How to install an electric doorbell - step-by-step instructions

Today, in modern apartments, whether new buildings or old ones, an intercom is installed in the entire entrance, which also functions as a doorbell, with the help of which the tenant finds out that guests have come to him. However, many more residents use doorbells. There is a wide variety of types of such devices; they differ both in functionality (the ability to select a melody, video communication, etc.) and in the method of connecting them. This article will discuss the principles of operation of this device and the connection diagram, methods of repair and installation of a new bell.

How to fix a doorbell

Have you ever seen students fixing a doorbell? If not, you haven’t seen anything in this life. Go! Go to the apartment where the students live and ruin their doorbell. And then watch. I guarantee you that you will never forget this sight.

I ended up in this apartment completely by accident, I just stopped for the night. I came to the regional center from my remote Siberian village to buy a TV. Well, maybe it’s not so deaf, they sell TVs here too, but it just so happens that they don’t buy them there, because why, if you can stupidly go 300 km to the regional center to buy a TV? Well, so I went, driven by the same simple logic.

And I had nowhere to live there. And we need to spend the night. The dilemma, however. I had to call my old (well, then still young) comrade Dima. Let me, I say, Dima, spend the night.

And Dima was a student in those days. It was only much later that he went to serve in the army, where he was hit on the head with a stool, but this did not make him any more of a slob, because all the slovenliness that fit in him was in him from the beginning, even during his student days. Dima lived in a rented apartment, sharing it with two other students and several thousand arthropods, who, by the way, lived there for permanent residence and, accordingly, did not pay their share for the apartment. But Dima did not despair, from time to time he organized a holocaust for arthropods and drank a lot.

When I came to his apartment, he was just drinking.

- ABOUT! - Dima said, seeing the TV. - Now we have a TV.

I forgot to say that they didn't have a TV. There were cockroaches, there were two pairs of flip-flops, there was even a sofa. But there was no TV. This happens in rented apartments. Dima was so happy about the new TV that he didn’t immediately notice that I was standing next to the TV.

- Oh, Lyokha! - Dima said when he finally noticed me. -Will you have some vodka?

I reluctantly agreed, realizing that my refusal could be misinterpreted and generally met with misunderstanding.

- Where can you wash your hands? - I asked him.

“Probably in the bathroom,” he said after some thought. - If you find soap.

I went to the bathroom. There was a toilet that I don’t want to remember, and a yellow, shabby bathtub, made entirely of cast iron and thickly covered with cracks, like paintings by old masters. When such cracks are found in paintings by old masters, they are spoken of with respect: “Craquelure!” And when such cracks are found in the bathtub, they say about them: “Well, your bathtub is screwed, Dima! You probably hang your socks over it to dry, and they fall off?” A tattered clothesline hanging from one nail seemed to confirm the validity of this version.

I washed my hands and we sat down to wash the TV. Two other students, Max and Petka, joined the feast. The arthropods did not come to drink vodka.

While washing the TV, we naturally looked at it, but didn’t see anything interesting. In those days, TVs showed the same garbage as they do now, only there was less advertising, and there was no “House-2” at all. I have no idea what stupid teenagers watched in those days. Probably “ABVGDeyku” and “Rural Hour”.

Then evening came. In the evening, Dima fell from his chair and this shook him somewhat.

- A! - Dima remembered, getting up. — Our doorbell doesn’t work. We need to fix it!

For ease of presentation, I am expressing Dimin’s thoughts clearly and articulately. In fact, by that time Dima could no longer express his thoughts in such long phrases. In addition, Dima was an electronics engineering student and used professional terms, such as: “that crap on the door”, “the lead has crept up”, “it’s not plowing” and “we’ll do it right now”.

The lights were turned on in the corridor, Dima perched himself on a lame stool and untwisted the bell box.

“Here it is,” he told the public, demonstrating twisted wires and swinging menacingly on a stool. - Well, it didn’t shoot. It wasn't loaded. The power supply is not turned on!

A junction box was found next to the bell. A bunch of wires stuck out from there. Dima bravely pulled on one of them and tore off the insulation.

- Sampler! he demanded.

The sample was found in Dima's pocket a minute later. Dima poked him at the exposed ends of the wires. The sampler happily lit up orange.

“There is contact,” Dima stated with satisfaction.

By scientific poking, a second contact was found, on which the probe did not glow. The wires from the bell were carefully screwed to the bundles from the junction box.

“Come on,” Dima commanded. - Press!

The call button was pressed. The bell grunted something incomprehensible, either the anthem of the French Republic, or “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” Dima giggled joyfully and fell off the stool.

“We need to wash,” he said, getting up from the floor and checking the completeness of the body.

The proposal was greeted by the public with great enthusiasm, but almost immediately it became clear that there was no vodka.

- Why is there no vodka? - Dima was surprised. - And in the refrigerator?

- Where do you think we came from, we just drank two bottles? - the public, in turn, was surprised.

A trip to the store was brewing.

“You, Max, will go,” Dim appointed a messenger on duty. - And buy some snacks. The bread is there...

The messenger was given a plastic bag and cash, after which the public hid in the kitchen in anxious anticipation. The conversation slowly turned to politics, boobs and sports.

A quarter of an hour later there was a knock on the door.

“Max is a fool,” Dima said, smiling. “We fixed the bell, but he’s banging on the door again with his horns.”

“Deer,” stated Petka.

They opened the door for Max and told him that he was a deer.

“You’re deer yourself,” Max was offended. - I called, but you don’t open! There's no way it's working for you!

- How does it not work? - Dima was surprised, went out onto the landing and pressed the bell button. The bell again parodied the anthem of the French Republic, drowned in grunting.

“Everything is working,” Dima told the deer Max.

Max swore dirty and gave Dima a bag of vodka.

“And now Pashka will come there with Marinka,” he added. “Now they’ll buy beer and come.”

Dima rubbed his little hands as much as the bag of vodka allowed him to do.

It was decided not to wait for Pashka and Marinka. They opened the vodka, poured it into glasses, and Dima even managed to say the first half of the toast:

“Well...” but he didn’t have time to say the word “let’s” because there was another knock on the door.

“Gigygy,” Dima said instead. - Here are the deer knocking, but our bell works!

How to repair a call

Hello, dear forum users! Life has turned out in such a way that I have to solve some repair issues myself. Now the door bell, installed more than 30 years ago, has broken down. I'm interested in the process of diagnosing a fault. How to check whether the wire running from the button to the bell itself is intact? What to do if visual damage is not visible?

Moderators, please don't delete this thread because I have nowhere else to get advice!

vera3128 wrote: How to check if the wire going from the button to the bell itself is intact? What to do if visual damage is not visible?

It's 220 volts. Are you sure it’s worth climbing there on your own with this level of training? Do you at least have a tester?

Ask someone who understands electricity. There is no need to ring the button, there is 220V

vera3128 wrote: What to do if the damage is not visually visible?

Install a battery-powered wireless bell.

AlexEE wrote: Install a wireless bell powered by batteries.

Good idea If all else fails, I'll install this

E_Z wrote: There are 220 volts. Are you sure it’s worth climbing there on your own with this level of preparation? Do you at least have a tester?

Yes, my level of training is low. But, in my opinion, what is important is a person’s desire to understand the issue and reasonable caution. Everyone started learning at some point. I have a tester.

Arpan wrote: There is no need to ring the button, there is 220V

Why shouldn't you ring the button?

2vera3128 A friend of mine installed a wireless one even when the regular one was working normally: he often works on the loggia (he has a workshop there) and, if he’s alone at home, he takes the call to the loggia with him - he says it’s very convenient! And one more “+” of battery power: the neighbors somehow had their entire apartment destroyed when they went on vacation. Someone pressed the button and it “stuck.” Moreover, the neighbors were lucky that the apartment had decayed and not burned - the windows turned out to be very sealed.

vera3128 wrote: I have a tester.

Algorithm of actions: 1) Is the bell itself working? IMHO, it's better to change it altogether. Now there are a lot of electronic calls with different melodies (for 220 volts). At the same time, the currents in them are less, which in the case

AlexEE wrote: Someone pressed the button and it “stuck”

ALL WORK IS TO BE CARRIED OUT BY TURNING OFF THE SWITCH FOR THE APARTMENT! For additional safety: check ALL contacts with a phase indicator screwdriver (just in case), perform work with tools with insulated handles.

2) Is the bell button working? Take it apart and look. IMHO, if the wire has not been bent, the probability of a break in it is less than probability 1 and 2.

vera3128 wrote: But, in my opinion, what is important is a person’s desire to understand the issue and reasonable caution. Everyone started learning at some point.

This is true, but it is better to see once than to read a hundred times. That's the problem. Think again if it's worth it.

E_Z wrote: This is true, but it is better to see once than to read a hundred times. That's the problem. Think again if it's worth it.

Are there courses where they teach all this? The fact is that when men from the company come to fix something, they somehow react inadequately when I ask them to explain to me and show me how it’s done. Yesterday I took apart the call button, everything seems to be fine there. If you believe the diagnostics carried out independently, then somewhere the wire is broken or frayed on a bend. What should I do if it is walled up in the wall and not in a box?

vera3128 wrote: I took apart the call button, everything seems to be fine there

Now it’s time for the call itself.

How to fix a doorbell yourself

Anyone can feel isolated from society if the doorbell in their apartment does not work.

This minor nuisance can significantly complicate the life of everyone living in the house, as well as complicate the work of couriers, housing workers and other people who come to the apartment for various reasons.

In the case of a broken bell, you either have to warn everyone you know in advance about the need to call or knock on the door, but it is best to fix the malfunction as soon as possible.

The most radical way is, of course, buying a new call. However, in most cases, this simple mechanism can be repaired without any problems.

As a rule, a call malfunction is determined by the absence of a sound signal after pressing the button. However, it is worth checking the condition of the device in cases where the signal begins to appear irregularly or with a delay.

An alarming sign indicating a breakdown may be a decrease in volume (unless, of course, its level has been reduced in the settings).

The reasons for a doorbell malfunction include:

  1. Incorrect connection of the device to the electrical network.
  2. Damage to the noise block or malfunction of the button. In order to determine the cause of the malfunction, you need to carefully disconnect the wires and connect them together. If the signal appears, the button is faulty.
  3. Speaker failure. If there is a suspicion that the speaker is broken, you need to disconnect the top cover, remove the wires from the screw terminals and check the presence of current using a voltmeter or other device. If there are no problems with the electrical signal, the speaker will be faulty. In this case, it must be replaced. Most often, the sound unit is completely changed.
  4. Wear of device parts. This type of breakdown occurs as a result of long and frequent use of the device.

Before you begin repairing the bell, you should turn off the power supply to the meter.

It is imperative to make sure that the cause of the malfunction lies in the device itself, and not in a network break.

You need to work with rubber gloves. The insulating layer of the bell wires must be slightly removed to expose the wires.

After this, the wires need to be cleaned and connected to a working outlet (while the power is still on). To check the presence of current in the wiring, it is convenient to use a table lamp or other electrical appliances.

When you connect a plug from a table lamp to the wiring, the result is immediately visible: if the light comes on, then everything is in order with the wiring, if there is no light, then you will have to call a technician and figure out the wiring.

If the device's sound unit or button is faulty, the call must be disassembled, the contacts be checked for tightness and, if necessary, cleaned. If these manipulations do not lead to a successful result, then the faulty part will have to be replaced with a new one.

When installing new parts or installing a newly purchased bell, you must use the instructions. If the new bell does not work, then first you need to carefully check all stages of assembling the structure.

If after this the problem has not been resolved, then the call will have to be changed in the store or purchased a new model.


What will you need for the job?

Electricity is a delicate and dangerous matter. It is enough to accidentally close two contacts with your fingers and you can go to the next world. To protect yourself, always wear rubber gloves. Tools you will need:

  • a pair of screwdrivers - regular and electric (probe or indicator);
  • wire cutters;
  • socket;
  • desk lamp.

The most common reason for no sound is improper installation. If the device previously worked, and then suddenly stopped, you need to conduct a full check of it, and then make a decision - buy a new one or call a technician.

Why does an ordinary wired doorbell ring by itself?

I didn’t understand this at first, but then I just noticed that an ordinary bell sometimes rings at night. So I was just checking. and there is no one there. And when you unexpectedly wake up at night, you will believe in mysticism. But then my friends said that this happens to them very often and sometimes the phone rings for a long time.

Author of the publication


Achievement received 12/04/2018


It also happens that the contact closes. When the doorbell suddenly starts ringing for no reason and cannot calm down for a long time, I simply lightly hit it with a slipper. He immediately calms down. This contact comes loose inside the bell, and I honestly can’t get around to fixing it and tinkering, so my method is to hit the annoying dialer with a slipper. Works!

Truly mystical. A wired call is considered to be any call that is triggered by a button or sensor connected to the call not via a radio channel or an optical infrared channel, but via wires. In this case, the power supply of the bell is not important. Both when powered from the network and when powered by batteries, the call will still be called wired.

In the simplest designs of such calls, the control button is mounted in a break in the power wire. In more complex models, the button is connected to a common power wire and the control pin of the microcircuit. There are no apparent reasons for the bell to go off spontaneously, and it’s really strange that the devilry with it only happens at night, when the forces of evil reign supreme.

Unfortunately, the question does not contain a detailed description of the design of your call. Perhaps it uses a membrane button. The distance between the contacts in such buttons is calculated in fractions of a millimeter. It may well be that at night, when the air temperature drops, the gap between the contacts decreases and at some point they close, which leads to a false alarm.

Try disconnecting the button from the device for a couple of nights. If the false calls stop, then the problem is in the button. If, even with the button turned off, the call does not give you peace of mind, then look for the reason in the insides of the call itself. Try soldering a low-capacity non-polar capacitor in parallel to the conductors of the printed circuit board, to which the start button wires are soldered. If there is already one in the design, then increase its capacity or solder an additional one in parallel with it. Although, without seeing the call or its detailed description, it is difficult to advise anything.


Circuit break

Such a breakdown cannot be repaired on your own - you need to call an electrician. However, before this, it is worth carrying out a number of manipulations to find out whether there really is a break in the circuit or whether the bell has simply broken due to old age and needs to be replaced with a new one.

What do we have to do:

  1. Using wire cutters, carefully remove the insulation from the bell wires.
  2. Connect an outlet to them.
  3. Plug in the desk lamp.

If the lamp works, there is no break in the circuit.

Check if the call itself is working:

  1. Unplug the outlet.
  2. Connect an ohmmeter to the wires and press the button.
  3. If the arrow deviates, the equipment is working properly.

If the arrow remains motionless, the problem may be with the button itself. How to check and repair it is written above.

If it is possible to save the old call (from the USSR era), do so. Modern devices of Chinese origin are of poor quality and burn out if you hold the button down for an extra second.

After all the manipulations, assemble the call and check its functionality. If it still does not ring, and there is no break in the circuit, then it needs to be replaced with a new one. It is quite possible to install it yourself.

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Mechanical bells

They are a fairly simple design that, when exposed to external influences, creates various sound signals. These include small bells hung indoors and driven by an external rope or simple rings attached to the door. Currently, they are obsolete and are used for decorative purposes. Their advantage is independence from any power sources, as well as simplicity of design. That is, connecting a doorbell will not require complex installation work and the use of special knowledge in the field of construction and electrical engineering.

Doorbell kit


A call from a good brand will last a long time and will not become a daily irritant. Here is a list of popular companies whose products have proven themselves well on the Russian market.

  • "Era". They produce high-quality electronics for the home, including doorbells. This company is especially popular in Russia.
  • Anytek is a large Chinese corporation that produces electronic calls and often supplies its products with Sony optics.
  • In Home is a well-known Chinese company that produces household appliances for everyday life; calls are included in the list of their products.
  • Rexant is a large holding company that supplies smart video eyes to the Russian markets, adapted for the conditions of our territories.
  • Ring – popular video eyes that transmit information to the owner’s smartphone, is produced by this company.

Electromechanical bells

This type of bell is an improved model of mechanical bells. It consists of two blocks: a remote button and a housing with a resonator located inside. They are connected to each other by wires, and the main unit is connected to the electrical network. Inside the main unit there is an electromagnetic coil, which, when voltage is applied, transmits force to the attached metal plate and thus creates a sound signal.

Such models are practically not used, since their mechanical parts are very unreliable, and the sound tonality does not change.

List of required tools

Some consumers, if they detect a malfunction of the switch due to sparking, crackling or humming of the device, immediately turn to electricians. However, damage that can be repaired can be repaired yourself. In most cases, it is enough to bend the contacts for the device to function normally.

The following tools are needed for repairs:

  • indicator screwdriver with a lamp or electronic display;
  • a regular type screwdriver for unscrewing screws/screws;
  • insulating tape and fine-grain sandpaper;
  • pliers, marker, knife for stripping wiring insulation.

All switches have a plastic housing, a protective frame and an internal operating mechanism. The frame can be attached to the mechanism with latches or screws. The socket box contains a working mechanism, fixed with spacer tabs or screws. To perform repairs, you need to provide access to the contact group by removing the outer box from the device.

Chip-based calls

This type of call is a modern chip-based solution. They are available in two types: wired and wireless. Both options have compact sizes, several built-in melodies, as well as additional functions, including motion sensors, an autonomous power system, etc. The main difference between them is that the wireless doorbell circuit is significantly simplified and to install it, you just need to place a button - signal transmitter and receiver within the permissible zone of reliable signal transmission.


Calls are available wireless and electric. To understand their structure, you need to consider each type separately.


This type of device can be divided into two parts: internal and external. The external one, in the form of a button, is located outside the living space and is used by visitors. A device with a speaker that receives a signal triggered by pressing a button is located in the apartment itself.

For the system to work, it is connected to the electrical network. The working process occurs by closing the circuit, when the visitor presses the button, the circuit is closed and the owner hears a bell. The speaker can be moved to any room, but to do this you will need to lay an electrical wire throughout the apartment.

In most cases, it is installed on the wall in the hallway near the front door.


The action of a wireless call occurs due to radio waves, and not electric current, and this is its difference from the previous version. In the device, a radio signal from a button, that is, a transmitter, goes to a device inside the apartment, the so-called receiver. Signal transmission occurs using mini-antennas built into the receiver and transmitter, or microcircuits.

The bell button can be located at a distance of up to 150 m from the receiving device, which is very convenient to use for equipping private homes. In this case, the receiver does not have to be installed at the front door itself, as is the case with the electric model; it can take its place in any of the rooms.

Calls can be divided into wired and wireless, mechanical, electromechanical, electronic, and video calls. They, in turn, can have different shapes, sizes, melodies, and perform additional functions.

  • Mechanical. This type of door alarm is extremely rare. It is mainly used if it is necessary to support a certain house design, made in the English style, as well as retro, country, and colonial. The device can be a bell or a hammer that produces sounds when struck on a ringing surface.
  • Electromechanical. Such calls have a simple design, are easy to install and last a long time. But the unit does not work without power supply; it has the same type of ringer, making it impossible to select melodies.
  • Electronic. These devices have adjustable volume and customizable melodies. They come in two types - wired and wireless.
  • Video calls. A call with a video camera is very convenient for home use. You can choose expensive models with additional functions: night lighting, the ability to communicate with a visitor.

Some products have a function that allows you to open the door from a distance.

Advantages and disadvantages of wired connection schemes

Installing a wired connection of the bell button to the main unit will require laying a hidden cable in the wall, and, accordingly, cause damage to the external decoration of the walls. You will also need experience in installing cables and restoring exterior wall finishes. If the bell is installed in a private house, then it is quite difficult to pull the cable along the street and then bring it into the room. But after the installation is completed, you will receive a reliable warning system that can operate from the mains in the main mode and from batteries in the emergency mode, and can also be easily replaced with another without dismantling the cable.

The cost of repairing an intercom/video intercom

Name of servicePrice
Switch replacementfrom 1000 rub.
Replacing the controllerfrom 1000 rub.
Replacing the magnetic key readerfrom 500 rub.
Replacing the exit buttonfrom 500 rub.
Replacing the monitor power supplyfrom 750 rub.
Electromechanical lock repairfrom 600 rub.
Intercom handset repairfrom 500 rub.
Entrance intercom repairfrom 800 rub.
Electromagnetic lock repairfrom 650 rub.
Repair of intercom calling panelfrom 450 rub.
Repair of outdoor video camerafrom 500 rub.
Mortise lock repairfrom 800 rub.
Video camera repairfrom 500 rub.
Video monitor repairfrom 850 rub.

Call a specialist for measurements

We will also install a magnetic lock

Employee time trackingMagnetic lock kits
Electromagnetic locks
  • ACS installation
  • Installation of SCS
  • Magnetic lock for the country house
  • Design and installation of low-current systems
  • Magnetic door lock for interior doors
  • Electronic locks for entrance doors

Basic limitations of installing wireless calls

  1. Exposure to high or low temperatures can damage power supplies or microcircuits. Therefore, you should pay attention to the technical parameters of the operating conditions of the call when purchasing.
  2. The number of massive concrete and steel barriers should be kept to a minimum, since the transmitted signal from the button will be absorbed and the wireless call will not work.
  3. The distance from the button to the main unit must be within a reliable signal transmission zone. Usually it is up to 100 m, but you need to leave a small margin of up to 20% so that in the event of temporary obstacles the signal is not lost.

Wireless bell device

Cable laying methods

Cable laying will only be needed for wired calls. To do this, the surface of the walls inside the room near the exit from the house or apartment is inspected for the presence of the nearest junction box. Usually it is located at the top of the wall where the cable enters the house from the meter. Inside the premises, the cable can be laid externally or hidden, and outside the apartment only hidden, in order to provide reliable anti-vandal protection. For hidden wiring, grooves of a suitable size are cut into the wall using a hammer drill. External wiring is placed in boxes secured with self-tapping screws. [rek_custom1]

Features of laying hidden wiring

To connect a doorbell with your own hands, make a sketch taking into account all the technical features of the room for the optimal location of the button and the main unit. Then they cut a groove along the wall in the horizontal direction with a depth three times the diameter of the cable being laid. All cable turns are performed at right angles so that there are no problems finding them later. The wires are secured with plastic staples every meter. A margin of approximately 10-15 cm is left in the junction box and connection points.

The photo shows how to connect a doorbell

Connecting the main unit

The main unit is attached to the wall with dowels, after which it is connected to the laid cable in the gap of the neutral wire. If you connect it to a phase cable, then pressing the bell button can damage the electronics. The blue or black wire is neutral, and the red wire is phase.

The phase can be accurately determined using a special indicator.

Connections must be made on clamping blocks to prevent short circuits. The unit is disassembled in accordance with the instructions and the cable is connected to the terminals. A battery-powered doorbell can be simply mounted on the wall without laying or connecting wires.

Connecting to the network and checking functionality

After completing the installation work, it is necessary to connect to the power supply network. First, at the input panel, the power supply to the apartment is turned off using automatic switches. Then connect the neutral wire and phase to the corresponding supply wires in the junction box. A connection error may cause the main unit to break down, so you need to use the phase indicator before connecting the doorbell. If everything is done correctly, then after turning on the power the circuit should work. If the bell does not work, then you need to ring the wiring with a tester and fix the problem.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Detailed instructions from a Russian cable manufacturer:

Self installation option:

With the advent of intercoms and mobile phones, the need for mandatory installation of a doorbell has disappeared. But it still remains a useful device that makes life much easier - if, for example, there is no intercom installed at your entrance.

Self-installation is simple and is a good training for further, more serious practices in the field of electrical supply of your own home. But when working with electricity, do not forget about the safety of yourself and those around you.

If you are familiar with installing a bell in an apartment or house, we invite you to share your personal experience. You may have encountered difficulties during installation, let's discuss them together with our readers. Go to the comments and ask questions to our experts and other site visitors.

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