TOP 15 best wood splitters for private homes and cottages for 2022

Useful tips and tricks

Please note that the ax handle should be made so that its cross-section has a characteristic oval shape.
Only by observing this condition will you be able to successfully hold it without straining your hand too much. In this case, blows with an ax will be more accurate and easier. It is recommended to make wood blanks for creating an ax handle in late autumn. It is during this period that the movement of sap is reduced to a minimum (almost stops), which means that the tree becomes, as it were, dehydrated. Many inexperienced craftsmen neglect drying wood to build an axe. As a result, this ends up with the handle changing in size, and the metal part with the butt on it holds very poorly. It is permissible to use undried material only in special situations, when the handle needs to be built urgently, and this spare part is made as a temporary one.

When making a brand new ax handle yourself, you need to draw up a detailed drawing/template of the future tool. If you have a very convenient old ax in your arsenal, then you can remove all parameters from it. This will make it much easier and more convenient. Do not rush to turn the cutting edge of the tool. First you need to make sure the metal is sufficiently hard. If it turns out to be too soft, then it will need to be additionally hardened under the influence of high temperatures.

It is very important to use a ready-made ax (both homemade and store-bought) correctly. Experienced craftsmen strongly do not recommend trying to cut various metal parts with such a device.

Even if you plan to cut wood, it is better to make sure that there are no solid particles inside that could harm the tool.

It is strongly recommended not to throw the finished tool onto hard surfaces, especially from a great height. It is not recommended to leave the ax in the open air. Precipitation or aggressive sunlight can negatively affect the quality of the wooden part. Keep this tool in a dark and dry place. Only under this condition will the ax serve you for many years.

If the ax handle fits into the eye too easily, this may indicate that during the work the master made a serious mistake somewhere (most likely in the calculations). An incorrectly prepared template often leads to this problem. In such a situation, even one more installed wedge will not change anything

This is why it is so important to take your time to do all the calculations and make the template correctly

Do not forget to process the wooden ax handle at the end of all work. Please note that processing of this part must be carried out in several approaches. Each new protective layer should be applied only after the previous one has been completely absorbed. This is the only way to reliably protect wood from rotting and destruction. Stock up on enough wood to make an axe. You don’t need to make just one piece - it’s better to build several pieces. This is necessary because during the work some of them may not work out and be rejected. There should always be at least one more blank in stock.

To make an ax handle, you cannot use a wooden block that has a large number of knots. Because of them, noticeable cracks may form on the material. Over time, the branches begin to dry out, and the entire material loses its strength. Making an ax handle yourself is not at all difficult. If you doubt your abilities, are afraid of making a mistake and translating natural material, then it is better to refuse experiments. Buy a ready-made model or contact an experienced craftsman who will make a good tool for you.

To learn how to make an ax handle with your own hands, see the following video.

Preparatory activities

Wood selection

Tips for choosing a tourist axe, description of the best models

It is clear that not every breed is suitable for making an ax handle. It is advisable to focus on ash, oak, maple, hornbeam, acacia, rowan (necessarily old), beech and even apple trees. But the best option is still considered to be birch, namely, the root part of the tree or growths on its trunk. This wood is characterized by maximum density. Consequently, the durability of the ax is guaranteed.

It is better to harvest lumber in late autumn. At this time, the movement of juices practically stops, which means that the wood is relatively “dehydrated.”

Sample exposure

Even an experienced craftsman may not be able to make a quality ax the first time. Therefore, it is necessary to stock up on several blanks for the ax handle. Opinions vary on the length of their storage before processing, but everyone agrees on one thing - drying should be done for at least 3 - 4 years. Moreover, it cannot be accelerated artificially. The process should proceed naturally, and it is advisable to choose a dark and dry place for storing raw materials.

It makes no sense to use “fresh” wood on the ax handle. As a result of the material shrinking, it will become deformed, which means that the handle will have to be constantly wedged, otherwise the metal will fly off. Undried wood is used only as a last resort, as an exception to the rule, when there is an urgent need to make an ax handle, at least for a while.

Preparing the template

A good ax handle must have a strictly defined shape. Trying to withstand it “by eye” is a futile task. The same applies to linear dimensions - they should be as close as possible to the recommended values.

Axes have different purposes. As a rule, a good owner has at least two of them. Cleaver and carpenter are a must. The dimensions and shape of the ax for each are clearly visible in the figure.

What to consider:

  • The “tail” is made somewhat larger in cross-section than the gripping part. This ensures that during the work the ax handle will not break out of the master’s hands.
  • Since we all have different heights and arm lengths, the linear parameters of the ax are not standard. They vary within certain limits. First of all, this refers to its length (in cm). For a cleaver - from 750 to 950, for a carpenter's tool - about 500 (±50). But it is necessary to leave a so-called allowance, first of all, on the side of the butt fastening (8 - 10 cm is enough). Once it is firmly seated on the ax handle, without splitting the wood, it is easy to cut off the excess.

If you have an ax on the farm, which is convenient in all respects, then it is enough to transfer the contours of its handle onto a sheet of cardboard and cut out a template using them.

Photos of the best cleavers

Design and types of product

There are different designs of axes, which are divided into groups according to purpose:

Figure 1 – Ax design

  • Plotnitsky. The blade is straight or slightly rounded, medium size and weight.
  • Building. It differs little from the carpenter's one, but usually has a slightly larger size for the convenience of driving nails or dismantling various structures.
  • Meat. Used for chopping meat, it is large in size with an elongated blade that allows you to separate pieces of carcass with one blow.
  • Cleaver. A compact and massive tool with a thick, chisel-like striker. Designed for splitting ridges, not used for other work.
  • Lumberjack. Used for cutting off branches and separating the tops of canes. for greater amplitude and saving effort, it has a long handle (axe handle). It is not currently used for felling trees, although there are still some specialists in this field.
  • Hunting. It has a compact shape, usually tapered just behind the blade to reduce weight.
  • Tourist. reduced size, the ax handle is usually plastic. It is used on hikes, where you have to carry everything on yourself, so compactness and lightness are highly valued.

Classification of axes

In practice, many types of axes are used, which are designed for working with wood. Conventionally, they can be divided into three types:

  • cleavers;
  • for logging;
  • construction or universal.

Accordingly, there are various designs designed to solve specific problems, for example, a firefighter is equipped with a pick, with which you can pull beams and other structures away from the source of fire.

In addition to this classification, we can offer another one - according to the size of the blade, or more precisely, according to the size of the butt:

  • wide;
  • average;
  • narrow.

The first ones are used in logging, the second ones solve many problems in construction and in everyday life, and the third ones have found their application in carpentry. These tools are also distinguished by the length of the ax handle. That is, the larger it is, the stronger the swing and, accordingly, the blow. There is a difference between the width and shape of the blade. That is, if the tool has a direct sharpening, then it is intended for chopping blows. If the cutting part has a curved sharpening, then it can both chop and cut.

Steel, wood, and polymer materials are used to make ax handles. But as experience shows, nothing better than a wooden (birch) handle has yet been invented. Other materials do not always cope with vibration damping.

The list of existing and widely used tools can be listed for quite a long time, the following can be mentioned:

  • Tourist, it has small overall and weight characteristics, its weight is just over half a kilogram, and its length is 350 mm. With its help, you can prepare dead wood and perform simple work, for example, put together a ladder or a raft.
  • Hunting. It is used for cutting dead wood and butchering harvested carcasses.
  • Scandinavian. This tool is intended for professional woodcutters. It weighs 1.2 kg, with a length of 640 mm.
  • Cleaver-sledgehammer. Its use allows you to split any log.

GOST 18578-89 normalizes the main dimensions of the product, maximum tolerances, and roughness parameters of the cutting part. According to the requirements of this document, each product must be marked. This GOST defines the procedure for acceptance and shipment of finished products to the consumer.

Types of wood splitters, their differences

The presence or absence of a drive makes it possible to divide the equipment according to its mechanism of action into manual and mechanical . They have significant differences in design.


Manual wood splitters do not require the use of technical means. Their work is based on the simplest laws of physics. The source of energy is human physical strength.

They are used only in everyday life, since the preparation of large quantities of material is labor-intensive and time-consuming.

There are 3 types of such devices:

  1. A crowbar is a pipe with a crowbar at the end. Inside the pipe there is a heavy rod that moves freely. The device is installed with a cleaver on a log and, using an internal crowbar, it splits with a sharp forward movement.
  2. A spring wood splitter is a lever attached on one side to the frame; on the opposite side there is a sharp blade. The connection point is spring loaded. It works on the principle of a weighted working part and a large leverage.
  3. Inertial (shock-inertial) . The piercing part enters the wood by moving the handles along a sliding rod.
Crowbar cleaverEase of production
Simple design


A large number of misfires (when the log does not break or the cleaver gets stuck in the wood)
Low efficiency

Risk of injury

SpringEase of production
Little effort to use

Long service life


Low security

Lack of mobility

The need to adapt to human height


Ease of manufacture

Not useful when working with sticky woods


A mechanical wood splitter is an intermediate link between a manual wood splitter and a wood splitter equipped with a motor. Their range is much more diverse than manual ones. Because the design uses different types of engines and feeding methods. In addition, not only blades are used to split wood.

Mechanical models are divided into several types:

  1. Cone or screw (“carrot”) - a machine with a motor, on the shaft of which a cone screw is located. The principle of operation is to screw a screw into a block of wood. Due to the increase in the diameter of the tool and its threaded part, the wood is easily torn. It differs from the usual mechanical one - the blocks are put on the cone manually. And the cone itself is fixed on the axis of the electric motor.
  2. Geared - is a frame, on one side of which blades are fixed. On the other side there is a high-speed engine. It is equipped with a gearbox that converts the rotational movements of the shaft into reciprocating movements of the piston, thanks to which the material is fed to the blade.
  3. Rack and pinion. It is equipped with a motor that transmits force to a timing pulley and a toothed gear to a rack, which is equipped with a spring-mounted pusher. The latter feeds the lumber to the working knife, which is fixedly fixed at the very end of the frame. When the working stroke is completed, the spring will return the pusher to its initial position.
  4. Hydraulic. Components: frame, stop, cylinder, wedge blade, pump, pressure distributor, oil tank, motor. The mechanism of action is to build up pressure using the press. That is:

The liquid (oil) is under pressure ➡️ The pressure pumps this liquid ➡️ It is fed to the bed and presses on the block.

Due to their high productivity, hydraulic machines are often used in logging.

ConicalLightweight design
Possibility of self-production

High efficiency

Low cost

A gimlet can't always get through wood
Doesn't completely separate the logs into logs

High electricity consumption

At low voltage, the screw may jam directly into the log

GearedSimplicity of design
High performance
Energy consumption


Rack and pinionEconomical

Ease of use


Large dimensions due to horizontal design
HydraulicThe frame of the cleaver is adjusted to the size of the firewood

Changing power mode

Simple controls

Minimum physical activity

Difficulty in making your own

Danger due to incorrect use

For your information! The wood splitter can have two different types of blades: flat (cuts the log into 2 parts) and cross-shaped (cuts into 4 parts).

Depending on the type of traction, the devices are:

  • Electric ones are the most popular type. Such an engine is powered from a household network, is unpretentious in operation and has high power.
  • Gasoline . Outperforms electric ones. They work using fuel. Used for private needs and in industrial production.
  • On a tractor pull . The working part of the unit is interfaced with the hydraulics of the tractor or its power take-off shaft. Has private and industrial applications.

The correct technology for sharpening an ax blade

The blade of a hand-made ax will perform its function only if the sharpening angle and chamfer width are maintained correctly.

The sharpening angle affects the convenience of the ax and the degree of its functionality. If you plan to cut damp, freshly cut wood, then the sharpening angle should be approximately 20°. If there are dry trees, then 25-30°.

The width of the chamfer is also very important, but an ordinary home craftsman cannot change it in ready-made blades purchased. However, there is a way out: sharpen the ax blade with a double “trigger.” The first angle is turned at 15°, the second at 25° (average value).

Sharpening an ax: a - sharpening angle, b - chamfer width (should exceed the thickness of the blade by 2.5-3 times)

The ax is sharpened using an electric sharpener. At the same time, make sure that the blade does not overheat too much - this leads to a deterioration in hardness near the cutting edge. Therefore, when starting the sharpening process, you should place a container of water next to the sharpener to cool the metal. It is advisable to immerse the blade in water after each pass along the circle.

It is necessary to reduce the runout of the grinding wheel to a minimum by regularly correcting it using special cutters. When sharpening, hold the ax so that the blade is directed towards the rotation of the electric sharpener. The butt is held at 45°. The blade is sharpened by smoothly moving the ax along the circle. The sharpening angle is carefully sharpened and the chamfer is polished.

Sharpening an ax on an electric sharpener allows you to quickly get a sharp blade

The final sharpening of the ax (grinding) is performed using a sharpening stone regularly moistened with water. Instead of a block, you can use a piece of plywood covered with sandpaper. Remember that working with a sharp ax is a pleasure, while a dull tool will force you to exert more effort, leading to rapid fatigue.

Precautionary measures

When preparing firewood, it is imperative to observe safety measures, regardless of how this work will be carried out: with a cleaver or an electric or mechanical wood splitter.

You must always be on guard, as during the work, chips fly in different directions, the trajectory of which is unpredictable. Therefore, the area for chopping wood must be suitable, that is, at a distance from people and animals.

A cleaver (like an ax) is a dangerous tool, and one wrong move can result in injury. The correctly selected tool and the rules for its use significantly affect human safety.

Particular attention should be paid to the deck on which the firewood will be split, as well as to the lump that will split. It should not be larger in diameter than the block, and its height should be slightly above the knee. If you install the block incorrectly, it will be quite problematic to deliver the right and strong blow that will split it.

Before starting work, you need to think about your protection and wear goggles and gloves. Safety glasses will help prevent splinters and wood dust from getting into your eyes, and gloves will give you a better grip on the handle. If you follow all safety rules, this activity will become easy and even fun. Firewood will split easily and correctly.

The importance of the handle

You can choose the optimal length of the ax based on the height of the master and the force of the blow. Strength, in turn, directly depends on the length, so when working with a large ax, it will be easier to chop logs of firewood.

Before making a choice, you should decide on the desired result:

  • heavy version of the tool (total weight 1 kg - 1.4 kg, handle length from 55 to 65 cm);
  • lightweight version (weight 0.8 kg-1 kg, with a length from 40 to 60 cm).

The quality of the wood from which the ax handle will be made is of great importance. Not every type of wood is suitable for manufacturing. Often, birch is used for these purposes (parts located near the roots or stem growths).

There are also handles made of oak, acacia, maple and other hardwoods. All selected workpieces require long-term drying.

After the wooden blank has dried well, the contours of the handle are drawn on it, according to a pre-made template. To avoid hand slipping during operation and to increase the convenience of the ax, it is necessary to provide a thickening at the end of the handle.

A knife, chisel, or electric jigsaw will help you cut out the outline.

After trying on the ax head and not finding any signs of a loose fit of the parts, you can safely continue improving the ax handle. Glass will help you scrape the tool, and sandpaper will be useful for grinding.

Wood splitter: what is it, device, principle of operation

A wood splitter is a modern machine designed for harvesting and trimming wood. This device is often called a splitting ax or a wood splitter. It splits wood quickly, efficiently and safely, unlike a simple ax.

The standard unit consists of a frame, knives, hydraulic piston and drive. Due to the operation of the engine with the piston, a force is created that pushes the wooden block towards the knives, which split the log into pieces.

Sharpening the piercing part of the taiga ax

Excellent performance of the hatchet is ensured by a properly sharpened blade. The sharpening angle depends on the activity you will perform with the axe.

The taiga ax is sharpened at an angle of 30-35 ̊. If they will be working with fresh wood, then we sharpen it at an angle of 25 ̊.

If you use a sharpening wheel for sharpening, then the ax handle must be held at an angle of 40-45 ̊. We reproduce the sharpening slowly and carefully.

If you have all the necessary tools in stock, a photo of the step-by-step production of an ax, then its creation will not take a lot of time, effort and money, and in return you will receive a high-quality ax made by yourself.

But do not forget that with a piercing part made of high-quality metal, the ax will last much longer and if the handle is treated with linseed oil, it will not rot and deteriorate.

Subtleties of sharpening

Sharpening the blade of a cleaver differs from sharpening a regular axe. It is not the sharpness that is of primary importance, but the angle. The cleaver has a blunter angle - about 70 degrees.

In this case, on the side that is closer to the handle, it is sharper. On the opposite side - as blunt as possible. This allows you to achieve the best splitting results. The sharper part meets the wood first and penetrates it. This allows the thicker side to penetrate deeper into the block and increase the sliding effect. So with fewer blows you can achieve more splitting.

How to make a cleaver from an ax with your own hands, see the video below.

Placing an ax on an ax handle

At first, such a procedure seems simple. This false impression is formed due to the simple connection of elements - mounting and wedging. However, the procedure is quite labor-intensive and has a number of subtleties that in no case should be ignored. To make this job easier, a professional and experienced carpenter always follows strict step-by-step instructions.

Preparatory work with the tool

First of all, you need to get an ax handle. You can buy it at any specialized store or make it yourself. The ideal material is pre-dried birch. Carpenters with extensive experience prefer wood of this particular species. It has the necessary set of properties and that is why it is so popular

When choosing a handle, it is recommended to pay attention to its density and shape. An important criterion is grip comfort.

If you do not take this point into account at the initial stage, your hands will experience discomfort while working with an ax, which will quickly lead to severe fatigue.

Next, you will need to purchase a handle of suitable dimensions that will fit tightly into the metal hole. Using a woodworking device or a sharp knife, it is necessary to trim the handle so that it acquires the required shape (straight or ellipsoidal). The ellipsoidal hole in the ax is considered more reliable due to its fastening. Small cuts are then made on the top surface of the handle. Visually they resemble longitudinal grooves.

The most important nuance at this stage is the depth of the grooves. The cut grooves should be hidden in the hole of the axe. Otherwise, during the wedging process or during use, the handle may simply crack. It is necessary to strive to ensure that the width and thickness of the wedges are the same.

Creating wedges

The reliability of fasteners is largely due to high-quality wedging. The use of wedges made of metal and wood will help with this. As in the case of an axe, wedges can be purchased in a specialized department of the store or made at home. An important condition is compliance with the shape and size between the wedges and the material used in the manufacture of the axe. The best wooden wedge, according to professional carpenters, is made from dried birch, and the best metal wedge is made from hard tin, the so-called shovel.


Perhaps the main difficulty faced by everyone who decides to mount an ax on a handle themselves is driving in steel or wooden wedges. In fact, this process is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. This stage can only be started after the handle and wedges have been completely prepared. To begin with, the longitudinal wedges are hammered in using light blows with a hammer. It is not worth making strong blows due to the fact that the wood may be deformed. And this can subsequently lead to instability of further fastenings.

Once the wedges fit snugly into the grooves, use a hacksaw blade to carefully cut off the remainder. You can verify the successful completion of the work by the strength of the grip of the ax and the handle.


There is an opinion that a wooden wedge must be made from the same type of wood as the handle. However, this is a misconception. The main condition when choosing a material is its strength. In turn, the direction of the wood fiber should also be taken into account, since it is recommended to maintain parallelism in the narrowing of the wedges. This will protect the weapon from possible damage.

Successful wedging can be considered complete filling of the groove space with wedges, and removing the ax from the ax handle is considered impossible.

Sometimes it is still not possible to avoid gaps in the ax hole. Then an ordinary piece of gauze, which has been previously treated with epoxy resin, will come to the rescue. This composition allows you to provide wood with protection from moisture and impart reinforcing properties. To remove any gaps that have arisen before mounting the ax, its upper part is wrapped several times with treated gauze. Thanks to epoxy resin, any gap, crack or gap is filled, forming a reliable and strong attachment of the ax to the handle.

Making an ax handle with your own hands

You should not neglect the ax handle, since it is this that affects the comfort of work. The holder must be balanced, comfortable, well polished and with the correct geometry so as not to injure the worker’s hands.

The first step is to choose the right wood for the ax handle. The first and simplest option is pine. It is very easy to sharpen and polish, but is unreliable due to its high fragility. You can use birch - the best option and very affordable wood that is quite easy to find. Maple and ash are ideal, but making a handle from such wood is very difficult in some latitudes.

The size of the ax can be at your discretion; a handle with a length of 50 to 70 centimeters (universal size) for the cleaver is recommended. A hiking option is 40 centimeters, but cutting down trees and chopping firewood is quite difficult with it. If working with an ax only involves splitting logs, then the handle can be increased to 120 centimeters - excellent impact power and productivity, but you lose in comfort of use. Next, let's look at step-by-step instructions for making an ax handle.

STEP 1: select a wooden blank. The log should be 20 centimeters longer, and its diameter should be at least 12 cm. Without knots, rotten areas, deformations and other defects that may be present on the tree.

STEP 2: drying the wood. First you need to clear all the bark and split the lump in the middle. It is advisable to withstand for a couple of months at +22-25 degrees and 15% humidity. You should not heat it or keep it damp - this will only worsen the properties of the wood after drying, and it may become deformed.

STEP 3: shape the ax handle. First, you can remove all excess with a hatchet or a large knife, and all “jewelry work” is done using a chisel and a small hammer. If this is your first hand-made pen and you don’t yet know how to make an ax, then the process will take several hours, you need to check the drawings. A more experienced person will be able to cut an ax handle by eye in 20-30 minutes. You should end up with a handle something like this:

STEP 4: Now you need to attach the ax handle and secure it. You can use gauze and epoxy resin - a proven option. After 2-3 days the instrument is completely ready for use. To be sure, after mounting the ax you can hammer in a wedge - this will be more reliable.

STEP 5: sanding and varnishing. The ax handle must be properly treated with sandpaper and opened with anti-corrosion mixtures so that the wood is not damaged over time. Now the instrument will also be beautiful!

Now all you have to do is find out what do-it-yourself sharpening is. You need to sharpen the ax handle on a machine or do it manually and you can go test the tool. True connoisseurs can also make a leather case with their own hands. A piece of leather 30 by 30 centimeters, an awl and nylon threads is all you need. Now the tool will look respectable and you won’t be ashamed to give it as a gift!

You can find out more about how to make a taiga ax with your own hands here:

Also useful for repairs:

  • Do anti-vibration stands for washing machines help?
  • Projects of small baths made of foam blocks
  • Stains on laundry after washing in the machine

Preparing the template

When you have ready-made material, you can begin to create the ax itself. To do this, they think over and make a sketch of the handle, thanks to which the manufacturing process of the product in question is facilitated. The shape of the ax is determined by the type of tool. If a handle is required for a light ax weighing 0.8-1 kg, then its length is 0.4-0.6 m. The length of heavier ones can reach 0.6-0.9 m. Axes are classified according to their purpose:

  • carpentry;
  • lumberjacks;
  • loppers;
  • cleavers;
  • butcher's

Based on the purpose of the tool, the length of the ax will depend. When making it, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • to prevent the ax handle from slipping while working with an axe, the tail should be slightly wider than the handle itself;
  • the cleaver's ax handle is made 0.75-0.95 m long, while for a carpenter's ax it is 0.5 m long;
  • 10 cm is added to the length of the handle for allowance. This part is cut off after attaching the butt.

The future handle of the desired shape and size is drawn on cardboard, after which the image is transferred to wood and cut out with carpentry tools.

The best wood chippers

Lever chipper KOLUNDROV “Economy”

Lever chipper KOLUNDROV “Economy”
Rating 4.4

The Kolundrov “Economy” lever splitter is designed for splitting wood into pegs. Due to its reasonable design and sharp blade, the tool quickly separates the wood into chips of the required size. To protect against corrosion, the device is coated with special powder enamel. By following safety precautions when using the item, injury is excluded.


Working positionLog length, cmLog diameter, cmCost, rubWeight, kg


  • Quiet operation.
  • Ease of use.
  • Price-quality ratio.


  • Birch is difficult to give in.

Sliver-wedge wood splitter KOLUNDROV “Sharp”

Sliver-wedge wood splitter KOLUNDROV “Sharp”
Rating 4.8

Chip wedge “Kolundrov” “Kolkiy” is a simple and convenient design for splitting logs into pegs. The St3 steel body can withstand powerful blows from a sledgehammer, which ensures long-term operation of the cleaver. Powder coating protects against corrosion. The blade edge is carbon hardened.


Working positionLog length, cmLog diameter, cmCost, rubWeight, kg


  • Ideal for splitting small firewood.
  • Price-quality ratio.
  • Comfortable.

There are no cons.

Lever chipper KOLUNDROV “Standard”

Lever chipper KOLUNDROV “Standard”
Rating 4.7

The compact “Kolundrov” “Standard” lever-chip splitter has a durable lever-type design, which allows you to prepare a large amount of chips in a short time. The blade with a profile of 40x5 mm is made of durable steel. The handle has an increased thickness for comfortable use.


Working positionLog length, cmCost, rubWeight, kg


  • Comfortable.
  • Functional.
  • Powerful.
  • Safety of use.


  • Inconvenient knife handle.

How to choose the right wood for a handle

It’s curious, but not all tree species are suitable for making an axe. It is recommended to use only hardwood that has been previously dried in special chambers or kept in a dry place. Failure to comply with these requirements will lead to the fact that during use the handle will dry out and securely attaching the blade to the ax handle will be very problematic.

Home craftsmen use several types of wood to make wooden handles, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's try to figure out which wood makes the best ax handle.


This is a “come and take” raw material, but the availability of the material does not guarantee high quality. To make a high-quality birch ax handle, the wood will have to be dried for 10-12 months. Even after this, the material remains sensitive to humid environments.


It is also an accessible and widespread material with a limited scope of application. In particular, maple handles are not suitable for making quality tools for a carpenter or lumberjack. However, the wood has a beautiful texture, making it ideal for decorative and souvenir wooden products.


This unusual name hides an American walnut that grows in Canadian forests. For the manufacture of an ax handle, this is the best option, successfully combining strength, elasticity and durability. However, only American and Canadian loggers can truly appreciate these benefits.


This is a type of wood unique in its properties, which is used for the manufacture of sports equipment and furniture. Jatoba is easy to process and has a presentable appearance. At the same time, such solid wood is not inferior in strength to oak, so ax handles made from it are very reliable.


Among the listed options, ash is considered the optimal balance between availability and quality. At the same time, the wood has an interesting texture, so after appropriate processing, the wooden ax handle will have a presentable appearance without loss of strength and elasticity.

Reliable manufacturers of wood splitters

The determining criterion for choosing a tool is the reputation and reliability of the manufacturer. Let's consider several well-known manufacturers that have earned trust in the Russian market.

Champion is one of the most popular brands of portable gardening and power equipment. The company offers a wide variety, regular updating of models, and a favorable price-quality ratio. Thanks to this, the company's tools are in great demand. And for Russia, equipment has been developed that matches the country’s climate.

Patriot is a brand that produces power tools, power and garden equipment. The rights to the brand for selling equipment in Russia were purchased in 1999. The advantages of Patriot include reliable engines, economical fuel and energy consumption. Patriot is a manufacturer that makes sure that the customer has only high-quality replacement components.

Al-Ko is a German brand of machinery and equipment for the garden. The company was founded in 1931 by Alois Kober as a small workshop. Today it is a large company that has a total of 45 offices around the world, 4,000 employees and is one of the leading manufacturers in various fields. The company constantly improves quality and complements functionality combined with modern design, convenience and reliability.

Kolundrov is a domestic company specializing in the production of wood splitters, stoves and accessories for making a fireplace. The company entered the market in 2016 and has produced more than 15,000 products.

Greenween is a young Russian company founded in 2015. Manufacturer of goods for cottages and gardens.

Important: when purchasing a wood splitter, give preference to a trusted manufacturer. By choosing an economical option from a little-known brand, you risk purchasing a low-quality product and wasting money.

Selecting a workpiece and making an ax handle

The length of the ax is selected based on the height and strength of the master. The quality of the wood also plays an important role. Lightweight axes, weighing about 800-1000 g, have handles from 40 to 60 cm long. For heavy tools (1000-1400 g), the length of the ax varies from 55 to 65 cm.

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The force of the blow depends on the length of the axe. The longer the ax handle, the easier it is to chop wooden logs. The strength and height of a person also matters

Not every type of wood is suitable for making an ax handle. For this purpose, a true master searches the entire forest before finding a suitable tree. Most often, a blank for an ax handle is made from the root part of a birch tree, or better yet, from growths on its trunk, which are distinguished by their special twisted and very dense wood. Instead of birch, you can use maple, oak, acacia, ash and other hardwood deciduous trees. The workpieces must be dried well in natural conditions, which will take a lot of time.

On the prepared blank, the contours of the future ax handle are outlined according to the selected template. There should be a thickening at the end of the ax handle, designed to “braking” the hand in case the tool slips. Then the excess wood that is outside the contour is removed with a knife, an ax with a perfectly sharpened blade, a chisel or a jigsaw, which is much faster. After fitting the ax on the ax handle using a mallet, and making sure that these parts fit tightly, you can continue further finishing of the tool handle. Glass is used for scraping, and fine-grained sandpaper is used for grinding.

Above is a drawing of an ax handle (a) that meets the requirements of GOST 1400-73, and below is a marching ax handle (b) with an area of ​​unbroken fibers of 40 mm

Making your own ax step by step

The tool manufacturing process can be divided into several stages. In order for the instrument to fit well in the hand, serve for a long time and not become dull, it is necessary to carefully and thoroughly perform each of them.

Ax head selection

How long the ax blade will work without sharpening depends on what steel the cutting part of the ax blade is made of. Good tools are made from high carbon steel, which has optimal hardness and toughness.

In the Soviet Union, steel grades U7A, U8, U8A, and U8GA were used to produce axes. The steel grade was stamped on the side of the blade.

To check the head for integrity before purchasing, you can simply hit it with a metal object. A long, ringing sound indicates high-quality hardening of the blade and the absence of internal cavities and cracks in the steel. The hardness of the blade is determined by quietly scratching it with a file. On high-quality hard steel, the needle file leaves small scratches; on soft steel, a notch immediately forms.

When purchasing an ax head, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • the blade must be of the correct shape, without shells or cracks;
  • the eye should taper into a small cone;
  • the butt end must be perpendicular to the blade;
  • The walls of the butt should not be too thick.

On a note! High-quality instruments can be purchased for relatively little money at so-called “flea markets.” They often sell old instruments pulled out of grandfather's closets. By purchasing an old tool and making an ax handle, you can get a high-quality tool for little money.

Making an ax

To ensure that the tool fits well in the hand and is comfortable to work with, carpenters prefer to make an ax handle with their own hands. To make an ax you will need the following tools:

  • wood hacksaw;
  • square, pencil, tape measure;
  • small hatchet;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • blunt knife;
  • skins of different grain sizes.

Large tool stores sell already made axes. The easiest way is to buy a ready-made pen and create a tool, but a factory product rarely “fits in your hand.” To make your own ax handle, hardwoods are used:

Trees are harvested at the end of autumn, when sap flow stops and the tree becomes dense and dry. A piece of the required length is sawn off from the trunk, split along the fibers and laid to dry. Dry the workpieces in a dry, dark, ventilated place for 3-4 years.

On a note! During drying, wooden blocks can bend, so it is advisable to have a supply of blanks for work.

Before work, they find out the dimensions of the future ax and make a drawing. The length of the ax depends on the length of the master’s hands, the weight and purpose of the tool:

  • for light carpenter's axes (800-1000 g), the handle length is 40-60 cm;
  • for heavy two-handed axes (1000-1500 g) – 60-70 cm;
  • for light cleavers, the length of the handle is 40-45 cm, for heavy ones - 60-80 cm.

You can download a sketch of the drawing from the Internet or take an existing ax and adapt its dimensions to your hand. Several options for drawings of ax handles are shown in the photo below.

Operating procedure:

  1. the workpiece is trimmed with an ax, making a rectangular block;
  2. The contours of the future ax handle are drawn on the plane of the block with a marker. The length of the workpiece should be 5-7 cm longer than the axe. The allowance is necessary for the correct attachment of the ax;
  3. the block is hewn along the contour. Rough processing of wood is carried out with an axe, finishing with a plane or a jamb knife;
  4. the final polishing of the homemade ax handle is carried out with fine-grained sandpaper;
  5. After grinding the ax handle, it is impregnated with linseed oil or natural drying oil to prevent rotting. The liquid is brought to a boil and rubbed into the ax handle. To make a homemade instrument stand out better against the background of grass, a bright acid-colored dye is added to the oil. After drying, the process is repeated until the oil is absorbed into the wood.

Placing an ax on an ax handle

Removal of excess wood from the upper end of the ax handle is carried out carefully, constantly applying the butt of the ax to the workpiece. After the eye is pressed 1/2 of the way onto the ax handle by hand, planing is stopped. Craftsmen have developed several ways to securely attach an ax head to a handle.

A wedge is used for mounting. It is carved from hardwood. Operating procedure:

  1. the butt of the head is applied to the top of the ax handle and a mark is made;
  2. the ax handle is clamped in a vice. In its upper part, along the fibers, a cut is made with a hacksaw for metal to a depth equal to half the distance to the mark;
  3. A wedge is cut out of hardwood (birch, oak). The thickness of the wedge is 0.5-1 cm, the width is equal to the width of the ax handle, the length is equal to the depth of the cut;
  4. The ax handle is installed vertically, and the ax blade is placed on top of it;
  5. the wedge is moistened with PVA glue and hammered into the slot on the butt with a mallet;
  6. The part of the wedge that does not fit into the slot is cut off.

On a note! Each master wedges his tool in his own way. Some people make two diagonal cuts for two wedges. There is an option for fixing the head with five wedges. To do this, one longitudinal and two transverse cuts are made in the end part of the ax. First, a regular large wide wedge is driven in, then four narrow ones are driven perpendicular to it.

For installation you need gauze or thin calico. Operating procedure:

  1. the upper part of the butt is trimmed until the head begins to fit 2/3 onto the ax handle;
  2. the eyelet is degreased from the inside, wiping with a solvent;
  3. Epoxy glue is applied to the upper part of the butt, wrapped with gauze or a calico rag, and another layer of glue is applied on top;
  4. the ax head is placed on the ax handle. In order for the head to finally settle, it is pressed down on top with a mallet;
  5. The epoxy resin will dry within a day. The remaining fabric and resin are cut off with a knife.

Impregnation of the ax handle and ax attachment

The upper part of the finished handle must be impregnated with a water-repellent composition. There are three options:

  1. drying oil;
  2. linseed oil;
  3. ski resin.

Lubricate the wood with the chosen product and leave it until it dries. The treatment is repeated several more times until the fat is absorbed. Ski resin can penetrate deeper layers of the workpiece, but it is difficult to find in stores. Therefore, the first two options are often used.

Advice. You can add a bright dye to the impregnation agent. This way it will be difficult to lose the finished tool.

The ax attachment to the handle is done as follows:

  1. The ax handle is clamped vertically in a vice.
  2. On the wide upper part a wedge cut is made. The thickness of the wedge should be 5-10 cm, the length should be equal to the depth of the cut, and the width should be the size of the eye.
  1. An ax is placed on the board upside down. Put on the ax handle and tap it on the board, regularly turning the product over.
  2. After the ax handle has entered, a wedge is inserted into the cut and hammered in with a mallet.
  3. They inspect the product well. If any shortcomings are noticed, they are corrected.
  4. Remove any remaining seam allowance and give the final shape to the bottom of the handle. If any roughness is detected, go over it well with sandpaper again.

Watching videos and photographs will help you better understand the manufacturing technique. Making an ax handle with your own hands is more difficult than buying it ready-made. However, if you have the desire and some skills, it is quite possible to get a high-quality tool.

How to carve a toy ax

A homemade plywood ax can serve as an interesting toy for a child or be an excellent addition to a New Year’s costume. Often young children, teenagers and even adults want to make wooden axes, like in computer games like Minecraft. You can make such a product in 1.5-2 hours with minimal financial costs.

Making an ax from solid wood will take more time because the wood will be more difficult to process than plywood. The parts are cut out with a special cutter or a sharp knife, removing the chips layer by layer, ensuring that the dimensions and proportions are maintained.

With plywood everything is simpler. First you need to find a ready-made template or draw it yourself in full size. The drawing is transferred to a plywood sheet. The blade and handle are cut out separately with a jigsaw.

To make the wooden toy look more natural, it is better to glue the blade from two halves, after cutting a groove for the handle.

Then both halves of the plywood ax blade are placed on the handle, secured with pins and glued together with PVA glue for wood. After drying, the wooden blade is given a sharpening angle. This operation can be performed with an ordinary file. At the final stage, all surfaces are sanded and the blade is coated with several layers of silver paint. You can apply a custom design or stick a sticker. The finished wooden toy looks very beautiful.

Features of the process taking into account the chosen method

It is not enough to know how to sharpen an ax at home; it is also extremely important to follow safety precautions during the process. You should prepare protective equipment, such as glasses or a shield, a respirator (if working with an electric sharpener), and gloves. It is imperative to free the work area from all unnecessary things and limit the entry of strangers, especially children, into the room where manipulations will be carried out

Electric sharpener

The device is a machine with an electric drive and an abrasive wheel. To sharpen an ax you will need:

  • double-sided hand sharpener;
  • polishing paste;
  • personal protective equipment;
  • marker;
  • goniometer.

Before you start working on a sharpening machine, you need to use protective equipment, such as gloves and goggles, and then follow the established procedure:

  1. Finish the chamfer with a marker.
  2. Secure the chopping tool with special fasteners.
  3. Bring the tip to the grinding wheel, first select the required sharpening angle using the protractor.
  4. Turn on the equipment and work with the chamfer until the cracks completely disappear.
  5. Level the work surface using a hand sharpener.
  6. Finish and polish the tool.
  7. Remove the ax from the mount, coat the machine circles and the bevel of the tip with polishing paste.
  8. Apply anti-corrosion liquid to the blade.

If you just need to change the sharpening angle, start work from the 4th point.

Correct placement of the axWe begin sharpening

If necessary, the abrasive wheel should be brought to a smooth surface using a sharpening stone. We continue to work without overheating the ax


You can achieve excellent tool sharpness without expensive equipment by sharpening it manually. The easiest way is to fix the ax in any convenient way, set the abrasive wheel at the right angle, and run the blade horizontally along the sharpener the required number of times. You can use the second method; you will need the following tools and accessories for sharpening:

  • directly the sharpening stone;
  • a wire brush to remove fine dust;
  • rust remover;
  • polishing paste;
  • wax;
  • felt fabric;
  • clamp or vice;
  • a file with a large notch;
  • ruler;
  • machine oil.

Work algorithm:

  1. Remove rust from the blade, if any.
  2. Sand it with sandpaper, sticking to one direction.
  3. Repeat step 2 with less hard sandpaper.
  4. Apply polishing paste.
  5. Fix the ax; the handle should be on the working surface.
  6. Sharpen the blade with a file at an angle of 25° using translational movements.
  7. Get rid of metal dust.
  8. Treat the whetstone with liquid and walk along the blade until it reaches the desired sharpness.

Upon completion of all work, the ax sharpened with a bar must be processed: lubricate the metal part with oil to prevent corrosion.

Clean the ax

Sand it down. Use a hog file to polish the blade.

Measure the chamfer

Place the ax on its side on the workbench and press it against the table surface

Work the blade evenly on one side until a metal burr appears on the other. Now you can turn the ax over to the other side and continue working. Apply a protective coating

How to place an ax on an ax handle

The procedure for assembling an ax may seem simple, but this is only at first glance. To do it correctly, you need to know some nuances that are not recommended to be overlooked. Therefore, it is necessary to follow certain instructions.

Preparing the ax

After purchasing or making an ax handle, it needs to be adjusted to the ax hole. The handle under the eye is trimmed with a sharp knife, achieving a straight or ellipsoidal shape. After this, cuts are made in the form of longitudinal grooves on the upper part of the handle.

The depth of the grooves should be such that they are hidden in the eye of the ax. Otherwise the ax handle may crack.

Making wedges

The reliability of the tool attachment is largely determined by the quality of wedging. The material for the wedges is wood or metal. These elements can be purchased or made yourself. Professional carpenters are of the opinion that the best wedge is the one made from dried birch. The metal element is made from a piece of a shovel.

Driving wedges

After preparing the ax and wedges, you can begin wedging. First, the longitudinal elements are driven in and light blows are applied with a hammer or the butt of another axe. There is no need to hit it hard, as the wood may become deformed. Then the transverse wedges are driven in. The protruding parts are carefully cut off with a hacksaw and make sure that the ax attachment is secure. The procedure can be considered successful if the handle cannot be removed from the ax and the groove space is completely filled with wedges.

It happens that it is not possible to completely get rid of the gaps. In this case, you can use regular gauze soaked in epoxy. To do this, the upper part of the ax handle is wrapped in soaked gauze before inserting the ax. Epoxy resin allows you to eliminate any gap or crack, thereby forming a reliable fixation of the ax.

Service life of the ax

The durability of a homemade ax is measured by the wood's resistance to changes in temperature or humidity, and compressive force. When heavy loads are placed on the upper part of the instrument, the wood bends, crumbles, or even gets wet over time. As a result, the ax begins to wobble, or even the metal chopper completely slips off the ax handle. The service life is affected by the type of wood, degree of drying, frequency of use and method of attachment. The more precise the hammer fit, the longer the tool's service life.

If there is a certain gap in the shape of the handle and the metal chopper, then the error can be corrected independently by driving in a special wedge. If you make an ax handle correctly, the product can serve for years, decades without any repairs.

Types of axes

There are several types of axes, and each has its own purpose. Professionals distinguish this tool by the width of the butt, which can be wide, medium and narrow. At the same time, some use it for universal work, others for cutting wood, and some varieties are used for neat carpentry work.

Main types of axes:

  • cleavers;
  • for felling forests;
  • construction;
  • tourist.

Within each of these groups, there are various tool options designed for narrow-profile or other special work.

Handle differences

An ax handle is the name given to an ax handle. There are many varieties of them, made from different materials. Plastic and metal items are not in widespread demand, and their practicality can be confidently questioned. The most common wooden components of the tool are capable of dampening inertial vibrations during operation.

Classification of axes by handle:

  1. Lumberjack When using this tool, you need to hold it with both hands. Although this ax can be used quite successfully to chop wood, its main purpose is to cut down trees.
  2. Woodcutter. The ax is widely used in household farming. It is suitable for some types of carpentry, chopping wood and cutting small trees and branches.
  3. A carpenter. It is used primarily for processing logs and various wood products. They can be used to chop wood and cut down small bushes. The handle allows you to comfortably use the tool with one or two hands.
  4. Central Russian This ax is designed to be grasped with both hands, usually equipped with a powerful, sharp blade, and is used for butchering animal carcasses. It is noteworthy that the second name of this instrument is the taiga ax. On long-distance expeditions, it is very convenient to cut clearings with its help.
  5. Ermak. It is of medium size, and the small handle, held with one hand, implies a stronger load when working with the tool. It is convenient to carry with you. It is used primarily for household needs and chopping wood.
  6. Sturdy. The small size allows you to take it with you on hiking trips. With its help, you can build a hut, trim small tree trunks, chop firewood, or cut up a hunting trophy.

There are a number of other varieties, but they are classified as professional, intended for special work that requires specific skills.

A little about sizes and shapes

Viking battle ax from an old ax
Each master made an ax with his own hands, focusing on his height and specific application. It is no secret that a tool designed for chopping wood will be somewhat different from a similar product intended for cutting down trees. In this case, a small carpenter's hatchet for small carpentry work will be the exact opposite of the two categories listed above.

Despite this, a professional ax with a wooden handle always consists of three main parts:

  • working part made of metal with a sharpened front part;
  • ax handle - a handle made of wood;
  • wedge - a spacer element that connects parts of a structure together.

When making it yourself, special attention is paid to the metal part, otherwise the tool simply will not cope with its main function. Here, not only the shape and material are taken into account, but also the aspect ratio and sharpening angle

Modern axes are usually made from medium-alloy tool steel, which has been heat-treated and hardened.

The blade shape is selected depending on the application. For example, products designed for arborists are often used for cutting down tree trunks and removing large limbs. This kind of work requires a great depth of penetration, so the shape of the ax should be wedge-shaped. Cleavers that are used for chopping wood have a similar shape, but have thicker “cheeks” and a sharper sharpening angle.

The length and size of the ax directly depend on the impact loads. If significant impact force is required, the handle is made longer to provide a larger swing. Here the dimensions are 700-900 mm. The length of the handles of log axes (carpentry tools) usually does not exceed 500 mm; a good cleaver is attached to a shaft of about 800 mm.

The shape of the ax should provide a comfortable grip, so the middle part is always made curved, the seat and shank have thickenings. The blade angle usually varies between 70-90 degrees.

Wood chopping

To prepare firewood, an ax is most often required in country houses and rural farmsteads, since even for frying barbecue, wood is the best fuel.

The blade of a wood ax is sharpened at an angle of about 40-60 degrees for better cutting.

The handle is most often made of wood, but can also be metal; the blade is made of hardened carbon steel

When asked which steel to choose, always pay attention to the manufacturer's seal mounted on the handle

The list of advantages of an ax can begin with the ease of working with it, since even a beginner can handle it. The second advantage is accessibility for the buyer in the sense that finding such an ax is as easy as shelling pears in any store.

There is also a wide price range for these axes, from which everyone will choose something for themselves.

The disadvantage of an ax of this format is that it is intended only for one type of work and cannot be used in other areas.

They cannot cut down a tree, and it is quite unsuitable for a butcher, since it is not so sharp. The disadvantages include the easy opportunity to get a low-quality fake, which the market is full of.

Rules for working with a cleaver

When working with a cleaver, you should follow simple rules:

  • When chopping wood, you need to place your feet as wide as possible so that if you miss, you don’t hurt yourself.
  • To ensure strong contact between the blade and the ax handle, it is recommended to immerse the handle in water before use.
  • When splitting, you should not hold the stumps with your hand, but fix them on a flat surface. For work, it is recommended to use a block or block - a stump of large diameter. The deck is installed on a flat, hard, inelastic base, which should not absorb shock.
  • It is advisable to hit the existing cracks in the log with a cleaver; if there are none, hit along the knots or between them.
  • When chopping thick logs, it is recommended to point the blade not towards the middle of the block, but closer to its edge. When lowering the cleaver onto the block, you do not need to apply too much force, since the weight of the tool itself is sufficient.
  • If the wood misses, the cleaver hits the block with the handle, which leads to rapid wear at the point of attachment. To protect the tool from breakage, it is recommended to nail a piece of steel in this area or wrap it with several turns of aluminum wire.

Advice! For the most efficient organization of firewood procurement in significant volumes, three tools are needed. The first is a cleaver. The second is a medium-sized ax used for chopping the resulting logs. The third is a small sharpened axe. With its help you can get small wood chips used to light a stove or fireplace.


How to properly and permanently place an ax on an ax handle

Many of us are familiar with the situation when a perfectly mounted ax suddenly begins to jump off the ax handle. For few people this phenomenon is inexplicable.

Each of us understands that the drying process of wood is to blame.

But you should know that this can be completely avoided if the planting is carried out technologically correctly and if, after it is completed, you perform a couple of simple but very reliable actions. This is what I will tell you in order.

There are two sequential stages in this process:

  1. Selection and preparation of an axe.
  2. Actually planting the ax.

It is this logic that I will follow in my story.

Which side should I put the ax on? Many craftsmen know that the entrance eye of an ax is smaller than the exit eye. Why is this done? Yes, so that the ax handle can be wedged in it and securely fastened. Considering this fact, you should choose the right ax handle for a specific ax.

First you need to take the size of the outlet hole (the larger one) by outlining its internal contour on a piece of paper.

Then a template is cut out of paper along the drawn contour, on the basis of which the search for a suitable ax on the market will be carried out.

The selected ax should be given a couple of days for it to dry completely. To do this, you just need to put it on the heating radiator and occasionally turn it over there.

Do you want to know how to arrange your workshop so that it is very convenient to work in it? Then read this article by my colleague!

Impaling an ax

Mounting the ax begins by placing it on the edge of the ax handle, 5-7 millimeters from its edge, and then marking the boundary of the part that will be processed, i.e. planting boundary.

  • Then the outline of the template must be transferred to the end of the ax handle.
  • Having completed the markings and armed with a large wood rasp, process the end of the ax up to the boundary mark so that at the end it reaches the outline of the template.
  • The end of the workpiece should ultimately coincide with the contour applied to it.

After this, you can begin to try on. Moreover, you need to try it on at the exit (large) hole of the ax. If necessary, you should sharpen it further. Processing should be completed when the ax begins to slightly “bite” the wood of the ax handle.

Having achieved such a “biting”, the very edge of the piece of wood is sharpened so that it fits about 1 cm into the ax.

Do you know how to sharpen an axe? If not, then click here!

After this, you need to take a caliper and measure the size of the entrance hole of the ax.

By further processing, this size should be achieved on the ax handle in the area of ​​​​the initially applied boundary mark. Moreover, processing is carried out along the entire perimeter of the workpiece so that it completely fits into the exit hole of the ax.

Further processing should result in the end of the piece of wood resembling a champagne cork with a thickening at the bottom.

As in the beginning, the workpiece is processed using a rasp.

Monitoring the dimensions of the workpiece to ensure they correspond to the dimensions of the ax holes should be constantly carried out using a caliper. Having achieved full compliance, a small chamfer is removed at the very edge of the ax to facilitate the process of inserting the workpiece into the ax.

  1. Having finished processing, make markings for two slots on the processed end.
  2. The marked cuts are made to a depth not reaching approximately 1 cm from the border of the ax mounting.
  3. Having inserted the sawn end of the ax into the entrance hole, they begin to tap on its opposite end in order to place the ax on a wooden workpiece.

Then 3 wedges are installed on the glue in the cuts: one large longitudinal and two wedges on the sides. Having inserted the wedges, the end of the ax should be processed to give it perfect evenness.

Now the ax is very securely attached to the ax handle. But if the ax is left in this state, then the wood will inevitably dry out, and the tool may become unusable.

Making a form

Now we must give the desired shape, also according to the instructions:

  1. On the blade we draw a contour according to this template. If there is no printer and there is no way to transfer the form, then you will have to work according to calculations. We retreat a centimeter from the top of the butt and put a dot. Now we draw a straight line from the selected place to the toe. We also step back a centimeter from the heel and make a mark. We apply any round object so that it simultaneously touches the selected point and the beard. Let's circle.
  2. How to make a Viking ax straight? Is it not so easy to cut a circle by hand? We draw rays along the inner circle and cut along them. Now we cut out the circle.
  3. All that remains is to polish it. We take special grinding attachments for the grinder and polishing pastes. Cheap ones include GOI or diamond pastes.


A handmade ax must be hardened and this is best done using technology. The metal can be burned, causing it to become brittle due to carbon burnout. In general, everything consists of 3 stages:

  1. Annealing. It is necessary to remove the tension from the steel, which is there in any case. This is easy to do - heat it to 760-800 degrees. The metal will be red-burgundy. Then we put it on a brick and let it cool. Next we remove the scale.
  2. Hardening. A much more complex process. Initially, prepare 2 buckets of water. One contains water, the other contains oil. Anything will do, including working off. Heat the blade to 830 degrees and lower it 4 centimeters into the water for 5 seconds. Then completely lower it into the oil. Don't forget to make circular movements to knock down air bubbles.
  3. Vacation. After hardening, the steel is hard but brittle, like glass. If it falls, it will simply break and need to be released. You need to heat it to 200 degrees and let it cool slowly with the oven for an hour. Even a regular oven will do.

By the way, you can harden an ax from rails or reinforcement in the same way.

Now the blade can be sharpened. There is no point in doing this in advance, since heat treatment will remove the cut anyway. Moreover, the blade can also lead.

Sharpening an ax is a simple matter. We take a grinder with an abrasive disc and try to maintain an angle of 20 degrees.

Making an ax handle

How to make an ax handle with your own hands? Very simple, you only need a block, a marker or pencil, a bow saw, chisels and sandpaper.

We take the sketch of the ax handle and apply it to the block. Cut out the handle along the contour. We remove sharp corners with chisels and round them with sandpaper.

Now you can decorate it. We apply the design to the ax and cut it out in any convenient way. This could be wood carving or engraving.

Adjusting the ax handle to the blade

There is only one thing left - to connect the handle and blade. How to place an ax on an ax handle correctly? According to the instructions:

  1. The head of the ax is adjusted to the size of the hole in the blade. To do this you will need a saw and sandpaper. There is nothing complicated about this.
  2. After fitting, if it fits correctly, it's time to wedge. If we make an ax from reinforcement, the hole is made at our own discretion.
  3. We make cuts at the end of the planting. A simple option: 1 longitudinal cut and 1 wedge. But it's not that effective. The optimum is a cross. 1 longitudinal and 1 transverse cut. Wedges are cut into them according to size and driven in with a hammer. Professionals say that it is better to make wedges from the same wood.
  4. We saw off the excess with a saw.

Making a storage case

A handmade ax case is needed for safe transportation. Moreover, you can’t do without it on a hike.

Detailed instructions for PVC bags in the video.

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Other nuances

The gear ratio of the gear unit is of great importance . It is determined using information about the number of turns of the electric motor and the required torsion parameters of the output shafts. The indicator established as a result of the calculation is rounded to the nearest standard value. It is important to note that the motor shaft, and therefore the output gear shaft, should not rotate faster than 1500 times per minute. Within these limits, the motor parameters are selected according to the general requirements for the device.

The required number of steps is established according to special tables. The initial indicator for determination is precisely the gear ratio. If GOST for a gearbox states that it will be used “occasionally,” this means that :

  • the maximum load will be 2 hours for every 24 hours (no more),
  • 3 or 4 starts per hour (no more),
  • mechanical movements are carried out without striking the mechanism itself.

The so-called cantilever loads on the shafts are also determined. They must match the level specified in the accompanying documents for gear units, or even be less. It is necessary to take into account both the average level of work over an hour (in minutes) and the torque. Since all these nuances are difficult to predict in home-made designs, it is not recommended to make gearboxes from the rear axle and similar auxiliary units . The quality of their work turns out to be unsatisfactory compared to even “average” factory devices.

A geared motor is preferable if compactness of the drive is a priority. Over 95% of structures of this kind are designed for arbitrary placement of the output shaft. The step-by-step assembly instructions also note that there is no need to use couplings when connecting the motor and gear assembly. But you need to understand that such devices are expensive. In addition, an individual order with the required parameters must be sent each time.

By independently assembling an analogue that requires the use of couplings, you can easily reduce costs by 10% or even 20%.

About types of systems and more

When preparing to assemble a mechanical or hydraulic wood splitter, you need to start by preparing kinematic diagrams. They will show you what types of gear units should be used.

  • In a horizontal cylindrical apparatus, the axes of the input and output shafts are located in a common plane, but on parallel lines.
  • Vertical gearboxes are similar in structure - only the orientation of the main plane differs.
  • In single-stage worm gearboxes, Two-stage worm gearboxes are designed with shaft axes placed parallel to each other. They are deliberately placed in different horizontal planes.
  • Bevel-helical gearboxes are also a special type . Among the two shafts, the output has increased importance. It is its orientation in space that has a decisive influence. In worm-type devices, one type of gearbox can be installed for all orientations of the output shaft in space. The cylindrical and conical designs almost always allow the output shafts to be positioned strictly horizontally. Exceptions are rare; for the most part they are achieved through design tricks.

With the same dimensions and weight, cylindrical mechanisms are 50-100% more efficient than their worm-type counterparts. They last just as long. That is why (for reasons of economic efficiency) the choice is completely obvious.

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