Various layout options for children's rooms - from 15 to 20 square meters. meters

Creating a layout for a children's room is necessary at the moment when the baby moves into the nursery from the parent's bedroom. Convenient placement is considered an important element of its arrangement. The best option is a lighted room with a window exit to the southeast. It is in this case that it will be located at some distance from the noisy living room and kitchen layout. When creating a children's room project, free space for its creation is no less important. According to generally accepted standards, 8-10 square meters is enough for one child. m. of free living area, and the area of ​​a children's room for two children will be slightly larger - 12 sq.m.

Layout option for a children's room 9 sq. meters

If this is not a one-room apartment, the dimensions of such a living space will allow you to allocate 12 square meters for one child. m., and for two you will need 15 sq. m. The layout of a children's room for a boy is impossible in narrow bedrooms of a strict rectangular shape, rooms with a glazed loggia. This is due to the difficulties of zoning such a quadrature and the presence of a source of potential danger.

The best option for placing a cozy bedroom with a crib is in the very center of the apartment, where it is surrounded on all sides by walls adjacent to other rooms, and one overlooks the street part. It is very important to comply with this condition in panel-type houses and poorly heated structures.

Advantages and disadvantages of a small dressing room

A well-equipped mini dressing room has the following advantages:

  • A specialized area for storing clothes and shoes is being formed.
  • All things that are relevant for different seasons are in one place, and not placed in different cabinets, bedside tables and corners throughout the living space.
  • More correct organization and getting used to order - suits hang on hangers, boots are on shelves, jackets are on hooks, etc.
  • All items are in plain sight; when searching for them, there is no need to rummage through piles and piles - like in a cramped closet.
  • Even a small corner dressing room allows you to fully use all the occupied space - from floor to ceiling.
  • The interior of living rooms is freed from many disturbing elements - wardrobes, chests of drawers, ironing boards, etc.

However, a wardrobe, the size of which does not exceed 1.5-2 square meters, cannot but have some disadvantages:

  1. Large mirrors, chests of drawers, and furnishings do not fit.
  2. In a small-sized house, it is not always possible to devote even 2-3 m² to a separate closed room.
  3. It will be necessary to carry out construction and installation work in an already equipped living space.

Comfortable wardrobeSource

Furniture arrangement

We advise you to plan in advance on a drawing with dimensions

Since the nursery should have several functional areas, it is necessary to select appropriate furniture for each of them and arrange it so that the room is not overloaded.

The sleeping area is equipped with a bed, which must be selected based on the height and weight of your child. The bed should be in harmony with the overall design of the room. It must be installed so that the child can see the door when falling asleep and waking up. Do not place the bed near a window or radiators.

It is better to choose furniture for the work area based on the age of the child and what he is interested in.

The design of the layout and arrangement of furniture should be thought through and drawn in advance.

There are several requirements for the work area:

  1. It is better to place a table for schoolchildren near a window, as this has the highest degree of natural light.
  2. The child should not sit with his back to the door, because if the door is behind him, he will constantly turn around and will not be able to concentrate on his studies. In addition, this arrangement causes discomfort.

Storage space is a must in a child's room. It is better if the closet is opposite the bed. The best place to place storage items is the wall near the door.

Calculation of the optimal layout for a country cottage

It is necessary to take into account living rooms, bathrooms, utility rooms and corridors. Let's consider the most comfortable room sizes based on their purpose.

No. 2. Zoning a small children's room

No matter how tiny the child’s room is, it is necessary to place the following zones in it:

  • sleep area;
  • work area and creative area;
  • storage area;
  • a sports area and a games area, which, as the child grows, turns into a recreation area or is reserved for hobbies.

The main difficulty is that most children find it difficult to concentrate on one activity, and getting into the visibility zone of toys when the child is doing homework will provoke him to get distracted. There are a lot of examples, but the simplest solution, which designers developed together with child psychologists, is to organize the interior so that the child’s field of view includes things that are related to what he is doing at the moment. This is why it is so important to create separate areas for study, play and sleep, as well as to highlight their boundaries.

The zoning objectives are best met by arranging furniture around the perimeter of the room . This layout is also convenient from the point of view of freeing up space for outdoor games in the center of the room. It is best to highlight zones using finishing colors or lighting.

Video description

How many rooms should there be in a house, what size, how to correctly calculate the area and what mistakes to avoid are described in the video:


The living room can be connected to the dining room or made into a room for watching movies, so the area should be able to accommodate many guests at the same time. Usually about 35-40 m2 are allocated in the warmest part of the house, on the south side.

An example of a 30 m2 living room with a bay windowSource


It all depends on the wishes of the future housewife: it can be made in a square shape with great functionality, which is necessary exclusively for cooking (about 15 m2), or it can be connected to a bar counter and made into a kitchen with an “island” in the center. The rectangular layout looks beautiful, where the kitchen unit is located along the entire wall. This option looks expensive and rich, and also makes it possible to harmoniously integrate all household appliances.

Calculating the square footage for a kitchen is quite convenient, since all built-in household appliances have approximately the same dimensions. If you want to build in a refrigerator, touch cooker and washing machine, you should add all the values ​​​​to the total length, not forgetting about the space for washing. Thus, having decided in advance what will be in the kitchen, you can determine the square footage for the future food preparation area based on functionality.

Particular attention is paid when determining the size of the future kitchen; this is the place where they spend the most time; the maximum number of appliances, appliances, furniture and products is concentrated here Source


For an ordinary bedroom, an elongated layout with a footage of about 20 m2 is suitable. But, if you want to build in a dressing room, feel free to increase the area by another 5-6 m2 and make the room wider - this will visually increase the usable space.

Each family has its own concept of an ordinary bedroom and, undoubtedly, the opportunity to be located in a space of more than 20 m2 is more pleasant. Source


For children of different sexes, the rooms should be isolated and, as practice has shown, the optimal square footage “for growth” is 18-20 m2. Rooms for children should be spacious and bright, so calculate the footage in such a way that the place for sleeping and working at the computer is as close as possible to the window opening.

Most often, “dens” are made for teenagers like vestibules: with the help of partitions, you can zone the room into separate spaces for sports, study and sleep.

Depending on the gender and age of the child, the premises and interior of the children's room are calculated taking into account “growth”Source

Toilet and bath

A combined version of a toilet with a shower takes up only 5-6 m2, while a full-fledged project with a bathroom takes about 15 m2.

Utility block or laundry room

You, of course, can make a storage room in the basement, however, in everyday life this is not very convenient. It is best to allocate a couple of free squares near the kitchen for storing small items and cleaning equipment.

Basic rules for comfortable zoning

A children's project is not just a design, but the correct arrangement of furniture, taking into account the available space.

Design and layout of a children's room measuring 15 square meters. m.

Unique interior design is a manifestation of taste and individual preferences; it directly depends on the stated requirements. But the layout of a small nursery is all about taking into account all the general requirements to create the most comfortable conditions.

A little advice: before starting decorative finishing of the floor, it is important to carefully consider the overall interior of the room so that all these actions do not lead to a violation of the compatibility of tones in the color scheme.

The design of a small nursery for a girl should, like a large one, consist of a small working, sleeping and play area. Compliance with this condition is required for the comfortable development of the child, and one should not lose sight of education and good leisure time. The main thing is that study and well-deserved rest after school do not overlap with each other and are clearly demarcated.

Bedroom shape

If the bedroom is located on the attic floor, its area can be reduced to 7 square meters. m, but only on condition that the house also has a place to relax, a living room with an area of ​​at least 16 sq.m.

The traditional minimum for most countries is 8 sq.m. due to the need to have other furniture in the room besides the bed.

A bedroom for one person can be rectangular. A bedroom for a married couple should be close to a square. This will allow you to harmoniously place the furniture around the square bed.

Ideally, a bedroom should be able to divide the room into functional zones that can be separated using various design techniques. There should be room for a wardrobe or dressing room, dressing table and some free space.

Cozy sleeping area

This is an important detail in the nursery layout, because this is where the baby rests after an eventful day. The placement of the crib plays an important role here. The best option for placing it is in the area opposite the window, so that when the baby wakes up he can see beautiful nature. A well-designed interior of the sleep area will give your baby excellent energy for the whole day, and there will be few problems with getting up early.

A crib is a mandatory attribute of any nursery, so it is necessary that it differs from other models in convenience, functionality and quality. You can save space in your room by purchasing comfortable folding chairs and sofas.

An example of the layout of a children's room 10 m

The designs and layout of furniture must have sufficient strength and rigidity, because this is how the correct formation of a fragile child’s skeleton is achieved.

The dimensions of the crib should not be selected taking into account the current growth of the baby, because the growth period lasts quite a long time. For children under 4 years of age, choose a playpen-shaped bed with comfortable removable blocks. For older children, it is better to purchase a standard single bed.

A small recommendation: it is advisable to purchase a comfortable bed in a minimalist style for the children's room. Its simple design and bright colors will make some difference to the overall tone of the nursery. The ergonomics of such standard models allows you to wisely use the square meters allocated for children.

Convenient layout and zoning of a children's room 11 sq. m. meters

If it is difficult to decide on the final size of the bed, then the best option in this case is a compact transforming bed, which is suitable even for a bedroom of 10 square meters. m. It will help ensure adequate sleep for your child and will last until the onset of adolescence. The only thing that needs to be done during this period is to change the old mattress. Even a one-room apartment can accommodate such compact furniture, and your baby will be provided with personal space.

The optimal size of rooms in a private house

Professional designer Pete Tonks shares his experience with us.

It often happens that self-built houses have a much larger area than the average private houses sold by developers. This is because homeowners are looking for more when given the opportunity to build their own home. However, few people think about all the difficulties that they will certainly encounter when planning a large house. It would be much better to build a smaller house, but with higher technical characteristics, than to take on the construction of a mansion that you may not even be able to finish.

How to choose a color for decorating a nursery

The color environment affects not only the child’s mood, but also the manifestation of activity. If a child has an explosive character and bright temperament, then for finishing surfaces you should not choose bright and active colors, which will irritate the nervous system even more. In the room of a hyperactive child, you should avoid using multi-colored patterns; it is better to give preference to plain, calm shades. In the room of a passive and slow child, on the contrary, it is appropriate to use rich colors and bright accents.

Helpful advice! If the child is already old enough, then you should not choose the color of the room without his participation. It is necessary to give him the opportunity to express his individuality, because first of all, the room is created just for him.

If the child is already old enough, then you should not choose the color of the room without his participation

When decorating a child’s room, psychologists recommend choosing light shades of any color you like, because the abundance of intense tones will tire not only the nervous system, but also the child’s eyes. In general, it is advised to avoid using these colors:

  • rich purple - depresses the mood, especially if used in combination with brown;
  • a large amount of bright yellow - irritates the nervous system;
  • combinations of bright red and green – causes emotional instability;
  • combinations of red and black have a depressing effect on the child’s psyche.

Bright shades are usually used only as accents - this can be unusual textiles or decorative elements. It is much easier to experiment with the use of bright colors in a room made in soothing colors.

Multifunctional bedroom

In addition to its intended purpose, the bedroom often serves additional purposes.

If the room is supposed to have a computer and a place for writing, it should be installed on a separate desktop. The location of computer equipment near the head of a sleeping person has a detrimental effect on the quality of sleep. Therefore, this table should be no less than a meter away from the head of the bed. There should be another 2 sq.m. around the desk. area so that it is convenient to move a chair and get up from the table.

If the room has a reading area, it usually contains an armchair, a pouf and a small table. For this you will need another 1.5 to 3 sq.m. area. If the chair is placed in a corner, you will need 3 or more square meters. free space.

Creating a work area

The development of a small nursery presupposes the presence of such a zone; it should be located in the area of ​​maximum illumination, i.e. near the window.

Zoning and layout options for a children's room

The working area of ​​a bedroom with a crib requires the presence of the following important pieces of furniture:

  • convenient folding table;
  • good chair;
  • additional sources of spot lighting.

Room area in square meters

It’s not difficult to calculate, you just need to remember the simplest formulas and also take measurements. For this you will need:

  • Roulette. It’s better with a lock, but a regular one will do.
  • Paper and pencil or pen.
  • Calculator (or count in a column or in your head).

A simple set of tools can be found in every household. It’s easier to take measurements with an assistant, but you can do it yourself.

First you need to measure the length of the walls. It is advisable to do this along the walls, but if they are all filled with heavy furniture, you can take measurements in the middle. Only in this case, make sure that the tape measure lies along the walls, and not diagonally - the measurement error will be less.

Rectangular room

If the room is of the correct shape, without protruding parts, it is easy to calculate the area of ​​the room. Measure the length and width and write it down on a piece of paper. Write the numbers in meters, followed by centimeters after the decimal point. For example, length 4.35 m (430 cm), width 3.25 m (325 cm).

How to calculate the area of ​​a room

We multiply the found numbers to get the area of ​​the room in square meters. If we look at our example, we get the following: 4.35 m * 3.25 m = 14.1375 sq. m. In this value, usually two digits are left after the decimal point, which means we round. In total, the calculated square footage of the room is 14.14 square meters.

Irregularly shaped room

If you need to calculate the area of ​​an irregularly shaped room, it is divided into simple shapes - squares, rectangles, triangles. Then they measure all the required dimensions and make calculations using known formulas (found in the table just below).

Before calculating the area of ​​the room, we also make changes. Only in this case there will be not two, but four numbers: the length and width of the protrusion will be added. The dimensions of both pieces are calculated separately.

One example is in the photo. Since both are rectangles, the area is calculated using the same formula: multiply the length by the width. The found figure must be subtracted or added to the size of the room - depending on the configuration.

Room area of ​​complex shape

Using this example, we will show how to calculate the area of ​​a room with a ledge (shown in the photo above):

  1. We calculate the quadrature without the protrusion: 3.6 m * 8.5 m = 30.6 sq. m.
  2. We calculate the dimensions of the protruding part: 3.25 m * 0.8 m = 2.6 sq. m.
  3. Add up two values: 30.6 sq. m. + 2.6 sq. m. = 33.2 sq. m.

There are also rooms with sloping walls. In this case, we divide it so that we get rectangles and a triangle (as in the figure below). As you can see, for this case you need to have five sizes. It could have been broken differently by putting a vertical rather than a horizontal line

It doesn't matter. It just requires a set of simple shapes, and the way to select them is arbitrary

How to calculate the area of ​​an irregularly shaped room

In this case, the order of calculations is as follows:

  1. We consider the large rectangular part: 6.4 m * 1.4 m = 8.96 sq. m. If we round, we get 9.0 sq.m.
  2. We calculate a small rectangle: 2.7 m * 1.9 m = 5.13 sq. m. Round up, we get 5.1 sq. m.
  3. Calculate the area of ​​the triangle. Since it is at a right angle, it is equal to half the area of ​​a rectangle with the same dimensions. (1.3 m * 1.9 m) / 2 = 1.235 sq. m. After rounding we get 1.2 sq. m.
  4. Now we add everything up to find the total area of ​​the room: 9.0 + 5.1 + 1.2 = 15.3 square meters. m.

The layout of the premises can be very diverse, but you understand the general principle: divide it into simple shapes, measure all the required dimensions, calculate the square footage of each fragment, then add everything up.

Formulas for calculating the area and perimeter of simple geometric shapes

Another important note: the area of ​​the room, floor and ceiling are all the same measurements. There may be differences if there are some semi-columns that do not reach the ceiling

Then the quadrature of these elements is subtracted from the total quadrature. The result is the floor area.

Children's room for girls

Most girls want to feel like a princess and therefore rooms in the following styles are suitable for them.

Shabby - chic

To create this style, the following techniques are used:

  • stucco on the ceiling;
  • antique or semi-antique furniture;
  • “aged” parquet board;
  • a large number of decorative elements - plush toys, bouquets in vases, vintage lamps, framed photographs.

The shabby chic style uses antique furniture.
The main colors of decoration are:

  • cream;
  • blue;
  • pink;
  • cream color.

To accentuate the decoration, checks and stripes, drawings depicting birds, butterflies, angels, as well as floral motifs are used.


This style is romantic and delicate, so it is an excellent solution for decorating a girl’s room. Grace and prostate, beauty and convenience are perfectly combined here.

White is used as the main color, and the remaining details are made in lilac, milky, pink and beige shades. Floral designs are required.

In Provence style you need to use only delicate pastel shades

The Provence interior is dominated by artificially aged wooden surfaces. Another mandatory element is forged products. This could be a dressing table with a mirror, candlesticks. Table and chairs.

An important condition is that the ornament on the wall covering, furniture and textiles must completely match.

Standard and minimum dimensions of a bathroom, choosing the optimal size

When buying a new home, few people pay attention to the size of the bathroom. But this room is one of the most frequently used in an apartment/house

Therefore, it is very important that the bathroom has a sufficient area so that it can accommodate the necessary plumbing fixtures, household appliances, at least a minimum of furniture, and at the same time be comfortable to use

Therefore, it is very important that the bathroom has a sufficient area so that it can accommodate the necessary plumbing fixtures, household appliances, at least a minimum of furniture, and at the same time be comfortable to use.

In this article we will look at the standards by which bathrooms are built, their minimum and typical sizes.

How to choose the right size for your future bathroom, optimal dimensions

In order for the bathroom to be functional and easy to use for each family member, you should know the optimal sizes of bathrooms in residential buildings:

  • room width - at least 80 cm;
  • height - about 250 cm;
  • depth - minimum 120 cm.

By taking the dimensions of the combined bathroom, you can rationally use its area when arranging plumbing fixtures. An approach of at least 60 cm should be provided to the toilet and 25 cm to the left and right of it. For access to the sink, leave 70 cm, a comfortable height for its location is 80-90 cm. Free access to the bathtub or shower is 70-120 cm.

Note: according to an unspoken rule, frequently used items in the bathroom should be within arm's reach.

Plumbing installation rules

The dimensions of a bathroom in a private house, as a rule, are not as limited as in a city apartment, so they can accommodate any plumbing fixtures. But for small bathrooms in multi-story buildings, it is better to choose compact models.

Typical bathroom sizes

Let's consider room layout options for standard bathroom sizes.

Small rooms of 2x2 m, as well as 1.5x2 m, are the minimum area that a person needs. If the bathroom and toilet are separate, it makes sense to combine them and expand the usable space.

Note: this type of redevelopment, which does not involve moving pipes, is approved according to a simplified scheme.

Examples of layouts for mini-bathrooms with an area of ​​2 square meters. meters and 3 m2

Bathroom area from 4 sq. m. up to 6 sq. m. already has enough space to be equipped with a washing machine and a small cabinet for things. Depending on the location of the door, plumbing fixtures can be placed either around the perimeter of the room or on opposite sides.

Layout of medium-sized bathrooms in a panel house

In a room of 7 sq. m. fit the necessary plumbing and household appliances. If there are many people living in the apartment, you can install two sinks, or a second bathing tank.

Tip: it is advisable to divide a large bathroom into functional areas.

Options for bathroom layout 7 sq. m.

If the bathroom is narrow and long, then the bathing tank is installed in the very depths of the room. It is better to install the toilet, sink and bidet along the walls in the order in which they are most often used.

Ways to plan a narrow bathroom

Minimum sizes of bathrooms

Bathrooms and toilets in apartments of different sizes and houses of different types differ in size and configuration. Determines the minimum dimensions of a bathroom SNiP (full name “Sanitary Norms and Rules”) for residential premises.

The minimum dimensions of a separate toilet, equipped with a toilet and a sink, depend on the method of opening the door in the room. The size of the bathroom and toilet doorway is 75x210 cm, the door width is 60-70 cm.

If the door opens outward, then a space of 0.9x1.15 m will be sufficient for convenient use. If the door opens into the room, taking away part of its area, then the minimum dimensions of the toilet are 0.9x1.45 m.

Minimum toilet dimensions

Minimum dimensions of a shared bathroom with shower

If the hygienic room is equipped with a tank-bathtub, the minimum width of the bathroom, depending on the location of the plumbing, will already be 2.1x2.1 m, or 2.35x1.7 m (2.35x2.5 m).

Minimum dimensions of a bathroom with a tank-bath

Important: when constructing new buildings, the minimum dimensions of the bathroom, regulated by SNiP, must be taken as a basis.

Bottom line

The dimensions of the bathroom are of great importance, especially if a large family lives in the house/apartment. Knowing the minimum dimensions of a bathroom and how to organize space, you can make even a small bathroom comfortable.

Comfortable play area

The equipment of this important area is determined by the dimensions of the allocated room, i.e. first the bedroom with a crib is arranged, then the work area. It is advisable to purchase a spacious closet for numerous children's toys, a fluffy carpet, and a small bedside table for the play area.

Furniture arrangement in a children's room 12 sq. m.

Mini-sofas are installed in children's rooms of a small format, for example, 10 square meters. m. or 12 sq. m. Here it is most appropriate and necessary, because it does not at all violate personal space.

Modern bedrooms with a minimalist twist

A modern bedroom is, first and foremost, a bed. Design inspirations are different, but each follows the same principle - not to clutter up the space of the room. You may be tempted by innovative lamps.

The color gallery is based on deep greys, browns and whites - darker colors will give the room elegance and mystery, but decorating the bedroom with such colors can be depressing.

A good solution is to place the bedroom in a clearly separated night area (for example, closed by an additional door). This way, you will provide the peace and quiet you need for relaxation, and if guests arrive, privacy. Consider the options for a variety of bedrooms for a private home, the design of which will definitely come in handy.


It goes without saying that it is important for a child’s body to organize proper lighting, so that vision does not deteriorate.

Lighting should be sufficient and located in all functional areas of the nursery

The first thing you need to do is ensure that all electrical devices do not pose a danger to the life and health of the child. Therefore, they must be installed in places inaccessible to children.

For a nursery, it is better to choose closed shades so that he cannot accidentally break a light bulb and injure himself from the fragments. It is better if the lampshades are made of plastic or fabric.

Features of the dressing room design project

an elongated dressing room with a small sofa by the window

There is a certain set of items that must be in the wardrobe room. This does not depend on its size. Such items include cabinets, racks and shelves for clothes, hats and shoes. This includes the chest of drawers in which the laundry is stored. The dressing room may contain an ottoman, a mirror, pull-out shelves and drawers. If such a need arises, an ironing board and iron can also be placed in this room. It is possible to design a dressing room yourself or with the involvement of a designer in the project.

If you tackle a wardrobe design project yourself, you will need imagination and certain skills. When preparing a room for things, you should carefully consider down to the smallest detail how to use it to the maximum. The best option would be to fully utilize the entire area, down to the centimeter.

dressing room project with many shelves for storing things

To prevent a spacious, comfortable dressing room from becoming a cramped, unsightly closet, existing items should be removed from the room. These include various hooks and devices that are located in the wall. When the necessary renovation work is carried out, the room will have additional necessary space.

Initially, cosmetic work is carried out. Sometimes it is enough to hang wallpaper or paint the walls. Since most of the space in the dressing room is devoted to shelving, you will only have to treat a few walls. If the future dressing room is small, then it is better to first place the necessary items and then paint the exposed walls. You can use photo wallpaper, this will be a very original and non-standard option.

small dressing room design

A few nuances on interior design

Carpet is not suitable for covering the floor in a dressing room. A large amount of dust collects on it. Therefore, it is best to use linoleum. It looks good and creates an atmosphere of comfort and warmth.

The lighting is chosen to be slightly subdued and dim. But the dressing room should be bright enough. Usually there are no windows in such rooms. Daylight can only enter through an open door. If you install one light source, it will not be enough. It is best to think about good lighting in advance by purchasing a large number of light sources.

corner dressing room project

It is extremely important to install high-quality ventilation in the place where things and shoes are stored. Otherwise, over time, the air in the room will stagnate and become musty.

To prevent the appearance of mustiness, the room must be ventilated.

Each owner chooses what style to decorate the dressing room himself, based on his own tastes and preferences. The room may have several racks for clothes and an ironing board. If the room is spacious enough, then you can not only place all the necessary objects, but also arrange a corner for relaxation

This is especially important for the fair sex. They often get tired while doing housework

Thus, a space where they can retreat and relax is extremely important to them.

The lighting in the dressing room should not be very bright, so one chandelier is enough

Each owner decorates his dressing room according to his own preferences. For example, in the photo of the design of wardrobe room projects in the middle of the room you can see an elegant table or a beautiful soft ottoman. The option of installing a pear-shaped chair is often used. This gives the design of the room a certain touch of negligence.

Design of a large nursery - 20 sq. meters

Such an area allows the imagination to run wild, but often children’s rooms become so elegant that the child simply does not feel comfortable in them. Therefore, the main task shifts from “how to place all the necessary furniture” to “how to make the room extremely comfortable . It is the rooms of 20 square meters that become the most original, since they allow 100% implementation of any thematic ideas.

Royal design for a little prince or princess

A children's room of 20 square meters is a real paradise for one child. You should approach design creatively. Does your child dream of the sea and long voyages? Great, let’s create a marine interior! Does the girl dream of a catwalk or an acting career? We come up with a stellar design - with large mirrors and colorful photographs from her first photo shoots. Does your son love construction sets? Create a room in Lego style or in the spirit of Leonardo da Vinci!

For the young Lego lover

There is also room in the large room for a children's hut.

The best option for parents would be to first find out the child’s wishes, then select suitable photographs or draw drawings of the nursery. You can devote a little time to your plans, but a child from 7 years old can be asked to help with repairs if you do it yourself. Of course, he will be given the simplest and easiest assignments, but the pedagogical effect will be colossal - after all, he will build his own house with his own hands.

Luxurious nursery for two heirs

Raising children of different sexes or different ages in the same territory is quite a difficult task. A room of 20 square meters is large enough to allow maximum separation between two children.

It is advisable to separate children of different sexes from each other by the beginning of early puberty (10-11 years old), but if this is not possible, use plasterboard ceilings, screens or high furniture. It is especially important to allocate a place for changing clothes for a girl, whose shyness may awaken at the age of 8-9 years.

Children of different ages have very different needs. The older child needs personal space more; he has his own things. It is worth putting locks on the drawers of his desk or closet so that the younger child cannot take them without asking. The baby, in turn, needs a play area - arrange it with colored ottomans or floor pillows, a large rack with toys and a treasure chest.

Carefully consider the lighting system for a room of 20 square meters. A lack of light will negatively affect children’s vision, and too much light will cause anxiety. The ideal option is a combined lighting system, when it is possible to create the effect of “daylight” and a cozy “night light”. Bedside lamps and additional lighting above the desk are becoming a mandatory element.

We recommend reading about the principles of zoning a children's room.

photo:, kuprin33, kovacevic, hemul75, baburkina, Richman21, poligonchik, poligonchik, Wassiliy,, poligonchik, gorin,, stanslavov1, krooogle, gerasimov, Richman21, zuzulicea, andygo, poligonchik, kuprin33

Calculation of bathrooms for a public building

Size, whatever one may say, matters... especially when it comes to what the size of the bathroom should be. The legislation of all countries has clear standards regulating the area of ​​the bathroom and toilet.

In this article we will tell you what standard bathroom sizes exist, discuss the minimum possible dimensions, and tell you how to correctly determine the area of ​​the sanitary room in your future home.

Dimensions – SNiP and DIN

The current technical regulations, reflected in SNiP and DIN 18022, clearly define the dimensions of a bathroom for residential premises:

  • minimum floor/ceiling height – 2500 mm;
  • depth – not less than 1200 mm;
  • in the attic, the distance from the toilet to the roof slope is 1050 mm;
  • The minimum width of the bathroom is 800 mm.

Important: Doors must open exclusively outward, and exit only to the hallway and corridor, to living rooms and to the kitchen; exit from the bathroom and toilet is prohibited. The height of the ceilings in the corridor at the exit should not be less than 2100 mm.

SNiP also regulates the standard dimensions of a bathroom, a combined toilet with a bathtub, and the installation of plumbing fixtures in it:

SNiP also regulates the standard dimensions of a bathroom, a combined toilet with a bathtub, and the installation of plumbing fixtures in it:

  • there must be at least 700 mm of free space in front of the bathtub and shower, and 600 mm of free space in front of the toilet;
  • the bidet is installed 250 mm from the toilet, unless otherwise provided by the model;
  • There should be 250 mm of free space on the sides of the plumbing point.

Reminder about plumbing placement standards

Typical bathrooms in residential buildings

The standard sizes of toilets in standard apartment buildings are 1200 * 800 mm, 1500 * 800 mm, and with an improved layout - 100 * 1500 mm, which can accommodate a sink or a narrow washing machine.

Minimum bathroom sizes allowed during the construction of standard multi-apartment residential buildings

As for the bathroom, its average size is 1650-2000 * 1200-2500 m. The combined room in Khrushchev is 3.3 - 3.8 m2.

Standard sizes with ergonomic layout (sheet 1)

In new economy class buildings, restrooms are already somewhat larger - from 4 sq.m., and in improved series of houses there are rooms of 5-6 sq.m. m. In luxury apartments, the area is rarely less than 7 sq.m. The optimal size of a bathroom in a private house is from 9 sq.m. Here you can already organize a full-fledged oasis of relaxation.

Standard rooms with ergonomic layout (sheet 2)

Minimal bathroom

The smallest restrooms measure 1.8-2.0 square meters. found in small apartments. But even such areas can be decorated with proper comfort.

The photo shows a small bathroom 1800*1200 mm with a shower (before and after renovation)

Of course, you will have to give up the bathtub in favor of a cheap cabin or panel, but with the correct arrangement of plumbing, you can fit even a narrow washing machine.

Narrow mini bathroom, dimensions 1700*1200 m, single material for floor and walls optically expands the boundaries of the room

Photo of a shared small bathroom

How to choose a size

When it becomes possible to independently set the size of the bathroom without any restrictions on space, many people who have had their fill of narrow and cramped standard rooms begin to dream of a large space where they do not have to save every centimeter. Let’s make a reservation right away: a huge bathroom is a complete waste, so here you need to look for a middle ground.

If you follow the laws of ergonomics, then an area of ​​1.7-2.5 square meters is required for a shower stall, 2.7-3.5 square meters for a comfortable bath, and 1.2-1.8 square meters for a toilet. for a sink is about 1 m. Thus, the optimal area of ​​a restroom for a family of 4-6 people is 7-9 sq. m. It is better if it is a rectangular room: the width of the bathroom is 2.5 m and the length is 3.5 m.

For proper bathroom planning, it is useful to know:

  • height of a standard bathtub with legs - 640 mm, without - 480-510 mm, bath sizes 750-800x1600 mm, 750-800x1700 mm, corner models - 1500x1500 mm and 1600x1600 mm;
  • shower cabins - 800×800, 900×900 and 1000×1000 mm; for small rooms it is recommended to choose a shower panel with a tray;
  • To make it easy to reach, the heated towel rail should be 500-700 mm away from the bath or shower;
  • depending on the model, the sizes of toilet bowls may differ - 440x650, 400x600, 360x650;
  • bidet - 370x540 and 400x600 mm;
  • The minimum washbasin size is about 400 mm wide.

Comfortable bathroom in a private house with an area of ​​7 square meters.

It is important to know

The dimensions of restrooms for people with disabilities are calculated based on the dimensions of a wheelchair. So, the minimum size of the bathroom should be at least 2.3 square meters. m, a toilet with a washbasin from 1.6 sq.m., without a washbasin 1.2 sq.m. is allowed, for wheelchair users the width of the bathroom is 1650 mm, the depth is 1800 mm.

Boiler room

In a private house, when installing a gas or solid fuel boiler, you will definitely have to set aside a separate room for the boiler room.
The most stringent requirements are imposed on it. Depending on the power of the gas heating unit, the minimum volume of the room must correspond to the following parameters: ● with a boiler power of up to 30 kW - 7.5 m3; ● from 30 to 60 kW - 13.5 m3; ● from 60 to 200 kW - 15 m3.

In addition, a window must be provided in the boiler room.

The room for installing a solid fuel boiler must have an area of ​​at least 8 m3.

Children's beds "grow" with the children

Some parents first buy a cradle for their child (up to 1 year), then a crib with sides (up to 3 years), then a bed for a preschooler (up to 6 years), then for a schoolchild (up to 10+ years). Thus, in 10 years the children's bed is changed 4 times.

There is no urgent need to replace the bed in exactly this sequence. You can get by with two purchases: a classic crib with sides, in which a child can sleep from birth to 3 years, and a teenage bed (bed size - 150-160x80 cm), in which a child can sleep from 3 to 10 years. This option is especially relevant for families with several children or when the purchasing budget is limited.

Bed size and usable room space

The variety of types of children's beds is great, but parents are often disappointed after purchasing. Be especially careful if you are choosing furniture for a small room. All beautiful, curly cribs of non-standard shapes take up more space.

Bunk beds have different types of stairs to the second tier. Parents may imagine an ideal picture of how children will climb up the box steps and slide down the slide on the other side, but in reality such a bed will take up half the room, not allowing for other important pieces of furniture, and the fun will only last for a couple of months. Large products should be placed in spacious rooms.

To save space, a number of two-tier “combined solutions” are now offered. In this case, even a wide and long bed will not “eat up” the usable space, because... underneath there will be a spacious closet and a study table.

Bed size and physical characteristics of the child

The optimal length of a sleeping place for an adult is 20-30 cm more than one’s own height. In this case, the person lies in bed freely, without resting his head on the headboard or his feet on the foot. In the case of children, the situation is somewhat different. Children grow very quickly, so a bed is often purchased with extra space.

The optimal width of a sleeping place is determined as follows: a person lies on his back, clasps his palms together and places him on his stomach, spreading his elbows to the sides. We add 10 cm to the side from each elbow and change the distance between the points - this will be the minimum individual width of the sleeping place that will be comfortable for a person. For children under 3 years old, the standard bed width is 60 cm, for children 4-5 years old – 70 cm, from 5 to 11 years old it is better to use a bed with a sleeping area of ​​80 cm. Taking into account the fact that many children like to sleep “spread out like a star” or constantly toss and turn in their sleep, it is recommended to purchase a bed slightly wider than recommended for age, if the size of the room allows.

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