Faulty gas meter: what do you need to know before contacting gas workers to request a replacement?

Author of the article

Anton Bogdanov

Heat and gas supply and ventilation engineer. Prepares projects for gas supply to private houses.

A gas meter helps you save a lot on gas bills. But like any device, it has its own service life, which at some point comes to an end. Therefore, the question of replacing a gas meter must be asked even before its expiration date.

Preamble: where it all began

This story happened before my eyes with a neighbor next door (I’ll call him Vitek). This is a man of about forty-something who lives on the floor below. Vitek was always distinguished by his ebullient disposition and desire to “spin”: he did not work anywhere, but constantly did some work here and there. Another passion of Vitka is to chat with the men living in the neighborhood, so we sometimes found ourselves in the same company or on a bench at the entrance, or at the garage.

Last spring, Vitek came up with a new idea: to reduce the cost of paying utility bills. He dug through a bunch of materials, analyzing legal, semi-legal and outright illegal methods. First, he discussed with the men the merits of various devices for saving water (like aerator nozzles), then he almost burned the wiring by connecting some kind of miracle device to the outlet that saves electricity. And then Vitek found out about neodymium magnets, and it began...

Replacement rules and safety requirements

The rules for replacing, putting the meter into operation and the time frame within which the work must be completed are specified in Resolution No. 824 of September 19, 2013. In addition, any work with gas equipment must be carried out by a gas company or any other company that has the appropriate permits and accreditation. Even replacing a battery or gas hose must be done by certified technicians.

The rules for replacing a meter in a private house and in an apartment in an apartment building are similar, except that a gas supply project is required for a private house. Such a project must indicate information about the type of meter and gas equipment being installed.

It will also show a diagram of the gas pipeline with the pipes and appliances marked on it, and the diameters and lengths of the pipes and distances from the floor for the meter and taps for gas appliances should also be indicated there.

The project may also indicate other requirements for the location of gas appliances in the room, the location of ventilation and the permissible volumes of the room in which the appliances are located.

In an apartment, a project is not required to install a meter. Employees will adhere to the general rules established by law.

How to stop a gas meter with a magnet

In 2015, Russia adopted a law on energy saving, which stipulates that the owner of an apartment or house must install a gas meter if consumption exceeds 2 cubic meters per hour. That is, if you have heating devices (boiler, water heater), you cannot do without a meter. And here big expenses await you: purchasing and installing a meter, then paying utility bills. A rhetorical question arises: how can you stop or at least slow down the operation of a gas meter with a magnet?

Initially, they simply removed the counter and used a reverse blowing method, for example, using a vacuum cleaner to rewind the used cubes back, reducing the actual readings. But after the meters began to be sealed, it became impossible to use this method. It was necessary to find a way out of the situation and come up with a way so that there would be no mechanical damage to the meter.

The solution to this situation was magnets, as they perfectly coped with the solution of the tasks:

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  • the magnetic field slowed down the counting mechanism;
  • magnets wrapped in soft cloth do not leave marks on the case;
  • and you don’t need any special skills, you just need to place the magnet in the right place.

What to do with the old meter

It is necessary to save the old meter until all procedures for installing a new one are completed. Because it contains data about the gas consumed during its operation.

Once the new meter is installed, sealed and put into operation, the old meter, regardless of whether it was broken or the owner simply did not check, is considered unfit for use.
You can throw it away, since it no longer provides any useful functions. Useful article? Rate and share with friends!

Which gas meters can be stopped with a magnet?

Most modern devices for calculating household gas consumption have an electromechanical mechanism. This means that they use a mechanical dial to display the consumption of cubic meters of gas. How to stop a gas meter of this type? This is quite simple to do using a neodymium magnet of N42 alloy. This type has a high holding force of up to 200 kg and a weight of about 1 kg for small sizes: and 70x50 mm for a disk or washer shape. Devices with a rotary mechanism for calculating flow are easy to stop. These include models such as G4RL, G6RL, VK-G1.6, VK-G2.5, VK-G4, models G4 and G6 from the MKM plant, Gallus-2000 G4, SGMN-1-G6 and others.

But models with a membrane mechanism for calculating flow do not stop the gas with a magnet. These include products of the brands Metrix, Primagaz, Berestye G2.5 - G6, Visar G4 and others. If you want to stop a gas meter with a magnet, you must be prepared for considerable one-time costs. A neodymium alloy washer for this purpose will cost from 3,000 rubles. But savings on payments for consumed natural gas can recoup these costs in six months.

Choosing a company

To replace the meter, you can contact either the local Gorgaz or a company that has permission to replace the gas meter. A third party company may offer a lower price for the service and a shorter turnaround time. And its employees will independently collect and fill out all the necessary documents.

Only those companies that have accreditation to perform such work can carry out meter verification. Only documents from such offices will be accepted by the gas company as a guarantee that the device is in working order and can be put into operation.

You can check your accreditation on the official website of the Russian Accreditation Agency at https://fsa.gov.ru/.

If you do not want to contact private companies, then any local Gorgaz branch is ready to help with both the replacement and verification of the meter. To do this, you will need to fill out an application form, prepare and submit a package of documents yourself.

List of meters that are stopped by a magnet

Below are the models of gas meters indicating the size of the magnet (please specify):

GAS METERS (factory) that CAN be stopped or braked:

Arsenal G4 RL – 70x40 or 70x50. Arsenal G6 RL – 70x40 or 70x50. Novator G4 RL – 70x40 or 70x50. Novator G6 RL – 70x50 or 70x60. Yampol G4 RL (except 2015) – 70x40 or 70x50. Yampol G6 RL (except 2015) – 70x50 or 70x60. Octave G4 or unnamed membrane (before 2000) – 70x40. Octave G6 or unnamed membrane (before 2000) – 70x40. G2.5 RL (unnamed round) – 70x40. G4 RL (unnamed round) – 70x40 or 70x50. G6 RL (unnamed round) – 70x50 or 70x60. Omega RL G2.5 – 70x40. Omega RL G4, G6 – 70x40 or 70x50. Novator (Innovator) RL G2.5 – 70x40. Novator (Innovator) RL G4 – 70x40 or 70x50. Novator (Innovator) RL G6 – 70x40 or 70x50. Gallus 2000 G1.6 (2001-2010 onwards) – 55x25 2 pcs. or 70x40 1 pc. Gallus 2000 G4 (2001-2010 onwards) – 55x25 2 pcs. or 70x40 1 pc. Gallus 2000 Actaris G1.6 (2001-2010 onwards) – 55x25 2 pcs. or 70x40 1 pc. Gallus 2000 Actaris G4 (2001-2010 onwards) – 55x25 2 pcs. or 70x40 1 pc. Gallus 2000 Itron G1.6 (2001-2010 onwards) – 55x25 2 pcs. or 70x40 1 pc. Gallus 2000 Itron G4 (2001-2010 onwards) – 55x25 2 pcs. or 70x40 1 pc. Gallus 2000 Schlumberger G4 (2001-2010 onwards) – 55x25 2 pcs. or 70x40 1 pc. Gallus 2000 G1.6 (2001-2010 onwards) – 55x25 2 pcs. or 70x40 1 pc. Gallus 2000 G4 (2001-2010 onwards) – 55x25 2 pcs. or 70x40 1 pc. Gallus 2000 Actaris G1.6 (2001-2010 onwards) – 55x25 2 pcs. or 70x40 1 pc. Gallus 2000 Actaris G4 (2001-2010) – 55x25 2 pcs. or 70x40 1 pc. Gallus 2000 Itron G1.6 (2001-2010 onwards) – 55x25 2 pcs. or 70x40 1 pc. Gallus 2000 Itron G4 (2001-2010) – 55x25 2 pcs. or 70x40 1 pc. Gallus 2000 Schlumberger G4 (2001-2010 onwards) – 55x25 2 pcs. or 70x40 1 pc. Grand G-1.6 – 70x40 or 70x50. Grand G2.4 – 70x40 or 70x50. Grand G3.2 – 70x40 or 70x50. Grand G4, G6 – 70x40 or 70x50. G4,G6 MB4P-A – 70x30. SGB ​​(G2.5, G4, G6) – possibly 70x50. SGM (G2.5, G4, G6) – possibly 70x50. SGK (G2.5, G4, G6) – possibly 70x50. SRS (G2.5, G4, G6) – possibly 70x50

Who should change the device?

Many people wonder whether it is possible to change the device themselves. Changing the meter yourself is strictly prohibited. According to Federal Law No. 261 dated November 23, 2009, only trained employees of specialized companies can carry out gas hazardous work. If interference with the operation of the gas meter and violation of the seal is detected, an administrative fine is imposed on citizens from 100 to 300 rubles (Article 19.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

And also, based on the violation report, a recalculation of gas consumption for the last six months will be made (RF RF No. 549).

You can save money without a magnet

To save money, you don't need to install a magnet. There are several legal ways to pay much less for electricity and water:

  • Use LED lamps. They consume 8–10 times less electricity than conventional ones.
  • Turn off the water when you are not using it. This is useful to do even in small things, such as while brushing your teeth or in the shower while you lather up.
  • Always turn off the lights when leaving a room. You can install motion sensors so that the lights turn on and off automatically.
  • Install aerators on taps. They break the stream into small droplets, which creates greater pressure but reduces water consumption.
  • Use a washing machine and dishwasher. They use less water than hand washing or washing, and they also use cheaper cold water rather than hot water. Electricity consumption increases, but the final payment decreases.
  • Fix all leaks in a timely manner.
  • If the tank has one flush mode, place a bottle filled with water in it. This will slightly reduce the volume of the tank. There will still be enough water to rinse, but the consumption will decrease.
  • Install a tank with two flush modes to waste less water.
  • If cold water flows for a long time before hot water, you can drain it into a bucket. Then the water can be used for flushing, watering plants or other purposes.

Reasonable consumption of resources will help you save money even without magnets, so you don’t have to fear inspections and fines.

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Why carefully monitor the operation of the meter?

There are two options for calculating payment: 1. When the owner of the premises where the mechanism is installed promptly discovered and reported a breakdown of the meter on the same day. Then, during reconstruction, all money spent will be carried out in accordance with the standards. The replacement period is counted from the day the breakdown is notified until the day the new device is sealed. 2. The gas service technician detected problems during a scheduled inspection. Then the accrual period is calculated from the last date of inspection until the present moment of recording the breakdown.

By law, the payment period cannot exceed six months, but everyone knows that payment standards are significantly higher than actual prices.


Neodymium magnets neodymium magnets with a magnet MAGNETS Neodymium magnets neodymium magnets with a magnet with a magnet stop with a magnet with a magnet What gas meters What gas meters What gas meters stop a gas meter stop a gas meter stop a gas meter stop a gas meter to stop a gas Stopping a gas meter to stop a mechanism How to stop a gas meter How to stop a meter How to stop a gas meter

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Uszczelka do gazomierza 5/4″

Stosowana w celu uszczelnienia połączenia między gazomierzem a śrubunkiem

lub monozłączem.

Ma zastosowanie w gazomierzach: G6, G4, G2.5, G1.6


  • średnica: 38mm
  • grubość: 3mm
  • size: 3mm

We deliver parcels to Kaliningrad and send throughout Russia

  • 1

The goods are delivered from the seller to our warehouse in Poland. Tracking number is not provided.

After the goods have arrived at our warehouse, we organize delivery to Kaliningrad.

The order is sent by EMS courier service or Russian Post. You will receive a notification with a tracking number via SMS and email.

Warranties and returns


We work under an offer agreement, which is a legal guarantee that we will fulfill our obligations.

Purchase returns

If the product does not suit you or does not match the description, you can return it by paying the return shipping cost.

  • You retain all payment receipts, which confirm the conclusion of the transaction.
  • We buy goods only from trusted sites and from trusted sellers who are fully responsible for the delivery of the goods. We have, - you will be 100% sure that you will receive exactly the product that was ordered. —>
  • We provide real tracking numbers for shipping goods within Russia and provide all necessary documents upon request.
  • 5 years of successful work and thousands of satisfied clients. You can read real reviews from our clients. —>


Our website displays products that are automatically imported from the allegro.pl website and translated into Russian.

Since we are not sellers of the goods that are displayed on our website, we cannot have all the information about a particular product. Additional information about products can be found in several ways:

1. Read the description in detail. Usually all the necessary information is in the official description on the lot page.

2. If the information you are interested in is not in the description, you can contact the seller directly. He will respond to you within one business day.

3. If you have extensive experience surfing the Internet, you may be able to find information about this product on various forums and other Internet resources using global Internet search services.

4. If you do not speak the language or do not want to clarify the information for any other reason, please contact us - we will be happy to help you. In order for us to ask a question to the seller, place an order and write down your questions in the comments to the product. During the day we will make a request to the seller, comments will appear in your personal account.

The exact weight of the goods becomes known only when the goods arrive at the warehouse. You can find out the approximate weight of the product in the product characteristics, but not all sellers write it.

You can avoid low-quality goods by carefully selecting sellers, i.e. try not to go after cheap products sold by sellers with low ratings. Trust only trusted online stores. If you buy a product and doubt the reliability of the seller, it is better to order additional photographs.

1.​​Search by keywords, check the catalog on the left

Let's say you want to find a headlight for AUDI, but the search engine produces a lot of results, then you will need to enter the exact make of the car in the search bar, then in the list of categories on the left, select a new category (Auto parts - Spare parts for passenger cars - Lighting - Headlights headlights). Afterwards, you need to select the desired lot from the presented list.

2. Shorten your query

For example, you needed to find the front right fender for a 2015 KIA Sportage, do not write the full name in the search bar, but write KIA Sportage 15 fender. The search engine will say “thank you” for a short, clear question that can be edited taking into account the results returned by the search engine.

3. Use similar word combinations and synonyms

The system may not understand any combination of words and translate it incorrectly. For example, the query “computer desk” has more than 700 lots, while the query “computer desk” has only 10.

4. Do not make mistakes in names, always use the original product name

If you, for example, are looking for glass for your smartphone, you need to enter “glass for xiaomi redmi 4 pro” and not “glass for xiaomi redmi 4 pro”.

5. Write abbreviations and acronyms in English

To give an example, the phrase “BMW E65 hub” will return no results due to the fact that in E65 the letter e is Russian. The system doesn't understand this. In order for the automation to recognize your request, you need to enter the same thing, but in English - “BMW e65 hub”.

6. Not enough results? Look not only in the ad title, but also in the description!

Not all sellers write the necessary search parameters in the ad title, so use the search function in the ad description! For example, you are looking for a turbine and know its number “711006-9004S”, insert the number into the search bar, select the “search in description” checkbox - the system will return much more results!

7. Feel free to search in Polish if you know the name of the thing you need in this language

You can also try using Yandex or Google translators for these purposes. Remember that if you have insoluble search problems, you can always contact us for help.


Usually goods are delivered to the warehouse within 4 working days. If your product is delivered longer than 4 days, our managers actively find out what’s wrong and leave comments on the order in your personal account.

The cost of delivery by Russian Post depends on several factors: the city of delivery, the weight of the package in the package. If you know the exact weight, you can calculate the cost using the calculator https://www.pochta.ru/parcels Attention! Departure city Kaliningrad. Maximum package weight of a package is 20 kg

At the moment, delivery of large-sized goods is only possible to Kaliningrad. This option is not available for other Russian cities.

First of all, when receiving a parcel, you need to look at its condition. If the packaging of the parcel is damaged, then the parcel must be opened in front of postal service employees and the fact of damage to the goods must be officially registered.

After receiving the act from the postal service, you can contact us to receive compensation if the parcel was insured or to receive documents for sending the parcel so that you can independently file a complaint against the postal service for damages. Be careful, claims for damaged goods or incorrect package delivery will only be accepted if you have an official document from the postal service.

Claims for parcels must be submitted no later than 5 business days after receipt.

Claims regarding received parcels are accepted only if there is evidence.

a) video of the parcel opening;

b) acts of the Russian Post on customs clearance;

c) acts of the Russian Post when opening the parcel;

Aredi is not a carrier and cannot be held responsible for the operation of third party services. Therefore, these proceedings can last from 10 days to 4 months.


We do not provide delivery services for such equipment.

This may be due to the fact that the product does not meet our free delivery conditions. To do this, contact us by providing your order number and we will answer your questions.

Often the information in the product description is not enough information and additional questions to the seller are required. You don’t need to know Polish, we will do everything for you, just add the product to your cart and write in the comments what you need to clarify. During business hours during the day, our managers will make a request to the seller, the information will be reflected in your personal account for the order.


1. Upon receipt of the parcel, make sure the packaging is intact and intact.

2. Check the packaging for significant damage

3. Open the package only in the presence of a delivery service employee

4. Fix damage

If you find damage or discrepancies in your order, the delivery service employee must record this.

5. Draw up an act

If the parcel was delivered to you by a postal service courier, give it to him and check where the delivery service office is located. There, in the presence of an authorized person, draw up an act.

1. If damage to the goods is detected, draw up a report. It must be completed at the delivery service department. If the parcel was delivered to you by a postal service courier, check with him where the delivery service office is located. 2. Send the received goods back to our warehouse or pick them up. If the damage to the goods is significant and you decide to send the goods back, then you must photograph all the damage by taking detailed photos/videos of the received goods. 3. If the damage to the goods is insignificant, and you want to pick up the goods, you can receive partial compensation. In this case, document the discrepancy by taking detailed photos/videos of the received product. After conducting an expert analysis, we will compensate you in an amount equal to the damage caused. 4. Notify us of the incident by email to [email protected] no later than 3 calendar days from the date of delivery. Provide us with all available materials via internal mail. Attach the letter, photo/video and indicate the parcel number (can be found in your personal account). If there is no certificate, it is necessary to provide a video of the unpacking of the parcel. Send documents in img, png or pdf formats.

* Attention! Cases of fraud have become more frequent, so if a parcel is found to be damaged or the order is incomplete, it must be recorded in an act with the stamps of the post office or transport company. In the absence of the necessary documents, Aredi.ru has the right to stop the investigation!

1. If any goods are missing from the parcel, you need to draw up a report. It is recommended to compile it at the delivery service department. If the parcel was delivered to you by a postal service courier, check with him where the delivery service office is located. 2. Notify us of the incident by email to [email protected] no later than 3 calendar days from the date of delivery. Provide us with all available materials via internal mail. Attach the letter, photo/video and indicate the parcel number (can be found in your personal account). If there is no certificate, it is necessary to provide a video of the unpacking of the parcel. Send documents in img, png or pdf formats.

* Attention! Cases of fraud have become more frequent, so if a parcel is found to be damaged or the order is incomplete, it must be recorded in an act with the stamps of the post office or transport company. In the absence of the necessary documents, Aredi.ru has the right to stop the investigation!

If the package does not arrive within the stipulated time, there is a possibility that it has been lost. To clarify information about the parcel you must:

1. In your personal account, track the parcel using the tracking number. If the package status has not been updated for a long time, it is possible that the package has been lost.

2. Notify us about the incident by email to [email protected] You contact us via internal mail, then we, as the sender, put it on the wanted list. If the parcel is not found, we file a claim for reimbursement of the cost of the shipment.

Claims are reviewed within 30 days

Review of claims for shortages and damage lasts from 7 to 30 days. When insurance is paid, the buyer automatically receives a notification.

In the event of a partial shortage or damage to the goods, delivery will not be reimbursed, the postal service is considered provided, and we will compensate for the cost of the damaged investment.

The payment is made to the client’s personal account on the website, from where you can later withdraw funds to a bank card or place a new order and pay for it from the account.

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