Differences between houses for seasonal, temporary and permanent residence outside the city on the Nedvio website

Construction at the dacha puts us in a state of constant tension. We think, decide, make plans, purchase building materials, build something, remodel, and so on. But all this is possible only if the rear is “provided.” Yes, the construction fuss is impossible without several mandatory factors - a certain budget, an understanding of what we need, as well as ensuring a normal life. It is the latter that we want to talk about, because a normal life means healthy sleep, good nutrition and timely hygiene. Without this, it is impossible to do important things.

And so, if we decide to engage in serious construction on our own site, for example, to build the same country house or a large expensive villa, we need temporary buildings for living and living. This is exactly what we will do today - the selection and construction of structures for temporary residence, as well as their design and organization for some amenities.

Change house at the dacha

A change house can have a wide variety of purposes. Initially, it is built as a room for economic and domestic needs on construction sites, but then it goes into regular use and serves as a barn, kitchen, storage or even a workshop. Therefore, the construction of a change house is very profitable, because it can turn from a temporary structure into a full-fledged facility for providing a summer cottage.

But regarding the construction of a change house, the website DachaDecor.ru already has a separate material that contains information about the phased construction of this object. This means that there is no point in repeating ourselves, but only to advise you to read this article to understand the process of construction, insulation and partial arrangement of the cabin.

A boarding house for temporary stay is required in the following cases

  • The emergence of an urgent need to change the usual environment. Constantly being in one's apartment, monotonous, regular stress and worries lead to rapid fatigue and depressed mood of the old man. A change of environment will allow the pensioner to expand his social circle, find friends or a favorite activity, and will return the previous feeling of pleasure from life and every day he lives.

  • For the duration of repair work in the old man's house or apartment . He will experience extreme stress from constant dust, dirt, noise, and chaos. Therefore, to maintain vitality and good mood, you should place him in our boarding house for the duration of the repair work.
  • During the departure of relatives to another city for a vacation or in connection with a business trip . Many old people are unable to take care of themselves. And when relatives travel, they also need care. You can hire a nurse for this, but there is no guarantee of a successful resolution of the problem and she comes only at set hours. It would be much safer to place an elderly person in a sanatorium, where he will be under the round-the-clock supervision of professionals.
  • Boarding house for the summer period to improve the health of the body and improve well-being. Such a vacation will benefit the elderly, allowing them to reliably restore weakened health and gain strength for the whole next year.

Additional services

Call a psychiatristfrom 5000 to 10000 rub. for consultation.
Physical therapy doctorfrom 2000 to 5000 rub.
Neuropathologist5000 rub.
Tests, ultrasoundaccording to the clinic price list
Massagefrom 1000 to 3000 rub. per session

Residential trailer in the country

Many summer residents understand very well what a residential trailer is. A long time ago, on six-hundred-acre plots, there were quite a lot of such trailers. They played the role of temporary housing, which remained on the plots for decades.

Over time, the trailer settled in or, like the change house, was transferred to the rank of utility room. In many cases, it was removed from the dacha or moved to another site, and still played the role of a room for living and organizing the life of the builders.

Today, installing a construction trailer at the dacha is not a problem, but increasingly they are being replaced by the same cabins or similar frame structures made of inexpensive material. Therefore, our conversation with the trailers is also short.

Features and differences in construction

The technology for building a country house does not require large financial outlays, unlike a permanent building, because:

  • no need to build an expensive and labor-intensive concrete foundation;
  • there is no need to plan a competent drainage system;
  • there is no point in insulating the floor and ceiling in a temporary residence; only the roof will have to be insulated to keep the room cool in the summer heat;
  • there is no need to install a gas pipeline; in summer you can cook directly on the street: on barbecues, stoves, tandoors; in extreme cases, you can bring a gas cylinder with you;
  • there is no need to construct a complex roof structure, since snow in winter should roll freely from the country roof so that it does not leak over time.

Mobile home in the country

We have a slightly different mentality than residents of the West or the States, and therefore there are quite a few trailers and entire buses with full residential equipment. This is the reason for our surprise and admiration for mobile homes, which today are often shown at exhibitions or simply thematic resources.

But a mobile home, if you are the happy owner of one, can be an excellent temporary home in the country. There are all the amenities for living, cooking, hygiene procedures, and therefore even you yourself can live freely in it while construction is underway on the site.

Design of a dacha built using frame technology

Alexey_klimForumHouse Member

I decided to build a dacha for year-round use, so that I could come out of town with my family for the New Year holidays, have a good rest and not depend on weather conditions. Based on this, I chose the construction technology, size and location of the house on the site.

On the user's site there was already an old panel house from the 80s of the last century, lined with half a brick.

The building is without insulation, on an unclear foundation, dilapidated and worn out.

So it was simply demolished.

On the plus side, a septic tank was connected to the old house and a “summer” water supply was installed.

Therefore, the new house was tied to the place where the old one stood.

Frame dimensions 8 x 9.5 m. Total area 120 sq. m.

On the ground floor of the house there are:

  • hallway;
  • kitchen-living room;
  • room;
  • bathroom

On the second floor there are three rooms, a bathroom and a storage room.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the main design features of a frame dacha:

  1. The foundation is pile-screw, because The site has a high groundwater level. + there was no need to completely dismantle the old foundation, which ended up under the “platform” standing on stilts.
  1. Pie Frame Wall:
  • siding;
  • moisture and windproof membrane;
  • OSB sheet;
  • 150x50 mm board frame posts with stone wool between them;
  • vapor barrier;
  • fine finishing.

3. The roof of the attic floor with metal tiles is insulated with 150 mm of stone wool.

Don't forget about the ventilation gap.

The builders only built the “frame” of the house and installed a drainage system.

The user did everything else with his own hands.

Among the advantages of using a frame dacha, we note that the house quickly warms up with electric convectors. From + 10-12 °C to + 22 °C in 2 maximum 3 hours.

  • On the ground floor there are 6 convectors with a total capacity of about 9 kW.
  • On the second floor, temporary heating is approximately 4 kW.

According to Alexey_klim, such heating power is excessive for a house.

The house is still being completed; at this stage, it cost 2 million rubles.

Temporary housing from LSTK

A rather rare option, but it can also become a participant in our article as a temporary home.

LSTK, or to be a little more precise, light steel thin-walled structures, are increasingly filling the construction market when it comes to commercial and industrial buildings. But recently, these are not only storage facilities, garages and hangars, but also structures for temporary residence, where you can settle down well for the warm season. Therefore, keep in mind inexpensive LSTK if you need to “come up with” temporary housing in the country while you build a large private house.

Design differences


For a summer house built for temporary residence, you can build a simple infill structure and sheathe the house with plywood or OSB on the sides. Then it is enough to place any insulation in the middle; you can even use dried and processed sawdust.

However, experts advise building cottages from profiled or laminated timber of small cross-section. Such buildings can easily withstand several years of winter. It will not be hot in them in the summer, and warming up such a room is much faster and easier.

With permanent houses the situation is much more complicated - in this case, the main thing is reliability.

Let's look at the main building materials used to build walls in country cottages:

  • wood: this is a log: chopped, rounded, timber: profiled, glued, insulated - the choice is huge;
  • brick - has proven itself in private housing construction, in terms of durability, sound and heat insulation;
  • foam concrete or aerated concrete are materials with good quality characteristics, but you should know that they are afraid of moisture and need additional insulation;
  • SIP panels are a new building material on the market, but have already become popular among many developers.

It is worth noting that any of these materials, in the hands of competent and highly qualified builders who will follow construction technology, can turn into a high-quality and durable home for comfortable living on a permanent basis.

Which temporary housing to choose

Temporary housing can be absolutely anything, and a lot depends on your personal needs. Some people, coming to their dacha for construction, are ready to live in camp conditions just to quickly get the house of their dreams. Others won’t be able to spend even a day in the fresh air with mosquitoes and heat. They definitely need a high level of comfort, with warm water, air conditioning and even air ionizers. Therefore, in this case, we recommend that you immediately set your own bar and determine what you are ready for and what you are not.

It is likely that, not having the opportunity or desire to live in such conditions, you will generally decide to leave the construction site with your own hands and transfer all such matters to the builders, for whom you will choose temporary housing in the country.

Differences in the location of holiday homes and permanent residence

Obviously, before you build or buy a finished house, you need to decide for what purpose you are planning it.

If you plan to live in a cottage permanently:
  • It is important that it is located as close as possible to the city, to the place of work, study, and infrastructure. If we are talking about the Moscow region, then this is no further than 20-40 km from the Moscow Ring Road;
  • The house must have year-round access, the roads must be asphalted and must be cleaned in winter;
  • It is necessary to have at least one highway nearby (within 10 km), along which you can quickly get to work or to guests, call an ambulance or delivery service, etc.
  • It is important that there are transport stops nearby: buses, minibuses, trains. Ideally, a metro within walking distance or transport accessibility;
  • Availability of developed infrastructure in the immediate vicinity: shops, pharmacies, post office, banks, kindergartens, schools, clinics and so on.

Temporary housing: living conditions

Let's return again to the requirements for living conditions in temporary housing. They are different for everyone, but even though builders are used to dust and heat, if you hire a team to build a house, you need to provide them with a decent life. Moreover, a situation may arise when a temporary structure at the dacha becomes permanent. This option must be foreseen in advance, and therefore, as soon as you move into the building yourself or move the builders there, you need to think through normal, human life and all the conditions.

What do we need for a more or less comfortable life? It is not particularly important what type of temporary structure it will be, but we need a lot of it.

Of course, it is possible without much scope, but strictly according to the list of mandatory needs.

Furniture for sleeping and dining

Most often, construction takes place in the warm season, and few people will have breakfast or lunch in a cabin or trailer. In any case, the table and chairs will be taken outside. Therefore, we will not take up space inside with them. On the contrary, we will advise you to choose from sets of country furniture and home-made accessories, which you can read about in a special article on the topic.

Speaking further about furniture, this could be a shelf or cabinet where valuables, as well as clean clothes, will be stored. Here you can leave personal hygiene items and household chemicals.

The most important furniture is furniture for relaxation. Here, according to the requirements for comfort, there are beds, sofas, folding chairs, couches, trestle beds or folding beds. There should be exactly as many of them as the number of people who will live inside. But don't forget to have one cot somewhere in the utility compartment just in case.

Water inside a trailer or cabin

It’s impossible to live without water, and therefore it is imperative to carry it inside the temporary structure. It’s good if you plan to convert such a place of stay into a permanent one, then you can completely bring water inside. If this is definitely a mobile home that will soon move, then you can simply hang a washbasin inside and put a cooler for drinking water. Moreover, a cooler is the best solution, since here you have both cold and hot water.

If the room is large, a shower can be organized inside, but more often it is located outside. We have already studied the outdoor shower and its construction, tanks for water and for its drainage on the website, and therefore you are welcome to the relevant topics.

Sewerage or regular drain

If you practically do not use water inside, then an ordinary sink inside temporary housing is enough for you. We washed, shaved, rinsed our hands... and simply took the water out of the bucket into the garden. If it is necessary to do it in a more civilized manner, then we bring the sewer system into the building and install it in accordance with all the rules for laying sewer systems, including draining wastewater into a septic tank or cesspool. If you need a middle option, we suggest putting the sewer into a drain, which we have already made from a vertically buried pipe with a drainage layer, or into a storm drain.

House for seasonal living

If the house is located in regions with mild winters or is intended for seasonal living, it is more profitable to build a frame house using the simplest option: a frame made of timber/boards, insulation, vapor barrier, cladding with budget materials for interior and exterior decoration.

Such a house is quickly erected, does not shrink, and the requirements for the foundation are minimal.

The use of natural materials makes such houses environmentally friendly, and the technology makes them warm enough for such conditions.

An alternative can be a panel house made of SIP panels - these are sandwich panels 17-22 cm thick, where between two OSB boards (Oriented Strand Board, consists of several layers of wood chips, which are connected to each other using resins) insulation - most often polystyrene foam.

Building such a house is even easier and faster than a frame house; it can be done in any season; the requirements for the foundation are also minimal. The only thing that supporters and opponents of this technology break their spears about is the environmental friendliness and flammability of the materials. It is necessary to understand that these two points depend on how high-quality materials are used. If these shortcomings were significant, SIP panels would not be such a popular building material in Canada and the USA.

And if you prefer pure wood, then which log house is cheaper and easier to build? If the customer wants an inexpensive, but wooden house for seasonal living, an alternative could be a house made of mini-timber - this is a profiled timber, most often measuring 45x145 (half the width of a regular timber). Due to its smaller width, it dries faster in the chambers and is therefore more affordable than regular solid timber. Typically, proposals for the construction of houses from mini-timber contain dry lumber, which means the possibility of turnkey construction without waiting for shrinkage (although even in dry timber there is a slight shrinkage, and this must be taken into account when installing windows and doors).

A traditional in Russia, but more labor-intensive way of constructing country houses for seasonal living is construction from ordinary planed timber of small cross-section (usually up to 100x150 mm) with natural humidity. Such houses must undergo a period of shrinkage before finishing and installing windows and doors. Preparing and joining the beams, notching corners in this option requires a certain carpentry professionalism, but in terms of construction costs, such houses will not be more expensive than houses made from the material options listed above.

Our staff




Has experience working with elderly patients and is attentive to their requests and complaints. She not only carries out doctor’s orders, but also provides moral support to older people.




Friendly, patient, responsible. He communicates a lot with his charges and knows how to work with older people with complex personalities.



More than 10 years

A responsible specialist, he delves into all aspects of the lives of his clients. Always ready to listen, deal with complaints and requests from guests, and answer in detail all questions from relatives.



More than 10 years Higher medical

Knows well the needs of older people, the specifics of care and treatment. Strictly controls the work of the staff, takes care of the comfort of the guests.

Sumetova Veronica Vladimirovna


Work experience: 5 years.

She is responsible and attentive to each patient, providing not only professional medical care, but also psychological support.

Signaevskaya Victoria Vasilievna


Work experience: 7 years.

A medical professional with significant work experience and experience in treating older people. She is responsible and attentive to each patient, providing not only professional medical care, but also psychological support.

Korsun Natalia Borisovna


Work experience: 10 years.

Caring and attentive, she will help and provide medical assistance. He will be happy to listen and support, keep company and monitor compliance with medical instructions.

Zaikovskaya Lyubov Ivanovna


For many years she has been creating real culinary masterpieces for our guests. The food she prepares is not only tasty, but also healthy, corresponding to the characteristics of older people and medical recommendations.



Responsive and responsible, vast experience and achievements in the field of medicine allow her to provide comprehensive and qualified assistance to your loved ones. She successfully works with patients after stroke, with disabilities, and cancer patients, supporting them morally and with the help of medications.



Attentive and sensitive, her professionalism has more than once saved our clients and helped them rehabilitate after serious illnesses. Significant experience in medicine and taking into account the health characteristics of our clients helps Natalya take timely measures and respond to all negative changes in the well-being of our guests.



An excellent cook, she will delight the people close to you with delicious and healthy food. Particular attention is paid to compliance with sanitary standards and the development of a balanced and healthy menu. Has the appropriate specialty and work experience.



Responsible and cheerful, she will always support our guests, help organize leisure time, and, if necessary, provide first aid. She is an assistant and a sensitive friend who will listen and monitor compliance with the doctor’s instructions.



Provides our guests with tasty and balanced nutrition. Her experience and love of cooking allows her to make everyday meals special and homemade. Develops an individual menu in accordance with the disease and condition of the elderly person.


nurse's assistant

She has a medical education and helps maintain the health of our clients. She is attentive to details and the slightest changes in the well-being of older people, she is a responsible specialist with extensive experience in the medical field.



7 years specialized education

A nurse with significant experience and experience in treating older adults. Her professionalism and knowledge are indispensable when caring for our guests. She has a keen sense of each patient and provides timely medical care, ensuring good health and mood.

All staff

Services of the boarding house for temporary stay "Eden"

Under no circumstances should such a place be considered as an institution for getting rid of the old man for a while. It is important to carefully familiarize yourself with the services provided and understand that he will truly be surrounded by attention and a caring attitude. This is especially necessary for those elderly who have serious illnesses or disabilities.

The private sanatorium "Eden" in Moscow provides all its patients with the following services

  • Accommodation in cozy rooms with new furniture and all necessary amenities.

  • Balanced, nutritious meals in accordance with the established daily routine.
  • Regular assistance to the elderly, including in matters of personal hygiene. We promptly wash and replace bed linen and clothes for patients, help with bathing, combing their hair, and taking care of personal hygiene.
  • 24-hour supervision of the well-being of guests, as well as compliance with the instructions of specialists and taking medications.
  • Regular examination of patients.
  • Interesting and exciting leisure time.

It is also important to find out the details of the rehabilitation and recovery program depending on the diseases the elderly person has.

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