Review of Vetonit KR putty: technical characteristics, pros and cons

The final stage of preparing the base for finishing is finishing putty, then it will be possible to paint or hang wallpaper without fear that even minor defects will be noticeable through the thin coating. It is required to carry out the work with a high-quality composition that can create a flawlessly leveled surface. Among the variety of compositions, KR putty from the Weber Vetonit company stands out. The special properties of the product and the rules for applying the solution to the base will be discussed in detail below.

Purpose and technical characteristics, consumption

Vetonit KR putty is applied as a final layer to create an ideal surface without even small irregularities. After using the solution, a layer is created that has a decorative property; for this reason, when processing the ceiling base, sometimes further finishing is not carried out.

Vetonit KR putty is sold in the form of a powder mixture, so you need to prepare the composition for application by adding water in the required proportions.

Areas of use:

  • Final preparation of plasterboard ceiling and wall bases;
  • To apply material for leveling on chipboard;
  • Suitable for cement-lime base;
  • Designed for use in rooms with moderate and humid microclimates;
  • If the spray technique is used, then particleboard and porous-fiber walls can be treated.

The solution cannot be used for the following materials:

  • It will not withstand constant damp exposure, so it is not used in rooms with high humidity;
  • Not suitable for laying tile material;
  • Not used for flooring.

Vetonit KR technical characteristics:

  • Consists of an organic adhesive substance and organic limestone;
  • White color;
  • Temperature indicators for operation from +10 to +30 degrees;
  • The average consumption level when creating a millimeter layer is one kilogram per square meter of surface;
  • Complete drying lasts 1-2 days, the period is affected by the thickness of the layer;
  • Not moisture resistant;
  • Packed in a thick paper bag;
  • Available in volumes of 5 and 25 kilograms;
  • Unopened composition can be stored for one year.

Vetonit KR putty is applied as a final layer to create an ideal surface without even small irregularities.

No. 1. What are the advantages of the company's products?

The Weber company is considered the largest manufacturer of dry building mixtures in Europe, as evidenced by the fact that for several years in a row the brand's products have been leading in sales. The company was founded in 1900 and initially produced facade plasters in a Paris factory. In subsequent years, the range grew, sales markets expanded, but with the company's entry into the Saint-Gobain group in 1996, real international success came to it. Today, Weber-Vetonit dry building mixtures are sold in 49 countries and produced in 180 factories.

The brand has been officially represented in Russia since 2006. The company opened 3 factories in the country, which ensured the availability of all products for domestic buyers. Why did the manufacturer so captivate buyers around the world? The answer lies in several facts:

  • the widest range of building mixtures , so finding a composition suitable for specific conditions will not be difficult;
  • high quality of all products, introduction of innovations and use of modern equipment;
  • all products undergo mandatory and voluntary safety testing ;
  • product development based on consumer needs.

The quality has already been tested by millions of customers around the world. The main thing is to find the most suitable product and not get lost in the existing offer.

Advantages and disadvantages

Vetonit KR finishing putty has its positive and negative sides. To understand whether you should use a surface treatment product, you need to study all the features in advance. Among the advantages are the following:

  • After completing the putty work, sanding is not difficult; the layer is easy to process;
  • Can be used for a variety of materials: plasterboard sheets and gypsum base, mineral, wood, painted wall, base made of organic minerals, concrete, expanded clay concrete blocks;
  • After preparing the solution, the properties are retained for 24 hours;
  • It is allowed to treat the base with a spatula or using a spraying tool;
  • Treating the plastered layer with putty helps to obtain a smooth and white base.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • It is not permissible to use it for treating floors;
  • It is not moisture resistant, so the area of ​​use is limited to rooms with average humidity levels.

After completing the putty work, sanding is not difficult; the layer is easy to process.

What is the difference between Vetonit KR and LR?

The company produces different putty compositions, and the choice is easier to make if you understand the differences between similar types. So often the choice falls between LR and CR species. Vetonit KR LR the differences between them are insignificant, so the choice becomes even more difficult. But they can all be distinguished.

What is the difference between Vetonit LR and KR, the most important distinguishing property is the constituent components. KR is made from organic substances, and LR from synthetic ones. It is difficult to say for sure that the first option is better than the second, or vice versa, but experts note that the KR type emits an unpleasant odor.

The LR species has various subspecies, which allows you to select the desired option more accurately. But the KR is also produced in small containers, which makes it possible not to worry about throwing out excess after completion of work, if 25 kilograms turned out to be too much.

There are no other points in which they differ, so the choice is mainly made from personal preferences, taking into account the characteristics of the surface being treated.

The LR species has various subspecies, which allows you to select the desired option more accurately.

No. 3. Floor mixtures

Walls and ceilings are not the only surfaces that need perfect leveling, which is why Weber-Vetonit has a lot of solutions for preparing floor surfaces:

  • Floor levelers are cement-based mixtures that are suitable for quickly leveling the base for subsequent decorative finishing. Leveling mixtures can be used in rooms with any level of humidity, as well as with underfloor heating systems. The product provides minimal consumption and excellent performance. There are several different types of mixtures to choose from, which differ in the thickness of the leveling layer . With composition 4400, for example, you cannot make a layer more than 30 mm, and with composition 6000 you can make a layer up to 250 mm;
  • self-leveling floors for residential and commercial premises. All compositions are suitable for use with “warm floors”, they are characterized by good spreadability, high speed of strength gain and low consumption. The manufacturer's assortment includes mixtures for self-leveling floors that can satisfy any need. For example, the fast-hardening Fast Level self-leveling floor provides maximum operating speed and a wide range of thicknesses (3-60 mm). Mix 4100 is highly durable, waterproof and crack resistant. There are also universal mixtures fiber-reinforced compounds (Strong), which are optimally suited for wooden floors and other complex substrates. The company also produces a mixture for soundproofing floors and a number of fine finishing leveling compounds;
  • dry mixtures for arranging base and finishing coatings in production and industrial premises . The compositions perfectly withstand constant high loads and are wear-resistant. Among other things, the range includes decorative colored self-leveling floors .

We also note that the company produces auxiliary components for the installation of self-leveling floors.

How to calculate the required quantity

Vetonit KR putty will help get rid of the smallest surface defects. When choosing a product for construction work, an important parameter is the consumption rate. For the Kyrgyz Republic, the average level is 1.2 kilograms per square meter of area.

To understand how many packages to purchase, you need to measure the area of ​​the room and multiply the result by this indicator. They take into account how many layers will be made, the resulting figure is also multiplied by the number of layers.

It is necessary to measure the area of ​​the room, and multiply the result obtained by the average flow rate.

Henkel Bautechnik

An excellent manufacturer of dry and ready-made building mixtures. Ceresit, Thomsit and Ekon are all brands of this concern. True, when not conscientious Germans, but our compatriots, began to produce these same brands, simply using foreign technologies, the quality dropped somewhat, but still remained at a height unattainable for domestic companies.

The choice of putties at Henkel Bautechnik is not as extensive as that of Knauf, and is limited to some products of the Ceresit brand. But when choosing a product, stupid questions do not arise: how one mixture differs from another and why you need to choose one and not another. Everything is strictly to the point. There is a task - there is a mixture to complete it.

Ceresit CT 127

What I always liked about Ceresit was the order. No big names. A digital product code that cannot be confused with anything else. ST 127 is a polymer putty for work in dry rooms. The quality can compete with the same “Vetonit”. But it has a more attractive price. The ductility is average and can be rubbed tolerably well. But the quality of the finished wall is simply excellent.

  • Price: 560 rub.
  • Packing: 25 kg

Ceresit CT 225

The putty for facades is made on the basis of cement. In general, it seems to me that Ceresite works especially well with mixtures with cement. The advantages of the mixture include reinforcing additives. The disadvantages are that so that these additives do not settle and are distributed evenly, the mixture must be constantly stirred.

  • Price: 594 rub.
  • Packing: 25 kg

Ceresit ST 95

Similar to “Shitrok” for outdoor work. It is, to put it mildly, expensive, and therefore it is used quite rarely for its intended purpose. It has proven itself well among builders as a repair-defect mixture. Somewhere to correct, somewhere to cover up a crack. Using ST 95 in large volumes is too expensive.

  • Price: 890 rub.
  • Packing: 17 kg

Features of using putty

Instructions for applying finishing putty to walls begin with preparing the solution:

  1. To knead a 25-kilogram bag of the mixture, you will need 10 liters of water; the temperature of the liquid should not be higher than 40 degrees.
  2. The mixture is added to the water gradually; it is necessary to thoroughly mix the composition so that the mass is obtained without lumps. You can work more conveniently and quickly with a construction mixer.
  3. When the composition has been made to the desired consistency, it should sit for 10-15 minutes, after which it will require repeated mixing.
  4. The prepared solution can be used for 24 hours.
  5. Do not pour the solution down the drain; the product may clog them.

The mixture is added to the water gradually; it is necessary to thoroughly mix the composition so that the mass is obtained without lumps.

The preparatory stage includes the following actions:

  • Clean the base from all types of contaminants, and, if necessary, degrease the wall;
  • Areas that will not be puttied are covered in advance with film material or paper;
  • It is necessary that the temperature in the room does not fall below +10 degrees.

The base is cleaned of all types of contaminants and, if necessary, the wall is degreased.

The composition should be applied as follows:

  • The tool you can use is a sprayer or a double spatula; if the treatment area is small, then a regular spatula will do;
  • When processing multi-layers, you will need to dry each layer completely;
  • Excess mixture can be removed and reapplied;
  • The next stage of finishing is carried out after drying; at temperatures of +20 degrees, you will need to wait a day if the layer does not exceed 1-2 mm;
  • The dried base needs to be sanded with sandpaper, after which you can glue wallpaper or paint the walls;
  • Tools used in repairing rollers and spatulas should be washed immediately after use.

To buy a high-quality solution, you need to request a certificate of quality and conformity from the seller.

When processing multi-layers, you will need to dry each layer completely.

Puttying the base with Vetonit KR mixture gives a high-quality result if the work is carried out according to the technology of use. The composition is used for rooms with moderate humidity; it creates a smooth white base, which is ideal for finishing walls or ceilings under any material, which increases the variety of applications.


The products of this concern, as a cheap panacea for all construction problems, flooded the markets of domestic construction stores. After sand and clay, dry plaster mixtures from this company seemed to many to be the pinnacle of quality.

In fact, there is not much truth in these words. Knauf offers high-quality products and the technologies they have developed for their use. And it’s not the manufacturer’s fault that its recommendations are read one line at a time and are translated rather unreliably.

As for putties specifically, the brand offers several types at once.


Enrolled in putties. On what grounds, however, is not entirely clear. Classic adhesive repair mixture. It was originally developed for sealing joints between plasterboard sheets. Later, they began to use it for gluing gypsum boards on walls (since the hardening time of Fugen is longer than that of Perlfix). Puttying walls with this mixture is a pleasure, to put it mildly. And there is no need to do this. For putty, the manufacturer has better and more suitable recipes.

  • Price: 388 rub.
  • Packing: 25 kg


Also an adhesive repair mixture, which has a fibrous structure, is only intended for sealing gypsum fiber board joints. Again, it is of little use for putty.

  • Price: 399 rub.
  • Packing: 25 kg


The same “Fugen”, only for moisture-resistant drywall, with all the ensuing consequences. True, the thickness of the applied layer was increased by the manufacturer from 3 to 5 mm.

The ductility is slightly higher than that of the classic Fugenfüller, but still there are few people willing to putty with such a mixture.

  • Price: 1066 rub.
  • Packing: 25 kg


And again glue. High-quality, high-strength, practically non-shrinking. Replaces any type of Fugen, and also surpasses it in technical indicators. But again, this is more of a repair mixture than putty in its pure form.

  • Price 1197 rub.
  • Packing: 25 kg


Good putty. The manufacturer claims a reduced consumption of up to 20%, as well as a “lifetime” of the hammered mixture of up to one and a half hours. In fact, these figures are somewhat exaggerated, but there is still some sound evidence. In reality, you need to count on an hour of time, but this is more than enough to ensure that the solution does not go to waste.

  • Price: 360 rub.
  • Packing: 25 kg

KNAUF-Multi-Finish (gypsum)

Also a good putty for the money. The Knauf support service never told me what the fundamental difference between this mixture and Rotband-Finish is. In practice, Multifinish is easier to sand.

  • Price: 366 rub.
  • Packing: 25 kg

KNAUF-Multi-Finish M

Quite a good mixture for machine putty. However, no one will forbid putting putty with it even with an ordinary spatula. Moreover, the price for it is only slightly more than for a regular “Multi-Finish”.

  • Price: 391 rub.
  • Packing: 25 kg


Regular good quality finishing putty. One of the first that the then unspoiled Russian developer saw. Today, most more modern materials are superior to this mixture in quality, but habit is a great thing. Builders are a conservative people, they do not seek good from good, and therefore continue to use this mixture by inertia.

  • Price 241 rub.
  • Packing: 25 kg

KNAUF Multi-finish paste

The answer from Knauf, to various “shitroks”. Plastic, soft and ready-to-use mixture. At first glance, it differs from the same “Shitrok” in its more reasonable price, but this is not entirely true.

  • Price: 650 rub.
  • Packing: 20 kg

KNAUF Rotband-Paste

For the inexperienced buyer, it is not much different from the similar Multi-Finish paste. Well, except that the price turned out to be 60 rubles. higher.

  • Price: 710 rub.
  • Packing: 20 kg

KNAUF Multi-finish (cement)

We haven’t forgotten about cement mixtures. Cement-based plaster mixture has the same name as gypsum. So you need to be careful when purchasing. Unlike gypsum compositions, the cement recipe, to put it mildly, did not catch on. Although in vain, quite decent putty for the money. The plasticity, of course, is not the same as that of gypsum, but there’s nothing you can do about it - cement is cement.

  • Price: 438 rub.
  • Packing: 25 kg
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