Landscape tricks: simple ways to improve your private plot

Fresh air and relaxation in the lap of nature are the main values ​​of suburban areas. Therefore, the owners strive to arrange their land comfortably, create a beautiful yard and a cozy garden; landscape tricks allow you to achieve your goal even in a small area. We understand the variety of methods for landscaping, take into account the advice of professional landscape designers and choose the simplest and most effective methods.

Design of the local area Source

Landscape tricks as the basis of design

Not so long ago, six acres were strongly associated with garden beds and conservation. Modern dachas are no longer a purely utilitarian place; their owners need a break from noisy city life more than they need to ensure their own food security.

However, it is not enough to simply plant your favorite flowers, fruit trees and shrubs on the site. Owners who do not have professional knowledge treat the improvement process very carelessly. As a result, the territory is distributed irrationally, many opportunities are lost, and the area is not as comfortable for life as it could be.

Rational approach Source quantum-spb.rf

Landscape design techniques will help improve the territory, but the services of a specialist are not cheap, and the process itself can be quite complicated. It is much more promising to arrange the territory yourself. To do this, you need to have an idea of ​​some landscape tricks and allow yourself to experiment in the garden.

Landscape tricks are professional techniques used by designers. They concern not only the selection and placement of plants, but also other aspects: the general color palette, lighting, spatial arrangement of various objects.

Terrace decoration Source

The task seems difficult, but in practice it is enough to have a general understanding of the principles of design: where it begins, and what points you need to pay the main attention to. Advice from experts and knowledge of some principles will come to the rescue. Landscape tricks will give the site a complete look, add comfort and individuality. Independent design will bring the joy of creativity, and will also allow you to save a fair amount of money, which can be spent on purchasing interesting varieties of plants.

Design with an artificial pond Source

Tips for Newbies

Russian universities train certified design specialists. But design is not science, but creativity. Creativity, as everyone knows, is unique and unique in its manifestations. In other words, every person who creates landscape objects contributes a drop of their own, unique and one-of-a-kind soul. Only by listening to the prompts of their subconscious, famous designers created historical architectural compositions that have survived to this day. But they were not recognized immediately; time had to pass. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid to take the initiative in arranging your site. Sometimes, the most extraordinary and strange decisions create a unique atmosphere of the territory and reveal the true beauty of the human soul.

It takes a lot of work to create a practical place for the whole family to relax

In order to learn the basic lessons of landscape design, advance preparation is required. At this stage, it is necessary to take time to study reference books, manuals and magazines dedicated to the design of suburban areas and their gardens. Fortunately, the Internet is generous as always. In these books you will find tips from designers who will share secrets with you, show you the most common mistakes of beginners, and direct your aspirations in the right direction.

Always start small and realize your ideas slowly, enjoying the process itself, and not just its result

Of course, nothing can replace live communication with a person. But if you find a suitable book written by a competent author, you will absorb the makings of a true landscape master.

A good garden design has several compositional centers that attract attention. It can be anything - a tree, bush, pond or bench

Usually two or three books read within a week inspire the newly minted creator to such an extent that he immediately runs to the nearest gardening supply store and buys everything he thinks he needs. Starting from decorative elements and ending with flowers and trees. This is strictly prohibited. Rushing will not lead to success; you will only forget what little you have learned. First you need to figure out the order, following which you will be able to choose the right material for the fence and gazebo. The further choice of elements of small architectural forms, trees, flowers and plants depends on this.

Start your path to your dream garden with one small flower bed or mixborder

Go out into the garden when you have time and desire, work and don’t try to do everything at once and in one day

See alsoDesign of gazebos in different styles.

Where to begin

Arranging a suburban area is a rather complex and time-consuming process. In order for the result to meet expectations and delight the soul and heart, it is first worth spending a little time to work through the project.

The main part of the project is the landscape plan. It can be drawn up on paper, or you can use a specialized application for landscape designers. Any popular program will do, such as SketchUp or Punch Home Design.

Before diving into drawing up a plan, it is useful to refresh your memory of the features of the site: the depth of groundwater, elevation changes, soil type. The following information is applied to the paper:

  • The basis of the plan is the boundaries of the site to scale. If there are any, landscape features are drawn: height difference, stream, slope, edge of a ravine.

Site with difficult terrain Source

  • It is useful to identify communications: power lines, pipelines, drainage systems.
  • Existing buildings are drawn: house, summer kitchen, barn, garage.
  • Objects that will be completed in the future are drawn, including the most insignificant ones, such as a woodshed or a doghouse. This is important for a plot of any size, since unaccounted for construction can prevent the implementation of a brilliant idea.

Site plan Source

  • Dividing a large area into square segments will help in arranging country life; landscape tricks are much easier to implement if you know the boundaries in advance. In addition, it is much easier to transfer the plan in parts.
  • Another option for division could be zoning according to the way the territory is used: recreation area, garden, children's playground.
  • Existing trees and shrubs are marked on the plan. This is important if you are planning to plant large plants. Landing sites are planned taking into account the recommended distances between all objects.

Vertical flower bed in the recreation area Source

Project cost options

Standard project

  • Landscape designer visit
  • Site measurements
  • Concept development
  • Detailed design (master plan, territory improvement project, dendroplan, assortment list, layout drawing, road network with cross section, detailed design of flower beds and ponds, lamp arrangement plan, estimate)
  • Estimate

from 50,000 rub.

Order service

Extended Project

  • Landscape designer visit
  • Site measurements
  • Concept development
  • Detailed design (master plan, territory improvement project, dendroplan, assortment list, layout drawing, road network with cross section, detailed design of flower beds and ponds, lamp arrangement plan, estimate)
  • Engineering and landscape communications (drainage system project, automatic watering system project, lighting project)
  • Estimate

from 70,000 rub.
Order service

  • Sketches of individual landscaping points from 7 to 10 working days.
  • Standard project from 14 to 20 working days
  • Extended project from 15 to 25 working days

Organizing space: secrets of composition

The space of the site is filled with objects of various shapes. And, if everything is more or less simple with the geometry of buildings, then difficulties arise with other objects. To ensure that the space looks holistic and the zones do not compete with each other, it is useful to remember the following subtleties:

  • Trees cause the most trouble: they grow and constantly change space. When planting, it is necessary to take into account not only the size of an adult plant, but also the shape of its crown, which can be very different: spreading, pyramidal, oval.

Tree crown shapes Source
See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in landscape work of any complexity

  • Not only paths are considered linear forms, but also flower beds, which are not a mandatory design element. On the contrary, it is impossible to do without paths. They not only make it easier to move around the site, but also serve as a natural separator of functional areas, and this should definitely be used.
  • In the composition of any zone, it is necessary to highlight its center. This will tie all the other components together and the place will feel comfortable. If in the recreation area it will be a gazebo or bench, then in other corners you will have to take special care of the center. A unifying idea could be an alpine slide, a flower bed with decorative conifers, a free-standing tree, or a fountain.

Bench and old fountain Source

  • Small details (bench, flowerpots on the terrace, swings) are selected at the final stage.
  • If you do not want to fill the garden with decorative elements, the accent can be made in another way, for example, by decorating the garden path with lamps.

Design of a garden path Source

  • If you are planning to arrange a small summer cottage, choose those landscape tricks that will help simulate the depth of the space. An effective technique is to plant plants taking into account their height: the lowest ones at the entrance, the tallest ones in the background. It is also impossible to allow the area from the entrance to be visible through. A curved path will also help create the impression of depth.

In a modern style Source

Decorative design of the site

Every garden or personal plot must have at least one highlight that is unusual and original. Which will attract everyone's attention, and give you a reason to be proud and demonstrate your taste and imagination.

These can be small architectural forms (SAF), such as arches, pergolas, fountains and streams, bridges, beautiful garden paths made from original materials, unusual hedges, as well as various garden figures, including those made by yourself. There are many of them, and you can borrow some of them on the Internet.

Here are some examples:

In fact, decorative design is a very important part of landscape design and is worth devoting a separate article to. For now, I just drew your attention to this.

About the tricks of the color palette

The space of the site is much larger than the space of the home, which makes it tempting to fill it with a variety of decor. But for decorating a site yourself, the basic requirement is simplicity of design; this also applies to the color palette of the landscape. The site will make a favorable impression if the colors of the composition are chosen correctly. It is useful to use the following color selection techniques:

  • Buildings on a site (house, gazebo, garage) are rarely made in the same color, and there is no need to try to make them the same. To make them look cohesive, it is useful to use some common architectural element. This could be shingles on all roofs or wood trim throughout.
  • One of the buildings can be made the center of the composition. Then it is highlighted in color using contrast.

Gazebo Source

garden furniture

Using thick branches of fruit trees to support the swing, you can get a completely useful and aesthetic piece of garden decor. An old car tire or simply a thin planed board suspended on ropes from support posts is also suitable for swings. This will not only be fun for happy children, but will also fit harmoniously into the overall style.

Birdhouses and feeders made with children from old boards should be placed at the top of the thick branches of fruit trees. This will be a good pedagogical technique for raising children and a real manifestation of caring for birds.

Fashionable techniques in landscape design

Gardens in the French (regular) style, demonstrating the wealth and aesthetic preferences of their owners, are becoming increasingly rare. They look great, but maintaining them in proper condition will require an unreasonable amount of effort, time and money. Also, do not forget that a regular garden looks decent only on a large area.

Design in the English (landscape) style makes the garden plot look like an untouched natural landscape, but also requires constant maintenance. In the last decade, preference has increasingly been given to gardens designed in a minimalist manner.

In English style

This choice is completely understandable and justified from the point of view of saving time and effort, the most valuable resources. The following techniques will help make the site elegant and fashionable:

  • Organization of hedges from coniferous trees. A fence made of thuja, yew, spruce or larch is beautiful and functional all year round. Many breeds can withstand shaping clipping very well, but you can do without it.
  • Full-fledged hedges are obtained from shrubs, for example, from currants in the garden; Landscape tricks concern choosing the appropriate variety. It can be the usual black or red currant; It is possible to use any variety of golden or alpine currant.

Combined hedge


A gazebo on a summer cottage must meet the following requirements:

  • to be beautiful;
  • functional;
  • reliable.

This design is often the center of the area where you can relax, wait out bad weather and have a snack. The size of the gazebo and its shape must correspond to the general style and meet the requirements of the owner. Most often, gazebos are made of lightweight wooden structures. The gazebo can be made with glazing or using blinds to protect from wind and rain. The lattice walls of the gazebo are used as load-bearing structures for climbing plants. You can install a decorative lamp in the gazebo.

Open-type summer kitchens can also be classified as gazebos. In such kitchens, a stove is often installed, equipped with the necessary communications, and decorated. You can read more about summer kitchen projects here.

Lawns and flower beds are the basis of the landscape

If the landscape of a suburban area looks chaotic, a lawn will save the situation. It will become a unifying background for the entire composition and will delight the eye with its well-groomed appearance. Many tricks to help create the perfect grass carpet relate to the selection of grasses and the type of lawn:

  • The type of lawn is selected according to the method of use. An English or meadow lawn looks the most picturesque, but such a carpet can only be admired, you cannot walk on it.
  • If you're looking for a lawn that's perfect for a fun game or picnic, consider a sports turf that can withstand heavy use.

English lawn

Recommendations from professionals

When buying decorative lamps for outdoor lighting of a personal garden, you should give preference to lamps with a steel or plastic casing. When lighting a large area, you should ensure that the lighting devices are powered from a stationary electrical network.

An alternative to concrete when constructing an artificial reservoir is a special durable polyethylene film or a ready-made multi-level plastic container. Using advanced achievements of technological progress, you can significantly reduce labor costs and time spent on arrangement.


Briefly about the main thing

In order for the garden on the site to be picturesque and functional, when arranging the territory it is necessary to rely on a well-thought-out project and a well-developed plan of the area. All significant objects, plants, communications, as well as future buildings and plantings are plotted on the plan.

Landscape tricks will help give the site a harmonious, complete look. Many of them relate to the organization of space, the choice of the center of the composition and color palette, and the way to organize a lawn or flower bed. Fashionable landscaping techniques will help you design your site in such a way as to minimize maintenance.

Creation of a design concept

This stage of work is the most interesting and creative; it is here that the main design concept is formed. Namely, the style for the design is determined, the material and appropriate plants are selected. All ideas and plans are transferred to paper, the dimensions of details and plant forms are worked out and entered. It is worth considering the following:

  • the growth rate of a particular plant;
  • maximum height and width of plants;
  • acceptable neighborhoods among cultures.

To create a landscape design, you should first choose simpler but beautiful plants. It will be quite difficult for a novice gardener to care for and grow exotic crops. Experts recommend choosing plants such as:

  • juniper;
  • thuja, pine plant species;
  • hawthorn;
  • barberry;
  • viburnum;
  • varieties of tree peonies;
  • chrysanthemums;
  • roses of different types;
  • garden yucca;
  • primrose;
  • lupine.

And this is not the entire acceptable list of plants for a beginner, which will help you create an unusual, beautiful design on your site. Caring for these plants is quite simple and will allow you to see your work in all its beauty in a short time.

To start, choose plants that require minimal care.

When choosing materials, you should give preference to more natural and environmentally friendly products - wood, stones and gravel of different sizes.

It is important to carry out the work in perspective, since most plants are perennial and planning is carried out for more than one season. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances and, first of all, it is necessary to think through the color scheme of the project.


The main goal of this design will be the combination of natural principles and modern embodiment. The style is characterized by the rigor of natural lines, the naturalness of the colors used, the functionality and thoughtfulness of each element.

Country style

Country is still the most popular style. Bright and elegant, it is subject to the principles of simplicity and ease. For the most part, there are no specific rules in country styles; they are invented by the site owners themselves, based on a reasonable combination of all items.

For such a design, household items (buckets and wheelbarrows as flower beds, a haystack, a fence or a “forgotten” rake), homemade crafts, and creations made of wood and stones are ideal.

The style gives the impression of the best features of country life and has several varieties, of which the most popular remains the soft lilac Provence with its herbs and abundance of flowers and hand-made decorations.

The Moorish style will amaze with bright colors of decoration and a riot of plants, the Mediterranean style will transport you to the charming bliss of a hot afternoon on the seashore, the colonial style will combine a small vegetable garden and comfortable relaxation in a house or recreation area near a pond.


The children's playground is an independent area of ​​the summer cottage. There are many ideas for organizing and decorating playgrounds. Here you can use characters from your favorite cartoons and books. You can make the play structures yourself, but it is better to give preference to purchased products. Children's slides, swings, small carousels and climbing walls are made of bright, durable and non-toxic materials. Products from some Chinese companies are not recommended. They are not very reliable and do not always meet environmental requirements.

Stages of work

Landscape design
Free consultation

Preliminary design consultation by phone: +7 (495) 280-39-36 |

Pre-design work

Includes familiarization with the site and discussion of wishes with the Customer, drawing up technical specifications for the design. Choosing a design style and garden concept.

Sketch development

The sketch is discussed 2 weeks after the conclusion of the contract at a personal meeting with the Customer, amendments, adjustments and additions are made. Usually this is 1-3 meetings.

Project preparation

Based on the sketch approved by the Customer, the final version is completed within 2 weeks. The finished project is delivered to the Customer in printed and electronic form. The design time frame depends on the complexity and area of ​​the site and is discussed individually.

Regular style

This design is more suitable for large areas (more than 15 acres) and will require additional time. The main idea will be to demonstrate the superiority of man over nature. To do this, they use the principles of strict geometric shapes and regularity of lines, absolute symmetry.

In this design, even flowers must bloom at a strictly defined time. The centerpiece of the design is usually a large lawn or fountain. Sculptures, topiaries, forged arches and strict pergolas are used as decorations.

The prototype of this design is considered to be the royal palaces of France or the more familiar Peterhof.

Grills, barbecue

Owners of suburban areas must provide an area on their territory for installing barbecues and barbecues. This place should be located away from other areas of the site. The site must have a level surface, which can be made of concrete, brick or stone. The barbecue area does not have to be surrounded by walls, but a decorative rain canopy on poles is a must. Only a professional can do the brickwork for the hearth on his own, which is why purchased barbecues and barbecues are popular among owners of summer cottages. They are made of metal, have an attractive appearance and are easy to use.

Mobile applications

Using a smartphone or tablet, you can edit the layout on the go, upload photos of the location, and draw on top of the photo.







Landscape design platform for iPhone. Connects to the camera and shows on the screen how objects will look in reality. Here you can place plants from the built-in library, and then save the plan to your smartphone.

You can expand the functionality of the editor and get access to all the program's libraries by subscription for $29.99 per month.

Main features:

  • ✓ AR design;
  • ✓ collection of vegetation and textures.

The visualizer is a universal solution and is used by professional designers and ordinary homeowners.

Home Design 3D Outdoor/Garden

Home Design 3D Outdoor/Garden


Android, iOS



Lightweight mobile software for arranging an open space with a large gallery of elements. You will be able to place garden furniture, trees, swimming pools, greenhouses, fences, etc. Each item can have a custom finish. The result will be displayed in 3D and 2D modes.

Main features:

  • ✓ more than 100 three-dimensional objects;
  • ✓ dragging buildings on the touchscreen;
  • ✓ regulation of terrain texture.

Suitable for amateur use as it does not allow precise editing of the layout. And the graphics here seem a little realistic.

Home Outside

Home Outside





A visualizer for iOS that offers tools for arranging your flower garden and backyard. It contains more than 700 elements, options for designing sketches, adding buildings, paths and fences.

Home Outside can be downloaded from the App Store for $2.99. The platform also has versions for Android and MacOS, but they are not available at the time of writing.

Main features:

  • ✓ support for layers;
  • ✓ uploading photos from your phone;
  • ✓ linking content to the grid;
  • ✓ resize and rotate each part;
  • ✓ library of animated figures.

It is not used in a professional environment, as it has limited functionality and creates projects with low detail.

High tech

Modern styles are subordinated to the ideas of minimalism in everything.

Clear paths will lead owners exactly where they wanted to go, without any deviations along the way, using no more than three colors will help calm the eyes and nerves, modern technologies are designed to make life convenient with a minimum amount of resources expended.

Flowers and shrubs are small in size and there are relatively few of them.

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