How to change grout color - best tricks for updating grout

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There are at least several proven ways to change the color of grout . As you can imagine, completely replacing grout by removing the old one and applying a completely new layer is a time-consuming and tedious job that cannot be done when working with a large area of ​​tile. Therefore, it is worth learning about other ways to make the grout perfect. So how can you change the color of your grout and freshen it up?

Simple coloring

Painting the spaces between the tiles is the most affordable and easiest option for updating the seams. What is suitable as a base product:

Painting seams is considered not the most durable option; the effect of the result lasts for a maximum of six months. However, when using special formulations, this effect may be longer. And, even more so, when using paints that contain a sealing additive. In addition, antifungal substances can be added to special formulations to protect seams from mold. Which is another argument in favor of specialized tools.

When choosing water-based paint, you should take into account the fragility of the option, since the seams will quickly darken again. It is recommended to apply the composition to areas that have been previously cleared of dirt and mold and have been well sanded.

Options with markers and whitewashing are also not durable, although they are simple in technique. The maximum period for maintaining the effect after their use is no more than six months. In addition, the use of whitewash is allowed only in rooms with a dry climate.

Best before date

The grout must be used only within the expiration date indicated on the package. If you neglect this, the fugue may begin to crumble or will not attach to the surface of the tile at all.

Grout must be stored in dry conditions. It is advisable not to spill or pour it out of the package if you do not plan to use the mixture in the near future. From the moment of manufacture, such compositions can be stored for no more than 24 days.

As for the immediate shelf life of grout, it differs for different products. For example, the Atlas mixture can be used for one year if we are talking about an epoxy mixture. The shelf life of glossy versions is 2 years.

Special coloring compounds

It is not recommended to choose a paint color that has already been used. The optimal solution is to choose a new shade that masks the wear of the grout. Moreover, the choice of shades that resemble dirty ones may seem strange at first. But it is he who can become the most successful. And all because in the future you won’t have to worry about the paint losing its color and darkening.

You can purchase a special composition for restoring the color of tile gaps at a construction supermarket. There, the range of such products is presented in quite a large quantity - for every taste and budget. Moreover, the purpose of such compositions is both to restore the color of the joints over the entire area, and to even out the shade in certain areas where the grout has noticeably worn out.

When choosing the color of the composition, you should take into account the fact that light compositions go well with the shape of the tiles, giving them some streamlining. Whereas dark compositions will make the tiles stand out against their background.

Experts recommend immediately buying a 2 in 1 composition, which already contains a sealant additive. This way you won’t have to think about the last step of the repair with applying a protective sealing layer.

Alternatively, the paint used to make the paving stones can be selected. If the choice fell on it, then before starting work it is recommended to mix the composition with tile adhesive. This is how concrete structures are usually painted. And in this case, the stability of the fugue shade is guaranteed.

Instructions for painting seams

What it is?

There are two main types of tile installation: with seams and without seams. If you prefer the common option with seams, then you simply cannot do without high-quality grout (otherwise called fugue).

These concepts mean a whole group of special compounds designed to fill gaps between tiles. High-quality grouts have many positive qualities, thanks to which they are in many ways superior to similar building mixtures.

Replacing the grout layer

Replacing the grout in the joints seems to be the most labor-intensive, but also the most effective and reliable way to update the color of the joint space.

To implement it, the first step is to get rid of the old grout. It is permissible to apply fresh grout over the worn-out layer of grout. Which is much less labor intensive. The main thing is to choose the right composition.

Therefore, you should figure out which grouts are suitable for these purposes. It is advisable to use two types of grouting compounds. Depending on the basis, this could be:

A cement-based fugue is a dry mass diluted with water or liquid latex. Cement grout is always made using Portland cement.

Grouts based on epoxy resins are compounds with synthetic resins and hardeners that are resistant to acids and chlorine. Form strong contact with metal surfaces. For this reason, they are not susceptible to the influence of these substances and are characterized by a high degree of strength.

The cost of epoxy grout is higher. And their purpose involves their use not in residential premises, since the need to protect tile joints against alkalis and acids at home does not arise often.

Epoxy fugue has increased viscosity and is not suitable for thick tiles that are laid with small (narrow) gaps. The width of the joints is considered standardized, but the size of the gaps is determined by the shape and area of ​​the tiles. For square elements 10 by 60 cm, the optimal seam width is 3 mm. In the case of defective tiles, the joint width can be increased to 1 cm.

To remove old grout you will need the following:

Instructions for applying a new fugue to the previous one

For work it is better to use a rubber spatula. It works well in tile recesses as well as seams.

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The above recommendations are suitable in situations where the width of the seams is 3-5 mm. For narrower gaps (2-2.5 mm) proceed differently. First, evaluate to what depth the composition will fill the seams. If more than 3 mm, then grouting continues further. If the composition does not penetrate deeply, then use a spatula to press the composition into each section of the seams. Such a painstaking operation is performed only in areas that are subject to increased loads. In the remaining areas the composition is simply rubbed down.

To update the color of the grout, a colored fugue is well suited. The grout can be chosen to match the overall coating or in a contrasting shade. This way you can not only repaint the seams, but also create an interesting design for the room. To add color to the grout, the use of colors (dyes) is allowed. Typically, paste or liquid tinting agents are chosen, which are sold in a hardware store.

Industrial colored grouts contain a special dry tint, which creates a rich and bright fugue color. It is more appropriate to use industrial colored grout. Experts are against attempting to mix grout and color on their own. Because this is fraught with consequences. For example, damage to the performance properties of the composition cannot be ruled out; in addition, during subsequent mixing, you can miscalculate the desired degree of shade.

When the grout dries, it is covered with a special protective layer. This is necessary to avoid cracking at the seams.

Knowing how to paint the grout between tiles and how to change the grout in the joints will make your choice of resurfacing the grout more informed.


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Elena Trufanova

Dennize Denny, I was very interested in your comment. I have a border with a pattern that forms a continuous ornament, I don’t want to “cut” it, tell me, is it permissible according to technology to lay it out without a seam? Thank you.

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Dennis Denny

Elena, almost any decor can be installed either with or without a seam, unless the ends are rounded. The question is what will look better in a particular case.

It’s just that in this topic the corners and tiles are the same length, the seams of the border could coincide with the seams of the tiles.

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The pencil and tile seams do not match on purpose, so the row of tiles looks complete. And pencils in this version cannot be without a seam, since there will be no symmetry, because indeed the tile and the pencil are the same width.

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Painting tile joints in the bathroom: materials, methods and technology

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You can paint the seams between the tiles in the bathroom using ordinary lime, water emulsion or a special product. This way you can update the appearance of the room and delay the time for the next renovation.

Cleanliness and neatness of tiles are the main condition for an ideal bathroom. Immediately after the renovation, it’s pleasant to be in the bathroom; you can feel freshness and newness everywhere. But over time, the walls and floor inevitably begin to become dirty, this is especially noticeable at the joints between the tiles. These areas can be difficult to clean and cannot be easily cleaned with detergents. But it is not necessary to make a complete repair to update the seams. There are many ways to return tiles to an attractive and fresh look. To answer the question of how to paint the joints between the tiles in the bathroom, it is important to take into account the conditions in this room.

Video description

This video presents a master class by a representative of the Litokol company on the topic of how to properly grout epoxy grout:

Another manufacturer from Italy is Mapei Kerapoxy. You can choose epoxy grout from 46 ready-made samples. The material is used only for finishing the cladding in the bathroom. It is noteworthy that the kit includes three components, which distinguishes the product with increased resistance to acids and other aggressive chemicals.

Preparatory work

For any type of painting, preliminary preparation is required, since the product will not stick to a dirty surface. The tile joints are cleaned using a regular detergent; you can also use washing powder, dishwashing gel and traditional methods. These substances are applied to the joints between the tiles, then you need to wait a while and thoroughly rub the areas with a brush. After this, the walls and floor are washed with water and wiped dry with a cloth.

To effectively dissolve fatty deposits, you can mix soda and whiteness together. These products are brought into a pasty state and applied to the spaces between the tiles. To better remove contaminants, it is advisable to hold the substance on the surface for about 15 minutes, and then thoroughly clean all areas with a brush. After such cleaning, the seams are washed generously with plain water and the quality of the work performed is checked.

If there are persistent oil stains, the entire process can be repeated several times. At the same time, it is prohibited to use metal and abrasive products so as not to damage the smooth surfaces of the tiles.

If there is not enough time, and the result is needed as quickly as possible, it is recommended to resort to special products from hardware stores. In household chemical departments there are many products that contain strong solvents. Mixtures of acids and other chemical elements ensure effective removal of even old stains. But when using them, you should take safety precautions - you need to wear gloves and a respirator when working with such products. It is also important to ventilate the room well after treatment.

If you have small children and animals in your home, it is better to use more environmentally friendly methods. This is also important for allergy sufferers who are contraindicated from inhaling chemicals. One of the safest methods is steam cleaning. This treatment will allow you to quickly get rid of all contaminants, as well as disinfect the surface and prevent the development of fungi on it. In order for the grout paint to adhere better to the tile joints, they should be thoroughly degreased before applying it. Acetone, white spirit or an all-purpose degreaser work well for this purpose.

How to paint the spaces between tiles

When choosing a material for restoration, you need to understand the conditions under which it will have to be used. A bathroom is an area of ​​high humidity, where the walls and floor are constantly in contact with water and are subject to regular cleaning. Therefore, the coloring agent must be selected that can withstand significant loads.

Paint for tile joints must have the following properties:

A wide variety of coloring products allows you to choose the right shade for any interior. The most common color remains white and its variations, since such tones are associated with the cleanliness and freshness of the bathroom. But if desired, the seams can be painted in any shade, for example, they can be made dark so that they contrast clearly with the tiles. Colored options are also available for sale; they can be matched to the main color or made into an interesting combination.

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Water emulsion for seams

When choosing a paint for grout, craftsmen often opt for a regular water-based emulsion, since this product has many advantages:

Among the disadvantages of this solution is sensitivity to humidity and mechanical damage. Such paint for seams is not able to withstand the ingress of liquid for a long time, so it is not advisable to use it in the bathroom, as well as on the work surface in the kitchen. Floor tiles should also not be treated with this product, as this will make cleaning much more difficult.

Marker Features

If the area to be restored is not too large, and you don’t have paint for tile joints on hand, you can use a simpler method - a grout marker. With this tool it is easy to apply a smooth and neat line, and no additional equipment is needed. Marker coloring is recommended for the following reasons:

Despite the large number of advantages, this option also has disadvantages. They mainly relate to the volume of work performed. There is no point in using a marker over large areas, since the product has a high consumption and can quickly run out. One pencil will be enough for 5-10 meters of processing.

Another disadvantage is the rapid abrasion of the marker tip, which loses its appearance due to the rough surface of the grout. As a result, such a pencil can no longer draw a straight line, and the work turns out sloppy. Companies that produce these products try to include additional attachments in the kit that can be used after finishing the main one.

Special dyes

If you need to quickly update the appearance of your bathroom interior, you can purchase special paint for seams. These products allow you not only to refresh the room, but also to completely change its color. When purchasing a dye, consider the composition of the grout, which can be regular or epoxy. In the latter case, you need to select the product more carefully, since not every product is able to adhere well to such a surface.

The most common types of grout paints are:

How to Renew Epoxy Grout

It is easy to find a suitable dye for a cement coating, but the situation is completely different with epoxy grouts. In this case, the list of available options is significantly reduced. To remove the epoxy coating, wipe it with Litonit gel. Before application, the product is diluted in water and then carefully applied to the desired areas. You should work especially carefully in the tile area, since the substance is quite aggressive and can damage the surface.

If there are significant defects in the tile joints, it is more advisable to completely remove the grout and apply a new fresh layer. Using a sharp tool, carefully clean the gaps to a depth of about 5 mm, while trying to act carefully and not damage the surface of the tile itself. For the same reason, the use of electrical appliances is highly discouraged.

When the grout is completely removed, you can use a vacuum cleaner and carefully remove dust from all crevices. Then fresh mixture is added in between. To obtain colored joints, you can purchase ready-made grout with a tint or resort to an alternative method. It is the use of powdered pigments that are used in the production of concrete tiles.


These are elastic grouts with high water-repellent properties, with which you can seal seams with a width of 1 to 6 mm.

They are ideal as a fugue for ceramic cladding on movable bases, since they have a kind of elasticity and do not crack, even if the tile begins to “play”. They are painted, like epoxy compounds, using pigmented sand.


  • Do not absorb water and do not accumulate dirt;
  • Easily fills even very thin seams;
  • No mixing required - the mixture is already ready for use;
  • Leave enough time to correct flaws;
  • Easily removed from the surface of ceramic tiles.


  • Destroyed by chlorine.

Dye application technology

Grout paint should always be applied to a clean, dry area. Typically a thin brush is used for this, but some manufacturers include their own tools. These can be sponges, brushes or tips. Greater precision during application can be achieved using masking tape. This material is placed on both sides of the treated area so that the dye does not get onto adjacent areas. After painting the gaps, wait some time until the product dries and distributes. When the final result is achieved, the tape is removed.

If a marker was chosen for coloring, no additional equipment will be needed. The product is used to carefully paint the seams vertically and then horizontally.

How to paint the seams between tiles

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