Why a window between the kitchen and the bathroom: how to seal it, how to close it, decorate it

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Vadim February 7, 2018

At least half of the multi-storey buildings in our country were built in Soviet times; they have various architectural excesses, but the most famous is the window in the Khrushchev or Stalin era between the bathroom and the kitchen. Today we will try to figure out why a window from the bathroom to the kitchen is needed, and I will tell home craftsmen how to seal the window between the bathroom and the kitchen in 3 ways.

Most Soviet-built apartments have a window in the wall between the bathroom and the kitchen.

Why were windows made before?

Old houses had their own characteristics that some people liked, while others struggled with them in every possible way, changing everything inside on their own. In Soviet apartments, especially five-story buildings, a common bathroom was initially built, which took up a minimum of space, but at the same time allowed you to enjoy the comfort of your own communications. Each house was designed taking into account certain rules that were considered necessary at that time.

One of these was the window between the bathroom and the kitchen in the Khrushchev and other houses of the 50s and 60s of the twentieth century.

The size of this window was approximately the same - 50x70 or 60x40 cm, depending on the dimensions of the wall. The presence of an additional product was due to several factors.

  • Protection of the premises in the event of a blast wave from a gas water heater. The designers assured that the presence of a window would help minimize the impact on the wall, which would make the damage minimal. In fact, this is not so, and if a gas water heater explodes, a wall with or without a window will collapse in the same way.

  • Ventilation in the toilet and bathroom. This function is not the main one, since most of the structures were solid and could not help in ventilating the bathroom and creating an additional draft in the apartment.

  • Possibility of saving electricity. In sunlight during the daytime, it was possible not to use a light bulb in the bathroom, since the room was quite well illuminated by the sun's rays. By the time the “Khrushchev” buildings were built, there was often no light in the houses, and the presence of at least a small light source in each of the rooms was a great advantage, but this reason was also not the main reason for installing a window between the bathroom and the kitchen.

  • The main task of erecting an additional window structure in Soviet times was to combat the tuberculosis epidemic, which was spreading at a rapid pace, and it was necessary to solve the problem by any possible means. Thanks to sunlight, it became possible to disinfect the bathroom, which had the most favorable environment for the proliferation of microorganisms, due to the warm and humid environment. Even with a minimum of two hours of light exposure throughout the day, it was possible to significantly improve the morbidity situation thanks to the prevention of housing in each apartment.

In modern realities, there is no longer a need to place a window between the bathroom and the kitchen, since the tuberculosis epidemic is already a thing of the past; it is successfully combated by medications. Modern houses are built without additional structures in the walls; a good hood, which draws out all excess moisture, helps to achieve cleanliness and comfort in the bathroom. Old apartments that still have windows between the bathroom and kitchen can be remodeled depending on personal wishes and needs. Those who consider the presence of such a product appropriate simply replace the old window with a plastic one.

In place of the deaf person, you can install an opening product.

The influence of Khrushchev on people's lives

There is an obvious impact - more families are able to live separately. At the same time, the Khrushchev era greatly changed many other aspects. For example, they affected the size of furniture. Factories switched to new standards and produced small-sized furniture - otherwise it would be impossible to drag it and put it in an apartment. Khrushchev also changed the planning of districts and cities in general - human life was studied not only inside the apartment, but also next to it. Schools and kindergartens, shops and bus stops - in the construction sites, all this was built in parallel.

There was a clear task: to build a lot and cheaply.

Of course, the Khrushchev era also influenced ordinary people. When they got separate housing, they began to speak worse and worse about communal apartments. At the same time, the values ​​that were propagated in the USSR began to diverge from reality. Even though the apartment formally belonged to the state, the family could live in it all their lives, which formed a proprietary attitude towards real estate. In the future, these apartments were privatized, but in the 60s no one knew about it.

Why do you need a window in the toilet?

Some elements of the Khrushchev buildings not only became the basis for writing jokes, but also retained a certain mystery. The classic question that arises among the younger generation is: “Why do you need a window between the toilet and the kitchen?”

There is no official answer to this question, there are only guesses:

  1. In case of power outages (which happened often in the early stages), the window allows the use of sunlight in the bathroom.
  2. Safety when using gas. In the event of an explosion, the window would become a weakened element, which could preserve the concrete structures and save the building from destruction.

They set up a lot of Khrushchev buildings

The peak of construction of Khrushchev-era apartment buildings occurred in 1960. 82 million square meters of housing were put into use - for comparison, in 1956, 41 million square meters were put into use.

Housing in the USSR.

Despite the fact that they were not comfortable, convenient or beautiful, their importance for the inhabitants of the USSR, and then Russia, is very difficult to overestimate. On the other hand, they shook the way of life that was imposed from above, and also gave a new reason for corruption among officials responsible for the distribution of housing

However, it is still better than endless communal apartments.

Several versions of the origin of the design

Now it is difficult to say unambiguously what exactly this window was intended for. There are several versions, each of which has a right to exist.

Technical opening for gas evacuation

This version dates back to the period when gas boilers were actively used in the apartment. In this case, the window opening between the bathroom and the kitchen was used as a technical opening through which part of the gas was to be evacuated when the balcony exploded.

Part to increase space

In addition to its technical use, the window visually increased the area of ​​the bathroom, which was valuable considering the standard size of a bathroom in a Soviet apartment. During the Soviet period, when large apartments were a rarity, and a large bathroom and toilet were almost a fantasy, it was necessary to visually increase the space of the apartment for greater comfort. In this case, the problem was solved using the play of light and special materials used in the window construction.

Energy saving tool

Another undeniable advantage of this design was the energy savings that occurred due to the additional lighting of the space. Thus, a simple Soviet citizen could enjoy a shower or take water treatments without turning on the lights, and thereby greatly save energy.

Additional ventilation for sanitary needs

Additional ventilation of spaces with high humidity. The bathroom is a place where, for obvious reasons, it is always very humid. Therefore, in order to avoid the formation of various pathogenic fungi and bacteria, additional ventilation of the room is necessary, which was provided by an additional window. This was especially important in the fifties of the last century, when the fight against the tuberculosis bacillus was going on throughout the Union. The window played the role of an additional preventive measure.

Emergency exit from the bathroom in Khrushchev buildings

In case urgent access to a locked bathroom was needed (for example, to get out a person who became ill or for any other reason), the window between the bathroom and the kitchen was used as an additional entrance to the enclosed space. It cannot be said that it was used especially often, but its presence gave the apartment owners confidence that they would always be able to help their loved ones.

It is not known exactly who and when came up with the idea of ​​making an additional opening between the kitchen and the bathroom. This invention had many functions and was used in a variety of cases. Today there is no urgent practical need for it, so every apartment owner can eliminate an unnecessary hole or turn it into a decorative interior detail.

Why were the walls painted blue or green?

On stairwells, and initially in apartments, the walls were painted blue or green, up to half of them. The upper part was simply covered with whitewash, like the ceiling.

The height of painting was determined by the average height of men: so that their shoulders would not touch the whitened part.

Why did they do this? The answer is simple - from savings. The whole country worked for defense. Green and blue colors were most needed for army needs, and on a residual basis they were also supplied to civilians.

“Camouflage” paints were resistant to fading and abrasion.

Having received an apartment, the residents immediately did their best to find light paint and repaint this squalor in the kitchens and bathrooms. I remember how, at the age of 12, I was given a brush for the first time and a part of the wall was highlighted.

The presence of a window between the bathroom and the kitchen, structural features and purpose

The presence of this element in old apartments is explained by various reasons. The window was built so that in the event of a gas leak or explosion, it could be used as a technical opening.

An emergency route during evacuation work to access the bathroom. There may be a child in the room who cannot open the door on their own, or someone may become ill while taking a shower.

To avoid knocking down the door, you can get in through the window. The design feature is that the opening is located very high on the wall, so it does not interfere with using the bathroom or taking a shower.

Regular curtains

They are made of fabric of different densities, and are mounted on a cornice, which is installed above the window opening. In a draft, such curtains will rise, which will not create an intimate atmosphere when you need to take a shower or bath. This curtain does not completely block the view from the street.

To solve the problem of a loosely curtained window, install a cornice that is much longer than the opening; it should be located at a standard height.

The length of the canvas is longer than usual (below the window sill), which will allow you to close the cracks. One of the advantages is the possibility of making bathroom curtains with your own hands.

Positive aspects of having a window

The light source is of natural origin, saving energy. If there is a network outage, you can simply use the natural light coming from the window.

Also, excess condensation, steam, dampness and other physical phenomena can negatively affect the air and condition of the room. Mold does not form in the bathroom if there is a window opening. Fresh air will enter the room and quickly ventilate the room.

The tiny bathroom will be slightly enlarged with the help of light flow due to the fact that the window faces the kitchen, and there is plenty of light there. Space is necessary, you need to create free space.

Having a window from the bathroom to the kitchen will effectively combat high humidity. There is no need to seal the opening, damaging the structure of the wall, which is thin in thickness and can significantly deteriorate during repair work.

Effective solution

The light will shine well into the bathroom, but it will not be possible to open it from the kitchen, which will protect you from intrusive glances.

Redevelopment with illumination looks fashionable and stylish, however, it will take up money. The owner of the apartment can independently decide on the desired option.

The need to cover a window with furniture may be caused by an external inconvenience that residents do not like.

A person, after weighing all the nuances, must decide what is best. The design feature will not disappear, but you cannot cover the window with plasterboard; excess moisture and dampness will fill the bathroom. The solution is to properly decorate the space. In old houses, a window is provided for air exhaust.

Currently, builders do not install such windows in apartments; inconveniences exist, but they can be eliminated.

Modern models of hoods and new equipment allow you to leave the window, but not use it.

Collected air will escape through the glass, even if the window is not ventilated.

Why did the doors to the apartments only open inward?

When we first moved into the Khrushchev-era building in 1974, everyone had the same wooden doors, painted with floor paint. They opened into a small corridor. It was inconvenient, but there were no questions.

This standard was introduced into building codes and regulations (SNIP) starting in the sixties. Everything is explained very simply. The landings are very narrow. The exits from the apartments are arranged in a fan pattern.

In the event of a mass simultaneous evacuation of residents, for example, in the event of a fire, doors open to the outside will block the path for those fleeing from the upper floors and even their neighbors.

I still live in such a house: the eternal problem is moving furniture in and out.

For security, modern owners install second doors, sometimes keeping the old ones.

Later, when the Brezhnevkas were built in the seventies, the sites became larger, the exits from the housing were located opposite each other. SNIPs remained old.

The spy version is as follows: “The norms were introduced at the request of the KGB to quickly knock down doors in the event of the arrest of criminals.” I somehow have little faith in this, but who knows.

Is it possible to remove it?

In modern houses there is no window between the bathroom and the kitchen, so residents do not need to clean it. In old houses, during renovation, many people ask to close or even remove the niche from under the window, but for such drastic measures it is necessary to obtain permission from the BTI. In houses with gas water heaters, they are not allowed to dismantle such structures, arguing that this is a violation of safety. In cases where there is a boiler instead of a water heater, there should be no problems with repairs.

Let's consider the options that you can resort to when transforming the wall between the bathroom and the kitchen.

  • Covering an opening with plasterboard is one of the most budget-friendly and easiest ways that anyone can do. To work, you will need a piece of moisture-resistant drywall equal to the window opening, as well as putty. The platbands on the window must be completely dismantled on both sides in order to level the wall; it is better to remove the glass. A sheet of plasterboard is cut into two pieces that will cover the window from the outside and inside, after which they are attached to the frame using self-tapping screws, plastered and finished with wallpaper or tiles.
  • You can fill the niche with bricks - this is the most thorough option, which does not involve returning the hole if necessary. Masonry can be done by anyone who is familiar with the basics of this procedure, or it is worth hiring a professional to do it. Brickwork allows you to isolate the room from moisture, drafts and noise that could come with any other finishing options. After laying, you need to wait a few days until the cement sets and plaster the wall, on top of which you can glue wallpaper or lay tiles.
  • The most budget-friendly and often temporary option is to use plywood . It is very simple to sew up a window opening using this material, but such repairs will not last long due to the poor resistance of the material to moisture.

If you have a firm decision to completely remove the window between the bathroom and the kitchen. There are a number of methods and materials for doing this, but before you get started, you should weigh all the positive and negative consequences. There are much more creative solutions that involve converting the window opening into decorative elements or shelves.

They decorate the space and serve as a convenient place to store small items.

How to close

If designing a small wall window seems like a waste of time and effort, you can cover it with masonry or cover it with moisture-resistant material. Finishing materials are often used: covered with plasterboard or plastic panels. Then the cladding occurs over the opening and the frame with glass does not have to be dismantled.

You just have to remember the position of the window and never try to mount anything on the wall in this place.

How to seal to hang a cabinet in the kitchen

In Soviet apartments there is not much space in the kitchen. It may happen that you can place the kitchen unit fasteners in no other way than at the location of the window. It will not be possible to get by with finishing materials.

Then the structure is removed, and the opening is filled with brickwork on cement mortar or filled with concrete, constructing formwork and installing reinforcement. The same procedure will be most appropriate when laying tiles.

Window between bathroom and toilet

The window in the toilet has the same purpose as the kitchen and bathroom: insolation, ventilation and safety. It is also possible to remove such a window if it is not shown on the plans in the apartment passport. Repair and construction procedures in the case of a toilet are identical.


When cementing the opening, make a thick solution. After this you can start working:

  1. Take out the glass.
  2. Attach a special mesh to the frame.
  3. Cement is poured in several layers.
  4. After each time it is necessary to level it and dilute it with a small amount of water.
  5. There should be about 5-6 layers in total.
  6. After drying, the wall can be finished with tiles, panels or wallpaper.

This method is the most effective. However, it also has disadvantages: it requires quick casting and smoothing - otherwise, everything will seize and you will have to redo everything.

How to apply?

If you don’t want to remove the window in the wall between the bathroom and the kitchen, you can make it beautiful and original. The easiest way to change the appearance of this element is to replace the rectangular frame with a non-standard one, for example, round or in the shape of a semicircle. In addition, the design of the room may require original color solutions. The most popular is imitation wood or lavender shade. If the frame of the old product is still strong and will last quite a long time, it does not always make sense to change it, but you can improve the glass itself by replacing it with stained glass. Original designs that match the bathroom concept or are a continuation of the kitchen decor will become a real highlight. You can order stained glass from a specialist or try to make it yourself if you have the proper experience in this matter.

If the window does not have a ventilation function and does not open, then instead of ordinary glass you can install glass blocks that resemble three-dimensional glass ceramic tiles. This material allows sunlight to penetrate into the bath, but reliably hides those in the room from prying eyes. You can decorate such a window using colored glass blocks, which are arranged either in a clear sequence or chaotically, creating a color ensemble. The picture, which is made up of many elements, looks very beautiful. They turn into a seascape, a forest clearing, or something original that matches the design of the room.

If the window is not used for its intended purpose, but there is no desire to remove it, you can use a niche for shelves for small items. There are always enough things in the bathroom that need somewhere to go, so having this kind of storage will be very valuable. During the renovation, you can remove the glass and close the window on the kitchen side using fiberboard or plywood, and organize one large or several shelves in the bathroom. If a thorough transformation is planned, then the niche is completely lined with tiles or other finishing material that does not allow water to pass through, which means it will serve for a long time. For creative people, an unnecessary window between the bathroom and the kitchen can serve as a pane for creating creative works that, like paintings, can be changed from time to time.

Important! There can be many options for finishing the window and the opening itself, the main thing is to decide what exactly should be in the room and find the most successful options for implementing the plan.

Put up a stained glass window

The simplest and most budget-friendly way to decorate your interior. Window trims are removed and carefully inspected. If they are in good condition, they are cleaned and painted. Perhaps they change their shape. Damaged parts are thrown away and new ones are put in their place. It is better to choose plastic, it is resistant to changes in humidity and temperature. Then they move on to glass design. It is taken out and replaced with a stained glass window purchased or ordered to the required size. You can do it yourself. To do this you will need the ability to draw and special stained glass paints. If the ability to draw is completely absent, but the desire to create is present, a good solution is self-adhesive film with any decor. It is glued to the glass over its entire surface or in fragments. There are several examples in the photo.

Features of gas connections

When connecting gas stoves, water heaters and other types of equipment, flexible hoses are also used. Unlike water models, they are yellow and are not tested for environmental safety. For fixation, end steel or aluminum reinforcement is used. There are the following types of devices for connecting gas appliances:

  • PVC hoses reinforced with polyester thread;
  • made of synthetic rubber with stainless steel braid;
  • bellows, made in the form of a corrugated stainless steel tube.

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Beautiful examples

Having a window in the bathroom that leads to the kitchen is not always a problem. In some cases, this makes it possible to take a shower in the daytime without turning on the light, and for those who like to steam, there is a chance to quickly ventilate the room and refresh it. In order for a window opening to fit into a modern design, you need to be able to decorate it correctly and use it based on your own needs.

Using glass blocks instead of regular glass is a good way to keep the room light, but at the same time decorate it and give it a completely different look. The drawing should fit into the design of the room and complement it. The color range of glass blocks can be different, everyone has the right to choose what they like.

Stained glass is an equally beautiful option for finishing a window opening in a bathroom. The use of original and custom designs can be captivating and promote relaxation while taking a bath. The stained glass pattern should be such that it looks equally good in the bathroom and kitchen, otherwise one of these rooms will look awkward with stained glass.

The shape of the window plays an equally important role in interior design. If the apartment is designed in a modern style, then a round window opening will be a real find and will complement the concept of the room. The size of a round window can be any size, from small, about 30 cm in diameter, to large, 60 cm or more. The use of stained glass or other decorative elements in this case will be unnecessary, as it will distract from the originality of the frame itself and the illusion of being on an underwater or ordinary ship.

If there is no possibility or desire to change the size and shape of the hole for the window, but you want to make it special, then the simplest solution would be to choose platbands in a non-standard color scheme. The most common color is white, so many people want to install a window in any other color to stand out and make their apartment unique. The wood-colored frame looks very beautiful, expensive and stylish, and goes well with almost any interior, which is very convenient.

For those who do not see the need for a window between the bathroom and the kitchen, it is possible to transform a niche into a useful space and instead make a shelf for useful small items or decorative elements.

The finishing of such a shelf can be made of various materials, the main thing is that the resulting product is beautiful and functional.

Supporters of creativity can decorate the window in an original style, showing all their resourcefulness and talent. Each option deserves consideration, so it's worth considering all the possibilities before making any decision regarding a bathroom window.


In general, I told you everything I think is necessary about the window in the bathroom. If the information presented is not enough, you can watch the video in this article on the issues raised. And from all readers I would like to hear specific advice on how to arrange and decorate a window in a large bathroom in a country house. I hope for creative ideas that you can freely express in the comments.

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August 10, 2016

Bathroom, Design, Bathroom and toilet design

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Three ways to seal a window opening

Not all owners want to get rid of this window; there are people who like this architectural solution. Accordingly, it would be unfair to talk only about sealing the opening, so first I will tell you how to decorate the window from the bathroom to the kitchen.

Method number 1: decorating the opening

You won’t be able to build an opening window made of metal-plastic with your own hands; it’s better to order a complete replacement from a company. The only thing you can somehow save on is dismantling the old structure yourself (I’ll talk about this a little later).

The plastic design is considered a good solution for those who do not want to part with a window in the bathroom.

But replacing an old window with a plastic one is not so much expensive as it is problematic. After all, to do this you will have to re-tile the tiles or install some other finishing, which already constitutes a full-fledged renovation.

It is much easier and cheaper to decorate old glass. The most affordable way out is to buy self-adhesive film. It is sold on any construction market and the price there is cheap.

Self-adhesive decorative film can be installed quickly and is not expensive.

The instructions are similar to installing a tinting film on car windows:

  • First, wash and degrease the glass well with an alcohol-containing solution;
  • Then take a soap solution and, using a foam sponge, generously lubricate the glass with it;
  • Remove the protective coating and carefully apply the decorative film to the glass;
  • Next, take a plastic spatula for wallpapering and expel all the liquid and air bubbles from under the film;
  • Now all you have to do is trim off the excess film around the perimeter with a blade or sharp knife and wipe everything dry.

It is advisable to glue the film on the bathroom side, since on the kitchen side a greasy coating will constantly settle on the window, and it is easier to wash it off the glass.

It is convenient to expel the air from under the film using a wallpaper spatula.

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