort. The company's professionals create projects of comfortable and beautiful buildings.
  3. Often it is proposed to develop a project not only for the building itself, but also for the surrounding area. Companies that cater to high-end clients always employ a landscape design specialist. His services should not be ignored.

Thoughtful landscape design is a mandatory element for projects of luxury houses and cottages Source

How to capture a forest mansion?

  • What armor is needed? First, you should acquire either a full set of netherite armor or a full set of diamond armor. And it is better to enchant the armor to the 2nd level of “Protection”. Because the mobs that are in the mansion will cause huge damage. Especially when it comes to hardcore game mode. Although in this case, we advise you to read the guide on self-defense in the game Minecraft .
  • What weapons do you need? Again, you should take with you either a netherite sword or a diamond one. Moreover, any of these types of weapons must have the 4th level of the “Sharpness” enchantment so that the character can kill summoners with just 2 hits.
  • Is it better to take a bow or a crossbow? When choosing between these types of weapons, priority should in any case be given to a bow with an “Infinity” enchantment. That's why crossbow It's better not to take it.

  • What consumables should I take? You should definitely take golden apples along with potions. The main thing is not to overdo it with them so that they don’t take up a huge amount of space, otherwise you won’t be able to take everything out of the forest mansion.
  • What time should you start clearing the forest mansion? You should always start clearing this place only after the moon has set. Because only in this case there will be enough time to completely clear this place.
  • Which floor should I start from? You should always start on the first floor, as summoners are never found here. And on the second floor it will be more difficult - this place is crowded with champions and challengers (especially in the dining room). As for the third floor, it is the most difficult. In this regard, it makes sense to return home if necessary to replenish your own supplies. The main thing is to check all the rooms as you explore so that enemies do not enter from behind, otherwise the character will easily die due to the fact that enemies will squeeze him there.

Features of the layout of luxury houses and cottages

Projects of elite houses and cottages are usually complex and atypical. This is influenced by several important details of the layout of such buildings:

  • in an elite house the ceilings are often higher;
  • the common areas of the living rooms are larger, and they often have fireplaces;
  • the number of bathrooms and bedrooms is many times greater. As a rule, each bedroom has its own bathroom;
  • luxury homes usually have playgrounds;
  • wine cellars, a library, a swimming pool and a gym must be added to the projects;
  • Often, owners of luxury houses prefer to hire servants, for whom they build small houses.

Individual project of an elite house Source
Ready-made or individual projects of elite houses are always commercially interesting objects. This is a kind of investment for the owners.

Where are luxury cottage projects being implemented?

All projects of elite houses and cottages use impressive footage, because the size of the building area allows this. This space is larger than that of middle-class country houses. Dream projects are realized here, and the owners’ wishes always find opportunities to be realized.

Features of the elite sector:

  1. In rare cases, a small area is used for luxury development. More often it is over 500 m2.
  2. Most of the land plot is free from buildings. This creates an atmosphere of spaciousness and scale.
  3. Functional objects are harmoniously installed throughout the territory of the elite cottage: a garage, a sauna, gazebos, and an area with a swimming pool.
  4. For owners of a luxury home, the project, if desired, includes golf and tennis fields. Such an addition to the site always makes an impression and causes delight.

Elite mansion with a tennis court Source

Luxury house projects from real professionals

When selecting a developer, it is important to consider the orientation of the company. What materials does she use, what approach to projects, many other aspects.

Professionals are focused on:

  1. Exclusive - a team of specialists and technologists develop unique projects.
  2. Comfort in use - personal conditions for interior design and functionality are created for each family member.
  3. Durability – thanks to the introduction of modern construction technologies and the use of reliable materials, buildings are built to last.

It’s good if the company is large and is able to comprehensively provide all types of work - from a project to the complete implementation of a turnkey luxury home.

Swimming pool in a luxury home project Source

Projects of elite houses imply designer's supervision for:

  • building a house;
  • interior design;
  • interior improvement.

Visualizations from architects and designers show each room from different angles. Even before construction begins, it is clear how the space will be used.

How to find a mansion in Minecraft?

As a rule, a forest mansion will always spawn in a biome called " Dark Forest ". However, if such a biome is located near the character's spawn point, then there is no chance of a forest mansion appearing. Since it appears, as a rule, quite far from the character’s spawn point (the distance reaches several tens of thousands of blocks).

On the other hand, even in this case, finding a forest house is quite a difficult task. Only the so-called “Treasure Map” can help out. And it, in turn, can only be sold by a Minecraft resident with the “Cartographer” profession (by the way, in older versions of Minecraft it could be obtained from a resident with the “Archer” profession).

And finally, it should be noted that there is a possibility of encountering several forest houses at once on the territory of one “Dark Forest” biome. The only requirement for such a spawn is to select “Large biomes” in the parameters during world creation.

Design of luxury houses and cottages: process

When creating a project for an elite house or cottage, the future owner is directly involved. It is he who determines what style the house will be built in, which elements should be more and which should be fewer.

When distributing space, designers must remember not only comfort and functionality, but also originality. Nobody wants to spend tens of millions to build a house if similar premises have already been built in several cities. The project must be original or improved.

Original project of a house with a children's playground Source

Minimums and details

A distinctive feature of luxury housing is the number of bedrooms, bathrooms and guest rooms. In addition, the owners prefer to have fireplaces, swimming pools, cinema halls, various sculptures and paintings by famous artists. The filling directly depends on the amount of finance that will be invested in the premises.

Home cinema in a cottage Source

Ceilings must be at least 3 meters. Only high quality materials are purchased. Parking for at least 2 cars.


A house must not only be comfortable - it must also emphasize the status of its owner. You can do this in two ways:

  • choosing the right overall style of the house;
  • complementing the interior with expensive acquisitions.

You can decorate your rooms with expensive paintings by famous artists. This will be an unobtrusive hint to guests about who lives here and what opportunities they have. In addition, the garden is decorated with various sculptures and a beautiful fountain. It is necessary that everything be maintained in the same style. The designer is obliged to ensure that there is no strong contrast between the rooms.

Sculpture in the bathroom interior Source

Mansion projects

Home / Mansion projects

Deferred (0) Compare (0)

Number of projects in this category: 73
Total number of architectural projects in the catalog:

> up to 150 m2 from 150 to 250 m2 from 250 to 400 m2 from 400 m2

Country mansion No. S-439-1K

2 floors, dimensions: 18.6 x 22.8 m
438.5 m2
from 6,600,000 rubles

This project of a country mansion is prepared for people with good income.

BUY31 755

Mansion No. S-769-1K
3 floors, dimensions: 20.0 x 21.2 m
768.9 m2
from RUR 10,800,000

Having your own mansion is one of the attributes of a modern successful person.

BUY48 285


Julia [03/25/2014]
: Mansion project S-769-1K photo…

Brick mansion project No. U-370-1K

2 floors, dimensions: 14.8 x 29.7 m
370.23 m2
1 piece
from RUB 5,600,000

BUY60 000

Small mansion made of porous brick No. G-276-1K
2 floors, dimensions: 17.4 x 14.4 m
276.18 m2
from RUB 4,100,000

This small mansion made of porous stone, made with elements of classical style…

BUY50 000

classic mansion No. S-453-1K
3 floors, dimensions: 15.6 x 13.8 m
453.2 m2
from 6,800,000 rub

The appearance of the 10-room classic mansion displays features of Italian Baroque and Catalan architecture of the end of the last century.

BUY45 675

Project of a mansion with a Turkish bath and a swimming pool No. M-443-1K
3 floors, dimensions: 10.8 x 22.0 m
443.05 m2
2 pcs
from RUB 6,600,000

BUY40 000

Project of a respectable mansion with a swimming pool and a Turkish bath No. S-1547-1K
4 floors, dimensions: 34.4 x 30.3 m
1547 m2
from RUR 21,700,000

BUY 134 850

Project of a mansion with a swimming pool No. E-594-1K
3 floors, dimensions: 12.9 x 18.0 m
594 m2
from RUR 8,300,000

We present to your attention the project of a luxurious mansion with a brick swimming pool.

BUY50 000


Julia [03/02/2012]
: no reviews yet. We can say from ourselves that...

Project of a mansion with bay windows No. M-277-1K

2 floors, dimensions: 10.8 x 12.9 m
277.88 m2
1 piece
from RUB 4,200,000

BUY40 000

Brick mansion project No. S-1254-1K
4 floors, dimensions: 27.5 x 25.1 m
1254.1 m2
from 17,600,000 rubles

BUY 115 000


Julia [06/19/2013]
: Photos of built houses...

mansion with balcony 11 by 16 No. S-485-1K

4 floors, dimensions: 11.7 x 16.5 m
485.3 m2
from RUB 7,300,000

6-room residential house

BUY45 240


Julia [06/19/2013]
: Photos of built houses...

Project of a mansion with a ground floor and attic No. S-1385-1K

4 floors, dimensions: 23.7 x 28.8 m
1385.4 m2
from RUB 19,400,000

BUY 126 150

Project of a mansion with a garage No. G-236-2K
2 floors, dimensions: 14.1 x 12.3 m
279.9 m2
3 pcs
from RUB 4,200,000

BUY52 200


Hellas [06/06/2013]
: perhaps you meant the 3D model of the project, but...

mansion with swimming pool No. S-454-1K

3 floors, dimensions: 15.3 x 15.9 m
505.2 m2
from RUB 7,100,000

The seven-room country mansion with a swimming pool was designed in the tradition of noble estates near Moscow of the late 18th - early 19th centuries and has the compositional and stylistic features of the Russian Empire style of that period.

BUY37 845

Brick mansion project No. S-1562-1K
3 floors, dimensions: 20.2 x 32.3 m
1562.3 m2
1 piece
from 21,900,000 rub

BUY 155 000

House for a large family project No. M-501-1K
2 floors, dimensions: 16.9 x 22.4 m
501.1 m2
1 piece
from RUB 7,000,000

BUY45 000


Alexander [04/08/2014]
: …

Original house with a round tower project No. M-202-1K

4 floors, dimensions: 10.9 x 10.8 m
213 m2
from RUB 3,300,000

Connoisseurs of non-standard solutions will appreciate the original house with a round tower...

BUY33 000


Julia [11/13/2014]
: Good afternoon! According to the project, external walls are made of...

Brick mansion project No. S-1080-1K

4 floors, dimensions: 34.5 x 18.0 m
1080.4 m2
from RUB 15,100,000

BUY95 700

Project of a mansion with a swimming pool and a gym No. M-396-1K
4 floors, dimensions: 23.0 x 14.1 m
396.34 m2
1 piece
from RUB 5,900,000

BUY45 000

House villa No. S-701-1K
2 floors, dimensions: 22.0 x 32.3 m
701.1 m2
1 piece
from RUB 9,800,000

The design of this villa house is suitable for people with high incomes. The total area of ​​the house is 701.1 m2…

BUY82 650

Classic style mansion No. S-1281-1K
4 floors, dimensions: 27.5 x 35.7 m
1281 m2
from RUB 17,900,000

The project of this large and rich mansion in a classical style requires an owner with great income.

BUY 121 800


Julia [11/13/2013]
: thank you for your attention to our projects!…

Project of a modern mansion No. G-236-1K

2 floors, dimensions: 14.1 x 12.3 m
236.1 m2
3 pcs
from RUB 3,700,000

A project of a modern mansion for people who prefer good-quality classics. Symmetry of lines...

BUY49 300


Anton [09/05/2014]
: everything inside had to be redone! extremely...

Project of a mansion with a ground floor No. M-410-1K

3 floors, dimensions: 15.1 x 15.6 m
410.7 m2
1 piece
from RUB 6,200,000

BUY35 000

Project of a house with a swimming pool and a garage for two cars No. M-500-1K
2 floors, dimensions: 26.2 x 34.4 m
500.13 m2
1 piece
from RUB 7,000,000

BUY45 000

Project of a mansion with a winter garden No. W-279-1K
2 floors, dimensions: 17.6 x 16.5 m
278.7 m2
1 piece
from RUB 4,200,000

Two full-height floors in the design of this brick mansion accommodate many rooms for a comfortable country life.

BUY48 100


Julia [06/24/2014]
: Additional images of the house...

Project of a country mansion 600 sq.m No. E-605-1K

4 floors, dimensions: 10.5 x 19.6 m
605 m2
from RUB 8,500,000

BUY37 000


Gleb [02/26/2015]
: This project is sold in standard form, without...

Large country house with corner terrace No. F-417-1P

3 floors, dimensions: 20.4 x 15.0 m
417.29 m2
from RUB 5,800,000
foam concrete

BUY65 500

3-storey house with a garage for 2 cars project No. F-483-1P
3 floors, dimensions: 23.1 x 19.2 m
483.66 m2
1 piece
from 6,800,000 rub
foam concrete

BUY76 500

Project of a mansion with a sauna and bathhouse No. M-592-1K
3 floors, dimensions: 18.9 x 20.9 m
592.92 m2
1 piece
from RUB 8,300,000

BUY45 000

mansion with fireplace No. S-670-1K
3 floors, dimensions: 18.0 x 14.4 m
670 m2
from 9,400,000 rubles

Project of a two-story attic 7-room residential building.

BUY53 940


Yulia [06/18/2014]
: kitchen dimensions 4.49x5.16 (in a wide area), dry…


A country mansion is not just a residential building with a set of functional premises. It is an elite way of life, an artistic concept expressed in tangible materials through architectural means, and passed on to subsequent generations. Today, magnificent buildings are being erected based on designs for mansions and villas, sometimes not inferior to the architectural monuments of bygone eras.

Buildings based on mansion projects are based on expensive high-quality materials: brick, porous stone, rounded timber, and economical frame structures are not used. Mansion designs require, in addition to an exquisite stylish appearance, a rational layout of the interior, where there is everything for the most comfortable life for the owners.

Turnkey construction of luxury houses and cottages

There are 8 stages of building a turnkey luxury home:

  1. The client explains all his intentions. Company employees offer several options and agree on the details.
  2. Next, the project is developed and an estimate is drawn up. At this stage, the total cost is discussed. Customers have the right to increase or decrease it by refusing some decorative elements, etc.
  3. They purchase materials and deliver them to the site.
  4. The foundation is being poured.
  5. The walls are erected and the roof is installed.
  6. They make water supply, sewerage and electricity.
  7. Interior decoration.
  8. The owner of the house moves in.

Elite cottage project Source
If you order a room from professionals, the client’s participation will only be required in the first two stages. This is especially important for people who are busy with business or on vacation in another country. After agreeing on the project and payment, they can not be distracted by construction. High-level companies fulfill their obligations on time, so on the agreed date the client simply comes to check in.

Another small selection of photos of projects of luxury houses and cottages Source

Exclusive house projects

An exclusive house with a unique design is the first sign of a successful person. An elite, unparalleled house stands out not only for its design project. It is also distinguished by windows, doors, roof, walls and other elements that are different from the usual ones.

For the sake of a unique project and stylization, architects competently combine panoramic windows, columns, an unusual roof, a landscaped area with a fountain, etc. To create a unique project, it is not enough to make it beautiful or stylish. The house must be completely designed in one artistic direction. Only professionals remember this. Therefore, beginners get beautiful houses, but each room is different in the interior, which creates an unpleasant feeling.

Cottage in high-tech style Source

When choosing an artistic style, the customer must be nearby. It is his opinion that should play a key role in decision making. Only after it has been decided what style the room will be in, the design begins.

Projects of luxury houses and cottages can be different!

Country villas and mansions are isolated representatives of private housing construction, the main features of which are: large size, architectural complexity and richness of decoration. But, with all this, mansion projects can be quite small - 250-400 square meters . Here you will find such projects and even more luxurious buildings, ranging from 400 square meters . As we have already noted, VIP housing projects are replete with such details as unusual architecture, the presence of a swimming pool, gyms, billiard rooms, etc.

Studying projects of luxury country houses , you will see that their implementation will be an excellent investment in real estate. Why? The thing is that our specialists used a combination of practical and commercial approaches when developing projects. That is, when drawing up the project, the most optimal technical solutions were selected in terms of materials, their cost and durability, plus, the architectural component was worked out in such a way that in the future the value of real estate on the secondary market would only increase.

By choosing our luxury mansion projects, you are making an invaluable contribution to the common cause of passive investing. Separately, we note that all projects are designed for maximum durability, so that the mansion will become a real family nest, the pride of the family. Start creating the future now. We will be happy to help you choose a suitable project based on your needs. If you do not want to waste time searching for a project, but at the same time have a list of clear requirements for your future home, contact us and we will offer the most suitable ready-made cottage project.

Premium wooden house projects

Each country has certain housing construction styles. In the Russian Federation and many Slavic countries, traditional buildings have always been wooden houses. The presence of a good-quality wooden house indicated the high status of the owner.

Undoubtedly, the first advantage of the premises should be the design. Correct selection and calculation of inclusion of all details plays a key role.

Project of an elite wooden house Source

A premium class wooden house project should include:

  • correct external and internal finishing. Almost any house made of wood does not need finishing. This should be taken into account when drawing up the project;
  • maximum comfort and special indoor microclimate. It is unacceptable to install furniture and appliances made of materials that can disrupt the pleasant microclimate and aroma of a wooden house.

Prices for wooden house projects are not high. Most wooden houses do not need a foundation. Therefore, you can save a lot of money on such housing. Taking this factor into account, a considerable part of the wooden housing market is reserved for the middle class.

Elite house made of wood Source

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