Rounded logs - characteristics, types, sizes, pros and cons

The popularity of rounded logs in domestic house building is due to the fact that it allows you to assemble a classic Russian log house, like the one our ancestors built using chopped logs. New technologies have made adjustments to the preparation and characteristics of logs, making the construction process more technologically advanced and faster, and the constructed house more elegant, with smooth crowns and no cracks.

Let us consider in detail the properties and technical characteristics of rounded logs, what it is, what types and types there are, dimensions, parameters, pros and cons, how they are made and used in private construction.

Rounded logs - characteristics, types, sizes, pros and cons

What is a rounded log

A rounded log is milled lumber, which is a fragment of a trunk, cleared of the top, loosest layer of wood. Mechanical processing (milling) ensures the same diameter of the log along its entire length, which in turn increases the strength and stability of the geometry of the finished structure.

Production of rounded logs

The unique properties of rounded logs are acquired during its production process, which consists of the following stages:

  • sorting of raw materials (saw logs) by diameter;
  • processing in a rounding machine. After the milling stage, the top layer will be removed from the log, and only the core part will remain, which is the strongest and has the least shrinkage. Also, during processing, the difference in log diameters at the bottom and at the top will be minimized. According to the standard, it cannot exceed 4 mm;
  • log sorting. Allows you to sort workpieces according to specified sizes;
  • drying: natural or forced;
  • formation of a compensation cut. Note that not all logs have a cut, and it is often done according to the buyer’s order;
  • open.
    The log goes on sale having a standard length. But many homeowners prefer not to bother with adjusting the logs to length, but order a house kit for their home. A house kit made from rounded logs is a ready-made kit for assembling a house. It resembles a construction set that contains a set of parts (logs) prepared in length in accordance with the provided house design, with the corresponding marking of each element. A significant advantage of using a house kit is the presence of seats (bowls), which make joining of logs quick and tight;
  • bowling – involves cutting the seats (bowls) necessary for laying crowns from logs. Like a profiled beam, two types of seats are cut out in a rounded log:

– transverse bowls; Material prepared for the website

– diagonal bowls;

– longitudinal grooves. The curvature of the grooves is somewhat different from the curvature of the log. This is necessary in order to lay heat-insulating material at the junction of the logs. If the dimensions of the grooves coincide, then there is a high probability that after shrinkage the log will touch the bottom only with the central point, and not with the entire surface of the groove. This will lead to the fact that the junction of the logs will have to be caulked;

  • trimming. End processing;
  • antiseptic treatment. It is performed over the entire area of ​​the log, including longitudinal grooves and bowls. Allows you to ensure biological inertness of the log and preserve its properties during storage, transportation and installation. Only water-based antiseptics are used. This solution does not clog the micropores of the wood, and it continues to dry;
  • transportation to the construction site. Manufacturers often take on this function, as they can ensure the unloading and proper storage of logs on site. After all, a log house is built from 4 to 6 months, depending on its size and complexity of the project. During this period, it is necessary to organize proper storage of the material;
  • storage;
  • package.

Recommendations for choosing wood building materials

Comparing rounded logs and profiled timber, you can notice that, despite the significant difference in shape, manufacturing method and properties, the overall quality of these materials is approximately equivalent.

When choosing, you should be guided rather by aesthetic considerations, taking into account the design features of the future home. For those who prefer to build an attractive home in a traditional style without unnecessary decorative elements, it is worth choosing logs as a material, while those who are fans of a more modern style will like timber

As for the cost, for timber and logs it is approximately the same and the service life of the material does not differ significantly.

Rounded logs - GOST, regulations and standards

Please note that there is no single regulatory document regulating the production and characteristics of rounded logs. Neither in Russia, nor anywhere else at all.

Self-respecting manufacturers develop their own standards - StP (StO) - the standard of an enterprise (organization), which contains all the information about the dimensions and deviations, quality and storage conditions of the material.

However, there are a number of state standards (GOST) that regulate certain aspects of the production and storage of rounded logs:

GOST standards for rounded logs

And a number of international standards (ISO) and European standards (EN):

ISO for rounded logs

Characteristics of rounded logs according to GOST 9463-88

What financial investments do you need to make to open your own log rounding shop?

To open an enterprise with a capacity of 250-300 cubic meters. an amount of 80-120 thousand dollars per month is required. It includes: costs for registration and execution of all documents, rental of premises, purchase of equipment, office equipment and furniture, as well as the purchase of additional tools, carrying out repair work and installing a production line. In addition, do not forget that the enterprise will not immediately begin to make a profit. It will take at least 2-3 months until it reaches the level of self-sufficiency, and until that moment you will finance monthly expenses from your own sources.

Types of rounded logs

All types of logs can be classified as follows:

Classification featureDetailing
Processing type- chopped log . In this case, the cylindrical shape is given to the log using a hand plane. They also cut the bowls. This type of log is suitable for those who love the natural style of the Russian hut - log house; – rounded log . Processing is carried out on a rounding machine, due to which ideal geometry and precision of the seats (grooves and bowls) are achieved.
Type of dryinglog of natural moisture .
The vast majority of products on the domestic market are of this type. This is due to the fact that it is quite difficult to ensure uniform drying of the original log, and the cost of the product increases; – thermal log or dried round log . Today, manufacturers are mastering the production of an improved product - rounded logs with a given moisture content (18-20%). What it is and its main properties are described below.
Type of profile (groove)– lunar; – Finnish.
Wood species (in descending order of popularity and increasing cost)– pine: Karelian and Arkhangelsk; – spruce; – cedar; – larch; – deciduous species.
Groove location– longitudinal – along the log strictly in the center; – diagonal – used to create non-standard shapes, for example, bay windows; – transverse – landing bowl.
Dimensions– diameter: 160-320 mm; – working height: 139-272 mm. (depending on the diameter of the log); – length: 1...6 m.p.;

Characteristics of thermal logs

Thermal logs are lumber made from thermally modified logs. The new technology involves heat treatment of wood - high-temperature drying of logs in an airless environment.

Features, properties, pros and cons of thermal logs:

  • drying at a temperature of 125-190 °C. The choice of temperature depends on the density of the wood;
  • complete absence of resin. At the same time, coniferous wood retains its aroma;
  • change at the level of cellular structure. Drying allows you to obtain a log with a given humidity, which eliminates the appearance of blue on the surface of the log. In this case, no chemicals are used;
  • color correction. Thanks to the effect of heat, varying the exposure time and temperature, the manufacturer has the opportunity to give the wood noble dark shades. In this case, the color change is not end-to-end, i.e. does not affect the entire log, but is deep enough (1-2 cm), which eliminates the appearance of light scratches on the surface of the wall;
  • decrease in thermal conductivity. After heat treatment, wood loses its ability to transmit heat by 0-30%;
  • increase in surface strength, which increases the log’s resistance to cracking;
  • reduction of hygroscopicity due to modification of its capillary structure;
  • no torsion defects;
  • resistance to biological activity;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • increased durability.

The disadvantage is the high cost.

Pricing Features

The price depends on the location of extraction, quality of processing, type of wood, humidity.
The price of lumber per cubic meter depends on the diameter. Approximately: 180 – 190 mm – 7500 rubles, 220 – 230 mm – 7800 rubles, 260 mm – 8000 rubles, 300 mm – 9500 rubles, 320 mm – 11000 rubles.

Price varies depending on factors:

  • presence of a diagonal groove;
  • type of packaging (film, pallet, tape);
  • making holes for installing dowels;
  • milling space for window and door trim;
  • milling of recesses for installation of window and door fillings;
  • impregnation with protective agents.

The final cost is affected by the delivery price . If construction is carried out in steppe regions, delivery will significantly increase the cost of the material.

View of the profile (groove) of a rounded log

The profile or longitudinal groove is selected along the entire length of the rounded log and is designed to ensure a tighter fit of the logs along the length during installation.

Lunar groove

The lunar profile is a longitudinal cut of a semicircular shape. It has become more widespread due to the simplicity of the device.

Lunar groove of rounded log

Characteristics of rounded logs with lunar profile

Marking, diameter, working height, groove width, volume m.cub.

Finnish groove

It has a more complex tongue-and-groove installation system. It has so-called shoulders - cuts that increase the thermal insulation properties of the joint. The Finnish groove allows you to reduce damage from cracks to a minimum. At the same time, the use of a Finnish groove allows you to abandon the procedure of caulking log walls.

Finnish groove of rounded logs

Characteristics of rounded logs with Finnish profile

Marking, diameter, working height, groove width, volume m.cub.

Note. According to the thermal calculation data, a log with a Finnish profile with a diameter of 220 mm. Thermal insulation is equivalent to a log with a lunar profile with a diameter of 280 mm.

Positive aspects of log material

Mechanized wood processing gives rounded timber a number of positive qualities that are not inherent in other materials used in construction. Namely:

  1. Ecological cleanliness. In the process of preparing logs, no harmful substances are used, which allows the material to remain absolutely safe for humans. In addition, the resins released by wood during operation have powerful antiviral and antiseptic properties, which have a beneficial effect on the human body.
  2. Appearance. Rounded logs (beams) are considered the most attractive type of building materials made from natural wood. Buildings made of round timber fascinate with their beauty both outside and inside, and no additional treatments are required.
  3. Easy to assemble. The presence of markings and grooves for joining logs can significantly reduce time and labor costs during the construction of a building. The structural elements fit as evenly and tightly as possible to each other.
  4. Availability. Great competition between round timber manufacturers forces them to strictly control the quality of their products and keep the cost of materials at a minimum level.

Wood type

Pine is most widely used in construction due to its optimal price-quality ratio. The distinctive features of pine rounding are its beautiful structure, strength, relatively low thermal conductivity, resistance to external influences and affordable price. Arkhangelsk pine stands out because it practically does not crack.

Spruce can be considered an analogue of pine. It has fewer knots and is easier to process.

As for cedar, its spread is hampered by its high price.

The same judgment is true for larch. Which is the most suitable raw material for the production of rounded logs. Larch is resistant to temperature changes and moisture, has high density and strength. However, the cost of a rounded larch log is twice the price of a similar pine log. Such characteristics of larch logs have led to the fact that it is used as the main one when forming the lower crown of a log house.

Construction technologies

The construction of wooden houses from round logs is, as a rule, one of the most labor-intensive, time-consuming and high-cost due to the fact that the construction of any such building requires the filigree work of specialists at every stage, from project development and procurement of high-quality wood to the installation of a log house and wiring of communications. The main advantages of a log house - its durability, ability to retain heat, resistance to temperature and humidity changes, natural ventilation and the absence of drafts - depend on how carefully the building design is thought out and how well it is implemented. This includes, among other things, the correct selection of logs, their timely grinding and treatment with antiseptics and fire retardants, correct assembly of the log house and alignment of vertical angles, proper use of insulation and scrupulous monitoring of house shrinkage.

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To achieve the best results in the construction of modern log houses, Canadian cup cutting using Robert Chambers technology is widely used, which allows minimizing the occurrence of gaps during the shrinkage of the log house, thereby reducing the need for additional insulation and guaranteeing the strength of the connections. Depending on the technical requirements and aesthetic preferences, the log house is assembled from logs of both standard (28-34 cm) and non-standard diameter (over 36 cm); The most popular types of wood are pine and spruce, and to a lesser extent cedar and larch.

Dimensions of rounded logs

During the logging process, logs are sorted before being processed. A trunk with the correct parameters allows you to obtain lumber with the specified dimensions.

Standard log sizes:

  • diameter (section) of a rounded log . This parameter is of greatest importance, since it directly determines the thermal conductivity and reliability of the walls.

The diameter of the log varies between 160-320 mm. The most popular in private construction is a rounded log with a diameter of 240 mm.

Section (diameter) of a rounded log (180, 200, 220, 240, 260 mm)

What diameter of log is needed for year-round use?

The choice of diameter when building a house is determined by its purpose and location:

Log diameterPurposeLocation
160-180 mmCottage, bathhouse, outbuildingSouthern regions
200 mmSummer house, cottage, bathhouse, outbuilding, gazebo, garageeuropean part of Russia
220 mmSeasonal house, cottage, guest house, bathhouse, gazeboeuropean part of Russia
240-260 mmHouses of permanent residence with insulation. Recommended for one-story houses with an area of ​​more than 250 square meters, two-story houses and houses with an attic Western Siberia
280-320 mmYear-round houses with attic insulation. Designed for one-story houses with an area of ​​more than 250 square meters, two-story houses and houses with an attic. Western Siberia
  • working height of a rounded log . This indicator determines how many crowns should be laid to achieve a given wall height. The working height is calculated by measuring the distance from the top point of the log section to the top of the groove. The type of groove also affects the working height. For example, the working height of a rounded log with a diameter of 240 mm is 208 mm. (if there is a lunar groove) and 190 mm (if there is a Finnish groove).

  • length of rounded log . Standard length – 6.m.p. or a multiple of 1.m.p. By special order it is possible to produce logs with a maximum length of up to 12 m. However, this will significantly affect the cost of the product, because There will be a significant amount of waste during the production process. This is due to the significant difference in trunk diameter over a tree length of 12 m.
  • groove width . With an equal log diameter (for example, 220 mm), the Finnish groove will be wider (140 mm) than the lunar groove (110 mm). There is also an extended lunar groove (20 mm wider).

Standard groove width for rounded logs

  • compensation cut . The presence of a cut allows you to reduce internal stress in the log and prevent the appearance of a large number of gaps (cracks). The cutting depth (15-20 mm) is determined by the diameter of the log. In practice, it is a controversial decision, with many arguments for and against.

Unloading cut (compensation) on a rounded log

  • cubic capacity of rounded log . As a rule, lumber is sold in cubic meters. The volume of the log, depending on the type of profile (groove), diameter and length of the log, is given in the table.

How to calculate the cubic capacity of a rounded log mathematically?

  • calculate the cross-sectional area of ​​the log;
  • multiply the resulting value by the length of the log;
  • round to the nearest whole number.


For work, an old sawmill is used, on which the body is replaced with a stop and tailstocks for clamping an unbarked trunk. A tapered or other roller bearing is installed as a holder. In order for the log to easily rotate along its own axis, you will need an additional motor; manually the process will take a long time.

To move the cutter, the simplest solution is to lay a rail track. There is no need to drag heavy whips by hand. The distance between the transverse sleepers, which reinforce the structure and on which the rail is attached, is no more than 1 m; for installation, timber impregnated with special compounds or ready-made sleepers are used.

Installation of a homemade machine for rounding begins with assembling the frame. Using a welding machine, its sections are prepared separately. And during assembly, they check with a level so that the structure is in the same plane. An error of 0.5 mm per meter is allowed, since perfect evenness will still not be achieved, and a heavy log will smooth out the discrepancy in the future.

The milling unit is strengthened and assembled from lathe parts. After all, in addition to rounding, you need to cut out a cup on the barrel. This requires a special vertical cutter, which is made independently or ordered from the manufacturer’s catalog.

Now connect the motor for rotation. Immediately provide a power supply with the recommended voltage in the room intended to be a home sawmill; the power cable must go separately and be connected to an independent panel, otherwise constant knocking out of household appliances in the house cannot be avoided, which cannot affect their operation. The engine is strengthened with anchor bolts. The correct connection is indicated on the case; the movement of the power head must coincide with it. If there is a discrepancy, swap the phases.

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Connection cables for various components are installed over the entire length of the finished machine with a margin. Safety of use lies in strengthening them above the machine with flexible holders. Do not let the cable sag, much less touch the work surface - cutting it is fraught with consequences.

Before putting into operation, the machine for rounded logs is checked for parallelism of the axes of the headstocks, front and rear. The moving cutter must run exactly horizontally. If this is not done, the least trouble that occurs during operation is the curvature of the barrel. Large – failure of the entire system. In addition, the error of parallel lines leads to the play of the log, especially with poor fixation.

Physical properties of rounded logs

  • thermal conductivity. The table shows a comparison of the thermal conductivity of a log and a brick wall at different freezing temperatures.

  • soundproofing . Thanks to the structure of the wood, the log does not transmit sound well, which allows you to avoid the penetration of external sounds and enjoy silence in a log house;
  • strength . Caused by the presence of resin in coniferous wood and larch;
  • dimensional stability . Achieved through the use of high-quality equipment. Material prepared for the website

Video description

About the installation of a house made of rounded logs in the following video:

  • Changes in wood characteristics . The material decreases thermal conductivity and hygroscopicity, but increases strength (which reduces cracking). House kits made from TMD can be stored for a long time without changing their properties.

A log made from TMD has improved characteristics that determine:

  • Features about processing and . No protection against rot is needed, but external walls will require protection from solar ultraviolet radiation - waxing.
  • Features of construction . The installation of the roof, the installation of windows and doors, and the laying of utilities begin immediately after the construction of the house frame. The day when the family celebrates housewarming will come much faster.

The material that gives the house longevity has one noticeable drawback - its high price.

House made of rounded logs with a swimming pool: the walls are protected with impregnation and colored oil Source

Advantages and disadvantages of rounded logs

The log has both the advantages and disadvantages inherent in wood. Some properties can have a negative effect, but are largely associated with improper wood processing. Therefore, most negative qualities are leveled out by the right approach to selection and care. Analyzing the reviews and characteristics of cylindering, we can highlight a number of positive and negative parameters.

Advantages of rounded logs:

  • the same diameter along the entire length of the log. This is the key difference between a rounded log and a chopped log. This characteristic determined other positive properties of the log;
  • identical longitudinal grooves and cuts. Such precision is ensured by the use of high-quality cutters; such a quality connection is impossible when using chopped logs;
  • ease of assembling a house from a log. This is possible due to the presence of a longitudinal groove, and in the house kit also due to the presence of transverse grooves (bowls) or diagonal grooves;
  • resistance to external weather factors: ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes, humidity, mechanical damage, etc.;
  • resistance to biological activity. Achieved by high-quality processing of logs on all surfaces;
  • the ability to implement a complex design project;
  • attractive external and internal appearance of a log house;
  • environmental cleanliness and creation of a favorable indoor microclimate;
  • low thermal conductivity.

Disadvantages of rounded logs

  • shrinkage. The log, losing moisture, gradually shrinks, the value of which is 5-8%. This property is characteristic of all lumber, only each of them has its own shrinkage rate;
  • improper processing of logs can lead to walls swelling from dampness;
  • cracks appear as the house is used. The tendency to crack is another property characteristic of all wood building materials;
  • the need for additional processing of the log, the purpose of which is preservation and protection.
  • flammability. Minimized by the use of fire retardants. Moreover, wood is a combustible, but far from flammable material. In addition, when burned, wood does not emit harmful substances, and its smoke is less caustic than that of other materials.

As you can see, with proper processing, all shortcomings can be quite easily eliminated.

Price and factors influencing it

The approximate cost of rounded chamber-dried coniferous wood logs (humidity 20%) is given in the table:

Note. If there is a bay window (the need to cut diagonal grooves), the cost increases by 10-15% of the price of the house kit.

Additionally, the following factors influence the price of a house kit made from rounded logs:

When rounded logs first entered the domestic market, its production was located in the northern and western regions of Russia, i.e. where there are raw materials. Today, with growing interest in this material, it can be bought almost everywhere and the cost of transporting logs is falling.

Preparation of necessary documents

If you plan to cooperate with government agencies, large woodworking companies or foreign companies, then it is better to issue LLC documents. In addition, a legal entity is the only option if several founders are involved in the business or you are afraid that the company will go bankrupt (the founders of an LLC do not risk their personal property in such situations).

Entrepreneurs who plan to sell products to individuals or small firms can save on registration by completing individual entrepreneur documents. But, regardless of the organizational and legal form of your business, you must choose OKVED codes that correspond to your activity. In this case, the following are suitable:

  • OKVED 20.30
    (production of wooden carpentry and building structures).
  • OKVED 20.10.1
    (production of lumber whose thickness is more than 6 mm).

In addition, you need to fill out paperwork with Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspectorate, and also receive a quality certificate confirming that your product meets established standards. No more permits or licenses are required.


rounded logs. rounded log rounded logs on the logs of the desired larch log and pine log section rounded logs. such rounded logs rounded log bark of rounded logs production of rounded log cottages rounded logs choosing rounded logs disadvantages of rounded logs advantages of rounded logs rounded logs logsfrom rounded logsMake a House Building a house with your ownfor a house for a house log houses private houses woodresidential house atmospherePhoto houses log houses and heavy. House iso-cylindrical log larch log also rounded log has

price article strength area felling cost roof profile

How to choose the right project

When choosing a project from among ready-made ones, it is useful to first think through the requirements for your future home. Finished houses made of rounded logs are designed, as a rule, for operation in a certain climatic zone. Among other parameters, the appearance (and price) of the house is influenced by:

  • Area and location of the site . If the area is small, you should think about a two-story project (a spacious one-story house will take up too much usable space). The choice of location for a terrace or balcony often depends on the road passing nearby.
  • Soil and groundwater level . They influence the choice of foundation.
  • Method of operation . The house in which you and your family will live permanently will require the use of more massive logs (with a diameter of 240 mm).
  • Family members and pets . For everyone, you need to provide a personal place - some in the bedroom, and some in the yard.

Second light in the interior of a timber house Source

  • Car (often - cars). It is necessary to provide not only a convenient garage or parking space, but also carefully consider the entrance.
  • Environment style . If you do not want to destroy the harmony of the cottage community (and relationships with neighbors), take a closer look at the style of the neighboring areas.

An individual project for a house made of rounded logs, the price of which is formed from several other parameters, allows the customer to influence many things:

  • Reduce the cost of your home . This can be achieved by reducing the number of corridors and combining some rooms (the kitchen-dining room or kitchen-living room option is often chosen). When designing, some rooms are made into walk-through rooms, and a study is arranged on the balcony.
  • Reduce heat loss at home . Savings are achieved by eliminating the complex shape of the house and roof, and minimally using protrusions, balconies and bay windows.
  • Reduce costs . Correct external orientation of the house (to the cardinal points and wind rose) will help reduce heating and air conditioning costs.

House made of rounded logs with extensions Source

  • Provide for expansion . Sooner or later, an addition to the family will require an increase in living space. It would be good if the possibility of arranging an extension or an attic would be taken into account.
  • Fireplace . It's better to add it while drafting. It is quite difficult (and much more expensive) to do this in an already built log house.
  • Ladder . If there is one, make sure it is well lit (for safety). A window in the right place can save you from a lot of trouble.

Nuances of the assembly process

After getting acquainted with possible organizational problems, we will move on to practical issues related to the direct manufacture of the log house. Before arranging it, I advise you to pay attention to the following important points:

  • the maximum permissible moisture content of wood before starting work should not be more than 20%;
  • during the assembly process you will need special fastening rods, called dowels (with their help you can reliably tie the individual crowns of the log house into a single whole);

The natural disadvantage of the fact that all the logs are the same and there is no alternation of the butt and top parts is that each crown must be attached to the previous one with two dowels - they will not hold evenly on their own. Monitor the builders, as the consequences of the lack of dowels will be visible some time after the completion of the work. The “lazy” option is when the dowels are drilled in the corner joints (under the bowl). It is much more reliable to fasten each log with two dowels located before the groove. The dowels should not fit tightly, they should “slip” a little in the holes.

  • to fix the first and last crowns fixed to the foundation base and the top trim, be sure to use anchor fasteners;

The anchors will subsequently make it difficult to replace the crown, but the house will not be blown away by a strong wind, and the roof will not be torn off. If the diameter of the logs is greater than 22, then the anchors can be neglected.

  • In the logs of the first crown, instead of a groove, make a longitudinal cut, which guarantees uniform distribution of the load on the foundation and significantly increases the stability of the log house.

Taking into account all the factors listed above, you can easily assemble any structure, regardless of its category and functional purpose.

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