How to make a beautiful waterfall at your dacha with your own hands (50 photos)

Garden ideas never end for those who love their own paradise in the sun, the official name of which is dacha. In this case, working on the site is a pleasure, an anticipation of the results.

Starting with simple designs, we increasingly complicate the tasks. Although the implementation of the majority only seems difficult. For example, many people think about how to make a beautiful waterfall in their country house with their own hands, and do not even realize that this task is actually very simple.

Place for a waterfall in the garden

We arrange the waterfall so that it is clearly visible, because it is illogical to hide such beauty in the thickets of the garden. Usually waterfalls are made in courtyards, not far from the house, next to a recreation area, etc. Inside the garden, in secluded quiet corners, waterfalls are also built, but more often these are small decorative structures.

Garden landscape with a waterfall A water structure, including a small pond and a waterfall, is placed in an open area that is clearly visible

A waterfall, no matter its size, attracts attention

A small decorative waterfall can be placed in any corner of the garden. Even in a small area you can place a water structure

Compact design of water and stones in a small area

When arranging a waterfall, be guided by the size of the site. If the area is small, the water structure must be proportionate to it, otherwise harmony cannot be achieved, and what was supposed to be a spectacular decor will look like a pile of stones.

Having a slope makes it easier to grow plants near a waterfall, but if you only have a horizontal area, drainage will be the answer.

The slope of the site makes it easier to build a waterfall

The stones of the structure are in harmony with the facade of the house. Waterfall ladder - very impressive

The jets fall vertically into a pool or pond near the house. A corner of natural nature - stones, water, plants.

The combination of stones and plants will make your waterfall look natural. If you are going to decorate the waterfall with plants, choose an open area. If possible, “expand” the structure towards the south or southeast so that heat-loving plants feel comfortable and develop well.

Plants get enough sunlight. In summer, the water in the reservoir is warm.

Beautiful waterfall in the country house with your own hands with decorative figures To create a waterfall on the terrace, you can use a ready-made artificial stone panel

DIY miniature waterfall in the countryside

We start work with planning. First, the waterfall should appear on paper. If you are planning a large structure (more than 10 m2), the diagram should be drawn in as much detail as possible, taking into account the paths and platforms adjacent to the pond, bridges, large decor, plants, etc.

Form and composition

There is no strict classification, but the following main types of compositions can be distinguished:

Base for rocky part

  1. We mark out an area on the ground for the rocky part.
  2. We remove the soil to a depth of about 40 cm.
  3. We fill 1/4 of the depth with stones, rubble, pieces of broken brick, etc. We do not use sand-lime brick (it attracts moisture) or wood waste (it rots quickly).
  4. We fill the pit with a mixture of sand and crushed stone - as a result, we get an excellent drainage cushion.
  5. We install several large stones.
  6. We pour the earth, forming a hill. Add stones to prevent the earth from crumbling. It is advisable to pre-treat the soil with herbicides against weeds.
  7. We water and compact each layer of soil.

Stones of different sizes - just like in nature. Great combination of stones and water.

Such a water structure can become the pride of the garden. Water flows over flat stones. Flat stones look advantageous in the above-ground part of the waterfall.

Laying stones to create the shape of a waterfall

A sheer waterfall is an interesting effect. The stones do not have to be large.
To construct the rocky structure into which the waterfall will be built, we use any natural stones. You can choose stones that are approximately the same in color and size, or completely different ones to get a mixed picture.

Porous limestone, shell rock, and calcite actively absorb moisture, which is why they collapse. They can be used to decorate a waterfall, but it is advisable that they do not come into contact with water.

If you are making a cascade waterfall, use flat stones.

Features of the alpine slide

The main feature is that the composition should look as natural as possible; artificial elements are not allowed.


Alpine slide, as the name suggests, is a hill. The height can vary from 1 to 3 meters.

For taller compositions, a slide core will be required to prevent collapse. One slope should be flatter, which is best located on the south or east side.


Also, the alpine slide is a rock garden. Depending on the type of stones there may be more or less. Natural stones-boulders of the same type, differing in size, look best.


Since the landscape composition in question is an imitation of mountainous terrain, the plants for the alpine hill must be suitable.

It is advisable to use low-growing plants; evergreen conifers are well suited: cedar, juniper, spruce, larch.

Also suitable for use: thuja, succulents, violet, phlox, hosta and other plants.

It is best to choose flowering plants so that they bloom at different times for a beautiful display throughout the season.


At the dacha, alpine slides look most organic on natural slopes or breaks in the landscape. But this does not mean that such a composition cannot be created on a flat area.

Alpine slides are placed in a prominent place and so that the bulk of the plants are in the sun before noon, and in partial shade after noon.

Not the best location in the shade of large trees and where groundwater comes close to the soil surface.

Construction of a reservoir for a waterfall. Master Class

  1. Mark on the ground the shape of the future reservoir. It is convenient to do this with spray paint, although you can simply mark it with a shovel.
  2. Dig a hole.
  3. If you are making a small reservoir for a waterfall, you can put some kind of container in the hole. For example, an old basin or bathtub. Fill the voids around the container tightly with sand and crushed stone.
  4. When building a larger tank, you can simply line the bottom of the pit with film. A more difficult option is to concrete the hole. How to deal with this, see here.
  5. Fill the pond with water.
  6. We decorate the bowl with stones, visually connecting it with a stone hill from which water will fall.

The film will protect the soil from washing out

A concrete bowl for a waterfall will allow you to create different rocky shapes. The shape of the future waterfall is revealed

This waterfall in the courtyard of the house is made in the Japanese natural style. Mosses on the stones are a spectacular move.

A wonderful water structure on the site - a piece of nature

An original waterfall made from old metal bowls, cauldrons and a jug

The main elements are installed on pedestals (you can use decorative driftwood or a slide made of plastic), and the water supply system is routed through all containers. A large cauldron is installed at the very bottom, which acts as a bowl. All metal surfaces must be treated with an anti-corrosion coating before construction.

Design-basis for a small waterfall

You can buy such a base for the above-ground part of a small waterfall

If you are going to make such a base yourself, use a dense material that will not collapse under the influence of moisture.

The stones can be fixed with special moisture-resistant glue or foam A small but beautiful garden waterfall You don’t have to buy stones for a small waterfall - they can be found on the site

Required Tools

You will need the following tools:

- screwdriver;

— construction pistol;

- drill;

— a set of drill bits;

Important fossils found deep beneath ice sheet in Greenland

Anticipation is important. Why do people ignore their inner voice?

Facts about lard that are better to know (especially for those who still doubt the benefits)

— dust-proof construction mask;

- garden rake;

- protective glasses;

- shovel;

- roulette;

- utility knife.

We install pumping equipment for a waterfall

Based on the size of the water structure, we purchase pumping equipment for the waterfall. The larger the structure, the more power the pump needs.

Set of equipment for a waterfall in the garden

We direct the hose upward and hide it together with the nozzles between the stones.

Water nozzles can be of different shapes and sizes; we use them to form jets. It is better to purchase equipment for a waterfall with a water filter. Layout of equipment for a waterfall.

Illuminated garden ponds are spectacular. The best solution is solar-powered lights. To ensure their operation, there is no need to lay an electrical cable - the batteries are charged during the day and illuminate the pond with a waterfall at night.

Illumination of the water structure makes it especially beautiful in the evening Solar-powered lanterns do not require power supply

Pump selection

The building materials market offers its customers a huge selection of pumps of various technical characteristics, power and energy consumption. The purchase of a pump in each specific case depends on a number of factors:

  • The size of the waterfall.
  • Estimated power of water flow.
  • The size of the niche for the location of the motor.
  • Financial capabilities of the owner of the garden plot.

Valuable advice on this purchase can be given by landscape design specialists who specialize in the construction of decorative waterfalls.

Plants around the waterfall

Plants for planting around the waterfall should be chosen from those that are decorative in spring, summer and autumn. very handy here: dwarf spruce, thuja, juniper, etc.

Harmony of man-made nature

Perennial plants will provide the basis for the floral decoration of the waterfall and will delight the eye for several seasons.

We choose moisture-loving and aquatic plants

Waterfall in the form of a peninsula in a garden pond

Alpine plants and ground cover form a decorative layer on the stones with the help of shoots.

Flowering plants - waterfall decorations

St. John's wort, chamomile, cinquefoil, gentian, yarrow, speedwell, thyme, decorative wormwood, ferns, sedum, saxifrage, etc. would be good here.

Shade-loving plants will help out if the water structure is located in a shady place

But you can decorate the stone structure with plants in containers. If the waterfall is in shade, the plants should be replaced from time to time. For example, for 2 weeks the containers are located near the waterfall, the next 2 weeks - in a more illuminated place in the garden.

Container plants will help out if planting in the soil is impossible

Using container plants you can change the appearance of a waterfall

The combination of stones, flowers and flowing water will fill this corner of the garden with peace and tranquility.

Stage 2 – digging a pit

You have decided on the size and shape of the bowl, now you need to drive in pegs along the intended contour and pull the rope. The soil formed during the work should be cleared of stones, roots and other debris. Store the soil in a separate place, it will be useful when arranging a waterfall and pond. The earth from the walls of the bowl will crumble, this is inevitable. Therefore, they need to be periodically moistened and compacted. When the pit is ready, add a layer of sand (10-12 cm) to the bottom and compact it thoroughly.

The pit for the pond is of regular oval shape, the walls and bottom are carefully compacted. The depth of just over a meter will allow it to breed fish and aquatic flora.

What to decorate with light streams

Garland curtain

A large garland of raindrops designed for outdoor installation can decorate the facade of a commercial building. Such decoration creates a festive atmosphere and attracts attention. In winter in domestic latitudes, it performs its functions for a long time, taking into account the short daylight hours.

Gallery decoration

At home, an electric waterfall garland can be installed in a window opening from the inside. These products decorate niches and free walls. “Icicles” are mounted on chandeliers, floor lamps, and special pendants. Such projects are implemented using relatively inexpensive products designed for installation in heated rooms.

In any case, the installation location and operating mode must first be specified. Components are selected taking into account power consumption. When performing installation operations, special attention is paid to the quality of electrical connections and sealing. Wiring should be placed in such a way as to prevent access by children and accidental damage. If malfunctions are detected, operation is stopped until the problems are resolved.

Various materials for decoration

There are many decoration options; the material used directly determines the appearance and style direction.


The most common decoration option is to arrange the rise with stones. First of all, this natural material is designed to give the waterfall a natural look.

The stone gives the waterfall the appearance of a natural structure Source


Glass occupies the most important direction in style trends such as high-tech and modern. Particularly popular is the installation of glass columns with water in the interior in combination with non-standard lighting.

Glass goes well with flowing water Source


Concrete is an excellent material for creating custom shapes and decorations.

Using concrete, you can create decorative bowls of various shapes Source


Metal rims and structures are highly durable and look great in modern stylistic trends.

Metal structures go well with modern design trends Source

Beginning of work

The whole process of building a waterfall is easier than you might think and you don't need any special skills. First you need to dig a hole 2.5 * 3 m and about 0.5 m deep. This is the only truly hard work.

The cost of such a fountain is about 10 thousand rubles, but you can make a smaller and simpler version. All you need is one large boulder set among decorative stones. You can buy it or find it somewhere on the river bank. Before you start, pour some water on the stone you like to get an idea of ​​how the water will move.

Mode overview

Garland rain

Parallel connection of several groups increases reliability. If one power circuit is disrupted, the others will continue to perform their functions. An additional advantage is the ability to supply power according to a special algorithm.

Electronic control

The figure shows the implementation of a block based on a standard microcircuit. The built-in memory is “flashed” at the factory. The user changes modes sequentially by pressing the SA1 button. For a larger number of components and a corresponding increase in the power of individual channels, appropriate switches are used - triacs.

Standard modes of the LED garland control unit:

  • flicker(flash);
  • constant switching on;
  • increasing/decreasing the “drop falling” speed;
  • smooth change in brightness;
  • automatic program switching.

Making a hand-held electric pump with your own hands

This type of structure is used to lift liquid from wells or Abyssinian wells. The main advantage of a hand pump is that it can be used autonomously even without electricity, but can also be connected to a power source.

Manufacturing principle:

  1. The foundation is being prepared. This is the supporting part on which the entire structure will be attached. For it, it is better to take ordinary plastic material, for example, fiberglass and textolite with a thickness of about 20 mm.
  2. A transition piece is taken that will connect the casing to the base. In this case, the threaded connection between the flange and the supply pipe must be mandatory to avoid water leakage.
  3. The flange is threaded onto the upper pipe and secured through the base to the part with M screws, of which there must be at least 8 pieces. The material used is stainless steel.
  4. The bottom valve is designed to completely close the hole in the supply pipe.
  5. Then the impeller is installed as the main working element of the system; it converts rotational energy.
  6. After this, it is necessary to prepare a counterweight rod, which will protect the valve from tipping over during operation. The seal is a sponge rubber having a thickness of 6 mm, and the body itself is a steel sheet 5 mm thick.

The limiter in the pump is designed to prevent the valve from moving away from the axis during the process of pumping water.

The main advantage of a manual electric pump is that it can be used without connecting to electricity.

The housing contains all the working parts. The manufacturing material used is a plastic pipe with walls 10 mm thick. The holes in its lower part will be intended for attaching the lower flange to the base.

A piston with a valve serves to pump liquid from the supply pipe to the drain hole in the upper part of the pump housing. Its diameter must be at least 2 mm. Thanks to such a pump, it will be possible to provide irrigation from a local reservoir or pump out dirty water from a drainage pit.

Care Tips

To maintain an artificial waterfall in good condition, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • Add fluid monthly . Water constantly evaporates, so care must be taken to maintain the required volume.
  • Take care to clear away debris. There is a lot of dust, microorganisms, insects and leaves outside. Such debris clogs filters and impairs water circulation.
  • Use filters . To protect yourself from debris, install a filter in front of the pump; this simple device will significantly extend the service life of the equipment.
  • Clean the pump periodically . Regardless of the filtering equipment, small particles can penetrate into the mechanisms of the electric motor and interfere with its performance.

If you follow these simple rules, the structure will last a long time without third-party intervention.

Fish will be an excellent addition to the pond Source

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