Pond in the country: detailed step-by-step instructions on how to dig and decorate a pond with your own hands (105 photos)

Home » Landscape design

Margarita Merkusheva 07/26/2019


How nice it is to enjoy beautiful images of nature and breathe clean air. And there is a wonderful place for this - the dacha. Here you can realize your ideas. One of them is building a pond at the dacha with your own hands. Near such a body of water it will not only be pleasant to relax, but also boldly show off to your guests the masterpiece you created with your own hands. The size of the pond will depend on the free space on the territory, and the arrangement will depend on each person’s personal imagination and financial capabilities.

What types of country ponds are there?

One of the most difficult decisions when creating your own decorative pond is the design. To decide on the future appearance of the reservoir, you need to clearly understand why you need it. Based on the main goals, several types can be distinguished:

DIY arrangement

It is necessary to follow a number of rules to build a beautiful pond:

  • select the appropriate location;
  • prepare tools and materials;
  • perform installation;
  • decorate the recreation area.

Experts recommend that when determining the location of a reservoir, you should stay in an area illuminated by the sun for no more than six hours a day. This will allow the plants to receive enough light and heat, and at the same time not overheat the water surface.

The list of required materials and tools should include:

  • fittings;
  • sand;
  • cement;
  • roofing felt;
  • pebbles and crushed stone;
  • polymer film;
  • lighting and decorative elements;
  • shovel;
  • brushes and buckets;
  • welding machine;
  • concrete mixer, etc.

Reinforcement, cement, and a concrete mixer will be required if the owner of the site intends to make the bottom and walls of the reservoir from concrete.

Pond as a decorative design element

It is a deep body of water. May include various lighting elements, a fountain, a decorative border or a mini-bridge. Unlike a small pond, it often serves as the center of a recreation area.

Located in close proximity to the veranda, benches, and picnic areas. Ideas for decorating a pond at your dacha can be seen in the photo.

Cascade option

An unusual, sophisticated atmosphere in the dacha area is created by small ponds located at different levels.

Instead of labor-intensive leveling the land on the site, use the lack of relief to your advantage. The spectacle is impressive.

Important! Do not plant flower beds or arrange garden beds next to the cascade. Fertilizers and chemicals with the “help” of the wind, together with rain and melt water, will begin to fall into the water and lead to the death of aquatic plants.

Fish pond

Beautiful, bright fish will add variety to your life. Small aquariums have long been out of fashion. Nowadays, reservoirs that contain various living inhabitants are gaining popularity.

These can be decorative fish species. They will help you relax and are sure to attract children and pets. Or you can set up an artificial pond with fish or crayfish suitable for fishing and further consumption.


  • Oleg, 33 years old, Nizhny Novgorod: “My wife has long wanted a pond in the garden. But there is no way and nowhere to fence the concrete bowl. I saw these ready-made plastic forms purely by accident. I dug the trench myself and installed the filters myself. Well, Marina planted all sorts of flowers.”
  • Ekaterina, 28 years old, Ivangorod: “We had the first pond in our garden from the bathroom. And three years ago they replaced it with a plastic mold, a German one. It is larger, multi-tiered, and looks, by far, more beautiful. I have water lilies living in it.”
  • Elena, 42 years old, Borisoglebsk: “We not only made an artificial pond on the site, but even with streams. True, they lined the banks themselves anyway; I didn’t like the finish on the sides. It turned out very beautiful. It’s been standing for almost 5 years already.”

A ready-made garden pond is a great opportunity to equip a small or even large pond without resorting to major renovations on your site. A variety of shapes and colors, as well as the presence of any additional elements - filters, pumps, purifiers, allow you to choose a model for any landscape.


Swimming pond

Swimming pools in the country are also popular bodies of water. You can make a similar pond in your country house with your own hands. They serve not only as a decorative element, but also allow you to relax, cool off and swim.

This can be a very shallow and small pool; it is suitable for children. Or a full-fledged pond for adults. It all depends on the size of the plot and your capabilities. But remember that such a pond will require constant cleaning and special winter care. Also read about the compost bin.

Various containers

Ponds are used as a landscape object, that is, only for decoration, as a pool for fish breeding, and even as a pond for swimming. Accordingly, the size and shape of the products will be different.

Possible forms

  • As a rule, they try to make the shape of reservoirs as irregular as possible, since it should imitate a natural pond.
  • Small pools have a regular round or oval shape, built with the aim of emphasizing the garden landscape, and not making it look like a natural park.

Dimensions, depth

Since the configuration of an artificial reservoir is often quite complex, the system for indicating dimensions here is somewhat different from the usual one.

  • Depth – ranges from 30 cm to 300 cm. The largest parameter value is always indicated. If the shape is rectangular, then the depth is the same over the entire area; if it is multi-level, then such depth is noted only in one area.
  • The width and length of the product are indicated by the dimensions of the widest part. For example, a popular size for a small pond 124 * 90 * 58 by 250 l has an approximate oval shape with a narrowing in the middle (like a figure eight), and a width of 90 cm is indicated for the wide part of the product.

The figure eight shape with various contours is very popular, as it is very easy to transport and has greater depth. A garden pond 310*280*90 with a volume of 270 liters, for example, from the same manufacturer, is made in the shape of a symbolic flower. At greater depths, it is actually shallower, since such a complex configuration requires a larger area of ​​shallow depth areas.

Choosing a pond location

How to make a pond? First of all, you need to decide on the place where it will be located. When choosing a territory, you need to decide whether you want a secluded pond or one visible from all sides.

If it is intended as a decorative element, then it is necessary to arrange it on a flat, open plane. If you plan to install a pool, then the best solution would be to place it behind the house or behind some bushes, trees, etc. Read here: vine fence.

When choosing an area for a pond, pay attention to several criteria.

The amount of free space. The design of the pond at the dacha will depend on the amount of free territory. Its size, shape and appearance.

Availability of natural light. Due to the fact that the reservoir is created artificially, you must remember that the water level in it depends only on you. If you place it in a strongly lit place, the water may bloom, deteriorate or evaporate.

It is advisable to find a place where the sun will hit the water for no more than four hours a day. This will help preserve the pond and simplify its care.

If you are going to breed fish in water, then the location of the reservoir should be in the shade. Fish do not tolerate heated water well, and evaporation under the sun's rays reduces the oxygen level in the water.

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Plastic container - simple and practical

The production of dimensional polyethylene products offers ready-made containers for arranging ponds and swimming pools. Such bathtubs have their advantages: they are easy to install, quite easy to transport, can withstand heavy loads, are easy to clean, and have different shapes and sizes.

Correct installation of such a reservoir involves the formation of the most even bottom of the recess, followed by compaction. Otherwise, there is a risk that the weight of the water will break the bathtub, which will then be almost impossible to restore.

The openings between the outer walls of the container and the edges of the pit are filled with sand and compacted with water and a tamper. High-quality backfill is a guarantee that the structure will not collapse when filled with liquid.

This solution for a decorative pond is the least labor-intensive in both production and maintenance. Having previously drained the water, the container is very easy to clean from dirt, and the strong sides will not allow the soil to crumble.

You can design the plastic structure as a natural pond, or you can create the central object of a picnic area. This practical pond can also serve as a safe pool for children, since the plastic has a dark color that perfectly accumulates heat from the sun.

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The depth at which groundwater flows. If they leak close to the surface, you will have to additionally strengthen the pond.

Opportunity for further growth. You or your children will likely want to change the design or make some adjustments to the size of the pool. Or add some entertainment elements nearby. Therefore, when considering the location of the reservoir, take into account the possibility of further redevelopment.

Availability of electricity. Lighting and fountains are powered by electricity, which must be taken into account when choosing a location. There are several options. You can place a recreation area next to the house.

If you want to make a pond in a remote area, you will have to bury the electrical cable in the ground. Appreciable depth is required to comply with safety regulations. But, if there are joints on the wires, then you will have to arrange the necessary access to them.

Fountain sculptures

In specialized stores you can easily find various statues, water mills and other figures for decorating a water area. When purchasing them, take into account the size of the designed reservoir, and the entire area being improved.

Recently, a type of fountain without an upward jet has become very fashionable and popular. Most often, this structure is a bowl (less often a statue or mask) from which water flows.

If you decorate the fountain with lighting, then this corner of your dacha will turn into a magical place full of charm and enchantment.

What materials can be used to build a pond?

The choice of materials is a very important stage. At the moment there is a large selection of bases for ponds.

Where to begin?

Today, decorative fountains and waterfalls are not uncommon. First of all, you need to decide where exactly the garden fountain will be located; a place for it must be selected, guided by several criteria:

  • The area should be sufficiently shaded to avoid rapid water blooming; However, it is not recommended to place the fountain in the garden under trees: leaves will often fall on the surface of the water, which will complicate the maintenance of the fountain;
  • If the design contains lighting or a pump, then you need to consider where the electrical supply paths are;
  • When planning a landscape design, it is better to place the fountain in a low-lying part of the site, since this technique will allow you to control the level of groundwater and create coolness around the structure on hot summer days;
  • The last criterion is aesthetic. It is better to place a small fountain near the terrace, gazebo, benches and other objects where residents of the site spend a lot of time.


Due to the increased popularity of country pools, the demand for suitable materials has increased. And companies that work with plastic began to produce ready-made monolithic structures.

This method will help you quickly organize a space for relaxation, but the material has a limited service life. Each manufacturer has its own, usually a figure from 20 to 50 years. To install such a structure, you need to dig a hole of suitable size. After installing a plastic pool, you need to fill the voids with sand.


Connoisseurs of beauty with the appropriate financial means can afford to build Niagara Falls in miniature.

The noise of rushing water has a beneficial effect on the human psyche. Another feature is that you don’t even have to look at the waterfall, but just listen to it. Some people install waterfalls for this very purpose - wanting to drown out other sounds.

The most suitable surface for a waterfall is a place with a slope. Well, the ideal option is if there is a flower garden nearby or a beautiful shrub grows.

Designers advise installing benches or a gazebo near such a body of water so that you can admire the flowing water and delight your ears with its noise.

Important! There should be no unnecessary objects near the waterfall. The approach to the reservoir must be free!

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