Which wooden windows are better? Production technologies and materials

Surprisingly, there are more than ten types of wooden windows alone on the modern market. Various systems, depending on the country where they were invented, were given “geographical” names: Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, German, French or English, and each of them has its own characteristics, so it is impossible to say with confidence which is the best manufacturer of wooden windows.

Let’s try to figure out what the differences are between this “international” and find out which wooden windows are better.

The basic package of any Eurowindow includes:

  • wooden profile (box, frame, impost) and finishing;
  • glass unit;
  • accessories;
  • additional components (seals and drainage tire).

No. 1. Frame material

The frame of wooden Euro windows is made not from solid wood, but from three-layer laminated veneer lumber . This design provides the window with the greatest durability and resistance to negative environmental factors. It’s almost impossible to find a frame made from solid wood today, but if suddenly someone offers something similar, then you shouldn’t opt ​​for this option.

One of the most important parameters of the frame is the type of wood , which largely determines the properties of the window. The most commonly used breeds are:

  • pine. Coniferous wood is cheaper, but does not have record durability. Pine, due to the presence of resin passages, will exude a fresh forest aroma, which has a positive effect on the microclimate of the room. According to the degree of resinity, pine comes in two types: tar and pipe. The first option is resistant to moisture, so it is recommended for use in areas with high humidity. Coniferous species are also characterized by increased softness: on the one hand, this is a minus, since dents may remain, but, on the other hand, softness allows frames of any configuration to be made from pine;

  • oak is the hardest and most durable species, which will ensure maximum durability of the structure. The disadvantages include heavy weight, so the thickness of such a profile should be the minimum acceptable. Oak wood retains heat worse than coniferous wood. The process of preparing the material involves drying the wood; this is a technologically complex process and the correct execution of it affects durability and many other performance indicators. Since it is impossible to understand when purchasing how correctly the drying was carried out, it is better to trust your choice only to trusted manufacturers;
  • larch has become the most popular choice today, because it combines the advantages of the two previous options. This is a lightweight wood with high strength and low price. An additional advantage of larch is that if there are any violations during the wood processing process, cracks and deformations immediately appear, which are noticeable to the naked eye, so choosing high-quality larch is much easier than choosing high-quality oak.

Retail prices

Each of the mentioned manufacturers produces products from 100% natural materials. It is a mistake to believe that a window profile can be made from a standard board, which is used in the construction of a country house. For such structures, only the best sorted material is accepted, which undergoes multi-stage processing and preparation. All this inevitably entails an increase in price.

In this regard, windows made of natural wood belong to the category of expensive goods. The minimum cost of the product per 1 m2 of finished product with installation for each manufacturer is given below :

  1. "Rehau":
      2nd class pine (up to 10% - 15% knots) - from 11 - 12 thousand rubles.
  2. 1st class pine (less than 5% knots) – from 13 – 15 thousand rubles.
  3. Larch – from 18 – 20 thousand rubles.
  4. Krauts:
      Pine - from 19 thousand rubles.
  5. Larch - from 23 thousand rubles.
  6. Oak - from 23 thousand rubles.
  7. Wooder:
      Pine - from 19 thousand rubles.
  8. Larch - from 21 thousand rubles.
  9. Oak - from 24 thousand rubles.
  10. Red meranti – from 29 thousand rubles.
  11. “Dana” - the company offers products made from high-quality pine at a minimum price of 20 thousand rubles.
  12. "Yukko":
      Pine – from 12 thousand rubles.
  13. Larch - from 22 thousand rubles.

  14. "Dentro":

      Pine - from 16 thousand rubles.
  15. Larch - from 18 thousand rubles.
  16. Oak - from 25 thousand rubles.
  17. Vinchelli:
      Pine - from 14 thousand rubles.
  18. Larch - from 16 thousand rubles.
  19. Oak - from 23 thousand rubles.
  20. Skandiokna:
      Pine – from 12 thousand rubles.
  21. Larch - from 16 thousand rubles.
  22. Oak - from 19.5 thousand rubles.
  23. Red meranti – from 29 thousand rubles.
  24. "Window Factory":
      Pine – from 10 thousand rubles.
  25. Larch - from 11.5 thousand rubles.
  26. Oak – from 18.5 thousand rubles.

All the above prices based on 1 m2 are accepted for the simplest products with 2-chamber glazing in a solid design. Prices are taken from the official websites of the brands described.

No. 2. Characteristics of the “profile”

Calling a wooden frame a profile is a stretch, so this word is used in quotation marks. In this case, a profile is understood as a whole set of parameters , incl. the type of wood, the thickness of the timber and the use of additional overlays.

In the production of wooden windows, three-layer laminated veneer lumber is used, which allows you to get rid of deformations under the influence of negative environmental factors, as well as provide increased strength and durability. For domestic conditions, it is better to choose timber with a thickness of at least 78 mm .

During the production process, wood goes through three stages of drying, after which it is discarded. To make a window frame, it is unacceptable to use wood with knots, cracks, resin pockets and core parts. The processed and selected board is spliced ​​along its length and then through its thickness. For gluing, water-repellent glue , and the boards are placed so that the fibers are in different directions . Thanks to this technology, wood receives additional strength and does not deform in conditions of high humidity and temperature changes . Compared to a solid frame, the strength of laminated veneer lumber increases by 80% and rigidity by 40%.

Many performance qualities depend on the quality of wood drying . In most cases, it is impossible to check this parameter when purchasing, which is why the name of the manufacturer and the presence of a certificate are so important. When choosing, you can evaluate another parameter of wood quality - surface features . It should be smooth, without roughness or uneven joints, and the paint should be applied in an even layer.

It is important that environmentally friendly and breathable primers and paints are used in the manufacture of the structure. Some manufacturers offer the use of aluminum overlays , which protect the wood from exposure to sunlight, protect against negative atmospheric influences and prevent the wood from absorbing smog. Such overlays will be useful in cases where the region experiences constant high humidity, temperature changes and frequent precipitation, or there is a high content of smog and smoke in the air, which is typical for large cities.

Environmental Safety

Polyvinyl chloride, which serves as a material for window profiles, is a chemically inert substance under normal conditions. What cannot always be said about stabilizers, modifiers, pigments, and other additives in PVC profiles. But work in this direction is ongoing. For example, lead salts, previously used as a stabilizer, have given way to harmless zinc and calcium compounds.

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Speaking about the environmental friendliness of wooden windows, do not forget that wood is treated with numerous impregnations: against insects and mold, unwanted exposure to moisture and ultraviolet rays. All such compounds are of chemical origin.

Conclusion: today, for both types of windows, produced with strict adherence to technology, the content of harmful substances does not exceed permissible standards.

No. 3. Double-glazed window parameters

Since the double-glazed window occupies the largest area of ​​the window, maximum attention should be paid to its characteristics. Single- and double-chamber double-glazed windows have become the most popular today. The chamber is understood as the space between the glasses, which means that in a single-chamber double-glazed window two glasses are used, in a two-chamber double-glazed window - three, etc. The more cameras there are, the better the heat and sound insulation properties the window gets. The width of the glass unit directly affects the ability to block noise and cold.

The thickness of the glass is usually 4 mm , the chamber is filled with air, inert gas or vacuum, the glasses are connected by an aluminum frame. In double-glazed windows, the middle glass can have a thickness of 6 mm , which ensures an increased level of thermal insulation. The distance between the glasses in a double-glazed window can be the same, or maybe different. In the latter case, it is possible to achieve an increased level of noise insulation. Some manufacturers install regular glass along with double-glazed windows, improving heat and sound insulation. Double frames are used for the same purpose.

For warm, quiet areas, single-chamber double- glazed windows are suitable; for cooler and noisier areas, double-glazed windows . For the coldest regions or for apartments near busy highways, three-chamber structures can be used, but as the number of chambers increases, the weight and thickness of the window increases.

No. 4. Type of glass in a double glazing unit

To meet ever-increasing demands, manufacturers are constantly offering new types of glass. Today, in addition to the most common float glasses, the following can be used:

  • selective glasses that help maintain an optimal indoor microclimate under different external conditions. A special coating allows light rays to pass through, but prevents thermal radiation from escaping from the apartment, so that heat will not leave the room in winter. In summer, heat from the street, on the contrary, will not be able to penetrate inside due to the same spraying, so it will be possible to keep cool. At the moment, there are two types of selective glasses : i -glasses have greater transparency and efficiency, but are afraid of negative atmospheric influences, and k -glasses are easily tolerated, but their efficiency is lower;
  • Triplex glass boasts increased strength and safety. They are made by combining several glasses and a thin laminating film. An additional advantage of such glass is its high noise insulation qualities;
  • sun glasses their name gives away the features of the purpose. They are used in cases where the windows face south and an excessive amount of sunlight enters the room. Such glasses are made by coloring in bulk or through the application of special coatings. Coatings are designed to reflect or absorb the sun's rays, preventing the rays from penetrating through the glass. As a coating, a thin metal layer or a layer of metal oxides is applied to the glass, which can absorb part of the radiation. Solid-colored glass also retains sufficient amounts of solar heat and light;

  • Tempered glass acquires increased strength and resistance to temperature changes due to special thermal or chemical treatment. With strong impacts, such glass shatters into small, non-sharp fragments;
  • reinforced glass is obtained through the use of metal mesh; they are durable and fireproof, but are used extremely rarely in wooden windows.

No. 5. Wooden euro-window seals

In order for the window to be as airtight as possible and reliably protect it from drafts and other negative influences of the external environment, some of its most critical places need to be sealed. Conscientious manufacturers use sealant in the following places:

  • the area where the double-glazed window is adjacent to the “profile”, it is often also called the area of ​​glazing beads;

  • glass joint area;
  • the vestibule area, i.e. along the perimeter of the opening sash.

For all these areas, sealant of different widths and section shapes can be used, but this is not as important as what material the sealant is made of.

As a rule, the seal for wooden euro-windows is made from the following materials:

Some manufacturers and sellers talk about using a rubber-silicone seal , which supposedly has the advantages of both materials. This is nothing more than an advertising gimmick, and most often thermoplastic rubber is hidden under this name.

A little history of windows

The modern window, in the version in which you are accustomed to seeing it, has come a long way in development. It began with an ordinary hole in the wall of a wooden house facing the street. The hole in the housing used to have a simple function of additional lighting and ventilation. Over time, due to natural elements and the danger of animals and mythical creatures entering ancient houses, people abandoned the opening to the outside. This continued until the 10th century.

And after the 10th century in Russia, rich people began to build their residential wooden houses with an opening in the shape of a rectangular window (a kind of viewing window), which was covered from the outside with wooden boards. Windows of this design were cut out of two logs stacked on top of each other.

Since the 13th century, window design has been constantly improved. With the change of eras, rulers and architectural styles, the window acquired new shapes and appearance.

With the advent of the twentieth century, PVC window profiles were invented, and plastic windows appeared in our country in the early 90s. Having gone through a long path of development, windows now have no limits to perfection; they can be manufactured and installed in any shape, from plastic, aluminum, from such types of wood as larch, pine, oak.

Plastic windows created a real sensation - then they replaced wooden frames with glass on glazing beads and looked like an example of comfort, practicality and design excellence. Today the situation has changed: the dominance of unnatural gloss “hospital” color is forcing owners of country houses and apartments to increasingly pay attention to models with wooden frames. The latter look more natural and have a natural and harmonious aesthetic.

But what kind of windows should be installed in a wooden house if the indoor microclimate, sound insulation and dust protection come first? What explains the huge difference in price and what determines the performance characteristics? Let's compare both options in detail.

No. 6. Ventilation of wooden euro windows

Manufacturers often list their ability to breathe as the main advantages of wooden euro-windows. Of course, natural wood allows air to pass through well, but in the production of windows it is treated with a lot of protective agents, varnishes and primers, and these materials significantly reduce its ability to pass air through. On average, this design passes 3 liters of air per hour, while only one person needs 60 liters per hour. That is why additional window ventilation , which in wooden euro-windows is implemented in one of the following ways :

  • micro-slit ventilation ensures a slight opening of the window sash, due to which normal air exchange occurs, but at the same time heat and sound insulation is maintained at a sufficient level;

  • The comb allows you to open the window to the required level. This is the simplest and cheapest design possible, which allows you to leave both the smallest gap and a fairly decent one;
  • window, well known to us from old windows, can provide an excellent level of ventilation in wooden euro-windows. When it opens, fresh air rushes upward, providing soft and effective ventilation. The only negative is the reduction in the transparent part of the window.

Ventilation valves are not usually used in wooden euro-windows, but to ensure more efficient ventilation, you can use a ventilation valve built into the wall. Its arrangement is more expensive and labor-intensive, but the result is worth it.

Cost of windows for a country house made of wood

Prices for wooden windows with high-quality double-glazed windows are slightly higher than their synthetic counterparts, but the difference in price is easily compensated by the increased service life and environmental friendliness of the material used in production.

When thinking about which windows are best to install in a wooden house, it is worth considering the aesthetic qualities of the frames. No matter how hard PVC profile manufacturers try to style it as a natural solid, plastic always remains noticeable. But the natural texture of pine, oak or larch always looks more impressive, especially in a wooden house.

For example:

Here is an example of the cost of a window of the same size, single-leaf, tilt-and-turn:

— A wooden window for a house made of pine wood measuring 1500 x 700 mm will cost the buyer only 7,837 rubles.

— The cost of a plastic window for a wooden house from the KBE profile is not much lower; with the same dimensions and functions, the price will be 7,300 rubles.

Is it worth saving if the difference is not significant, but the benefits from the positive qualities of the tree are obvious? You decide.

No. 7. Accessories

No matter how high-quality the glass unit and wooden frame are, if poor fittings are used, the structure will not be durable. Since the weight of a double-glazed window is quite high, and some types of wood are especially heavy, the choice of fittings requires special attention.

A window handle can be made of metal, plastic or wood, and its functions are often not limited to just opening, closing and tilting the window. The handle can be supplemented with a lock that prevents the window from opening, but allows it to be tilted - a necessity when there are small children at home who can open the window, the consequences of which can be catastrophic. Removable handles accomplish the same task. Anti-burglary handles equipped with a special locking mechanism protect against entry by outsiders.

As for hinges , they can be standard overhead ones: they are clearly visible, but with a suitable design they become a window decoration. Screw-in hinges are attached to the sash and frame using several pins, providing a secure fit. Mortise hinges are invisible, they allow you to open the window wide and are used more and more often today.

Locks can be used if necessary . They will protect against unauthorized entry or become an additional security feature that does not allow children to freely open the window.

The fittings do not include a mosquito net, window sill and ebb, but these are also important design elements. A mosquito net will protect you from insect attacks in the summer, and in the fall and winter it will become a reliable barrier to poplar fluff, leaves, branches and other debris. Many users do not install flashing, considering it not so necessary, but with it you can maintain the waterproofing of the window for as long as possible.


To decorate windows, decorative lintels are used - bars made of metal, wood, plastic. They can be wide, narrow, straight, carved, arched, round. With their help, they create any design drawings on the window leaf.

Main types of layouts:

  1. Constructive. In this case, the decor divides the canvas into independent double-glazed windows. Such structures are used for glazing large areas. Sprats have a width from 56 to 160 mm.
  2. Venetian. This is a fake binding glued to the glass on 1 or 2 sides. It can have a trapezoidal or semicircular cross-section. Protrudes above the surface by 5-15 mm. The width of the planks ranges from 20 to 40 mm. They are glued with tape or silicone glue. Contact with glue can lead to a decrease in the thermal insulation properties of glass.
  3. Viennese. They are placed like the Venetian ones, but using spacer frames in the middle of the glass unit.
  4. Interglass. These are slats that are placed inside the glass unit. To ensure that the spacers do not reduce the thermal insulation properties of the glass, the distance between them must be at least 12 mm. In addition, spacers are used around the perimeter of the frame.
  5. Invoices. This is a separate frame made of metal or wooden slats, placed outside the windows at a distance of 3 mm. It is simply attached to a wooden box using latches or hinges.

The frames for wooden windows look beautiful and are made of the same material as the frames or metal.

No. 8. Design Features

A wooden window in any case has a chic, expensive appearance, but in addition to the standard design, today you can also find numerous interesting solutions:

  • painting and varnishing. Using varnish, you can preserve the natural color and texture of wood, if necessary. If you want to give the wood some special shade, then you can use translucent and opaque paints, which allow you to achieve the desired color while maintaining the texture and fit the window into the interior;
  • brushing and patination allow you to get an aged surface of the frame, which will be very useful in a Provence-style interior, for example;

  • The carving on the sash will give the window a completely exclusive appearance. You can cut out both floral patterns and some symbols, words, etc.;
  • decorative layout allows you to divide the window into several parts with thin partitions. This creates an interesting decorative effect and strengthens the entire structure;

  • stained glass.

In addition, some manufacturers offer custom-shaped windows: round, arched, polygonal, with wavy partitions. The scope for imagination is enormous.

Which windows are best to choose?

1. Standard openings in standard apartments are best equipped with wooden windows made of larch: with double-glazed windows in the middle zone, and three-chamber windows in the northern regions. If you don’t have enough money for such a purchase, you can take a combined version made of pine and aluminum. There is also no need to chase a complex design - a “German” window with one swing sash, additionally equipped with a tilting mechanism, is quite suitable.

2. For cramped unheated rooms (loggia, corridor, cold storage room, etc.), aluminum or cheaper PVC windows with lifting, tilting or sliding sashes are suitable. In the profile, 3 cameras are enough, and you can choose a single glass unit.

3. Tall French windows in a country house or medium-sized traditional openings will look good in a frame design. Any wood is suitable for such structures, and the doors can open both inward and outward. As an option for narrow windows, you can consider “English” lifting frames, if winters in your region are not too severe.

4. It is better to make low and long windows under the ceiling or in the attic roof suspended by choosing external opening models. The profile here must be especially resistant to moisture, which means you need to choose between aluminum and metal-plastic.

5. If you have furniture, large household appliances or other large items close to the window, it makes sense to order mid-pivot windows. When opening, they move and do not catch objects installed nearby. Choose a lighter material (plastic, pine) so as not to bend complex fittings.

No. 9. The best manufacturers of wooden euro windows

The name of the manufacturer also plays a vital role when choosing wooden windows. Trusted and proven companies will not spoil their reputation with low-quality products.


The company has been operating on the Finnish since 1977, specializing in the production of wooden and wood-aluminum windows. Today the manufacturer is considered not only the largest in its country, but also one of the most popular in Europe. The company's windows adorn numerous homes, hotels and manufacturing plants around the world, in completely different climates. The company's employees are constantly improving products and testing finished windows for the level of heat and sound insulation, and the products always show good results. The company's assortment includes several model ranges, which feature products in different price ranges. Thanks to a developed system of representative offices, Tiivi windows can be easily purchased in Russia.


better than Finnish wooden euro-windows, so another company from Finland, Lammin IKKUNAT, has made it to the list of top manufacturers. Coniferous wood is used to produce windows; the outside is impregnated with an antiseptic under pressure. The customer can choose absolutely every element of the window, creating an ideal design for himself. The manufacturer offers the use of 2-, 3- and 4-chamber double-glazed windows; it is possible to install selective glass, paint the frame, etc.


Gaulhofer is an Austrian company that was founded in 1919 as a small workshop for the production of wooden furniture. Today it is a large international company with production facilities located all over the world. Gaulhofer windows are a guarantee of quality and durability, which is why they are in high demand in the European and domestic markets. The company has many patents, incl. in the field of energy efficiency of windows. Wooden windows here are made from larch and spruce, giving customers the opportunity to create a window according to individual requirements and equip it with the necessary accessories: blinds, mosquito nets, roller shutters, which are also produced by the company.


Windows from this Finnish manufacturer are installed annually in hundreds of thousands of homes around the world. When developing new models, the company pays special attention not only to appearance, but also to thermal insulation characteristics. Pine wood is used to produce the frame; double-glazed windows are ordered from the British company Pilkington and the French company Sain-Gobain. The company guarantees that their windows will serve faithfully for at least 70 years.

SSC Joinex

The Swedish company SSC Joinex has been present on the joinery market for more than 70 years, and during this time it has accumulated a wealth of experience in wood processing. Today the company specializes in the production of luxury window designs. Excellent technological equipment, the use of innovations and a large number of different offers allow the company to confidently remain among the leaders in this field for many years in a row. The company offers both standard and special windows, and thoughtful design solutions along with the use of high-quality materials ensure high demand for products. The wood used is oak and pine; the glazing can be standard, shockproof, mirrored, or tinted. High-quality fittings and double-glazed windows are used.


Another Finnish company that has proven itself to be reliable and well-thought-out products in all aspects. Wooden windows have been produced here for more than 35 years, and today the company offers a lot of interesting solutions. There is, for example, a series of windows designed specifically for the harsh northern climate. All windows from the manufacturer are equipped with a convenient multifunctional handle, with which you can not only open and tilt the window, but also open it inward, which provides additional convenience, especially when washing.


This is a domestic company with European quality standards. The story began in 2000, when it supplied wood to European petrochemical companies. Later, carpentry was mastered and in 2002 the production of wooden windows began. A little later, the production was equipped with European production lines, which made it possible to bring the products to a fundamentally new level. In 2012, the company merged with the Austrian company Estfeller, resulting in the appearance of an updated enterprise Stollergroup , which produces products under the STOLLER brand. This allowed the manufacturer to enter the European market and become a leader in the domestic market.


A large domestic company with representative offices throughout the country. The range of products here is constantly expanding, new solutions are being used, and the main direction of production is elite-class windows. Over the two decades of work, the company’s windows have become the decoration of many homes and even managed to “take part” in the television program “Housing Issue”.


Domestic has been operating on the market since 2001 and is considered one of the old-timers of our market. The production uses modern Italian and German equipment. Window profiles are made from oak, larch and pine wood. Production of wood-aluminum windows is underway. High quality products are guaranteed by high-quality fittings, paints and double-glazed windows. Evidence of a professional approach to production can be considered the fact that the company’s products have recently been exported to Germany. With all this, the manufacturer manages to keep prices at a fairly low level. On the manufacturer’s website https://oknazenit.ru you can see numerous examples of work, calculate the cost of a window and learn about all the nuances of production.

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