How to design a lawn at your dacha: types of landscape solutions, care + 45 photos

In most cases, the lawn at the dacha plays a major role in the landscape design of your site. The presence of only one bright emerald, soft, well-groomed and beautiful lawn gives the site a sophisticated, simple and, at the same time, rich style. Regardless of the size and function of the lawn, there is a certain sequence of its creation and care. By adhering to the correct sequence described in this article, you can significantly reduce the cost and time spent on maintenance when creating a lawn on your own, and most importantly, always achieve a smooth, intact and fresh lawn.

A well-groomed lawn at the dacha is already a reason to be proud of your site Source

About types of lawns

In the absence of a ready-made lawn, when planning, first of all it is worth deciding on its function: whether the lawn will serve only as a decorative element, or be a field for different types of activities. There are several types: ground floor, Moorish, natural, landscape gardening, sports and special.

Parterre lawn

This type, also called an English lawn, has a purely decorative function. Its height in summer is 3 - 3.5 cm, it consists of expensive and tender grasses that need sunlight, are afraid of shady places, moving along it, having picnics and any other physical activity.

A ground lawn can be installed only if you know for sure that there will be no load on it Source

The soil must be well prepared, free from weeds, professional and timely care.

Such a lawn requires serious care Source

Despite all the costs, this particular lawn is the most beautiful and rich, emphasizing the high economic and cultural status of its owner.

But all efforts will be rewarded with a beautiful emerald carpet Source

It can be combined with any other plants and flowers Source

Moorish lawn

Mainly, this lawn on the site also performs a decorative function; the herbs used reach a height of more than 10 cm and are flowering (meadow chamomile, field cornflower, poppy, large-flowered flax). Afraid of kneading, a certain frequency of haircuts is necessary.

This type of lawn is also not suitable for playing football - it differs from others in the presence of different wildflowers Source

Flower lawns are installed in places where no other work is expected Source

A well-chosen bouquet of flowers in a herbal mixture will give the owner a wonderful palette of colors, but it is worth keeping in mind that the larger the lawn, the less exclusive and premium it will look.

Natural lawn

Having rid the planned area filled with grasses of weeds and tall plants, any area densely occupied by grasses can be covered with a natural lawn. Such a lawn does not require special soil or grass mixtures.

Natural “lawns” do not require special care, and there are no problems with them when planting Source

There are special meadow mixtures on sale that allow you to give any lawn a certain look. Maintenance of such a lawn is minimal, as are the economic costs, but in appearance, this type is inferior to all others.


Due to its greatest prevalence, it is often called a regular lawn. The garden lawn consists of hard, rough grasses, 5-6 cm high. Such a lawn can grow on poor soils, it is slightly susceptible to changes in shady areas and excess sunlight.

Park lawn is suitable for shaded areas Source

This type of lawn is unpretentious either in creation or maintenance Source

It is a compromise of aesthetics and functionality; you can safely arrange picnics and recreation areas on it, place inflatable pools, and temporary paraphernalia.


This lawn is used when there is intense exposure to the soil, near playgrounds, sports grounds, and walking areas. Growing cereals have good resistance to trampling and abrasion.

A lawn for a family with children and animals - it is difficult to “scare” it with intense load Source

When creating a sports ground, you need to take care of a durable substrate Source

As a rule, mixtures for sports turf are more expensive and their creation requires additional costs.

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in landscape design of sites.


This type can be purchased ready-made in the form of rolls. Rolls are sold already with turf and are easily adapted to the supplied soil.

Rolled lawn is ready to delight its owners in just 2 weeks Source

Grasses are tough and do not have any special aesthetic qualities, but in terms of their resistance to any influences they are no worse than gardening grasses.

More often, load-resistant grasses are used for rolled lawns Source

Bottom line

Well-groomed green lawns are the decoration of any summer cottage. There is nothing difficult about how to plant a lawn with your own hands if you follow the recommendations. Thanks to our advice, you will easily cope with the task.




About the herbs used

Cereal mixtures for a parterre lawn for a summer residence contain the seeds of meadow grass, red fescue and fine bentgrass. Moorish mixtures contain flax seeds, cornflowers, marigolds, chamomile, nemesia, bluegrass and fescue. Mixtures for arranging a lawn contain seeds of ryegrass, sheep fescue and bluegrass.

Grasses for each type of lawn are selected individually Source

The sports turf consists of perennial ryegrass, red fescue and bentgrass.

Each individual species is differently resistant to weathering. Mixtures with 3 or more species make it possible to hide the weakest qualities of cereal crops, thanks to which the lawn can be evenly contrasting, whether in the sun or in the shade.

Creating a Horizontal Surface

During the preparation process, the area is leveled. A convenient guide is several pieces of string stretched between pegs. The distance from them to the ground shows where soil needs to be added and where it needs to be cut.

Leveling the area with a garden roller

If drainage is not installed on the site, the surface is planned with a slope of 60 in order to drain rain and melt water.

About soil preparation and features of choosing a location

Work related to preparing the soil and sowing seeds can be divided into several stages.

A high-quality lawn requires careful soil preparation Source

At the first stage, the soil type is determined. To do this, it is enough to dig on a clear day, take a handful of soil in the palm of your hand, examine the color, crush it, and use the following factors to determine the type of soil:

  • Sandy soil is characterized by a large amount of sand, it is rough and granular, water is quickly carried away from the surface of the sand, removing useful substances. Such soil must be regularly fed and watered.
  • Clay soil holds too much water and is fertile, but may have drainage problems. The clay is sticky, gray in color, and forms a lump when compressed.
  • Peat soil is dark, loose and soft. It is poor in nutrients, it is very wet, as it is found in swampy places. It is worth providing an additional layer to drain excess water
  • Calcareous soil does not form a compact; it feels crumbly and granular to the touch. This type is fertile and drains water well.
  • Loam is a mixture of sand and clay, this soil is soft to the touch, the color varies from gray to brownish brown. Average in fertility, water flows moderately.

Regardless of soil type, it is important to maintain the correct soil acidity. The most favorable acidity for most types of cereals is 6.0 – 7.0 pH units. To determine acidity, you can use litmus paper and use a scale to determine the acidity.

To determine the acidity of the soil, a paper litmus strip is used Source

If the soil has an acidity of less than 6, you can sprinkle the soil with lime and chalk. If the soil has a slightly alkaline environment, you can use special solutions or crushed peat.

Features of preparatory work

The soil is excavated to a depth of 15-20 cm. When reusing the soil, it must be sifted, weeds and roots removed, and fertilizer applied. It is possible to use soil from a nursery. The cost of such a prepared base will be about 1000 rubles. per cubic meter m. At this stage, horizontal planning of the base is carried out.

The more thoroughly the base is cleaned, the easier it will be to install the lawn, the more durable the coating will be, and the less likely it is to grow weeds. Here you can apply treatment with chemical plant protection products.

Poor compaction of the base can lead to subsidence and unevenness in the future.

When marking, the most important thing is to align the first pilot layer evenly and correctly. Subsequent ones are laid close to the first. Smooth laying is done using pegs and a stretched cord.

Soil preparation

So that nothing prevents the grass from growing and it is uniform, the ground should be cleared of weeds, stones, sticks and possible debris. Places that have uneven areas should be leveled using a rake; pronounced hills will have to be demolished with a shovel. To thoroughly remove weeds, you can use herbicides. If the treated area has a large number of bushes, small trees, weeds and is also not level, it would be best to simply dig up this area completely, and then start sorting out the roots of unnecessary plants.

Preparation for sowing a lawn begins with completely clearing the area of ​​weeds Source

Soils with poor drainage (clayey, peat) need to create a layer through which water can easily drain. To do this, you need to remove 20-25 cm from the soil and put a drainage layer in the form of geotextiles, broken bricks or gravel.

Schematically, the area with drainage looks like this Source

It would not be a bad idea to use additional fertile soil and place it in an even layer 5-10 cm thick on the territory.

Sometimes a small layer of fertile soil is placed on the drainage Source

Regardless of the fertility of your soil, an additional layer will not have a negative impact on your green lawn, but will only improve its quality.

Main stages of preparatory work

Before laying the lawn, the following work must be done:

  • cutting the soil to a certain level (the level of the curb or paving slabs);
  • removal of weeds and debris;
  • compaction of the base (usually done with a hand roller);
  • installation of a drainage system made of sand, screenings or small crushed stone with compaction;
  • backfilling the drainage with previously removed soil or special lawn soil and compaction;
  • surface marking.

About sowing and growing

Before sowing, the soil should be loosened with a rake with small teeth to make it easier for the seeds to enter the ground.

After the rake, small grooves are formed, into which the seeds fall Source

Knowing the size of the planned lawn, the number of seeds for sowing can be calculated according to the proportion, where at least 50 grams are required per 1 m2. seeds, or per 1 hundred square meters at least 5 kg. Spending more than 7 kg per 1 hectare of land is not rational for any soil fertility and type of grass. The sowing depth should not reach more than 1 cm.

Each meter of plot requires a certain number of seeds - there is no point in sowing more Source

For sowing, you can use a regular 2 liter plastic bottle, making holes in it for the seeds.

For a larger area, you can use a special device where the amount of seeds will be dosed.

A special manual harvester will help you cope with a large area Source

Seeding devices can be different Source

The edges of the lawn are sown first and most intensively, then along the entire territory. The seeds can be mixed with dry fertilizer, which can speed up their germination.

A similar device is used in small areas Source

After sowing, the soil must be compacted for additional compaction, to get rid of uneven surfaces and to protect it from birds.

After sowing, the ground is leveled and compacted Source For compaction, a manual roller is used Source

Cost of work on the device

The above types only give a general idea of ​​turf rolls. This information is not exhaustive; each manufacturer can produce many other coating options with different price ranges.

In addition, the price is affected by the number of purchased rolls; discounts usually start from 1000 sq. m. The cost of installation work is usually 2-2.5 times higher than the price of the product.

About care

Lawn care and design consists of moisture control, periodic mowing and weed removal.

Naturally, when setting the goal of creating a natural lawn with a predominance of low-growing species on moist soil, all care can be reduced only to mowing. However, in this case, there is a high probability of obtaining an uneven lawn pattern. Somewhere the grass will be greener, somewhere, on the contrary, it will be withered and sparse. Depending on the type of lawn, the cutting height varies, but it is not recommended to cut any lawn shorter than 3 cm.

Lawn typeCut to, see:
In summerAutumn-spring

As a rule, no more than 1/3 of the height is cut when the grass growth is 1.5 - 2 cm more than normal. Overgrown grass is mowed in 2-3 stages. In summer the frequency is 10-15 days, in autumn and spring 7-10 days. Grass clippings should not be left on the lawn.

To maintain a “marketable” appearance, the grown grass is mowed Source

Typical mistakes when landscaping a site

Why is it that not everyone succeeds in growing a beautiful lawn? Let's look at the main reasons:

  • Incorrect selection of seeds. Often the significance of this issue is neglected and lawn grass is bought, like from a neighbor or from an advertisement, without going into the specifics of the topography, soil, location of the lawn, and climatic conditions. A grass mixture may have excellent characteristics, but simply not be suitable for your area.
  • Haste in preparing the site, especially when leveling it. It is important to perform all actions in the correct sequence. After leveling the area under the lawn for the first time, be sure to let the soil stand, and then repeat the procedure to identify and eliminate possible unevenness after the soil settles.
  • Lack of drainage system. Excess moisture is just as detrimental to the lawn, as is its lack. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the composition of the soil. If clay or black soil predominates in it, it is necessary to ensure unhindered outflow of water. Otherwise, you will have to constantly fight against mold, moss and bald spots.
  • Uneven grass seeding. At this stage, too, you can’t rush. It’s better to spend a few extra hours when planting than to spend the entire summer here and there filling empty spaces.

Photo gallery of examples of lawn design

Decorative lawn combined with flower beds Source

Small lawn near a small house Source

For the garden, it is better to choose grass that is accustomed to shade Source

The large meadow is suitable for walking and admiring the beauty of nature Source

When you just want a lot of greenery Source

While having a picnic in nature, you can stroll through fresh greenery Source

Carrying out installation work

Lawn installation work is carried out in the summer. The most favorable period is spring. At this time, the soil is filled with moisture and the turf will take root well in its new location.

Proper laying of rolled lawn is done in a checkerboard pattern with minimal gaps between the rows. Only freshly cut rolls are used for laying; they must be laid as quickly as possible so that the grass remains in the roll for no more than one day.

Next, it is necessary to compact the laid layers for a tight fit to the ground. Avoid damaging the grass by walking on fresh carpet by using plywood sheets or wooden boards. The final lawn will be completed after filling the inter-roll joints with sifted soil and watering with water.

How to choose the right one

Today there are a huge number of manufacturers who offer rolled lawns. Therefore, it is difficult for a person who does not know the intricacies of the construction of the proposed materials to choose a quality product. So here are some tips.

So, what should a lawn in rolls look like:

  1. With a good root system , where white roots should stand out in large quantities.
  2. The thickness of the turf layer along the entire length of the strip should be the same within 2-4 cm.
  3. The soil should not be very clayey and not very sandy. There should be no stones in it.
  4. The color of the grass should be rich and uniform throughout the entire surface.
  5. There should be no pests in both the soil layer and the grass layer.
  6. Complete absence of bald spots , which indicate the low quality of the proposed material.
  7. The grass must be mowed .

How to choose the right rolled lawn Source
A few words about the last position. It should be noted that some unscrupulous producers try to hide some deficiencies in the vegetation in this way. For a high-quality layer, the bevel should be small so that the quality of the grass is clearly visible. The optimal grass height is 3 cm. And the mowing should be uniform over the entire area.

Buy material that was removed from the turf on the day of sale. If you are offered an old, stale product, then it will smell like rotten grass, and the tips of the cover will be yellow.

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