Country house: build or buy ready-made - expert opinion

When you have decided that you are tired of apartment buildings and it is time to get your own home, it is time to decide: to buy or build. Too many factors influence the choice. It will be easier to move into a finished house, and construction will be cheaper. A finished house can present unpleasant surprises, and independent construction will require a lot of time, nerves and effort.

So what should you look for when choosing between buying a house and building it? We asked this question to the experts.

2. We buy a built house, ready to move in - faster, but more expensive

The purchase can be made from a private owner or from a development company (in a cottage town).
When selling houses and home plots, sellers often use Telegram Bots, which quickly answer customer questions and can also request necessary information, such as phone numbers or addresses. You can create them yourself by following the instructions It’s not bad if you’ve lived in the house for a while and tried it out. If something is wrong (the foundation is not strong, the insulation is weak), it will be immediately obvious. At the same time, you will find out how much you will have to pay for utilities.

And if the house is built specifically for sale, then be careful about the purchase. Sometimes a developer, wanting to get maximum profit, saves on everything: materials, finishing, quality of work.

You should be even more careful about houses built in the nineties of the last century. It was during those difficult times that many buildings were built using outdated technologies, and the materials used for them were of very low quality

Later the situation improved.

+Pros of buying a home

  • You can move in quickly.
  • Repairs usually won't be needed for long.

– Disadvantages of buying a house

  • It is unlikely that all dreams will be realized - the ready-made solution will be somewhat of a compromise.
  • You will have to pay the entire amount at once - per m2 from $800 (stone house) to $500 (frame house).
  • You will need 20 - 35% more funds to purchase finished housing than to build a similar house.

A little about townhouses

This is a relatively new trend - you will not find an old townhouse. This is the name for economical buildings united by common walls of houses, characterized by a short length of communications and small plots nearby - up to 5 acres. There are 3-5 rooms in the house, often there is a garage (built-in).

Townhouses are usually built on city outskirts. They cost $400-500 per m2. If you buy an unfinished house, you will definitely wait until construction is completed - after all, the buildings are dependent on each other and form a complex.

If you purchase an unfinished one

Arguing what is more profitable - to build a house or buy a house - some come to a compromise. They choose unfinished ones, of which there are plenty on the market. Some are just boxes, others only have no finishing. The latter option is not bad, as it will cost less than a finished house and will allow you to decorate everything to your liking.

But you should be careful with the boxes - it may not be cheaper to finish building than to start from scratch. Only an expert will say this for sure.

Calculations and estimates

Ten years ago, Igor Antipov, a professional construction worker, opened the topic “How to build an inexpensive, high-quality house,” which is still relevant today.

Naturally, technologies, as well as pricing, have changed since that time, but the ratio of costs for materials/work, which was, on average, within the range of 60/40% (for the entire volume), has practically remained the same.


It won't be high quality and very cheap. I built a house this summer using hired workers, a house 7 by 9 m, two floors, made of aerated concrete. We built it in four months, finished only the first floor, it came out to 3.5 million. We were the only ones who handled the purchase of materials; we already live in the house. The work cost about 1.3 million.

But here is a version of a stone box, although not residential, but only at the initial stage, but of a similar size and subject to independent construction.


Prices for materials, summer 2022. I built the house myself, 8x8 meters, on a strip foundation, from expanded clay concrete blocks. Metal roofing. With windows and siding to the attic gable.

  • Boards for formwork 25x150x6000, second grade, 1 m³ – 7500 rub.
  • Concrete mixer M300 9 m³, 3300 rub. and 3500 rub. delivery – 33200 rub.
  • Fiberglass reinforcement 3 bundles of 50 m with a cross-section of 10 mm and 1 bundle of 50 m with a cross-section of 8 mm – 4400 rub.
  • Expanded clay concrete blocks 20x20x40 mm (hollow 14.5 kg/pcs.) 1130 pcs. 33 rub. and delivery 100 km by manipulator 3500 rub. – 40700 rub.
  • River sand (in masonry mortar) 9 t – 3500 rub.
  • Two rolls of roofing felt – 560 rub.
  • Cement M400, 50 kg, 14-15 pcs. 260 rub. – 4000 rub.
  • Masonry mesh 80 pcs. 2 m for 30 rub. – 2400 rub.
  • Corner 25x6 m (lintels in window openings) 3 pcs. – 1350 rub.
  • Roof boards (rafters) 200x50x6000 mm, second grade, 2 m³ for 8500 rub. per m³ – 17,000 rub.
  • Boards for sheathing 25x150x6000 mm, 1 m³ (plus I used another cube of boards from the formwork) - 7500 rub.
  • Metal tiles “Monterrey”, 16 sheets of 6 m, with delivery – 28,000 rub.
  • Plastic windows 9 pcs. 750x1200 mm (without slopes, window sills, etc.) 3300 pcs. – 29700 rub.
  • I bought vinyl siding for the second floor taking into account additional purchases, since there are a lot of undercuts, 35 sheets for 140 rubles. – 4900 rub.

The result is that 170 thousand have been spent to date, not counting small expenses on nails, screws and the like.

Of course, it is still unrealistic to live with such a design, this is only the first stage of construction, but even if the cost of the box is taken as 30% of the cost of a turnkey house, in its finished form it will cost up to one and a half million, with an area of ​​​​about 100 m². Even without getting so far ahead, it is enough to simply calculate the savings in at least one zone. If we take into account that the metal tiles on a gable roof will lie practically without cuttings, we get a roof area of ​​about 100 m², the cost of work excluding materials for private owners/teams starts from 1000 rubles per m² and from 2000 rubles per m² for companies - plus another 100 thousand. And although the roof in a box takes up the lion's share of the cost, the savings due to independent execution are more than substantial.

For adherents of energy-efficient housing construction, Igor’s modern project, based on one of the Swedish houses, calculated enlarged but carefully, will be of interest.

Antipov Igor

In my opinion, the project is worthy of attention, and it can be repeated by those who have limited funds, but want to live in a modern, comfortable, energy-efficient home. I worked on the calculations for three days - you can find inaccuracies and possibly even errors in the project. This is more of a preliminary sketch than a full-fledged project, but almost all sections are taken into account. After drawing up a preliminary estimate, I can confirm what I hoped for at the beginning of the work - for 3 million with the help of a team of workers, it is quite possible to build a good, high-quality, beautiful house.


  • Living area – 135 m².
  • Water supply - well (caisson made of concrete rings, deep-well pump, hydraulic accumulator in the boiler room, brass fittings, HDPE pipes).
  • Sewerage - a two-chamber septic tank made of concrete rings.
  • The foundation is strip, the floor is on the ground (insulated reinforced concrete plinth 600×250 mm).
  • Heating – water heated floor from an electric boiler.
  • Ventilation is forced, with a recuperator.
  • The walls are double frame (OSB, ecowool, gypsum plasterboard on the inside).
  • Partitions - frame (gypsum plasterboard with insulation).
  • Floors - class 33 laminate (except for the boiler room and bathrooms), baseboards, additions.
  • Bathrooms - tiles, porcelain stoneware, sinks with cabinets, compacts, showers.
  • Boiler room - electric boiler, tiled floor, painted walls.
  • The ceilings are suspended with built-in lighting fixtures.
  • The windows are wide profile, double-glazed, without attics.
  • Electrics - installation of input cable, RCD, circuit breakers, sockets (two points per room), switches (all of good quality).
  • Ceiling insulation – ecowool, 500 mm.
  • Rafter system - trusses on minimum wage.
  • Roofing - metal tiles, drainage system.
  • The facade is a combination of imitation timber, decorative plaster and natural wood.

Antipov Igor

In conclusion, the total cost of materials – without the cost of work and in aggregate:

  • Water supply – 164,000 rub.
  • Sewerage – 44,000 rub.
  • Foundation - 413,000 rub.
  • Walls, partitions, doors, windows, interior decoration - 640,000 rub.
  • Electrical – 57,000 rub.
  • Roof – 182,000 rub.
  • Insulation of walls and ceilings - 183,000 rubles.
  • Facade – 171,000 rub.
  • Ventilation – 20,000 rub.

Total: 1,874,000 rub. I believe that for 1,126,000 rubles, remaining up to three million, it is possible to find workers who are ready to implement the project efficiently.

Considering that Igor is not a theorist, but a practitioner and calculated construction at his own prices, it is unlikely that he could have been critically shortchanged. When contacting the company, the estimate doubles.

The concept of “inexpensive” is different for everyone and largely depends on personal preferences, but at current prices for 1 m² of a finished house, the proposed project falls well into the category of both inexpensive and high-quality suburban housing. Moreover, if desired, you can further reduce the estimate.

Antipov Igor

Inexpensive - up to 3 million on a turnkey basis or 1.8 million when building on your own, and of high quality. I hope no one will argue that excess insulation reduces quality? Besides, those who don’t need this and much more (high base, recuperator, Finnish doors, well, high-quality plumbing, equipment and expensive windows) don’t have to do it. Use simpler materials and it will be much cheaper.

Previously, the portal had already discussed options for reducing the cost of construction through various articles, but both pros and self-builders agree - in no case should you save too much on materials.

As for building a house entirely on your own or with periodic involvement of workers, this is a real opportunity to significantly reduce costs, and the bonus is confidence in the quality of what is built.

Nuances of private housing construction

Technically, a development project looks quite simple - you buy a plot of land, connect communications to it, build a house, and then sell it. However, without the proper experience, there is a chance of going broke - making a mistake with the location, contractors, materials, and therefore the quality of the house, the current demand from clients...

Nevertheless, every year the number of entrepreneurs who build houses for sale is only growing. Competition is also increasing, which pushes all market participants to build better houses and use modern technologies.

Many “private owners” consider the construction of wooden houses to be profitable. And Rublyovka is not the only area for private developers to build houses. They work quite successfully in other market segments - both elite and economy class.

In order to enter the development market, today you need at least one hundred thousand dollars. With this money, about 8 acres of land are purchased, communications are installed, and a house is built with an area of ​​​​about one hundred square meters. This is quite a profitable business - you can sell such a house for three times more than you spent on its construction.

Small developers attract potential clients through customized solutions. If we talk about the sale of finished real estate, then houses with an open layout located in close proximity to the city are in great demand. If we are talking about a good plot in a settlement or within the city, then the project can pay off 2 or 3 times. Large companies, in turn, are not profitable to buy out single plots and focus on a narrow segment. They have enough capacity to launch a large-scale project.


Advertisements in the media, banners, street advertising, website on the Internet - all methods can be used to attract buyers. Cooperate with real estate companies, they will provide a constant flow of potential clients.

The main condition for success is quality, comprehensive service and speed of work.

Buy or build?

Nowadays, owning a house outside the city is an indicator of a person’s position in society and his well-being. In addition, a country house gives us stability and tranquility.

Over the years, a person, tired of the city bustle, air pollution and noise, begins to strive for life in the countryside. And here he faces a choice: build a house himself or buy a ready-made one.

When buying a turnkey house, you can be sure that the amount spent will pay off immediately. In other words, the owner will be able to immediately begin to take advantage of all the advantages of country life. Another advantage is the fact that the owner of the house does not have to spend a lot of time and effort to become an owner. It is enough to find a real estate company that will help you choose the appropriate option and solve problems with registration.

Buying a plot with permission for the future construction of a house is a rather troublesome process, and it doesn’t matter whether you build on your own or trust a contractor. But most often these efforts are justified and worth it

When deciding to build a house yourself, you can arrange the site according to your taste preferences. Building a house allows you to control all stages of construction and be confident in the quality of the work performed, whereas when buying a ready-made house, you have to take the seller’s word for it.

But the main difficulty of building a house in comparison with purchasing ready-made real estate is the need to carefully calculate the project budget and try not to deviate one step from the plan. Otherwise, construction can become a real black hole for you, where all the money you earn will go.

There is an opinion that building a country house is much cheaper than purchasing a new one, but this statement is not always true, since the costs of purchasing a plot, laying utility networks and communications are not always taken into account. Therefore, experts advise making a decision only after all the nuances and offers that exist on the country real estate market have been studied. And if, as a result, the advantages of construction prevail, then this will be an ideal solution.

But here it is very important to choose the right site for building a house; subsequently the owner will have to decide where and how to locate the cottage and how to draw up the documents

Disadvantages for the buyer when choosing a ready-made country house

Many buyers are held back from purchasing ready-made country housing by the following:

  1. High price per square meter . It is believed that if you choose the right materials, organize and plan the construction process, organize the space, arrangement of rooms, you can achieve lower costs (and therefore cost) per square meter;
  2. Doubts about the quality of construction . Any crack in the wall or chipped brick can be a source of doubt. They are amplified if the seller does not have or lacks any documentation;
  3. You can't choose your neighbors . A country house at an affordable price does not guarantee good relations with the people who own houses located nearby;
  4. It is very difficult and long to search for a suitable option . The timing of the search, of course, depends on the number of requirements placed on the object. Most often, this problem arises when people are looking for real estate on their own, and not through an agency;
  5. It is impossible to reach an agreement with the owner . These, of course, are primarily questions about price, payment procedures, preparation of papers and the house for the transaction. But it also often happens that the buyer and seller act on emotions, which leads to conflict situations that have nothing to do with the object of sale;
  6. Quality and improvement of the land plot . An owner who has purchased a ready-made country house with a plot often has to invest additional funds in it.

In addition, when purchasing a ready-made cottage, the future owner is at great risk. The previous owner may remain silent about unresolved problems (errors in construction, paperwork, debts, encumbrances, etc.), which will subsequently lead to unpleasant surprises and new waste.

After signing all the documents, all disputes with the unscrupulous seller will have to be resolved in court. Litigation can continue for a long time and also costs money. However, the result cannot be predicted.

Why is buying a ready-made home cheaper?

People built it before, that is, it cost other money. Every year, materials and services of specialists in this field increase in price. In addition, you have the opportunity to bargain because large objects have weak liquidity. It is likely that they will give in to you. During construction there is no such possibility, because the materials will always be found to whom to sell.

The question of division arises, but since in a private house no one forbids you to remodel according to your taste and discretion, you have no restrictions. You can place wet dots wherever you want. Accordingly, it is quite possible to use every cm2 of this object as efficiently as possible.

Therefore, buying a ready-made house and dividing it into studios is a more profitable strategy. Especially for novice investors, because you get high cash flow immediately without waiting for construction to be completed. And often you don’t need large amounts of personal capital, and in some projects you can do without it at all.

We advise you to study - Do-it-yourself plasterboard arch: step-by-step instructions

Acceptance of work

The contract itself must specify how the work will be accepted. Upon completion of construction, you and the contractor sign a delivery certificate. It should contain the following items:

  1. list of completed works;
  2. their end date;
  3. clause on the presence/absence of comments on the work performed.

It is quite difficult for a person not involved in construction to evaluate the result. If the contractor does not have his own line engineer for technical supervision and control, it is worth hiring an independent appraiser.

A construction contract is an important document from which the path to your dream begins. You can read about it in detail in Article 740 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

If you discuss all the nuances on the shore with the contractor and document them in the contract, then the process of building a house will bring you only positive emotions, and the result will meet your expectations.

Where does construction work begin?

And it all starts with design. But since the majority of Russians do not have fabulous amounts of money for individual projects, they have to be content with standard projects, which are often modified.

Construction work begins with laying the foundation. The variety of species of this structural element is amazing, but the classic option is the columnar one, which is presented in the form of a reinforced concrete base and columns. After which the construction of walls begins; foam blocks, cinder blocks, bricks and much more can be used here. Next comes the roofing, the most inexpensive is still slate, but many prefer metal tiles, thanks to it many Russian houses are similar to each other. Such a roof is much more expensive than a slate roof.

After roofing work, builders begin to work on windows, and in this regard, nothing better than plastic double-glazed windows has yet been invented. Fortunately, their choice is huge, and therefore the price range can literally continue indefinitely.

What's the point of building if you can buy?

If you decide to buy a ready-made home, you will need to explore interesting options on the real estate market, make a choice, pay money and complete documents. This can be done in a few months, or even earlier, if you enlist the help of an experienced agent.

All this is great, but... When you purchase a ready-made cottage, you receive as a “reward” all the miscalculations and mistakes of the developer. Therefore, be as attentive and critical as possible. Don’t forget to check the condition of the entrance areas (canopies, stairs, entrance doors and other exterior elements) of the country house. The comfort and warmth of your potential home depends on them.

The situation when it is decided to buy a newly built house resembles a “pig in a poke.” There is an opportunity to inspect the structures, but check their quality in life only after purchase. Not everyone can identify hidden defects in a new building. You can’t do this without the help of a specialist.

Agree, even when building a house from scratch with your own hands, a person is trying to save money. So what can you expect from a building that was originally built for sale?

Total savings are harmful in any case. Thus, interior decoration made using cheap materials will reduce the cost of housing by a tidy sum. But, whatever one may say, when a developer-seller has the opportunity to find cheap materials or enter into an agreement with cheap contractors, he rarely refuses.

PS And for dessert, I suggest you watch the video: New house: buy or build?

How easy or difficult is it to build your own home?

If the choice is made in favor of the decision to build everything with your own hands, the algorithm and construction time are determined. Let's look at what you should be prepared for when building your own home.

What will you have to delegate to specialists (and pay them for it)?

Before starting work, you should make sure that the necessary communications are provided to the site. The main thing is electricity and water, and if you don’t have it, you can get it using a well. After all, without electricity and water, construction is impossible.

Next comes site planning and site selection. After the housing project is agreed upon, the purpose of construction is determined: construction for permanent or seasonal residence. Depending on the purposes, it is determined what materials will be used:

  • brick;
  • wood (log or timber);
  • blocks (aerated concrete, foam concrete, etc.);
  • panels (reinforced concrete, SIP, etc.);
  • foundation (strip, pile, etc.);
  • frame construction (load-bearing walls, beams, etc.);
  • types of roofing (metal tiles, ondulin, etc.);
  • finishing materials (stone, plaster, siding, etc.).

When the issues have been resolved and the materials have been purchased, they begin to lay the foundation - this is the basis of every building. The reliability and durability of the building depends on a well-placed foundation.

Next, the walls are erected, the frame or interfloor ceilings (slabs) are installed, the roof is installed - all these are the most expensive items, both in terms of money spent and the owner’s time.

For a person without experience, it will be difficult (almost impossible) to carry out communications around the house:

  • electrician;
  • water;
  • heating;
  • sewerage

At this stage, it is very desirable to attract a qualified specialist, since the correct distribution of communications inside the cottage is the key to the comfort and safety of residents in the future.

Having gone through all these stages, you can already take a deep breath - the main and most complex elements of the future cottage are ready. Next, the owner (if he has even a little experience in self-repair) can build and install everything himself, without the help of workers.

What then can you build yourself?

You can install doors and windows, perform exterior and interior decoration. Afterwards, you can furnish the house inside: lay the floor, glue wallpaper, paint the walls or decorate them with plaster. The ceiling is also easy to do yourself; the most optimal version would be to install plasterboard ceilings.

The design and interior are chosen according to personal taste. If possible, it is better, of course, to use the services of professional designers.

The final stage and completion of the work will be finishing, then turnkey, cleaning and arrangement of the territory.

Bitter prices

Real estate prices have risen significantly in recent years, and therefore more and more Russians are deciding to build on their own. Properly planned construction can cost the owner half as much as buying a finished house. Today, there are fewer and fewer people who, with a solid budget, choose apartments instead of a private house. Most of us find it unbearable to live in dark hallways, with faulty elevators and always dissatisfied neighbors. Moreover, the cost of apartments often comes down to the price of a small house. That’s why many of us decide to buy a plot of land and then slowly build. By the way, buying a plot of land is quite an interesting matter and there are some ways to save money on its purchase. One of these ways is to purchase a plot of land for building a house at a municipal auction.

Builders claim that building a house two to three times the size of a one-room apartment costs a person exactly the same as the cost of a one-room apartment. But at the same time, the owner does not adapt to his neighbors and has his own personal yard. And this is even despite the fact that building materials are becoming more expensive from year to year.

Of course, buying a ready-made house is a less troublesome task; here, construction permits are not required, and the approval of design schemes and the purchase of building materials are also cut off, but a ready-made house will not only cost more, but it may also not suit the owner as expected quality and design. And then perestroika is inevitable.

Documents and licenses

For low-rise construction, you do not need to obtain a license or become a member of the SRO. The owner of the company just needs to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the tax office and choose a convenient type of taxation.

If you have permanent employees, you need to register a company with the employment and social insurance service. Construction permits are issued by local authorities. When designing a facility, you must coordinate all the nuances with the architectural bureau and fire safety service.

We specify our desires and possibilities

It would seem that, apart from the required amount, the future owners of the house should not worry about anything. However, it is worth remembering that the amount of this amount can vary widely - from $300 to $1000 per m2. It depends on a combination of many factors:

  • location of the building;
  • selected materials and technologies;
  • method of purchase;
  • an unexpectedly profitable option that turned up at the right time.

Initially, you need to decide exactly what the family needs. How many rooms should there be in the house, what other rooms are needed (attic, large basement, perhaps a swimming pool or billiard room). Decide what level of engineering communications is acceptable to you. The layout and harmonious arrangement of the premises is important, the presence, for example, of a cozy veranda or a spacious storage room.

And before you buy or build a house, answer a few simple questions:

How long are you willing to wait until your housewarming party? For some, this is unimportant, but for others, every week is precious. And in the literal sense - for example, you have to pay a lot of money for rented housing. Or there will be a new addition to the family. You never know the situations.
Do you want to delve into construction matters? Even if you don’t build it yourself, but entrust everything to professionals, you will have to spend a fair amount of time and effort. Moreover, it is desirable to understand at least a little the essence of what is happening. If this causes you active rejection, then you should not torture yourself.

Do you want to control the progress of construction? After all, how comfortable you will live later depends on the materials chosen and the quality of work performed.
Is it possible to invest money gradually? This option eliminates the need to take out a loan.

After you answer all the above questions, we will weigh all the requirements and possibilities and estimate how they fit with each of the options for purchasing a home.

What country property options sell best?

A beginning developer can build a private house, cottage or block (apartment) house.

The advantage of small plots of land with small houses is the high speed of construction, ease of connecting communications and the ability to quickly find a buyer.

The most popular and profitable format involves the construction of a cottage community. The main problem is to find a suitable plot of land. The optimal area of ​​a cottage is 100 square meters on a plot of 500 square meters. m. The presence of several such houses, landscaping of the territory and nearby infrastructure will allow you to quickly sell out the cottages.

To start your project, it is important to find land where there are no competitors. The best option for this is considered to be the suburbs and outskirts

If you build turnkey, it is important not to make mistakes with the design of the room. In this aspect, it is worth collaborating with already proven professionals.

Financial aspects

To understand how quickly your project will pay off, you need to carefully calculate everything before its implementation. For this purpose, a business plan and estimate are drawn up, which are approved at the initial stage. Ideally, all expenses are controlled and recorded by an accountant.

Cooperation with relevant departments in local government will help ease the financial burden. The speed of construction directly depends on the permits issued by officials.

To avoid falling into a financial hole, it is better to start a business with the construction and sale of one property. It doesn't have to be a home from scratch. You can buy a plot of land and put it in order by building or reconstructing the existing building on it. Subsequently, such activity can turn into a profitable business.

Compare the amount of investment and return on investment. Often, the lack of accounting and thorough financial analysis misleads the developer into believing that the project is truly profitable.

Technique and team

To get started and meet deadlines, it is important to select a team of competent specialists who will not let you down if something goes wrong. The most budget option is to gather your own trusted contractors, and not employees from construction companies

There should always be a replacement specialist on hand.

By recruiting a team, you can save money in this way - there are a number of employees who are needed only at certain stages of work - an accountant, a lawyer, a planner, a designer, a realtor. Accordingly, they can be hired on temporary contracts

It is important, at each stage, to control the quality of the tasks performed.

Make sure the team has heavy construction equipment, façade and interior tools, lighting, uniforms and small equipment at its disposal. Proper organization of the construction process will make your project successful.

Buy construction tools

For the elite - no problem

Of course, it goes without saying that things are good for those who have money, a lot of money. They don’t even have to supervise construction, trying to save money and look for where it would be cheaper to buy building materials. As a rule, they turn to specialized companies and order the construction of their future home. And they are certainly not interested in how to build a cheap house.

Of course, building a country house yourself is beneficial in all respects, it’s not so expensive, and you can be sure of the quality and your house won’t be one of many. The only negative is collecting documentation and searching for a plot of land. But these efforts will be more than justified, because in return you will receive the home of your dreams, which you can afford and to your taste.

Good luck with your construction!


Even without being a professional builder, today it is possible to understand all the nuances, both independently and with the help of more experienced comrades and a lot of tools (editors, calculators, training videos, courses conducted by large manufacturers of building materials). The main thing is desire and faith in success, and we didn’t come up with the idea of ​​a lying stone.

Within reason, you can save on building materials - if you know how, and on the project. An accessible and understandable technology in terms of ease of execution, but labor-intensive, is the construction of houses from homemade concrete blocks using the casting method. The video shows a useful example for self-builders of laying the first row of aerated concrete blocks.

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Who is who?

Judging by advertisements and publications in the press, the term “country market” is synonymous with the concept of “cottage communities.” However, this is not quite true. Today, in the Moscow region, houses for sale are being built by hundreds, or even thousands of private developers.

Unfortunately, there are no clear statistics on such “individual” developers, but we can confidently assume that this market is quite large. Experts believe that the market for private developers near Moscow and the supply of cottage villages are quite comparable in terms of volume. Thus, the annual turnover of this market segment is estimated at billions of dollars. e.

Although this phenomenon is quite large-scale, there is little information about private developers. Private owners can be considered smaller market players than developers of a large number of cottages in one village. They have no desire to create brands, they do not use PR and advertising. In addition, small developers deliberately try to avoid any publicity.

However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that “individual” developers are quite a serious force. Several years ago, one large-scale development company did not acquire an excellent plot of land for the construction of a village, citing the fact that a certain gentleman with connections with the administration was already working in that region, there were better pieces of land and construction projects had already begun

The company simply saw no point in competing with him.

We are building a new house - if there is no hurry

This option is the simplest, which is why most people choose it when deciding whether to build a house or buy a ready-made one. It’s simple not in terms of execution, but in the sense that you don’t have to look for houses (there are few high-quality and cheap ones on the market). All you need is a project, materials, performers and a plot of land.

It is with the acquisition of land that we begin. We start from its features when deciding on a project (it can be ordered individually or taken ready-made). Then - construction. Which you can completely take on by finding workers, buying materials and checking the quality. Or entrust it to a contractor.

+Advantages of building a house:

  • You can make all your dreams and desires come true by making the building convenient for any family member.
  • By controlling the quality of materials and work, you can save yourself from the need for subsequent repairs.
  • It is possible to regulate your involvement in construction. If you want, visit the construction site yourself. If you want, entrust everything to the contractor.
  • You can invest funds gradually, at each stage. True, prolonging the construction process will increase the cost of the house.

– Disadvantages of building a house:

We remember that it will not be possible to move in quickly. For example, a house made of stone only takes 3 to 6 months to design. They've been building for about a year. If you need it quickly, then it will only be a frame house, built in 2 to 5 months.

The cost of building a square meter of a house from stone materials is from $600 to $650. A frame building will be cheaper - from $300 to $400. By doing some of the work yourself, you can reduce costs by 30%. If you entrust all the work to a contractor, on the contrary, add from 10 to 20%.

Cottage towns: expensive but convenient

For those who don’t want to delve into construction matters and dream of a comfortable home, this option is quite to their liking - the development company handles everything

It is important to choose this company correctly, otherwise there are also unscrupulous ones

Construction usually starts from scratch, and a project prepared by professionals is proposed (you can build according to your own design, however). There are options for small houses - up to 200 m2. It is often possible to take out a loan from a partner bank.

The cost per square meter here is from $800 to $1000. You can also agree on stage-by-stage financing (but it happens that construction is delayed indefinitely). There are also buildings ready for sale.

If you don't have enough money

Then there are the following options:

1. Buy a smaller house. An option is selected that allows for completion later.

2. They buy an old house that costs less. Later it is rebuilt.

3. Instead of a stone house, they build a frame or wooden one (which will cost 20-30% less).

4. They do a number of jobs themselves - that’s another 30% savings in your pocket.

5. Instead of building with ceramic bricks, they use aerated concrete - from 5 to 10% savings.


Much depends on the average cost of housing in a particular region. On average, the cost of building a small house for one family, subject to cooperation with wholesalers of building materials and proper organization of work, is about 2 million rubles. The sale price of such houses fluctuates around 3 million rubles. During one season, you can earn 1 million rubles from the construction of one house.

The profitability of building finished wooden houses reaches 30-40%. With proper organization of the company's activities, it is possible to achieve payback in a year and a half.

Buying a house


But there are quite a few disadvantages:

1. The very house you dreamed of, with a certain number and size of rooms, color scheme of decoration, etc., most likely does not exist in nature. And therefore, the chosen more or less suitable structure will have to be redone and re-equipped to suit your needs and needs. And these are financial costs and precious time.

2. The more requests you have for a plot of land and a house, the more difficult it is to find a suitable option.

3. There may be difficulties during registration - it is necessary to check all documentation for compliance with rules and regulations, make sure that the seller is adequate and that the house belongs to him, and much more.

4. It's difficult to recognize or see hidden flaws in a home, especially if they don't want to show them to you. Yes, this happens too.

5. Buying a house is much more expensive than building the same one, the key word here is “same”. No one will provide you with an estimate or documentation indicating the materials used and their specifics (brand, manufacturing company, quantity). Some, wanting to save on construction, install cheap and not always high-quality hydro- or vapor barrier, reduce the thickness of the walls, use inappropriate wood, etc., which significantly reduces the cost of construction. But you, the buyer, will never know about this, and if you somehow guess, then most likely it will be too late and the deal will be completed. Cancellation of a purchase and sale agreement is a complex matter, requiring remarkable perseverance, a lot of time and nerves, and the return of money paid is generally a separate, very difficult story, and in some cases even impossible.

Conditions for termination of the contract

The conditions may be different, they must be clearly stated in the contract.

For example, the customer may indicate the following reasons for terminating the contract:

  1. work is being carried out too slowly and there are fears that it will not be completed on time;
  2. the quality of work does not meet the stated requirements, and the contractor does not want or is in no hurry to eliminate the deficiencies;
  3. other conditions that interfere with the normal execution of the terms of the transaction, in the opinion of the customer.

For the contractor, the following actions on the part of the customer may be significant reasons for terminating the contract:

  1. he provided materials of poor quality or unsuitable for construction, the contractor must first tell him about this and ask him to replace it;
  2. did not provide technical documentation;
  3. delays payment or does not want to pay;
  4. indicates a method of work that is unacceptable for the contractor;
  5. interferes with the progress of construction in every possible way;
  6. violates other terms of the contract.

The parties agree on what points to include in the contract at the stage of its approval.

In any case, contractual relations must be transparent, understandable and fair for everyone. If the work has been completed, it must be paid for. The opposite is also true: if payment has been received, the terms of the transaction must be fulfilled.

Home construction


Pros of building a house yourself:

1. Wealth of choice. At the initial stage, you can choose exactly the site that you like and meets all the requirements. Then, with the help of architects and builders, you can imagine and bring to life your own home, no, not like that - “The House of Your Dreams” - with a capital “H”, where it will be convenient and comfortable for you personally and all household members.

2. Construction control. Some will say it's boring or impossible. We assure you that boredom is out of the question - seeing your ideas come to life and your house growing before your eyes is a real pleasure. Don't have time to control the process? Hire a specialist for architectural and technical supervision, and the problem is solved. Although there is one piece of advice - when hiring a specialist, try to find him in another organization other than the one that is building.

3. Staged financing. The developer, that is, you, has the opportunity to regulate and adjust the flow of funds into construction. Simply put, if there is money, we are doing the exterior finishing now, but if not, we are waiting for receipts.

Whatever choice you make - to buy or build a house, there is only one piece of advice - think through everything to the smallest detail and move forward towards your dream!

Architect's opinion

Anastasia Kuznetsova

In terms of choosing a project, of course, self-building opens up more prospects because you can build exactly what you want. A layout made in accordance with your desires and capabilities is very important if you have any specific requirements for the premises. Otherwise, you can spend several years searching for the ideal home.

At the planning stage, you need to choose a material with which all your desires can be realized. When, for example, aerated concrete is chosen for building a house, many questions are automatically removed when creating the project.

The customer controls the creation of the house, starting from the first stages of design. We jointly lay down the characteristics that are especially relevant to the client, namely: durability, fire resistance, energy efficiency.

By making his dream come true with an architect, the client himself decides what the final result will be.

Many customers, in order to save money, buy cheap ready-made projects on the Internet, but this is fraught with the fact that the documents often do not take into account many features of the materials, which are known to a narrow circle of specialists. Such projects are made too universally. The cost of their modification is commensurate with developing the project from scratch.

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How to build yourself

Although there are examples of spontaneous and fairly successful construction, this is still the exception, not the rule, and when the house is as simple as possible, both in terms of technology and materials, and in terms of design. For the most part, without a well-thought-out project, careful budget planning and drawing up a detailed estimate, the result can be either unfinished construction - when they want a lot with modest capabilities, or a “makeshift” building with a claim to a capital structure that does not meet any standards.

Even on the basis of a sketch drawn on paper with areas and layouts, you can calculate an approximate estimate by spending a couple of days monitoring the building materials market. The project, independently developed in a graphic editor, will give a breakdown of components as close as possible to reality.

In addition, there are a large number of construction calculators on the Internet, with the help of which you can also calculate all the consumables in stages, starting with the foundation. Since these meters operate on the basis of existing building codes and regulations (SNiP), this will also help to avoid deliberately erroneous design decisions made out of a desire to save money. The time spent on studying theory and development/calculations will be more than repaid by fewer problems that arise directly on the construction site. Another important point is logistics.


Construction on your own is not only about the design and knowledge of what, when and how to do it, it is also about logistics. Almost the entire board was bought at once, transported to the floors and veranda, formwork was made from the main board, and then a frame. I brought the consumables and membranes myself, the slab and roofing materials - the second car, the insulation - the third, plus I brought some packaging myself so that there would be no leftovers. The fourth machine is drywall, the fifth is windows. Also, plumbing fixtures can be combined with finishing materials and the like.

An equally important factor determining the feasibility of independent construction is the scale of construction - the larger the square footage, the more difficult it is in all respects. The portal has repeatedly raised the topic of choosing a compromise area of ​​the house, so that living is comfortable, and maintaining/cleaning is not too stressful, and you can actually manage it yourself in a few seasons, and not in half your life. A compromise was found in an area of ​​about 100 m², on which you can not only live comfortably, but also build it feasible in several stages.


This year I decided to make a simple small house myself, 110-120 m², confidence in my strength and desire. Of course, for heavy physical work, simple tasks and where one cannot cope alone, I will hire. If I find smart and responsible guys, I will assign more, but I myself plan to supervise their work on site. I plan the construction in such a way as to prepare a place to live during the season - a warm room on the ground floor, 6x6 m, and the attic and workshop could be finished along the way, in my free time, or even postponed until next year if I suddenly get tired.

At the same time, Evgeny.R admits that a more complex house in terms of design, with an area of ​​250-300 m², would have been built with the involvement of a company, and would have left only the finishing for itself - “otherwise there will be no life, and continuous construction will not be a joy.” However, it is worth noting that finishing is often more expensive than the box, and if we are also talking about independent execution of communications and utility networks, then the savings are even greater.

Of course, they also build houses of a much smaller area, and live in them quite comfortably, since they carefully think through the layout and purpose of each meter. But forcing yourself and your family into a small apartment, just on the ground, is pointless. It has been repeatedly confirmed by calculations and real experience that the difference between the costs of building a house of 50 m² and 80 m² in total costs is not fundamental.

As for the presence or absence of experience, the bulk of construction projects on the portal serves as proof that if you want, you can really master any task.

The topics contain hundreds of examples of successful construction of houses using different technologies, from different materials and with different designs, but by people completely far from the profession of a builder, who were united by the desire to live in their own home, and FORUMHOUSE became a “handbook”. One of the most striking examples is “How office plankton, with crooked hands, built a house with a minimal budget.”


My name is Alexander, and thanks to this site I built a house. Now I'm plastering the walls, choosing wallpaper and planning to move in. But three years ago I didn’t even hold a hammer in my hands, I could hardly screw on a socket, and the word “putty” filled me with horror.

Everything is real, and a journey even of a thousand kilometers begins with the first step, the main thing is to make up your mind. Responsive forum members and moderators-consultants will help with other problems as they arise.

The nuances of self-construction

If you still consider yourself a supporter of building on your own, here are a few more important nuances that should be taken into account.


  1. You can build a house according to your design;
  2. You can choose what to build from (all materials);
  3. You can control all stages of construction;
  4. The opportunity to create a unique interior design and landscape design of the surrounding area.

By preferring independent construction to the purchase of a ready-made country house in the Moscow region, the owner can be confident that all its requirements will be met. He chooses the materials, furniture and household appliances himself.


The main condition for quality construction is timely financing of all work. If the budget is planned incorrectly, there may not be enough funds, which will significantly affect the timing and quality of construction.

The biggest expenses go to the purchase and supply of materials, which are becoming more expensive every day. Even after the completion of the main stages of construction (construction of the foundation, frame, roof), the owner will still have to spend money on construction: finishing work, communications, obtaining a building permit - all this will require money.

It is also quite easy for an inexperienced builder of a future home to make a mistake when choosing a contractor. As a result, the initial cost estimate can increase by 30-50-70 and even 100%! To avoid such problems, experts recommend using the so-called “hidden installment plan” in the contract. It will help minimize unexpected expenses.

The list of disadvantages can be supplemented by the need to prepare many documents (construction permit, contract with a contractor, requests for communications, technical conditions, etc.).

Plus, as we have already said, when building a house, you have to pay for other housing at the same time. After all, moving to a new residential property will not be possible right away.

Purchasing a ready-made country house: 9 arguments “For”

As already noted, ready-made housing is the optimal solution for those who are not willing to wait. This will allow you to optimize a lot of points for the future owner:

  1. Minimum hassle, you will only have to spend money once on moving and purchasing furniture and equipment;
  2. You can immediately register and obtain registration for children (if this is provided in the village);
  3. Children can immediately go to a new school (kindergarten), and parents can calmly continue to work and live in their usual rhythm;
  4. You won’t have to spend money on renting and renovating someone else’s house (apartment) while construction is underway;
  5. A quick purchase and sale transaction that does not require constant involvement of the owner in the process;
  6. There is no need to spend time monitoring all stages of the construction process, the work of specialists, or attract (borrow) additional money;
  7. Fixed cost of the purchased property. The final price is known, the house will not cost more;
  8. Simple registration of all documents and papers. There is no need to run through authorities and collect, prove, transfer and wait for something.

Pros and cons of building a house

If you want to build a house, then in this case there will be the following advantages:

  1. Optimal location of the site. The owner chooses it himself.
  2. Ideal layout for investment. Nothing needs to be redone in the future.
  3. Maximum profit. Since everything is designed for further rental, you can count on the rational use of every centimeter.
  4. Possibility to save during construction. True, in practice this is not always possible.

These are the main advantages considering that you have nothing. If you already own a plot of land, for example, then the situation changes somewhat. Although sometimes it is more profitable to simply sell it and invest the money.

Let's talk about the cons:

  1. For a long time. Building a house takes a year at best.
  2. Decent start-up capital is required. And don't forget about additional costs!
  3. Possible problems with object registration. Relevant for those who decide to do everything themselves.

The main disadvantage is the need to wait a long time and seriously spend money. In addition, inflation in the building materials market can work against you.

Summing up and comparing your needs with opportunities

To make it easier to assess whether it is better to build a house or buy a ready-made one, we have compiled two tables.

Table 1. Various options and scenarios depending on the individual wishes of future owners:

Everything must correspond 100% to individual requests.Construction of a new building using a project from the catalog or a specially developed one.
There is a need for quick check-in.Purchasing a finished house (new).
Purchase of an old house, fully or partially furnished.
There is no opportunity and/or desire to engage in constructionOrder turnkey construction from a specialized company.
Purchasing a new home.
Purchase of an old house with complete renovation and modernization.
Ordering the construction of a house in a cottage town.
I would like to personally control the purchase of materials and all stages of construction.Construction according to your own or catalog design, in a cooperative or privately.
There is a need to invest funds in parts.Construction of a house from stone materials requiring lengthy construction.

Table 2. The following table describes possible scenarios and prices for houses with a total area of ​​about 150 m2. Although if you have $30,000 or less, you will have to look for a significantly smaller house (about half).

100 000Purchase of a finished brick or aerated concrete house.
Construction of a house from aerated concrete or brick.
75 000Purchase of a new aerated concrete or brick house (unfinished).
Purchase of a townhouse or frame building (with full finishing).
Construction of a house from ceramic bricks or aerated concrete.
50 000Purchase of an old house, completely ready for habitation (with all communications and finishing).
Construction of a frame house.
30 000Purchasing an old house of smaller dimensions with a minimum of amenities (planning to complete and improve it).
Construction of a frame building of smaller dimensions.
Purchase of a small townhouse – up to 60 m2.

Take the survey:

Which option for purchasing a home did you choose:

  • Home construction
  • Buying a house ready to move in
  • Buying an old house with subsequent renovation

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