Gasification of a private house in 2022, how to provide electricity and water to a summer cottage

  • Rules for placing a boiler room in a house
  • Requirements for a boiler room attached to the house
  • Boiler room area
  • Dimensions of a boiler room in a private house
  • Boiler placement
  • Window in the boiler room
  • Requirements for the boiler room door
  • Wall requirements
  • Ventilation in the boiler room
  • Requirements for boiler houses using solid and liquid fuels

The room where heating equipment is installed in a private house is called a boiler room.
In accordance with current building regulations, very stringent requirements are imposed on this room, since powerful heaters operate on flammable fuel. In this article we will analyze the basic requirements for a boiler room in a private house and consider the rules for installing equipment in premises for various purposes.

Rules for placing a boiler room in a house

The main document regulating the rules for installing a boiler room in a house is SNiP 42-01-2002, in force since July 1, 2003. It contains all the basic requirements for the installation of a combustion chamber. And during construction it is necessary to focus on it.

Theoretically, the owner does not need to understand SNiPs, since according to current standards, the design of a boiler room in a house must be developed by a specialized enterprise. Design experts are well aware of all modern rules and can draw up design documentation in such a way that, in accordance with it, a boiler room that is functional and safe for residents is built in the building.

However, in practice, property owners would also benefit from knowledge of building regulations. Therefore, let us outline the basic requirements for a boiler room in a house for 2022:

  • The minimum volume of the object must be 15 m3.
  • The furnace room can be located on the first, ground floor, as well as in the basement.
  • It is prohibited to build a furnace close to the bedrooms in the house.
  • The shortest distance to the street exit should be no more than 12 m.
  • Heating equipment can only be placed in rooms with a ceiling height of 220 cm or more.
  • A door and window are required.
  • A functional ventilation system is required.

The connection period depends on the subscriber

The agreement with Mosoblgaz specifies the responsibilities of not only the contractor, but also the client. For example, the client is required to provide in-house equipment for connection and start-up. You can’t just order a connection, pay for it and “somehow later” turn on the gas.

If the owner of the site does not begin construction, Mosoblgaz may send a claim demanding the provision of equipment for connection.
The customer may refuse to fulfill the contract, or the contractor may terminate the contract on his own. Order a service Consult

Dimensions of a boiler room in a private house

The suitable area of ​​the boiler room in a building must be calculated individually, taking into account several important factors. One of them is the type of heating equipment. Let's talk about the two most common options.


Despite the permitted area of ​​5 m2, for a boiler room it is best to use a room of 8 m2 or more. If you place all the equipment necessary for the safe operation of the system along one wall, it will take up more than 3 meters in length and about 1.7 meters in width. If the equipment is moved slightly so as not to place it under one wall, it will occupy approximately 2.5 x 2.5 meters of space.

At the same time, the surrounding space itself must remain accessible even with open doors and windows. In addition, additional equipment can be placed here, for example, a washing machine or dryer.


Pellets are bars of compressed sawdust measuring 0.8x3 cm. They are often used as the main fuel for boiler houses in situations where it is impossible to connect the facility to the gas supply system.

A pellet boiler room requires two rooms at once. The first will house a bunker for storing pellets, and the second will house the combustion chamber itself.

The size of the bunker in most cases is about 6 m2. It is recommended to allocate a room of about 7-8 m2 for the boiler room itself.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

You can learn about the unexpected difficulties of connecting gas in an apartment from the following video:

The procedure for connecting gas to an apartment consists of several important steps, failure to complete which will result in gas company employees refusing to carry out gasification. Even if the homeowner has fulfilled all the technical conditions established by the company and entered into an agreement with the gas supply company, the gas connection process may be suspended.

To successfully check gas equipment and subsequently connect gas, all residents of an apartment building must be at home to ensure access to each apartment. At the final stage, it is important for all residents of the house to cooperate, which will allow the gas workers to successfully connect gas to the residential building.

If you have already gone through all the stages of connecting gas in an apartment, you can share your experience in the comments below the article. Tell our readers what difficulties you encountered in the process of cooperation with a gas company, and what mistakes you had to correct when meeting technical requirements.

Boiler placement

Today the heating boiler can be placed inside the building itself in existing rooms. Let's look at the most popular options.


In buildings with an area of ​​less than 350 m2, for which a 50 kW boiler is sufficient for heating, there is no need to organize a separate boiler room. The necessary equipment can be placed in the kitchen, the main thing is that the area of ​​the room is at least 7 m2 with a total volume of at least 21 m3.

There will be no difficulties in coordinating the installation of a boiler in a combined kitchen with a dining room. But in this case, the dimensions of the room should be larger: volume - 36 m3, area - 12 m2.

Additional requirements for the room include the presence of a window, as well as a natural ventilation duct with access to the roof of the house.

In addition to the boiler, the heating system may have other equipment:

  • faucets;
  • pumps;
  • boiler;
  • collector;
  • expansion tank.

To place it in the room, you can use a special cabinet measuring 1x1.5 meters. The main thing is that all elements of the system are available for scheduled maintenance and repair.


The requirements for the pantry when installing heating equipment are similar to other internal non-residential premises. That is, if the room meets the permitted criteria in its area and volume, you can place a gas boiler here without any problems.

However, it will not be possible to install a boiler in all non-residential premises. The law prohibits the installation of such heating equipment in bathrooms and toilets.


It is unlikely that it will be possible to place a boiler in the corridor, as well as in the hallway, veranda and other similar rooms. Such premises almost always cannot meet current building codes and regulations. Either the volume/area is insufficient, or the living rooms are too close, or there is no window, etc.

Information you need to know before gasification

When deciding to install gas into his home, the owner must take a number of actions and receive answers to questions, the sequence and list of which are discussed below.

Where is the gas supplied?

First of all, you should know which objects can be gasified.

It is clear that gas is mainly supplied to individual houses; government decree No. 549 lists the following objects prohibited from supplying gas:

  1. Non-capital structures: outbuildings, bathhouses, greenhouses, garages, kitchens, verandas and other similar objects without a foundation.
  2. Gas supply cannot be implemented in an apartment in a multi-storey building if it does not have a common building gas supply.
  3. Heating systems for artificial surfaces on the ground: sidewalk paths, paving.

It should be noted that gas supply to individual houses that are objects of capital construction (strong connection with the ground without the possibility of movement) is allowed at any stage of construction.

If the owner wants to gasify a cottage or dacha that is not a permanent building (lack of a foundation, a simple structure in the form of a box of four walls and windows, no documents on registration as real estate), the gas connection will most likely be denied.

Who gets the gas connected?

Government Decree of the Russian Federation No. 134 provides a list of individuals and the conditions for them to submit documents for gas supply, the main options:

  1. Submitting an application directly from one home owner in the absence of others.
  2. If private ownership of a property is divided among several residents, written consent is required from each of them. For minor owners, permission is given by their parents or guardians.
  3. If the owner is unable or does not express the desire to independently engage in paperwork and other procedures for gasification of the house, he has the right to draw up a power of attorney for any person and have it certified at a notary office.

Rice. 2 Gasification of the house - stages of passage

How to find out if there is a gas pipeline nearby

Before submitting documents and going through the authorities, it doesn’t hurt to make sure that there is a centralized main line in relative proximity to the house, otherwise the costs of gas supply may simply be prohibitive. If there are a number of individual houses in the village, you can interview your neighbors about how they were supplied with gas. But the most accurate and reliable option is to verify for yourself the presence of a gas pipeline and its location. To do this, gas workers leave yellow paint marks with the following symbols on poles in residential settlements:

  • GS - medium pressure gas supply line;
  • GN - low pressure gas pipeline;
  • PE, PE - material for the centralized pipeline - low-density polyethylene (black).
  • the number, sometimes next to the symbol Ø, means the outer pipe diameter, it can be equal to one of the standard size ranges of 110, 125, 140, 160 mm and so on.
  • arrows - the downward direction does not indicate the depth of the pipeline, but its distance from the pole in meters in a given direction; if the arrow is turned up, the distance is counted from the opposite side of the pole.
  • symbol hc number - shows the depth of the pipeline.

Who to submit documents for gasification

Documents are submitted to the gas distribution organization (GDO) of their district to determine its address details, and they write an application to the administration with this question. The response must arrive within 5 working days with the address of the GRO at the applicant’s place of residence.

Usually, after submitting documents, the gas distribution department determines the technical feasibility of connecting gas; this can be done in advance, however, due to a number of circumstances, a separate option does not make practical sense. Therefore, an application is sent to the gas distribution department for gas connection and at the same time for the provision of technical conditions.

Rice. 3 Decoding the symbols on the poles

Related article:

What are the technical conditions for gas connection and what is the procedure for obtaining it . Reading about all the stages that gasification of a house requires, it may be interesting to find out in a separate article about the technical conditions.

What does GRO do?

After the GRO considers the possibility of connecting the owner’s house to the centralized highway, he is sent one of the copies of the contract with ready-made technical conditions, after which the following actions occur.

The organization carries out a number of works on gasification - inserting into the centralized main and connecting the line to the boundaries of the site, while the customer pays for all the services listed and previously provided, and technological work in the complex.

Who does the internal wiring?

Next, the owner is faced with the task of installing gas pipes inside the house, connecting gas equipment in accordance with technological and safety standards: boilers, stoves, water heaters.

There are two options here: draw up an agreement with the gas distribution company, which also performs this work, or hire workers from certified private companies authorized to carry out gasification work.

Necessity of the project

It should be noted that when carrying out internal wiring with the connection of gas-consuming equipment, the fundamental document is the project. It is possible to order a gasification project for a private house from the State Regional Development Organization or any private structure engaged in design work.

Compliance of premises

Before the stage of installation of the internal gas pipeline, the customer must foresee the situation of subsequent acceptance of all work by technical supervision, where the main attention will be paid to the suitability of the premises for the installation of gas equipment. Therefore, at the stage of designing a house, a room must be allocated for installing a gas boiler and equipment that meets the standards for size and volume with the presence of the provided entrances and exits, flow and exhaust ventilation.

Upon completion of laying the pipeline within the boundaries of the site and laying pipes in the house with the connection of equipment, if there is payment for the services provided, an act of acceptance of the work is drawn up and gas is supplied to the house.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the work itself and the relatively small package of necessary documents, gas supply to a home can last for several years and sometimes results in astronomical sums of up to a million rubles for the average consumer.

Rice. 4 Gasification of the house - scheme according to government decree No. 134

Window in the boiler room

The requirements for a gas boiler room in private houses stipulate the mandatory presence of a window. Not every window can meet the standards. It must comply with GOST R 56288-2014.

A window in the boiler room is needed to protect living quarters and their users from additional danger in the event of emergencies and explosions.

The requirements for the window directly depend on the area of ​​the combustion chamber. For a room of less than 9 square meters, the glass area should be 80 cm2 or more.

Requirements for the boiler room door

All attached furnace rooms must have a door leading to the street. If the heating equipment is located in the interior, it is not necessary to make an exit from them to the outside.

However, this requirement applies only to gas boiler rooms in a private home. If the furnace operates on a different fuel, for example, pellets, regardless of its location, there must be an exit from the room.

In internal gas boiler rooms, the door may not lead outside, but to other rooms of the house, for example, to a corridor or to a staircase. The main thing is that the distance from it to the exit from the house is no more than 12 meters.

Main requirements:

  • must open outwards;
  • width is 0.2 m larger than the size of the heating equipment;
  • must comply with fire safety type 3 with EI15 (standard for steel doors with non-combustible basalt fiber filling).

It is allowed to have several doors leading to the corridor/veranda/street. The main thing is that each of them meets the specified standards.

Ownership documents

If you are not the sole owner of the land plot, then consent to gasification of all adult owners is required. Your rights and the rights of other owners can be represented by third parties under a power of attorney executed in a notary's office.

If your house is connected to the gas distribution network from a neighboring plot, the consent of the owner of the plot is required. However, power assignment is possible only if the neighboring building has been connected to the same gas distribution network for at least 5 years and there are no technical contraindications to connecting a new consumer.

A land plot diagram (situation plan) can be obtained free of charge from the local administration, as well as from the BTI and from cadastral engineers, however, you will have to pay for their services. The calculation of the planned gas consumption is compiled by the contractor’s employees (GRO). If it does not exceed 5 cubic meters. m. per hour, no document is required.

Requirements for boiler houses using solid and liquid fuels

Such furnaces are subject to special requirements, which do not differ too much from the standards relating to gas equipment. Let's look at the main ones:

  • mandatory presence of a door to the street, regardless of the location of the room;
  • protection of surfaces from exposure to high temperatures and the risk of fire;
  • installation of heating equipment at a distance of at least 10 cm from the walls;
  • presence of a window;
  • the width of the doorway from the room should be at least 80 cm;
  • mandatory arrangement of a fuel storage warehouse, which must be covered, but not heated.

Render House specialists are engaged in the construction of houses with boiler rooms according to standard and individual projects. For more detailed advice, you can contact the phone number indicated in the header of the site.

Required Documentation

To consider an application for technological connection of a residential building to the gas distribution network at the gas distribution organization (GRO), you need to collect the following documentation:

  • documents confirming the applicant’s ownership of the house and land;
  • a document confirming the compliance of the technical conditions of the house with the gas distribution network (TU);
  • copy of passport;
  • diagram of the land plot and adjacent territory;
  • calculation of planned gas consumption;
  • gasification project.

The application also indicates the location of the house that needs to be connected to the gas main, the applicant’s passport details and postal address, email address or telephone number for contact. The application can be submitted in electronic format on the GRO website, sent by mail or at the document acceptance center of the gas distribution organization. For the unreliability of documents attached by the applicant in electronic format, the legislation provides for administrative liability. The address of the GRO can be found in local authorities or found on the Internet, indicating the name of the subject of the Russian Federation.

Stages of gasification at home

The Contractor reviews the application within three days from the date of receipt. If the applicant has not fulfilled all the requirements, he is notified that he must provide all missing information and documents within 20 days. Consideration of the application is suspended at this time.

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